Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

Deadlines are challenging but they're also critical,

so instead of fearing deadlines

we need to make sure that we embrace them.

I would advise that you get a list together,

write down all your deadlines that you have,

all the tasks and the associated deadlines with that

and I would prioritize them from the most urgent to the least urgent.

Look at them in advance.

Don't wait until they're due

and try to see if you could manage your time better in delivering those deadlines.

For more infomation >> Fearless Workplace: Deadlines - Duration: 0:39.


Nat'l Weather Service issues excessive heat watch for state - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Nat'l Weather Service issues excessive heat watch for state - Duration: 1:42.


XiaoLing quiz &Which fruit dress do you like? !| Xiaoling toys - Duration: 3:50.

XiaoLing quiz &Which fruit dress do you like? !| Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> XiaoLing quiz &Which fruit dress do you like? !| Xiaoling toys - Duration: 3:50.


lil peep down for you( Перевод) - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> lil peep down for you( Перевод) - Duration: 1:34.


Gay QPOP MUKBANG REACTION - Ninety One: Ah!Yah!Mah! Viewer Request - Duration: 13:41.

hey guys welcome back to my channel so today I wanted to do a special sort of

YouTube video it's going to be a q-pop reaction MOOC bang so I got a comments

from on D Dixon that said please react 91

from Kazakhstan Q pop their music I really like kpop so much so I started to

look up that video and react to it so shout out to you I'm gonna go ahead and

react to this video and see if it's you know just like kpop so I looked up Q pop

and it's from Kazakhstan wherever that is and I'll put a map up somewhere it

shows where cosmic stan is but yeah anyways so I figured I'd do that and eat

some Taco Bell Taco Bell actually in a while I used to love it like back when I

was a teenager I literally and all my friends can testify for it I used to

talk about every single day like literally it was a problem so I kind of

like got a little burnt out of it but yeah I've been craving it since like

last night and I got back to my hotel way too late last night to like actually

get it so it kind of sucked anyway umm yeah I look a terrible mess today I'm

wearing like a hat because I didn't feel like doing my hair though I never do and

yeah I just got it though I think I got this from like H&M maybe or forever 21 I

think was perfect we went actually but I liked it it's cute

anyway starving I got some sent Abunda lights just crap

period chicken quesadilla burrito supreme pizza crust

anyway oh my god like I have not I barely ate yesterday particular not

yesterday was not a good day

I almost put some plastic in there

and yeah I do cut out my Mexican pizzas with a fork okay because sometimes they

don't like really do a good job with that little slice thing where there's

just like slice it so sometimes you gotta like separate it because I

actually like want to eat it like a pizza you know like it's called a

Mexican pizza I want it to be like pizza

oh my god so hungry

can I just say though that I am channeling my inner chained Austin 100%

I love love me some Shane Dawson and his conspiracy theory videos it almost makes

me want to do them but I kind of hate like doing research you know like I mean

even though I literally do like hours and hours of research I guess kind of

because I just was up there and follow down a black hole of conspiracy theory

videos forever let me tell you his video on like flat earth the earth isn't flat

period but I'm gonna say though that he did show me like I have kind of looked

and something about Flat Earth but he did kind of like in his video when he

talked about it with that guy it kind of made me like hmm like hmm that's those

are weird things like about Antarctica and stuff I'm just I'm just saying like

you know I I fully believe you should question everything I mean not the earth

it it's it's not flat but you know like still though there were some I can kind

of see they're there they have some pretty good sort of reasoning behind

what they sort of Lee and all like thought

some of them not all of them because I just saw something yesterday about how

it's not their flat earthers that don't believe that Australia is real and that

they're just Americans paid to pretend to be Australian okay

sure and I am hoping then next week I'll get to go to Panama City Panama it's

rustic I should be I think I might be but no for sure to like this afternoon

so let's hope okay so question does anybody else do this because I do it all

the time when I eat burritos or tacos I like rip like the top part off like

that oh I think I ripped too much like I don't know I feel like it's like all

bread at the top and like I want to get slate you know the center so like I

don't know does anybody else do that isn't just me because I feel like I only

ever see myself do that and I'm like like other people have to do that too

right cuz why do you want to take like your first bite maybe just all bread you

know like I don't know I'm weird

I actually hadn't had a burrito supreme in forever no sour cream though we don't

do we do we don't do sour cream here that's disgusting I'm excited so this is

a yamaha by 91 let's get into it

okay I'm ready I'm ready

make them cross the border okay fashion yes

I love that sweater can we talk about this hat though can we talk about that

because I would wear that to Sunday best like Church coming in there with my holy

hats yes that's a hat

the leader is pretty cute though he's doing it for me I'm gonna say

they're noises though

did you see his face no special slow what's up I'm down for the facial


I don't know if he's like the lead singer or whatnot but the map so I I'll

marry him I don't know wheels but John for him

Oh put that


oh okay okay

I'm liking it I'm definitely gonna look up more of their stuff I mean it is like

hey pop it is not gonna live they don't only like have a lot more dancing and a

lot quicker dancing but um yeah and they were also like very bigger like sound

effects that they were making but their mouths which were pretty cool but um

yeah but there are a lot of similarities to kpop I can say that this was a cool

video though thank you for recommending it for me I loved it and if you guys

want want me to react to any other kind of videos or have any other kpop video

specifically or anything that's that similar to kpop or whatever like let me

know and I'll be glad to react to those as well I like this I love all types of

music so I'm always down to like listen say anything and you know see whether or

not I like it and you know give it an experience but I did like this this was

91 was pretty cool I did like this song

we're gonna pop one of these in our mouths like

just the explosion of cream in my mouth just always brings back memories of a

better time all right well I have got to get ready I've got other stuff to do

today but this was great thank you for your video if you guys liked this please

feel free to like share comment and subscribe down below if you have any

other suggestions for videos or anything please let me know I'd be glad to react

and I'll see you guys around the world I


For more infomation >> Gay QPOP MUKBANG REACTION - Ninety One: Ah!Yah!Mah! Viewer Request - Duration: 13:41.


How to Manage Negative Thoughts ~ An Activity To Bring Your Negative Thoughts to Light - Duration: 5:40.

Hello my name is Carmen Payne and I am the owner and creator of SOAR!

Transformational Life Coaching and I want to welcome you to the very first

episode of "Carmen's Coaching Corner". The purpose of these videos and there will

be short videos, is to provide you with tools, tips, and recommendations on help

that help you move forward in your life, and help you to create your new reality.

And today's video is all about how do you handle, how do you manage those

negative thoughts that come up for us from time to time. They could be things

like fears that you have, they they could be doubts that you have, just things that

come up for us whenever we maybe need to have make a decision, or that we have an

idea that we want to implement, and we just having these thoughts come up that

just hold us back, and make us sit in procrastination rather than action. So

these thoughts could be like for me they're things like, "I'm not ready. I'm

not worthy. Who am to do this? I can't do this/"

They're all around my fears and doubts and you may have the same thing so these

are three, my three suggested steps for helping you overcome and manage those

negative thoughts should they come up for you whenever you need to make a

decision, or you have an idea that you think is fabulous but you're just

sitting on it and not letting it come out of you. So the first step is write

them down. So as these thoughts come up for you, just grab a pen and paper and

write them down, and just write them all down, and the purpose of this action is

so that you can shine a light on them. They're out in the open rather than

being stuck up in your head and just festering. Shine a light on them, write

them down, and then step two is as you look at this list of doubts and fears

that you've written down ask yourself, "is this my truth?" Is this true?" And write

down next to that thought what the truth is for you. Now if you're struggling with

writing down the truth, think of a time in your life where you

had an idea, or you made a decision and you were super decisive about it, you

just went about it, you didn't even look back. You just move forward, and you did

it and if you can't think of one for yourself is there someone in your life

that you know, like a loved one, family member, someone, a friend someone, you saw

on the TV, or in a movie that really inspired you in a similar scenario that

just took action and just went for it. Now as you watch this person, or as you

accomplish this act, these actions, these decisions, these ideas in your past,

how did that make you feel? What energy did that make you feel? Did

you feel courageous? Did you feel fearless? Did you feel bold? Did you feel

brave? Did you feel a sense of accomplishment? How did that make you

feel? And take that energy, as you take as you complete step two. Just sit in that

energy, and and as you write down your truth next to all these negative

thoughts, just write down what your truth is sitting in that energy. Number three

next to each of these truths that you've written down, write down the next small

action step that you can take to help you move forward. This doesn't have to be

massive it could be a couple of next steps that you need to do, but just write

down what is the next action step that I need to take to help me move. This my

decision that I need to make forward, or my idea that I have that I need to make

forward, and I have to tell you, and I'll be completely honest here. I came up with

this idea for videoing these "Carmen Coaching Corner's" about six weeks ago and

as I came up with the idea I was like "wow this is a brilliant idea. I love it

I'm sure everybody else is gonna love it," and then my negative thoughts started to

surface for me. So I had to work through them. I had to shine a light on them and

I found that these steps really helped me to shine a light on what I was

thinking. Most of it was BS, a lot of the thoughts that are coming

up for me were absolute BS. It's not who I am today

and I have tons of examples in my life where I've made major major decisions

and had ideas of whether it be in my work, or my personal life where I have

just gone for it and I've just made the decision, and gone for it actually

leaving my corporate job to start coaching full-time was one of those

major decisions that I've made in my life. So let me know whether you've

implemented these steps. Let me know your results, and your outcomes. I'd love to

hear from you, if you have any other ideas that you can help others to help

shift their negative thoughts please share them in the video comments. I'd

love to hear from you, and if you have any other questions that you would like

or topics that you would like to receive coaching around please post those in the

comments - I'd love to be able to give you coaching tips on how to overcome

whatever comes up for you. So thank you and in love and light talk

to you next time. To get started please call, or email me, or schedule an

appointment on my website.

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