what's up guys in a 2011 study 28.5
percent of surveyed people reported to
have seen a ghost at some point in their
lives and if you use those numbers on a
larger scale then that means someone
somewhere is experiencing the first
ghost sighting every minute but those
numbers also raise some questions
mainly if ghosts really are that
apparent and why is there no scientific
evidence for ghosts yet the James Randi
Educational Foundation has even offered
1 million dollars to anyone who can
prove anything in the paranormal ghosts
psychics mediums anything yet no one has
claimed that million dollars yet so why
has nobody claimed that money at why is
there still no scientific evidence for
ghosts if they really are as apparent as
the numbers suggest we are going to talk
about that as well as how we can go
about proving that ghosts exist
so first of all if goes to really do
exist in the way that most people
believe that they do and they really are
that common than we should be able to
prove it scientifically there is
absolutely no reason why we should not
be able to do that so since it hasn't
been proven that means we are doing
something wrong
right so let's start by pointing out
some of the problems with the way that
people are going about it now both in
trying to prove that ghosts exist and
accepting ghost as a reality
the first problem is that a lot of these
paranormal experiences can be
explained psychologically when our minds
perceive something we try to make sense
of it that's what our minds do and
depending on how much you believe in
ghosts you will be more or less likely
to explain some experience as a ghost
activity but if you don't stop thinking
at "oh it's probably a ghost" then chances
are high that you will find a normal
explanation for your experience another
problem is that the results produced by
ghost-hunting equipment can also often
be explained through psychology the
spirit box can be explained through pareidolia
and confirmation bias the EMF meter can
be triggered by a variety of outside
interferences so also confirmation bias
Ouija boards can be explained through
the ideomotor phenomenon Kinect ghosts
can be explained through flawed hardware
and software and then we've got apps
which generate random words and sounds
and by the way that is how they are
advertised as well they just blatantly
say that it generates random
words and sounds so nothing paranormal
there that's just simple code and if you
do get a word that matches your
confirmation bias and finally you've
also got things like this (ITC photography) i mean guys
come on really
ok so i'm not saying that none of these
things can be used to communicate with
ghosts but what I am saying is that the
evidence that these things produce is
extremely unreliable and cannot be used
to prove go scientifically because there
are so many alternate
explanations that make just as much or
more sense right to prove ghost we need
to eliminate those explanations so that
we can know for certain that these are
in fact ghost and that it's not just our
interpretation of data that's actually
completely unrelated so these tools
needs to be improved otherwise chances
are high that they are just telling you
what you want to hear
meanwhile anything that's really
paranormal just drift further and
further into pseudo-scientific nonsense
so yeah false evidence can undermine the
credibility of the paranormal as a whole
and unfortunately there's a whole lot of
it now I've got videos on most of
these tools so if you want a more
specific explanation of why they are not
exactly credible you can click on my
channel and check those videos out so
don't just say "oh you don't know"
I've had them done my research
go watch the video and then get back to
me okay so yeah whether ghosts exist or
not these tools will produce false data
more often than not that's not just an
opinion that is a fact maybe some tools
are more accurate than others but all
the tools that i just mentioned have a
pretty high chance of producing false
data now people often tell me that
ghosts can't be proven and you're right
not with these tools anyway because
these tools can produce false data but
that doesn't mean ghosts can't be proven
at all if they exist it can be proven
they are here on our planet and they
apparently have the ability to influence
objects and room temperatures and all
that those are things that we can
measure so ghosts are measurable if they
exist so how do we measure them we get
more accurate tools that don't produce
as much false data as these tools do
because the thing with these tools is
they give us more data a lot of it is
going to be false data and that's a
great thing if you are interested in
hunting ghosts for entertainment because
you know you got more to work with but
if you want to prove
ghosts for realsies then know those
tools are utterly useless but the fact
is in science
null results are still better than false
results so yeah, get your sh*t together
another misconception is that we don't
need evidence to know something is true
but the problem with that is if we don't
use science then everything is
paranormal if you go back in time to the
1800s with a smartphone then
they'll just call you a witch
your a witch right or maybe a better
example of this doll right here it's
it's haunted
it's a ghost i believe that it's true so
why don't you seriously why do you not
believe that this doll is haunted is there
any reason why you don't believe
it's obviously floating on its own
you're haunted right yeah see he says he's
haunted and you know what the reason
that you don't believe that it's haunted
is because I didn't dress it up
nicely and manipulate you into believing
that it is haunted
that's why faith is unreliable because
you can easily be manipulated and if
you're not being manipulated then you
are just looking at things that you want
to be through and accepting those expect
and then just defending it with faith if
you don't fly a certain amount of
skepticism then you're going to be prone
to believe all sorts of crazy things
because the world is full of liars who
want to make money you'll be vulnerable
and you can be god damn sure that
people will exploit that vulnerability
faith is unreliable but through science
we are able to accurately describe
things of course it's not always a
hundred percent right but the reason
that it's more reliable than faith is
because it has much higher criteria to
accept something to be true if you use faith
as your reasoning and you're going to
say "science isn't right" at some point that
argument is completely invalid because
with faith there's just no criteria that
determines what is true and what isn't
so science shouldn't simply be dismissed
because you don't like what it has to
chances are very high that science knows
much more about the world
than you or I do if science
contradictory beliefs just adapt and
move on and alternatively find some
evidence and disprove the science that's
also a big part of science disproving
existing theories that are what they are
and if your beliefs contradict fact then
maybe the problem doesn't lie with the
fact it's very apparent to me that
people in the paranormal community often
don't bother with fact since everyone
seems to have a different theory on what
ghosts are and they'll often accept that
fact and spread that as the truth
be careful for demons or orbs they're not dust
they are angels angels or something right i
don't know it you get the point right
people accept these theories as fact
based on very little to no evidence it
just sounds plausible and they start
spreading it like it's the truth that
the thing is often times it's not and
this is how misconceptions are created
and that in itself is also a very good
example of why science overrides
it just gives us more accurate answers
to questions
the thing is it's just really sad to see
that people dismiss science because it
contradicts what they believe and it
happens more often than you think you
can help you might even do it yourself
and a big part of that is because people
have a hard time letting go of their
belief we all have the illusion that our
beliefs provide comfort but in reality
that is often not the case and sometimes
people forget that they don't have all
the answers just because something is
plausible doesn't mean that it's true
you're basing yourself on limited
information that's why I can't say that
ghosts do or don't exist I just do not
have enough information to say either
way so keep that in mind guys you're not
always right even if you are one hundred
percent certain that you are you can
still be wrong and again goes for me as
well right
I'm human you're human well I'm a duck but
so how can we go about proving that
ghosts exist
first of all yeah improve the equipment
and if you can't just scrap it and
replace it with the best alternative
secondly evidence must be verifiable
right so if you got a Tom Buckmaster
type who is just running around like "oh I
hear something I see something" really we
don't you're not filming it so that's
not evidence
ok he may very well have been in contact
with ghosts but if there's no evidence
for it then there's no reason to believe
that there was a ghost there you can keep in
mind that hey "maybe it's possible" but as
long as there is no evidence you
shouldn't go beyond that if you can't
verify or falsify it then it's not
evidence even if a lot of people think
that it is so that's the number-one rule
so verifiable evidence this means have
multiple cameras multiple recordings or
if we're going to take a temperature
have a second thermometer make sure
the evidence is well-documented verified
that the equipment isn't malfunctioning
have multiple sessions in the same
location if possible you know things
like that
secondly we need to eliminate other
possible explanations you can just have
a weird experience and say with
certainty that it's a ghost for instance
maybe someone things they're haunted
like they feel like they're being
watched and you know things don't seem
quite right sometimes but in reality
they've got CO poisoning this can happen
and it's dangerous so you can't just say
"oh it's a ghost there's nothing we can do"
right that's why it's important to just
don't stop thinking at "oh it's paranormal"
because often times there is a very
normal explanation otherwise again ghosts
would have been proven by science by now
and of course if you're interested in
real answers rather than just validating
your beliefs then it's also very
important sometimes you can think that
you've got some good evidence while
really it's just something that can be
explained in a normal way so it's very
important to question evidence and try
to debunk it so let's look at some of
the alternative explanations for our
ghost sightings we are
poor observers us humans I've pointed
out countless times we are prone to
see patterns in things objects that
looked like faces
background sounds that sound like voices
it's pareidolia that is going to be
the explanation for a lot of paranormal
experiences not only that we are also
affected by a variety of different
biases that change how we interpret
information this constantly happens in
our daily life so again why would the
paranormal be any different and our
memory isn't that reliable either you
may think you know what happened but
chances are high that you actually don't
false memories
many studies have been done that verify
humans do not store memories accurately
i'll give you an example let's say that
you had an experience where the door in
your house simply slammed and you know
you're surprised what the hell is
happening why did that door just slam
and you know maybe you already believe
in ghosts your first thought is
maybe it's a ghost so then
you go tell that story to someone else
and they ask you something to ask you
well "was there any wind" and most likely
your answer will be no because you just
don't remember any wind
so now you have modified that memory of
that experience but you were in the
other room and that happened and when
you want to open the door back up you
didn't remember any wind does that mean
that there was no wind no chances are
high that there really was wind that
slammed the door maybe when you want to
check you didn't notice it or maybe
there really was no wind at that time
but because you didn't feel wind or you
didn't pay attention to it you will now
think that there was no wind and the
next time you tell a story you'll add to
it and you'll say "and there was no wind"
maybe not the best example but you know
I'm trying to make it relatable
this happens every day to everybody
memories get modified and it's no
different for a paranormal experience
or something that has a big impact
on your life or something just everyday
right most of your memories are actually
not real memories and we can prove that
these are just some of the reasons that
there are so many paranormal experiences
while there's just no proof whatsoever
that we've also got environmental
factors like CO infrasound
moving sound from a distance mold
that can induce hallucinations and you
know the list goes on and on
these are just some of the reasons that
we can't believe in ghosts based on
faith or perceived experience it would
be irrational i'm not saying dismiss ghosts
entirely it's always important to keep
an open mind but I am saying be more
skeptical when someone claims to have
seen a ghost because there's this whole
culture starting up around paranormal and
ghost but there's just no evidence
still it's a rabbit hole once you start
believing some of it you'll start
believing more and more and more and
more of any claims that fit within
your current world view that's already
not supported by evidence and that
includes the tons of fake ghost videos
here on YouTube as well and before you
know it
bam you're at the point of no return you
accept goes and conspiracies and
whatever else that seems to fit with the
way you think as reality meanwhile
there is still no scientific evidence to
verify it
so the only way to prevent that is keep
an open mind but think critically and be
aware of these things may be ghosts
exist and maybe they don't but until
there is scientific evidence there is no
way to say for certain
all we can say is that there's a lot of
misconceptions a lot of Lies and fakery
a lot of false evidence that was it for
this video guys be sure to leave a like
below subscribe if you are new here and
share this video with anyone who believe
in ghosts and if you wanna help me out
to keep this channel life you can click
up here to
you go to my patreon and yeah thank
you guys so much for watching and thanks
to my patrons for keeping the show
live i'll see you guys in the next video
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