Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Aug 1 2018

Hi, I'm Aida. And this channel is for creative entrepreneurs who want to grow

personally and grow their business. Today I'll be talking about the three reasons

why you should focus on your strengths. And make sure that you tune in to the

end, because I will be sharing with you how I was able to identify my strengths.

Number one is refine your skills. Since we do not have an abundance of time and

energy, whatever time we take trying to improve our weaknesses it's time that we

take away from working on our strengths. And when we work on our strengths we

actually have the ability to reach a level of excellence. I really love what

Robert Greene says in his book Mastery.

Number two is

enjoy the process. I think that when you started your business, it is because you saw

an opportunity to make a living using your art. And art is not necessarily only

about the end result. It's also about the process. And the process of also running

a business should be enjoyable. There's no reason why you should agonize day in

and day out with tasks that you're not really good at. And by focusing on things

that you're naturally good at, you can actually enjoy what you started - this

business and the art that you create. I feel like this quote by Tim Ferriss says

it all.

Number three is reduce stress and

grow. So as business owners when we're doing all the things - tasks that we

are good at. Things we're not so good at - we end up feeling overwhelmed and

stressed out. And that is not good for our well-being and it's not good, because

we just don't even have time to look at the big picture and grow our business. So

what I could really suggest is really thinking about delegating

or outsourcing. Check our Marie Forleo has to say about delegation.

So a little over a year ago I took the Gallup

Strengths Finder Test. And it's not one of those funny little quizzes that you

take online. It takes 40 minutes to do and cost $15, but trust me it is worth

the time and investing that money. I was able to identify the five top strengths.

And really I've been using these strengths in projects that I do and how

I approach my work. So I cannot recommend it enough. And I just want to tell you

that either you can do something like that or you can talk to your family and

friends to find out what your strengths are. I really hope that this video was

really helpful to you. Let me know in the comments below, like this video or

subscribe for more videos like this... they'll be coming up on the first of

each month. Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 3 Reasons Why You Should Focus on Your STRENGTHS - Duration: 3:25.


When You're Unmotivated — Therapeutic Photography - Duration: 2:16.

Do you ever feel like things are overwhelming?

Things are too much?

It's just insurmountable?

Here's an approach that I take whenever I feel like just pulling the covers over my

head and not doing the day.

This is the image that I posted on Instagram today, the shot that I took when I was in

Los Angeles a couple weeks ago, and the perspective I had made these buildings seem so ominous

and overwhelming like they

were about to take me over!

Well, I posted this on my Therapeutic Photography account, and I talked about what I do when

I feel like I'm overwhelmed, like I don't want to do anything.

First, I acknowledge what I'm feeling.

I name the emotion.

I give myself permission to feel that emotion.

And then immediately, I take an action based on my principles.

Some people call these "values."

They're the things that are important to you in your life.

So for instance, if one of your values is fitness, you could do some yoga, you could

workout, you could go to the gym.

Any number of those things that have to do with fitness is you taking action on your


Another example is, if neatness and order is something that's important to you, then

you could take 15 minutes and clean up your desk.

Organize it.

Make it look nicer.

I call this my GLAD APPROACH.

Now realize, my goal here is not to change how I feel.

It's to take an action that, after I'm done with it, I'll be glad that I did it.

Sometimes this changes how I feel.

That's a bonus!

That's not the goal.

The goal is to accomplish something, do something that's in line with your values.

So when you just want to pull the covers over your head, when even the smallest task just seems

insurmountable to you, try my GLAD APPROACH.

And I'll put a link here to my Instagram account.


For more infomation >> When You're Unmotivated — Therapeutic Photography - Duration: 2:16.


How You Get More Clients by Using Your Words, Face or Your Voice - Duration: 2:42.

So you're not a blogger, right?

But you want to blog, and I have a lot of advisors I speak to, who really, really, really

want to get into this blogging thing.

Because they want to connect deeper with their clients.

They want to really be with them along that journey.

And I don't mean just the general newsletters that you get.

I mean talking to them about things that matter in their life, of which the adviser, you,

actually helps them from an advice point of view.

So, if you're not a writer, and that's the objection I get a lot of the time is Kim,

I'm just not a writer.

Well guess what, nor am I.

So, there's three ways that you can really easily blog.

So let me ask.

Are you a writer?

If not, are you a movie star, or wanna to be movie star?

Or a radio DJ?

So this means, if you're a writer, and you prefer to write, do a blog where you actually

write it.

Really simple 300 - 400 words it doesn't need to be much more.

However, if you're like me and you're not so, you know, thrilled about writing, then

do a video, right.

The whole movie star thing, and I say that with tongue in cheek, because certainly this

is no movie star thing.

But the beautiful thing I love about video is it adds another layer of connection, of

engagement, of emotion, and humanness.

You know, this whole, you get to see me as well as just hear what I'm writing.

If that doesn't float your boat either, then maybe you're a radio DJ.. which is podcasting,

where you're just recording your voice and getting it out to your clients.

Now there's going to be some of you that go yeah, yeah, yeah hear all that Kim..

I'm none of the three.

However, if you've got a message, and you want to keep connected and get engaged with

your clients and with your prospects, then you've got to let them know who you are a

lot more.

So really choose your device.

Choose your writer, movie star, podcast, you know radio DJ extraordinaire.

And just pretend to be that.

Like pretend just for that moment when you're in it, because you've got so much good to


Don't keep it in.

Get it out there.

So think about which one you are and just give it a go.

No one cares.

You're the most critical of yourself.

Nobody else really cares as long as you've got a great compelling valuable message.

Whatever you do with that, Make It Count.

Waching daily Aug 1 2018

Waching daily Aug 1 2018

Heavy: Scout is dead!

Heavy: Scout is dead!

Sniper: Back stab that you snake!

Sniper: Back stab that you snake!

Scout: *Creepiest laugh ever*

Random guy: TEAM KILLER

Heavy: Thank! you

Pyro: Uh-huh

What the bloody hell just happened?

HOLY S***!

Soldier BOT: Scout!

Scout BOT: Yeah?

Demoman: Brilliant!

Demoman: Brilliant!

For more infomation >> Scout Gets Banned - Duration: 2:49.


Register now for the 2018 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride - Duration: 1:01.

For the men in our lives,

who suffer in silence.

For the men in our lives,

we must make them aware.

For the men in our lives,

outstretched arms are before you.

For the men in our lives,

for you we are there.

For more infomation >> Register now for the 2018 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride - Duration: 1:01.


NHL 19 Goalie Tips & Tricks: Basics - Duration: 5:34.

hey guys welcome back to the channel today I'm gonna be starting my NHL 19

goalie tips and tricks series so this is the first goalie tips video out for NHL

19 as far as I know so I'm just gonna try and provide you with some basic tips

and tricks that you can use to not let in so many goals not much has really

changed for goalie and NHL 19 other than goalies being more responsive which is

pretty good there aren't any game breaking bugs or

the truth with goalie so as long as you are decent at the position you will save

most shots however and I'm just gonna get this out of the way now some shots

you just simply cannot stop because defense is also a part in this game so

don't beat yourself up too hard every time you give up a goal other than that

I'm just gonna get right into these tips and I hope you like them

so my first general tip is gonna be positioning and this first tip is gonna

be that you don't want to come outside your crease really at all to to

challenge a shot if anything it just pulls you out of position even more it

doesn't help your ability to save this shot and you're way more likely to get

beat on your sides and generally speaking you don't want to be at the top

of your crease really much either and let's the puck is at the point and they

have a wide-open shooting lane and you know that they're going to shoot because

like being on the outside of the crease if they pass the puck around you are

pretty much screwed on your far side when an opposing player is coming in off

the rush and they enter your zone you want to be sort of in line with the post

as you can see on screen here you want to stay about on that line because you

don't want to challenge the shooter wildly because again they can pass it

around and you can pretty much save almost any shot being on this line

anyways overall you just want to be square with the puck so whatever that

means - or whatever that is in the situation you want to use it when the

puck is on the half board you want to tuck yourself right inside the post here

as you can see on screen because again you're gonna be able to save pretty much

any random shot people take although I have seen shots come in from here it is

also very rare that people actually shoot from the half boards but you want

to be in position anyways because shooters will keep you honest from time

to time when the puck is in the slot and somebody is about to rip it I recommend

being at the middle top of your crease right around this line right here

there's also two little dashes inside the crease that you can also use for

markings basically just want to stand out around those if you know the shot is

coming if you don't know if the shot is coming out it's best to just stay in the

middle of your crease and play a little deeper in case of pass comes when the

puck is in the corner or at a very tight angle I like to stay in the post hug now

I used to be very very very against a santa post hug it was pretty much

useless until NHL 18 where I found that I actually used it a lot and it was

really helpful they can't shoot from the corner anyways but sometimes they

actually do at higher level play players will shoot from almost no angle if they

see you not covering the post so even if they don't shoot at you you are

preventing players just firing it randomly in the corner try to snipe you

because they see that you're not on your post when the puck is in the trapezoid

here you want to be in the reverse VH however I do it a little differently and

I'll explain that in a later video but you in general want to be in your

reverse feature if you don't know how to do a reverse BH you hold butterfly and

then you hug post as opposed to normal VH where you hug post and then butterfly

a tip for not getting sniped in NHL 19 is you want to sort of trail the player

players often like to try the cross screen sniper they cut in through each

of the side in the slot and they shoot it back top corner where they came from

so to stop this all you have to do is slowly move with the player not keep up

with his stride for stride movement or just stay exactly where you are this is

the case for most nights as you don't really need to track the players stride

for stride you can drill behind them a little bit and still catch up to a shot

however when the puck is a little enclosed so you want to stay Square to

the puck not the shooter because the shooter has

a different angle on a shot than the puck does so you're gonna want to stay

Square to the puck it can be really hard with players doing a lot of dangles

nowadays but you're just gonna have to try your best and the biggest tip for

any newer goalie what I see a lot of newer goalies do is they try and predict

where the shot is gonna go with their movement and they end up moving

completely out of the way you don't need to predict the movement of the shot

because your goalie has limbs and he will reach them out hopefully to try and

mix a stop you don't need to get your whole body behind the puck you just need

to get some piece of equipment on it to get it away and that's you know the

number one mistake I see newer goalies make is they move out of the way of the

shot and the shot just sails into an empty net further than that those are my

tips for general gameplay in NHL 19 throughout the year I plan on releasing

more in-depth guides such as post play and one-timers in breakaways but that

stuff will be at a later date probably when the full game comes out I hope

these tips were helpful and if they were leave a comment down below and I will

see you guys all in the next video take care and good bye

For more infomation >> NHL 19 Goalie Tips & Tricks: Basics - Duration: 5:34.


三國時和筆頭上蒼蠅較勁的曹魏大臣 - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> 三國時和筆頭上蒼蠅較勁的曹魏大臣 - Duration: 10:58.


红楼梦里的各大丫鬟,与男主人都是什么关系? - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> 红楼梦里的各大丫鬟,与男主人都是什么关系? - Duration: 8:19.


孙悟空被压五行山下500年,到底是如何解决大小便的呢? - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> 孙悟空被压五行山下500年,到底是如何解决大小便的呢? - Duration: 5:30.


How To Make a SLIME GARDEN, We Can Show you How! - Duration: 28:18.


First things first, I want to say, my name is Athena

Tonight every drill I've tracked every path on make every road leads back to the place. I know I cannot go


What's the name of our new channel lets play best play

I'm here. And what are we gonna do today? Hey, what are you doing over there?

There's a fly over there. Hey guys. Today is the very very first episode of our new

Channel on YouTube. So if you like it, what are you gonna do like it subscribe?

Comment down the ball and me first and nullification down

What are you saying, by the way?

I'm action Alan and this girl is eight and that is sweetie. I'm Sophie and this girl is

We're taking

To do that we have a water balloon with milk inside


Okay, maybe

Outside my backyard, I don't see any way for us for any place for us to actually make this fun

Let's bring our table outside. Come on


Can't you know, of course

You know


You're gonna need to get those spoons because I'm doing everything

Spoons one we passed poems. Do you know what we need? We need to get our craft box. Let's get it

What are you doing here I was trying to have you guys get the crown box it's gonna be Pope

What are we gonna do

Garden box

You do your own slide what do you want to do? What do you have

Food coloring kill our newfound friends

Food coloring. I want to be yellow. I'm yellow

Purple purple, I like purple - what color are you gonna be eat?

Purple yellow and pink and you know what? We need to get a big bucket of water


I'll help you. Oh

I don't want to help


So listen I'll get the water

Start opening the blue. Thanks - smooth. We can use our hands


Think you need

But guess what we have three of these so we needed a lot of slime to make soil for our garden

It started to spill what happened

There's a crack in it, that's why


I'm excellent

So much slime on my hands

You know

To do anything for you

There you go, sweetie pie, Sophia

Dick I can't see

Can I have more something

Smells like

Equate equate what is that?

So be sweetiepie get us some paper towels, please hit it for hands

Pass me one of those shaving cream over there Oh put something for me

Oh, that's good, thanks. Thanks, Maddy

Who are you?

Action Allen and James Brown we get down. Come on now sit down, not daddy

and mix and mix and mix

Because remember something we still need to put our little coloring inside our slime

I'm so excited

Looks like what?

You drop your things up legs. Yeah. Do you need a napkin?


Multiple napkins and paper towels, I would just be the towel. In fact, I think I have to go take a shower

An exhibit runs through this all the time

Is the name is what we do best

How do you make perfect I think Sophie jumpy do you remember me

What do you guys do? How's our small project coming

I got an idea

Get the bucket get the mason get the flower basket

Let's put all of this inside the flower basket and let's just make one huge batch of slime

I can assure you because I'm a professional

Can I tell me are you


They're feeling an emotion, I love you fly. I love you


It's sorry


And all the beads put your hands in it, let's wipe it out. Let's wipe it out

This is some seriously seriously

Awesome so with ladies is mine

With this, of course, we're gonna play with this one every day

Once you pick and put it in

After next a little odd what the pigs it's Maddie what plans are you getting?

Put it in

Pretty good of a sign are you putting balls?

So guys if you could to make this my daughter now, you know how

But what o'clock Yamini time cleaning time there's something here, what is that

What is this right here so

Kinetics and let's not lose that

Beautiful guys, this is a ever made

Hey guys if you guys want to play with us again, the name of our channel is actually rain

Let's play

Let's play cuz playing is fun

Give us a big thumbs up comment below and don't forget to subscribe to

Our channel, yeah

For more infomation >> How To Make a SLIME GARDEN, We Can Show you How! - Duration: 28:18.


How to Start a Freight Forwarding Business in Pakistan (URDU) - How to Become A Freight Forwarder - Duration: 12:17.

How to Start a Freight Forwarding Business in Pakistan (URDU)

How to Start a Freight Forwarding Business in Pakistan (URDU)

How to Start a Freight Forwarding Business in Pakistan (URDU)

How to Start a Freight Forwarding Business in Pakistan (URDU)

For more infomation >> How to Start a Freight Forwarding Business in Pakistan (URDU) - How to Become A Freight Forwarder - Duration: 12:17.


KARAOKE | Xa Em | Noo Phước Thịnh - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Xa Em | Noo Phước Thịnh - Duration: 5:48.


Helena mayor Wilmot Collins shares life story - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Helena mayor Wilmot Collins shares life story - Duration: 0:43.


唐僧有时认出妖怪为何仍阻止孙悟空击打?因他明白灵山一条潜规则 - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> 唐僧有时认出妖怪为何仍阻止孙悟空击打?因他明白灵山一条潜规则 - Duration: 10:32.


唐僧师徒取经归来,途中经书被抢,其实背后是这两个大神的较量 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 唐僧师徒取经归来,途中经书被抢,其实背后是这两个大神的较量 - Duration: 2:56.


要是古人能参加奥运会,射击我选薛仁贵,举重和击剑呢? - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> 要是古人能参加奥运会,射击我选薛仁贵,举重和击剑呢? - Duration: 4:27.


10 Effective Ways To Boost Your Intelligence - Duration: 7:41.

10 Effective Ways To Boost Your Intelligence

While highly intelligent seems gifted, there are actually a lot of efforts and determination

to achieve that.

For instance, your daily habits is the most effective ways to boost your intellect.

In this video, I'm going to show you 10 effective ways to boost your intelligence.

But before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't

miss any interesting updates in the future guys!

Also, don't forget to check link on the description below to see our interesting offer that might

be useful for you.

As scientists reveal that a weekend lie-in provides an essential boost to brain power,

Chris Buscombe explores 10 other factors which may help improve your intellect.



It has been suggested as a means to improving brain capacity for several years, but scientists

continue to find new evidence which points to a link between physical and mental health.

A Cambridge University study suggested that jogging just a couple of times a week stimulates

the brain.

After a few days of running, hundreds of thousands of new brain cells were shown to have grown

in a region that is linked to the formation and recollection of memories.

An improved ability to recall memories without confusing them has a direct impact on other

crucial cognitive tasks, and could lead to potential new ways of slowing down the deterioration

of mental ability in old age.

Meanwhile, scientists have also recently found that particularly vigorous exercise helps

release a protein that goes by the name of 'noggin'.

The protein acts as a counter-agent to another protein, bone morphogenetic protein, thereby

stimulating the increased division of brain stem cells, keeping the brain nimble and active

as we get older.

Research suggests that amplified production of noggin could therefore prevent the on-set

of age-related brain diseases such as Alzheimer's.


An Afternoon Nap.

While scientists have long suspected that sleep has a significant impact on the brain's

capacity for memory, recent research found that sleeping for an hour in the afternoon

boosts brain power and dramatically increases its ability to learn new facts and tasks.

Having a nap after lunch acts as a regenerative aid, allowing the brain to 'file' away

memories so that new information may be more easily retained.

The researchers discovered that those who stay awake all day are less likely to be able

to learn new tasks as the day goes on, leading the experts to suggest that napping in the

long-term may be conducive to staving off age-related degenerative mental diseases.


Magnesium Rich Foods.

Eating foods rich in magnesium such as spinach and broccoli could boost memory and brain


Recent research, published in the journal Neuron, found that an increase of magnesium

in the brain could help learning in both the young and old.

Half the population of industrialised countries have a magnesium deficit, but with the help

of a healthy increase in one's diet, the effects of mental ageing could be significantly




Scientists have found that increased exposure to the sun could boost your intellect and

prevent dementia.

A larger intake in vitamin D, which can also be found in oily fish, was linked to an amplified

ability to keep the brain active and in top condition as we age.

Although the biological reasons for a connection remain unclear, a study published in the Journal

of Neurology found that an association between increased vitamin D and faster information

processing was particularly significant in men over the age of 60 years.


Mowing the Lawn.

Researchers have discovered that a chemical released by lawn mowing not only relieves

stress and makes people happier, but could also prevent mental decline in old age.

Australian scientists claimed that the aroma of freshly cut grass works directly on the

brain, particularly targeting areas associated with emotion and memory.

So confident are they in their findings that they even released a perfume, "eau de mow",

which can be used as either a personal spray, or in public to relax and stimulate the brain

of surrounding individuals.


Sex and Chocolate.

A book has claimed that eating a lot of dark chocolate, having lots of sex and following

the Scandinavian tradition of having cold meat for breakfast significantly improves

brain power.

The book, by Simon Wootton and Terry Horne, analysed how diet, the environment and stress

affect mental capacity.

They asserted that while brain capacity has always been considered in terms of genetics,

it is in fact a lifestyle choice.

The two suggested that the thought processes induced by having sex, as well as the hidden

nutritional ingredients of dark chocolate and energy-giving qualities of cold meats,

stimulate the brain and help battle age-related mental deterioration.


Music Lessons For Young.

A study has shown that young children who take music lessons show more advanced brain

development and improved memory than those who do not.

Musically trained children were found to perform better in a memory test which is correlated

with general intelligence skills such as literacy, verbal memory, mathematics and IQ.

The scientists who undertook the research suggested that music can potentially improve

the intellect in children as young as four years old.


Talking to your Baby.

Experts have claimed that mothers who use baby talk help their child's brain develop


Researchers from Northwestern University in Illinois found that words play an important

role in the brain development of children even before they begin to speak.

The study suggested that an increased capacity to be able to categorise words according to

their pictorial representation at an early age was a significant aid in child brain development.



A study by American scientists found that the classic computer puzzle Tetris may also

have a positive impact on your brain power.

Tests showed that despite being relatively simple compared to today's sophisticated computer

games, regular practise could increase a player's grey matter and improve thinking.

Having played the game for half an hour each day over a three month period, subjects' brains

were found to have undergone 'structural changes' in areas associated with movement, critical

thinking, reasoning, language and processing.


A Thinking Cap.

Scientists who have worked on developing a 'thinking cap' hope the device will enhance

the mind's ability to learn.

The researchers from the University of British Colombia in Vancouver started to advance the

project after they discovered that the brain's ability to learn a new task was significantly

enhanced when a magnetic pulse was applied to the premotor cortex, the area of the brain

just behind the forehead.

Well, that's the 10 effective ways to boost your intelligence.

Anyway, The technique could be used not only to boost intellectual capacity but also to

aid those with debilitating learning difficulties.

So, really cool information isn't it?

Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel, thanks

for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Effective Ways To Boost Your Intelligence - Duration: 7:41.


先天圣人能开天辟地?他们能杀死天道圣人鸿钧老祖? - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> 先天圣人能开天辟地?他们能杀死天道圣人鸿钧老祖? - Duration: 6:09.


Are you ready to unlock your potential? - Duration: 3:27.

So we're gonna be talking to you about

our Ignite program which is for emerging women leaders.

And we wanted to share a little bit about

why we created the program, but actually,

the amazing impacts that participants experience in it.

And give you a few of the little tips that

come out of the program.

So Vashti, you facilitated Ignite, what's your--

- Many times, so I just want you to think about

the word ignite, right?

It's like boom and people often read

the content of this program they go,

"Is it for me? I'm already a leader."

Or, "What does emerging leader mean?"

This is about igniting you.

This is about setting you on fire.

Not literally, but how I described it recently

at the beginning of a program to the participants,

it's a little bit like putting a rocket somewhere painful

and exploding to the possibility of you.

That's how I would describe what Ignite actually is

in terms of igniting your potential.

Reigniting what you want to do with your career,

what your vocation means, and what, moving forward,

is actually worthy of you.

- I think one of the things we have been seeing so much

is just a lack of clarity around where you want to go

with your career and not having the time, and the space,

and the challenge, and the tools to actually do that.

And so what you get from the Ignite experience is

this amazing space and a group of like minded women

to actually create this opportunity to vision

for where you want to go.

And to give you some tools to actually make that a reality.

- And I would say the most common thing we get in terms of

feedback on this program, "I thought I was going to do some,

you know, leadership program, but actually what I got

was this whole transformation on

professional development program.

Because not only did I get clearer

on what I want moving forward in my career,

I got crystal clear on where I was holding myself back."

So the thing to recognize is this is not just about trying

to be better or how to step up.

It's actually about understanding where you are,

where you want to be, and where you're getting

in your own way before we actually facilitate what

Soph talked about, that clarity, that visioning,

that planning part of how to actually get there.

- And I think the only other thing that I'd mention

that I think is a huge impact from the Ignite program

is just this sense of how do I get myself in a place

that I feel great because there's so much push in the world

that we live in to go out and do and achieve

and blah, blah, blah.

And we often do that at the detriment of our own happiness,

and health, and wellbeing.

And we all need different things.

So again, it's how do I make sure that I'm setting myself up

in a way that I feel energised and at the same time,

I create a lifestyle in which that plays out for me.

- And so really just to wrap up, if you are somebody

that is ready to flick the match and really step up

and explore what's possible for you,

come and join the Ignite program.

For more infomation >> Are you ready to unlock your potential? - Duration: 3:27.


England rugby players behave like Gareth Southgate's World Cup heroes (…yes, you read that right) - Duration: 4:21.

England rugby players told by chiefs to behave more like Gareth Southgate's World Cup heroes (…yes, you read that right)

RUGBY chiefs want their England players to behave like footballers.

RFU chief executive Steve Brown was knocked sideways watching the football World Cup this summer and the way Gareth Southgate's men conducted themselves.

They earned legions of fans by engaging with supporters and keeping a smile on their faces all the way to the semi-finals in Russia.

In contrast, Red Rose stars Mike Brown and Joe Marler hit back at angry fans after June's 23-12 second Test loss to South Africa in Bloemfontein.

Brown, especially, was not impressed after being accused of being a non-trier.

And Twickenham chief Brown insists that England's rugby team use the Southgate model as they plot their way to their own World Cup in Japan next year.

He said: "There was a humility and modesty about the footballers.

They all wanted to win and were planning to do their best, which they did, but there was something nice about the attitude of the players.

"One key thing I liked about it was that many of the players were good role models for the sport.

"If you were a young kid watching it, you would be impressed by it.

"That is great for football and that is what we need to do and I think we do already.

Southgate has been to England rugby training sessions in Bagshot.

And Brown says head coach Eddie Jones will be bending Southgate's ear ahead of autumn Tests against the Boks, New Zealand, Japan and Australia.

He added: "Southgate did a brilliant job and England were fantastic — representing our nation brilliantly.

"They deserve all the compliments they've had.

If there are lessons to be learned and discussions to be had, I'm sure Eddie will have those.

He knows Southgate pretty well.

  Eddie Jones is in hot water after damning video footage emerged of him calling Ireland SCUM and Wales a little s*** country.

"I'd like to inspire the nation as much as the football guys did as we head into the 2019 World Cup.

Brown also added that England's players will not suffer a wage cut despite the cutbacks at HQ.

Players currently trouser around £22,000 per Test and that will stay the same despite Twickers having to lay off 62 staff in the next few weeks.

He said: "England can afford the players' salaries.

It is high but reasonably well contained.

"There is a reasonable performance element to it as well.

Waching daily Aug 1 2018

Waching daily Aug 1 2018

Pakistani cricketer twitter account hacked |and bad clip share on his account

For more infomation >> Pakistani cricketer twitter account hacked |and bad clip share on his account - Duration: 1:40.


ChicWrap 3pack Kitchen Wrap Dispensers - Duration: 11:57.

For more infomation >> ChicWrap 3pack Kitchen Wrap Dispensers - Duration: 11:57.


Skepta & Naomi Campbell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 10:33.

Skepta & Naomi Campbell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

British rapper Skepta shared a 4D ultrasound on Instagram, and many believe that the mother of the child is supermodel Naomi Campbell.

There have been rumors about the celebrity pair dating, but neither party have confirmed it, and the pregnancy announcement has many wondering whether they will make their relationship official.


Skepta, born Joseph Junior Adenuga, simply captioned the ultrasound post with a rose emoji.

It is unclear whether he has plans to confirm the identity of the child's mother to the public or continue to fuel speculation that it is Campbell.

Here's what you need to know about Skepta and Campbell:.

They First Met At the 2016 British Fashion Awards.

Skepta and Campbell met at the 2016 British Fashion Awards.

According to GQ, the pair were introduced by Edward Enninful, a longtime friend of Campbell's, and they took Polaroids with Kate Moss before going to the after party together. "She was like a bullet just going and going and everyone else had to catch up," Skepta said, recounting his first impression of Campbell.

The supermodel echoed his sentiment, saying that she had never felt so comfortable working with another man during their subsequent GQ photoshoot.

"Even though I'll have been modeling for 30 years in April, I've never felt comfortable modeling in underwear," she said.

"Junior made me feel very comfortable.".

They Were the Focus of a GQ Cover Story In March.

Skepta and Campbell fueled speculation that they were dating when appeared on the cover of GQ together.

While they did pose in a series of provocative positions with little to no clothing on, they kept the nature of their relationship under wraps.

Instead, they spoke of politics, the #MeToo movement, and the perception of masculinity in the modern day.

"It's great that we're a black man and a black woman on the cover of British GQ in 2018," said Campbell.

"This is the new way; this is what it should be and how it should stay.

We're not a trend.

And this year, if you look at fashion ad campaigns, there's a person of color in every campaign – and that's a big deal.".

Skepta expanded on Campbell's comments, saying: "These magazines are such big deals because they shape how society sees beauty.

So thank you to everybody who helped us get here and thank you for acknowledging us.

But we're still always going to do us.

I don't want to make a big thing out of things like this.

It's supposed to be like this.".

Skepta Previously Hinted At Their Pregnancy on Twitter.

Skepta sparked rumors that he and Campbell were are expecting a child together back in June.

 After a follower alluded to their relationship, the rapper responded with a pregnant woman emoji, which lead the follower to retweet his response after the ultrasound, adding: "Wait? Skepta told me back in June that Naomi Campbell was pregnant.

Around the same time, the rapper also spoke on the importance of having loved ones who support him and the work he does.

"I've always been moving forward in my life.

Never try and force your art on people who don't care about it," he told The Ransom Note.

"Those people are gonna have to acknowledge it.

That teaching is everything I know.

The people who support what I do, I care about them.

"Don't make f**king stupid songs or stupid music for people who don't care about you," he added.

"Why would you want to? What you want is for someone who doesn't care about you to not be able to ignore you.".

Skepta Was Romantically Linked to Reality Star Chloe Ferry In 2016.

Prior to his relationship with Campbell, Skepta was romantically linked to Chloe Ferry, who stars on the British reality series Geordie Shore.

Ferry revealed that she and the rapper hooked up while they were on holiday at Ocean Beach. "It was the favorite day of me life!," she told Mirror Celeb.

"I was having a such a good time and kissed Skepta.".

"He was just there and we necked on," she continued.

"I haven't spoken to him since, though.

I was really drunk.

I don't remember much. It was an amazing holiday, I wish I was still there.

I got that drunk.".

Campbell had several high-profile suitors before she allegedly began dating Skepta.

She was engaged to U2 bassist Adam Clayton between 1993 and 1994, but they separated before the marriage.

Campbell was also engaged to Formula One racing head Flavio Briatore between 1999 and 2003, but they too separated.

Campbell Has Said That She Would 'Love' to Have Children.

  A post shared by Naomi Campbell (@naomi) on Jul 22, 2018 at 9:07pm PDT.

Campbell has stated that she wants to have children own on several occasions. In an interview with ES Magazine, she expressed concerns over the fact that she may not be able to conceive children for much longer.

"I think about having children all the time," she said.

"But now with the way science is I think I can do it when I want.".

The supermodel went on to say that her children would need to have a strong male role model in their lives. "I do want a father figure", she said.

"I think it's important. It's the way I feel today, sitting here talking to you.".

Campbell also spoke about her desire to have children with Sunday Times, where she admitted that she doesn't know when she'd be ready.

"Well, I'm not saying I won't have children," she said.

"I could have children.

I just don't know which way I'll have children. But I think I'll have children, everyone thinks I'll be a good mother.

I've always considered it.

I'll just do it when I'm ready.

I'm not rushing to anyone's drumbeat, I'm going to my own.".

For more infomation >> Skepta & Naomi Campbell: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 10:33.


How You Get More Clients by Using Your Words, Face or Your Voice - Duration: 2:42.

Here's a short video (under 3 minutes) to help your business grow.

If you prefer to read it, keep going.

So you're not a blogger, right?

But you want to blog, and I have a lot of advisors I speak to, who really, really, really

want to get into this blogging thing.

Because they want to connect deeper with their clients.

They want to really be with them along that journey.

And I don't mean just the general newsletters that you get.

I mean talking to them about things that matter in their life, of which the adviser, you,

actually helps them from an advice point of view.

So, if you're not a writer, and that's the objection I get a lot of the time is Kim,

I'm just not a writer.

Well guess what, nor am I.

So, there's three ways that you can really easily blog.

So let me ask.

Are you a writer?

If not, are you a movie star, or wanna to be movie star?

Or a radio DJ?

So this means, if you're a writer, and you prefer to write, do a blog where you actually

write it.

Really simple 300 - 400 words it doesn't need to be much more.

However, if you're like me and you're not so, you know, thrilled about writing, then

do a video, right.

The whole movie star thing, and I say that with tongue in cheek, because certainly this

is no movie star thing.

But the beautiful thing I love about video is it adds another layer of connection, of

engagement, of emotion, and humanness.

You know, this whole, you get to see me as well as just hear what I'm writing.

If that doesn't float your boat either, then maybe you're a radio DJ.. which is podcasting,

where you're just recording your voice and getting it out to your clients.

Now there's going to be some of you that go yeah, yeah, yeah hear all that Kim..

I'm none of the three.

However, if you've got a message, and you want to keep connected and get engaged with

your clients and with your prospects, then you've got to let them know who you are a

lot more.

So really choose your device.

Choose your writer, movie star, podcast, you know radio DJ extraordinaire.

And just pretend to be that.

Like pretend just for that moment when you're in it, because you've got so much good to


Don't keep it in.

Get it out there.

So think about which one you are and just give it a go.

No one cares.

You're the most critical of yourself.

Nobody else really cares as long as you've got a great compelling valuable message.

Whatever you do with that, Make It Count.

For more infomation >> How You Get More Clients by Using Your Words, Face or Your Voice - Duration: 2:42.


KARAOKE | Chỉ Có Bạn Bè Thôi | Long Hồ ft Giang Trường - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Chỉ Có Bạn Bè Thôi | Long Hồ ft Giang Trường - Duration: 4:47.


出身地対抗!たこ焼きバトル!!/ I'm a master of TAKOYAKI! - Duration: 9:41.

Today, I'm going to do something that typical YouTuber would do

My Youtube channel's name is TAKOYAKI MASA

So we are going to make TAKOYAKI (A Japanese food)

(It's very delicious, you guys should try if you haven't)

It wouldn't be fun if we just make them normally

I'm from Hyogo (which is next to Osaka)

Daiki is from Tokyo (you guys should know)

Mitsugu is from Hokkaido (Huge island on northern Japan)

I'm gonna show you guys how great I'm for cooking Takoyaki

Seems like he will try hard for this time

Whoever cooks Takoyaki the best wins

We should have a punishment for a loser

One of us who cook it the worst loses by our other friends

the loser has to eat a lot of Wasabi (which is spicy? Japanese seasoning)

I didn't know that!

because I didn't tell you!lol

(He (Masa) knew nothing that was going to happen at that time...)

First, we are gonna put oil on Takoyaki plate

Second, put ingredients of takoyaki (including flour, water, egg)

Next, add octopus and green onions

Once it starts cooking, you wanna separate them with sticks

It makes it easy to cook later

Once the bottom part is cooked, roll it and cook the top part

Especially, the middle of the plate is so hot that it takes less time to cook compared with edges

the parts that are not in holes, should be inside of the holes when rolling them

Once the entire ball gets cooked, you keep rolling them

Those ones that are center and cooked well, switch them with ones on edges that are cooked yet


Takoyaki that Masa from Hyogo cooked!

Since Daiki was gone, Ichi is actually going to cook

It might be hard to understand for you guys who have no idea of Japanese geography

But I'm from Hyogo which is a part of Kansai. Kansai is known as a place of origin of takoyaki.

It is said people from Kansai is good at cooking takoyaki

So I'm supposed to be better than them because they aren't from Kansai area


looks good...

(Even if you aren't from Kansai which is known as origin of takoyaki, you might be able to cook well)

Let's put oil here as well

I cook differently from Gin-dako which is a famous takoyaki restaurant in Japan

because it's easier

What did you add here, Mitsugu?

This? This is octopus

Is that it?

Just octopus?

Not only octopus!

Where is green onions?

Ok I knew he forgot that haha

Is it important to fall green onions down from high point?

(OMG It's so hard to translate this part omg)

I'm giving up...

It tastes better if I do this

Stop lol

It should be too hard to roll them because it has so much green onions

She's dying because it's too hot lol

We finished cooking!

Was it delicious?


Although all of us did well

we need to decide a loser who is gonna eat Wasabi

let's vote for it now

Why do you keep staring at me?

Let's vote anyway!

Hold on!

Hold on!!

Masa 2 votes, Mitsugu 1 vote

I didn't eat Masa's takoyaki, so I vote for Masa


There is an evidence right here!

Ok I should delete this video now

I'm going to make a punishment for you!

Hold on! I have a headache now

It would be better if I add chocolate with Wasabi

I need water

Don't worry! I will make this beautiful

No way!!

Wait wait wait

That's too much!!

My water bottle!

Can you guys count for me?

Should be fine!

Eat it!

Your face looks red

Is this what Masa is doing on Youtube??lol

You created this punishment!

Nobody is taking video for me!

Why did't anybody come here to take me on video?

This is really tough

Being Youtuber isn't easy, so you guys shouldn't do this

If you like this video, give me a thumbs-up

If you haven't subscribed my channel, do it now!


Your face is getting red

For more infomation >> 出身地対抗!たこ焼きバトル!!/ I'm a master of TAKOYAKI! - Duration: 9:41.


Bay Area International Deaf Dance Festival 2018 - Workshops at DCC! - Duration: 2:44.

Hello! I'm Maim Mendelson (name sign). I'm an Urban Jazz Dance Company member.

I am to announce - The Bay Area International Deaf Dance Festival is starting next week! wow!

So, I want to explain about the Workshops on Tuesday August 7th at DCC,

Deaf Community Center, 1550 San Leandro Blvd, San Leandro, two minutes away from the BART station!

Time 6-10pm - there will be three different parts- you are welcome for all or some, as you wish!

6:00-7:00 PM workshop with Alana Campbell.

She will teach Self Defense Workshop with focus on self care and self love

This is a safe atmosphere to learn different tools how to protect yourself.

Valuable and fun!

Second workshop 7:15-8:15 pm

Broadway style Artistic Musical Sign Language with Matthew J. Schwartz from New York!

This is his second time in BAIDDF, we are excited!

Third part- 8:15 to 9:45 pm.

You'll meet SonicSensory Company, an Audio-immersive experience technology.

They created footwear that transform music into your shoes. Come try them on!

They'll bring movies, games and music so you can try their shoes on and see how it feels like!

They have worked with Urban Jazz Dance Company and we're looking forward to see

what they've developed since last time we met!

Come, bring friends, family, kids, adults, all welcome! Both Hearing and Deaf.

What is the cost? $6 or pay whatever you can!

For the first and second parts, your pay ($6 or whatever you can) will be donated to the workshop teachers.

Third part is free. No one will be turned out for lack of funds.

Come one, come AAALLL! Looking forward to meet you there!

For more details - Like our FB page - Urban Jazz Dance Company

For more infomation >> Bay Area International Deaf Dance Festival 2018 - Workshops at DCC! - Duration: 2:44.


对外情报组织寻求CIA支持 前总监:纳吉无需知情 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 对外情报组织寻求CIA支持 前总监:纳吉无需知情 - Duration: 3:40.


10 Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Brain Tumors You Should Know - Duration: 12:21.

10 Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Brain Tumors You Should Know.

A brain tumor may sound like a scary, even devastating possibility.

Basically a growth of abnormal cells in your brain, a brain tumor can be benign – that

is, without cancer cells or malignant – with cancer cells.

Understanding brain tumor symptoms early can mean a better shot at a positive outcome.

But to understand brain tumor symptoms, you need to know the location of the tumor too.

A tumor forms when cells divide abnormally and rapidly.

As the neurons in your brain cannot divide, you never get a nerve cell tumor.

But the cells in the meninges (the outer covering of the brain), the glial cells surrounding

the neurons, and the cells in the pituitary and pineal glands do.

Another way you could get brain tumors is when tumors in other parts of the body start

spreading and travel to the brain.

Your skull has limited space as it cannot expand.

And any tumor, big or small, will increase the pressure inside the cranium (skull) and

on the brain.

Symptoms caused by brain tumors are either due to this pressure, medically known as intracranial

pressure or ICP, or their location.

Since different parts of the brain control different body parts and their functions,

the symptoms of brain tumor also differ widely depending on the location.

Common brain tumor symptoms are:


Seizures: Mostly Partial.

Believe it or not, seizures are the commonest symptom of brain tumor, with about 60% patients

experiencing them.

They occur mostly when the tumors are located in the central part of the brain and have

a slow growth rate and many lesions.

They are also common in cases of slowly growing gliomas (tumors in the glial cells), convexity

meningiomas (tumors on the meninges), brain stem tumors, and when the tumor has started

metastasizing or spreading to nearby cells.

Seizures occur when the tumors interfere with the electric signals between nerve cells,

either disrupting or intensifying them.

Depending on the location of the tumor, the seizure can be generalized, affecting the

entire body, or partial, resulting in spasms in a specific group of muscles or affecting

specific nerves.

Sometimes, a seizure can make you feel "strange" in a way that you won't be able to describe


Sometimes, you won't even be able to recall this phase later.

These are focal seizures.


Headaches: Inexplicable And Resistant To Medicines.

A new persistent headache is a common sign of brain tumor, though not the first sign.

About 50% of all brain tumor patients complain of headaches but not usually at tumor onset.

Either the tumor puts pressure on the brain or blocks the drainage of the cerebrospinal

fluid and raises the ICP, which results in headaches.

It's difficult to differentiate between a tumor-related headache and a normal one

you might get because of sinus, flu, or migraine.

-The pain may be throbbing and resemble a migraine or may even be like a tension headache.

-It was believed that a tumor headache is worst in the morning and gets better within

a few hours, but this may not always be the case.

-The pain also shoots up when you do something that increases the pressure in your head,

say coughing, sneezing, or bending.

-Over-the-counter medicines, rest, or sleep do not help.

-It might also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.


Vomiting: Persistent And Inexplicable.

Persistent vomiting or nausea, without any apparent reason, especially in the morning

or when you change your position, can be a sign of a brain tumor.

Vomiting is often a result of raised pressure inside the skull, which is why movement triggers


In a study on 111 brain tumor patients with primary and metastatic tumors, 40% complained

of vomiting and nausea.

This means that vomiting is a common sign across the various stages of brain tumor.

It is usually thought to be a symptom of a tumor in the cerebellum.

However, if it presents without other symptoms, we often misdiagnose vomiting as a symptom

of a problem in the digestive system.


Vision Problems: Loss Of Vision Or Double.

-Blurred sight, vision loss that comes and goes, or seeing floating shapes like small

dots or thin strands in front of your eyes can all indicate a tumor.

-A tumor in the occipital lobe may mean loss of vision in one eye or sometimes both eyes.

-A tumor in the brain stem may cause double vision.

-Pituitary tumors or adenomas affecting the optic nerve may lead to loss of field of vision,which

means your peripheral vision may be affected.

In simple words, if you are staring straight ahead, you will be able to see only what's

directly in front of you and not sideways, almost as though you were looking through

a tunnel.

This is why this type of vision loss is also known as tunnel vision.

-Sometimes, flickering or twitching eyes may also be a sign of a tumor in the cerebellum.


Personality Change: Depression Or Aggression.

Depending on the location and the growth rate of the tumor, your personality traits may

change noticeably or subtly.

A fast-growing tumor in the frontal lobe can bring about personality changes suddenly,

making you feel easily irritated, depressed, and confused.

You may even turn aggressive, though you may have had no history of aggressive behavior.

You may also behave in culturally or socially inappropriate ways.This is because the frontal

lobe is responsible for your personality traits.

If a tumor affects the quality of the nerve signals in this area of the brain, you would

lose control over your emotions and impulses and not be able to adjust your behavior in

accordance with your environment.


Speech And Hearing: Difficulty Speaking Meaningfully.

A sudden loss of communication skills can indicate a brain tumor.

You may slur, stutter, speak haltingly, grope for appropriate words, muddle words, forget

names of common objects, and be unable to string a meaningful sentence together.

Sometimes, you may speak fluently but your speech may be filled with "non-words."

You may be able to write but not read out what you've written.

These symptoms can also indicate a stroke or a migraine attack.

All three are serious medical conditions and need attention.

How does a tumor affect your language?

Your brain has two main speech centers and a tumor in any of these lobes can make conversations


-Wernicke's area near the temporal lobe that helps you understand language and decipher

others' speech -Broca's area near the frontal lobe that

helps in speech production so that you speak meaningfully and fluently

This difficulty in using and understanding language is known as dysphasia or aphasia.

You may also have difficulty repeating after others if the tumor is in your parietal lobe

and is affecting the inferior parietal lobule, another area associated in speech production

and speech repetition.

However, if you cannot understand someone else's words, and it may also have to do

with hearing loss associated with brain stem tumors.


Memory Loss: Recalling Or Registering Information.

A brain tumor, especially in the frontal and the temporal lobes,may affect your memory

of objects, people, places, or events in your life.

The inability to recall any such information that you knew before you had the brain tumor

is known as retrograde amnesia.

You might also not be able to remember anything that happened since the brain tumor developed.

This inability to process new information is known as anterograde amnesia.Sadly, memory

loss may be an effect of the treatment as well.


Fatigue: Despite Extra Sleep.

You may experience extreme weariness of the body.

It could be because of the seizures, headache, or nausea or because your body is using up

most of its energy in fighting the tumor.

Also, as the tumor makes simple everyday tasks a challenge, the extra amount of concentration

and effort you need to put in everything may tire you out.

This sense of fatigue is often not cured by sleep or rest, even though as the tumor grows,

you might be sleeping more than usual or falling asleep during the day.

The tiredness is often accompanied by apathy, irritability, depression, or negative feelings

about yourself and others.


Clumsiness: Loss Of Balance And Coordination.

If you are finding it difficult to maintain your balance while walking or having difficulty

coordinating your hands and legs, it might be a symptom of brain tumor.

This might be caused by a tumor in the cerebellum, the primary motor cortex, or the parietal

lobe, all of which are responsible in different ways for the coordination of movements.

A brain stem tumor that affects hearing can also contribute to loss of balance.

If your clumsiness can be attributed to numbness or weakness in one side of your body, it might

be caused by a tumor in the parietal lobe.

As the brain stem and the frontal lobe control muscular movements related to swallowing and

speaking, respectively, patients also have trouble with these activities if they get

tumors in these areas.


Abnormal Physiological Changes: Large Limbs And Irregular Periods.

A tumor in the pituitary gland can cause irregular periods, excessive production of breast milk,

development of breasts in men, and excessive body hair.

It may also lead to the enlargement of your hands and feet, obesity, and changes in your

blood pressure.A drooping eyelid or a drooping mouth can indicate a tumor in the brain stem.

Who Gets Brain Tumors?

Most brain tumors develop in people over the age of 50.

If you have a family history of brain tumors or your brain has been exposed to radiation,

say, during radiotherapy, you might be at higher risk.

Genetic conditions like neurofibromatosis, Turcot syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, von Hippel-Lindau

syndrome, Li-Fraumeni cancer syndrome, and Gorlin syndrome are associated with brain

tumors that tend to develop in early adulthood or childhood.

Malignant brain tumors usually seem to develop when cancer from some other part of the body

spreads to the brain.

And, sometimes, benign brain tumors can also turn malignant.

Treatment Options.

Do keep in mind that many of the symptoms mentioned here can also be caused by various

other conditions and sometimes even due to deficiencies.

So, there's no reason to panic.

However, it's always a good idea to get a checkup if you have persistent symptoms

that could indicate a brain tumor.

Your doctor might do a neurological exam and tests like a CT scan, an MRI, or a biopsy.

Treatment for brain tumors can include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, targeted therapy

(where substances that target cancer cells and leave normal cells unharmed are used for

treatment), or a combination of these.

For more infomation >> 10 Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Brain Tumors You Should Know - Duration: 12:21.


六耳猕猴为何敢上灵山?这和混世四猴,互相之间的约定有关 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> 六耳猕猴为何敢上灵山?这和混世四猴,互相之间的约定有关 - Duration: 4:37.


孙悟空为什么那么容易便杀死六耳?而如来佛祖竟然没有阻止他! - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> 孙悟空为什么那么容易便杀死六耳?而如来佛祖竟然没有阻止他! - Duration: 4:53.


Improvements Portable 28 lb. Ice Maker w/Storage Cover - Duration: 13:12.

For more infomation >> Improvements Portable 28 lb. Ice Maker w/Storage Cover - Duration: 13:12.


Về Sài Gòn, gặp anh Grab có quả "Bom nổ chậm" 😂| Back Home in Saigon - Duration: 9:20.

Hello guys! Today is the day I come back to Sai Gon.

It's been a lot of weeks since I left Sai Gon. Today, I'm coming back.

This is Da Nang.

Clear sky, good weather, less pollution

but I miss the big city so guys, I'm coming back.

The grab driver just passed me.

Alright, going for him.

Sometimes grab doesn't have the right markers so..

even though I said it on my location, it didn't really give it to them.

Yes.. Airport.. Yes, uh.. domestic.

I'm going to Saigon.

You're living here? -I live in Saigon.

How long have you been living in Vietnam? -uh.. on and off, 4 years.

4 years? -4 years, yes. 4 years, on and off.

Where? -Saigon

You mean Saigon in here or..? -Saigon and Berlin

Berlin? Germany?

This is like a Dell. - Dell, yeah! -It's nice.

How much do you pay for a car like this?

Uh.. I paid two years ago, 400 million

400 million, ok. That's not too bad.

If now, you buy, 300. Drop, it's dropped haha.

How much money did you make with Grab?

So far.. in two years? -So far, in two years.. about...

100 million? -150 -150 million? -Uh huh

So you already, almost.. like half of it, you almost over

No, but I mean some of them will be for maintenance about 50 so..

I think I have one hundred

Ok, ok, so you need to drive.. 2 years = 100

million profit. So you need to drive 8 years?

Uhmm.. -In order to compensate..?

car you know, just only this year, because in the government law

8 year from product year, for the car using

so, the car 2002. Sorry! 2010 + 8 years, so 2018

you stop to business. -Ok, you cannot

cannot ride. - cannot use it anymore?

cannot use for uh.. - business. -cannot use for business.

I can use for my family. -Oh.. ok, ok, interesting!

Interesting law, didn't know that! -Everywhere I think they have the law

in Thailand. Maybe here 8 years, maybe other country 10

Yeah.. -Because they based it on the traffic, the weather..

the car warranty. -Yeah, makes sense.

Your English is great, where did you learn English?

Umm studying and working. -That's cool!

I'm just learning something new when you have a daughter.. He has

a daughter. So when you have a daughter..

it's like you have a bomb in your home.

How do we say it in Vietnamese?

I mean.. slowly.. bomb

a slow.. a timebomb! -Timebomb. -A timebomb!

What's a timebomb in Vietnamese?

Uh... "bom no cham" -"bom no cham"? -Yeah!

Ok, going back home. Thanks, Luc! -Yes it's nice to meet you!

Take care! -Take care, see you. -Bye!

Getting up early is good.

I'll be back in Saigon, finally!

Ok, VietJet almost f**** up my boarding because they didn't

display any door or any gate.. where I should go into..

and we are already 10 minutes late. Not a problem for me but,

their communication here is really good. Good thing though..

I have a really nice seat!

I can almost sleep here, perfect! Oh, I get one of this..

This is Saigon, I'm back!

It feels like home, it's amazing!

Just walking over to get my scooter from the building over there.

That is Vinhomes, the weather is ok.

But it is something about this energy of the city that's just..

I don't know what it is, it's like coming home.. It gives me more energy.

to I don't know.. just be myself. I feel like the travel was great

but it's also good that it's over now.

So.. I don't' know what we got coming up here..

I wanna change some things on how we do the videos..

what's happening in them, and if you have any suggestions..

let me know in the comments.

I got my favorite Pho place, which you can recall from the..

video with Zach and I where we talked here about his life. Yeah..

This is.. I mean, sorry guys from Hanoi but the Pho here is

definitely better. I don't know why, these guys come from here so..

they live in this house.

It's beautiful, it's around 6pm and I just love

this mood.

Alright, back to the food!

Finally getting a haircut, oh.. hey hello!!

Ok? - Getting new haircut, can you get me new haircut? - Sure, why not?

Nicer? - Nicer!! Very good!

So this is the last ride to the airport.. so..

this will be a very short vlog again because I basically just came here

got into my office, got my scooter and work for a couple of weeks..

Some other vlog episodes you might have seen from the barbershop

or the interview with Caleb and Ben.

Yeah.. I know it's time to say goodbye again

I'm in the taxi, we're slowly rolling through, ket xe (traffic).

now I gotta start a new season. Bit sad to leave now.

It's been such a good time here, even just.. just the few days I had

was really really nice.

Although we had lot of rains already. So rainy season is starting

I'm just gonna show you some pictures of the rain and

then we see each other in the next episodes when I'm in Europe.

Ok guys, have a good time. SUBSCRIBE if you haven't yet

we're gonna post 2 videos per week

and see you on the next videos guys. Bye!