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For more infomation >> DC Motor Drives - ElectroCraft DC Motor Drives - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
Urine Odor Remover - Urine RX - Urine Odor Remover - Duration: 1:10.
Are you looking for an effective Urine Odor Remover?
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There is not just one, but five different Bacillus spore strains that produce enzymes
for specific food sources within the urine and other organic substances that may be causing
foul odors.
UrineRx has to come in contact with the urine to break it down so once you have found the
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Bacterial spores multiply so quickly that they can double in 15 minutes and produce
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The affected area needs to be thoroughly saturated to ensure coverage and a single application
should be enough.
To purchase your Urine Odor Remover, visit or call 800-962-1723.
Electric Fence Chargers - Taylor Fence Inc Electric Fence Chargers - Duration: 1:04.
Are you looking for Electric Fence Chargers?
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We currently offer AC Plug in, DC Battery and Solar chargers.
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We are constantly updating our chargers and adding parts to improve the lightning protection.
No other fence chargers can withstand lightning like ours.
If you have questions about ordering your Electric Fence Chargers, please contact us
at or call 205-594-5971.
Pixel 3 XL - What Were You Thinking Google? - Duration: 3:03.
So here we have another look at the Pixel 3 XL in an all-white color scheme showing
that god damn ugly notch which is an excuse from manufacturers who are trying to get to
a true all-display front, but don't give a damn about the chin.
It's really embarrassing at this point.
Also, look how deep that damn thing runs!
The XDA member who posted the pictures said he thinks its about double the size of a typical
Android statusbar, which means Google is either going to post up a ridiculously-thick status
bar on the phone to match the notch width or genuinely screw up any last hope of design
cohesion with the phone by cutting the statusbar through the middle of it.
Either option is not a good one.
I hate that apple is trend setting for android devices , but I hate the android device makers
even more for picking the worst parts to copy....
Everything that has gone into the pixel phones feels like a step backwards, Hardware is literally
just copy pasting Apple at this point, whereas Nexus was unique and was solely there as a
baseline for developers, whereas pixel is this walled garden of Android for some reason.
I can appreciate what Apple does with its devices, but they're rarely a "me too" company
just for the sake of it and are generally a trendsetter and Google used to be like that
from ICS to KitKat and to a degree, lollipop, but since then, every iteration of Android
feels like an iPhone copy paste and it's just so disappointing to see.
Google used to forge their own path and lead the charge, now they just do what apple's
It's just Samsung and Apple who are choosing their own lanes right now.
When the S8 came out with its design, other android manufacturers decided to copy it's
form factor because it was the new hip and popular design.
Then Apple comes out with its own new design and the manufacturers go straight back to
mimicing that.
The other Android device makers are like a bunch of school kids mindlessly chasing the
latest popular fashion trends regardless of if they like it or not.
Anyway, The good news is that the Pixel 3 is more than likely going to look just like
a Pixel 2 XL.
So if you like(d) last year's top tier Pixel phone, you should like this one.
Not only that, but it'll be almost identical in size to last year's Pixel 2, yet with a
larger display and smaller bezels.
That could mean a 5.5-inch or so display in that same smallish body from 2017.
Plus, you'll get the upgraded 2018 specs you want, and wireless charging will be included
as well.
So yeah, that being said, let me know your thoughts in the comments down below and I'll
see you'll tomorrow...Peace out!
Arion: A smart insole that wants to make you a better runner - Techno Polish - Duration: 2:52.
In the running wearable wars, the battle for our wrists has been raging non-stop for years.
The fight for our feet, however, has been more about the odd sporadic skirmish.
We've had chips in shoes from Nike and Under Armour, startups like Sensoria have given
us smart socks but no one has yet convinced us that smart footwear can really change our
That might be about to change.
Arion running is part of a new wave of smart insoles and footpods – including brands
such as Stryd and RunVi – that pair biomechanics sensors on our feet with real-time intelligent
coaching, to help us run more efficiently, avoid injury and ultimately bag more personal
Arion describes itself as a "next-generation wearable that helps runners improve their
technique to run faster, longer and safer" and its sensor-laden smart soles track a huge
range of running dynamics – the stats that reveal how efficiently we run.
It builds up a detailed picture of your running technique and then converts that data, via
a smartphone app, into a programme of real-time coached running sessions designed to help
optimise your running performance, minimise your risk of injury and increase your overall
On an example test run we compared Arion to Lumo Run (belt worn), Stryd (foot pod) and
Garmin's Running Dynamics pod.
Arion clocked cadence much lower than all three.
Gamin had our average at 176 SPM, Lumo at 183 SPM and Stryd at 179.6 SPM.
The GPS stats all came up fairly close with Arion coming in slightly longer than the others
at 6.13 miles, Lumo 6.04 miles and Garmin 6.01 miles, Stryd at 6.02 miles.
When it comes to foot strike and balance we had some question marks over the accuracy
of Arion's readings too.
Though none of the other devices track these, the lovely animations seemed to disagree with
the other report Arion stats.
The animations appeared at least to suggest we spent more time mid-forefoot striking whereas
the metric readings said we had mainly been heel striking.
Our balance – an indication of how symmetrically you run – was 0.0% which suggest we ran
a perfectly balanced run.
Again from past tests we'd suggest this is highly unlikely.
Exede - Lost With You - Duration: 3:30.
Cause I'd rather be lost with you
Then stay right here
but if I'm never going to find my way home tonight
We're lost and we'll find our way
That we crave
These are the days
lost with you
Cause I'd rather be lost with you
Then stay right here
but if I'm never going to find my way home tonight
We're lost and we'll find our way
That we crave
These are the days
You and I are not alone
Look in your eyes says that
And watch the memories come and go
We can take it slow
so far to go we're far from home
You and I have
To the other side across the town
We took a walk down
We're lost and we'll find our way
That we crave
the days
Cause I'd rather be lost with you
Then stay right here
but if I'm never going to find my way home tonight
We're lost and we'll find our way
That we crave
These are the days
We're a long way from home
Look in your eyes says that
The places that have been and gone
We took our time to see
Alone here you're the only sound
No one around just
To the other side across the town
We took a walk down
This Will Make You TERRIFIED Of Blowing Your Nose - Duration: 3:21.
Blowing your nose is a thing we all do, when we are sick, when we're stuffy, when we're
But blowing your nose can actually create a lot of force, perhaps, too much force.
What I'm about to tell you will make you terrified of blowing you nose and you probably
won't be able to blow your nose without hesitating ever again.
Welcome back to Inform Overload where we make you terrified of doing pretty much anything.
I'm charlotte dobre.
A 36 year old woman was at work one day when she blew her nose quite forcefully.
A few minutes later, she lost vision in both her eyes.
Then 2 hours after that, her left nostril began to bleed, and her eye started swelling
She was also experiencing a piercing pain in her left eye.
Obviously, she went to the emergency room.
According to her CT scan, her left eye socket was fractured.
This woman blew her nose so hard that she ended up breaking a bone in her left eye socket.
This is known as an orbital blowout fracture, its where the thin bone that forms the bottom
part of the eye socket breaks.
Which is like…im sorry, I didn't even know you could break your eye socket but apparently
you can.
See, theres this bone in the floor of the eye socket.
Its very thin, and it can fracture quite easily, but the interesting thing about this woman's
case is that she fractured a different bone that's thicker and doesn't break as easily.
So what could have caused this?
Well, the woman was sick.
She was constantly blowing her nose for the whole week before the incident.
Another big no no, is she closed off one nostril and blew her nose, and then closed the other.
Closing off one nostril doubles the pressure in the sinuses, instead of all the air in
your lungs coming out of two nostrils, it comes out of one.
To add more fuel to the fire, the woman was a smoker, she smoked a pack a day.
Smoking affects the pressure in your sinus.
I'll also add my own personal story here, when I was sick back when I was about 14 or
15, I blew my nose so hard that I broke my ear drum.
I still cant hear properly out of this ear.
So, you can break your eye socket, and your ear drum if you blow your nose.
So what happened to the woman?
Well, she spent a night in the hospital, was prescribed some pain killers and antibiotics.
She didn't need surgery.
But every now and again, she still gets a piercing pain on the left side of her head.
Since the incident, she has quit smoking, and my guess is shes a little more cautious
about blowing her nose.
Ok guys, that's all I have for you on that, its time to respond to some comments.
Bla Bla Bla – Potato stands for please, onever, tstop,auploading, to, oyoutube.
I mean, close enough.
Batmanfanforever – charlotte has no belly button.
This proves she was born from a potato plant and is some kind of sentinent potato plant
and not human.
Either way, shes still cute and seems to be benevolent whatever she is, human or potato.
I feel like a lot of people think I don't have a belly button.
I'm getting a ton of random comments on my personal channel asking me to show my belly
You cannot show what you do not have.
Why you smiligngwhenyournext – do a situp charlotte.
I did about 50 this morning, no more please.
Thank god im an atheist – one million subscribers!
Congrats you deserve it.
Thanks very much!
We actually surpassed 1.1 million subscribers not too long ago so pat yourselves on the
back because its all thanks to you.
That's all folks, Thanks for watching.
This end screen means the video is over, don't you worry though, theres another great IO
video right over here, or how about this playlist.
Makes sure you follow me and IO on instagram, our links are posted in the description.
And obviously smash the like, subscribe and turn on those notifications, and I'll see
you in a future IO video.
General Tips For Internal Linking On Your Site - Internal Links SEO - Duration: 0:55.
Internal linking is that advanced SEO tactic that helped you improve how search engines
and your readers understand and consume your content.
There are a number of ways to implement internal links on your website, and here are three
tips to boost the benefits of internal link building today.
One, create lots of linkable, high quality content.
Internal links are needed to provide context for search engines on your audience, but you
can only build internal links if your content is valuable for your customers.
Two, don't overuse links in your content.
Using too many internal links in your content can confuse your audience, dilute your power
of each link, and devalue your content in search engine algorithms.
In general, try not to link out to more than five other pieces of content in each of your
Three, make sure that your internal links are relevant.
You should only link to content on your site with internal link when your content that
you are linking to is contextual, relevant, and valuable for your audience.
Use these tips to ensure that your site enjoys all the benefits of internal linking today.
Pyometra + Mammary Cancer vs Bone Cancer + Joint Disease (should you spay a dog?) - Duration: 5:10.
Hi its dr. Alex here and I've had a couple of comments on a few of my videos
that I wanted to talk to you about today so videos that I'm talking about are one
is how when should you spay your cat and the other one is pyometra in dogs
and you might not think that they're relate too much but someone left a
comment on the when should you spay your cat one that oh you should
definitely be after should definitely be after one-year-old because they'll get
deadly cancer the deadly cancer in in capitals I then asked what their
evidence and their reasoning behind that was and they link to a post that was
actually all about dogs and at the bottom said that cats are different to
dogs but either way that you know certainly got me thinking well it's a
thought that I've had and I mention in that in my video actually all about when
you should spay your dog but the other video comment that I got was on my
pyometra video and the risks of that and it was from a lady whose dog sounds like
and was in a terrible way I'm not sure what the outcome was but they certainly
didn't sound very well at all sounds like they've gone blind the kidneys and
the liver were failing I was in a really bad way and it really just highlights my
point that I'm making out when you should spay your dog is it really
depends on your circumstances so if you're able to monitor your dog if
you're aware of the risks of pyometra mammary cancer and you're quite happy
with those risks you know they're quite high for pyometra certainly it's a one in
four dogs by the age of ten will develop pyometra and the risk of death is
relatively low if you get onto it quickly but relatively low doesn't mean
nothing at all and pyometra is definitely a deadly disease I've seen a
dog I think was about five or six years of age coming to the clinic the owners
have been away on holiday and the person looking after the dog hadn't noticed
that it was unwell they had lost a lot of weight and unfortunately within an
hour or two hours of being admitted my colleague was working on that dog and
unfortunately it passed away it was just far too far gone now for that owner and
that dog you know the thought is that clearly the the owners would rather that
they had spayed that dog you know and it may be that it would still be alive
today though that was a number of years ago so
it's really not straightforward if you're happy with the risk of pyometra and
mammary cancer then you're happy with being able to pay the cost of those
surgeries then you know that's absolutely fine we can either spay our
Spay our dogs much later or even not spay them at all
but I think these black and white arguments these bold statements that
people make maybe isn't getting to the nuance of this subject so the risks of
spaying certainly spaying early is you know there are a few one is bone cancer
so in Rottweilers they're kind of one in four if they're spayed before twelve
months or and six months will develop a malignant bone cancer which is a
terrible disease is horrible and then cruciate ligament disease is the other
one so bigger dogs are Labradors and retrievers there's the potential that
spaying before twelve months will again cause them to have cruciate ligament
disease the argument for cruciate ligament disease is that that is a
treatable condition although there will be potentially an element of arthritis
later on and it's not a surgery that's cheap but my point really is that when
you see bold statements of fact really we need to question question them and we
need to think what is right for you so like I say you might say well actually
if my dog develops pyometra that's an emergency surgery that cost is going to
be significant and I'm not going to be able to afford that in which case
spaying your dog is probably going to be the best thing that you can do because
pyometra is really common if money's not a problem if your dogs insured which is
something the pyometra and and cruciate ligament and mammary cancer removal
would cover then you know that cost mine may not come into it but either way my
point is that what's right for you is not necessarily right for someone else
so you know just be a little bit careful with what you read and with what you
take as fact because some people can be very certain of their self like I say
the comment was your cat needs to be spayed after a year because they will
get deadly cancer while in fact they were they were quoting from a video that
was all about dogs and they mentioned nothing about the
nuances of that discussion so yeah anyway I'm on my lunch break it's a
lovely sunny day here as you can see but I just wanted to record this little
video with my thoughts I hope you find it useful if you've got any questions
about this or anything else then obviously just get in touch hit that
subscribe down below so you don't miss out on more videos like this also not
sure if you're where I've got a free arthritis mini course so if you've got a
dog or cat with arthritis or if they're just in pain for another reason then
I'll put the link down below and that's completely free if you sign up for that
then I walk you through how you can keep your pet as comfortable as possible but
until next time i'm dr. alex from our pets health because they're family
For Busy Lifestyles - Duration: 0:31.
I'm a mom of two, running this crazy business.
Tires are not my specialty, so when I'm
shopping for tires, SimpleTire allows me
to find the perfect tire for my car.
All you have to do is go on the website,
type in what your car is, the model,
the year, and it pulls up all the different tires
that will suit your car.
Choose which one you want, and you can
have it sent to your home, or you can have it
sent to the person who's actually gonna be
putting the tires on, and that's not me.
Ethan Johnson - Too Much Time 🌊 [Lyrics] 🎤 - Duration: 2:58.
Comment '❤️' if you love Ethan Johnson 💕
Anna Worden: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 4:18.
Anna Worden: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
An Iowa teenager has ended up in the ICU after attempting the Kiki challenge, a popular dance trend that has gone viral.
The Kiki challenge has inspired thousands of teenagers across the world to perform a choreographed dance to Drake's "In My Feelings.
" The dance requires that people exit a moving vehicle and hop back inside after performing the routine.
Here's what you need to know about Anna Worden.
She Was Airifted to Iowa City Hospital.
Anna explains that after getting out of the car, she tripped and "fell and hit my head." She was unconscious and rushed to a hospital.
She was subsequently airlifted to Iowa City.
Mike Worden, Anna's father, tells Fox 6 Now, "I had five minutes to give her a kiss and not know what was going to happen.
I will always remember that," said Mike Worden.
She Has to Re-Learn How to Walk.
According to Fox 6 Now, Anna suffered a skull fracture, and has blood clots in her ear and bleeding on her brain.
She tells the outlet, "When we got here and I finally gained consciousness in the ICU, that's when it hit me — like 'wow, I'm actually in the University of Iowa hospitals because I tried to do some little challenge everyone's doing now, and I'm the one that got majorly hurt.
She Has Been Dancing Since She Was 3.
Anna, who graduated from Pleasant Valley this year, has been dancing since she was just 3.
Now, she says she's learned a lesson about partaking in popular trends and fads.
"Be more careful about the challenges and fads that are going around.
It may seem fun, and it may seem easy, but at the same too, they could be so dangerous.".
Another Man Was Hit by a Car During the 'in My Feelings' Challenge.
22-year-old Jaylen Norwood was attempting the "In My Feelings" challenge when he was hit by a car.
Norwood was attempting to jump onto the hood of the vehicle, according to WGHP.
According to Fox 6 Now, the National Transportation Safety Board issued a statement in response to the challenge.
She Hoped to Be Released from Hospital July 30, 2018.
The hope was for Anna to be released from the hospital on Monday, July 30.
It's unknown at this time if she was successful in leaving the hospital.
Once home, according to Fox 4 KC, she will be "doing outpatient physical therapy closer to home.
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