The Idea Of Designing The Most Beautiful Tiny House On The Planet You'll Love [Part 1]
For more infomation >> The Idea Of Designing The Most Beautiful Tiny House On The Planet You'll Love [Part 1] - Duration: 2:06.
A Guide To Look Confident - Duration: 3:37.
A Guide To Look Confident
Life becomes a lot harder when you fail to feel confident as a person that would have
to be a part of an active community or an organization.
You might feel awkward during a presentation and might even fail to face a new job interview successfully.
Self-confidence is critical for career success as it can help you to develop or to study skill.
People with high self-confidence are known to have achieved a higher social status in life.
However, if you are not confident enough, there are plenty of things you can do to literally
fake it until you make it.
So without any delay lets vide in our list.
Number one.
Make eye contact.
When you speak to a person, It is very important to look at them in the eyes.
It gives a positive impression that person to respect you.
This will make you feel confident to receive some respect back for your good behavior.
Number two.
Practice a few power posses.
Become the superman or Wonderwoman yourself.
Take a moment to feel like your favorite hero.
Because according to research, power poses change your brain's perception of yourself
by tricking your mind to feel more confident than you are.
Number three.
Make sure to use your hands.
Hand gestures when speaking will always emphasize your words.
However, It is important to keep your hands together when you are listening to someone
else to avoid fidgeting.
Listeners perceive speakers that use hand gestures as being more competent.
Number four.
Use supportive self-talk.
Tell yourself that "I am confident and at ease" many times a day or positive motivational
quotes you find.
Self-acceptance can be achieved by practicing Loving-kindness meditation mantras.
Self-talk affects performance by creating self-fulfilling prophecies.
Number five.
Speak Clearly and slowly.
It is essential to express your ideas and engage in a conversation in a clear manner.
Take your time with each sentence to ensure you enunciate your words clearly to be more presentable.
Talking slowly gives you a chance to choose your words carefully.
According to research studies, people that are experts in their particular field tends
to speak slowly so that all of his employees would be encouraged to hang on to every single word.
Number six.
Dress for success.
Looking confident includes dressing well.
When you look good, you naturally start to feel good, and everyone will take you seriously.
Research studies show that the symbolic meaning that the clothes can have a direct effect
on how powerful and secure you can feel in public.
Number seven.
Channel memories of confidence.
Take your mind back in time to those days when you were confident to act so efficiently
and relive those moments to gain that familiar feeling and confidence.
This way, all the previous struggles can be ignored from the mind.
This short list concludes our list of a straightforward guide you can follow and keep in mind to work
towards looking confident.
Thank you for watching and see you with another video soon, Take care.
5 Habits to Embrace the Joy of Missing Out - Duration: 9:54.
Hello, hello, I'm Tonya Dalton owner of inkWELL Press and host of Productivity Paradox
We've all heard a FOMO the fear of missing out
but I want to do today is I want to turn that idea on its head and I want to talk about the joy of
missing out
purposely creating opportunities and experiences
So we feel that joy of missing out that we really can't experience life and experience a little bit more happiness
I want to talk to you about five habits to embrace the joy of missing out
And be sure to tune in all the way to the end because number five is the easiest one to do
But the hardest implement but it's definitely my favorite and don't forget to subscribe before we get started because I have new videos every Tuesday
The joy of missing out at its heart is really about connections
It's about creating experiences and events in our day
And in our lives that really helped us feel
Joy, and feel happiness instead of looking outside of ourselves and looking for ways that we are missing out
Let's focus on what we really want to do and spend our time doing what really matters most
I want you to experience that joy of missing out
The first thing we can do is create a list of activities that you love
I think this is really important because
When we have unstructured time when we have a few minutes to kill or an hour to kill or even a full afternoon
We don't know what to do with ourselves
It's that idea when somebody asks you to what restaurant you want to go to and you can't think of a single thing
We've all experienced that right
Well, what we do is when we have this unstructured time
We can't think of what we really want to do. So we go for the easy out
We turn on the TV we scroll through Netflix for a new show to binge or we pick up our phone
what I want you to do is
Curate a list of activities that you really do enjoy doing so when you do find yourself
With 15 minutes or 30 minutes or maybe even a full afternoon
you can look at that list and think oh, I really do enjoy going hiking or I
Love spending time at the park
Remind yourself of the things that you really love and curate a list that feels meaningful to you post it in a place
Where you could easily access it?
So at a moment's notice, you can take a quick look and know exactly what it is you want to do
Find a way to experience your day in new and exciting ways
The second thing you can do is make plans for your time
We want to own our day not the other way around and as I mentioned with that first one
When we have downtime, we sometimes don't know what to do. So take that list
You've already created and make plans to actually do them too often
We allow our lives just to go wherever the day leads us and then we think to ourselves. What did I do today?
Instead make the time meaningful make it real the intentional when we do that
Not only does it make it more memorable, but it makes it more enjoyable
Take 15 minutes on Thursday to plan out what you want to do for your weekends
Figure out what are the big activities you want to do plug them into your weekend
Let the rest of the weekend follow her at may if you want but plugging in some really important things for your weekend
Makes it so that that weekend becomes enjoyable
It's something not only are you going to enjoy in the minute?
But you'll also enjoy leading up to it the anticipation of it and you'll enjoy it the week after the memory of it as well
We need to make sure that while we're not over structuring ourselves. We are making plants that we're doing the things that we love
Activity number three is to unplug with purpose. I love what Anne Lamott says about this
She says almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes
Including yourself. I think that's so true
it's too easy for us to scroll through social media to pick up the phone and just start doing whatever playing a game or or
scrolling through Instagram
It becomes our go-to and instead
We really need to find other ways to
Enjoy our time because a lot of us find that when we get off of the phone or watching something on TV
We're not really that satisfied and we want to find some satisfaction in our days
84% of cell phone users say they couldn't go a single day without it and on average most of us
Check our cell phones every six-and-a-half minutes. That's a lot of checking
That's a lot of time when you add it up throughout your day
and you could be spending on something that's more meaningful to you and
Here's the hard truth a lot of that fear of missing out comes from technology
It comes from scrolling through our social media feeds and feeling like everybody else is living this amazing exciting life
And we're just living in everyday boring life
So let's really make an effort to unplug and find something meaningful during that time
Now there are lots of ways you could do this. You could do a technology free Tuesday
You could do social media free Saturday or you could spend a whole weekend where you do a little bit of it technology cleanse
It's really up to you
Let's spend time creating
instead of consuming
We consume a lot of media the world could use a lot more creating don't you think?
So here's my question for you
I'd love for you to answer below and tell me what's an activity you can do
Instead of picking up your phone when you have two minutes to spare instead of picking up your phone and taking a look
What could you do instead with that time?
I'll go ahead and share my answer
What I do when I'm tempted to pick up my phone and even if I find myself with my phone already raised ready to check
Instead I text someone who I haven't spoken to in a while just to connect just a quick. Hello
Letting them know I'm thinking about them and I have found that really helps me stay connected with people
I don't see on a regular basis
So I challenge you to share with me
what is one thing you could do instead of scrolling social media when you have two minutes to spare and
Along those same lines is number four
Building our connection with others build your connections
Find ways for you to connect with people that you love or even people that you don't love yet because you don't know them
The best way to really foster these connections is meeting face-to-face
So create activities and excuses to get together instead of being filtered through a screen find ways for you to meet
One idea is having dinner with your family spend time cooking the meal together and spending a little time together now
I know that's not easy to do on a regular everyday basis, but it really can make a difference if you have children
Kids who regularly have meals with their family are less likely to get in trouble with school
They eat healthier and they live a little bit happier lives. We don't have to do it every day of the week
Maybe you just focus on one day a week
Try to create opportunities to enjoy a meal together and if dinners on an option, and it's not for a lot of people
What are some other ways that you can connect with your family or with your friends?
Maybe it is an outing at the park
Or maybe it's just carving out time for you to go do something together for five minutes
It doesn't take long to build these connections with other people
What it takes is focus. It means putting away our phones. It means not being distracted by work
It means giving the people that we love and the people that we really care about our full focused attention. It's all about the quality
Not about the quantity
so I want to encourage you to find a way that you can spend a little bit of time with those that you love and
The fifth thing you can do is get comfortable with you
now I mentioned at the beginning of this video that this is the easiest thing to do and yet the hardest to implement and I
Get it because we feel guilty. We feel like we're not supposed to take time for ourselves
But self-care isn't selfish we have to take care of ourselves if we want to help others
We've all heard about how the airline's ask you to put your oxygen mask on first. They do that for a reason
You have to take care of you so you can help others
So I want to encourage you to find ways to take care of yourself to really find ways to enjoy the time you spend
with you and that might mean carving out some time for a bath alone or
You know getting in your car and driving by yourself or simply enjoying a cup of tea on your front porch all by yourself
Enjoying your thoughts and your feelings and your emotions. I think that's something that can feel a little bit uncomfortable at times
But it's so important that we like ourselves
There's a lot of happiness that lies in that feeling of contentment and satisfaction with ourselves
I go much more in depth with spending time alone on my podcast this week
So I would encourage you if that's something you struggle with to give that a listen that's podcast number 81
Called the joy of missing out
I also have a couple of blog posts that you might find helpful in learning more about that joy of missing out
So the link to those will be below if you enjoyed this video be sure to hit the like button
don't forget to comment and share means something you can do when you have two minutes instead of scrolling on your phone and
Be sure to subscribe because every week we're going to be talking a little bit more about productivity and how it ties in with happiness
Normally I sign off by saying have a beautiful and productive week. But this week I'm going to say have a happy and productive least
The Idea Of Designing The Most Beautiful Tiny House On The Planet You'll Love [Part 3] - Duration: 2:06.
The Idea Of Designing The Most Beautiful Tiny House On The Planet You'll Love [Part 3]
Gazzo - How You Like Me (feat. BEGINNERS) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:41.
📝 Gazzo - How You Like Me (feat. BEGINNERS) Lyrics
How do we get here, in your arms?
I feel so alone
It was just last year, remember you told me You'd never let go
I bet you couldn't fight it
Didn't mean to lose control and you didn't even had it
Like you wanted me to know
Makes me feel like crying all the time you stole
Didn't think that I would try it, what did you know?
What did you know?
You always wanted to change me
Baby, how you like me now?
Baby, how you like me?
You said you've been missing me lately
Baby, how you like me now?
Baby, how you like me now?
You probably wasted, go crazy Searching through old conversations
Old conversations
You really had me, you said thing Isn't this what you wanted all along?
All along.
I bet you couldn't fight it
Didn't mean to lose control and you didn't even had it
Like you wanted me to know
Makes me feel like crying all the time you stole
Didn't think that I would try it, what did you know?
What did you know?
You always wanted to change me
Baby, how you like me now?
Baby, how you like me?
You said you've been missing me lately
Baby, how you like me now?
Baby, how you like me now?
Isn't this what you wanted all along?
Isn't this what you wanted all along?
You always wanted to change me
Baby, how you like me now?
Baby, how you like me?
You said you've been missing me lately
Baby, how you like me now?
Baby, how you like me now?
My Friends Tigger And Pooh Tigger s Day at the You-See-Um Part 7 - Bailey Ford - Duration: 3:01.
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
anchovy cheese balls
Yeah, let's see. We have me we're scum stir. We'll be back before you can say snow you later
Y'all want one of my anchovy cheese balls, huh? Nobody liked them except me
There really is something in fact
Could you add some extra anchovy paste?
Be my pleasure
Being turtle
And joy
No, that smells terrible it's perfect. Let me go give it the PU test
Something doesn't smell so good
That's me the smelliest skunk in the wood hello. Goodbye
Dokie boy running off faster
Doki running fast
That's what you call a metaphor
Whatever, it's called it worked. I've finally got a smelly stench of my own
Thank you, super sluice and another mystery
No, what do we do Oh find something else is really smelly. Yeah such as what per say
We were wondering
Darby rotten eggs
Huh? Mm-hmm
Can you throw em out?
Yeah, what?
Be my guest
Anytime you want to make a spin CH to squeeze this pin it'll spray rotten egg smell great
Okay, let's testify it. No, dude
Is a loser
So what would you do if he said in jumped out at you?
Okay, go right up to me and say third
Woozle and if he doesn't back off, I just let him have a big spray
less whites in nursing [more blacks] - Duration: 21:21.
- no there is less whites in nursing and more black stay tuned
nursin I diversity amongst RN and I did some research I was talking to what
started this was a friend of mine saw my video of what happened to me the
incident dealing with someone who had called me ignorant I'm not going to
elaborate on it if you want to check out the video anyway so we were talking
about that there is less whites or Caucasian women in nursing there are we
have male nurse but for this video when you think of nursing be honest what do
you think of Caucasian older if they're young blonde blue eyes
that's nurse unfortunately that's what the majority think when they think of
who's in nursing so I was talking to my friend like I said the other day and
we're just talking about Nursing in general because she is a nurse and we
went to Minnesota together we went to several tribal assignment together and
this one particular assignment we went the majority and nurse the travel nurse
were african-american blacks if you want to call it where whatever name you're
comfortable wit and forgive me if I switch in between african-american and
black the majority of us were there but the nurses in the hospital the majority
were Caucasian and so when I was talking to her the other day and she was saying
there's more black nurses than white nurse and I wanted to know
you know why is that because the mentality when we hear about nursing
everyone they always thinks is the white nurse when I come to the room to give to
introduce myself to the patient she thinks I'm there for something different
and I just it baffled me for years let's let realize that how can I change
that image that when people think of Nursing they only see a one color the
color of my shoes which is white the color of my uniform white and even if I
have a big sign and I talk about this a lot even if I have a big sign say RN or
it may say LPN there's no way they're gonna think that right but they don't
see the sign for some reason I don't understand why well anyway so I did a
little research and we were talking back afford and there's less white in nursing
there's more black and I'll tell you the reason why yes ninety percent of nursing
nurses are white there may be 20 percent blacks african-american and I'm not
talking about Hispanic cuz I don't think they want to be in our in our rating or
statistic I'm not talking about Indian because I don't know if they want to be
part of us and I'm not talking about Asian I'm going to be focusing this
video on african-american and Caucasian
diversity amongst RN more blacks in nursing than white I know what you're
thinking I know you saying that's impossible that there's less white in
nursing than blacks and I tell you a little story it's not
really a story but back in the days I guess back in the war days I looked this
up or back in the days all the white nurses who were in the field in the
nursing field working and then the husband got these big job executive or
you know high-paying ranking job that they could stay home and watch the kids
and most if 99% of Caucasian will rather stay home be a stay home mom and watch
the kids and they the ones that are home some of them are very intelligent their
career oriented and they have education but they just can afford to stay home
and watch the kid while their husband go travel out of state and do his job his
and maybe they have business
unfortunately it's not the choice for African American we don't have that
choice in fact we don't even have the husband we're mostly struggling single
mom nurses is a choice to provide for our family so while these Caucasian or
whites decided that they want to be home with the kids to raise the kids to
home-school the kids give them better opportunity in life while their husband
go out and the husband agree yeah it's okay for you to stay home you can always
go back if you want so when they came out of nursing that's when the
opportunity arose for most African American decided they want to go back to
school the doors open up a little bit just a little bit for the African
American and they decided to become nurses fast
become an LPN one year you can become an RN back in the
diploma program I'm talking about the eighties the seventies and they became
nurses so it's an influx of african-american West Indians people
from different Island that are considered black once you get here in
America you are black no matter how you may think different and so they decided
that's the profession to provide for their children to provide for the family
and he became nurses why am i touching on this topics like I said a friend of
mine we were talking about that but what happened influx of African Americans
decide to go back to school to become a nurse
now the husband of the whites I think I'm trying to say it's the 911 error
because ever since the attack on World Trade Center September 911 it seemed
like the world change it just affect everybody what it is but I felt like
there was a drastic change people start losing their job and the incident about
the home owners with the inflated rate of inflation and and home mortgage and
so these executive had stay-at-home wives they lost their job and then the
whites decide i'ma come back I have a degree I can go back to nursing
part-time or whatever and so they all come back into nursing they're coming
back basically by the tons now I want to take you back a little I did a research
like I said according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 82% of our
is white and only 10% is black Hispanic although I said I wasn't going to talk
about those it's only 4% and Asian is 7% the largest number of blacks or
african-american is located in the south east south central area which is
Louisiana Texas Alabama Mississippi Tennessee Georgia and Florida basically
they all in the south the blacks yes I would say you heard and I'm sure you
hear of it there is a shortage there's a shortage of Nursing of nurses well let
me tell you more about that I'm not trying to discourage anyone but here's
the fact there is a shortage of African American getting in the nursing program
you heard it from me when I went to Bucks County College and I look at that
wall they got a wall when you go up to the nursing department and I look at all
the students that graduate and I see like maybe one and that was in the
current year of 90 they starts wine or - I see sprinkle in so that tells me that
nursing school is not diverse they're not diverse and I've never had a class
that talked about cultural diversity so trying to get into the nursing program
and I said like I said I'm not here to discourage you but you will be the first
to be turned away and I tell you why
when they are doing their they're looking for prospects see you're up
against first of all most african-american schools don't kind of
they don't what I want to say they don't give us the tool that we need to succeed
basically in other words in a majority of the white school those students are
prepared a chemistry they know about biology they start young and they just
be writing good paragraph and they speak good in English and Dada Dada so when
they sit there for the test and it's basically a general test they're gonna
ace it we're so if you up against students like
those and I don't think that okay I'm trying to say I don't think that the
school is looking at the color of our skin when they determine who gets in the
program I'm trying to say that what they're doing is this one is did um she
had activity in school she was a cheerleader all A's um she's good her
paragraph is 100% and grades and stuff things that little minor detail that
would hinder an african-american child to get in the program and zoom in the
whites so I feel like the nursing school is not diverse enough this only saw an
amount of black will get in and majority if you go into a program and see a lot
of african-american and you see like maybe 30 african-american students and
sixty you're going to be weed out and before the program is ended towards
the end you might see two or three that really make the program and it got to be
you got to be determined that have the mentality like me I don't care what
happened I am going to be a nurse I am going to be an RN you got to have that
focus whatever goes on at home you got to be oblivious and just continue to
study because it's going to be a rocky road for you and I'm not singling out
it's because there's racism or anything is just that's how it is the mentality
is a nurse is considered white when I was gonna be a RN it was okay when I was
the LPN but when I became when I wanted to become an RN in a couple of
Caucasians supervisor they were starting to discourage me but little did they
know don't ever discourage Patrice because
once you tell me I can't and I'm going back in question why can't I so it's
like a challenge for me to keep going and I did and I continued and I became
an RN so I'm not here to discourage I just wanted to see I starts talk about
this very clearly what I was gonna say it's just see mind-boggling how's
society how they still think but then again that's the reasons for why you've
seen an influx of african-americans coming into the field and the reason why
you are not seeing enough whites but now they're back they're back they're coming
back they need to feed their family the husband lost the job we need to do
something so now pulling out that degree taking a refresher course and coming
back and there will better they'll probably quicker to get the job and
that's why yours on the sidelines waiting for a job PR in
because they gonna want day shifts because they want to be home with the
kids you're gonna be off for night shift I said it and I'm not taking it back I
don't want to end this video without letting you know why is diversity is
very important in nursing we need to have a diverse set of nurses from all
culture because when you're dealing with patients you're not only dealing with
Caucasian patient you're dealing with african-american yudina
dealing with patient from spanish-speaking patient you're dealing
with all sorts of patient all over culturally diverse you need to be able
to communicate with them and when I say communicate with them not the language
wise you may not be able to speak Spanish although some Hospital depends
on the area would like for you to have a Spanish background I took Spanish but
I've never you know utilized it that much so I need to brush up on that but
anyway you need to know that how to take care your Indian patient how to take
care your Asian patient some Asian patient they won't tell you when they're
in pain and Mexican or Spanish speaking patient the family is very much involved
that means you might go into the patient room and it's hard for you to get to
your patient because it's like 20 or 30 people there to support them so you need
to know the cultural diversity how to you know who's the patriarch and the
matriarch and the family just know things that cultural the tips that will
you know part of surviving in nursing but that's
the deal with that's the deal with being diverse anyway a lot of nursing school
now are trying to get on the bandwagon and be more diverse so I'm getting
involved involving enrolling nurses from all over and they're doing like maybe
they have scholarship you heard of you take advantage of that so I don't want
to leave you thinking that oh you're never gonna get into nursing school
because you're black or because you're for different race and it's only closed
off and it's only for whites no you will get in it may take some time you know
what don't always look at I'm not there I'm not getting there because it's the
color of my skin sometimes it's not that look at for me personally I had to
because of my background I didn't have the proper school in order the schooling
was there but I would did not take advantage of it I was hanging out in the
street but I did finish high school and so I was limited I had to take remedial
class to get up to the level of college first of all get up to the level of high
school learning to write correct English I'm still a little on the backwards side
speaking it but I had to learn how to write how to pass these chemistry and
medical terminology and be up to the level of college before I got in the
program so I had to take a lot of remedial English a lot of remedial math
a lot of remedial social study everything really it's like starting
over in high school at an older age and once I did and they felt like the school
felt that I capable I was able to transfer into
nursing and that's when I had I was going to be an RN at that time but with
a baby in the stomach I decided I'm gonna be an LPN so I could work so don't
be discouraged the road may seem rocky I want you to know that it's going to be
tough it's never easy nothing is nothing is going to be handed to you in nursing
and if you get an opportunity where the doors came open and you got in you make
it worth your while you keep and stay in and don't let
anyone take that opportunity from you if you like this video please give me a
thumbs up like this video share it and have a wonderful day night in your
country or your state goodbye
The Idea Of Designing The Most Beautiful Tiny House On The Planet You'll Love [Part 2] - Duration: 2:06.
The Idea Of Designing The Most Beautiful Tiny House On The Planet You'll Love Part 2
11 Foods You Should Never Refrigerate - Duration: 7:00.
11 Foods You Should Never Refrigerate
Despite what many people think, if you store bread in the fridge, all you're doing is accelerating decomposition and promoting the growth of mold.
It's true that the refrigerator is the best place to store many of the foods we buy at stores and markets, especially for foods that we know we won't consume immediately.
But there are certain foods that we should never refrigerate, because when chilled, they can lose some of their properties like texture and may even spoil faster.You might be storing as much food as possible in the fridge without realizing that it could change their taste and texture.
If you're still not sure which foods should or shouldn't be refrigerated, in this article we'll mention some of them for you to keep in mind.
The best way to preserve onions is to store them in a cool, dry place at room temperature.
Onions can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria if not stored properly, and in the fridge those bacteria can proliferate more easily.
According to the National Onion Association (NOA) in the United States, onions should be kept in their peels and they require exposure to air in order to breathe.
The only time they should ever be stored in the fridge is when they are already peeled and sliced, in which case they should be kept in an airtight container.
If we store tomatoes in the fridge, they gradually lose their texture and eventually we'll notice that they have less flavor than when they were freshly bought.
According to the National Institute of Agricultural Research, when tomatoes are exposed to colder temperatures like those in the refrigerator, they have reduced levels of sugars, acids, and other beneficial compounds.
It's best to store them in a dry place at room temperature.
When you store potatoes in the fridge, they lose their original flavor and become soft.
Potatoes should be stored unwashed in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, because exposure to moisture can cause fungus to grow.
As with so many other foods, coffee should be stored in a cool, dry place.
If you keep it in your refrigerator it loses both its taste and smell.
In addition, coffee easily absorbs odors from other food items.
It's recommended to store coffee in an airtight container, and in a dark place if possible.
Garlic heads and cloves are best kept at room temperature, and in a cool, dry place.
When stored in the refrigerator, garlic loses its beneficial properties and spoils more quickly, while out of the fridge it can last for months.
The Beekeepers Association of Ontario (Canada) states that honey should be stored at room temperature in a tightly covered container.
When it's kept in the fridge, honey thickens and crystallizes more quickly.
Storing avocados in the fridge only delays the fruit from ripening.
Most of us prefer eating ripe avocados, so be sure to keep them at room temperature.
One of the most common mistakes consumers make in an effort to preserve their foods is storing bread in the refrigerator.
In fact, keeping bread in the fridge can actually accelerate spoilage, it ages bread more quickly, and can even cause the development of mold.
To make your bread last longer, store it at room temperature and in a cool, dry place.
You should never refrigerate chocolate either.
This is only needed if it's very hot – the best way to help your chocolate maintain its aroma and taste is to keep it in an environment that's free of moisture and extreme heat.
Refrigerating a pineapple only prevents it from ripening and causes it to lose its flavor.
When this fruit is exposed to low temperatures, the enzymes that allow it to ripen are destroyed and the sweet taste is lost.
Cereal and pasta.
Cereals and pasta are best stored in a cool, dry place at room temperature.
Low temperatures, like those in the fridge, can cause them to lose flavor and end up with an unpleasant taste or texture.
DEAR MAN DBT Skill – The Most Effective Way to Make a Request - Duration: 3:05.
DEAR MAN is an acronym in the Interpersonal Effectiveness DBT skills.
Dear man skills teach you how to ask for something from someone while still maintaining a good
relationship with that person.
It's also a skill that can help you resolve conflicts and effectively say no when you
need to.
Each letter is a reminder of how to implement this skill in a conversation.
The D in DEAR MAN reminds you to Describe.
First, let's set up the conversation by only stating the facts about it.
You're not going to ask for, reject, or give an opinion at this point.
You're just going to set up the facts about the situation so you and the other person
are both on the same page.
The E stands for Express.
After setting up the conversation you want to express your feelings and understanding
of it.
This is best done using I statements to take accountability for yourself and your emotions,
and to keep the other person from becoming defensive in the conversation.
A stands for Assert.
You've set up the facts and expressed your feelings and understanding of the situation.
Now it's time to be clear and assert, or ask, for what you do or don't want.
Be direct, don't beat around the bush or assume the other person knows what you're
talking about.
They can't read you're mind.
You need to clearly state exactly what you want so there is no misunderstanding.
The R stands for Reinforce.
Whether you're making a request or turning one down, be sure to reinforce the relationship
between you and the other person.
Acknowledge that the relationship is important to you and express how you'll feel about them
regardless of the outcome.
The M in Man stands for Mindful.
Try to be fully present and focused on the current issue you're resolving.
Don't fall into the trap of bringing up past events, or over promising on the future.
Use mindfulness to stay on topic and avoid going off on a rant.
And of course, ignore distractions of your phone or your environment.
A in Man stands for Appear Confident.
Look the part.
Sit up or stand up straight and make eye contact with the person you're speaking to.
This lets the other person know that you're taking this conversation seriously and that
you're confident you should get what you're asking for.
And finally, N stands for Negotiate.
During this conversation, remember that your trying to make the situation a win-win for
yourself and the other person.
Make your offer more appealing if the other person is not on board with the outcome.
Using the DEAR MAN DBT skill can feel a bit awkward at first, but keep practicing.
It will be worth the effort to learn how to resolve conflicts and ask for things in a
way that keeps a good relationship between you and those you love.
Colored pencil black paper - Duration: 3:53.
Welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday.
Here's your weekly dose of inspiration to build a creative habit one drawing at a time brought to you
by Sketchbook Skool.
Hey, what's up?
Welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday.
Today, we're gonna play with our colored pencils and not just on a regular white sheet of paper.
No, we're using black paper as a background.
Because that way you need to really think about the colors that you use.
It is a little bit of a challenge because black doesn't take all colors.
And so you need to think about why it's and bright colors and it'll be fun.
And I am kind of a foodie obsessed artist.
So I will do a few drawings of foodie-related art.
The best way to find out how to use your art materials is just to play and to try it.
So let me just draw something that's very recognizable which is watermelon.
And already I can see that this needs a little bit of a line.
So I will add a white line to define the shape of the watermelon.
And the pink and the green combination will do the rest.
I love coffee.
So I need to draw a coffee cup.
Of course.
I'll use my white for the outline that works pretty well and I will draw kind of a messy latta art.
Doesn't really work out the way I wanted to but it's fine.
It's brownish and it's white.
It kind of looks like coffee now.
I think I need to spice up that cup.
I could do a pattern.
I'll just do stripes in a nice blue.
I love the shape of a sandwich.
So that's just why I'm drawing it with a bite out of it.
And you know what?
Let's make it a peanut butter jelly sandwich.
How about an ice cream?
It's fairly simple to draw and very colorful
Another recognizable shape and also color is avocado.
So I'll draw that.
Hm, it kind of looks like a pear but I don't care, it's fine.
I'll just add greens.
And yeah to me that looks like an avocado.
Or half of it.
Oh and what about yellow and white for an
course, we need something to drink glass of water maybe or no let's draw milk because the white works
so well on black.
And then now I just want to top it all off with a big juicy burger.
How about that?
Add some Tomatoes, some lettuce, and I'm really just making this up as I go and I hope you will do so,
I hope this inspires you to fill a page with some foodie art or maybe something completely different.
You could think of a collection you can draw.
So get out that black paper and your colorful colored pencils and go and have some fun.
And if you want more fun; more techniques, more skills, more community, more anything really that is
creative related head on over to Sketchbook Skool.
You can sign up for a free class if you want to and I hope to see you in class.
And also I'll see you next week.
Show Me - Duration: 0:31.
This is a proclamation from Mizzou.
We've got something to say.
Show me the world
through someone else's eyes.
Show me what happens when chemists
tackle cancer.
Show me every side.
Show me my career
while I'm still taking classes.
Show me how to go fast.
No, really fast.
Show me the truth.
Show me how to thrive.
Show me
Show me
Show me
what you've got.
ASR Monthly Summary - July 2018 - Duration: 1:36.
Well, hello everybody. Here we are at the end of July and we're headed into August,
one of our busiest months of the year. And what I would like to just introduce to you is
something that many of us have been working on over the past few months, which is what we are
going to be calling the Vision Organizer. And what we've done is looked at what we are going
to head towards as 10-year targets, and then in 5 years where we want to be, and look
at 1-year goals. So what I want each employee to do, then, is to have something that we call
"rocks" to help contribute to our 10-year target so everybody knows where we are headed,
and what role they play in that. I'm going to be talking about that more in an in-service
coming soon, but in the meantime, the three main categories that we are going
to be looking at are: Achieving student success targets.
The second area is improving employee experience within ASR.
And the third area is really enhancing our system and processes.
So that's the three areas where we will have our 10-year targets,
then 5-year goals, and our 1-year goals. And then you will have goals
as well to attach to those. So more coming soon. Thank you.
911 Help Now Emergency Communicator Pendant Bundle - Duration: 10:59.
Roguelikes & the benefits of permanently dying - Duration: 7:47.
A long time ago I decided to boot up Skyrim and do something different
max difficulty, no saving, no loading
let's see how far I can get on one life.
It wasn't very far.
Avoiding the horrible dangers of the wild
such as quietly grazing deer and cute furry foxes
I made it to Whiterun
turned right at the river
and got jumped by two thugs.
Under fear of death I found myself fighting more tactfully
it added a little spice to Skyrim's bland combat.
But it was a losing battle, so I tried to run but couldn't escape.
This was it, the end of my pathetic life just a few minutes after it begun.
Except …
As the current carried me to safety I thought about how it was an epic moment
like that of a movie
one I'd never had in game before except in forced, scripted sequences.
Regular save, die, and load games communicate exactly when they want you to run
and every other time you'll fight to the death.
It's black & white, run or fight.
Permadeath games ...
iron man games
even games like Rimworld
and whatever Prey Mooncrash is
introduce a grey area
where the game doesn't tell you when to run, but instead asks you a question.
Should you run?
Two security drones I can deal with
but if in the chaos of the fight I touch the sand
the excitingly overpowered Moonshark will burrow up from the ground
and I'm screwed.
Do I fight, or should I run?
From games, questions are so much better than commands
because questions beg the player to come up with their own answer
and to express themselves.
And this question - should you run
can only exist when the player has something to lose.
In regular gaming, the player has no reason to flee.
You'll take on tough fights because they have rewards but no consequences.
If it goes badly you'll reload or go back to a checkpoint
making it so the fight never happened.
You'll now either grind out a victory
making a once thrilling encounter boring through repetition
or avoid the encounter
bookmarking it for later when you're stronger.
But starting an exciting battle and then erasing it from the current timeline
is disappointing and anticlimactic.
With permadeath on, the player has to deal with consequences
which leads to great emergent stories and possible reversals of fortune.
In Caves of Qud
my arrow flew towards a hostile Snapjaw
but missed it and hit the peaceful giant beetle beside it.
It turned its giant mandibles on me
so I activated "sprint" and legged it to the stairs.
Safe in a hallway a whole floor up, I began to heal
but the thing jumped me around the corner like the bloody terminator.
With a dangerous wall vine behind me and the mandibled monstrosity before me
I activated "phase" to slide through a wall and escape back down the stairs
But after a while it popped up again like a bloody horror movie.
With it covering the stairs, I had nowhere to run
but into the unexplored and dangerous darkness.
But my "beguile" power came off cooldown
if it works it makes enemies into friends
Cool, my very own terminator.
We became best buds for life
... which admittedly wasn't very long for either of us.
But if Qud had just let me rewrite history and undo that errant bow shot
I'd've had a much more boring adventure.
I'd also have not much use for a cool power like phase.
Necessity is the mother of player's inventions.
Almost any solution can be made to work given infinite attempts at it.
But with the threat of permadeath every encounter has you stopping and thinking
ULTRAVIOLENT4: "Oh, that's a fire crab."
"Uh, I don't think we can fight a fire crab."
You run simulations in your head, predict what enemies will do …
"Can fire crabs open doors?
I wanna say no."
"How do you open a door with a claw?"
There's lots of things you can try
but experimentation is dangerous when so many things can get you killed.
Instead you have to carefully plan out the situation *before* attempting any solutions.
"So my plan here is …"
"... we bring him out here into this room."
"We run around these statues ..."
"We run back in, and we shut the door."
"Come here fire crab."
*laughs hysterically*
You don't discover strategies by trying everything
you *create* them from your own ingenuity.
It forces you to play in a way that's less boring and more inventive.
Sometimes it's clever thinking that gets you out of a jam
and sometimes it's the epic item you've been holding onto
for just the right desperate occasion.
You use everything at your disposal when you risk losing everything.
Even the item that in regular games would be too good to use.
I must've finished every Final Fantasy game with like seventeen elixirs
having never used one.
Except for screwing around, I've never used a mini-nuke in a vanilla Fallout game
because I've never really needed to.
Only in permadeath games do truly epic items have a proper use
because only permadeath games have truly epic stakes.
A dragon fight isn't epic when you're guaranteed victory through infinite attempts.
It might as well just be a bigger rat.
The only way you can ever get a truly epic victory
is when an epic fail is also on the cards.
To be honest a lot of action games with permadeath kind of miss out on several of its advantages.
Although often you can see encounters beforehand and plan them out a bit
the fast pace and limited number of abilities means they're more about reflexes than ingenuity.
You're expected to kill everything
often to the point of being locked in a room until you do
so there's never any enemy that's excitingly overpowered
nothing to use that epic item on
nothing to run after you as you flee for your life.
Don't get me wrong, I love these games
but their permadeath is designed more for replayability's sake
than for the changes it makes to the core gameplay loop.
Prey Mooncrash actually does a decent job at it
due to being based off an immersive sim.
You've got enough time and enough stuff
to come up with original solutions to interesting problems.
There are genuinely scary enemies - overpowered but not impossible
and running away is always an option.
But it does lack a little bit of replayability
because there's no random generation in the environment.
So if you want the best of what permadeath has to offer
bite the bullet and play a proper roguelike.
They're not for everyone.
They're hard work to get into, and notoriously difficult to beat
but beating them is not really the point.
I've played hundreds of hours of Nethack, Tome
and Dungeon Crawl
without even coming close to beating a single one of them.
But I've enjoyed every single minute of all those games.
Because I ran away
I cheated death
I reversed my fortune
I invented my own answers
and had truly epic encounters.
The risk of permanently dying makes the journey so much more interesting
than the final destination might suggest.
Thanks to Dungeon Crawl let's player Ultraviolent4 for his footage
if you want to learn the game you can check out his channel here.
Special thanks to Brett for his great art again, you can check out his stuff here.
If you're a fan of dying hit the sub button
and if you want to lose everything consider giving it to me on patreon.
How To Create A WordPress Website With Siteground | Siteground Tutorial - Duration: 9:49.
how to create a WordPress website with SiteGround. SiteGround tutorial hey guys
bryan with WP Cupid Blog and in this video I'm going to be showing you how to
create a WordPress website on SiteGround creating a WordPress website on
SiteGround is now easier than ever by the end of this video you will know how
to build and create a WordPress website on SiteGround this is an easy to follow
SiteGround tutorial I'll be providing you with a site ground hosting discount
of up to 60% off shortly make sure you subscribe to our channel as we are
always posting new WordPress tutorial videos let's get started with the steps
on how to create and build a wordpress website on SiteGround I'll be going over
four different steps step one is how to sign up for an account with SiteGround
step 2 is choosing a hosting plan where you can get up to 60% off site ground
hosting step 3 is registering a domain name
step 4 is installing and setting up WordPress on site ground and then I'll
be going over WordPress so you can get familiar with the basics to get your
site ground discount and consisting of up to 60% off site ground hosting just
click the link below in the description in the discount is automatically applied
a little disclosure the link is an affiliate link I'll receive a commission
which helps support this channel ID helps us put out WordPress tutorial
videos on a regular basis a little about site ground site ground currently powers
over 1 million domains worldwide they provide 24/7 technical support they
provide a 30-day money-back guarantee 99.9% uptime guarantee free daily
backups of your site and they provide free SSL certificates with all their
hosting plans setting up WordPress on site ground only takes a few clicks of a
button if you haven't already feel free to click the site ground link in the
description to walk through the steps with me to build and create a website on
site ground let's get started after you click the link you'll be at the site
ground web hosting page this is where you can select your hosting plan you
will see 3 different plans a startup plan grow big plan and a go geek plan
the most popular plan is to grow big plan this plan is good if you plan on
having more than one website this plan also comes with premium features which
consist of a free site transfer priority technical support super cash or for
faster site speed and free backup restore the startup plan is a great
choice too if you plan on just having one website you can always scale
up to another plan anytime if you hover over all essential features you can see
everything the plan includes for the grow big plan or go geek plan hover over
the premium features and you can see what that includes
if you scroll down a bit you can get more information on each plan as you can
see here once you know the plane that you want click the orange get started
button at the top of the page or the green or blue get this plan button you
will now be on the choose a domain page if you need to register a new domain
name just enter the domain that you would like to have once you type in your
domain it'll let you know if it is available or not if you already own a
domain name select you already own a domain name option and enter in your
domain name once you are done click the proceed button the next step is to put
in your account information put in the best email address for you in the
password you want to have for your site crown account next put in your
information for the client information put in your country first and last name
company name is optional state or Providence city street address zip code
and phone number next put in your payment information next you will see
purchase information if for any reason you need to change the plan click the
square box to change your plan you will see data center by default it will
choose a data center closest to you click the grey box with arrows to see
the other data centers and change if you need to the next you will see period
click this to choose how long you want to purchase the strike gown hosting plan
for I recommend going with at least a 12-month option so you can avoid the
setup fee and save some money by doing so next extra services if you already
own your domain name two of the options regarding the domain name will not show
up if you registered your domain name with SiteGround
you will see the domain registration fee domain privacy I highly recommend as
this will keep your personal contact information safe so that your personal
information is not out for everyone to get access to by choosing this
information you will show site grounds information instead of yours without
domain privacy more than likely you will get a good bit of telemarketers and
marketers bugging you trying to sell all their services to you next
SG site scanner this plugin will scan your site daily to see if there is any
malware on your site if you've been hacked it'll let you know
if this happens all these extra services options are completely optional and you
can always get one at a later date if you decide to next agree to the terms
and conditions select if you want SiteGround news and special offers sent
to your email address and click the Pay Now button you've successfully purchased
SiteGround hosting site ground will email you a copy of your receipt if you
did register your domain name with SiteGround you will get a confirmation
email that you'll need to confirm for the new domain you registered now we
need to install and setup WordPress on SiteGround now just log in to your site
ground dashboard you can do so by clicking login at the top on the site
ground website once you're logged in this is what the site ground dashboard
looks like click my account you'll see a go to cPanel button click this click
proceed this is what the site ground cPanel looks like you will see auto
installers you'll see WordPress this is rule will be installing WordPress first
let's install the free SSL certificate to make your site secure scroll down to
the security section and click on let's encrypt click this you will see it says
you have no let's encrypt certificates installed on your account select your
domain and click install once you install the free SSL certificate you
don't need to do anything else it will automatically renew now go back to the
site ground cPanel like you see here you will see auto installers you'll see
WordPress click WordPress next find the Install Now link click this you'll see
HTTP click this and change to HTTPS now choose a domain name that you selected
for your website the directory keep blank you don't want anything put in
here now put in your site name put in a site description my blog is dedicated to
WordPress so my description is WordPress tutorial and resource site next ignore
the enable multi-site unless you are implementing that now put in your admin
username password in the admin email address that you want to use for your
WordPress site select your language next select if you want limit login
attempts this will limit the amount of time a wrong password or username is
entered in to protect you from hackers next you can select contact forms by WP
forms this makes it easy for you to add contact forms to your site
next choose a theme I just keep this to none I'll be going over this here
shortly I wouldn't mess with Advanced Options unless you are experienced with
the things listed under that click install WordPress will now begin
installing on your site Brown account give it just a few minutes once it is
done installing it will list out your WordPress admin URL click this to go to
your WordPress login page I would bookmark this link so you can
easily access it making logging in a quick process for you to log into the
WordPress the easiest way for the future is typing your domain name with a slash
WP dash admin just like you see here this brings up the WordPress login URL
now enter the WordPress username and password you picked out you'll now be in
the WordPress dashboard on the far left you will see tabs hover over them and
get to learn them post is where you can add new post pages is where you can add
new pages the media tab is where your images will show that you upload to your
blog comments is where you can view comments people leave on your site
plugins is where you can install plug-ins for your site almost any
customization or feature that you would want more than likely there's a plug-in
already made for it appearance is where you can pick out a
theme or change the look of your theme or change your theme to another one or a
premium theme select themes when you hover over appearance it will showcase
free wordpress themes that you can choose from if you select the most
popular it will show you the most popular free WordPress themes hover over
a theme and click install and then click activate to make the theme your
WordPress theme you should also see add new theme on this page this is where you
can add a new theme if you got it from another site or is a premium theme a
great resource i've used for several years and recommend for professional
WordPress themes that look like an award winning design agency did your blog is
theme forest this is the theme forest homepage and the drop-down where it says
WordPress you can click on popular items to check out the most popular premium
WordPress themes you can easily search for your industry with WordPress after
it to search premium WordPress themes you can click a theme and you can click
preview theme to see what the theme would look like live on the web here's a
few examples of premium WordPress themes that are already pre-made for you to
input your information or change however you'd like you'll see
they look really good click the link in the description below to check out theme
forest in the top left of your wordpress dashboard you will see welcome here or
your site title towards the top of the page click this to view your site
another great resource that is helpful and used by over 500,000 users is the
drag-and-drop editor called element or page builder element or page
builder makes starting and creating your wordpress site easy you can make edits
by dragging and dropping search element or page builder on the plugins page and
install and activate it if you'd like to try it out Elementor has a free and paid
version I provided a link in the description so you can check out and
compare the features of the free and paid versions and that is how to create
a wordpress website on SiteGround I hope you enjoyed this SiteGround wordpress
tutorial alright guys thanks for watching give this video a thumbs up and
subscribe to our channel for more wordpress video tutorials leave us a
comment we love hearing from you
Marin Hoxha & Chris Linton - With You (Subtitled) - Duration: 3:21.
How To Earn 5% Profit Daily On Oil - Duration: 7:29.
Surviving a long term job search - Duration: 6:36.
Hi everyone. In today's video I want to talk about surviving the long term job
search. My name is bill Benoist. I'm a certified professional career coach here
in Silicon Valley and if you're currently in Career Transition or you're
looking for a new job, definitely subscribe to this channel, as
I do upload a new career strategy tip every Tuesday.
I totally understand that you recognize just how stressful it is to be out of
work. What I want to talk about in today's video is some scientific
evidence and research that has been done on long-term unemployment and how this
can actually affect you, and ways that you can counteract this. In 1967, two
psychiatrists, Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe created a stress scale. And
essentially what they did is they identified 43 major life stressors, and
they gave each one of these stressors a numerical value. So for example, at the
top of the scale is the death of a loved one and they gave that a value of 100.
And right underneath that was divorce, and that one had a numerical value of 75.
The loss of a job was in the top 10 and it has a numerical value of 47. So what
does this all mean? What they found was a correlation. A direct correlation between
a numeric value of a hundred and fifty and physical illnesses. Most of the
stresses that were identified might have even single-digit numerical values, or
some you know, 15 to 20. It took quite a bit to get up to 150, but when you got up
there to the death of a loved one, and divorce, and loss of a job, and and
financial circumstances, well it was pretty easy to get to that 150. So you
need to be kind of careful about your awareness. You know what's going on and
you need to oftentimes, you have to just change your outlook on life in the way
that you're thinking about this. One trend that I've been witnessing recently is
how Positive Psychology is playing an important role in career.
You know, positive psychology has been something I had been interested in for
many years and about a year ago I actually had the opportunity to obtain a
certificate in the field from Penn State Universit. Let me share with you an
exercise that I learned from the certificate program that I often use
with many of my executive clients. It's simply called
"Three Good Things" but this came out of the program. It has a lot of scientific
research behind it. Three good things revolves around at the end of the
evening, journaling either on your phone or in a journal itself, or on a tablet.
Whatever it takes. Three good things that happened to you during the day. They don't
have to be big things by any means, but it has to be things that you saw that
were positive. It could be as simple as having a great dinner, or going to a meet
up event during the day. Whatever it is that you found that happened that was
positive. Three good positive things that happened during the day. The second part of
the exercise, and this is really the most important, why they were positive. So for
example, if you wrote down that you were grateful for having a dinner out, well
what made that positive? Maybe it was the waitress that served your food and the
beautiful smile that she had, and the end the attention that she gave you and the
small talk. Maybe you went to a meet-up event and you were grateful for it
because you had a great time> But the reason why is that you were
hesitating going, because you really didn't feel that you wanted to go out
during the day. But you got yourself out there and now you really had a good time.
Write down three positive things no matter how trivia that they may be. As
long as they were positive in your mind, and why they were positive. Why are you
writing those down? What made the difference? I want you to do this for
seven days. I mean, this is actually the length of the exercise is for seven days.
But I'll tell you, most everyone that does this - it becomes a non-negotiable in
their life. I have been doing this for several years now, ever since, well a
little bit not quite several years, but probably about a year and a half. Ever
since I took that certificate program. And it is made a big difference in my
life. This has scientific research behind it
it's not anything that's woo-woo related. You know, this method was created by Dr.
Martin Seligman who is a department chair back there at University of
Pennsylvania. And he's often considered by many individuals the father of
Positive Psychology. So this works for many people, if not most people out there.
I want I don't want to say it's gonna work for everyone, but it does work
enough that there's a lot of research behind it. says this is something that
you should be doing. Okay, I hope you found this video informative and useful,
and as I mentioned at the beginning, I do upload new career strategies and tips
every Tuesday. Definitely subscribe to this channel, that way you won't miss
anything. And by the way, if you are in Career Transition and you're looking for
a little bit of extra help, I do have an online course available called Finding
Work That Fuels Your Passion and I'll leave a link to that below. Thank you
again and I will see you in the next video
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