hey it's patti scharf CPA and co-founder of catching clouds the leader in
e-commerce accounting today I want to talk about whether or not the 2018 tax
law changes effect when you can deduct your inventory I've been asked this
question over and over and over this year and I think there's a lot of
confusion around the topic in fact I've even talked to other CPAs and there are
mixed answers so I'm gonna give you my opinion and kind of walk you through the
my thought process and stuff and hopefully it will will help clear some
of the confusion okay but before we get started I want to say that I have done
taxes for years but I also have not done taxes in years so make sure that for
your own personal situation you go talk to your own tax adviser
okay so let's get started why do you even care about this like what's what's
the whole point of knowing when you deduct your inventory so let's say
you're selling online and use you sold a million dollars this year and this year
you also went and spent four hundred thousand dollars on product so you
bought a whole bunch of product you went online you sold it you might have some
left over chances are if you're selling that much you probably have some left
over so knowing how much you can deduct it means like if you can deduct the
whole thing then your taxable income is six hundred thousand dollars just for an
oversimplification for this example taxable income would be
six hundred thousand dollars if you can't deduct any of it your
taxable income is a million dollars so that four hundred thousand dollars of
income that you get taxed on is a pretty big deal
the other reason you want to know is when you have a good handle on how much
inventory you're able to deduct you can start paying attention to whether you're
making profit on your specific sales because you don't want to be in a
position where you are losing $1.00 per sale because you know you can't make
that up on volume it just like drowns you faster okay so so that's why you
care about when you can deduct your inventory so what is inventory and I
feel like you can't really talk about inventory without talking about cost of
goods sold those two go hand-in-hand inventory are those product purchases I
was just talking about so if you bought 400 thousand dollars worth of product
that becomes inventory it stays inventory until you sell it when you
sell it that's called writing it off it's called
expensing it it's called a deduction it is your expense so the four hundred
thousand dollars becomes cost of goods sold inventory and cost of goods sold
are seasaw amounts you spent four hundred thousand dollars no matter which
way you look at it but maybe you have three hundred thousand dollars still in
inventory and you sold a hundred thousand or maybe you sold three hundred
thousand and you still have a hundred thousand left in inventory these two
amounts always balance out and match the amount
that you spent in cash the next concept you need to know about us cash versus
accrual these are two different accounting methods I did a whole video
on how to determine cash versus accrual so go check that out if you aren't
familiar with it now let's go on to the 2018 tax law changes now the biggest
change and this is what has everybody kind of in an uproar is the gross
receipts test now what this is is it says hey here's what it used to be hey
if you have five million dollars in gross receipts so basically you've
collected five million dollars from your customers or more then you have to be
accrual basis which means you have to record everything on the accrual method
if you're under that if you're a small business you can use the cash method
it's easier you don't need to worry you're pretty look pretty little head
about it okay it was actually the limit was 1 million if you're an inventory
based retail business so there are a lot of people that were like right at that
million mark or just above and they were having to file using accrual based
method and they're kind of grumpy about it ok so what happened with the tax law
changes is that the limit got bumped up to 25 million dollars so that's a pretty
big jump and a lot of people who are right in between that million and 25
million when yeh now I can be cash basis and so everybody's thinking yay I can
now deduct my inventory when I buy it not as products are sold because I'm on
cash basis and so that's how that works the problem is in this in this new law
it says if you have non incidental materials and supplies so things that
aren't really your core product that you're selling maybe it's a sleeve that
you know you include for packaging or you know it's not really what the person
is what your customers buying it's just part of the fluff around it
that stuff yes you can deduct it or it says it follows the taxpayers method for
financial statement purposes so what does this mean
when I first heard this and people were like yeah I get to just deduct whatever
I want to when I buy it just in my gut it just doesn't feel right because the
nature of cost of goods sold is it is literally cost of goods that are sold so
if you don't sell the goods there's no cost related to them so I really in my
heart think that this change of threshold saying above this your accrual
basis and below at your cash basis has nothing to do with the amount that you
record as cost of goods sold basically your cost of goods sold just
has to match up with whatever method you're choosing for your income so if
you're reporting your income in 2018 the costs related to those sales needs to be
included in 2018 if you are reporting income in 2019 the costs related to that
income needs to be reported in 2019 you can't like mix and match that way it's
just not what the nature of cost of goods sold is in my opinion with that
said I asked a whole bunch of accounts because I heard a lot of sellers saying
oh well I talked to my CPA and they said yeah that's legit and I'm like okay well
I'm not signing your tax return so do whatever you feel comfortable with but I
just don't think it's right I've heard that there's going to be more
clarification coming on or maybe people are just hoping that there's gonna be
more clarification about this but I think there's some confusion out there
about when inventory can really be deducted I would argue that this these
new tax laws changed nothing and you just have to report your cost of goods
sold when the goods are reported as income others may have another opinion
if you have another opinion and a good argument why go ahead and leave a
comment down below I think this is an
interesting case and I think it's weird so I think it's worth discussing I like
to discuss weird things so I guess that's it I hope you found this video
helpful if you did please like comment and share if you haven't already please
subscribe and I'll catch you later
For more infomation >> Do the 2018 Tax Law Changes Affect When You Can Deduct Inventory? - Duration: 7:57.-------------------------------------------
Best Magnetic Charger - VOLTA XL The Only Charging Cable You'll Ever Need - Best Phone Charger - Duration: 1:39.
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Jackfruit Carnitas | Healthy Doesn't Suck Episode 51 - Duration: 8:23.
get swifty fudge-idy fudge sticks mew mew mew hey everybody what's up my name is Alex welcome to health by
Napoli where we only cook healthy food that doesn't suck what we are working
with today is jackfruit organic young jackfruit apple cider vinegar liquid
aminos or soy sauce onion jalapeno adobo adobo dobo does that sounds right
a lemon dates various spices so naturally we're gonna be making a jackfruit
carnita so jackfruit is all the rage right now it is a four point four pound
bag of jackfruit jackfruit is an awesome alternative to meat which is why we are
making a carnitas because it can actually substitute and really take the
flavor and consistency of meat and you might actually be surprised that it's
not meat so when you're purchasing jackfruit you can either buy the actual
fruit which is like the big egg looking thing it's like a dinosaur egg it's
green and it's spiky it's really cool and it's huge so if you can find that
cool break it open if not you can always find the prepare
packaged prepare process pickled peppers prepared jackfruit
so this jackfruit is obviously already been taken out of the egg sometimes they
are in brine sometimes they are in juice so the ingredients for this one are just
organic young jackfruit there should be nothing else in here sometimes there's
water sometimes they're salt sometimes there's the sugary syrupy mix avoid
those the brine one is okay but avoid the sugary one we're going in it kind of
smells like prunes like it's like fruity kind of yeah they're brown little
chunkies yeah you can see jackfruit jackfruit it like breaks apart so it kind of
looks like meat and it's got the consistency of like a pulled pork but
it's a fruit I promise if you got the kind of brine you're gonna want to rinse
it off and wash it off but because this is just pure fresh jackfruit I'm gonna
leave it as it first up let's get our onion going so we're gonna take off the
top we're gonna take off the bottom and then take off the skin so I'm just gonna
chop this into pretty small pieces because I do want it to disappear this
is not as like a flavor thing the consistency or anything like that
frying pan get it hot and then we're gonna add some olive oil so about a
tablespoon of olive oil in your pan now let's chop up our jalapenos I'm
gonna take off the stem and slice it that's literally it
big slice up jalapeno I mean should they be smaller seems dangerous not to
be let's throw caution to the wind let's just do some giant jalapeno pieces okay well now
I am immediately regretting that decision and I'm gonna cut them all at
least in half and then please please don't touch your face or anything that
would be sensitive on your body after doing this because you will regret it
immensely then we have got five cloves of garlic oh I think I forgot to mention
garlic earlier there's definitely garlic so we're gonna get the onion and the
jalapeno into the oil and then let's just crush the garlic straight into the
pan oh god I need to work out my hand power
grab a spoon just mix this up you're gonna cook this down for about five
minutes until the onions become translucent
okay so while this cooks down let's talk about the spice mix you're gonna need
one and a half teaspoons each of cumin nutritional yeast smoked paprika oregano
ground coriander and then half a teaspoon of ground black pepper
so I already mixed all that up here together in this bowl and it actually
smells really good now for the liquid portion of our carnitas we're gonna do
one tablespoon of vinegar I'm using apple cider vinegar you could use red
wine vinegar then we are gonna add three tablespoons of soy sauce I actually
usually use Liquid aminos instead of soy sauce it's a gluten-free alternative you
can also use tamari would be a good swap if you want the gluten free so one two
three tablespoons of that then we've got our adobo peppers in this brine
but what I'm gonna do is actually just kind
of scrape the juices out you only want one teaspoon of this spicy juices or you
could use the liquid smoke this is gonna be pretty hot cuz these peppers are
insane also something you're not gonna want to get on your body now finally for
the liquid portion we've got our dates the dates I have just put here in a
small little cup of water so I poured some boiling water over the dates and
now I'm just gonna blend them up really quickly so this is gonna bring the sugar
into our mix kind of making that like barbecuey sauce flavor you could use
orange juice you can apple juice pineapple juice I'm using date juice so
again just putting it into my blender cup here giving it a whirl let's see
here 1 tablespoon like 2 and 1/2 tablespoon oh yeah that's nice mix
these seem a bit dry so I'm gonna add a little bit more olive oil all right now
we're gonna add the jackfruit I'm gonna use about half of this and just get it
in right into my pan save this for another recipe there is literally so much that
you can do with jackfruit it kind of just takes on the flavor of whatever
you're cooking so add it like that alright we're gonna take half of this or like
2/3 of this dry spice mix and go crazy with it now the only reason that we're
saving a little bit is that you might decide that it's a little bit too spicy
or whatever so you don't want to like over spice it at first and then regret
it later so really what we want is to just get it all incorporated all mixed
together I can't get over how much this looks like meat it really really looks
like chunks of meat all right so everything has been coated as our spice
mix so now let's add in our liquid and again give it a good mix all right
everything is incorporated I'm just gonna put a lid on it and let it cook it
like a simmer for about 15 minutes my house smells so good right now
I can't even handle it it's actually amazing let's have a peek inside
this thing okay oh my gosh this smells so good it smells just like carnitas
normally would honestly I feel like if you put this in a taco or in a burrito
or something like that nobody would even question that it was meat they would
just be like oh cool beef and they would dig in seriously guys this looks so good
what really counts is how it tastes gonna pick a good piece see how it's
like pulling like pork crazy it's got that like texture of meat the adobo
might've gone overboard but like it's so infused with flavor so infuse the flavor
I'm not with like 15 minutes I didn't even I didn't even have to slow cook I didn't have
to do anything crazy right out of the bag and it's delicious okay let's just
finish this off with a little bit of freshness so I'm gonna squeeze this
lemon over the joint this is optional but it'll just really brighten up the
flavor hahaha and then at this point you can
decide if you want to add more of that spice mix you're totally welcome to Wow
I'm so impressed with jackfruit jackfruit is my new best friend
Wow gotta stop singing while I talk cuz talking and
singing is hard to do okay so I've just put together this tiny little Buddha
bowl type thing I'm gonna have my pulled jackfruit over here my jackfruit
carnitas okay guys it's that easy jackfruit is delicious it's super easy
to work with and it's a great meat alternative look how beautiful it is you
wouldn't even know that it wasn't meat I'm amazed you're amazed we're all amazed let me
know in the comments below how amazed you are thank you for liking commenting
and subscribing and I will see you guys next time
Oh bomb diggity bomb bomb huh mic drop
The Simpl - Want you (Prod. Noxx) - Duration: 3:39.
Who was Gerda Taro? – Everything You Need to Know about German Photographer Gerda Taro. - Duration: 2:42.
Who was Gerda Taro?
– Everything You Need to Know about German Photographer Gerda Taro.
In honour of Gerda Taro's 108th birthday, Google is recognising the female wartime photographer
with a Google Doodle.
Ms Taro, the first female photographer killed in action, was born in Stuttgart, Germany
in 1910 - before moving to France in 1933, shortly after Adolf Hitler was elected chancellor.
In Paris, Ms Taro, known as "the little red fox" for her ginger hair and small stature,
met fellow refugee Andre Friedmann, whom she befriended and who taught her the basics of
It was during this time that the pair decided to shed the names they came to Paris with
and invent new identities.
Mr Friedmann became Robert Capa and Gerta Pohorylle changed to Gerda Taro.
Working together, as friends and lovers, the pair covered the Spanish Civil War in Barcelona
as a team when it broke out in 1936, producing black-and-white photographs of the resistance
fighters for the newspaper Ce Soir.
Mr Capa's work during the war led to him becoming one of the most recognised war photographers
of all time - while Ms Taro also made a name for herself.
By the next year, Ms Taro felt confident enough in her photography skills to work on her own,
which she did for the last five months of her career and life.
In July 1937, at the age of 26, Gerda Taro was crushed by a tank while covering the Republican
offensive in Brunete - and died from her injuries shortly after.
Her photographs from the day were never found.
Although her career was tragically cut short, Ms Taro's bravery in the face of war and
conflict lived on through the images she captured.
During her life and after her death, many of her photographs were incorrectly attributed
to Mr Capa - as the pair had famously worked together to capture and bring wartime realities
to the public.
However, in 2007, 4,500 negatives taken by Ms Taro, Mr Capa and photographer David Seymour
during the war and previously considered lost were found in Mexico City - shedding new light
on the female photographer's impressive career.
The photos were exhibited at the International Centre of Photography.
As her friend and mentor Mr Capa once famously said, and which Gerda Taro embodied in her
career: "If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."
A salad made for a music legend you can make in your home: Makini's Kitchen - KING 5 Evening - Duration: 2:02.
Early Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis - Duration: 5:09.
Early Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
What is rheumatoid arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes chronic inflammation of joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) tends to begin slowly with minor symptoms that come and go, usually
on both sides of the body, and progress over a period of weeks or months.
Symptoms of this chronic disease vary from person to person and can change from day to
Bouts of disease activity are called flare-ups, and inactive periods are called remission.
You may feel unusually fatigued well before any other symptoms become obvious.
Fatigue can precede the onset of other symptoms by weeks or months.
It may come and go from week to week or day to day.
Fatigue is sometimes accompanied by a general feeling of ill health or even depression.
Morning stiffness.
Morning stiffness is often an early sign of arthritis.
Stiffness that lasts for a few minutes is usually a symptom of a degenerative form of
Stiffness that lasts for several hours is generally a symptom of inflammatory arthritis
and is typical of RA.
You may also feel stiffness after any period of prolonged inactivity like napping or sitting.
Joint stiffness.
Stiffness in one or more of the smaller joints is a common early sign of RA.
This can occur at any time of day, whether you are active or not.
Typically, stiffness begins in the joints of the hands.
It usually comes on slowly, although it can come on suddenly and affect multiple joints
over the course of one or two days.
Joint pain.
Joint stiffness is often followed by joint tenderness or pain during movement or while
at rest.
This also affects both sides of the body equally.
In early RA, the most common sites for pain are the fingers and wrists.
You may also experience pain in your knees, feet, ankles, or shoulders.
Minor joint swelling.
Mild inflammation of the joints is typical early on, causing your joints to appear bigger
than normal.
This swelling can also cause joints to feel warm to the touch.
Flare-ups can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, and this pattern can be expected
to increase with time.
Subsequent flare-ups may be felt in the same joints or in other joints.
When accompanied by other symptoms like joint pain and inflammation, a low-grade fever may
be an early warning sign that you have RA.
However, a fever higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) is more likely to be
a sign of some other form of illness or an infection.
Numbness and tingling.
Inflammation of tendons can create pressure on your nerves.
This may cause numbness, tingling, or a burning feeling in your hands referred to as carpal
tunnel syndrome.
The joints of your hands or feet may even produce a squeak or crackling noise as damaged
cartilage grinds against joints when you move.
Decrease in range of motion.
Inflammation in your joints can cause tendons and ligaments to become unstable or deformed.
As the disease progresses, you may find yourself unable to bend or straighten some joints.
Although your range of motion may also be affected by pain, it's important to engage
in regular, gentle exercise.
Other early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
During the early states of RA, you may feel a variety of symptoms, including:
-general weakness or a feeling of malaise.
-dry mouth.
-dry, itchy, or inflamed eyes.
-eye discharge.
-difficulty sleeping.
-chest pain when you breathe (pleurisy).
-hard bumps of tissue under the skin on your arms.
-loss of appetite.
-weight loss.
See your doctor to get a proper diagnosis if you're experiencing some of the early
symptoms of RA.
Leif Alenstar's Channel - Duration: 3:47:57.
Angel Garcia sings "Just The Way You Are" on America's Got Talent 2018 Judge Cuts - Duration: 1:32.
When Is the 'Love Island' Reunion Special? | Heavy.com - Duration: 2:55.
When Is the 'Love Island' Reunion Special? | Heavy.com
It's been a long and turbulent season on Love Island, but just like the seasons before it, fans are sad to have to say goodbye.
Well, good news– you don't have to just yet.
A Love Island reunion special will take place on Sunday, August 5, at 9pm on ITV2.
According to Cosmopolitan, the show will be hosted and Caroline Flack, and producers promise a "look at what the Islanders have been doing since leaving the villa.
" You know what that means– we'll learn who's broken up and who is still together, along with all the other drama that's pretty much guaranteed at this point.
What went down on the finale last night? Dani and Jack were named the winning couple of Love Island, and walked away with £50,000.
Love Island, a Bachelor meets Big Brother reality series, places 38 contestants in a house, where they're all tasked with finding, and sticking with, a significant other.
Dani and Jack were by far the most stable couple on this season of the show.
Dani's father, actor Danny Dyer, was one of the most excited to learn about his daughter's success.
He took to Instagram to tell Dani, "Babe we're so proud of you and you've won already.".
According to Cosmopolitan, a spinoff show about the Dyer family is in the talks.
It will reportedly focus on teh first time Jack meets Dani's parents.
Speaking to The Sun, a source recently said, "Everyone loves Jack and Dani, so it makes sense that they'd be offered their own show… It's all still up in the air right now as they haven't left the villa, and who knows where their heads will be at when they do, but bosses are keen to sign them up.
Be sure to tune into the Love Island reunion special tonight, Sunday, August 5, at 9pm on ITV2.
Leg Day Active Recovery Routine l Reduce the Effects of DOMS - Duration: 13:11.
so let me get this straight you just crushed leg day but you're dreading the
effect of DOMS let me give you some tips tricks and a little routine tell you
beat it.
hi I'm Tabitha Gomes and welcome to my youtube channel I'm here to help all
you busy ladies out there juggling jobs careers kiddos with no real time to
exercise I'm going to give you some tips tricks exercise routines and even
product reviews to help make exercise a part of your life if at any time you
like what you see please consider subscribing or click that like button
so let's get to it you just crushed your leg day alright and you know you're
about to suffer so delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS
happens 24 to 48 hours post exercise but for legs it's sometimes it's the worst
at 72 hours post exercise everybody's body varies a little bit
and for me 24 hours or I'm dying if I did not do anything to help relieve
the effects of DOMS I am going to suffer like any of you and I know we
don't want to suffer so let me give you some tips and then I'll show you how you
can implement them into a recovery routine so I have a little excerpt to
read you guys very technical I'm gonna read it to you and then we're gonna
break it down into common terms okay so this is gonna explain to you why you get
DOMS kind of what happens to your muscle and here it is forces associated
with muscular contractions particularly eccentric actions caused the formation
of small micro tears invoke the contractile elements and surface membrane of
working muscle fibers these micro tears allow calcium to escape from the muscle
disrupting their intracellular balance and causing further injury to the fibers
various proteins that interact with the free nerve endings
surrounding the damaged fibers resulting in localized pain and
stiffness symptoms can be exacerbated by swelling within muscle fibres
which exerts pressure on sensory receptors and thereby increases
the sensation of pain so what are we feeling we're feeling micro tears in our
muscles so small little rips basically in our muscle fibers which caused a
release of calcium to escape into our muscles that's what it's explaining and
so the calcium calls further injury to our fibers so let's just think of it we
just ripped holes in her in our muscles now calcium coming out of it and now
that calcium is affecting the rest of the muscle fiber around that tear so it
causes pain so you've got that calcium in there you've got the proteins
interacting with the nerve injury endings you feel the pain there and then
what's gonna happen now is that you're going your muscles are gonna swell okay
so you got swelling you got tears get all kinds of things going on but that's
basically what's happening to your muscles so we need to repair that so
first we're going to talk about active recovery active recovery what is that
active recovery is when you actually go ahead and do the exact same exercises or
similar exercises to what you just did on leg day so you're gonna take that
squat you're going to take that lunge and you're gonna decrease the weight
that you were lifting about 20 percent of what you were lifting so essentially
body weight let's just go with body weight
alright so instead of performing a squat at 200 pounds or whatever it might be a
hundred pounds you are using now you're gonna just use your body weight but
instead of just performing 10 of those you're going to do 20 30 40 reps as fast
as you can possibly go why because what's happening is you're bringing
blood back into those muscles and what does it do it flushes through that
muscle brings in the nutrients and that's how you're going to help flush
that must from getting the DOMS as badly as you
did prior so quick little story before ever research active recovery or what to
do to help repair from DOMS or not make DOMS as bad I have always told my
clients I said okay today we just crushed your legs tomorrow when you wake
up in the morning or before you go to bed actually in fact I tell them in fact
before you go to bed as soon as you wake up in the morning at lunchtime and
before you go to bed tomorrow could you perform some play lunges some squat
jumps something so that you don't hurt as bad when I see them two three days
later they either tell me oh I feel great or they say I couldn't sit on the
toilet you couldn't sit on the toilet you were doing that just sit that means
you actually didn't go through with active recovery okay
so active recovery so we get squat when you do your squats I don't want a nice
slow methodical squat I want squat jumps or a nice back back pumping squat do
about 20 of us go up to 40 if you feel like it break it in two that's fine so
as you're pumping blood to those muscles next plyo lunges a big one so we're
gonna go again plyo lunges jumping in between nice and fast
second thing I like to do to help myself not suffer from DOMS quite as
bad a stretch stretching is so important especially for leg day so a lot of
ladies are a lot not just ladies men included you do like day you crushed leg
day you leave your things alone you don't do anything with it
what happens is now your muscles are repairing those muscle fibers are
getting tighter stretching is so good to keep those muscles elongated so you
don't lose that flexibility I don't want to lose my flexibility to the second
best thing I recommend to do is this stretch after your leg day you just
crushed your legs or strings are tight and you don't want to
stretch three days later it's even worse if you stretch three day three days
later so get down there stretch and when you're doing your active recovery
stretch more do your little jumps your plyometrics and stretch more so you show
you a couple of stretching exercises that I really love that are great to get
those hamstrings the hip flexors and the quads first one really really love is
called a pigeon pose for your pigeon pose you're gonna put your front foot a
bent 90 degree angle in front of you the back leg is gonna be bent like a pretzel
you're gonna sit down on your butt cheek the same side of your front leg then
you're gonna slowly roll your back leg behind you and roll the knee under when
you're in that position you will feel the stretch in your glutes it's amazing
my favorite stretch in the world then I want you to lean your body across your
ankle so we're not gonna lean towards our meat we're gonna lean across our
ankle you're gonna feel even deeper stretch in that glute you want to repeat
that on both sides you can then sit back up grab your ankle and bring that ankle
to your butt or your foot to your butt what that's gonna help is stretch your
quad and your hip flexor second stretch I really love is sitting nice and tall
straight up one leg for your other leg bent at about a 90 degrees which our
foot at your knees now go ahead and lean forward leaning forward with your back
pressing to your leg don't round your back lean forward so that your back
stays nice and straight and feel that stretching your hamstrings switch legs
and repeat and finally a really good stretch is the butterfly you can't be
because it really gets the hips press your feet together
lean forward again with a straight back and you press your elbows into your
knees to push them down those three are awesome stretches to help loosen up
those muscles there's absolutely ton more stretches you can do but those are
my three favorites for leg days because it really gets the glute the glutes
really tighten your hip flexors get extremely tight and your hamstrings now
we did stretch quads a little bit but quads aren't as bad as really tight
glutes and hamstrings third thing that is really awesome to help recover or not
just recover but help alleviate the pain of DOMS
if foam rolling I'm not going to show you any foam rolling techniques in this
video however if you do know how to foam roll your legs and we'll touch on
that in another video I'll show you how to foam roll entirely in another video
but if you just pull and roll your quads your hamstrings and your calves you're
gonna really relieve some pressure there and that's also pumping
more blood into those muscles really again for another healing and cleansing
effect on your muscles foam rolling is amazing it's like it's called myofascial
release and it's like a self massage essentially so this is great post leg
day like a few hours after you've performed the leg exercise but it's also
good the following couple days
so finally the last thing I like to do for
DOMS which is so relaxing is I love to do
Epsom salt bath Epsom salt is super good for recovery just do a nice warm bath
and laying it and relax and enjoy just laying the tub hey drink wine while
you're at it that's what I like to do so those are just four ways to just
decrease the effects of DOMS there are many other studies out there that show
you other techniques that can help with DOMS but these are the top I mean
nutritional timing is extremely important hydrating is
extremely important as well but I assume that you should be doing that already
especially if you're exercising you should be drinking lots of water and
getting the right nutrients in your body and protein and and stuff like that what
we're looking at here is the crushed legs you crush them now you're gonna
finish your workout by doing some static stretching stretch those muscles that
you just tortured then do some foam rolling forward or release those muscles
and the tension in those muscles the next day what you're going to do again
is you're gonna do more active recovery so active recovery again sa me thing
twenty to forty squat jumps twenty to forty plyo lunges and foam roll
do it again the next day do it as many times as you feel necessary to do it in a day
so something else I want to talk to you about active recovery now say you're
gonna work out and you're gonna train upper body the day after you just crushed
your legs add your plant matrix on your squat
jumps during your chest day arm day whatever it is the next day you can
always do that another thing that's really good is say you're taking a
complete rest day go for a walk or go for a light jog that's also active recovery
yoga go to a yoga session that's stretching and that's active recovery
very very good so you've got a lot of different ways that you can active
recover but I promise you if you crush your legs and you do some of these
techniques the evening after the next day after even the following day after
24 hours or 72 hours post leg day you will not suffer I promise you so tell me
how you like to recover from leg day and we can add it in to
help other people out because of course this works for me I recommend it to all
my clients and it works for them but there's always other sneaky little
tidbits that somebody else does that might help somebody that this does not
work for put it in the comments below let us know what you do and how you love
to recover so otherwise stay positive work hard and God bless Mahalo for
joining me Aloha
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