ok everyone welcome to your 3k ed a month of blueprint so we're going to get
into some basic things that you can do to get started to help your business get
going you know what you need to do to get leads and sales so let me pull up
this document right here so the first thing you want to do is be consistent if
I can't give you anything else you've got that to be consistent in your
business that means you don't post Monday Tuesday skip Wednesday post
Thursday I don't feel like working Friday Saturday I'm out partying Sunday
maybe outposts that doesn't work guys you have to be consistent you know
especially especially when when you are you know first getting started and
building your credibility online so if you have social media accounts use those
you'll have all I have Facebook Instagram Twitter I'm not that active on
Twitter I use that primarily to share my YouTube videos but if you have a Twitter
account utilize it you to Craigslist Craigslist does charge so we have some
updated training for that down below it's $5 for the gig section now and it's
pretty good at producing some leads but whatever social media is if you're using
snapchat that's great also make sure you're doing at least 2 to 3 Facebook
elapsed per week and then you want to be adding 5 to 10 new friends and you want
to add some entrepreneurs but the thing about adding other entrepreneurs is they
may not join your business but they're going to come and add value to your
posts they're going to comment your posts they're gonna like on your posts
keep keeps your posts active in the newsfeed so you will see a lot of people
talking about posting and work from home groups
myself and Micah do not believe in that I find that it's a complete waste of
time I've been marketing on online for years and I have not had any results
from wasting my time posting in facebook groups what I use work from home
Facebook groups for are to add people you know and people of value
to my page so like I going to a work from home group and you know I see some
of the members in there and you know our shoot I'm a friend request because you
should be adding 5 to 10 friends per day so let's just go in here I'm just going
to use this for an example what I do is and you'll see everybody's got these
boring ads up that no one really responds to so say I'll come in here
I'll look at the members and you know maybe I'll go to this person's page if I
like what they have on their page you know I go send them a friend request and
also send them a message is very rude and it will actually help you get
noticed it will help build your we start building a relationship with the person
so say this Michael Dunbar guy I will go to this page see if he's somebody I
wanted to be friends with I send him a friend request and I send them a message
hey Michael I see you were and promotes your business free traffic I'd love to
connect with you hope you have a great day that send them a message like that's
something to that nature you know and leave it at that and then more than
likely he'll respond and you'll start to be able to build a relationship also the
things that you want to post our lifestyle value post you know and be
yourself too though you know don't don't copy what someone else does you know
you'll see once you become my friend I'm very colorful on my page everyone can't
pull off some of the things that I do but I post pictures I try not to post
too many pictures they don't get as much engagement the other thing that I will
speak on is be sure that you respond to everyone that comments on your post you
know you need to be interacting with other people as you interact with them
they are going to come back and interact with you you guys see I I average and
this is actually a low post I Evers between 75 to 150 likes and comments on
my post and that's because I engage with others so down below a couple videos
down you're gonna see a video that I've done and it's a set of four it's titled
how to maximize your Facebook and so make sure that you take your time and
go through there go through that a couple times because as you start adding
these friends you know and like I said connect with five to ten people if you
can handle 10 to 15 per day that's even better but you don't just want to add
these people you want to be adding you know you want to build relationships
with them I'm not saying you have to hold a conversation or ask the person to
marry you but those are the things that you need to do to get start getting your
page and noticed and building a rapport so another big key thing is make sure
that you're doing personal development every day every morning you know I get
up I get my coffee I read my Bible and then I listen to Eric Thomas or Les
Brown or Gary Vee I listen to something that adds some value to my life and just
helps me get start off my day with the right mindset you know your mindset is
gonna be key to to the longevity of your business and that's really really
important because a lot of people that are new you don't know the online
marketing strategies and you don't have a lot of tips so social proof or things
like that and so if you're working on personal development that's going to
give you the things that you need you know you're going to hear something some
type of quote or something during you this motivational that you're listening
to motivational video or whatever it is that you do every morning you're going
to hear something and then you can come on your page and you know like let me
see here you know I was listening to something and well this was from
something else but you know it was just something that came to my mind boring
and predictable it's not a good look and so while we're on there don't let your
page be bore no one should be able to know the very exact time that you post
every day the very thing you're going to say every day you'll see a lot of people
that come on and say good morning blah blah blah can't get a good morning bad
and they do that every day that's not something that you want to do you know
when you step up into the business world here we are in essence we are kind of
actors and actresses you know and you got to keep your audience entertained
so that's your responsive so those are the things that you were
some of the things you want to do you know be sure to be sure to be patient
with yourself this this does not happen overnight some people come on and they
say they make a sale the very first day or the next day or within their first
week for others it takes time you know some of you guys may be shy you might
have a problem reaching out to people those are all things when you're doing
personal development that are you know you're going to start to overcome some
of those things so also a great great great way to get leads for your business
is to do Facebook lives and YouTube videos you know at the $50 level you're
going to get Instagram training I run five Instagram accounts and let when I
say I'm consistent you know you'll see here across all five of them I make sure
I post one time a day you don't need to be posting three to five times a day one
picture is enough once you build your audience up you know people start to
look for you on Facebook I never post more than three times a day
and when you start getting numbers like I get you know 60 70 people and I've got
over 80 comments going on this your posts start to overlap but that will be
an in that other video that you know you make sure you listen to that one but
make sure that you're coming on you're doing the things that you need to do in
your facebook Alive's you don't have to necessarily show your face you can share
your screen if you're camera shy I have a video you know 10 tips how to overcome
camera shyness but people want to work with those that
they know like and trust in facebook lives and YouTube videos are the best
way to build that rapport with people so say like in this video I wasn't even
talking about my business but you don't have to show your face you can share
your screen so maybe you'll come on and you'll do a Facebook live you know and
show people you know your website and this is my new business blah blah blah
you know you can come on and once you make your first sale maybe you go out
shop and shoot a video or I made my first sale in EPS you know I was able to
go out buy my son a pair of shoes or something so those are
things you can do and I guarantee you guys if you do this stuff every day you
will start to see you know you will start to see results but be consistent
follow up with people work on yourself develop new skills and then the last
thing if if you are needing any help from Micah and I you know you feel that
you're unsure what to say to a potential lead be sure to reach out to us we can
schedule a conference call you know you can send them to us and we can verify
any information that they need or if you're unsure never tell someone you do
not know say I don't know at this time but I will find out that is the worst
reply that you can give to anyone so guys basically that's your 3k a month
blueprint what you need to do now is keep going through the rest of the
videos down below and as soon as you get time and get the money you need to go
ahead and upgrade at the $50 level you will receive Instagram marketing
training and at the hundred dollar level you will receive my complete how to rank
your YouTube videos we can go over here and this is basically what what how I
pretty much run my business now here you'll see one of my videos here's
another video further down this page I have another video right here you'll see
my video at number one so just about anything that I put up now I'll be hit
one of these spots and it makes a big difference when you are trying to get
leads and sales for your business here's another video so as you can see you know
this is my like area of expertise so I hope that everything you learned a
little something okay I hope that you learned a little something and make sure
that you continue on going through your training down below we are super excited
to have you here and I can't wait to hear about your first sale all right be
sure to tell us about it inside the group you guys have a great day
For more infomation >> Email Processing System Review 2018 3K A Month Blueprint - Duration: 10:58.-------------------------------------------
IGTV or YouTube Flex Watch #usnerdoc #igtv #flexwatch - Duration: 0:46.
well it is so freakin hot I am looking forward to barbecued corn
doesn't get better than this fresh farmers market corn and a blue moon 96
degrees have a good night
Having a great time with you! : 殺人の謎 → play.skytonia.com [ Live ] ● - Duration: 1:18:42.
Sims Big Brother - Season 1 (Ep. 24) | Tenth Power of Veto | Turn on Subtitles - Duration: 8:30.
Big Brother: The correct answer is...less. You all got it right, you all stay in the game. Next question...
How To Make $1,000 Trading Stocks | $IQ - Duration: 3:09.
Hey guys, what's going on? My name is James Mason. This is a day trade that I am in and ticker
IQ and
Actually originally bought 1,000 shares and sold off pop hundred already just because
You know, even though it is over $32
It does seem to be you know struggling a little bit past there and I wanted to lock in some profits
just in case if this actually drops back below 32 and
And then you know cuz it is it here at the top. It's ready to drop so
let me actually just
Hold on a second
All right, so
All right, so
yeah, it is here, you know at the top and
To keep on running. Yeah it could but I expect it to you know
Pull back at least for a little bit. If not a big sell-off
You know just
if you're watching a setup like this, you know, just keep an eye out for this once you know once you start having
This we'll just call it a ladder raise like this where it just continuously just runs up
At some point it has to fall
Because it's gonna want to come back closer to this middle line on the Bollinger Bands
now when I originally got into it, you know, my scanner indicated right down here and that's when I bought in and
It did take this dip right here, but not much, you know, like five cents and then it started stepping up
Fairly good for me. So
What am I actually gonna do is wait for this to pull back and then I will probably jump into this again and see
if I can't, you know just
Make another trade out of this for today. It is overall kind of slope for me today
You know, I did pull off a little over a thousand dollars and you know, I'm happy with that. So
if you want to know how I find these
You know stocks to trade I have that free eight hour course in the playlist
there's two different playlists playlists one shows you how I use the ma Long's playlist two shows you how I use these Bollinger Bands and
You know, I have my certain strategy that I look for and it works for me
so if you haven't yet, please subscribe to continue to you know, get notified on my content and
I would greatly appreciate if you would, you know, give me a thumbs up. Um
that's if you like it there but
So yeah, you know, I appreciate you taking time to watch this video and I will see you in the next one
We Need You Here for the Reunion - Duration: 1:39.
Join us now and then W. Proctor Harvey Clinical Teaching Amphitheatre.
Little did we know that some of you many of you have not seen this before, but what we
began on one side of the space in clinical teaching became a two-sided Amphitheater with
the sky wall in the middle.
It not only seats the whole class to do clinical teaching you can imagine a patient sitting
on that old 1920 exam table.
Dr. Harvey would've been pleased.
It does acoustically conduct wonderful music.
As Dr. Harvey would start with Beethoven's 9th and ask you to listen for the oboes.
We're going to invite you and here to talk about curriculum.
If you were here in April we would turn down the house lights turn up the spot lights in
the center and we would run a festival of 10 minute plays call The Heart of the Harvey.
This is a wonderful place for education.
It's in the heart of the old building.
The Spirit of Dr. Harvey is here.
The only thing missing is you.
We need you here for the Reunion.
Come back and see us.
Please note that if you were here Dr. Harvey and his wife are sitting in the front row
with their names on a seat.
We can't wait to see you.
Setting Your Company Culture - Duration: 5:59.
Emilia Clarke 2016 interview (dubbed in Polish) - Duration: 3:41.
Wendzikowska: When you are in a relationship and you love someone, do you tend to put them
Clarke: Yes.
Wendzikowska: Someone said that if both people put the other person first, then everyone
is taken care of.
Clarke: Exactly!
That's how it should be.
The perfect... yeah, equal amounts of [?] on both sides.
But yes, I do, I'm slightly... all I want to do is take care of the people I love.
Wendzikowska: Your character doesn't have a lot of self-confidence.
When someone fancies her she says he needs glasses.
How about you, how do you react when you get elected 'the sexiest woman alive' by some
Clarke: Yeah, it's bizarre.
It's really weird.
It's kind of, I just...
I know how to talk to people until someone's like, 'Oh, they fancy you' and then I don't [?] ...and
then I get really embarrassed and tongue-tied and I don't know what I'm doing.
I can't flirt to save my life.
If I don't fancy someone, let's say, then I'm kind of... and I have a keener understanding
that they've got a crush on me -- which doesn't happen very often -- but then if it's the
other way around and they're like, 'No, they do, they fancy you.'
I'm like, 'No they don't, no they don't.'
And so I just... yeah, I'm not very good in that department.
Wendzikowska: If someone fancies you, is it a confidence boost?
Clarke: It's really surreal.
I really don't believe it.
I'm really...
I'm so kind of...
I'm so sort of sure in my kind of... 'it's just all a bit silly' that I kind of...
I as a person need to let some of that in a little bit more, because I should... with
people, we should take that, you know what I mean?
Wendzikowska: Yeah, I do.
Clarke: I have an abundant amount of confidence in lots of things, but when it comes to that,
I struggle.
Wendzikowska: Your character learns throughout [?] ...to be bold and to live her life boldly.
You, as Emilia, did you learn this lesson in your life?
Clarke: I live in the uncomfortable bits in life.
You know, the bits that are a little bit difficult.
I like to put myself in situations that push me as a person, so I feel like I'm always
growing and evolving and moving on as... you know, not leaving any stone unturned, and
what I need to do is I need to have a line.
I need to, like, do the opposite sometimes and kind of just chill, and I firmly
encourage everyone to live their life in the uncomfortable, but it could mean, you know,
saying yes to the boy who asked you out or putting those red high heels on, or the little
tiny things, if you do them every day then I think they build up for a bit more of the
self-confident individual.
Wendzikowska: This movie also shows how life can change in a split-second for better or
for worse if you meet the right person or a set of circumstances connect together to
change the course of your life.
Did you experience this in your life?
Clarke: So when I went to drama school when I was kinda 19-20, everything changed, and
it changed when I met my best friends.
So it's not that it's been a lover that has made me look at the world differently or changed
me as a person, but it's the love of my three closest, best mates.
Wendzikowska: [?] ...changed your life?
Clarke: This movie definitely changed me as a person, absolutely, because I got to be
joyous and kind of exuberant and happy, going in every day to work and doing things that
really allowed me to kind of take the lid off and be like, 'Oh, I should just do this
all the time!
There's nothing stopping me.'
Wendzikowska: That's great.
Thank you very much.
Clarke: Thank you so much.
How FunnelMentor Can Help Grow Your Company - Duration: 3:08.
If you're like me, you want to be a successful, confident leader in your industry.
To do that, you need a compelling sales funnel that converts website traffic into buyers.
Now the problem is, you're so busy working on your business, that you don't have time
to focus on marketing, and don't want to continue spending money on paid advertising that has
brought you so little if any return at all.
Of course, that's left you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and afraid you'll continue to
lose money on marketing that doesn't work.
Now the good news is it doesn't have to be this way.
We believe that good businesses, like yours, deserve an effective marketing system that
will increase revenue and grow your company.
Here at FunnelMentor, we understand how frustrating it is when your marketing doesn't work.
That's why we obsess over learning and implementing the latest marketing strategies for our clients.
We've spent thousands of hours and dollars going through courses, getting certifications,
and frequently attending marketing conferences to be able to provide you with the best services
for Brand Messaging, Automated Sales Funnels, and Business Growth.
Let's face it, you don't have the time it will take to learn how to create an effective
marketing system, and that's why you're here.
Now, here is what makes us different.
Yes, we have an excellent design for our sales funnels and websites.
But the key is, we build our sales funnels on a proven marketing framework that clarifies
your message and compels people to buy from you.
I'm going to be straight up with you.
It's one thing to work with web designers who create beautiful websites.
But it's something entirely different for them to know what will make people
to buy from you.
In other words, web designers are experts at design, but they're not necessarily experts
at marketing.
At FunnelMentor, we're trained marketers, designers, and copywriters, that use a proven
system to combine a Clear Message, a Compelling Sales Funnel, and an Automated Follow Up System,
that will get more leads, increase revenue and grow your company.
Now, the reason why it makes sense to have an outside marketing consultant when it comes
to your marketing is that you and your team are so busy with the day to day operations
of your business, that it makes it nearly impossible to communicate to potential customers
It's called the curse of knowledge, and most companies struggle with it.
They try and sell with all the features instead of leading with emotional drivers that get
people to take action.
Here's how one of our recent clients describes this revelation.
"Working with FunnelMentor eliminated my Wall of Overwhelm, and fear of how I was going
to overcome the obstacles in my marketing.
Jason helped me see ways to increase revenue in my business; I couldn't see myself."
Okay, so how does this work?
First, schedule your free Marketing Assessment so we can discuss your goals.
You can do that today by clicking on the "Schedule Assessment" button at FunnelMentor.com.
Next, you'll receive a marketing plan specifically designed to help you reach your business goals.
Then, after we've executed on that plan, you'll begin to experience more time, more control
over your business, and most importantly, an increase in revenue.
Now, I want you to answer these questions.
How many sales are you missing out on every day because you don't have an effective
sales funnel?
How many potential customers are leaving your website without placing an order because it's
too cluttered or confusing?
How much does it cost your company not to get these marketing issues fixed?
Well, let me tell you the truth.
It's costing you a ton of business, and that business is going to your competition.
So, end your frustration today of trying to handle the marketing, on top of your busy
schedule of running your business, and take the next steps to become an insightful leader
who has total control over the success of their business.
Schedule for your free marketing assessment by clicking on the "Schedule Assessment" button
at FunnelMentor.com, and I'll talk with you soon.
Your Privacy Rights at the Border - Duration: 0:39.
The CBSA can search any local content
on your digital devices when you cross the border
The law does not require an officer to be suspicious in order to
examine your device.
Data accessible with the internet may need a court order.
Most people are targeted for searches based on information in government
databases and indicators.
In initial searches officers shouldn't read every
record but information found can justify a more detailed search.
A detailed search entails closer inspection
and the entire content of your device can be copied by CBSA.
Learn more about privacy at the border at bccla.org/edevices
How to Get Dewy Skin Without Makeup: Your Skincare Routine for Dewy Skin - Duration: 4:18.
This is Kristina from Lōhm
and my dog Huck,
who decided that he wants to be in the video.
So, we're here today to talk about five skin care tips
for dewy skin naturally.
So, we're talking about — how do we get skin
that is naturally dewy?
Not just skin that's dewy
because of the makeup that we've applied.
So, we'll talk about dewy skin with makeup on another day,
but today it's all about the natural,
and there are essentially five, maybe six tips for how to get dewy skin
for how to get dewy skin naturally.
So, the first thing you want to think about is a great cleanser.
You can have a water-based cleanser
or an oil-based cleanser.
They both do good things in different ways,
depending on your skin type.
So, you're going to want to find the one that's best for your
skin type.
I prefer an oil-based cleanser,
but that is just because I like the fact that it's giving
a little bit of moisture while also sort of taking off
the makeup and giving an all- over healthy tone to my skin.
The next thing you're going to want to think about
is exfoliating.
You do not want to exfoliate every day.
You want to exfoliate a couple of times a week.
What does exfoliation do?
Exfoliation helps you take off
the dead skin cells on your skin
And why is that important?
When you remove the dead skin cells,
the light refracts better on your skin,
so that means that as light comes in from the sun,
or a lamp, or an outside source, it bounces off your skin.
When you have dead skin cells,
the light dulls before it bounces back off,
which is the opposite of that glowing dewy look that we want.
The thing to do after cleansing, after exfoliation, is,
you want to use a toner on your skin.
So, when you put on a toner, what it's doing is,
it's tightening your pores.
When those pores are tightened,
they also better refract the light.
So, the smaller your pore is,
the more of a glassy surface it is.
"Glassy" is a K-beauty term to describe your skin
that essentially means the same thing as "dewy."
When you have that glassy, smooth skin,
the light pops off better.
It's the same thing as you think about
a shiny sort of beautiful surface.
Think about marble, like, a shiny marble...
the light bounces right off of it.
But, like, a dull flat marble or, like, a concrete
— the light doesn't bounce , right?
It gets sucked back into that surface.
The same is true of your skin.
Whether it's toned and tight
or whether it's dull and flat
is going to be the difference between the light refracting.
The next thing you want to do is moisturize.
So, what does a moisturizer do?
A moisturizer temporarily
improves the texture of your skin,
so it makes it softer,
it can make it a little more plump,
depending on the active ingredients,
and that softer texture is also better for
refracting the light.
So, you're going to want to go in that order.
Then, you're going to want to layer on an SPF.
Because everyone's skin tone proven over the long-term,
we want to make sure we have an SPF product.
Then finally, we say that the sixth and sort of final tip to
dewy skin is
to make sure that you indulge it from time to time.
So, indulging your skin means —
making those monthly appointments for facials,
doing things like weekly skin masks
or a couple of times a week,
going to a dermatologist
and trying out the different treatments.
The different options — you have to make sure that
what you're doing is improving the health
of your skin over time
and having healthy skin that's good for the long term.
One of the reasons that people do a lot of cosmetic procedures
later in life is because
they haven't been taking care of their skin all along.
You could have the dewy red- carpet skin you want today
and that same skin 10 years from now
if you follow these steps on a weekly basis.
Ask Mark: What's your favorite place you've traveled to for a story? - Duration: 0:45.
- So a lot of you guys have had questions,
on what's the top tire you can run on your truck?
Well, I'm here today to tell you guys
a little bit about the Ridge Grappler.
(intense theme music)
We all know size matters, and Nitto knows that as well.
They've got their tires available in 11.5, 12.5, and 13.5
to get whatever size tire you need for whatever applications
you're going to run them through.
(alternative music)
Not only that, but the Nitto Ridge Grappler also runs
a little bit wider than a normal 12.5 wide,
which Sean talks about in the Hybrid Happy Days video,
so if you have more questions on that,
you should check that out.
The Nitto Ridge Grappler is also offered in F-Load tire
in select sizes, which just basically means
that it has a higher load capacity
for when you're hauling heavy (expletive bleep).
One of the big thing that people love
about the Nitto Ridge Grappler is the aggressive look
that is has and the off-road capabilities that come with it,
yet the quiet, on-road capability.
So while still on top the aggressive looks,
Nitto actually offers two different side wall
options for your tires.
So they have the more aggressive tread
and the less aggressive tread depending on what style
and look you are going for.
And you can choose that actually by emailing
sales@customoffsets.com, let them know
which side you want to run,
and they'll put that on the truck for you.
So the finally thing that the Nitto Ridge Grappler has
is that compared to your normal mud tire
which might get 30 to 400000 miles on it,
the Nitto Ridge Grapplers average
between 50 and 600000 miles on the set.
Customers have even stated
that they've gotten more than that,
but there you go.
So there's your hybrid tire.
Better than you mud tire, more aggressive
than your all-terrain tire, Nitto Ridge Grappler.
Any questions drop in the comments below,
make sure to subscribe, like us on Youtube,
like us on Facebook, peace.
(alternative music)
Emilia Clarke 2018 Cannes interview (dubbed in Polish) - Duration: 4:21.
Wendzikowska: When you are part of such a highly anticipated project, is it hard to
stay silent, not to reveal anything?
Clarke: Well, because of Game of Thrones being so [?] spoilers all the time, [?]
Wendzikowska: After Game of Thrones, [Solo is] another project that fans of yours feel
really strongly about.
Does this give you a sense of responsibility?
Clarke: If you spend too much time comparing yourself, it's literally like putting a lid
on any creative [?] ...you're worried about what someone else is doing or how someone
else has done it, then you are literally closing off any potentiality or creative freedom or
playfulness that you might have -- ever, you're closing it off.
So it's really important, I think, to be aware of that, be respectful of it, but ultimately
I just have to go in and do as well as I can within the character that I've been given
on the page.
And sadly there are people higher up the food chain whose job it is to worry a lot more
than mine.
Wendzikowska: Would you say that finally in this movie, in this Star Wars, men and women
are becoming equal?
Clarke: Now in what Kathleen's managed to do with this recharged franchise is putting
women at the front and center, and so here we are again, I'm a part of that.
Wendzikowska: What is your approach to being chosen 'sexiest woman alive'?
Clarke: That was a little while ago.
Wendzikowska: Do you think it's a sexist thing or is it okay because men are given these
kind of ratings as well?
Clarke: Yeah, I could talk about that all day long should you want me to.
I think that there is an absolute double standard with men and women with regards to how we...
there's a 'dad bod' but a mom bod isn't something considered adorable, sexy and attractive.
I think there's a huge double standard that goes on from an aesthetic point of view, the
way we describe how [?] ...two different set of rules.
Those are currently in the environment, such as the fact that you're even asking me this
question, they're being addressed, they are being aired out right now.
And so I think it's important to have this discussion, to keep having these discussions
so that the trickle-down effect is that this can filter into normal conversation outside
of this industry.
And if that can have a teeny tiny effect, I think it's really important.
But yes, it sucks.
Wendzikowska: I read somewhere that you were five when you decided you wanted to be an
Clarke: Something like that, but too young to really know what that [?] was like.
Wendzikowska: How did you know?
Clarke: I have no idea, not gonna lie.
My dad was in the theatre and he was a sound designer, so I was used to kind of running
around backstage and I was aware of that being a job that was possible and I loved movies
so much and I loved being in the theatre so much that I just kind of got addicted to that
and then did this school play when I was really little and absolutely loved it.
Attention-seeking, mostly.
Wendzikowska: Is there any part of the job that you hate?
Clarke: Plenty, sure.
Um... [?] ...hours.
No one has a job in the world where there's nothing they don't enjoy.
It's when you've got the ratio of six things that are really just difficult and I'm not
enjoying it and then you get that one euphoric moment of complete creative freedom and total
connection to another character within the story and it's just... when the stars align
and you get that flow of freedom, you feel as if you've been freed, and I think that
that is worth nine months of waking up at 3 am.
You`ve Got Mail - 김형중 - Duration: 4:44.
Basic French Pronunciation Tips & Rules for Beginners - Duration: 6:31.
-Today, you're going to learn the most
crucial pronunciation tips for French beginners.
Once you master these basic tips
you'll improve your accent dramatically
and sound more like a native speaker.
Are you ready to learn the essential rules for French pronunciation?
Let's get started.
Hi everyone, Danae here
with TakeLessons Live, bringing you the latest French tutorials straight
from our virtual classroom.
Learning new words and phrases in French is very important
but it's just as crucial to make sure
you're pronouncing all of this new vocabulary correctly.
So let's hop into Katharina's French class
to learn how to fine-tune our accents.
And don't forget to hit subscribe,
so you can stay updated with more helpful French tutorials. [sound]
-And then let's get to the alphabet.
So E, that's for E. G is like a G sound
like in measure, G. R, R.
It's pretty much all the time that the H is silent.
That's a general rule, whenever you have an H
you don't pronounce it.
So it's just like L'homme, -- It's there
but you don't say it.
It's almost like a Y sound,
almost, when you have two L's together.
So Fille, you wouldn't think that that's how you spell it.
G, it depends - if it's before an E and an I,
it's like S in measure, like a G;
but if it's before an A, O or U,
it's like a G in get,
so it depends. Let's see.
We have Le garçon, which is "the boy,"
so because we have an A right after it,
it's like G in get.
Basically, we have five different categories.
We have the accent aigu,
which is on an E only
and goes from the bottom left to the upper right,
for example on Éléphant.
That means that the pronunciation of the E changes
to an a-y, for example - Café.
It's almost like an a-y sound, café.
Then we have the accent grave, and that can be on the è,
on the à and the ù.
It's for example in Fièvre, in Là or in Où.
If you have it on the letter E
it changes pronunciation to E, for example Crème.
It's like an e-h sound almost, or Fièvre.
For the letter a and u, it doesn't change the pronunciation,
but it can indicate that it's a different word.
For example la without an accent grave
on the A just means your article.
It's the female article. For example La femme - "the woman."
If we have it with an accent grave, it means "there."
So sometimes, it's used for pronunciation,
but then you also have the cases when it relates to a different word.
Then we have the accent circumflex,
which is like a little hat on top of the vowels.
That has a similar function like the A and the U with the accent grave,
and doesn't change the pronunciation,
but it indicates another word.
For example we have Mur, M-u-r,
without the little circonflexe it means "wall,"
but if you put a little circonflexe on top of the u, it means "ripe."
It's really important to focus on the little details
of a word to figure out what it means or how to pronounce it.
That's the circonflexe. We have the tréma,
which is like two little dots on e, i, u and y.
For example - Noël is Christmas; "maïs" for corn.
Then we have the cédille.
We talked about that before.
That's almost like a little "s" under the C,
and that means that we pronounce it soft, so - Français.
It's not very sharp but it's soft.
Then there's some basic pronunciation rules.
The stress on French words always falls
on the last pronounced syllable,
so you have the stress always at the end of a word,
like Crème as an example.
Then the ç with a little "s" on the bottom is always pronounced as "S,"
so Garçon, leçon, façon - so like a soft S.
The letter H is never pronounced.
We had that with L'Hôpital - a hospital.
You don't hear it at all.
Then there is a rule when a word ends
with a consonant and the next word
begins with a vowel or silent H, like Hôpital,
when you pronounce it, you basically connect the two words.
For exemple L'Hôpital, les enfants.
You don't say "Les enfants" because in French,
it always sounds, almost like singing, really, so "Les enfants."
Then we have any French letters like an A
and E in the words - le, la ce, je, me, te, se, de, ne and que.
Whenever you have these and you notice
that they have a vowel at the end, then the last vowel is dropped
and just a little apostrophe and you connect the other word.
L'enfant, "the child," would actually be le enfant; le is male
and because you have an E and an E coming together
you cut off the E and you replace it with an apostrophe -
l'enfant. That's again just so it sounds better
and it's not so "le enfant."
That doesn't sound as good as "l'enfant."
Then the nasal sounds, they're indicated by a vowel plus N or M.
The vowel becomes nasal, and the N or the M is not pronounced.
For example - Un. The U-n: "un."
We say the U, but we don't really say the N.
"Le pain," yes, because you have the vowel,
the I, and then you have an N, and then it's "pain."
Because the I gets nasal and the N is not pronounced.
-Hi guys. Thanks for watching.
We hope you found these French pronunciation tips super helpful.
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so you can access free online French classes.
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just like this one to take your skills to the next level.
See you there! [sound]
Best Privacy Practices at the Border - Duration: 0:36.
Here's what you can do to keep your personal information private and secure
when crossing the border.
Leave your device at home.
Securely delete data you don't need.
Make a backup of your data and leave the data at home.
Require a password to access your device and make sure your password is strong
Use two-factor authentication.
Use full disk encryption or encrypt specific critical documents.
Separate privileged or confidential documents into their own folders.
Learn more about privacy at the border at bccla.org/edevice
8 Things You Should Know About Your Colon - Duration: 5:28.
8 Things You Should Know About Your Colon
The colon is the last part of our digestive system.
The main functions of the colon are to draw water, store waste, maintain moisture balance in the body and absorb some important vitamins, such as Vitamin K.
Therefore, taking care of your colon is very important for your overall health.
Here, we'll present 8 things you need to know about your colon.
1,Be careful with irritable bowel.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a common condition, especially among women, characterized by diarrhea, abdominal bloating and constipation.
These symptoms may last several months.
Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor at the first signs.
2,A malfunction of the colon is a culprit of diarrhea.
When our colon is not working properly, struggling to absorb nutrients and fluids that enter our body, we could suffer from diarrhea.
To make the walls of the colon work better, we suggest eating rice, applesauce, bananas and toast.
3,Constipation, too.
The colon is also guilty of causing constipation.
In general, this tends to be due to low bowel activity for several days, but not always.
It is very important to eat enough fiber and drink plenty of water if you're suffering from constipation.
4,Be attentive to hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids is one of the conditions that our colon may suffer from.
It is an inflammation of the veins and arteries of the rectum or certain areas close to it.
Although somewhat embarrassing, it is very important to be careful with them.
It is best to consult a doctor and have a diet rich in fiber.
5,Be careful with colon cancer.
Colon cancer is one of the most common diseases in several countries.
Like any other, it is a cancer that is characterized by the appearance of malignant cells.
Being a place where waste and various types of bacteria are housed, it is very easy for cancer to develop.
However, this type of disease is easy to detect.
Before any other symptom, the first thing your doctor will do is determine if you have fecal occult blood, a simple and painless test that will help us to discard this evil as the cause of your discomfort.
6,Don't be fooled.
In recent years, it has become fashionable to undergo treatment or a colon cleansing process.
However, one must be very careful about it.
These treatments don't tend to work, and they are also very aggressive to your organs.
It is best to clean our colon naturally by eating foods that are high in fiber.
7,What is our colon like?.
The colon is approximately 1.5 meters long and about 6.5 centimeters in diameter.
It extends from the middle part of our abdomen to the rectum.
Its features and even some functions performed may vary from one species to another, but in most vertebrates these are more or less the same.
8,Consume healthy foods.
To enjoy good health in general and keep our colon in excellent health, it is very important to eat an adequate low-fat, high-fiber diet.
This way, we will ensure that our colon performs its essential functions in the best way possible.
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