Sudins Creation
For more infomation >> Best diy Craft | Best craft idea | DIY arts and crafts | DIY paper crafts - Duration: 4:15.
My Friends Tigger And Pooh Tigger s Day at the You-See-Um Part 2 - Bailey Ford - Duration: 3:01.
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
Boy hmm, actually, thank you. Hi, Dennis
- no - so, um you bye you see
What's going on oh
nothing much just
The grand openin data first and onliest under the acre. Would you see them?
Exactly, what is this mess?
All right. Thank you, very
Rough sticks who wears we can see those things all the time
well, the bear is not actually part of the display per se a real museum needs special things the
Things that are interesting and one-of-a-kind
What's interesting about a stick oh, well it's kind of long you could poke things with didn't it's
Much then you don't have much of a museum do
So are you see em need stuff that's especially special hey
We gotta call us some super sleuths they all know how to find a one-of-a-kind
Any time any place
And the finder black is telling us
To talk to me
Rabbit says Marv. You see him isn't special enough. I need to get something. Nobody's ever seen before
But that's about as easy as fine in a woeful leg
Oh my who I've never even seen a was a leg
Me neither. Oh
that's that I mean I'm it I mean
Topeka if I don't move the leg
How much Water Drink Daily For Getting Healthy Weight | Water And Weight Loss - Duration: 2:05.
how much water you should drink in a day for weight loss here is a way to know
how much water we should drink in a day to lose weight take your weight into
consideration the general rule is the heavier you are the more the amount of
water you need to drink obviously people water needs differ from that of one
another convert your weight into pounds roughly
1 kg is equal to 2 point 2 0 pounds multiply your weight in pounds by 2 by 3
so if you weigh 200 pounds then multiplied 200 by 2 by 3 that gives you
an approximate figure of 133 you should be drinking around 133 ounces of water
every day now is when we take into consideration the amount of exercise you
do if you workout for 30 minutes a day then you should drink an extra 12 ounces
of water keep in mind that these calculations are done based on a very
large and generalized sampling of people there are three rules that you must
follow drink water even when you are not
thirsty feeling thirsty means your organ systems have sent a signal to the brain
and that means you are already a little dehydrated so drink water consciously
all through the day you can make use of mobile apps that remind you to drink
water every hour if you workout you need extra water just make sure never to gulp
a water right after working out just sip water and let it to wet your mouth if
plain water bores you use lemon mint or even citrusy fruits for flavoring thank
you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
KARAOKE | Vui Ngày Mới | Noo Phước Thịnh, Phương Vy - Duration: 3:06.
How to Create Pandas DataFrames - Duration: 7:35.
Hi and welcome back! This short tutorial is just a very brief introduction to
creating pandas dataframes! You will learn how to create a Pandas dataframe
that is! We'll start by creating an empty dataframe that is filled with NaN,
missing data it is. We continue with creating a dataframe from a Python
dictionary and, finally, we're going to create a Pandas dataframe from a numpy
array. More specifically, we create a dataframe
with a column, a variable that is, with data that is following the normal
distribution. In the end we also create a histogram of that data. Note this
tutorial is part of a series of videos about working with Pandas dataframe.
links to the pandas documentation a blogpost covering more aspects of pandas
dataframe and many more can be found in the description below. ok when working
with pandas we always need to start by importing pandas as pd and in this
example I'm going to create an empty dataframe. We'll have three columns and
100 rows and so we create list with the column names so 'A', 'B',
'C' and then the index is going to be a list of numbers from zero to
99 and that's going to be
100 rows. Okay now it's time to create the empty pandas dataframe. df = pd.Data
Frame(index=index, columns=columns). Like that!
oh it's just to run this! so now we can have a look at the first five rows see
yes column 'A', 'B' and 'C'. No data and we can have a look at the
tail, the last 5 rows. The same there
okay now we're going to create a pandas dataframe from a dictionary but first
we're going to create some variables. we're going to create a number of lists
so we start with trials and we're going to have six rows so we do one to seven
because I want the number one to six and subject ID we're just going to have one
subject in this example dataframe and the group is going to be control
and we're going to have a condition, something we manipulated; affect
three times and neutral. let's say that is showing
some pictures on the screen. so now create the dictionary and the keys are
going to be the column names in the dataframe later. ID, trial and finally group. so now
it's just to create the pandas dataframe from this
dictionary. it's pretty simple it's just input the dictionary like this and as
long as we have not done any typos this is going to work and it seems to work
and let's print the first
two rows and you see here; conditions group subject ID, and trial. we can have a
look at the last two rows also.
okay now you know how to create a dataframe from a dictionary. okay let's
continue with a final example on how to create a pandas dataframe. creating a
dataframe using a numpy array. so we're going to do a histogram at the end.
so we put that code in there so import numpy as np and import pandas as pd. so in
this example we're going to use numpy normal to create normally distributed
data. so the data np.random.normal() and first input is mean and then the
standard deviation and then we do it 1,000 times.
okay let's create the dataframe from this numpy array; pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['X']) and
columns we just give it name "X", like this, and then we want to have a look at the
first ten rows. ah like that! so we have our dataframe
created from this numpy array. you can see that type(data).
cool! so neat, a neat function with pandas are the built-in methods
for visualization. as we only have one column we can use df.hist() to display a
like this and you see it's normally distributed. if we were to have more
columns we could just do like that and we get the same histogram! okay that
was it, pretty simple right! I hope you learned something. don't
forget to leave a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you haven't
already bye
How To Be a Dancer Like Serena Ruscitti | Magic Cut Media and Promotion Chatz - Duration: 19:32.
Daily Insights & Motivation: If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. - Duration: 3:46.
Hey guys it's John Kevitz from Acquire Liberty how you doing today wanted to talk to you real
quick about something I posted this morning up on Instagram what goes a
little like this if it doesn't challenge you it's not going to change you now how
true is that right how many of us just want to be in our own little comfort
zones and you know you're getting that little routine where you know you're in
the back of your head you're going man I want to do something more I could do
something more with my life right I could be something more I could feel it
on my gut you know what I mean but then you well you end up doing is just you
know working your 8 hour day at work or a nine hour day at work if you're
unfortunate right you know all you want to do is come home and just sit back
relax watch and just be in your comfort zone right it sounds kind of great right
you have all that time in the evening you do whatever you want with yourself
except you have a woman one nagging problem you have this other thing in
your mind going what a waste of life I'm not accomplishing anything I'm not
really happy I don't have any freedom just because I have this time at night
to do whatever I want I still have to get up the next day go work for somebody
else make somebody else rich do what they want to do it complicate dreams
that they have for them and I can't accomplish my own dreams right we've all
gone through that we've all play that in our heads at some point in time whether
it be going for school whether it's a career change whether we want to work
from home whatever it is we've all had those thoughts at some point in time
right so the one thing you'd always remember if you really want something if
you're really you're hungry for working at home if you're really hungry for
changing a life if we're making a difference if you really want to you
know add value to somebody's life right what you have to do is accept the fact
that unless you're challenged no matter what it may be your challenge could be
financial a challenge to be mental the challenge could be emotional the
challenge could be you know how much time you get to keep to yourself how
much time you get to spend with friends how much time you get to do work around
the house all these things matter right so just remember something
nothing is really going to change for you unless you're challenged right and
if you're not challenged if you're not feeling the pain
some way shape or form as far as putting the hours and sacrificing time maybe
even sacrificing money right you're not feeling that pain specially in the
beginning when you're in this this transition phase right
if you then you're not probably really not going to be successful because
you're not really making any sacrifices it does take sacrifice to change one's
mindset one's lifestyle one's way of thinking right so I just want you to
keep that in mind remember this if it doesn't challenge you it doesn't
change you always remember that alright guys it's been a pleasure you take care
if you're interested in how you saw if you want to see how I changed or started
my change click the link at the top must be the first link in the description of
the video click on there you'll get to see my mentor my friend and my partner
on how I got started I'm working from home work having my own home-based
business especially in digital marking area digital marketing area and also you
could follow me on Facebook Twitter Instagram and now YouTube and if you're
following me on YouTube you can actually even do a better job by subscribing to
me right over here right over here it's right over here
click on that button hit the little bell notification so every time I upload a
video you'll get to see it first alright guys until next time you take care as
always what am I gonna say God Bless
Aladdin Coco finger family song | Daddy finger song Coco Aladdin - Duration: 0:53.
Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
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