100 Easy and Cheap DIY Garden Pots You Will Love To See
For more infomation >> 100 Easy and Cheap DIY Garden Pots You Will Love To See - Duration: 11:15.-------------------------------------------
Naming My Business (Choose Your Home Health Agency Name) - Duration: 3:52.
Are you stuck on what to name your home health care agency business
Watch this video for our secret sauce on creating your winning name or your home health care agency
For the best business advice on starting and scaling a home health care agency
subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to be notified when I post a new video every
If you really want to start or scale your home health care agency and have no idea where to begin
Watch till the end of this video and I'll provide you a go-to
template for starting your agency
I've proven this formula by creating and scaling my own successful 8 figure agency and now it's your turn
Step 1. You want to name? Your company's in alignment with what it does?
So what services do you provide?
For example, I own kids care therapy, but we changed our name about a year ago. To kids care home health to
Provide a name that was consistent with the fact that we were providing nursing services
But when your name is vague and unclear, it's hard to determine what you do
The more your name reflects what you do the less you have to explain it tip to
Choose a relevant name
So don't use strings of numbers of letters like ABC Home Care doesn't really tell what you do
So choose a name that would appeal to your clients and your patients tip number three
don't localize I
encourage you don't limit your name to your geographic area because if you do,
may inadvertently
limit your service area
Comment below with some of the name ideas you have or what you have named your agency tip 4 choose a name. That is shorter
May be easier to understand and the best resource I have found is a thesaurus
Don't choose a long or hard to spell or confusing name. For one, you're gonna have to spell it all the time
And second, people don't know how to spell it. It's likely they won't know how to find you. Second, stay away from
Polarizing or time relevant names you don't want to get caught up in any drama
Step 6 during your naming process conduct a trademark search to ensure the name isn't already used
You don't want to violate any existing trademark protections
Comment below to let me know where you are in the process and where I can help you
Now, you know six tips to naming your business
Also if you need any help on starting your own agency
I've written a two page guide to help you during the startup process
The link is down below
if you'd like to join a society of
like-minded professionals who are in this home care space that are either trying to start or scale their business
Let me know I'd love for you to join us
And if this video is helpful to you, please let me know by liking it below
Subscribing and sharing it with your colleagues and comment below
Helpful, if this video helped you. I'll see you next week
Doth Mother Know,You Weareth Her Drapes? | Marvel's The Avengers (2012) - Duration: 4:57.
He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?
We were raised together.
We played together, we fought together.
Do you remember none of that?
I remember a shadow.
Living in the shade of your greatness.
I remember you tossing me into an abyss.
I, who was, and should be, king!
So you take the world I love as a recompense
for your imagined slights?
No. The Earth is under my protection, Loki.
And you're doing a marvellous job with that.
The humans slaughter each other in droves
while you idly fret.
I mean to rule them, as why should I not?
You think yourself above them?
Well, yes.
Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother.
A throne would suit you ill.
I've seen worlds you've never known about!
I have grown, Odinson, in my exile.
I have seen the true power of the Tesseract,
and when I wield it...
Who showed you this power?
Who controls the would-be king?
- I am a king! - Not here!
You give up the Tesseract!
You give up this poisonous dream!
You come home.
I don't have it.
You need the Cube to bring me home.
But I've sent it off, I know not where.
You listen well, brother.
I'm listening.
Do not touch me again.
Then don't take my stuff.
You have no idea what you're dealing with.
Shakespeare in the Park?
Doth Mother know you wear-eth her drapes?
This is beyond you, metal man.
Loki will face Asgardian justice.
He gives up the Cube, he's all yours. Until then,
stay out of the way.
Power at 400% capacity.
How about that?
That's enough.
Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here.
I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes.
Then prove it. Put that hammer down.
Yeah... No.
Bad call. He loves his hammer.
You want me to put the hammer down?
Are we done, here?
6 Things About THEY. You Should Know! | Billboard - Duration: 2:18.
- Hey what's up, this is Billboard.
And you should know us, THEY.
We met each other by, we both moved out to LA
kinda tryin to, I guess, pursue our dreams.
And Dante was already out there for a little while.
And one of my first sessions, songwriter sessions,
when I was in LA was with Dante, and we clicked instantly.
- If I had somebody to play me in a movie
I'd probably have to go with Denzel Washington.
Just cause he'd probably be most accurately
equipped to portray my character.
- I don't know, that's a hard one.
Maybe Idris Elba, yeah, I like that.
- So I grew up in a town right
outside Denver, Colorado called Aurora.
- I grew up two different places.
I grew up, first half of my life was in Texas.
And the second half of my life was in Maryland.
So, military family, kinda moved around a little bit.
My guilty pleasure would have to be mac and cheese.
Yeah, easy.
- You know what, I'm big on like nutrition
and, you know, being healthy and stuff like that.
But I still eat Taco Bell, like once a week.
And I like smother it with Diablo sauce and I get
like 20 packets and go through 20 packets, it's crazy.
So that's like-
- What do you get at Taco Bell?
- I get a chicken quesadilla and
a shredded chicken soft taco and like I said,
like 20 packets of Diablo sauce
and I just put it all over it.
- Both great choices.
- Yeah.
- First song we wrote together was this,
like I said, I was a songwriter coming to LA
so we were kind of writing pitch songs.
And I think we were writing a song, it was for like Becky G
or something like that of that nature, it was a pop song.
What was the name of it?
- Selfish.
- Selfish.
- I'm Oh So Selfish.
- Yeah, it wasn't a great song, but.
I think to get into our music, I think the last album
we were kind of on a different tip than we are now
but I think altogether the best song,
probably to listen to Motley Crue,
or Deep End, one of those two.
And I think because Motley Crue captures
the aggressive nature and the rap nature of what we can do
and I think Deep End accurately
captures R&B side of what we do.
("Deep End" by THEY.)
Why You Should Buy Your Diamond Online - Duration: 3:54.
Hey there, it's Mike Fried and Ira Weissman, the Diamond Pros.
Today we are going to address an issue that comes up a lot during our discussions with
readers; buying online versus buying at a local retailer.
Online shopping has become increasingly common in our lives over the last decade.
People can have a box of Q-tips delivered to their door within a few hours, order their
favorite wines, or have Zappos deliver 20 pairs of shoes for you to try on.
As this has become ingrained in our culture, we have become comfortable purchasing pretty
much anything online.
But what about diamond rings?
I have secret shopped hundreds of jewelry retailers around the world in the last few years.
It is incredible how often those retailers contrive reasons why buying online is a terrible
and dangerous idea.
We will cover a few of the major ones here, but the simple response to them is that they
are full of it.
I imagine executives at Sears were saying the same thing 25 years ago, and look where
they are today.
Let's start with the obvious first.
There is no way a physical retailer can compete with online retailers when it comes to price.
We go over the reasons why on our website (see the link in the description below).
Our secret shopping has proved this time and again.
Physical retailers are usually 30-60% more expensive than the leading online retailers.
We often hear salesmen BS while secret shopping: "If you buy a diamond online, you have no
way of knowing what you are getting."
There are two responses to that.
First, following our guidelines such purchasing from a reputable online source that offers
high-resolution videos of the diamond and only purchasing a diamond with a GIA or AGS
certificate will ensure that you are getting exactly what you are looking for.
Second, that claim implies that if you buy in a physical store you do know what you are getting.
Take a quick look at our review page and you will see just how rare it is to get a decent
diamond at a store.
Using less stringent certification to inflate quality claims or trying to dump a diamond
with a subtle flaw, they hope you won't catch but severely devalues the diamond.
I can't count how many times we've had people ask us about their diamond after they
have made a purchase.
It kills us when we have to point out that they were royally screwed.
The overwhelming majority of physical retailers offer limited or no full refund policy.
What good is an exchange if the person has already been proven in ripping you off?
Every major online retailer offers full refunds, no questions asked.
Blue Nile and James Allen, for example, offer 30 days to refund in full.
They'll even pay for return shipping.
You are far better off taking your time selecting the perfect ring at your leisure, knowing
that you can return it if you are at all dissatisfied, than to walk into a store and have a salesperson
pressure you to make a purchase with no refund policy.
The only reason to purchase from a physical retailer is if they have some way to justify
that premium.
That is a long shot at best.
Tiffany & Co is a perfect example.
Their diamonds are stunning, they have fantastic service and just saying the diamond is from
Tiffany sends a chill down many women's spines.
But their diamonds are roughly double the price of comparable quality from Blue Nile
or James Allen.
Is that brand name worth that much?
Personally, I don't think so, but at least you are getting something for that extra money.
Most physical retailers offer little in return for their premiums.
The bottom line is that shopping online offers allows you to get far better value, with a
lot more security than buying from a physical retailer.
If you have any other questions, or would like some help picking out the perfect diamond ring,
feel free to contact us.
One of our diamond consultants will be happy to help you find the perfect engagement ring.
Once again, this is Ira and Mike, the Diamond Pros.
Thanks for watching.
Resource Guarding Prevention For Your Dog | Dog Training | DogBoy's DogVlog - Duration: 6:11.
♪ Hey ♪
(upbeat music with clapping)
♪ Hey ♪
- Resource guarding is when an animal acts aggressively
or defensively over a valued resource.
So that could be a bone, a toy, a food bowl.
It could be spatial, a favorite bed.
It could be up on a couch.
It can also be a person,
so maybe their caretaker or their favorite person.
So what that might look like,
sometimes if it's over food,
it can be accelerated consumption,
so in an animal eating really quickly, woofing it down,
because they're afraid it might be taken away from them.
If it's over a toy or a bone or something like that,
it might be stiffening, freezing,
a lip curl, a snarl, even a snap.
We see resource guarding when an animal feel anxious
or stressed about either the approach of someone
to their valuable resource,
or they might feel afraid or stressed that
that resource is gonna be taken away from them.
But a good example of resource guarding,
OK, Courtney, you've got a--
- Mm-hmm, yeah, so just the other night,
my dog Noodle was at home.
My daughter and her friends came over,
and I was in the kitchen just kinda getting dinner ready.
I turned my back for just a couple minutes
to wash my hands in the sink,
and I heard this (barks)
and I turned really quick,
and one of the friends said,
"Your dog just snapped at me!"
And I said, "What were you doing?"
And he said, "My hand was in its crate while he's eating!"
And I said, "Why would you stick your hand (chuckling)
"in the crate while the dog is eating?"
(upbeat music)
- Resource guarding prevention,
what we can do to help our animals feel more comfortable
with the approach to a valuable resource.
So one thing that we can do is always trade our animals
when they have a resource.
So instead of just taking something away from them,
walking up to them and giving them something
of equal or higher value,
so you're exchanging the object
so no negative emotional associations are created for them.
Other things that you can do are just work
to add more positive emotional associations
with your approach or with the presence of another animal.
It depends on what your dog's trigger is.
So sometimes dogs are dog-dog resource guarding,
defensive or aggressive.
So when another dog walks up when they're eating
out of their food bowl or something like that,
they might start guarding.
So if you pair whatever their trigger is
with positive emotional associations,
so pairing something with high value rewards or treats,
something that the dog likes to do,
so they start to associate their trigger with good things
and feel less anxious or stressed
when that thing is around their resource.
- OK, so what if I wanted to teach my dog
to drop it or leave it
so that I felt safer going to take that resource?
- Yeah, that is an excellent tool
for resource guarding prevention.
If you have a leave it or drop it on cue with your dog,
then instead of just taking their resource away,
you can ask them for a behavior they know how to perform,
and then reward and reinforce them for that,
which makes the behavior more likely to occur again.
(upbeat music)
- So I have a question.
I have a friend whose dog,
he sleeps in their bed with them.
The guy gets out of bed in the middle of the night,
and the dog goes and gets in the owner's spot
where he sleeps.
So when he comes back from the bathroom,
he growls at him and doesn't wanna let him back in the bed.
So what do you have to say about that?
What would you recommend for something like that?
- So that sounds like some spatial resource guarding,
so the dog seems to be guarding the bed,
that certain location.
Sometimes elevation can trigger resource guarding,
so if they're raised up above,
sometimes that's more likely to be a position
where they might guard from.
So what I would recommend is
using a combination of redirections,
so teaching the dog an off cue,
asking them to hop off the bed
and then being able to reward them for that behavior.
Teaching off is a great resource guarding prevention tool.
What you could also do is some counter conditioning,
where you're starting to change the dog's emotional response
to your friend's approach to the bed.
So right now, for what ever reason,
they're feeling stressed or anxious
when your friend approaches the bed.
So to change some of those feelings,
you could do training exercises
where your friend is walking up to the bed,
tossing some treats,
pairing his approach with some good things
to create some positive emotional associations.
A huge part of dealing with resource guarding is
just proper management of the environment,
so setting the environment up for success
to minimize opportunities for resource guarding incidents
to take place.
So some examples of that might be dogs
that are resource guarding food bowls, feed them separately,
or use baby gates to keep those separate.
♪ Hey ♪
(upbeat music)
So proper management of the environment really important,
but it doesn't actually change the underlying causes
of resource guarding,
and so that's what we do with training.
Sometimes management can fail.
For example, we had an incident with a client
who had dogs that were resource guarding toys.
So she picked up all the toys, didn't have them out,
did a good job managing her environment.
But then at one point her daughter brought a toy out,
the toy got in with the dogs,
and there was a big scuffle
because now the toy was extra high value
because they didn't have toys out
in the environment normally.
So management is a a great short-term solution,
but you do have to put the work in
and do the training and the counter conditioning component.
Otherwise, incidents are always possible.
- So I know one thing that you shouldn't do,
which is punish your dog for guarding their resources
because not only could you get hurt in the process,
but you're probably not doing any good for your dog
in the longterm, right?
- So that's exactly right.
You don't wanna make the situation any worse
by adding even more negative emotional associations
on top of whatever the dog is already feeling.
So if the dog is stressed,
feeling protective of that resource,
and then you're yelling at the dog,
scolding them for guarding the resource,
that makes them feel even worse.
So you're actually making the behavior even worse
in the longterm.
- So if you're scolding their dog
while their guarding their resources,
their likely to just skip the growl, right?
- Right, so you're talking about escalation
and using confrontational methods.
And when you use confrontational methods,
you're likely to have a confrontation and get bit.
(whimsical music)
(dog barks)
All There is to Know About Oval Cut Diamonds - Duration: 2:44.
Hi there, it's Mike and Ira, the Diamond Pros.
Today we'll be talking about my favorite diamond shape: oval cuts.
Round cuts may be the most brilliant and popular cut, but ovals hold a special place in my heart.
I love how they manage to pull off a shine and luster similar to a round diamond,
but allow for more unique and creative engagement rings given its oblong shape.
It seems like the world is starting to come around to my way of thinking, as oval cuts
have seen a surge in popularity this year.
I don't think talking up oval cuts is a great idea, Mike.
When it comes to picking out a beautiful diamond, oval cuts are among the most difficult to
find (with perhaps marquise cuts being the lone exception).
Oval cuts have the same difficulties with color and clarity as other diamonds, but they
have their own problems as well.
First off, you have to focus on the length to width ratio.
Too stubby or too long and they end up looking ugly.
Try to find an oval cut with a L:W ratio over 1.35
Take a look at this oval diamond from Blue Nile.
The color and clarity are fine on the diamond, but the shape looks bizarre.
It's way too stubby for an oval cut.
Compare it to this stunning one carat oval cut, also from Blue Nile.
Just compare the two of these and you can see how important L:W ratio is.
Links for the diamond can be found below if you want to look at them a bit more.
Another issue you have to navigate is the black windowing, also known as the bowtie effect.
You will see this manifested in a figure 8 pattern running north to south through an
oval cut.
You can see bowties on the overwhelming majority of oval cut diamonds.
A little bit of a bowtie is no problem, but you have to make sure it isn't too big or
it ruins the brilliance of the diamond.
We can use the same diamond from before as an example.
This diamond, like virtually every oval cut, has a bit of a bowtie.
But its faint and doesn't cause any black windowing.
Compare it to this and you immediately see a difference.
It is a bit tricky finding the right oval cut.
Normally, we hit you with a bunch of numbers and percentages when talking about finding
the best cut.
When it comes to ovals, it's more of an artform.
For color, you should stick with an H+ diamond to ensure it looks clear.
Feel free to ask one of our diamond experts for some help on this.
They have picked out thousands of ovals.
My favorite engagement ring is a three stone oval cut ring with half moon side stones.
There is something about it that looks special to me.
They also go great in halo and split shank pave rings.
If you have any other questions, or would like some help picking out the perfect diamond ring,
feel free to contact us.
One of our diamond consultants will be happy to help you find the perfect engagement ring.
Once again, it's Ira and Mike, the Diamond Pros.
Thanks for watching.
I'm missing you... - Duration: 1:26.
Disclaimer: The song sample and the movie does not belong to us. Any original content here asides from the song lyrics and the singer's voice rightfully belongs to their owners which is stated in the description.
Learn All About Diamond Carat Weight - Duration: 3:03.
Hi there, it's Ira and Mike, the Diamond Pros.
Today we are going to explain carat size and why it matters.
Well, it's obvious that carat weight matters; most people want the biggest diamond they
can afford.
But we're going to cut through the technical mumbo jumbo and help you figure out just what
to look for.
Let's get the technical stuff out of the way first.
You may have heard the word carat and wondered what it meant.
A carat is a measurement of weight.
"Why don't we use a more common weight so people will understand?" you may ask.
Simple answer.
A carat is an incredibly small measurement in weight.
One carat rolls off the tongue a heck of a lot better than zero point two grams.
Diamond prices are calculated by weight.
The diamond industry calculates prices by ranges.
For example, there is a price per carat for all color and clarity combinations in the
1.00 to 1.49 carat range.
So let's say the price for H, VS2s is $6,000.
A 1.00ct would be $6,000 while a 1.03ct diamond will cost $6,180.
Keep in mind that your eyes don't really see weight.
Your eye sees mass.
Usually, someone is looking at a diamond from the top.
There is virtually no discernable difference between a 1.00ct and a 1.03ct.
So when purchasing a diamond you need to figure out what size RANGE you can afford
(factoring in your budget and what color and clarity you want), but after that, don't focus too
much on the size.
Wait a minute.
If the price goes up for every size range, and there is no difference between diamonds
that are within a couple percent difference in weight, then maybe I should try to get
a 0.98 carat diamond instead of 1.00 carat diamond.
That should save me a bunch of money, right?
Well, it's a good idea in theory.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work for two reasons.
First off, the diamond industry doesn't have the habit of throwing money away.
And they have become exceedingly efficient when it comes to cutting diamonds.
A diamond cutter would much prefer having a slightly worse cut diamond that weighs 1.00ct
than to have a perfect diamond that weighs 0.98ct.
It is incredibly rare to find a beautiful diamond in that range.
The other issue though, I shouldn't call it an issue, is that consumers have become
more intelligent in their searches.
There are tons of consumers out there who have learned enough about the topic to know
that a well-cut 0.98ct diamond is a great find.
So high demand and severely limited supply means those diamonds will actually increase
in price.
By that time, you won't end up saving anything at all.
So stay in your lane.
Figure out which weight range is right for you.
Make sure to nail down the specifics on quality and find the best diamond for your money.
If you have any other questions, or would like some help picking out the perfect diamond ring,
feel free to contact us.
One of our diamond consultants will be happy to help you find the perfect engagement ring.
Once again, this is Ira and Mike, the Diamond Pros.
Thanks for watching.
Design your dream home with Biltmore in SpurWing! - Duration: 0:32.
- Hi, I'm Beth and I'm the community rep
for Biltmore out here in SpurWing Heights.
Here I am in the master closet.
One of the most fun things
that you get to do when you custom build with Biltmore
is you get to design the closet how you want it.
Do you need a lot of shoe space?
Want some long-hanging space for your dresses?
Whatever you need, you get to design it.
A lot of our floor plans also have access
from the laundry room directly into the master closet
so you don't have to go too far.
We have five lots available for you to custom build on,
so come see us anytime.
2018 Wedding Gift Idea "SHE Will LOVE" ♡- Best Anniversary Gift For Wife -Girlfriend Birthday Makeup - Duration: 10:17.
How are you guys?
Subscribe to my channel.. if you haven't already
Because this YouTube channel is absolutely fun
I am going to be attending my friend's wedding in Mauritius
and I am like.. what should I buy for her
I wanted to give her a very a good surprise
And what I decided.. I think might be it..
I think its on target.. very good
When I showed this to rest of my friends.. they're like... "Nadia...we need this too"
"Nadia.. Please gift us this on our Birthdays"
The thing is.. whenever I meet these guys.. they always ask me to gift them makeup
They assumed...I have "wells "of makeup.. where makeup flows
Or when I turn on tap.. lipsticks flows
as if I have - lipsticks, mascaras and palettes flowing from the taps
It's nothing like that.. I do have to buy them like you guys
Be it a bridal shower .. if you want to gift something good to your friend
I find this thing..which is so good
And this gift is on outstyle
you won't get this cheap form anywhere else
and this have everything
should I tell you what it is ?
When I saw this collection by Tarte.. when I saw the box
See it yourself
You can buy it yourself.. but sometimes its good to gift something good to someone else.
Because a lot of time
many people try to buy only cheap gifts
To avoid spending so much
Later when happens is that your gift usually get thrown away
or it is gifted to someone else
For a bride..at-least.. you have got to spend this much after all
Just think this.. she will always remember your gift
So I am about to show you.. Inside of this.. and I am sure you will get nuts
and all the makeup that is inside this box
and when you try to buy individually
The prices of them are quite high
and with almost the half price of
you are not getting..one but 11-12 things
I haven't count them yet
Even I haven't check it out myself.. it was just love at first sight.. and I just brought it for my friend
You won't able to get it.. all your life...because it is limited addition.
it is available for only few days
So buy it quickly
only on www.outstyle.com/shop
In closeup.. it look something like this
it has this lip color
it has this lip lip color
and all of them are brown and gold shades
then inside this.. I am going to show you in a closeup view
we'll look at the brushes
I have an exciting news for you guys!!
We are going to playing life game show here on Outsyle Youtube Channel
Where you can win Makeup, Jewellery, clothes
and so much more
We will play it on live here on Youtube
I will question you about all the Outsyle Videos you have watched up till now
Watch all of the videos here on the channel
and learn all the information on these video thoroughly
Just help me .. I need your advice
On what day we should play it
when you guys are all free.. and have no work to do
and what should be the best time
Duration of our game show would be 20 mins
We will play it regularly
So are you guys ready.. to participate and play game live on Outsyle
Hurry up and write in the comments.. At what day? and at what time
We are having Online game show
You will Play it and you will win it also
This shade is something like that
I have only touched it slightly.. check out it color
and for lips
This is lip gloss
it is so deliciously made
So richly package
Subscribe to Outstyle.. click on the bell icon.. to get notification whenever, Outstyle post new videos
Oh my...this product quantity is so much
I am sure it will last for 2-4 years
all your demands for your bronzing
all of it is in this palette
How nice is its finish
I have seen any palette -this much classy
Oh my..box is not as gorgeous as it is
from inside
Somebody take my picture with this
Let just imagine.. if I am one bride.. and your another bride
and when I saw this gift
I am like.. tarte..ah...very nice.. princess ..own your crown
and while I am opening this.. I am like Oh my gosh!!
and it is there this very nice message written on this like
Infuse with the queen ingredient
and all of this glow
Now days every girl has obsession with this
I am saying.. if you are an Uncle
Send this to your daughter-in-law in "face showing ceremony "
She'll go crazy.. and will start to dance out of happiness
and whats that we say in our language
and this is..ok I am going to read it out loud
I haven't check it very carefully yet
This is amazonian clay water proof bronzer
Just look at it's -to-die-for palettes
This is so shining..full of glitters
and this is highlighting lip paint
and this is lip bling
and it has one of the most famous
which I have with me already
and this one here.. is tarte contouring
which is already very expensive and if you buy this individually
and you won't get this package.. this box..
together with all this packaging
2018 best Bridal gift
What I say is.. just gift it to the bride
and it's not over yet.. you guys must have gone nuts.. just seeing this much
At this point.. I was like.. "should I buy this
there isn't much..only three thing here"
an with its price.. you'll only get 3-4 of these
and I was..maybe one extra item should have been there
then I got to know.. there's a real surprise, which is hidden beneath it
Here..look at this
I am going to open it
you can see.. just like a jewelry box it has two layer
and ladies and gentlemen..Get ready... for real you are about to get crazy
This is tarte especial contouring brushes set
These are original brushes.. the one which are fake..there's is no fun
applying them
How delicious it is ..light pink and white
If you want this original.. you have to be really quick..
order this from outstyle.com
but this is very beautiful
you will get this on your doorstep.. and if you want to send it directly to the bride.. just send the address
We will send it to her
What you think?.. just like me.. In closeup it looks more fun
You can place its order on Outstyle
Whoever is getting married
and if you are getting married.. and no one is gifting you this
Buy it yourself.. or tell your friends that you want this for your wedding
Finding the perfect summer sunglasses for you - Duration: 4:25.
VLOGG "fri diet" | Berättar om i vikt, kalorier, ätstörningar (VARNING) VLOG lose weight - Duration: 11:07.
hi hi bababa
*WARNING* diet, calories, weight, eating disorders
so this I wear
hi today I'll go to old town
now we are in the old town and the clock is 3
mango they are very good
8 mango they are so good
real mango taste like taste, not sour
orange color
now we sitting here on under kastanjen
I took gluten free
love mums cake or I don't know
there half is gluten free and left not gluten free
I thought everything was gluten free
I took more pancakes
good pancakes
why I regret it?
it feels like... almost good than I thought
cake (chocolate) was like most crumbs.
Here I never want to go anymore
I'm just happy with pancakes, pancakes were the best
ate 4 pancakes
yes I'm coming here again just for pancakes
look cute teddy bear
hi (shy)
feels it will poop...
oh no now I'm trying to stick so it does not come
It can not come
It was close to feeling like it come
I do not want it to come. I'm always worried, afraid to think if it comes (poop)
cute. coats 260 SEK
now sitting here on Agaton, window here
I took gluten free pasta.
Unfortunately, it's lactose, not vegan
it was much like spicy then I took carabonara instead
I would eat at home instead
cook own food, think it's better and good
I regret this, why did I eat here?
here is first time I eat here.
I would take the pad thai
rice noodles, no gluten, not lactose
Now I feel a little pain after eating this
why did i eat this? dumb lactose
you know you know I love pad thai
no vegetable
I want very much soy sauce like sticky, not dry. yes.
started to eat it often, that was so good
I wanted to test "restaurant" that has pad thai here
but then I changed and took Agaton restaurant instead
there I regretted, why did i take it?
i would eat pad thai
t was not so very good than I thought
i would eat pad thai instead
now feel like never want eat there restaurant (Agaton)
just pad thai.
home, home cooking is better, tastier
it's a little pushing (in stomach)
now I want just eat gluten free and lactose free
tasting this
"not lactose free"
I took vegan chocolate, it's lactose free
I regretted this
it is just pancakes "best"
but the others I ate what I regretted. why did i eat this?
tomorrow start diet (again)
just eat healthy, not unhealthy diet. just healthy diet
here is really hot than I thought
here cold
god I feel bad of heat
it hurts
I can't stand this heat anymore
yesterday and yesterday it was 34 degrees, horrible
it is so hard of heat got into the body and groin
I feel bad, cried cried cried that it was tough of heat
why so heat?!
at home, in my room I have 2 fans/air
still blows heat, should be cold, not just blows. cold blows should it be.
I hate heat it's so hard for me.
I do not want to get worse!
I can't stand this anymore
god what I feel bad.
when it's so hot and i'm hurt then I get gnawed easily, crying
I want +20 degrees, +15-20 degrees
why do i have this!
thoughts came up and want to coop (food store)
it just for today. Actually, I do not want to there, buy something
anxiety, regret, think of calories
started: feb 2018. eating disorders? *I never vomiting*
diet and so started
in autumn 2017. due to skin disease in the groin
I have not told this
You know I post up sweet or food on instagram and snapchat
You may think I eat lots of food and how I can eat much.
look, looks good cake
there is just flour, it's gluten
why is not gluten free, why is there a lot of gluten
without gluten. this I test liverwurst "vegan"
gluten free they are good white bread
gingerbread muffins, it looks good
Imagine if I regret, I do not want to eat this
This little one is 100 calories.
dad: this little!
I don't want eat this stupid
why do you do that then
diet (again)
serious diet. just healthy, no sugar, chocolate
just healthy. mango, soup tomato and so, yoghurt.
I should do it on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday.
Friday and Sunday are half diet
Saturday is free diet
just gluten free, lactose free feels better in the stomach
This week, Tuesday and Thursday I have been destroyed / failing diet
I regretted that a lot, why am I doing that? it is enough.
stupid thoughts. but I did not feel very hungry, feels not hungry.
just thinking in the mouth and thoughts but when eat then feel like...
then I regret myself, why keep eating if it's not so good sometimes
sad, regretting after it.
Just waiting to Saturday, on saturday then I can eat (free diet)
It's not good for me in the skin
it hurts more then worse.
It's terrible that I have skin disease in groin
very fat mash each other, no.
before I was not like this, I could eat everything a lot
never thought of calories before
I noticed a bit later, why
2017 in winter/spring
then felt and noticed me differently on legs when I go, mashed each other (legs)
I was warm in my legs when I was sleeping
therefore it became so. I did not know that this would be (worse)
now I have terrible in my loins skin illness
up, down and up, down "fail diet" destroyed diet
when I'm on a diet when I felt...
little better, happier for skin and weight.
I mean most in legs and stomach
I do not workout, I can not workout
I do not touch much, most sit still
can not eat a lot when i can not move, pain in the loins that I can not go real yet
use most segway
I do not want to eat much, do not eat unhealthy
I try to move and dance a bit even it hurts
I do not think it's bad to count calories
I do not want to say how little / much calories...
because you may not want to know (for warning)
see the difference 2017 to 2018, that's how it looks:
in autumn I ate a lot of eggs, tomato soup
vegan and so.
I do not eat breakfast
I do not eat this breakfast anymore
so I've lost weight
I saw a difference and noticed, now feels...
...better on legs.
This I have kept "diet" for a long time without you knowing
You want to know how I feel? I want you to know
I never told this because I was unsure
now clock is 8
hope you thinks this is... fun or......?
thanks for watching bye!
How to Coordinate Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, Week 8 - Duration: 4:52.
Hey guys! It's Angel from Weekly Welcome Mat, here to talk about real estate.
Worlds are colliding today! So we're gonna be talking about Dave Ramsey's
Financial Peace, Week 8 real estate and -- real estate. We are here! We've made it to
my wheelhouse! So we're going to be talking about real
estate on Week 8 and what the difference is between renting, being underwater, a
15-year mortgage, a 30-year mortgage. Dave's gonna cover it all. And I love
this lesson for obvious reasons, but when he talks about how to sell your house --
pay close attention because it's gold. It's absolute gold. And I I think one of
the best things I can ever say about coordinating this class is the idea -- the
light bulb that you'll see going off in your attendees at class about the
thought of paying off their house. Like it just never occurs to people they just
think we'll just refi, and refi and we'll refi and take the money out or
whatever it is that they're gonna do the reason for the refi -- a lower rate or
whatever. But really the thought of paying off your house -- just just sit with
that for a second. Powerful, right? And think about what you can invest in after
that. That's mind boggling like if you sit with that for a second you're like,
Wait. The amount that I paid in my mortgage I could invest?" (sound effects)
It's a powerful week. You'll hear Chris Hogan pop in. He comes in again and that's
pretty fun to always hear him. I love his voice -- his baritone.
I love his baritone voice and just drops some serious knowledge on the
class. So side note here is the benefit of coordinating this class that you
get an opportunity to serve people even when the class is done. So Dave makes it
very clear that we are not to promote our businesses and, you know, "Hey! I just
happen to be a realtor! (sound effects) Ya know, that it's not what we're doing in
our class. You don't have to hide it but you don't have to like walk in with your
name tag and -- "I just happen to be here!" No. But one of the things that's actually
happened is that I've been blessed enough to
help someone that I helped in two different classes. It's a great story!
I taught FPU with my husband or we coordinated a FPU with my husband and I
had the mom in -- and the mom brought her kids in and they were younger, you know,
early teens. Then we coordinated the Generation Change class and that was --
gosh that was a handful of years ago, but those same teenagers that were with the
mama in the class were now bigger and then they were in the Generation Change
class. So time goes on and I'm coordinating not with my husband this time
but with one of our other coordinators at church and in walks -- he wasn't a baby,
he wasn't a teenager, he was an adult -- my friend, Ray! And he came in and he was in
Financial Peace -- he and his buddy took it again because now they were adulting and
they wanted to adult better. God love 'em. And his mom knew I was a realtor it
would just came up in conversation with some of the stuff that she was
processing through with the different classes when I would see her. And lo and behold, I
got the opportunity to help him get his first house. And guess what? He was
a Top A student! He had his money to put down. He did a 15-year loan. He --I mean
Chris Hogan would be so proud of him. It was fantastic to just watch the whole
thing take place and to be a small little smidgen part of it was something
I'll never forget. Look at -- I'm getting emotional.
Never underestimate the ability that you have to impact lives and to help them
move into the next chapter, whether its mama with her ducklings while she's
getting a divorce, the ducklings growing up or the ducklings being ducks and
adults. I don't know why I made a duck reference -- but anyway I cannot emphasize
the beauty of coordinating enough just for this opportunity -- whether you're a
realtor or an electrician, it doesn't matter just to be able to impact these
people's lives to share your knowledge, to give them hope beyond just what Dave
talks about in all of your breakouts, you're being given such a blessing that
Will continue you to bless you over and over and over
again. Cannot recommend it enough. My apologies for the tears, I'm kind of a
weepy girl, whatever! Oh! I almost forgot next week is Week 9 the final class the
greatest class, anyway. So we'll see you next week for the last one and we will
wrap up this series of coordinating Dave Ramsey's FPU.
Mural in downtown Phoenix gives you wings and helps you register to vote - Duration: 2:18.
Snugs - Radio Silence (KVMO Remix) 🔥 - Duration: 2:56.
Comment '❤️' if you love Snugs 💕
My first two weeks with YWAM London Radiant - Duration: 9:13.
The Fastest Cars in History | WheelHouse - Duration: 8:47.
(car engines rev)
- I like going fast.
(car engines rev)
And you probably do too.
(car engines rev)
Today on Wheel House we're asking, how fast will cars get?
Humans have always had a taste for speed,
well before cars were a glint in anyone's eye.
The nineteenth century saw the rise
of the industrial revolution and railways,
and in 1829, George Stevenson's rocket locomotive
reached an unheard of 30 miles per hour.
But by the end of the century,
trains were able to reach speeds of 120 miles an hour.
That's insane.
From 1894 to 1914, speeds achieved by the automobile
rose exponentially, as did the complexity of their design.
Engine layouts went from one cylinder to 12,
from brakes on just the rear wheels to brakes all around,
from steam engines to carbureted,
four cylinder internal combustion engines.
The Benz Patent-Motorwagen, built around 1885,
was the first car of its kind
to reach a wind-whipping speed of
(drum roll)
Wait for it!
10 miles per hour.
- That's fast. - Mm-hm.
- Within a decade, the steam powered Stanley Roundabout,
more commonly known as the Stanley Steemer,
was lightning fast by comparison at 35 miles an hour.
As the car evolved and as speed became a priority,
what wasn't yet clear was the difference
between race cars and road cars.
Race tracks weren't really a thing yet
so speed records, at least early on,
had to be done on public roads.
By the 1920s cars were hitting speeds
of over 100 miles per hour.
The Duesenberg Model J, manufactured in Indiana,
hit 119 miles per hour
and was followed by the company's souped-up SJ model,
which was said to do over 140 miles per hour,
helping to coin the term,
it's a doozy.
The first man to make a serious attempt
at the 200 mile an hour barrier
was a dude named Sir Henry O'Neil de Hane Segrave in 1927.
He would pilot a custom built land speed racer
called the Sunbeam 1000 Horsepower Mystery Slug
and that's what it was called.
That's actually what it was called.
The blood-red racer had two air-trap engines on board,
one in front of Henry and one behind.
When Segrave and the Sunbeam team
took the car to Daytona Beach to go for the record,
so many people showed up to watch
that Henry had to abort a few test runs
because spectators were standing
on the nine mile long course, just in the way.
After police showed up to block people
from being in the car's way,
Henry set off pushing the car
to a blistering 200.669 miles an hour.
After the run, Henry pressed on the brakes to slow down
but to his surprise the intense speed
quickly burned his brakes out.
So he had no choice
but to drive into the ocean to slow down.
I'm not lying about that.
After pulling the car out and making some repairs,
Henry turned around and went for another run,
this time averaging 203 miles per hour.
(car engine revs)
Just seven years later in 1935
Sir Malcolm Campbell was the first man
to break the 300 mile an hour mark
in his Bluebird Streamliner.
The sands of Daytona weren't practical
for such high speeds so Campbell had to go all the way
to the wide open Bonneville salt flats of Utah
to set his record,
a place that would soon become
the mecca of land-speed racing.
After World War II, hot rod culture was bustling
with enthusiasts meeting in the deserts of Nevada
and Bonneville with the hope of breaking world speed records
in their own customized rides.
They would drive anything from road-going roadsters
to completely handmade streamliners fashioned out of
fighter plane fuel tanks.
While men like John Cobb and Craig Breedlove
were smashing the 400, 500
and even 600 mile an hour records,
things were going a little slower
back in the production car world.
In 1949, the fastest car in the world
was the Jaquar XK120 with a top speed
of 120 miles an hour.
While your buddy's Hyundai might be faster today,
120 in a car meant for the road
back then was very impressive.
The 1950s brought the Aston Martin DB4 GT
which hit speeds of 153 miles an hour.
With all that elegance and no one
to possibly catch up in a high speed chase,
it's no wonder the Aston Martin became the car of Bond.
(sings James Bond theme song)
(makes gun shot sound)
In the 1960s and 70s Ferrari was at the top spot
in the fast class with its Ferrari 365 GTB4 Daytona,
which reached speeds of 174 miles an hour.
Followed by the Berlinetta Boxer
which was said to be able to reach speeds of 188.
It wasn't but Ferrari still eked out its top spot
as the fastest car in the 1970s.
With the Berlinetta Boxer a bit of a let down,
and the Porsche 959 taking the place
as the world's fastest car,
Ferrari felt the heat and once again,
(phone rings)
answered the call.
In the 1980s, the Ferrari F40 was the first production car
to make it past 200 miles an hour,
and became the super car of the decade.
Probably the first super car, actually.
Once that barrier was broken, the gloves were off.
The McClaren F1 reached a speed of 240 in 1998.
The carbon fiber production car made 627 horsepower
from its BMW V12 engine,
making it the fastest car of its era.
(car engine revs)
The Shelby SSC Aero followed
and came roaring into the 21st century
at 268 miles an hour,
followed by the Hennessy Venom GT
which holds the top spot at 301 miles an hour.
Mmm, sort of.
The Hennessy has claimed to go from zero to 249
and back to zero in less than 30 seconds.
But Hennessy has yet to confirm the speed
with the Guinness Book of World Records,
so the real top spot goes to,
drum roll please,
(imitates drum sound)
the Koenigsegg Agera RS at 278 miles per hour.
To make things official,
Koenigsegg asked the Nevada Department of Transportation
to close an 11 mile stretch of Route 160
where the 1,160 horsepower Agera RS
hit 284.55 miles per hour during its first run
and 271.19 during its second
for an average of 277.9 miles per hour.
Very impressive stuff,
but Koenigsegg wants more,
looking square the big three oh oh.
So what's holding streetcars back
from 300 miles an hour?
While cars like the Bugatti,
Veyron and Chiron,
Chiron, Chirone?
We went on this cruise one time
and we met this chick from ASU,
her name was Michon.
Hennessy Venom and the Koenigsegg
make monster horsepower numbers.
That isn't enough to break 300.
There are two very big obstacles
we need to overcome before we get there.
The first being air.
At low speeds, we don't think about this much.
It's easy to cut through.
But as you go past 200, it gets exponentially harder
to go faster and faster,
requiring more and more power
to make gains of even 20 miles an hour.
The SSC Ultimate Aero made 985 horses and reached 256.
13 years later, the Agera RS made 175 more horses
but only went 22 miles an hour faster at 276.
Building engines capable of that sort of power
takes a lot of know-how,
especially if you wanna put it in a streetcar.
But let's pretend we didn't have to worry about reliability
and that we built an engine capable of 2,000 horses.
(car engine accelerates)
And we have a super aerodynamic,
street-legal and safe super car to put it in.
Well, there's still something holding us back, our tires.
The faster you go, the more friction and heat
your tires have to deal with.
And when your wheels are turning
hundreds of times per second,
that's a lot of forces pulling on the tires.
If you don't have good rubber under you,
that's dicey.
Both the Chiron and the Agera RS
use Michelin Pilot Sport Twos,
which Michelin says can be pushed to 300,
as long as it doesn't take too long to get there.
If it takes more than a few minutes
to go from 270 to 300, then there's gonna be
way too much heat in the tire and it could be compromised.
(loud tire noise and explosion)
There's a pretty good chance that we'll see
a street-legal car break 300 miles an hour in our lifetime.
The question is, who's gonna do it?
I don't know, they could be watching us right now.
(mysterious music)
(rhythmic rock beat)
Hey, we make awesome stuff like this
pretty much every day so make sure you don't miss it
by hitting this guy right here.
Oh, and hit that notification bell, too.
Or if you wanna know more about tires,
check out this episode of Science Garage.
Be nice to each other, see ya later.
Say bye, Dor. Bye, Doris. Bye bye.
Las Vegas Water Quality Assessment: What You Need To Know - Duration: 2:27.
Las Vegas, Nevada recently released its annual water quality report, and our Water Nerds
dug through it so you don't have to!
Make sure to comment below to suggest which city our Water Nerds should tackle next.
Let's start with Chromium 6.
Chromium 6 is a highly toxic metal that is currently unregulated by the EPA.
In recent years, Las Vegas has had a major problem with this dangerous contaminant.
Chromium 6 pollution is associated with metal processing, tannery facilities, chromate production,
stainless steel welding, and pigment production.
The most recent data for Chromium 6 is from 2014, so the concentrations of this contaminant
may have changed since then in Las Vegas water.
The report found an average concentration of 0.20 parts per billion, and detected levels
reaching as high as 0.85 parts per billion.
These levels are as high as 42 times higher than the level determined to have a negligible
impact on cancer risk.
EPA has acknowledged that Chromium 6 is a known human carcinogen through inhalation,
but is still determining its cancer potential through ingestion of drinking water.
Next is lead.
Lead enters tap water through old lead service pipes and lead-containing plumbing.
10% of sites that were tested for lead had concentrations over 2.6 parts per billion.
The highest detected concentration was 7.5 parts per billion.
Though currently in compliance with the federal Action Level of 15 parts per billion, Environmental
Protection Agency, Center for Disease Control and American Academy of Pediatrics all recognize
that there is no safe level of lead for children.
Treated water leaving the plant may be in compliance with loose EPA standards, but could
become contaminated once it enters older infrastructure.
Houses built before 1986 were most likely built with lead plumbing and lead fixtures.
Lead exposure can cause developmental issues, lowered IQ, and damages to the kidneys and
Next is disinfection byproducts.
According to this years report, Las Vegas also had elevated levels of Disinfection Byproducts
or DBPs.
Concentrations were detected as high as 33 parts per billion for Haloacetic Acids-5 and
70 parts per billion for Total Trihalomethanes in Las Vegas drinking water.
Disinfection Byproducts are a category of emerging contaminants which means they have
been detected in drinking water but the risk to human health is unknown.
Regulatory agencies have very little knowledge about the adverse health effects of DBPs,
and their toxicity.
EPA has stated that they have been linked to an increased risk of bladder cancer, as
well as kidney, liver, and central nervous system problems.
Our Water Nerds are on the lookout for other cities to cover.
If you would like us to see what's going on in your hometown, please let us know and comment
Also, If you have any questions about this report or anything else water related, drop
us a line at hello@hydroviv.com, or visit hydroviv.com and use our live chat.
Our Water Nerds are based in Washington DC and can gladly answer any questions you might
Great Tiny House Design Ideas You'll Love part 21 - Duration: 2:06.
Great Tiny House Design Ideas You'll Love part 21
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