Hello everyone. It's Lou. I am not presentable that's why
I'm not facing the camera, in this balance sheet this assessment of the challenge to 100
days per thousand subscribers. And we are at day 80 and well we will
to make a small point about what happened spent in the last ten days.
I had a big surprise, almost having a shock, almost evanouri when a
morning I woke up and Jean Viet was subscribed to my channel. It came
comment on the videos and besides it to advertised me
So it was a big surprise and then a great happiness too.
The other surprise was this video: the Fast leveling for wow players.
This is a video I made for one of my subscribers and who is Deep. Deep wanted
learn how to get up quickly character so I did a little tutorial
quite fast. and then he's tutoring
views but they also reap dislike. So here I have to make a
analyze a little bit of why, why it does not work, why
people do not like. Already because I think they do not really know
the chain and then that there are people on Wow who makes the very very big
quality. so he finds my video, and it does not
does not necessarily correspond to their expectations. In any case it is the analysis that
I do. So not to put the moral at half-mast
and then lower the statistics of the chain, I simply disable the
notice on this video and I'm going think about whether I withdraw it or not
since my goal was not really not to make the hooker click.
What I did during the 10 days: you have probably seen, I have
reworked the branding of the chain. So I did
a new banner. I think she is really good and then a new
trailer, it was a lot of work,
but the result, I think it is rather nice. At the subscriber level, well
five people came to join the community in the last ten
days. Thanks to them and I hope the content they like. So a new
goal now to meet this challenge, I now need 35 subscribers
every day over the next 20 days. And I leave you right away
with the upcoming program of the chain for this August and then
the new generic that you may see on the new video, and here on this new generic ma
voice will come in voiceover.
Good I hope you liked a like if that's the case and then if you're not
no subscriber, subscribe. If you are subscriber, as usual you operate
the bell to receive all the notifications and see you soon
new record of this challenge.
For more infomation >> 🥇 Challenge 100 days for 1000 subscribers on You Tube review at 80 days - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Leave Your Phone Alone 'Til You Get Home - Duration: 0:30.
Give it.
I'm calling mom.
They're not sharing.
Get your feet off the seat.
Well make them share.
You're taking up half the seat.
Shut up!
Knock it off.
I'm on the phone and I'm trying to talk.
Be quiet!
Leave your phone alone 'til you get home!
Why Are You So Passive Aggressive? - Duration: 5:50.
Don't Use This Power Query Trick - Duration: 8:44.
Recently a client was telling me about how revolutionary Excel Power Query is for cleaning
up all of their data.
They were also very excited to tell me about a neat trick they discovered that makes Excel
Power Query even better.
In a minute I'm going to tell you what this neat trick is, how you can utilise it and
why you should actually avoid using it 99% of the time.
If you're new to this channel and you're keen to learn the latest tips tricks and tools for working more effectively with data
Please hit the subscribe button for weekly videos.
In my Excel Power Query course I talk about you can use Power Query to link to a data
file, transform it and save all of the steps that can be re-run with the click of a refresh
button with no VBA or even Excel formulas required.
The key and most important point I wanted to emphasise here is "link to a data file".
See the way that Excel is normally used is that files contain both the data and the formulas
to process that data.
The data stored in an Excel is often a processed dataset that has been manipulated from the
original source data.
Often there is no way to get back to the source data or easily replicate your process unless
you also saved down a completely untouched file and take note of all your processing
steps to be repeated.
By making the data separate from the processing logic we have the benefit of always having
a pure copy of our source data and a reusable set of processing logic that can be easily
applied to any new dataset that comes in.
This is the best practice and secret that enables you to re-use your Power Query processes
when your data get's updated and needs to be refreshed.
That means if you run a regular process you can just drop the file in a folder and hit
the refresh button.
Because the original data is separate from the processing steps a link is formed between
the two files to enable the Power Query automation.
All this means is that your Excel file contains a pointer to where the source data is located.
This is what I refer to as linking and the process happens automatically anytime you
use Power Query to get data from an external file.
This process is also known as importing your data which is the recommended alternative
to directly opening it.
Even if you think you are doing a quick one off job there are a number of good reasons
why you should import your data instead of directly opening it.
First of all how many times have you started working on a file only to realise that someone
left off a field or sent you an out of date copy?
You've been working on the file for an hour and now need to redo all of your work because
the person needed to re-send the file.
If you had imported it instead of opening it first you could just update the dataset
instead and avoid any copy, paste and rework.
Secondly and probably the most important reason why to import is that Excel has a lot of auto
Probably most notably is text getting converted to numbers meaning that you lose leading zero's,
and dates getting imported incorrectly.
For example US dates opened on a European system will incorrectly swap the day and month
where possible and convert all of the other dates to text which are not usable in date
The same is true of European to US conversions as well.
I can't over emphasise how much data is corrupted and reported incorrectly every day
because of these very common issues.
Simply opening an Excel file and hitting save as even if you have not touched a thing is
enough is enough to corrupt a file.
This is why you should always download a file and move it to the correct folder without
opening it through Excel.
If you do open the Excel file, whatever you do, do not hit the save button.
Close the file and move it instead.
Once you move the file you can import it through Power Query which will eliminate any issues
caused by Excel Auto correction.
Thirdly if you have a lot of data it's possible reduce the file size of your data while simultaneously
increasing performance and processing capacity by importing your data to places other than
File sizes can be as much as 40x smaller and processing speeds hundreds of times higher.
For most people worksheets are the only place they know to store data.
Worksheets give Excel it's familiar look and feel but are actually the least efficient
way to store or process larger amounts of data.
Reduced file size and calculation performance can be achieved by simply importing data directly
to the pivot table cache or even better Power Pivot data model.
Finally the fourth reason you should always link using Power Query is that it doesn't
really take any extra time.
Basically you just need to hit the import button instead of the open button.
I know that everyone including myself is in the habit of opening files so you have to
close down the file and redo your process which feels like a hassle and is mentally
uncomfortable because you've been simply opening files for as long as you can remember.
Really this is the shortest part of the process though and wouldn't you rather reopen your
file through an import than redo all of your work when underlying file changes?
So what is the neat power query trick that my client discovered?
What my client discovered was that you can also use Power Query on data that is already
in your spreadsheet without needing to import it.
Now there is definitely a whole ton of powerful transformations you can do on your data using
this method however in my opinion you lose 80% of the real benefit of Power Query by
not linking your data.
By not linking you won't be able to refresh data, Excel Auto correct can corrupt your
data before you've started working on it and you won't be able to take advantage
of smaller file sizes and improved performance by utilising the pivot cache or power pivot.
Other trainer friends of mine who also teach Power Query will often use this trick as it
somewhat streamlines the process and the training of the Power Query feature in focus however
this is one point I have to disagree with as the benefit of doing this correctly far
outweighs the shortcut.
It will also ensure that the habits you form now will be inline with the practices you
have to use in a more professional data workflows.
This is why I would avoid this trick 99% of time.
What is the 1% of the time I would use this trick?
When building models you want to be able to take drivers and inputs into your calculations.
Normally you would use more traditional Excel formulas and techniques or move to a tool
like R to build these models.
The reason for this is that traditional Excel formulas update automatically when cell values
It's this feature that provides interactivity but at the same time makes spreadsheets incredibly
slow at processing larger datasets when a lot of formulas are involved.
A work around for this is to link Power Query to your input driver tables which is already
in your spreadsheet.
This enables you to batch all of the transformations and avoid large number of Excel formulas.
In practice though a lot of these models would simply be easier to build in R.
If you'd like to get 2 hours of free data analytics training cover the best ways to
use Excel and R with downloadable example files which you can reuse for your own work
head over to www.DataStrategyWithJonathan.com to claim your free course.
If you found this video helpful please give a thumbs up.
It really helps out a lot to keep this channel going.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.
Abraham Hicks - Getting everything you want - Duration: 7:15.
thank you this was this is an amazing day I mean I love these seminars you
know you have to be in the receiving mode to get it and you know you're
getting it so isn't that good evidence for you oh it's incredible yeah I mean
it's powerful and you could feel the alignment in the room you can feel the
vulnerability in the room and the desire to contribute I mean everywhere the
sensations were great delicious isn't it it's what he said when you decided to
come into this body he said I want some of that
exactly exactly you'd have to be in a room with us to
get it it's out there everywhere yeah about eight weeks ago at home in New
York and I was in a taxi I was driving into work and I had this experience of
for a moment or could have been minutes I really wasn't aware It was as if all
that existed I couldn't feel my body I wasn't aware of of the physical
sensations but the emotions or the thought were so powerful so real and I
felt connected to everything and it was our oh it was beyond the physical so you
were seeing the world through the eyes of source oh it was amazing yeah amazing
the thing that we most want to say to you is we want that to not be so rare
that it surprises you and we want it to not be so rare that it's amazing we want
it to just be how you are tuned in tapped in turned on the thing about
alignment with source you'll never become complacent about it because in
that connection you're always queued up for readiness
for the next realization Jerry is to talk about he was born in San Diego and
then he returned there later and when he first returned for the second time he
was in his 40s and he saw a person on the beach and he said I used to be that
person on the beach but then after a while it was
just the beach and I just didn't take the time to go there every day I became
complacent about the beauty of this place and sometimes that happens is that
you acclimate but we want to say this in a way that you will remember it at least
for a little while because it will really serve you to keep this belief
going within you however you get there through meditation through appreciation
through a conversation like the ones we've had today however you get into
that satisfying receiving mode in the receiving mode life will never become
complacent because what the receiving mode is is the receiving of the next
step and the next step and the next step and the next step and the next step
toward the full manifestation of everything in the world that you want
everything in the universe that you want everything in life that you won't just
wanted you to know that so that feeling in the car that day that's normal that's
what life is supposed to feel like you're supposed to feel expansive and
appreciative and knowing of the value of each and every component that is making
up this world or this street or this car in which you are participating in that
moment the perfection of your moments in time are beyond our verbal description
and even though they are being revealed to you constantly you have to realize
the revelation because you've got yourself of the right frame of mind of
the right mood and the right perspective in the right perception you have to have
prepared your atmosphere for the receiving of the fullness of it and when
you do Oh moments in time in other words it's nice to have somebody say something
nice to your cat just smile across the room or have something happened a bunch
of money drops into your bank account or whatever it's nice to have those
meaningful moments in time but when you have accomplished step three into step
four where you're doing it consistently where you're mostly mostly mostly in
that satisfied place most likely because you meditate everyday really
then you will realize in your moments in time from a fuller more expressive
vantage point it's like the things that we described
like dollars flowing or meeting someone that you care about or having a nice
conversation with someone let's just call that a piece of a puzzle or one
piece of a thousand pieces that are there but when you are in that receiving
mode all thousand can drop into your experience in a very short period of
time and your ability to comprehend it is what we're talking about because
those thousands of pieces are dropping into your experience moment by moment by
moment by moment by moment but you are not getting it it's like you've got your
umbrella up and they're bouncing off of you but when you're open to it and your
realization your perception your perception of what's really going on
your perception of who you are your perception of your place in the
universe your perception of how source loves you your perception of how all
those who have gone before come before and gone before in physical experience
are focused with you and are rooting with you when you start getting that
then all the moments in time will feel expansive like that in different ways
but expansive like that little things like our friends showed up somewhere and
got information about a battery for his father without even asking the question
because the question was already asked and the answer was already in the vortex
and in the receiving mode it just comes and comes and comes if you said to most
people Oh the most significant thing happened to me today
what was it I was in this store and this stranger just came forth to me and
delivered this book of knowledge about the battery that my father was trying to
understand your friends would say you've lost your mind
you need a grip I'll call someone but what you're trying to convey to then is
no no no no you don't understand I am the center of the universe
and every request large and small is being delivered to me in moment after
moment after moment after moment when I've already asked and it's constantly
being given but it's the timing of the receiving of it makes it all so sweet
yeah yeah exactly yeah that's exactly what happened exactly
amazing enough yes
2Minutes2Virtue: God Alone Is Enough - Duration: 2:14.
I'm Father Bob Cilinski, the Pastor of Nativity Catholic Church in Burke, Virginia
Recently I celebrated our school Mass with our children
The Gospel was the "Feeding of the Five Thousand"
and the Apostles responded to Jesus' request to feed them by saying they didn't have enough to do it
So that feeling of not having enough, that feeling of our own inadequacy maybe
is a grace, maybe it helps us to trust in God
So I asked the children
"What are some of the things that people don't have enough of
And the children said "Money, food clean water, clothes, medications when they're sick"
and one kindergarten girl said "Me," and I said "Me?"
She said "Yes, my grandmother keeps telling me she can't get enough of me"
How precious
What a beautiful grandmother to express her love for that child
Well I think God can't get enough of us
That's why He sent us his Son, Jesus
To love us, He gives us the Sacraments
He gives us the Scriptures, His grace and His friendship
And He says "Live in my love"
"I want my joy to be yours and your joy to be complete"
God is just captivated in loving us
So here's a challenge
Think of something in your own life that you don't think you have enough of
and with trust, give that over to God and let God bless it
And then you'll find as the Apostles did that there is enough, more than enough
and you'll also come to know again God's great love for you
a God who can't get enough of us
God's blessings on your day.
This is Father Bob in 2Minutes2Virtue
Slap You With Science: World's Largest Footprint Fossil - Duration: 2:29.
Jantando Fora? / Dining Out? - Duration: 6:39.
Hi everyone, Welcome to Batistenha Homestead, I am Joselito and I am Iva.
Well, it's now about eight o'clock at night, we've just get home from
work and we're doing one, painted the kitchen giving a
tidy and we have no stove. So I invited Iva to dinner out today,
Look how wonderful. So for this, I will show you how
which is dining out here, so come on.
What do you want to show us here, my love? Let's show here, chicken that is
frying here on the Air Fryer outside, rice in the rice cooker.
outside, here in this pot we're going to make the
vegetables. For this we need to harvest there
in the backyard a yellow zucchini to make a stew of
vegetables. So let's go with us. Guys, look what we're going to harvest.
now to do braised, but it is very beautiful,
This is easy, just twist. This is beautiful, beautiful this one is going to be enough, I do not think
You must reap both today. Guys a Iva was prepare the zucchini, I'll show you,
There's another one growing here from this side.
but look what tranquility it is this here, look at what a beautiful thing.
I stood here thinking that God is in Everywhere and I believe, I believe
that God is everywhere, but
look, the silence though, every now and then passes the train
there, I think in those moments like this Silence, are you more open to
listen and in an environment like this one, to hear the voice of God. To hear God
talking to you, to feel the presence God's.
As I have already said, He is everywhere, but I think that here, you are
more connected. In such an environment you in your garden,
you are there in your kitchen garden your plants and you feel the presence of
God. because he really is in all the places, but I do not know for you, but for
I feel more the presence of God, when I'm like this, a more
Quieter quieter. When I am driving is more complicated.
So that's it, look.
Let's see how that food is
Well folks, that's what we we would like to share with you,
On this Blessed after noon here in the Batistenha
Homestead. This dinner here on the out side
if you have not signed up, sign up for the Channel, give us your like
share our videos, share the videos on your social networks to
that other people can watch. If you is liking our videos?
share and other people can also like,
and also look for us in social networks like instagram, in facebook to Batistenha
Homestead on facebook there you will find us too.
So many thanks again, I am Joselito and I am Iva and see you next time.
Learn Colors Surprise Eggs,ice Cream,Lollipop,Finger Family Song|kids Nursery Rhymes Learning Video - Duration: 2:31.
Learn Colors Surprise Eggs,ice Cream,Lollipop,Finger Family Song|kids Nursery Rhymes Learning Video
The best $250 phone you can buy in 2018 - Duration: 4:21.
- You used to have to spend $600 dollars
to get a good, even usable smartphone
but that's far from true anymore.
Now, there are a ton of great phones below that price
and you can even find some great phones below $300.
I've been testing a bunch of them
and one stands out clearly above the rest
and it's only 250 bucks.
That's the Moto G6.
First thing, the Moto G6 does not look like a $200 phone.
I actually find that it strikes one of the best balances
between shape and size out there.
The phone has a 5.7 inch full HD display
with an 18:9 aspect ratio
that nearly fills the front of the phone.
It's a really great size if you're like me
and read a ton of articles on your phone.
I'm browsing Twitter and the Web all the time.
On top of that, it's just a really good screen.
Now, it is an OLED so you don't have those perfect blacks
that you get from a top of the line phone
and it's not always on.
But, I really like the color tuning on this phone.
I even like it better than my own Pixel 2,
which cost nearly twice as much.
The colors look both richer and more accurate to my eyes.
The phone also has this nice curve
on both back edges and it isn't too wide,
Even though you have this big screen,
it's actually really easy to hold
and doesn't look or feel like a big phone.
(energetic music)
Motorola doesn't change Android too much either
and that's a good thing.
This is very close to stock.
And where Motorola does make changes,
they are anywhere from inconsequential
like adjuster to shrink the screen down for one handed use
to slightly helpful like an option
to keep the screen on while you're looking at it.
And if you don't like those changes,
you can actually turn all of them off, which is great.
Software performance is about
as good as you're gonna get in this price range.
In general, I didn't run into any issues
when using phone day-to-day.
Scrolling is smooth and apps and webpages loaded quickly.
I suspect that over time, it probably won't
stay as fast as a more expensive phone.
But right now, it's smooth and snappy
and that is not something every other
sub $300 phone can say.
The one major downside on this phone is its cameras.
The rear camera is slow to fire
so I sometimes miss shots
and while you can get nice images out of it
when you're in bright daylight,
darker settings deliver mushy or noisy photos.
The front-facing camera isn't much
to get excited about either.
Now, you really can't get a better camera than this
without spending a lot more.
But it's still disappointing
that you have to forgo quality on what,
for myself and a lot of other people,
is a key part of a phone.
There are a bunch of other little things
that I love on this phone.
For one, it has a headphone jack.
Everybody loves that.
It also charges over USB-C, which is easier to use
than micro USB and a lot more modern.
Pretty much every other phone at this price
is still on micro USB.
The G6 also has a fingerprint sensor.
It's on the front instead of the back,
which is not my favorite position, but I got used to it.
You can even take advantage of the sensor
by using it to control the entire phone with gestures.
That lets you remove Android's on-screen buttons
and free up screen space.
(upbeat music)
Aside from a few flaws like the camera,
there's very little lacking on this phone
that separates it from something twice its price,
which is pretty incredible.
Like I said, performance will probably
be a longer term issue,
but there are no problems as it stands today.
Now, if you're in China or India,
you do have a lot of other options at this price point
from companies like Xiaomi and Oppo,
but many of those phones aren't available in the U.S.
The other budget phones that do make it
to the U.S. just don't hold up.
They're often missing key features
like a fingerprint sensor or support for 5 GHz WiFi,
both of which the G6 has.
Motorola also sells two other variants of the G6.
The G6 Play, which costs $50 less
and the G6 Plus, which costs $50 more.
The G6 Plus has a slightly better camera
and is a bit faster, but it's a little bit bigger
in a way that I don't like quite as much.
The $200 G6 Play is a bit slower
and thicker with the worst screen
but I got its battery to last me
through three days which is pretty amazing.
So if you're looking even cheaper,
that's worth considering.
But by far, I think the best choice
below $300 is the regular Moto G6.
It doesn't just check all the right boxes,
it actually impresses on a lot of them.
Every time I pick up the G6,
I'm surprised at just how good a budget phone can be.
Hey, thanks for watching.
If you like this video, you should check out
our new channel Verge Science.
I really love the video they just put up about graphene.
You can check all their stuff out
at YouTube.com/VergeScience.
What are leads, contacts, accounts, and deals in Freshsales CRM? - Duration: 4:38.
Meet John, a salesperson at a software company.
He uses multiple tools to sell his products to prospects across the globe—email and
phone to communicate with prospects and a spreadsheet to keep a tab on all of his contacts.
But, here's the catch!
As the company grows, the number of customers and prospects grow quickly and with it the
sheer number of emails to send, phone calls to make, relationships to build, and deals
to close.
And that's when John and his team, decide to invest in Freshsales—an all-in-one sales CRM.
Freshsales empowers you at every step along the way, by allowing you to Convert your leads,
close deals faster, and nurture existing customers to help you build better, more meaningful,
long-lasting relationships.
Wait, but what is a Lead or a Deal?
Like John, if you're new to the world of CRM, then it is possible that you may be unaware
of the terminology such as Leads, Contacts, Accounts or Deals presented to you.
Let's look at a simple example, shall we?
Say John meets a prospect, Sam Jackson, at a conference.
Sam handles Supply and Logistics for Acme Corp and is on the lookout for a software
similar to what John's company sells.
So, Sam and John exchange business cards.
What happens after that?
Now, at the outset, Sam is an unqualified contact as he has not yet explicitly showed
any intent to purchase John's product.
However, Sam is in the market to buy a product like that of John's.
This makes Sam a Lead.
John enters Sam's name and contact information and creates a Lead in Freshsales.
John also has many such leads that come in through various sources like Freshsales webforms
on his company's website, Google and Facebook ads, email campaigns and more.
More leads equal More confusion.
Not with Freshsales.
With AI based lead scoring, John can now identify which leads are hot and ready to convert and
which leads are cold as the arctic ice.
Thanks to a good fit between Sam's requirements and John's offering, Sam shows great interest
and becomes a hot lead.
Sam is now a hot lead.
What next?
John emails Sam and gets a positive response from him.
John feels that there is a good chance of Sam purchasing the product.
This makes him a qualified prospect, or a Contact.
John, therefore, converts Sam into a Contact on Freshsales.
Leads - Check Contacts - Check
Accounts and Deals?
Interestingly, whenever a Contact is created, two associated entities are created along
with it- Accounts and Deals.
But why?
Let's explore!
An Account is the name of the company for which the Contact works, or in this case
Acme Corp, the company for which Sam works.
The Acme Corp Account may have multiple requirements from one or more 'Contacts' like Sam and
John may be capable of promoting multiple products, or Deals, to the same Account.
And, what is a deal?
Simply put, an Account is a business entity, and a Deal is a business opportunity
A deal usually concludes in one of two ways— Deals Won or Deals Lost.
Also, each deal has multiple stages.
John can update the status of a deal by merely moving it from one stage to another.
More importantly, all deals in Freshsales carry a deal value to estimate what revenue
comes in.
But wait, did John win the deal?
Yes, he did :) With help from Freshsales and some great salesmanship, John was able to
make a deal with Sam (Acme Corp) for 1000$.
Interestingly, in the future, if John pursues a new Deal from Acme Corp through another
person, say, Max, both the Deal and the Contact would be associated to the Account Acme Corp.
To quickly sum up, a Lead is a prospective buyer who could be interested in your product.
When the Lead shows promise to buy, you can convert him/her into a Contact.
A deal is a sales opportunity with this Contact.
An Account has the company information of this Contact and all associated Deals.
Simple, isn't it?
So go on, use Freshsales to Convert your prospects, Close deals and Nurture customers to build
lasting relationships.
Food thats ALIVE when you eat it! - Duration: 10:21.
Food is one of the basic necessities of life.
All of us must eat and while in animals that basically refers to killing a prey and eating
it raw, humans have a more developed culinary sense.
They spend a lot of time cooking and some have made professions out of it.
But every so often, we tend to return to our very base instincts.
While that does not necessarily mean eating food raw, it does mean eating them while they
are still alive.
Let us take a look at some of the dishes that people eat while it is still alive!
While many of us may not have heard of it, sannakji is a very popular dish served in
And it is also pretty easy to make.
All it takes is one baby octopus, known as nakji, and it is basically chopped up into
pieces and eaten alive.
Of course, there is a seasoning of sesame seeds and sesame oil to go with it.
What you eat is actually the tentacles, and the tentacles are still moving around when
you swallow it.
That actually can cause problems as the suction cups on the tentacles are still active and
they can become stuck on the throat and lead to choking.
Deaths have also been reported due to sannakji choking which is why it also finds its way
into lists of the most dangerous foods on the planet!
Sea Urchins.
Well this one is as basic a food as you can get.
What the dish involves is catching a sea urchin and eating its insides!
No cooking, no seasoning!
But of course, not the entire of the sea urchin is edible.
They have a number of spikes which can pose a little danger if not eaten properly.
The edible part of the sea urchin is the roe, which is on the inside.
So, there is a special tool to open them up though people can manage with scissors as
The insides are generally eaten with a spoon although people often lick them out as well.
And if your insides are churning, you would not be the only ones.
But then there are quite a few exceptions as hunting for sea urchins and eating them
has become a popular practice in Italy!
Drunken Shrimp.
As fancy as the name sounds in itself, the dish is actually fancier!
It is delicacy from China, or at least what some call it a delicacy!
The drunken shrimp is basically just that.
It's a bunch of shrimps dunked into a bowl of alcohol.
Of course, the process is much more refined than that, but that is the essence of it.
And while it is not always served with live shrimps, there are more than enough times
that it is.
The shrimp is served with a bowl of baijiu, which contains almost 40 – 60 percent alcohol!
A traditional dish involves around 10 full grown, live shrimps which are dunked into
the bowl of baijiu.
And the shrimp tend to thrash around a lot so the consumers have to catch them and stuff
it into their mouths before they can get away!
If you are not careful and forget to chew them before swallowing, they can keep wriggling
even after they have been swallowed!
Noma Salad.
There is a very famous restaurant located in Copenhagen called Noma.
In fact, it has been named as the best restaurant in the world on more than one occasion and
have even opened up restaurants elsewhere in the world.
What marks the Noma as special is that they love to innovate.
So much so, that one of their signature dishes is the noma salad, which is basically a bunch
of ants in your salad!
What happens is that the dish is served with chilled ants, so they move slower, making
them easy to eat.
These ants are supposed to taste like lemongrass, but why on earth would you not use lemongrass
And what's more, the Noma charges you over $300 for a salad that is crawling with ants!
Hey, just go to a bachelor kitchen!
You will probably find that free of cost!
Casu marzu.
Cheese is definitely one of the most popular food items the world over!
Who doesn't love the hot melt in mouth cheese that comes with Pizzas?
And there are many types of cheese that you can choose from, but if you ever found out
what the actual content in the Casu marzu is, you will probably be turned off cheese
The casu marzu is a Sardinian cheese made from sheep's milk.
The process of its production is that the larvae of cheese flies are intentionally put
in the cheese to cut down on its fat content.
The larvae eat through the cheese and seep a liquid known as lagrima!
And after keeping it in that state for some time, the cheese is labelled ready for eating!
And while some remove the maggots, there are many who prefer to eat the cheese with the
Oh, and they are advised to do that with their eyes closed, as the maggots tend to leap out!
And if the thought tempts you rather than nauseate you, you are kind of out of luck
as most places have a ban of the casu marzu!
While oysters are a delicacy in almost all parts of the world, many might not be aware
that they are probably eating it alive!
And well, in their defence, it is often not easy to tell if the oyster is actually alive
or not.
The thing is that oysters tend to deteriorate much faster than other animal meat so it is
difficult to transport them after they are dead.
Now when the shell of an oyster is actually cracked open, they can survive for a long
And it is only when the flesh is actually separated completely from the shell that they
begin to die.
Which is why oysters are almost always sucked out directly from the shell.
So the next time you order an oyster, be prepared that you are going to be eating a live animal!
When it comes to food, most people play it safe.
But if you a chef, you need to be open to food encounters of any kind.
Which was what prompted a renowned chef to try out a dish that he found at a local eatery
in Japan.
What the dish contained was basically baby eels.
Basically, a bowl of baby eels is brought to the table and you are asked to add vinegar
and sake to the bowl.
That makes them start to wiggle around and you are supposed to catch them and eat them
And it is considered quite an experience in Japan as the jiggling eels make way into your
stomach and you can even feel them moving around in your stomach!
Definitely not an experience that everyone will be able to stomach, pun intended!
We have all heard of the venomous nature of cobra.
Which is why most of us would like nothing better than to never encounter them in real
But then, there are some who live to actually eat the cobra!
In Vietnam, customers can opt for a dish where they go up to a cage full of snakes, choose
the one which they want and then ask the chef to prepare it!
What follows it pretty bizarre.
The snakes are agitated in one way or the other to get their hearts to beat faster.
They are then sliced down the middle to let the blood flow into a half full glass of rice
wine and the still beating heart is put into this drink.
The juices of the gallbladder are then poured into another cup of rice wine.
The customers then down the first glass with the still beating heart and then follow it
up with the other glass with the gallbladder juice!
And then probably there is a third bucket to puke it all out in, but that one might
be optional!
In Hawaii, you can often get fresh sea food.
And in some cases, the food might be fresher than you think!
We are talking about the opihi, which is basically a shellfish who love to cling to rocks!
And that is why there are many opihi vendors who walk around with bags full of freshly
caught opihi.
And when they sell it to you, its not just a live shellfish they are selling, but a complete
dish in itself!
The opihi are eaten straight out of their shells, with tentacles and all.
They are usually served with a side of limu and a dash of salt.
And if you think there is a danger of them crawling out of your mouth because well, they
are alive, be at peace.
They are not really fast movers and as long as you do not take forever to chew them, they
wont come out.
Of course, if you are adventurous, you can try and catch the opihi by yourself and eat
it without involving a vendor or a restaurant, but they have kind of figured out not to hang
out wherever humans are!
They are kind of smart when you think of it!
While it is still rare, cases of people picking out the lobster that they want to eat have
still been heard of.
What is rarer, and thankfully so, is the case of eating right out of the belly of a lobster
while it is still alive, and staring at you while you devour it!
The process is pretty gruesome as the lobster is sliced it half while it wriggles around.
And the rest of the process is basically culling out the bits that are edible and it is served
on a bed of ice for you to enjoy while the lobster watches you devour it!
And the fact is that the dish must be prepared and served immediately so that the muscles
do not stiffen up and ruin the so called experience.
But the very idea of eating something while the rest of it is watching is not a recommended
activity for everyone.
It takes a staunch heart and stomach and very frankly, the world would not be missing out
on something if this sort of food was banned!
Those were some of the foods that people love to eat around the globe which are actually
not dead when eaten!
And if you are feeling a little squeamish after listening about all those animals being
eaten alive, you would not be the only ones.
But if you are one of those adventurous eaters who have tried any of these dishes, do let
us know in the comments below.
And remember to subscribe to our channel to get the latest updates on all our videos!
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"How to complete Level 872 on Homescapes"
"How to beat Level 872 on Homescapes"
Shoes You Should Not Use! - Duration: 5:41.
Shoes You Should Not Use!
Wear shoes with a wide fit to avoid squishing your toes.
Prolonged use of heels can lead to the appearance of bunions.
Most women know that it's quite uncomfortable to wear high heels too often.
Yet, regardless of this discomfort, many still wear them daily.
Keep reading to find out about which types of shoes you should not use.
Frequent use of heels that are very narrow and more than 3 cm high has been proven to be very damaging to the health of our feet.
It can cause the appearance of bunions, a permanent deformity of the bones of the feet that is quite painful.
The studies were conducted by researchers at Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid University, in collaboration with CEMTRO Clinic, and were presented at the World Congress of Podiatry held in Rome, Italy.
Rubén Sánchez Gomez, who is the author of the study and also a member of the podiatry service of the well-known clinic in Madrid, says that until now, it had been known that overly frequent use of heels that were too narrow could cause serious deformities in the bones of the feet.
However, it had not been discovered that heels of regular height were also the cause of bunions.
How Did They Come to This Conclusion?.
Approximately eighty women underwent this study to arrive at this conclusion.
None of them had suffered any foot deformity prior to the study.
The study involved shoes with really high heels, others without a heel at all, and none with a terribly narrow heel.
It was observed in the study that in women who increased the height of their heels, the phalange bone next to the hallux and the first metatarsal deviated from their normal positions.
After the women who underwent this study stopped wearing high heels, the toe returned to normal, firmly demonstrating that those women who wear heels higher than 3 cm tall and in a frequent manner, may develop a deviation of the bones and over a long period of time, possibly into a permant deformity.
What Happens to Women Who Use This Sort of Footwear Their Whole Lives?.
Almost 60% of women over fifty years of age are suffering from frequent and acute pains in their feet caused by bunions, a deformity that can lead to inhibiting proper mobility, and also serious lower back problems.
This can greatly affect one's quality of life, and in most cases, causes insecurity and oftentimes can lead to depression.
What Happens in the Foot?.
The frontal part of the foot has the function of supporting up to 57% of the body's weight.
With 4 cm heels, this percentage increases considerably, leading to an increase of up to 75% when the heels are increased approximately 2 cm.
With the increase of the load on the front of the foot, it is also common for stiffness to appear in the central region of the foot, which is very painful and cause an inability to move with freedom.
With the aim of preventing these painful deformities, it is recommended that you avoid using narrow heeled shoes, as they do not have the capacity to keep the toes comfortable and without being squeezed.
They cause pain and force the big toe to deviate from its normal position.
When the deformity of the bones of the feet has solidified, there is no way to fix it.
One can only resort to natural treatment to help relieve some of the pain, as the deviation and the loss of mobility cannot be recovered by any medical treatment.
However, in certain cases, there are some surgeries that can help alleviate this malady a little.
We can conclude that it is better to not use this type of footwear, although it's true they can make us look very stylish and elegant.
But we also have to be aware that they can cause big problems, affecting the health of our feet.
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The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing was created to serve a strict purpose
in Plattsburgh, it's to train employees for great jobs for the future. We're
trying to recruit wonderful new companies to relocate to Clinton County,
but they always wonder "where am I going to find my workers?", "how do I find people
who have a skill set that I can start off at a really good job?". So this
Institute was created to help attract new jobs to Clinton County and to
provide opportunities for our residents to get experience and skill set that
they can take to these new jobs.
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