I work with and volunteer with Ashburton Community Care.
Always, there are people who are on the periphery of the community who don't see people very often.
I'm helping to connect with people.
People are at home a long time and they don't always have family
...and if they do have family they don't always go and see them.
I find that people enjoy having somebody to talk to.
It is a lovely feeling because we're all human beings.
We all need the people
to live with... to be near...
to be in contact with...
Volunteering from my community is my way of showing I care.
For more infomation >> Ashburton Community Care: Show You Care - Together we can make a difference (1 min) - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Barnstaple Ability Counts Football Club: Show You Care - Together we can make a difference (1 min) - Duration: 1:13.
I moved to Devon three and a half years ago and saw an advertisement for 'football coach is required'
I made a call and was invited along to watch a training session and from the moment I got there
I was just immediately hooked. It was just such an uplifting and rewarding experience
to give so many young disabled people the opportunity to play football and
here I am - three and half years later - I am a qualified football coach.
I'm one of a number of volunteers at Barnstaple Ability Football Club.
It's just the best feeling in the world to be able to know that someone who has come to a
session and they've had a really good time and I wouldn't have that
opportunity and I wouldn't get those feelings if I didn't volunteer.
We all need to make our communities a nicer safer better place for people to live in
and I really do feel part of the local community because of what I do at the football.
Volunteering for my community is my way of showing I care.
Make Extra Money Fast for Back-to-School Shopping - Duration: 13:34.
- Hey, Angie Nelson here from theworkathomewife.com.
Today, we're going to be talking about something
that's kind of crept up on me,
and that is back to school.
The summer kind of slipped away,
and I didn't realize until last week
that school starts in just a couple of weeks here.
And for many of you that have kind
of taken the summer off to be at home
with your kids, or maybe you've just really cut back
on your hours in order to enjoy some extra time outside,
you may be wondering, how am I going
to pay for my back to school shopping supplies?
And that is something we are going
to be talking about today, is some great ideas
that are going to allow you to get into some cash fast.
And a lot of the opportunities we
are talking about today are going
to be, they pay weekly, if not on-demand.
There's going to be a few here
that you'll be able to cash out your earnings any
time you want to with just the click of a button.
But the main objective for me when I was trying
to source these ideas were things
that you could get started with quickly,
and also get paid quickly.
It's not going to do a lot of good
to start something now if you really aren't going
to get paid until 30 or 60 days down the road.
So everything we're talking about today is going
to pay pretty fast, and hopefully have
an easy onboarding process as well.
Make sure you stay till the end
of the video to find out how you can learn more
about these great ideas, along with some more.
Now the first one we're going to be talking
about today is Cambly.
Now, Cambly hires at-home agents
to help teach English online to students around the world.
You don't need to have a teaching degree
or a teaching certificate for this one.
And this site does pay by the minute that you're working.
So they pay 17 cents per minute,
and that works out to about $10.20
for each full hour that you
are chatting with students online.
Now I realize that that may not
be the best pay for many of you out there,
but this one does offer a really flexible schedule.
You can just log in to work any time
that you have available.
Now many of you out there are probably
familiar with mystery shopping.
Now, if you've done any kind of mystery shopping
in the past, you know that usually
it takes about 30 to 60 days after you complete
a shop in order to get paid.
There are some new apps that are available out there
that are really sort of similar to mystery shopping,
but they do allow you to get paid a lot quicker.
And the first one we're going to be talking
about is Field Agent.
Now this one, as soon as you load the app
on your phone and set up an account,
you'll be able to see if there are any shops
that are in your area.
And these jobs usually pay between one
and $12 depending on the complexity
and the amount of time that's involved.
Usually with these kind of app-based mystery shopping jobs,
what you're doing are checking
on things like prices, or taking
a photo of a display or product
in a local store, so these are kind
of things that you can combine
with your normal everyday activities.
Maybe if you're going grocery shopping anyway
you can see if there are any that
are available at your local grocery store
that you normally shop at.
So these are things that you'll want
to combine with things that you're already doing,
they may not be worth doing if it's something
that you're going out of your way for.
But if you're stopping at that store anyway,
why not make a couple of bucks while you're there?
Now a field agent, you're going
to be paid, the funds will be deposited
into your account as soon as the job is approved.
That can take a couple of days, but it's usually pretty
fast, and once those funds hit your field agent
account, you can go ahead and cash out
by DVLA or direct deposit.
Now, Gigwalk is another one that's really similar
to Field Agent, I believe they're saying
at this time that the available gigs
that they have pay between $3 up to $200,
depending on the complexity of the time involved.
And then once a job is finished
and approved, the payment is sent straight
to your PayPal account.
Now while we're talking about apps,
my list wouldn't be complete without Ibotta.
Ibotta is one of my favorite apps,
and for this one, what you're doing
is earning cash back on things like grocery purchases.
They also offer some rebates on online shopping
or shopping within the mobile app these days.
And with this one, you're going to find what offers
are available, and when you get done
with your purchase, if you're going
to your grocery store for example,
when you get home, you'll just scan a photo
of the receipt, and maybe the barcode
on a purchase if that's required, in some cases it's not.
And then the funds from your rebate
are going to be deposited into your account.
That's usually credited within a few hours,
and once your account hits $20,
you can go ahead and request payout by PayPal,
and that's usually pretty instantaneous these days.
You can also op for a gift card
if you would prefer a gift card
as opposed to PayPal payment.
At Ibotta, they do have a really
nice referral program as well.
So if you refer your friends to the app
and they become users, you'll get a nice bonus
for that as well.
Now Lyft is another great app
that's going to allow you to make some money rather quickly.
And it's also one that doesn't require
any kind of a minimum commitment.
So once you're signed up as a driver,
you can just pick up your work as you're available.
It's a nice one to keep in your back pocket
in case an emergency comes up and you need
to get into some money quickly.
You'll always have this one available.
Now, like I said, you just log in
and work when you feel like it or when you need
the cash, these opportunities can pay a lot more
than some of the small tasks that we're going to
be talking about today.
Lyft usually keeps you pretty up to date
on their website as far as what they project
your earnings could be, so that's something
that you'll want to check out.
Obviously it's going to vary by location.
If you live in a more metropolitan area
where a lot more people are using Lyft,
you could make a little bit more.
And there are also going to be some peak hours
throughout the week in which those could help you earn
some more money than, say, working
on a Tuesday afternoon.
If you're working Friday night, Saturday, Sunday,
those are usually some of the more peak hours.
And oftentimes, during peak hours,
Lyft will offer some bonuses, sometimes
they do have a guaranteed minimum.
So those are things that you're going to want
to keep an eye open for.
Now normally, Lyft pays out every Tuesday
for earnings from the previous week.
However, you can get same-day payments now
with their new Express Pay option.
And you're going to kep any tips that your writers
do leave you when you're driving for Lyft.
Now Amazon Mechanical Turk or MTurk
as it's frequently called in work-at-home world,
is one that I've talked about in previous videos.
This is what we call a small task site,
or a micro job site.
And what MTurk does is allow you
to log in whenever you want to and pick up
any of what they call hits when you have time.
These hits can range from things like data entry
to categorizing videos, maybe taking
some surveys or transcribing a short little file.
These are really small jobs that can be done
within just a couple of minutes usually.
Now because these are really small jobs
and as you may have figured out
from the things that I just mentioned,
they're going to be entry level as well,
there's not a lot of training or onboarding involved,
so it's really entry-level work.
And because of that, it's going
to be on the lower end of the pay scale.
However, as I mentioned, these are jobs
that you can log in and do whenever you want
without any type of commitment.
And there are things that you can do
when you don't really feel like doing
any other kind of work.
Maybe you're watching some primetime television shows
and a commercial comes on, you can log
in and do a couple of hits.
It's really that laid back and simple.
And with, and with Amazon's MTurk,
there is a 10-day waiting period
for new people that are coming on to,
if you just signed up for an account,
you are going to have a 10-day wait period
before you can cash out your earnings,
but after that, you can cash out every day if you wish.
Now I mentioned transcription a little bit
with MTurk, there are a couple of more,
they're still small job sites, from my viewpoint,
but they do focus solely on transcription.
And that is Rev.com and TranscribeMe.com.
Both of these sites are open to beginners,
so if you don't have any transcription experience,
you don't need to worry.
As long as you can pass their transcription test,
you should be good to go.
And once you are accepted, you just start picking up
work as soon as you finish their short training period.
With Rev.com, they said their training manual takes
about 30 minutes to complete.
After that, you're ready to get to work.
Now like most transcription jobs,
the pay at these two places is going to be production-paced.
That means the faster and more accurate
that you can type, the more you're going to get paid.
For most newcomers, they expect you to be able
to turn around an audio file
in four to six times the length.
So keep that in mind when you're looking
at the rates on this site just because
it may say $20 per audio hour, that doesn't mean
you're going to get paid $20 per hour.
You'll get paid $20 regardless of how long
it takes you, that takes you to transcribe
that hour-long audio file.
So just keep that in mind.
A lot of these sites, they do say
that their fastest typists are earning
around eight to $15 per hour.
So just keep that in mind.
The pay here is going to be, I believe it's weekly
for both of these.
And they do pay by PayPal.
TranscribeMe does have a $20 minimum for pay out there,
but I believe that Rev.com will pay you
as long as there are any funds
in your account each week.
Now since we're talking about shopping
and saving up some funds for that,
one site that I do like to always keep
in my back pocket is Swagbucks.
I've been a member at this site for a long, long time.
And they will allow you to earn
for the light earn Swagbucks, or SB is what they call
it, for doing a large number of little small tasks.
You can earn for watching videos.
You can earn for shopping online,
completing surveys, playing games,
redeeming special offers, redeeming your friend,
or excuse me, referring your friends and more.
A lot of people that use this site a lot,
they report that they can earn
an average of 20 to 40 SB per day,
that's around 10,000 per year, and that's
about $100 per year.
And you can cash that our for PayPal
or a gift card at one of their partner stores.
And you only have to do it a few minutes
a day to rack that up.
So that's a good one to kind of keep going
throughout the year, let those earnings add up.
And then cash it out when this back
to school season comes around, or maybe
when it's time to do your holiday shopping,
allow this to take some of that burden
off of you and cash it in for some gift cards
and use those funds for some of that shopping.
Now those are just a few of my ideas
in order to make some fast cash for back-to-school money.
You'll also want to consider some
of the other we talked about in videos frequently,
like reselling some of the things
that are in your closet that you no longer use,
like some books or CDs, or old electronics
that you have lying around, those are also some great
ways to get into some money quickly.
Even if you don't need these gigs now,
I would recommend putting them into place
so that you do have them when the emergency
does come up and you some money fast.
You don't want to have to be thinking
about the ongoing process for all of these things
or waiting for an invite.
Go ahead and get them in place now, you'll thank me later.
Now make sure you check the description
below for links to some of the opportunities
we spoke about today, in addition
to some other great resources.
And if you liked today's video,
please give it a like and a share,
and make sure you're subscribed to my channel
so you'll get notification of the next video.
Until then, I wish you the best of luck
in your work-at-home job search.
Preferred Pharmacy Network - Duration: 0:56.
Did you know?
If your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois plan has a Preferred Pharmacy Network, you
can save money when you use a contracted preferred pharmacy!
In fact, you may pay as little as $0!
By using a preferred pharmacy, you may pay the lowest copay or coinsurance amount.
Need a 90-day supply of a non-specialty covered drug?
Just visit any preferred retail pharmacy in the Preferred Pharmacy Network.
Sign in at MyPrime.com to search for a preferred pharmacy near you.
To move your current prescriptions, just talk to your new pharmacist.
You may know these preferred pharmacies in the Preferred Pharmacy Network.
How Siri can help you in the kitchen — Apple Support - Duration: 1:15.
Voiceover: Need an extra helper in the kitchen?
Here are some ways Siri can assist you.
To ask Siri a question on your Apple Watch,
just raise your wrist and start your request
with "Hey Siri," like this,
"Hey Siri, how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon?"
Siri: Three teaspoons.
Voiceover: You can also use Siri to send a message like this,
"Hey Siri, text Vera
'Are you coming to the bake sale, question mark.'"
Siri: OK, I'll send this.
Voiceover: Need a reminder? Just let Siri know.
"Hey Siri, remind me to pick up napkins at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow."
Siri: Here's your reminder.
Voiceover: And when your hands are free,
you can press the digital crown to talk to Siri,
or if you're using the Siri watch face
you can tap directly into Siri.
"Set a timer for 15 minutes."
Siri: Fifteen minutes and counting.
Voiceover: Want to know what else you can ask?
Just say, "Hey Siri, what can I ask you?"
♪ Music playing ♪
For more helpful tips like this,
subscribe to the Apple Support channel,
or click a video to keep watching.
Money and Growth... OWN IT! | Bernadette Balla - Duration: 0:51.
Hello! Today I want to talk about 'OWNING IT'
Just like how we are aware of our spending
so we are not spending money on an unrealistic lifestyle
Make sure to check in with your day-to-day reality
For example...
Don't get lost in the fantasy of Prince Charming
Make sure you set goals for yourself
Remember in order to be an independent woman
you have to...
Thank you for watching!
Accelerate Your Business Growth with Business Systems - Duration: 5:11.
hey guys we're back with another video in our productivity series and today
we're gonna be talking to you about why you need business systems to turn your
business into a family legacy we even have a business systems checklist that
you can get down in the description so you can get started right away
maybe right now you're a solopreneur but you have dreams of building your business
into a large business with multiple locations or maybe even becoming a
franchise but in order for any of that to happen business systems need to be in
place so it runs like a well-oiled machine they're mandatory not only will
they allow your business to run smoothly without you but they'll also help you
streamline processes like training new employees and they'll make sure that no
details get left out or forgotten so here's a list of the business systems
essentials that you need to have in place number one your mission statement
core values and USP this may seem like a strange thing to include in your
business systems but this is the heart of why you do what you do if you want to
have a team that is dedicated to your company's vision then they need to know
what you stand for what you believe and how they can support you number two your
customer experience systems you should have a road map in place on what kind of
experience you would like your customers to have you can do this by having
clearly defined onboarding processes like a retention system or a system to
make sure that your clients have amazing experiences ways to collect testimonials
and reviews referral programs an exiting process reactivation campaigns
and management systems number three staff systems every position in your
business should have a job description that clearly defines their
responsibilities and their daily duties you should have a training program for
every position with clearly defined tasks and checklists so they can do
their jobs without much supervision you should have ongoing education programs
and have a quarterly evaluation for each job position number four your sales
systems you should have in place all the scripts and sales presentations needed
for your sales team to sell all your services and programs
you should have front-end offers core services upsells and down sells complete
training programs for your sales teams and ongoing education programs
number five lead generation system you should have a complete Marketing System and it
should be in place to take your prospect through the journey to become a customer
have a marketing calendar have funnel Maps have scripts for your sales teams
phone scripts for your administrative staff number six an accounting
system if your accounting system consists of you checking your balance to
see if there's money in the bank you are doing yourself a disservice knowing your
numbers is so important if you have an accounting team you should have in place
a weekly monthly or quarterly system for your accounting staff what do you want
in your reports where do they locate the information where do they send their
reports when they're complete if you do this yourself you still need to know the
numbers in your business so be sure to have a system in place to stay on top of
your numbers if you're a solopreneur a great way to start putting together your
business systems is to do a brain dump set a timer for 10 minutes and start
writing down everything you do every day it doesn't need to be in any particular
order just write it all down determine which tasks you absolutely hate doing
which tasks you must do as the business owner and which tasks are unnecessary
then start using these tasks to build out your job descriptions you may need
an administrative assistant a manager a sales team and start assigning these
tasks to each position next write down the step by step processes for each task
that you're doing and these will become the checklist for each task in your
business if you need help creating systems for your business let us know
you can give us a call or shoot us a message we would love to help
take your business to the next level don't forget to check the description to
download your free business systems checklist and subscribe to our channel
so you know when our next show goes live and until next week stay awesome
Pink Floyd - DSOTM - 2. Breathe (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 2:49.
Good Day Arkansas 7-30-18 What You Missed - Duration: 5:23.
How Many Fall Out Boy Songs Can Pete Wentz & Andy Hurley Name In 1 Minute? - Title Fight - Duration: 2:39.
- ummmm - oh crap this is really hard.
- The Phoenix, Sugar We're Going Down, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, Immortals,
Young Volcanoes. - Dance, Dance, Thanks for the Memories, Stay Frosty, Church...
- Where Is Your Boy, Saturday, Tell That Mick He Made My List Of Things To Do, uhhhh...
- Heaven's Gate...man...Sugar We're Going Down... - I Don't Care,
Thanks For The Memories, Thanks for the Memories...
Dance Dance, A little less sixteen Candles a little more touch me... - What did
we play every night? Light em up, Centuries, American Beauty American
Psycho. - Um...oooooo....
- Immortals, Jet Pack Blues. This is all over the place.
Thriller. Crap, this is really hard. - Centuries. Why am i blanking? Save Rock
and Roll.
Where's your boy? Grand Theft Autumn, no that is the same song.
Crap, I'm wilting under the lights.
- American Beauty American Psycho, ummmm, Arms race, ummm
America's Sweethearts. - What other singles are there? Young and Menace. I had stuff
and then it all disappeared.
- I feel like I could have done better.
Nightcore - Away From You - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:42.
This video includes lyrics on the screen
What really makes the phrase 'home sweet home' true for Brits - Duration: 1:06.
</form> Throughout the spring, our sister regional newsbrand titles across the country have teamed up with the Halifax to answer the 64 million dollar question: what is it that makes home so special? You've told us in your thousands, and just like fingerprints, it turns out no two homes are the same! But what was consistent is that we all love where we live, and our homes really are more than just bricks and mortar
We've made a special video, above, to celebrate what you've told us over the last couple of months
One thing's for sure; no matter which part of the country we live in, and whether it's a village, suburb, town or city, there's one thing that unites us, and that is that when we put our key in the front door and kick off our shoes, there is nothing like that feeling of 'home sweet home'
You can see more of our favourite contributions from around Britain in the videos below
Project Management Certification Online – PMP Certification Necessary Interview Skills - Duration: 15:58.
Project Management Certification Online
3 Ways I Use My iPhone For Accessibility! | #SpinaBifida - Duration: 3:28.
Hey everyone, welcome to #SpinaBifida
We have another iPhone video.
And before I start, all these things that I use for accessibility
I know that Android phones probably have that.
But I am just talking about the phone I use which is the iPhone.
And maybe it'll help people who also have an iPhone
that may not know certain features on it.
So I know Android probably has an equivalent but
I'm just talking about iPhones.
So I wanted to talk about 3 ways the iPhone is accessible for me.
I know a lot of people use the screen readers.
If you wanna know more about that, my friend James Rath
has a lot of videos on iPhone accessibility.
But for me I don't really use the things that I
think are more targeted for accessibility.
Now the first thing I use for accessibility is the talk to text.
A lot of the times my hands hurt,
or I have trouble processing in a way where
writing things down is difficult.
But if I were to speak out loud
I can get the thoughts that I need out of the way
and I can communicate faster.
So I use talk to text, it's really simple.
On the keyboard, there's a little microphone
that you click and then you just say your words.
And it writes it out for you.
I use this a lot because a lot of my friends
do not like talking on the phone.
I'm actually the opposite, I prefer to be on the phone verses texting.
I use talk to text in the three keyboards that I have.
So I use it for my English keyboard,
I will use it for my Spanish keyboard,
and I do use it for my Japanese keyboard.
So far in all three languages it pretty much knows what I'm saying.
This feature is just perfect for me
for all the reasons I mentioned
especially when I'm out walking somewhere
and I can't be looking down at my phone.
Which leads me to the second thing that I use my phone for accessibility,
and it is my headphones.
I know people are very particular on headphones in general.
I personally love iPhone headphones.
They fit in my ear perfectly, I've never really had a problem.
But the microphone on the headphone is
is the biggest accessibility tool I think I use.
So not only do I use the controls of raising the volume
I can pick up phone calls really easily.
Through that little device, I can switch through my music very simple.
I don't have a car so I'm walking everywhere.
And I live in a major city so I cannot be
looking down at my phone constantly.
So I need to be constantly aware of my surroundings.
So having that little clicker on my headphones is perfect.
I can still use all the functions in my phone.
And I use that function as well, if you hold down
the middle button it activates Siri
and then Siri can help me access other things.
Which is my third accessibility tool.
I will use the "Hey Siri" function quite often.
I didn't start using it right away, my friend James
actually...the more he talked to me about it
the more I was seeing that this is something I wanted to use.
So I'll use "hey siri" majority in the morning to find the weather.
It's just a great accessibility tool.
So those are the three accessibility functions that I use
for my iPhone.
They're not necessarily made for accessibility
but that's the beauty of a lot of functions on your phone.
So stuff that may not be accessible to others
will be accessible for you and vice versa.
So if you use the iPhone, what accessibility
features do you like utilizing?
Thank you for watching.
If you like my work and wanna help support me
the links to my Patreon and PayPal are in the description below.
Definitely check out my Patreon
because I've added new perks and we've had some new goals on there.
That I think you're going to really enjoy
that benefit you as a viewer.
And until next time, bye!
ROI Search Certification - 1. Introduction to course [Spaceboost Academy] PPC Automation - Duration: 1:41.
Thanks for joining us for this ROI search marketing certification.
This course is officially sponsored and recognized by Google.
My name is Ignacio and I'm co-founder and CEO of RocketROI.
We create technology that helps advertisers and agencies
optimize their ad spend on Google AdWords.
We are excited that you're joining us for this ROI search training and
The classes and content will take you in a complete tour of the
world of search engine marketing, from audiences to ads, to bidding strategies
to automation.
So, what must you expect from this certification?
Well each class session will provide you with a set of videos, some additional
learning resources and self check quizzes.
That way you will be able to test your knowledge to make sure you've
learned the major takeaways.
Each class it's broken out into three important
parts: 1) Why this topic is important in ROI Search Marketing?
2)Tactical best practices and 3) examples of what it
looks like in practice.
So watch the classes, steady up and when you feel ready go ahead and click the button that
says "take this test".
And when you pass you will be officially ROI search
If you want to get updates in the world of ROI Search and see behind
the scenes photos follow the RocketROI Academy YouTube channel for more
ROI search education.
Now go on, get watching those ROI certification videos
best of luck in your exam and most importantly: Enjoy!
4 Ways to Make a SEXY First Impression! | How to Make A Good First Impression - Duration: 5:34.
First impressions are everything.
And when it comes to first impressions with a girl you're tryna bang, it's even more
The first impression you make on a girl determines how she'll categorize you for the rest of
your relationship.
If she categorizes you poorly, then it's REALLY hard to counter that and change how
she views you.
This is why it's hard as fuck to get out of the friendzone, but not impossible like
I've taught you in my videos before haha.
So now I'm gonna walk you through step-by-step EXACTLY how to make the best first impression
when you meet a girl.
Step 1: Body language
Maintain strong body language throughout the interaction, it's crucial to display strong
body language in the first few minutes of the interaction.
Head up, shoulders back, chest out, basic shit like that.
I already did a whole video on this but I thought it was important for you guys to know.
Step 2: Lock eyes, smirk, and greet.
The second you meet the girl, you should lock eyes with her and be sure to not look away
until she does.
This is incredibly important because that initial locking of eyes will display to her
that you're confident, cool, and not intimidated by her.
And it's important that you don't break eye contact with her until she looks away
first because it'll show her you're a confident god like me.
I call this the Godly Gaze, and it's perfect for first encounters with a new girl.
Not to mention, it's a really easy way to set a flirty and sexual vibe since you typically
only lock eyes with people you're romantically interested in.
Plus, locking eyes with someone when you first meet them is the EASIEST way to make your
intentions clear.
You know how in the movies when two people lock eyes for a long period of time and you're
sitting there thinking like "Oh shit they're about to fuck!".
That's exactly what you wanna go for because it has the same effect.
Just make sure your eye contact is strong but not creepy.
Don't try and snatch her soul from her body, just make flirty eye contact with her to establish
the vibe you want.
As soon as you make eye contact with her, it's appropriate to introduce yourself by
shaking her hand or hugging her whichever seems more appropriate for the situation.
If it's a night out, then a hug is probably more fitting but if it's during the day
time and it's a more toned down environment then a handshake works better.
As you go to shake her hand be sure to maintain eye contact and give her a flirty smirk to
keep the vibe light and comfortable.
Bonus tip: If you're feeling really confident and ballsy, you should lock eyes with her
and make a funny joke by introducing yourself as her "future boyfriend".
One thing I'll do is say, "I'm Zeus, your future boyfriend, nice to meet you."
If you say something along those lines, your intentions are clear and the vibe is set from
the start.
Step 3: Confidence
You want to make sure your actions are confident the whole time because you want her to categorize
you as a confident dude.
So make sure you're well dressed, and well groomed so you feel comfortable and confident
in your own skin.
This is why I recommend our sponsor, Tiege Hanley's acne system.
If you have a big ass pimple on your face, it's gonna be pretty hard to not be self-conscious
about it, right?
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an acne system that will not only get rid of but also prevent breakouts.
Tiege uses salicylic acid in their acne cream moisturizer to make sure it gets well-absorbed
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The system also comes with a face wash, an exfoliating scrub to clear your pores, and
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If you wanna step up your confidence AND make your skin look and feel better at the same
time, I'll have Tiege Hanley linked in the description, along with a sweet discount for
you guys.
Step 4: Drive the interaction
Now that you've made a good opening impression when you first introduce yourself, it's
time to solidify that good impression you just made by keeping that vibe throughout
the rest of your interaction.
If you're out at night, then be sure to have a good time, bust a few moves, and get
physical with her.
Physical escalation is a lot more accepted and better received in nightlife environments
so be sure to make the interaction physical as well.
The easiest way to make a dope first impression in a nightlife scenario is to DANCE.
Literally just dance, have a good time, and you'll attract girls like a magnet.
And if you attract other girls, then it'll make the girl perceive you even better because
she'll see that you're a dope guy who other girls want to be around as well.
Also, dancing with the girl you're into is the easiest way to simultaneously build
up that fun and flirty vibe since you're having a good time and physically escalating
the situation.
If it's a day time scenario then an easy way to increase the physicality of the interaction
is to playfully touch her throughout your conversation.
Bonus tip: You should be the one to drive the interaction AND the group dynamic.
So if you meet her when you're out with friends, you should be the one to make the
decisions and take charge if necessary so she perceives you as higher status and the
dominant figure in your social circle.
In most group scenarios, people will typically be indecisive so this is a good tip to follow
in general because it'll result in you making better decisions for the whole group.
And that's it.
In summary:
Body language Lock eyes, smirk, and greet
Confidence Drive the interaction
And don't forget to check out our partner, Tiege Hanley to get yourself the best acne
system at the best price.
Robert Mueller Revealed His Hit List And It's Even Worse Than You Thought - Duration: 14:16.
One Big Lie Could Land James Comey And Anti-Trump FBI Agents In Prison
The corruption at the FBI has become the biggest scandal in American politics.
Former FBI Director James Comey and former deputy director Andrew McCabe are neck deep
in trouble.
And now they have to worry about one big mistake landing them both in prison.
Special counsel Robert Mueller has aggressively pursued charges against Trump associates on
process crimes.
He forced former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn to plead guilty to making false
statements to the FBI even though the FBI did not believe he was lying.
And now that could come back to bite Comey and McCabe.
Comey acknowledged that he purposefully leaked four memos of his conversations with the President
to a friend so they would end up in the press and lead to the appointment of a special counsel.
An Inspector General report will allegedly cite McCabe for misleading investigators about
press leaks he engineered during the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
George Washington Law Professor Jonathan Turley writes that the standard set by Mueller may
have put Comey and McCabe in legal jeopardy:
If Comey and McCabe do not face charges, then it will prove that there is one set of standards
for swamp insiders and another for Trump and his team.
Which is just further proof that the Mueller probe is nothing more than an anti-Trump witch
Trump supporters argue this is all the evidence Trump needs to shut this nonsense down immediately.
Do you think Trump should fire Mueller?
Let us know your thoughts in
the comment section.
Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and
is instead promoting mainstream media sources.
When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.
Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your
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Thank you.
137555100 - Replacing Your Frigidaire Dryer's Door Strike AP5736225, 3015888, PS8689132 - Duration: 2:29.
Hi my name is Bill and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace the door strike
on your dryer the reason why you might have to do this is because the door strike is damaged
or because your dryer door won't close properly for this repair all you'll need is a phillips
head screwdriver
WARNING before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source
so this is the dryer that we're going to be using for this demonstration it's a Frigidaire
keep in mind you might have one that's not quite exactly the same but the same technique
should still apply so we're going to open up the door here and this piece right here
is our dryers door strike to get it off we're going to remove these two screws here with
a phillips head screwdriver and once you take out both screws the strike will come right
off now you can grab your new OEM replacement door strike if you don't have one already
you can find it on our online store and now we're going to put the door strike into place
line up the two holes there and then we're going to screw it in so now the strike is
on there nice and tight so we'll close our door up and just make sure it's secured here
and you can just tug on the door to make sure that the strike isn't coming out and if it
does for some reason come out and you need to adjust it you can always loosen up the
screws and adjust it as needed but then just close up your door and your repair is complete
Finally don't forget to plug in your appliance
if you need to replace any parts for your appliances
you can find an OEM replacement part on our website pcappliancerepair.com
Thanks for watching and please don't forget to like comment and share our video also don't
forget to subscribe to our channel your support helps us make more videos just like these
for you to watch for free.
Bow Wow Has Twitter Meltdown, Swearing At Fans, Threatening To Quit Music & Work At GameStop - Duration: 3:10.
Is Bow Wow okay? The rapper went off on Twitter and says he'll quit music to work at GameStop — just as soon as he sees his therapist first! See the bizarre tweets here! Seriously, what is going on? Something pissed Bow Wow off majorly, to the point that he started ranting on Twitter from his private jet
The gist: he's quitting fame, he wants to sell all his worldly possessions, and he hates music blogs
He's got an appointment to see his therapist, too. See all of his tweets in full below! It all started when someone took sneaky photos of him while he was out in public, and claimed that he was cheating on his lady
Not cool! They even claimed that Bow Wow allegedly kicked the poster and their friend out of a club! This enraged Bow Wow, who said it wasn't true at all
"I don't do cameras u stupid b***h! Come in my section recording! So we shut your bright ass camera down u got mad so u tweet my b***h
Id pay a b***h 1000 to slap the lacefront off yo dusty ass! This goes for the rest of you hoes! LEAVE ME AND MINE THE F**K ALONE"
Woah! As if that weren't clear enough, he went off in a total meltdown, tweeting, "I don't give a f**k about that lil money
Or your cheap ass phone. Don't ever come for me or mine ever you ugly b***h! You can clown all day about me but once u put my girl in it IM TRIPPN! f**k this famous sh*t" He continued, tweeting, "I hate you f**king bloggers too! Shaderoom i f**k with
All you other gossiping ass hateful sites F**K YOU! your comment sections F**K YOU! SMASH OR PASS BULLS**T I WOULDNT F**K YOU UGLY I SHOP AT LANE BRYANT B***HES EVER! F**K YOU!" His solution to get rid of the haters? Quit music, and fame altogether
You want to see Bow Wow again? Stop by your local GameStop, because that's apparently where he'll be working from now on! If you had tickets to his Def tour, he says he's canceling
You won't be out money, though, because he's promising to give all of his money away
Get on his good side!
Yoga can cure your problems and improve your life | Interview with Yoga Master Parul Malik - Duration: 19:00.
Good evening from Vietnam
Dear followers
Today I would like to show you a video with Master of Yoga
who's changed my point of view
and who's brought something into me
I think it's Yoga obviously
But I asked him
few interesting questions
not even that
I even tried his course
which took two weeks
and it was an amazing
astonishing and I recommend you to start Yoga
But Let's go for the video
Now you are going to see
the interview with Parul malik
He is from India
and he has something to offer you
I am Parul
"P. A.R. U. L"
I am Yoga teacher
I am teaching YTTC3
It means "Yoga Teacher Training Course"
"How to become Yoga Teacher"
so I usually teach here (Vietnam) Philosophy
According to disease
Like a body alignment
I teach like that
So I think the audience would like to know
why is so important that Yoga should be spread
around the world
ok people think like you can put water or something else
it's important for us, food is important
Yoga is not exercise it is like a life-style
if you live so you have to do it this time
because this is a need in this time
all in the world
People, many of them feel like a back pain, knee pain
Neck pain,
and in Hospital, you found many people
who suffer
so if you do Yoga everyday
so no need to go to the doctor
you will never ever go there again
Ok, so you do not agree with doctors?
you just say, Yoga is the best cure
for the people
what happened, the problem is that when
Supposed I am a fit person, I will do nothing
If I found like a back pain, I feel like a shoulder pain or a knee pain
so that time I will go to the doctor
or I try to do some yoga and some exercise
so I have a bad pain, so I need this
But if we do it in a young age, we'll start Yoga
so what will happen?
We will never ever find this kind of a problem
One more thing I'd like to say like
Many people say, if you do Yoga, so no need to go the doctor
Like I am saying
But you suppose to have a diabetic person
or you have a bad pain, or you have HBP (High Blood Pressure) problem
And I will say,
stop taking your medicine , don't go to the doctor, I will cure your disease and so on
so it is not good
step by step we can give a treatment
not suddenly
if you have diabetes
no need to go to the doctor, I will cure your problem
It is wrong!
you keep your medicines
along with you start Yoga, you do pranayama
you do a meditation
so you can cure yourself
otherwise doctor will say
all the time you have to take medicines for diabetic
you have to take medicines for HBP
and more other diseases
whatever, plenty of medicines
for me I don't agree with taking medicines
because I'd grown up in familly where everything
every pain I had
my mother told me, take the medicine
that's the best cure ever
and I think lots of population have this kind of mindset
There is one more question for my friend
for example meditation
it's difficult for many busy people
for everyone of us
because I have tried personally to just focus on my breathing
at least one or two minutes
but it's very hard, right?
yes it's very hard
ok I will tell you two things
one is about a meditation
Suppose I have to go to Hanoi
I cannot go directly
in one minute or two minute I cannot reach there
I have to take time
I have to prepare
and patently in Yoga
a founder of Yoga "Patanjali"
His name is Patanjali
he says there are 8 limbs
If you want to reach a deep meditation
so meditation it's called Dhyana
it's 7 step (one of the limbs)
before you have to do 6 steps
but you can do easily that one
First limb is called "Yama" which means nonviolence
you find all limbs of Yoga with discription under this video
along with
It is like you are saying if I focus on my back
Sometimes happens this sometimes happens that
You cannot focus
Step by step you have to be patient
if you do alone
so it is a quite difficult
if you find a teacher or someone
and who commend your brain
you do this, you thought like you are that (teacher calms you and guides you into relaxation)
you can do very easily
you can practices with me
one time
you can focus easily
believe me I have tried
during this course
and he lead me there
and I felt
I don't know if you believe, or you are capable to believe
But I felt so much energy
gathering in my head
and closed my eyes
and it was perfect
and I didn't even want to open my eyes
Ok, so..
and one more thing I want to say
Like Many people think
Like you say your mother say
take medicine and so on
before sometimes like 15 or 20 years ago
only few percent knew about Yoga
that time people only knew that this is a one kind of exercise
you do some kind of postures
and it's all yoga
but now people realized
if we do this, you can cure your problems
so that's very very important
and yoga it's not only for problems
Yoga means
it means like connect someone
Do you know how to sleep? Do you sleep all the time?
Like In the night, Like every night we sleep
you mean how to sleep
people know how to sleep
they don't know how to sleep
me also, you also, there also
you know what happened
Like we are going for sleep
we lie down
on the back
so what happen we are thinking
about business, about work, about company
about worry, about what we will do tomorrow
for a future plan
and we don't know, we don't realize what time we sleep
but mind, it's working that time
you sleep, and you see many many dreams in your minds
you never ever rest that time
it happens
so we need!
we don't know how to sleep
regarding to sleeping
I can really
I felt
I was sleeping
I was able to sleep and be inside the body
like my mind was inside
not outside
the meaning
parul malik is saying
we are always thinking
about the business
about our relationships
which is not ok
so I had
I might learn
how to keep my thoughts inside my body
while I am sleeping
ok ok, so how would you recommend us
how would you teach us to sleep?
I want to say a little bit
you have to learn like meditate
not really meditate
before meditation
it's call Dharana (another limb of Yoga)
it's name
it's like when you go to inside
your five sense
so they work all the time
you have to stop outside world
and your five senses together
your mind working inside not outside
that time you can do a better meditation
you can focus that time
you can focus on yourself
like on the person inside
I am sitting for a meditation
I am focusing here (always have one point to focus on)
after sometimes, someone is making a noise outside
oh what happened there
oh they are speaking
they are doing there
sometimes mind goes in the future
oh what I will do tomorrow
It's like for example people complain about something
about someone
they are supposed to first start with themselves
ask yourself a question
for example, when you are angry
who do you blame first?
yourself or the others?
you see, Yoga is everywhere
we have to do inside, not outside
we have to still use five senses
you mean the sense are taste, sight, touch, smell, and sound.
that's why in meditation we close eyes
because if we watch something so something is being created in our mind
and we are staying in a dark and quiet room where is no one coming and going around
so because ears are not working that time, we are not speaking
we are not like smelling something
and skin also
so you are saying if you recommend someone
who is really beginner
and maybe who will be interested in Yoga
how he or she should start?
Let's say
to improve 5 senses
in Yoga, nothing ever is planned
just go to
around your city, around somewhere
you want to find any Yoga center, so you join
and Yoga, one thing is there
you can learn more and more by yourself
teacher teaches you
But you have to take your experience
and you feel what happens in and out
like I tell you
this is one phrase in Indue
I will tell you "rasgulla"
it's very very tasty and eat it and you feel like goood
But you don't know
Because you never ever eaten that
so I take experience
I eat it
so I can imagine
oh it's like this that black color, very sweet
but you never eaten that so how you feel?
if you eat, you can explain
so in Yoga we say, if you start, you can explain
you can feel what happen inside and what happen outside
so I want to say
if you want to start, so you go
start Yoga
never ever thought we should
or we will plan
no, just start! on your own
or at least you try to do a mediation one time
start one minute, two minute
there many ways how to start meditation
not only for like you say only like whenever I try to focus on my bad pain I could not
along with you can do many like in your tongue, your third eye
along with you can do with the candle
we need to concentrate on each parts
and there is one more question which is very interesting
in Yoga, there are more woman than man right?
in here (Vietnam) I have seen also here
it's a very nice question
Man are aggressive more than girls
they are what? Aggressive
and in the life also they do like these kind of part
like they do gym
they do running, they do many many things
if you find an old man
they have more problems like knee, back, and so on
if you compare with woman
they have fat problems and something in USA
when you compare woman and man
so woman is calm
she is not aggressive, she is not like angry all the time
but people especially man
they are all the time aggressive
that's the thing
I don't like aggression especially from man towards woman
which is my another topic I would like to mention
Do you know where it starts? The aggression of Man
what is the main criteria of the man
Because they cannot self control
It can be many many ways and things
it depends on the situations also
There is a deep explanation
if I tell you and talk to you
you don't know about it
in our nostril, there is one working than other
one is higher and one is open
one is close
Did you know?
What I have remembered from Yoga, they told me to
inhale and exhale
you know only this
what happen I will tell you if you check
"checking the nose by inhaling and exhaling"
this is working, this is not working properly
you check by yourself
one is open more than other
working both but one is open like it's clear
when you do inhale and exhale
one is creating something (a sound)
so if you compare so right and left
it's called in China "Yin and Yang"
Yin and Yang (Yin is negative, Yang positive)
In India it's called (Sun and Moon
Mostly in gens right is open
Most of the time
Left in the woman
it's for like cooling and calm, it's good for the brain
It's good for your physical energy
It's good for any kind of work
By your body
It's good for that
You mean left side
Left side for brain
For your brain, for your hair
right side for your all body
For physical strength and for mentally strength
you try (Try it as well!)
yes, it's more close
you compare with both
I think that one is close
you compare
one is more open than other
in your both, you have to one side
Stretch too much and one side is going suddenly
Right one is a bit straggling
so left side is good for my mind
the right side is for my body
so my body is straggling
If you feel sometimes like headache or something, you check your nose, you have stomachache
Suddenly stomach problem comes in front of you
you check and you change this
This working, so you close it and suddenly take your time
How long have you been teaching Yoga?
Last 6 years I am teaching
Before that I started Yoga in 1998
than I was 10 year old and now I am 38 year old
So why did it happen? Why did you start?
They say, Yoga will come to you
When I was a child, I had a problem
I couldn't breath properly
It's called asthma
It was like that time
I couldn't breath properly
When I played with five children
and somebody was running after me
I couldn't catch my breath
and I started crying that time
so I thought
what should I do
and my parents were worried about me
what is happening
so someone said he should start Yoga or something like that
so that time I'd started
I went in school
it's called Gargul
so I studied there
and in the morning and evening both time
I did practice there
so after one year, it completely disappeared from my body
and that time it was really interested
Suddenly when I studied more and more
than I found many many things
all it happens with these it happens with that..
So guys, if you are straggling with something
as you can see, Yoga is the best solution!
I would like to thank you Parul
because you
you gave me something
I will never forget about you
But what I want to say the audience
Be open
Especially man
because as you said
We are aggressive
We are suppose to avoid
our aggression
towards everyone
thank you for watching
if you have any questions regarding
this video, future videos, please comment
and I am willing to
help you or make video for you
"Tam bier" from Vietnam - Lubomir!
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