Hi, I'm Aida. And this channel is for creative entrepreneurs who want to grow
personally and grow their business. Today I'll be talking about the three reasons
why you should focus on your strengths. And make sure that you tune in to the
end, because I will be sharing with you how I was able to identify my strengths.
Number one is refine your skills. Since we do not have an abundance of time and
energy, whatever time we take trying to improve our weaknesses it's time that we
take away from working on our strengths. And when we work on our strengths we
actually have the ability to reach a level of excellence. I really love what
Robert Greene says in his book Mastery.
Number two is
enjoy the process. I think that when you started your business, it is because you saw
an opportunity to make a living using your art. And art is not necessarily only
about the end result. It's also about the process. And the process of also running
a business should be enjoyable. There's no reason why you should agonize day in
and day out with tasks that you're not really good at. And by focusing on things
that you're naturally good at, you can actually enjoy what you started - this
business and the art that you create. I feel like this quote by Tim Ferriss says
it all.
Number three is reduce stress and
grow. So as business owners when we're doing all the things - tasks that we
are good at. Things we're not so good at - we end up feeling overwhelmed and
stressed out. And that is not good for our well-being and it's not good, because
we just don't even have time to look at the big picture and grow our business. So
what I could really suggest is really thinking about delegating
or outsourcing. Check our Marie Forleo has to say about delegation.
So a little over a year ago I took the Gallup
Strengths Finder Test. And it's not one of those funny little quizzes that you
take online. It takes 40 minutes to do and cost $15, but trust me it is worth
the time and investing that money. I was able to identify the five top strengths.
And really I've been using these strengths in projects that I do and how
I approach my work. So I cannot recommend it enough. And I just want to tell you
that either you can do something like that or you can talk to your family and
friends to find out what your strengths are. I really hope that this video was
really helpful to you. Let me know in the comments below, like this video or
subscribe for more videos like this... they'll be coming up on the first of
each month. Thanks for watching!
For more infomation >> 3 Reasons Why You Should Focus on Your STRENGTHS - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
When You're Unmotivated — Therapeutic Photography - Duration: 2:16.
Do you ever feel like things are overwhelming?
Things are too much?
It's just insurmountable?
Here's an approach that I take whenever I feel like just pulling the covers over my
head and not doing the day.
This is the image that I posted on Instagram today, the shot that I took when I was in
Los Angeles a couple weeks ago, and the perspective I had made these buildings seem so ominous
and overwhelming like they
were about to take me over!
Well, I posted this on my Therapeutic Photography account, and I talked about what I do when
I feel like I'm overwhelmed, like I don't want to do anything.
First, I acknowledge what I'm feeling.
I name the emotion.
I give myself permission to feel that emotion.
And then immediately, I take an action based on my principles.
Some people call these "values."
They're the things that are important to you in your life.
So for instance, if one of your values is fitness, you could do some yoga, you could
workout, you could go to the gym.
Any number of those things that have to do with fitness is you taking action on your
Another example is, if neatness and order is something that's important to you, then
you could take 15 minutes and clean up your desk.
Organize it.
Make it look nicer.
I call this my GLAD APPROACH.
Now realize, my goal here is not to change how I feel.
It's to take an action that, after I'm done with it, I'll be glad that I did it.
Sometimes this changes how I feel.
That's a bonus!
That's not the goal.
The goal is to accomplish something, do something that's in line with your values.
So when you just want to pull the covers over your head, when even the smallest task just seems
insurmountable to you, try my GLAD APPROACH.
And I'll put a link here to my Instagram account.
How You Get More Clients by Using Your Words, Face or Your Voice - Duration: 2:42.
So you're not a blogger, right?
But you want to blog, and I have a lot of advisors I speak to, who really, really, really
want to get into this blogging thing.
Because they want to connect deeper with their clients.
They want to really be with them along that journey.
And I don't mean just the general newsletters that you get.
I mean talking to them about things that matter in their life, of which the adviser, you,
actually helps them from an advice point of view.
So, if you're not a writer, and that's the objection I get a lot of the time is Kim,
I'm just not a writer.
Well guess what, nor am I.
So, there's three ways that you can really easily blog.
So let me ask.
Are you a writer?
If not, are you a movie star, or wanna to be movie star?
Or a radio DJ?
So this means, if you're a writer, and you prefer to write, do a blog where you actually
write it.
Really simple 300 - 400 words it doesn't need to be much more.
However, if you're like me and you're not so, you know, thrilled about writing, then
do a video, right.
The whole movie star thing, and I say that with tongue in cheek, because certainly this
is no movie star thing.
But the beautiful thing I love about video is it adds another layer of connection, of
engagement, of emotion, and humanness.
You know, this whole, you get to see me as well as just hear what I'm writing.
If that doesn't float your boat either, then maybe you're a radio DJ.. which is podcasting,
where you're just recording your voice and getting it out to your clients.
Now there's going to be some of you that go yeah, yeah, yeah hear all that Kim..
I'm none of the three.
However, if you've got a message, and you want to keep connected and get engaged with
your clients and with your prospects, then you've got to let them know who you are a
lot more.
So really choose your device.
Choose your writer, movie star, podcast, you know radio DJ extraordinaire.
And just pretend to be that.
Like pretend just for that moment when you're in it, because you've got so much good to
Don't keep it in.
Get it out there.
So think about which one you are and just give it a go.
No one cares.
You're the most critical of yourself.
Nobody else really cares as long as you've got a great compelling valuable message.
Whatever you do with that, Make It Count.
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