Shakira Maga Lifestyle | 2018
Shakira Maga Lifestyle | 2018
For more infomation >> Shakira Maga Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 7:28.-------------------------------------------
What Happens to Your Body When You Start Walking Barefoot Every Day - Duration: 4:54.
Do you walk shoes all the time?
While protecting your feet from the cold or from object that damages, there is a reason why
walking shoes is not beneficial: we do not receive the energy of the earth.
For those who do not know, we need to absorb the electrons from the soil in order to balance
every part of our body with the potential earth.
Ancient studies have already reported on the of this method, which is called "grounding".
The benefits of this practice are many, such as reduction of inflammation and chronic pain,
improvement in sleep, energy levels and until it relieves stress.
Here are some more benefits:
Greater circulation Walking barefoot also increases the flow of
blood for the legs.
This increase results in less pain, less varicose veins, besides keeping the feet warmer
In the winter.
Decrease in pressure At the same time that we improve circulation
walking barefoot, we can decrease the blood pressure and the action of cortisol on
This also reflects stress and inflammation throughout the
Greater balance When you feel the ground, people begin to wake up
the brain's balance system, stimulating their minds for greater balance.
For the elderly this is key.
Fewer problems for Feet wearing the wrong shoes is usually
the root cause of many foot problems like calluses, bunions, athlete's foot and ingrown nails.
As we walk barefoot, we more of this type of problem.
Even arthritis begins to improve slowly, as the feet develop stronger,
flexibility and blood flow.
Better posture When we walk shoes, we are forced
to project our hips back and forth the front, forcing our backs, shoulders
and neck to avoid possible falls.
When we walk barefoot, the opposite occurs: when feeling the ground, the nerve endings
feet start sending us information of balance.
This not only contributes to the posture and balance, as for stress reduction
and tension in the body.
Healthier Children The American Pediatric Association recommends
keep children barefoot the longest possible because the shoes weaken and
deform the feet.
According to Dr.
Merzenich, one of the largest neuroplastics of the United States, walking stimulation
barefoot helps to improve memory, attention, concentration and intelligence!
Greatest strength When walking barefoot we start
to stimulate new muscles, both for the balance and support.
Healthier legs Our body works with a principle well
interesting: if you use something, you keep it, if he does not, he atrophies.
When walking barefoot, they awaken and begin to strengthen again.
Reduces inflammation You've been shocked by touching an object
during the winter?
This is due to the polarity difference or load between your body and the object.
It is the way your body discharges this load unwanted.
Studies have shown that free radicals, act on those responsible for the inflammation
a positive charge.
Although these positively charged particles play an important role in our system
immune system, if we do not have a way of drain them, they accumulate in our bodies,
creating excess inflammation and damage in cells and tissues.
The earth, on the other hand, naturally possesses negative charge.
Direct contact with the soil also allows us to do this "unloading" of radicals
free, which can bring benefits to our health.
911 Help Now Emergency Communicator Pendant Bundle - Duration: 13:17.
Listen to the song of a martyr's child, you must listen to the eyes. - Duration: 4:40.
When to Follow Up for Best Results! - Duration: 1:19.
Entrepreneur Life Changing Masterclass - Duration: 0:58.
Hey guys Trina here. This is for the stressed-out entrepreneur! I used to be you.
I used to have three businesses that I owned. I was so crazy swamped and just stressed out with life.
I now own one business
I can sustain my family on one business!
I go on a couple of vacations a year, and I get to stay home for three amazing days every single week with my son,
who's 3 1/2 :)
I've got a one-week solution for you. If you want to go to
I'm going to teach you how to automate your social media to save you TIME and MONEY
Teach you how to have social media that will actually convert to sales! We're going to get past some blocks,
make some progress and get you on your way to making MONEY! Go to
the program is one week long, and it's $397. I promise you this is going to work for you. Don't miss out! Bye!
ashraf jhatta, punjabi song, thandi chan, mp3 - Duration: 8:00.
Rasco's BBQ // BTW 015 - Duration: 13:07.
Hey guys, welcome back to our channel. This week we're going to take you to
one of our favorite restaurants.
Hi, how are you? - Hello, how are you doing?
- Good. - Welcome to Rasco's.
- Nice to meet you. Jassmin. - Jassmin, pleasure to have you.
- Thank you, thank you. So tell me, what do you recommend if I were...
Oh, good lord, the brisket sandwiches are good. The tacos are one of the favorites.
- Sweet, sweet. - All the sides, I get compliments on it, so...
- All right, all right. Let's see, I'll let you set up whatever you recommend.
I am a brisket type of girl though, so... - Brisket tacos?
- Yep, so we can do... - Would you like cilantro and onion on those?
- Yeah, let's go ahead and do that. Add those toppings.
So what made you say barbecue? - What made me do barbecue?
What made you want to go into the business? - There's Mexican food restaurants
everywhere in Las Cruces.
Very few barbecue that survive. I've been blessed.
- There you go. That's sweet, that's sweet.
And how have you perfected your barbecue style to where you have people come back?
- Well, we're gonna start our 8th year in September. We started in a little
gas station. - Wow.
- My smoker was out by the highway. - Here in Cruces?
- Yeah it was out on highway 70. - Oh sweet.
- And, you know, just tweaking stuff and making it better
and I finally feel comfortable with the product I have.
- There you go. Well, can't wait to try it. Alright, so let's go ahead and get that
going. I'm ready. Side-wise, what are your best sides?
- I've got... The fried mac and cheese is good.
- All right. - And then I have corn on the cob,
I have potato salad, and the baked beans are really good.
I get compliments on all of them. - All of them? All right.
I'll let you surprise me on those too because I'm a side person.
- You like slaw? - Yeah, coleslaw?
- The slaw's good. - Oh there we go. We'll try the coleslaw.
- And I'll get you some beans. Is that okay? - Alright, yep, that works for me.
- Perfect, would you care for a drink? - Lemonade. Something fresh.
- Lemonade? - Yes, it's hot outside, so, cool me off.
- Okay, give me a second I'll get it to you. - Sweet, can't wait.
- Would you care for a saucer for your tacos? - Sure, on the side please.
- Alright, you bet. - Thank you.
- You bet. - Alright, can't wait to try.
- Here ya go, miss. - Thank you.
- You bet. - Nice and fresh.
- Can I get you anything else? - Um, I think this is good to start off with.
- Okie dokie. - Yeah. Would you mind sitting and talking
a little bit about the history of this place? - Absolutely.
- Sweet. Let's talk, let's talk.
Alright, so let's first start off with, is it Rasco's or Rasco's? How do you...
- Rasco's. That's what they used to call my father. That's the real Rasco right there.
- Oh wow, that's sweet. So a family business? Yes ma'am.
- Okay, and you said earlier, what year you guys got started in?
- '09 to '11 is when we opened up. - Oh wow. Wow.
- Yes ma'am. - Alright, how long did it take for your dad,
right? Or grandfather?
- He never got to sit down in my restaurant. - No? Aw.
- He passed when I was about 3 months open. - Sorry to hear that. Okay.
- But other than that, he heard about it. - Good.
- He's eaten my food - Yeah? Well that's neat, that's neat.
I see you guys do a lot of catering. - We do a lot of catering...
- So, you guys enjoy that aspect of it? - We do a lot of La Clinica de Familia.
A lot of doctors. - Oh cool.
I got Citizens Bank account. You know, for the most part, it's all good.
- Now, what would you say your favorite part of working here is?
- Smoking. - Smoking?
- I love smoking my meats. - Nice, that's neat.
- And my fresh salsas. - There you go.
- Everything's made fresh every morning, so - Oh, there you go. That's sweet.
-There's nothing frozen but the ice and I don't buy that.
- Nice, nice. - I don't make that.
- Well, I can definitely taste the freshness in that.
- Thank you. - I'm ready to taste this taco,
so let's see how this goes.
That's some juicy... - What'd you think?
- Nice and juicy. - It is, it's a good taco.
- It's a good flavor. - It's a crowd favorite.
I got a Taco Tuesday special where you can get any of the 5 tacos for a dollar.
- I really enjoy that the meat is so tender and soft.
- Ah, I appreciate you. - I like that. Nice and good.
- That smoked for a few hours, yes ma'am. - Yeah? That's good.
- About 12 to 14. - Nice.
And what is the customer favorite that you've picked up on?
They do a lot of brisket sandwiches, brisket tortas, brisket tacos.
Brisket is probably my best seller. - Your best seller?
- Yes ma'am. - I like it.
- The ribs. The ribs are phenomenal. - Tell me about the ribs. Yeah?
- A lot of people come in and get, you can get a rack, a half rack,
you can get a rib plate. It's one of the crowd favorites as well.
It's basically, all our recipes come from the family. The brisket, my wife is the one that
got me into that. - Wow.
- We did a lot of fundraisers to help my son play baseball, and that's where we got
she got her brisket recipe from and good lord it's it's gone good.
- Oh yeah. - We don't do much advertisement.
It's a lot of word-of-mouth, a lot of Facebook. - Awesome, yeah.
The cilantro, like the perfect combo with your brisket.
- Well thank you. - Yep, I enjoy that.
What made you say this spot right here in Las Cruces?
- Well I was going to close on Highway 70. The owner sold the gas station so
things were going down and my tickets were getting lower and lower everyday,
so I was gonna close down. My wife didn't let me.
- Good. - And I know about this place.
It was abandoned. - Wow.
- So, I came in here and I laid the tile, the lights, the paint...
- So you started it from scratch? - Yes ma'am.
- That's sweet. How long did it take you for you to build this place up?
- About 3 months, I'd say. - Nice, not to bad.
- And then I was selling. - Not too bad.
- I was blessed. A lot of hard work. - Hey, but that's what you get out of it.
Some good food, and good customers. - Yes ma'am, thank you.
- Yeah no problem. So tell me, you get a lot of people that come
from out of state to visit and try your stuff out? - Oh yes, I get a lot of US Marshals
from across the street. - All right, cool.
A lot of them are from Kansas City and they really enjoy the food.
- Yeah? - And you know Kansas City is the
capital of barbecue. - So that's neat.
That is neat, yeah. - So you know there's guys that call their brothers,
"Hey, I found some good barbecue..." - And they bring them over?
- "in New Mexico" so... - Yeah? What's the best
experience that you've had working here? - The best experience?
- Yeah, have you had anybody...? - Yeah, I just had Clint Eastwood's crew
come in and eat. - Nice. How was that?
- They're filming "The Mule" here. - Okay.
- And then a lot of Aggie greats. Basketball players.
- Cool. Mr. "Slab" Jones, Mr. Notie Pate.
- Wow - They all come in. And then a lot of
friends of mine that pass through town stop by, say hello, try my food.
- That's awesome, that's awesome.
Try to get a picture of them in front of Rosco's menu.
- There you go. And then you can display that. Neat.
A lot of friends have heard about it on Facebook. - Okay, yeah.
So Taco Tuesday is pretty crazy. - Nice, how much are your Taco Tuesday...
Do you price them? - You get 1 taco for 1 dollar.
- Not bad. - You got 5 to choose from.
- There you go, sweet. If you could add anything else to your menu, would you?
It's a lot to work with right now. There's a couple of options I've been looking at.
For the most part, this is pretty much satisfying. - Awesome. That's awesome.
- Yeah, I need desserts. I need a peach cobbler.
But my kitchen's so small, I gotta work with what I have.
- What you got? There you go. - Yes ma'am.
- That's cool. You have a good selection right now so can't complain.
I really like the coleslaw. Is there... - It's a crowd favorite.
There's a sweetness in there that I can kind of taste.
- A little bit of this. A little bit of that. - Yeah, I can definitely taste that.
- I can't tell you. - I know, that's a secret recipe.
That's what makes you famous, huh? - Actually most of the recipes are involved
from our family. - Nice.
- My wife's aunt did that, my wife's grandma did another thing, and
- Oh wow. So since it's a family business, do you have kids that work here with you
all the time? - I have a daughter that works here.
Samantha, that's her when she was little. - Oh how neat. That is so sweet.
Other than that, you know, my daughter works here, my son works here
during the Saturdays. - That's awesome.
From all the years that passed by, it's always family that's in the business?
-Yes, you know we do little outings and festivals every now and then.
- Okay, yeah. - When it's worth the money.
We've got a tequila taco festival - Oh nice.
- this weekend so Saturday I'll be closing early to go down there.
- Cool deal. - And all I'm selling is tacos.
Is tacos? Nice.
So when it comes to catering, is there... How does that work with you guys?
Do you guys get good... - It works out good.
- Yeah? - We can set up and serve,
- Okay, sweet. - Or you can pick up your food.
- Okay. - I also run a smoke service.
If you bring me your brisket, I'll rub it and marinate it,
smoke it, trim it, slice it from my counter to your table. Let's eat.
- That's awesome. That's really good to know.
So a lot of people do that. - Yeah, that's good to know.
- It is. I've gone to a lot of family parties so I know
who I'll be giving a call soon. - There you go.
- That's sweet, yeah. 100 percent recommend these brisket tacos.
- Thank you. - Yeah.
So on Saturdays with the market right up the street, do you guys
get a lot of traffic on Saturdays? - We get quite a bit on Saturdays.
Basically my dinners are a little bit better than the day crew.
It's hot in Las Cruces so a lot of people don't get out.
- Yeah, that's true.
What's your busiest day that you would say? - I'm going to say Taco Tuesdays and
Fridays. Payday. - Okay, cool. That's true.
- We have a daily special that we do everyday. - Okay.
- You know, that's comfortable for the budget. You know, about $6.99 on Fridays
you get a free soda with any combo meal. - Okay, cool.
So, you know, if you don't like onions, you know, we cater to your needs.
You know, "I just want cilantro on a taco," - Yeah.
- "I don't onions on my sandwich," you know, so if you build it, I'll burn it.
- There you go, that's sweet. So you said Friday, you get your free soda
with your meal? - Your combo.
- Or your combo. - It's a 1-meat, 2-meat, or a 3-meat meal
with 2 sides or a rib plate. - Okay.
And what are your other weekly specials? - I have a burger and french fries on Wednesday.
- Okay. - Tacos are on Tuesday,
on Thursday, you get a medium sandwich with a small side for $6.99.
- Not bad.
- You can give you their brisket or pulled pork, and on Saturdays, I have a sausage
dog that has sauteed onions and jalapenos with a dash of mustard and a
dash of barbecue sauce. It's a good mix. - You're gonna break the pocket.
- You're gonna break my bank account. That's what's gonna happen with these specials.
Well, I enjoy it. So I can't really have that much bread, so it's always tacos...
I also sell it by the pound. Like a lot of people are on a low-carb diet.
- Yeah. - I have a salad menu.
I have chicken, brisket, taco salad. - That's awesome.
- And a lot of people just buy it by the pound or the half pound.
- Yeah - And they'll sit here and eat that.
- That's awesome. - No bread. They'll get their sides.
- Quite a bit of variety. - Yes.
- You get to cater to different people. That's awesome.
Well, regardless if you like meat or not, you gotta try this, 'cause it's good.
It's good stuff.
I like that the beans have that spice in it. But it's not...
- A sweet and spicy. - Yeah, but it's not too spicy.
Yup, it's like that perfect, it's nice and subtle. Not too crazy.
As well as the coleslaw, that's really good. - Well good. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
- Thank you for sitting with me and having this conversation.
I've enjoyed getting to know the history of this awesome place, of this good food,
and I hope that more people have the courage to come in here and try it
'cause it's awesome. - Big shout out to my family because
without their help, there would be no Rasco's.
- Well, I'm glad you have that good family 'cause you guys done something.
- Thank you very much. - Thank you.
- God bless you. - Thank you. Nice meeting you.
Well thank you guys for watching this week's video.
This week, our comment winner is...
Number 42.
So number 42 is Martin Watts. Congratulations for this week.
You can go ahead and stop by at the store, and we have that prize ready for you.
And for this week's video, go ahead and give us a comment on
where you guys would like to see us go next. Thank you.
911 Help Now Emergency Communicator Pendant Bundle - Duration: 2:28.
7 Healthy Habits You Can Do Everyday - Duration: 6:28.
7 Healthy Habits You Can Do Everyday
Waking up each morning with a positive attitude and a smile is something really healthy that can be seen throughout the course of the day.
However, most people don't normally wake up with the best attitude and almost always lack energy, and wake up feeling tired with a negative attitude as they continue on through their day.
To avoid this and start off your day with the best possible disposition, there are 7 daily healthy habits you can keep in mind each morning to feel good and start off on the right foot.
Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning.
Drinking water is one of the best habits to follow each morning and all throughout the day.
It helps keep you better hydrated, improves the functioning of the digestive system and metabolism, and even improves skin health.
It is recommended to drink a glass of water between meals, preferably with a little bit of lemon juice.
Avoid checking social media, emails, and messages for the first hour.
If you are one of those that is glued to your cell phone and computer through all hours of the day, you should know that these can breed many stressful situations.
Sleeping with devices by your side and waking up to check social media, emails, messages, and other things is not recommended, since it can affect you without you even noticing.
Avoid using this for the first hour after you wake, and you will notice that it is a habit that will allow you to feel happier, focused, and with a clearer mindset.
Think positive thoughts.
Creating a positive mindset for the rest of the day is key to being happy and motivated.
For example, you can think and plan something special in your free time and work to finish it as planned.
If you can think of 3 or more things it will work great.
Go outside for a bit and breathe.
Fill your lungs with fresh air as it will only take up 10 minutes of your time and will make you feel better in the morning.
Go outside to your garden or even by the street, and you will develop a great habit in starting your day.
Move the body and exercise.
It isn't necessary to follow a strict exercise routine every morning, but moving your body a little and exercising is a great habit that can help improve circulation, boost the metabolism, and wake up your body for the rest of the day's activities.
You can walk, run, or ride your bike for a bit.
You can also put on your favorite music and dance however you please.
Keep in mind the music should be positive, happy, and free of negative messages.
Eat a healthy breakfast.
Today many people skip breakfast because they feel rushed or believe it isn't necessary.
The truth is that breakfast is far more important than it seems, since it doesn't just give us energy for the rest of the day, but it also boosts the metabolism and helps you feel better throughout the rest of your daily activities.
To start your day, you simply need to include proteins, antioxidants, and a small amount of fats and grains in your breakfast.
For example, you can eat eggs, fruits, yogurt, oatmeal, whole grain bread, or other similar foods.
Think and rethink positive phrases.
A positive mentality is key to enjoying the day and carrying out all the activities you need to do.
One of the best exercises you can do is stand in front of a mirror and say phrases like:.
"Every fiber of my being is healthy and vibrant".
"I feel well and I am taking care of myself".
"I radiate confidence, beauty, and grace".
"I have the skills and attitude to take on life's challenges today".
"I won't allow negative people to influence me".
Keep all of these healthy habits in mind every day to feel alive, full of energy, and with the best disposition to take on the day.
Follow all of this advice and you will begin to notice that your days change for the better and you will enjoy each moment of the day.
Face each day with a positive attitude, feel confident, and smile, because it is something that you will also share with those around you.
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