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Takers day at the you
Can't you watch where you're going
Well, if I had to guess I'd say you were just right
Are you see you a
Museum it's a place where you can see paintings armor from nice
Mummies homies. Oh
Don't do that daddy's in
Mommy's from ancient Egypt and they're dinosaurs and caveman tools
Paul was so great. Have you ever been to a museum Oh
Des stuff in one place who kind of reminds me my closet Hey
200a a curse doesn't ever you see him does it I don't think so
That settles it I am gonna start our very own you see them right here and Rick no
But taker you don't have anything to put in a you see him I mean Museum
Well, not yet, but I'm gonna go get tons of stuff right now
TTFN Tata for now
For more infomation >> My Friends Tigger And Pooh Tigger s Day at the You-See-Um Part 1 - Bailey Ford - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
[SORI] HAUL! Back from Japan Edition! Pt.1! - Duration: 8:57.
Sori's YouTube Channel
Hi everyone, how's it going? Sori Not Sorry, Sori here!
It's been some time since I've say on this floor of my apartment,
Today, I'll show you the stuff I've bought and received
during my Japan trip a little more in detail!
Fan gifts I've made a video before at a hotel room.
This time around,
I've bought some necessary stuff from Matsumoto Kiyoshi (a drugstore franchise) and Don Quijite.
Due to some time constraint,
I didn't get to buy too much. Anyways,
I'll start with the stuff I've bought in Don Quijote
These are some dog food for my lovely puppies~ (Dog food)
Hopefully they chow down on these snacks and like 'em.
Whenever I go to places like Donki(Don Quijote)
I say to myself, almost habitually I've gotta get this,
but once I'm there,
I really don't end up buying that much, this is coming from my past experiences.
I don't venture out either...
This is a present to Tori! (Sori's pupper)
(puppie sausage!)
It looked really delicious even to me, so I ended up buying one. even though I shouldn't try it.
Up next,
Animal crackers (Sori's absolute favorite)
Aren't they cute? I've already had like 3 of these...
These are my favorite snack ever since my Japan days.
All the animal crackers are labeled in English too.
Dog, lion, bat... something like that.
So they also have educational purpose too, I guess.
and here's another stuff I always buy.
Kamu Kamu Lemon!! I love these (lemon drops)
It is made from real lemon juice, and each candy contains vitamin C that's equivalent to 10 lemons.
They're pretty cheap too! Maybe I should have one now?
I started salivating as I was explaining what these are.
it looks like this.
Pls focus...
it's not so hard, pretty chewy.
It's actually delicious, but my jaw...
really sour but also sweet, and nice texture.
I've come across these for the first time, but they look delicious, so I got them. (watermelon gummies)
Suika is watermelon in Japanese (watermelon gummies)
I've never tried watermelon flavored candies before, so it makes me curious.
That's pretty much it for the stuff I bought at DonKi!
The bare necessities I needed were
makeup removal wipes and sunblock
the cream immediately absorbs, so it instantly moisturizes your skin.
maybe make your skin a bit tighter?
But this time around, I was not able to get those necessities from DonKi.
On the day I was leaving Japan, I found Matsumoto Kiyoshi at Chiba station. Serendipitous!
It's a drug store...
I immediately went in and got those.
This is a pretty popular product, I bet some of you know about this.
I've recommended this to Coco before,
and even she sent me a message saying this is really good.
I'm not kidding, this stuff's awesome.
At Matsumoto Kiyoshi,
I bought these makeup removal wipes, which I always use.
This one's by the brand "KOSE"
When I as going to a university in Japan,
my mom came for a visit and purchased these.
These are more convenient, even more so compared to the other kinds apparently.
They're cheaper too, so out of curiosity, I ended up buying these as well.
so I bought some sheets that are convenient for makeup removal...
and that's it, That's all I bought at Matsumoto Kiyoshi.
This time around,
I really didn't go shopping at all...
I've tried out the samples when I was at Skytree (Senbei from Skytree)
The people work their also recommended these to me, and I thought they'd make good presents too.
So I bought cuttlefish and octopus senbeis. They're delicious.
So I'm gonna place all the ones I've shown you at the back.
We're gonna move on to the next phase.
When I was in Japan,
I was at the press room of my friend, Saein's workplace
I'm gonna briefly show you some of the outfits that were gifted to me.
(Knitted top that I wore in Chiba episode.)
It seems like a knitted shirt for summer,
The color's very light violet, almost close to lavender.
Out of the colors available, (white and navy), I liked this the best.
This color suits me the most, I think.
This is a top from "Heather," or "Heja," if you were to pronounce it in Japanese...
this off-shoulder top looked really pretty.
This was the first outfit I picked out.
So I put it on, what do you guys think?
Pretty cute, I think. The material's a little bit see-through.
Should we move on to the next outfit then?
This one's highly recommended by none other than Saein,
It might be a little too big for me, I'm actually not sure about the size...
I tried it on! These loose sleeves I guess are this outfit's feature.
This one's cuter than I expected.
I thought this would be very loose on me.
I like it, it fits me nicely too.
I really thought this will be too big. I love this!
Now then, shall we move on to the next?
This looked really cute and nice, so I picked this up too.
But when I said that to Saein,
she was like "Unnie, that's not your particular style..."
So I was like, "What do you mean?" and she said "it's too feminine."
I could be a girly girl...
I'll be back.
I put it on.
I see a some laces here...
I saw tons of beautiful models there too...
I'm trying to
pull this off that's fitting to my own style...
What do you think?
Saein, I actually
like this kind of stuff...
(tiiiny grudge) I could be feminine...
so this is a sleeveless top...
I think I could wear under a thin cardigan in summertime.
When worn by it self it's just a plain sleeveless top.
if it's too cold outside...
I could put on a cardigan on top.
or maybe...
this might be way too tight. Something in black
might be
a good combo too. Pretty casual.
or cute...
Those a a couple of applications...
This is something that ""Heather" is pushing for on their website and instagram.
Before I left Saein's workplace,
Saein was like, take this with you too, this suits you well too.
(A brand new dress!)
Green one-piece dress in green, I don't have that many outfits in green...
Can you guys see?
There's a ribbon on the neck as well..
See-through dot pattern...
bag was also gifted to me.
With this off-shoulder shirt, and carry this bag around...
That'd make a good ensemble.
With this,
tried out
all the clothes.
(I'll be back shortly with Japan HAUL episode Pt. 2!!!)
Hong Sukchun "Why did you invite me on a 'Sora club special'?" [Happy Together/2018.07.26] - Duration: 11:03.
Minkyung looks cute since she gained some weight.
Sukchun appeared on "Gag Concert" once.
I was putting on makeup in the dressing room.
He looked at me and said,
"I think I'm prettier than you."
- He was jealous. / - My feelings were hurt.
- What? It's true. / - That was mean.
- How can that be true? / - You know it's true.
- That's ridiculous. / - You must be so happy.
Only Narsha can beat me when it comes to the body.
- In fact... / - I can beat the rest.
- Sukchun... / - I'm sorry, guys.
How dare you? Gosh.
You'd look like Hareem if you held a guitar.
(Sukchun is forgotten because of Hareem.)
- Seriously. / - He looks like Hareem.
You must've gotten a hair transplant.
Why are you so confident?
- Why would you say that? / - Why are you confident?
- Please stop it. / - He looks like Hareem.
- I don't believe this. / - That's enough.
- This is ridiculous. / - Please stop it.
(They can never get along.)
This is why I said I didn't want to be here.
Why did you invite me on a "Sora Club Special"?
I'm the only man among the guests.
Don't talk rudely to them. I'll hit you like a man.
- My gosh. / - He just came back
from a trip to Europe.
He brought his suitcase,
but his sense of humor hasn't come back yet.
- It's stuck at Customs. / - His sense of humor?
- It's not here yet. / - I see.
- Please understand him. / - Okay.
- That's too... / - I'll pull out your hair.
It took our staff quite a long time
to convince Sora to come on the show.
- That was funny. / - Since it's "Sora Club",
they're all your friends, right?
- Yes. / - It's unexpected, though.
- I was surprised too. / - We didn't know
that Minkyung, Jimin, and Narsha
- were Sora's friends. / - Exactly.
When we'd all gathered earlier, everyone wondered,
- "Why are we here?" / - "Why?"
- "Why?" / - What do you mean?
It's shocking
- that Narsha found out / - Yes.
that she was a Sora Club member
through the news.
(She found out about it through the news?)
Is that true?
- That's funny. / - How did you two meet?
We became friends when we appeared on a TV show.
My hobby is to search my name on the internet.
- Hyunmoo does the same. / - Why are you surprised?
- You all do that at home. / - Right.
- We do that often. / - I searched my name.
- It's important. / - I saw a news article
saying that I joined the "Sora Club"
and would appear on Happy Together.
- Really? / - I was worried because
I had never met some of them.
Exactly. I thought the same thing.
- I didn't know Minkyung. / - We never met before.
I heard that Minkyung and Jimin appeared
- on Sora's radio show / - That's right.
- for a long time. / - Right.
- What's important is / - Yes.
Sora called me before we came here.
- What did she say? / - "Minkyung, I'll be"
"on Happy Together. Do you want to join me?"
I said I didn't have much to tell on the show.
She said Daniel Henney might be on the show too.
- So I said, / - Really?
"Okay. Then I'll just sit there quietly."
- Where is Daniel Henney? / - That was a lie.
- Hareem is here instead. / - She lied to me.
- "Hareem". / - Hareem is here.
Actually, she told me the same thing,
which was why I decided to come on the show.
- We came here for the same reason. / - That's right.
It should be called "Daniel Henney Club" instead.
- I believed her. / - Are you close to him?
No. I am not acquainted with him.
- Really? / - I see.
- They seem very confused. / - It's confusing.
I think I should straighten things out.
You don't listen to others after asking a question.
- After asking a question? / - Sora and I
- were on a show / - How did he know?
- called "Roommate". / - I see.
She called me and asked if I slept well.
She asked if I had any worries.
I was about to answer, but she went in to drink milk.
(Why did she ask him about his worries?)
She suddenly asked me why I looked depressed,
so I told her about a man I had a crush on.
"It's hard to reach him, so I'll give up on him."
She said, "Do you want some celery juice?"
- She's not interested. / - That's right.
- I was talking seriously. / - She doesn't care.
Am I really like that?
- You're always like that. / - You gave us the juice.
- Am I always like that? / - She did it again before.
- She may not have known. / - I don't know myself.
She likes to talk about herself.
- She really likes it. / - Right?
When we were waiting, I was looking at her.
She suddenly said, "Why? It's pretty, right?"
- So I... / - She meant her clothes.
Yes. She asked if I liked her clothes.
And she kept shaking her shoulders like this.
The other guests including myself
are all wearing colorful clothes.
She's the only one in dark, cheerless colors.
So when she said that, I didn't know what to say.
I just nodded like this.
She goes, "Guess what brand this is from."
- The clothing brand. / - I see.
"I don't know. Is it from Dongdaemun Market?"
She told me a high-end clothing brand name.
- It's a high-end brand. / - I realized that
she lives in her own peculiar world.
- Exactly. I think / - She's fabulous.
she chose it knowing we'd dress like clowns.
- My goodness. / - We talk like clowns,
but she talks elegantly.
That's why she wore dark colors.
You don't look like a clown.
- Why would you say that? / - Hang on. Why are we
- wearing similar clothes? / - Don't come near me.
- Gosh. I don't like this. / - Don't come near me.
- Okay. / - We should stay apart.
Can you explain your fashion today?
You're wearing a gold necklace.
- A gold necklace. / - I'm dressed like
a fashion model in Paris or Italy
on her way to a fashion show or on her way home.
- That's the theme. / - She looks great.
- She looks great. / - It looks casual,
- but eye-catching. / - It's stylish.
You changed your thought after hearing the brand.
I don't care much about the brand.
I'm sensitive about colors.
- Of course. / - I care about the color.
- That's right. / - I like bold colors.
- He likes vivid colors. / - Yes.
Me, too. I care about the size rather than the brand.
My goodness.
- It's very important. / - Narsha, what about you?
I make sure it's skin-tight.
Everyone has their own preferences.
Sora is influential in the fashion industry.
I thought she wouldn't
- care much about brands. / - She cares so much
- about brands. / - Sora saw my wallet once.
She said, "Hey, you... Is this yours?"
I said it was mine, and she said, "Okay."
(She liked that brand?)
It means that I had become successful.
"You've come a long way."
So the brand is your only measuring stick.
She's a fashion model who cares about brands.
- In fact... / - It's the only thing
those who know nothing about fashion could see.
- That makes sense. / - My goodness.
- She's cool. / - When we came in,
Sukchun saw me at the entrance.
It was as if he was saying,
- "What an ugly shirt." / - What did you say?
So I said it's from the "Y" brand.
Or he would've continued looking at me like that.
- He wouldn't understand. / - Exactly.
Sora and Sukchun's first meeting was unforgettable.
- Really? / - When did you two meet?
Not long after I won the supermodel contest.
- It was a long time ago. / - Five years after that.
- It is a while back. / - So I...
- I was a writer at SBS. / - That's right.
It was after the staff training,
and I was walking excitedly around the TV station.
Then I saw someone open the door and come in.
- She was glowing. / - She exudes an aura.
I had never seen anyone glowing like her.
Sora is the first star I saw at the station.
I couldn't even budge.
I thought, "My goodness. Is she a real person?"
Sukchun, you're glowing the most here.
- The lighting is behind you. / - It's natural light.
"Natural light".
"Natural light".
Sora, your skin looks really fair today.
- Her skin looks better. / - It's bright there.
- It's dark here. Yes. / - Because of me?
There's another glowing star you saw.
- Jung Woosung. / - Jung Woosung?
I saw him glowing too.
- Did you? / - I went to a cafe.
Woosung was at the back.
We walked up to each other to say hi.
- He was glowing. / - Right.
So there were two glowing people in that cafe that day.
People who were there saw two very glowing people.
She accepted his compliment right away.
- She likes compliments. / - She likes it so much.
She responded right away.
Actually, if Sukchun unintentionally
upset other guests on the show,
he compliments that person until the show ends.
- That's right. / - That makes it awkward.
- He's so soft-hearted. / - That's right.
He feels so bad about it. You can see that.
Even his head turns red.
- Like a newborn baby. / - He can't hide it.
Even though he puts on makeup,
his head turns so red along with his ears.
Until the show ends, he keeps complimenting
and rooting for that guest.
He's so soft-hearted.
He and I once appeared on the same show.
He's the only one who talks about
my past in front of me.
He talked a lot about my ex-boyfriend.
At first, I played along with him.
I'm a comedian after all. But I got mad in the end.
I said, "Shut it, you baldie!"
- I lost my temper. / - My goodness.
He's so nice. After I said that,
he kept complimenting me.
And his head was read.
- He knows when to stop. / - "Jimin, you're pretty."
It's easy to make Sukchun compliment you.
- You can just scold me. / - Right.
Once you yell at me,
- I start... / - Once you get scolded.
(He'll praise you.)
- He's soft-hearted. / - He's adorable.
- He's tender-hearted. / - If you want his praises,
- scold him harshly. / - That's right.
- Once you yell at me... / - You'll praise them.
- He's adorable. / - He's soft-hearted.
Sora knows well about different dating habits.
You know there are some men
who are very aggressive before a relationship,
but turns away when the relationship starts.
I think Hyunmoo is that type of man.
- Hyunmoo is? / - Yes.
- Why? / - Hyunmoo?
Why does she keep talking badly of me?
I think she's here to give me a hard time.
Please tell us what made you think so.
When you check the latest team dinner photos
of "I Live Alone",
you will see that Hyunmoo is missing.
In the past, he was always in the photos.
He wanted to be where Hyejin was.
- But? / - But now,
either you don't like drinking with her
or seeing her drink. That's why he's not in the photos.
- You can see that. / - Actually, what Sora said...
- He seems flustered. / - It's just that...
Sora is very precise.
I'm flustered because she's not right at all.
I think Sora is sharp.
She notices small mood differences.
- Right. / - Right.
Sora is very sharp.
- Right. / - She's very sharp.
What's wrong with her today?
I don't know. Whatever.
(I don't know. Whatever.)
That's the answer.
- That's the answer. / - She doesn't care.
- She doesn't care. / - I am not interested.
(Never mind, then.)
She made me flustered one time.
She called me, "Saeho, come here."
Then she scanned me from head to toe.
She should've said something, right?
(She just smirked)
(and left.)
POSTPARTUM my story - Duration: 27:16.
hi everyone welcome back to my channel we are here this week to talk about
postpartum by postpartum depressions postpartum stuff okay what I'm going to
speak about is gonna be my experience okay maybe it has nothing to do with
yourself maybe you found few things similar maybe it's completely the
opposite thing I mean it's person is different its body is different
experience it's different it's pregnancies different each
everything is different okay guys that's something that we have to accept and we
have to understand first of all okay let's go for it um if you haven't
watched my labor video oopsie yep see you okay so I'm saying if you
watch my labor video if you haven't here's the link you will see that nino
porn with the feast on her eye because of that what happened was she cheers me
a little bit going up way okay so that was quite thankful I have to accept it
but it wasn't that bad or I think it wasn't a bad as if a doctor has cut me
to hell the baby can't that is something that happens to I can say 70 percent 80
percent of the woman's around the world okay
the doctors decide to just like pray to help them he's not happy
right yes okay so that it can happen to me because Neelu did it
and that was her way to help herself to come to this world and it doesn't matter
the good thing for me was that how she did it it was to be clear it was going
to my lip to my clitoris or however you pronounce it in English so that's a part
of the woman's body but it is not attached to our body is something only
like bubbly out so that was so helpful for me because I think in my experience
or previous operations when you have something on your skin like for example
for me what's on my belly the last time obviously when you move when you see it
when you love when you drink when you cough everything your skin is moving so
the tears moving and is so painful in this case because it wasn't attached to
my body I didn't feel that much pain I have to say only once I remember I was
going on a bus I mean I was about to see it in case of thing I'm sitting down and
I have stitches on my body I just like kind of like literally throw myself in
the chair and I felt a horrible pain that I have to end up taking a farce eat
them all to make me feel a little bit better
oh wow
she's taking everything that is around her that's it so yeah that was the only
moment I have to say was so painful for the rest of the things I was absolutely
fuck okay that's the only thing as I say but for me I think also is that I follow
really really precisely everything that the doctor suggested to me I think I was
so scared for the pain I was so scared for an infection well your dog do you
want to tell her I already kissed her look at my lipstick now Minnie Mouse yes
sir we didn't have to wash it
yeah this is a dreamcatcher do you like it mm-hmm
yeah I was so scared of infections I was so scared of pain I was so scared of so
many things because I was breastfeeding so you can't really take medicine
because you can't but I didn't want to because whatever you take whatever you
doing whatever you eat it all goes to the baby so in my brain me taking a
medicine and give it to a newborn which doesn't need it it wasn't like it wasn't
right for me it wasn't the proper thing to do and I didn't want to so I I was I
have to avoid like I was so careful like obsessed to cleaning my toilet cleaning
my own stuff with my clothes I didn't want no one to touch my clothes I didn't
want I don't want my things mix it with another thing I remember I used to like
even wash my underwear by itself I didn't want to put it with other clothes
are so freaking obsessed by I think it was a nice logic obsession because who
want to be just giving birth and have an infection and pains and things that no
one like that's the thing after around 15-20 days I was feeling absolutely fine
like my stitches falling of them I didn't feel any pain I didn't feel any
uncomfortable nothing I was absolutely fine so about that
everything was perfect even John now 14 months after sometimes I said sometimes
I don't know why depends on what I'm wearing I will feel a little bit
uncomfortable in there but it's not that big of a deal okay it's just something
that I know now the first time I couldn't found out what was like making
me pay but now I know the themes that I kind of void so I'm fine
another theme about this post partum that I hate when I was about to give
birth like let's say a couple of weeks before I gave birth I was preparing my
hospital bag and my sister told me oh what are you preparing on it and then I
told her and she's like oh don't forget to bring so many spare underwear and
don't forget to bring so many nappies no peace yeah not peace right that's how
you call it yeah I think so I was like excuse me what do you mean
like I am just gonna gave birth like I don't have my birria and she was like
believe me you gave birth if you naturally I can't give the opinion of
how it is when it's c-section because I don't know okay guys I'm gonna give as I
say my my story she was like believe me if you have a natural birth you would
read so much for so many days you will really need that nappies okay that's
amazing let's add one more thing to the worst things after labor that you can
spirits and that was really uncomfortable and that also made me so
scared when I gave birth because of the stitches because I was like okay now I
have these stitches plus I have all of this blood what about because of what is
coming out from my body I end up I mean infection so I was the kind of
person so freaked out that I will I was like changing myself every time I was
going to toilet I was like purple of wash everything and then changed
completely everything it was like oh bird obsessed but I've never have a
problem with done so that's worth it guys
Peter upset sometimes isn't worth it being over clean or overdoing sometimes
things is worth it so that that's a dick for me oh good point and another thing
that happens to me was um I went for my eight weeks checkup and then they told
me everything I was absolutely fine so I could start doing some exercises I was
so looking forward to it when I tried to start I was having a horrible pain and I
could not even do some of the legs exercises or even ours anything that was
including some kind of like strength that I have to do some strength um how
would I say like I have to include my abdomen to be able to like be strong
enough to like put my arms up though with the dumbbells or whatever guys it's
so painful really really painful and there was a point that I say you know
what screw you like I'm not gonna do it I don't want to have pain if this pain
is worries means for me to lose weight I prefer to have this small kilograms
amount that I have extra on my body than half pain like no way
it was coming in needless christening and I remember I was feeling really I
believe with myself even though I need your porn and I look at myself in the
mirror obviously because you didn't see your belly anymore you feel so good to
yourself like wow I look back again
I look so sexy so it's curse and things I love you most myself
it only loves me cover for him after a couple of weeks I was like freaking out
like I'm so far so fluffy I don't like myself I look so ugly I'm not happy with
these I don't want to be like these we don't really play with that because we
can break it loves it if we break it we don't have it anymore do you know that
yeah do you want your Minnie Mouse back again which funny one you want your
teddy bear we take another one so neato Christine was coming I was feeling so
bad I was about to like really have a proper postpartum depression I mean I
know so many people if you have got the post back post partum depression you
said I didn't know if you're talking about I'm talking about myself but in
that moment seriously guys I felt really really mm-hmm
no artists team I was feeling really sad like I will cry every single night i
will cry every time i put myself in front of the mirror and i was not happy
at all with myself I was hiding even my body from Ally like I didn't even want
him to look at me because of how I was feeling and one day I just decided to
talk with him about it I just try to like make like a job like
a have you seen how big I am now have you seen this hits curse or whatever and
it's not what I was expecting to him to tell me like oh yeah it looks about not
because I know he won't do it maybe he will tell me like yeah but don't worry
you really lose the way whatever he's just like yeah you're so sexy now and
look at the curves I've never seen your body like that before
I really liked it he really liked it sorry I have to feed me I would do that
so yeah listen to him saying that Tim I was just like I felt I was most gorgeous
sexiest prettiest back and I think that's really important from our
partners to make us feel amazing I mean but sometimes immense understand our
situation is not but if they can a little bit make you feel better that's
the most important thing yeah we went to Spain for Neely's Cristiano I could
still remember everybody was standing to me like oh so how many key looks you
wear when you gave birth and how many came your side you know and how many
cares you lost all of this story okay something that I've learned during all
of these 14 months I have to tell you sometimes that we lose hello we don't
know skilo doesn't mean we are doing good doesn't
mean we are doing but not my case I'm the kind of person I retain water so
easily I'm like a sponge so I have to be really careful worried with watering
with for him if I do it society if I can go
exercise everything is so important on me so when
I was on my last weeks of pregnancy I literally took so much water on my body
that I was up to 73 kilos it's for me too much and when I gave birth I felt
like if I lose 30 40 kilos of water even if obviously it's not like that
I mean I lose so much water and I first saw it's better but obviously I saw had
a baby which means like me for 10 months and then that baby wasn't there anymore
so all my belly was fluffy and then my legs has been like swollen for all the
pregnancy and then they were like less swollen I was loosing slowly-slowly the
weight that I gained it I was thinking I was doing pretty good and for some
reason I decided to listen to so many people and let them make me feel but
with myself but I just learned like I don't like you know what this is my body
I look at the mirror I feel good so that's it my husband likes it toxic
that's the important thing for me I also learned with the years that what is the
perfect worse than perfect what is the beautiful the ugly the best
words each person we have different points of view so we will never be happy
like before with so many like so many more killer stuff now some people will
tell me I was so beautiful I was so sexy whatever
and now that I'm skinnier so many people tell me I'm so good I'm so like this I'm
so like that so I have to check myself and I have to be happy myself like the
rest of the people I don't care you give me your opinion I will listen its way
but doesn't mean it's gonna affect me at all okay which is the important thing as
girls in the world moms in the world ones in general that you are trying to
lose way that you are not feeling so
confident with yourself stop listening to the people like sometimes they're
jealous of us that's all they will like to be us but they try to make you feel
bad because they know you're out esteem is a little bit low and they know they
are gonna hurt you and they don't want me to be better than them that's why
they make you feel like that that's it clearly as I that's that I learn with
the years that's how it is okay whoever told you the opposite they are
lying to you okey so yeah we went back from Spain I was feeling a little bit
but but I decide I will not listen to the people
I'll do whatever I thought it was the best for me so I decide I would start
taking care of myself so I start to found different workouts which they were
like easy I change every day and if Nina was awake like now
I'm gonna be able to do it with her sorry
I by hmm and then I decided to fund all of
these exercises I start to feel so good with myself and I did it for six weeks
exactly for the first four weeks I was doing exercises for the full body like
slowly slowly every day I was doing around 45 minutes
normally I used to do it in the evening why in the evening because even this is
wrong I'm sure I used to like okay I will eat what I have to eat but if one
day I want to eat chocolate I want to chokolate if one day I went to it ice
cream over half an ice cream and I don't want to feel bad because I did the
workout in the morning and then I'm not taking like the energy and the power to
tell to myself no don't eat that ice cream no don't eat that chocolate so I
will do it in the evening and if today I have AIDS so much of something I wasn't
supposed to no problem I will to 15-20 minutes more of exercises and I will
feel better myself maybe as I say that is wrong maybe that is right who knows
that was what was working for me I would make me feel better so um I did that the
last two weeks from these six weeks period I did cardio renewer cardio I
remember us killing myself it's so hard alright did it I was feeling so good
myself even though when I was in Bali on holidays last December I was keep doing
exercises everyday not maybe all the time but I used to like take advantage
when I lit and Miglia we're having a knob I used to do these exercises
because I knew they will have a like an hour knob so if I put I will do that 45
minutes if she always like wake up after 30 minutes no problem so the point was
do something and do something that was making
feel better because sometimes being on holidays doesn't mean you have to stop
doing things and you have to forget about it well and you have to forget
about a little bit of exercise or walk a bit or something like that okay so
that's what I did and then since um we came back from Bali I found like okay
was Christmas time so I did whatever I want but I continued working out and
then I suddenly found myself in a point where I like my body so I start to relax
a little bit and be like oh today then the exercise it's okay are the tomorrow
and then tomorrow I only do it 15 minutes things like that until I found
myself in a point where I was losing weight more and more and more and more
uncontrolled and and if I was eating so much but I become more energetic because
Nia was more active because now she's trying to Walker I need to run up behind
her and we go to like everyday to the park walking things that I like I
changed my habits so obviously my body started to burn fat but because I didn't
have fats to burn I started to burn comfy but let's say like what I don't
have to burn a burn it's I lose so much weight and I found myself in a point
where all my body is like super fluffy and I don't like it so I started doing
this exercises of the video I mentioned before don't make me feel better and to
tone my body and to make me feel much much healthier and better so we are
going on holiday so I want to feel amazing on my holidays and super good
but if no I'm really happy how my body is now I just want to feel better I just
want to be healthier I just want to be stronger because this little monkey
she's getting heavier and heavier every day and she loved to be on my arms and
she loved to be hold around like these kattiline like mass is so tired
but normally she loved to like walk around like these I'm saying the falling
asleep and these are so I have to go now that's why I'm doing
this okay and that's why I I'm doing this exercise just a few strong with
myself I'm healthy and I'm better so yeah that's what I do and guys love
yourself accept yourself how you are if you have curves make your curves look
sexy make your curves looks good and put clothes that to be like pronounced more
your curves I make you feel it's amazing and everybody to be like wow what's such
a sexy amazing body you have if you have like a skinny body it's exactly the same
just make yourself feel good and don't bother so much people think wow like
they will always find something to criticize when you guys believe me if
you are now overweight and you lose weight now they are criticizing you
because you are overweight in future they will criticize you because you lose
so much weight whatever guys like this is the society in the ones live this is
the mentality that the people have at the moment and we have to accept it
that's why just feel good with yourself love yourself when you look at yourself
in the mirror and that's it and that's the only things I can tell you guys if
you are about to give birth what you just gave birth it gives time to your
body be patient love yourself and hate yourself and enjoy these little
creatures we've brought to this world because they are growing so fast the
time doesn't come back and sometimes being so focusing on stupid things or
being so focusing obsessed is like it could be this on the losing weight will
make you lose time with them and will make you focus only on yourself not in
them and at the end of the day they need us like you have to be strong you have
to take care of yourself because of them number one because they need
strong they need you to help them and they need you to give them the food that
they need and the energy that they need the love that they need which is the
most important thing so that's it Lulu but those can we speak about this
nothing you're eating something right there's something you say yes I could
see it here I found it it's like a little piece of paper okay guys so
that's everything for today I hope you like it
I hope you like it and these videos are gonna get more and more and more
difficult but we're trying to minutes ourself to be easy funny and everything
um if you like this video don't forget your like sextiles
and if you are new to my channel thank you so much for watching thank you so
much for passing by by my channel and don't forget to press the button off
subscribe for more videos every Monday I'll see you soon you wanna say bye bye
bye and you wanna blow a kiss click please forever
I block it
Amy Woodhouse: How can you get involved in #FMQTNextGeneration? - Duration: 1:07.
Awara Paagal Deewana Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:16.
Awara Paagal Deewana Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name
How to engrave a reusable coffee cup property marking tutorial - Duration: 11:17.
[ENGRAVING NOISE] Hello my name is Neil welcome back to
the Happy Hut thanks for clicking clacking? on this video!
Ttoday it's a bit of a strange one I'm going to be
engraving this reusable coffee cup with this reusable engraving tool
I don't know what you call it is it an engraver it's from the now sadly defunct
electronics store Maplin, but you can even get these most places
I've never used one before so my midlife crisis now enters a new artistic phase
I want to write my name on stuff I don't know why maybe it's because I want
to leave some kind of legacy or literally
some kind of mark on the world I'll probably label this video how to
engrave a reusable coffee cup but this is the first time I'm doing this so
calling it a how-to is a bit of a stretch it's more of a first time
engraving so that if you've thought of doing this I don't know why maybe you
want to mark your property or maybe you want to test out a new form of art where
you chisel letters at differing depths but this is this is how it went for me
the first time this time I hope it helps you I can't imagine how - and oh and I
apologize now for my lettering but this is yeah it's my first time
Okay, so I don't know if that's in focus I hope it is
Here's the engraver and I've got it unplugged at the moment - got a lovely shock when I
plugged it in it was on just there I thought
that was the button to start stop it isn't that's just to grip the chuck so you
can loosen it I've chosen this rounded tool so I'll
just plug it in now right that's in so when I switch on...
Away it goes So here I go for my very first
engraving, it's gonna be there sideways here because I can't do it around the camera
Here goes.
I've no idea how thick this would be [ENGRAVING NOISES]
I don't think I'm gonna get my whole name across so it's gonna be in two parts
There's the "At" Can make it look less shaky?
[ENGRAVING NOISES] That sort of looks like an "at".
I'm gonna go for a smaller finer point now so
it's gonna be more like a pen Okay so this is a chance for me to show you
how to change the Chuck I've unplugged it
so it doesn't go off again first unscrew this and then I can't turn this
Chuck off or around so you have to press this button
till it clicks and it holds it in place so that you can unscrew it
and then you can pull this out of the I think that's
called a collet nut they take the drill bit off I've gone for I've gone for this
one which is a thinner tip but it's also not pointed so keep that same width
however deep it goes see how that looks so put the bit into there and then turn
the chuck I think I need to grip it again there we go so it doesn't spin
round and then the nut tightens and then I'll put this grip on the round
it - fits in like that So plug it in again
We'll do some lettering Here we go
Turn it on I've got glasses on to... er so if the bit
snaps, hopefully my face won't snap as well [ENGRAVING NOISES]
With a wobbly "N" Go for an "E"
[ENGRAVING NOISES] I mean, my handwriting isn't great but
even this looks a bit of my six-year-old self - I think I'm gonna have to write my
name underneath it let's try that [ENGRAVING NOISES]
There we go that's really thin, isn't it.
yeah suppose the rounded tips would give me a bit more - more like this one - I
kind of like that - what I could do is use this this thin lettering as a
guide track for the bigger one I know grinding a hole
straight through the coffee cup should I do it yeah I got what do you think so
I'll put a thicker one on yeah I agree good choice but I'll do it with a...
I'll do it with a rounded tip let's turn it
Oh hold the button to undo the chuck take out the bit put in the new bit and then
put the nuts back on right let's thicken up those letters
so I'm gonna start one of the super thin ones rather than keep making that N wonky.
[ENGRAVING NOISES] it's really hard holding the engraver in
Ha, looks like a giant Neil [ENGRAVING NOISES]
That could be an N rather than an R There we go - joined it up with the bit that
went wrong.
[ENGRAVING NOISES] Oh my goodness, let's go for an M
Okay well that's not gonna win any calligraphy prizes but that's pretty
permanent and great and I've learned something there which is...
Let's get the camera here...
If you use a thin drill bit as a guide it's much easier to write
thick rather than just going straight in with the thick drill bit.
There we go I've only been writing that name for decades
uh-huh but there it is in a new with my new pen anyway so that's the very very
first time I've done engraving with engraver like this so I prefer the
rotary one rather than the the type of engraver that's like a needle that goes duhduhduh
just having a spinny drill bit is much easier I think yeah I think I need a bit of
practice with my writing anyway I hope this video has helped, it's helped me if you've
got this far in the video it would really
help me enormously to give me a thumbs up just let me know you made it this far
and I hope it's been useful and feel free to leave comments and also some
bounties are unlocked to me as soon as my subscribers hit 1000 so if you were to
subscribe you would help me on that journey if you could be so kind
as to hit the subscribe button in the the bottom of the video or in the description
that would help me achieve my dream of more than 185 but thanks for
putting me closer to 1000 and thanks for joining me I hope this helps thanks for
watching can you please help my daddy get 1000
subscribers just click on his face thanks bye!
What do you like about Mr.Finance? - Duration: 1:11.
What I like about Mr.Finance is that he helps me save money!
He sends me reminders to save every Friday and asks, "How much did you save?"
He also helps me increase the amount that I save. He has really helped me save and I like him!
In the past, I borrowed money from others frequently to solve my problems,
but since I learned the lessons from Mr. Finance, I don't do this anymore.
He teaches us not only how to do business, but also how to keep track of family and household expenses.
He also teaches how to do record keeping, how to save money, and how to be prepared for money emergencies.
After meeting Mr.Finance, I studied and learned how to manage my finances and cash flow.
I also learned about what things to do before launching my own business.
After becoming a friend with Mr.Finance, I'm reminded to save money regularly.
Once a week, he reminds me to save. That's helpful for me and I would like to say "Thank you, Mr. Finance!".
Is it easy to take from man everything you want? - Duration: 2:16.
Can you easily get what you want from your man?
More "Yes" than "No"
How do you do it?
Using manipulation
What kind of manipulation?
Female ones
Can you easily get what you want from your man?
I am straightforward in terms of what I want
Again, when people love each other, they feel each other
I don't have to ask for anything
You feel and understand what does your partner want
Not always. But it happens
Different womens manipulations and tricks
I'm to young for this, don't even know how to answer
It all depends on the character
All depends on mans character
How to say it
Depends in what situation
Before it was easier, now it's getting harder
Depends on the situation
Womens manipulations and secrets
I do not normally get what I want from my man
We just stay together and enjoy each others company
I don't demand anything for myself
Thus I don't get
I'm stubborn
And know how to manipulate people
Depends what I want
And depends on the man
If it's my man, then it's easy
If I try, I can do it
And how do you do this?
I let myself be feminine
I haven't tried this yet
Very easy
For the most parts it's a manipulation
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