I will show you a work of art!
I want you to see it, and tell me what do you believe about that!
It's something i 've never seen before....
Here is a hand...
Pulling his leg!
And what is that?
And that?
This is a hand coming out from his stomach, grabbing his......
I don't understand!
And here at his chest....
A chain....
It has angel wings!
A sun at the bottom....
What do you understand by all this?
For more infomation >> Art... ;) - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Slido Academy: Advanced Tips for Questions - Duration: 1:05.
You've already mastered the basics of managing live questions, now it's time for some advanced tips.
First tip: If you want to give your audience a chance to reply to the posted questions
you can turn on replies in the settings.
Your audience will now be able to reply to live questions.
Something like comments on social media.
Second tip: You can bookmark your favorite questions that you plan to ask
regardless of the number of likes. Simply mark them using the star icon in the admin
Next tip: To make sure everyone is focused on the discussed topic you can
highlight and display a single question in full screen in present view.
You can activate this feature from customization in your event's settings.
And final tip, try sending in one or two questions at the beginning to spark the conversation.
It's a great way to remind the audience that they can send questions,
especially if they've never used Slido before.
Coda iOS: Transfer files from your Mac - Duration: 1:16.
Coda iOS makes it easy to work with files on a remote server. But did you
know you can easily move files from your Mac to make them local in Coda iOS? Let's go!
We'll start on the Mac. Go to System Preferences, and then Sharing, and make
sure the Remote Login box is checked. Great. Also: check your computer's name,
because you're about to need it. Let's switch over to coda iOS and add a
new SFTP server there. To do that, tap the "+" button, give your server a name, and
then switch from the leaf icon to the globe icon. By default, you'll have an
SFTP server selected, which is just what we want — because thanks to Remote Login,
your Mac is now an SFTP server! Type in your computer's name and add ".local"
For me, that's Knox.local. Now enter your username and password, and hit Done.
If it's your first time connecting to your computer, you'll get this dialog. Tap
accept key and you're good to go. You should see the contents of your Mac just
like any remote server. You can download files to work with
locally by tapping and dragging them down to the bottom of the screen. Get to it!
Work with files on a remote server or transfer files from your Mac directly to
Coda iOS. To learn more, visit panic.com
Classified Marketing Tip 20 - Use Hashtags on YouTube Videos - Duration: 0:55.
Classified marketing tip try adding hashtags to your YouTube
videos. YouTube is currently featuring up to 3 hashtags above the title on desktop
and Android the hashtags just need to be included in the description of your
video this can help with discoverability and potentially lead to more views
Sales Tips: Improving Your Customer's Experience with Sales Engagement Software - Duration: 2:46.
Elaine Saso here.
Today, I'd like to talk to you about a few ways that you can provide a more efficient
sales process to your customers throughout the sales cycle.
In an age where technology is everywhere, it's easy to find disjointed tools in a
huge tech stack.
While you might think this tech stack makes things easier, having too many tools can make
it difficult to manage.
This manifests itself into a slow, unprofessional sales process that allows prospects to slip
through the cracks.
Let's look at two ways that having a unified sales engagement platform can help.
As a busy sales rep, you're often communicating with your prospects as much from your computer
as you are from your phone.
For email, it's easy regardless of whether it's on mobile or your desktop, but for
phone, it can be a little bit trickier.
Mobile and desktop can be disjointed and incompatible, making it difficult to see who's calling
and to log a call, especially if it's a return call.
That's where SalesLoft helps.
It lets you see who's calling from anywhere, giving you the confidence and time to mentally
prepare for both prospects and customers.
It also cuts down on manual time, as it logs calls back into Salesforce.
This makes everything faster, from prioritizing conversations to not having to worry about
admin tasks.
A second great tool built into the best sales engagement platform is calendaring.
While it may sound simple, there's so much variance in calendar apps that it can be hard
to keep up.
You have to decide on meeting times, make sure that the software is compatible, and
remember to manually send an invite after a meeting is scheduled.
With SalesLoft, you can simply insert a meeting link directly into a follow-up email.
From there, you can personalize as much or as little of the email as you want.
Your prospect will then receive that email and be able to choose the meeting time that
works best for them, cutting down on all of the back and forth.
The icing on the cake is that you can create automation rules that automatically take action
when a meeting is scheduled.
For example, that rule may remove the prospect from the current cadence that they're on
as soon as a meeting is scheduled.
All these actions save time and make a potential customer's experience smooth and professional.
Thanks so much for watching.
Hope you've learned a few tips on how to use sales engagement platform for a better
prospect and customer experience.
Feel free to drop any questions or comments below.
Thanks again, and have a great day.
Omega 7: Natures BEST plant based fatty acid? 2018 - Duration: 1:28.
Omega-7 is a little known fatty acids that does wonders for your health and beauty.
It's a SeabuckWonders customer favorite and our best selling product.
Here's why, with one capsule you receive all the benefits that sea buckthorn has to offer.
This blend offers an abundance of health benefits including support for gastrointestinal, cardiovascular,
digestive health, inflammation response, and overall health and wellness.
It's also known as an incredible supplement for hair, skin, and nails.
Which is why many refer to it as the beauty omega, beauty from the inside out.
The Richest source of this incredible fatty acid is from sea buckthorn berry oil.
Which contains the highest omega-7 content known in any natural source and our products
contain the highest amount of omega-7 on the market.
Now you may have heard that fish oil contains omega-7 this is true,
but it only contains a small amount.
Which means it must be heavily processed in order to isolate the omega-7
this makes the oils unstable.
Not to mention the fact that fish oil tastes and smells bad because it goes rancid easily.
Besides being inferior in taste and nutrition, fish oil is not sustainable.
Sea Buckthorn Oil is sustainable, it's natural and has all around better nutrition than fish sources.
SeabuckWonders Omega-7 complete is all you need.
Amazing Pancake Art You Need to See - HGTV - Duration: 6:32.
New College Lip Dub 2018 - Duration: 4:46.
Do you know how to get to ORSLfrom here?
Ugh, yeah. It's across the street.
Um...where's that?
Oh, it's in the Wilson Lounge.
Ugh, I don't know where Wilson lounge is?
Okay, we will take you there?
Come on!
2018 Virginia Tech Orientation – You Are Welcome Here 2018 - Duration: 2:11.
[Inspirational music starts]
Hello, my name is Patty Perillo.
My name is Mena Pratt-Clarke.
I'm head football coach Justin Fuente.
My name is Jill Sible.
My name is Rachel Woodson.
Hello, my name is Amaal Alharbi.
I'm Leslie Hager-Smith, Mayor of the Town of Blacksburg.
Hello, my name is Evelyn.
Hello, my name is Andrew.
Hello, my name is Hikmet Gursoy.
Hello, I'm Jeff.
Hello, my name is Yingge Li.
Hello, I'm Karen DePauw.
I'm Tim Sands, president of Virginia Tech.
I want you to know—
—that you
—you are welcome here.
At Virginia Tech, you are welcome here.
At Virginia Tech, you are welcome here.
At Virginia Tech, you are welcome here.
At Virginia Tech, you are welcome here.
You are welcome here.
You are welcome here.
You are welcome here.
In the town of Blacksburg, you are welcome.
At Virginia Tech—
—you are welcome here.
Welcome to our newest Hokies!
Shirley Ballas Uncovers African Heritage | Who Do You Think You Are - Duration: 10:07.
How are you doing oh my goodness you look great what every good thank you
Santa Barbara I'm hoping that you can shed some light on my heritage from my
father's side I do remember my grandma and don't remember too much about my
grandfather well this is your grandma and grandfather Nelly and George rich oh
my goodness he looks like my dad your grandfather was a very very hard-working
man he really was it was a stoker and with Stoker's they have to shovel coal
okay it's got any other photographs of him yes a house one when he was in the
room maybe oh the Royal Navy yes HMS oh and it was a boxer it was a boxer a
boxer I should imagine bare knuckles my father taught me to be a first poor he
did he taught me how to box Santa Barbara
do you know anything about his father my great grandfather yes additionally this
is your great-grandfather and his name was George rich another George and he
was born in South Africa he came over and married Elizabeth rich which was my
grandma and your great-grandma I dapper looking man wasn't saying luck with them
bowler hat yeah I think any idea where in South Africa okay room as it was Cape
Town and he was born in 1866 do you think that with the roots being in South
Africa I wondered if you know if we had any black ancestry and our family no I
don't really you don't know don't know and maybe on
do a little research so if I type in George I go along here be rich and date
of birth was 1866 South Africa so this is a census from 1901 in England some
was a George rich that was married to an Elizabeth rich birth 1866 Cape Town
South Africa and but he resided in Birkenhead in Cheshire in 1901
so auntie Barbara your information that you've given me is correct so you've got
that though you've got that but it's not telling us much more here so I think
this next part at the journey now is I might just have to go to South Africa
okay Shirley's discovered that her great-grandfather George rich was born
in Cape Town in 1866
to find out more shirley is traveling over 6,000 miles to the southern tip of
my first day in Cape Town I've been wandering around all the streets I've
been looking all the buildings there's a mix of all sorts of people here and I'm
really trying to get that feel for where my ancestors once walked these streets
Shirley's comes in the National Library of South Africa in the centre of Cape
Town to meet genealogist Heather McAllister so what can you tell me about
your family well this is the only known photograph that we have of my great
grandfather George born in Cape Town South Africa in 1866
he looks he's dead lechero standing shop he does and also in our family with
always whispers that perhaps I was a black dissent you know and I'm really
quite excited to find out my roots I have a document that you might be
interested in also George Francis my great-grandfather born on August 19
1866 - John and Mary Elizabeth surname rich so now we know who his parents are
maybe you could help me a little with this and this baptism was solemnized in
the parish of st. John the Evangelist it is an endlich on church here in Cape
when Shirley's great-grandfather was born in 1866 Cape Town was a British
colony and he was baptized into the Anglican Church
the city had been founded by Dutch traders in the 1650s but the British had
seized control in 1806 I have another document that might be of interest to
you this is another baptism of Caroline ELISA and the parents John and Mary
Elizabeth so this must be a George's sister because the same parent see him
huh so he had a sister mm-hmm it's a death certificate of caroline.browne
formally rich so this is the Georges sister and she died at 58
but the race says mixed race could you explain that a little bit more to me
well it would mean that one of her parents was white and the other one was
not white so that means that my great-grandfather George was it mixed
race yes I'm intrigued I'm absolutely intrigued but I'm just a
little bit curious now where does the mixed race come from do you have any
other information about John rich and Mary Elizabeth so this is a marriage
certificate mm-hmm st. George's Cathedral he is still in
Cape Town and the air is 1858 John Henry rich the carpenter and Mary Elizabeth
Otto in the presence of jazz Paige Chippendale mm-hmm and Esther DeCosta so
could they be friends or do you think they are related in any way well we have
found another document so this is the last will and testament of Isaac DeCosta
and his wife so now I've got an Esther decosta on this marriage certificate as
a witness and I've got a will of an Isaac the
Casta can you help tie those two things together for me Esther is Isaac's
daughter okay so this is the last will and testament of Isaac de Costa our will
and desire to be that a sum of 600 pound sterling shall be paid over to Caroline
Otto for the support and maintenance of herself and six children and that the
said capital sum shall upon the demise of the said Caroline autumn be divided
between her children named Mary Oh Liam Abraham Rachel Joanna and Caroline and a
certain small house situate in this table Valley in Church Street shall be
and remain for a dwelling for the said Caroline Otto so in Isaac's well here
he's naming six children of which I'm recognizing the name Mary so I'm
assuming this must be Mary Elizabeth here this lady has a surname of Otto so
I could Caroline Otto be Mary's mother yes so would that make Caroline Otto my
great-great-great grandmother Wow Shirley has traced back to further
generations to her three-times great-grandmother Caroline Otto
Tuesdays with Liz: Contacting Congress - Duration: 1:49.
Today we're going to be talking about how to contact Congress.
Let's back up.
What is Congress?
Congress is made up of two houses - one the Senate and one the House of Representatives.
We call it 'the House' for short.
You might not think because you're a person with a disability or a family member that
Congress will listen to you, but they work for you, and they have a responsibility to
listen to you.
It's best to be prepared and you can do that by calling your UCEDD or watch past 'Tuesdays
with Liz' and that could help.
With contacting your Congressmen, it's really important to be confident, be respectful,
be knowledgeable, but the most important thing is be yourself.
Download our new 'Contacting Congress' below and the most important thing is, be yourself
and use your voice and advocate.
Your opinion matters.
Hi everyone, if you have any questions or comments about this video, please comment below.
Thank you.
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