today I have five quick top tips for working in Adobe Illustrator some of
which you probably don't know also sponsoring today's video is worthy tea
which is a great way to ensure that your questions they have for me are actually
answered so if you have a question about graphic design or you need some help
worthy tea will guarantee that I answer your questions and allow a one-on-one
discussion with your graphic design problems more about that later in
today's video
the first quick tip in adobe illustrator will allow you to use mathematical
equations on scaling objects so head into the transform window with a shape
selected and then for example use the slash symbol to divide the width and the
height of an object now this is a great way to be 100% precise with your scaling
of objects we can also use the asterisk symbol to multiply a measurement as well
as other mathematical equations to
the second quick tip today will help you with symbols on your design work so for
example on this business card design here I would maybe want to add an email
or even a phone icon if you download an icon font you can insert specific icons
into your text by using the glyphs panel
now this is a quick and easy way to add relevant icons to your artwork and I
find it saved a lot of time too you can find icon fonts with a Google search
within a matter of seconds
did on this business card design here when we use the arrow keys to move an
object around the design it might move too far or maybe doesn't move far enough
head into the general settings and change the keyboard increment values
this number is going to totally depend on the size of your current design or
your project so always change it up to match your design the fourth illustrator
quick tip is again going to save you some time but in this instance when
coloring artwork before you start a project generate plenty of squares off
of the artboard somewhere much like how a painter will have a box of paints for
the watercolor artwork then add color swatches to each of these squares and
choose colors that you might want to use for your design or your artwork you
could of course just use the swatch libraries but by using the squares here
instead you can also add a stroke values
now this is good because when you go to use the eyedropper with eye on your
keyboard you can sample the color of the squares which will actually use the fill
and the stroke color
finally another Adobe Illustrator tip for coloring artwork however this time
it relates to coloring the artwork after has been designed so if you're not
entirely satisfied with the color scheme of your design simply head into edit and
recolor artwork here you're going to be able to change every single aspect of
your design and see the changes in real time this is useful and more efficient
than changing one color at a time in the color palette also you can have access
to things such as color harmony settings which will help suggest what colors that
you need to use for your design
now as I mentioned at the start of video my youtube channel is growing very fast
and I receive questions every single day not only my YouTube comments but also an
Instagram Twitter and even my email now as my channel grows I'm finding it
increasingly hard actually impossible to answer every single person simply
because I didn't have enough time I do try to answer as many comments as
possible and you will see that my comments section on my videos not many
youtubers actually do this but I do take pride in trying to answer as many
comments as possible but yes becoming ever increasingly more difficult so if
you want to make absolute sure that answer your question and even have a
conversation with you about your problem worthy duck tea is the best way to do
this for a really small fee you can ask you a question or you can simply donate
to me and support the channel so if you want some one-on-one help just head down
to the link in description below and connect with me on worthy tea in the
last today's video guys tomorrow I've got a really cool digital art tutorial
in Adobe Illustrator so follow along in a step-by-step creative process on how
to make this digital art that you see on screen now like and share my videos on
social media and of course subscribe to to Tory graphics yum done already
until next time design your future today peace
For more infomation >> 5 Illustrator QUICK TIPS You May Not Know - Duration: 6:26.-------------------------------------------
「ммd」 - || Luna Dreemurr || → Look What You Made Me Do【 Vietsub Phụ Đề 】 - Duration: 1:51.
[CODE] How to get 10 FREE ANCIENT CONVEYORS | Roblox Miner's Haven - Duration: 1:10.
New Release Tuesday: July 31, 2018 - Duration: 10:32.
Hi everyone. I'm rincey and i am one of the contributing editors over at book riot.
I'm back with another new released Tuesday video. We're talking about books
that are coming out on Tuesday, July 31st. So the first book that I have for you
guys is the incendiaries by R.O. Kwon, which has a great graphic cover. I have
been drawn to this book since I first heard about it / seen it just because
the cover looks super great and also the author's photograph is super like badass.
So I highly recommend looking that up, too, if you feel like it. Anyways.
Phoebe Lin and Will Kendall meet at their first month at the prestigious Edwards
University. Phoebe is a glamorous girl who doesn't tell anyone that she blames
herself for her mother's recent death. Will is a misfit scholarship kid who has
recently transferred to Edwards from a Bible School and waits tables just to
be able to get by. What he knows for sure is that he loves Phoebe. Grieving and
guilt ridden, Phoebe is drawn to this extremely religious group which is like
this secret cult that was founded by a former student. He has an enigmatic past
that is connected to North Korea and Phoebe's Korean American family.
Meanwhile, Will struggles to confront the fundamentalism that he has tried to
escape and the obsession that is currently consuming the one that he
loves. When the group bombs several buildings in the name of faith,
killing five people, Phoebe disappears. Will devote himself
into finding her, tilting into obsession himself, seeking answers to what happened
to Phoebe and whether or not she could have been responsible for these bombings.
So this is a kind of buzzy literary fiction book that has been on a number
of most anticipated lists including like the New York Times and Entertainment
Weekly and is being described as a powerful darkly glittering tale of
faith, love, violence and loss. So if you are a fan of literary fiction, if you
enjoy fiction that dives into cults and similar religious extremism,
then you should pick up The Incendiaries by R.O. Kwon.
On the other end of the spectrum, I have A Duke by Default by Alyssa Cole.
This is the second book in The Reluctant Royals series. New York City socialite
and perpetual hot mess Portia Hobbs is tired of disappointing her family,
friends and herself. An apprenticeship with a struggling swords maker in
Scotland gives her the opportunity to use her expertise and see what she's
capable of. Turns out she excels at aggravating her
gruff, silver fox boss when she's not having inappropriate fantasies about him.
Tavish McKenzie doesn't need a rich, spoiled American telling him how to run
his armory, even if she's aggravatingly good at it.
Tav tries to rebuff his apprentice and his attraction to her. But when Portia
realizes that he's the secret son of a Duke, rough-around-the-edges Tav
becomes Portia's latest makeover project. So I'm someone who doesn't read a whole
lot of romance novels. But I read the first book in this series, a princess in
theory, and absolutely loved it so so much. So I've been highly anticipating
the second book in this series. And if you have been as well,
a Duke by Default is now out. Alright next I have a gentleman's murder by
Christopher Huang. The year is 1924. The cobblestone streets of St. James ring
with jazz as Britain races forward into an age of peace and prosperity.
London's back alleys however are filled with broken soldiers and are still in
shadowed by the lingering effects of the Great War. Only a few years removed from
the trenches himself, Lieutenant Eric Peterkin has just been granted
membership in the most prestigious soldiers-only club in London. But when a
gentleman's wager ends with a member stabbed to death, the victims last words
echo in the lieutenant's head. That he would "soon write a great wrong
from the past." Eric is certain that one of his fellow members is the murderer,
but who? And his investigation will draw him far from the marbled halls of the
Britannia to the shadowy remains of a dilapidated war hospital and the heroin
dens of the Limehouse. So a gentlemen's murder in general sounds like a really
interesting historical mystery, but it also
just got recently option to be made into, I believe, a TV show. I know it just got
optioned, but I don't remember if it's a movie or TV show. But I feel like it's a
TV show. Yeah so that's why it ended up getting on my radar. So if you want to be
ahead of the curve and read the book before the show comes out, then you can
go ahead and pick up a gentleman's murder. Alright next I have a nonfiction
book for you guys and that is American Apartheid: the Native American struggle
for self-determination and inclusion. This book is by Stephanie Woodward who
has spent the last handful of years reporting on various Native American
events that have been occurring throughout the United States. So in
recent years, events like at the siege at Standing Rock and the North American
pipeline access have a thrust Native Americans into the public consciousness.
And so in this book Stephanie Woodward sort of takes us beyond the headlines
and looks at the issues and threats that Native Americans face today, as well as
their heroic efforts to overcome that. She talks about how the federal government
as well as state and counties have curtailed efforts to allow Native
Americans to vote, which in turn keeps them from being a part of the
conversation around policy decisions, education, employment, rural
transportation, infrastructure and all of these other major and critical issues
that impact their communities. So if you are someone who is interested in Native
American culture and the struggles that they're facing in the United States
today, I think that this would be a really good sort of like nonfiction
pairing if you really enjoyed There There by Tommy Orange to see sort of
like what's really happening right now in the United States and the fights that
they're currently pursuing. Then you can pick up American apartheid by Stephanie Woodward.
Alright next I have fruit of the drunken tree by Ingrid Rojas
Contreras. Seven-year-old Chula and her older sister Cassandra enjoy carefree
lives thanks to their gated community in Bogota. But the threat of kidnapping, car
bombs and assassinations lie right outside their neighborhood walls. Where
the godlike drug lord pablo escobar continues to elude authorities and
captures the attention of the nation. When their mother hires Patrona,
a live-in maid from the gorilla controlled neighborhoods of the
city, Chula makes it her mission to understand Petrona's mysterious ways.
But Petrona's unusual behavior is more than just shyness, she's a young woman
crumbling under the burden of providing for her family as the riptides of first
love pulls her in the opposite direction. As both girls' families
struggle to maintain stability as conflict continues to rise in the area,
they find themselves entangled in a web of secrecy that forces them to choose
between sacrifice and betrayal. So this is a debut novel that is inspired by the
author's real life and contrasts two very different but inexplicably linked
coming-of-age stories. And again that's fruit of the drunken tree by ingrid
rojas contreras. Alright next up I have a young adult fantasy book that is also
kind of a fairy tale retelling and that is sea witch by Sara Henning. Ever since
her best friend Anna died, Evie has been an outcast in her small fishing town.
Hiding her talents, mourning her loss, drowning in guilt. Then a girl with an
uncanny resemblance to Anna shows up on shore. And the two girls catch the eyes
of two charming princes. Suddenly Evie feels like she has her own chance at a
happily ever after. But magic isn't kind and her new friend harbor secrets of
her own. She can't stay in town or on two legs without Evie's help. When Evie
reaches deep into the power of her magic in order to save her friend and her
prince's heart, she discovers too late what she bargained away. So this is a
book that is being described as Wicked meets The Little Mermaid and it's an
origin story for a villain who might seem slightly familiar. And is being
described as perfect for fans of Heartless by Marissa Meyer or Dorothy
Must Die. So if you enjoy fairy tale retellings or if you enjoy sort of like
these villain backstories, which is something that I always really enjoy
seeing, then you can pick up a sea witch by Sara Henning. Alright and the final
book of that I have for you guys is the body's not big enough for both of us by
Edgar Cantero. In a dingy office in Fisherman's Wharf, the glass panel in the
door bears the names of A. Kimrean and Z. Kimrean, private eyes. Behind the door,
there is only one desk, one chair, one scrawny
androgynous p.i in a tank top and a skimpy waistcoat. A.Z., as they are
collectively known, are twin brother and sister. He's pure misanthropic logic.
She's a wild hedonistic creativity. The Kimrean's had been a locked in constant
battle since they were in utero, which is tricky because they very literally share
the same body. So in this book, someone is murdering the sons of the
ruthless drug cartel known as Lyons. And the notorious A.Z. Kimrean must infiltrate
Lyons' inner circle in order to find out who is targeting his heirs. And while
they're at it, rescue an undercover cop who has gone
in too deep, deal with a plucky young a stowaway, and stop a major gang war from
engulfing California. So Edgar Cantero wrote the book meddling kids, which I
have not read yet but I've heard everyone described it as being like just
completely bonkers. And so this one sounds like it's going to be of the same
vein. So if you read meddling kids and really enjoyed it, then you can pick up
this body's not big enough for both of us. So that's everything that I have
for this week. Leave a comment down below letting me know what you plan on picking
up. There are a lot of good books out this week. I had a hard time picking
which ones I was going to talk about in this video without it turning into a 20
minute video. So leave a comment letting me know what you plan on picking up,
especially if it's one that I haven't talked about here. Otherwise I will see
you guys again next week with another new release video. Bye.
How to get views on youtube (fast) - Duration: 4:35.
豆腐渣公路? 槟大雨过后变这样 - Duration: 8:20.
Episode 13: Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad + WALL\THERAPY - Duration: 2:16.
This is happening live.
This is happening
It's happening right now.
Oh my God!
Josh: Whats going on?
We are here in Rochester, New York.
Home to Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad.
They are going to be busking today
for WALL\THERAPY a non-profit
in town that takes artists
from around the world and paints murals all across their city.
James: If you are trying to give
peace and healing strategies
to a community. The surroundings and the care
that you put into the aesthetic
has a lot to do with it.
Chris: The pinnacale of like
social change,
and human rights. All their pieces are like
let's make it better.
Josh: Going to the concert.
lets do it!
Chris: There's one or two people walking around with a bucket
it says Spare Change and it
says WALL\THERAPY on it.
Anyone familiar with WALL\THERAPY?
Show of hands.
(Crowd Cheering)
They picked Rochester,
They picked WALL\THERAPY
They picked Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad,
and they picked you guys!
They come with these international
artists that used to be seen as
being criminals
and now they are making the art.
They are making our city beautiful.
It changes an area that seems
dangerous to somewhere that
people want to be and somewhere
that people are proud to be from.
Julie: Hi I'm Julie.
I am the production manager for WALL\THERAPY.
Chris: Oh.
This is happening live.
It's happening
happening right now.
Julie: Oh my god!
That's so amazing!
Chris: From Giant Panda Fans
Julie: Awesome!
Thank you so much!
Chris: Thank you Thanks to Spare Change!
Are You a Disillusioned Doctor? - Duration: 2:41.
Autograf feat. Lils & Bonsai Mammal - Dead Soon 🔥 (Cafe Disko Remix) - Duration: 3:13.
Comment '❤️' if you love Autograf 💕
KARAOKE | Cha Yêu Con Con Trai | Quách Tuấn Du, Thành Lộc - Duration: 4:39.
Meghan Markle & Prince Harry's Joint Monogram Is So Romantic & Shows How Connected They Are - Duration: 5:06.
Meghan Markle & Prince Harry's Joint Monogram Is So Romantic & Shows How Connected They Are
I don't know about you, but I feel like I learn something new about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle every single day.
So, what's the latest on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex? They have a super cool monogram that's only recently been unveiled! Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's joint monogram was presented to Australian audiences via Georgie Gardner, who's a news anchor on Australia's The Today Show.
Australian television seems like an unusual place for a royal monogram to be revealed, right? Well, there's a reason for that.
On the show's July 25 airing, Gardner announced that she had received a letter from Harry and Meghan and she was super excited to share it.
While covering the royal wedding, Gardner decided to send the newlyweds a gift.
Lo and behold, the royal couple sent her a thank you note nearly three months after tying the knot.
In the letter, Harry and Meghan thanked Gardner for "the incredibly thoughtful wedding gift" and apologized that she did not receive word from them earlier.
"As you can hopefully understand, it has been a very busy time for us," the letter read.
As Gardner read the letter aloud, the Australian morning show displayed a picture of it on screen.
And that's when eagle-eyed fans spotted the joint monogram.
Find out what was in the letter down below:.
The monogram appears to be a combination of the letters "H" and "M" for Harry and Meghan, of course.
On the letter that Gardner received, the couple's monogram appears in royal blue and includes a coronet.
According to People, the coronet "features two crosses pattee (a type of Christian cross), four fleurs-de-lys and two strawberry leaves.".
Fancy, indeed.
Here's a look at the joint monogram:.
As you may or may not know, Meghan used to work as a professional calligrapher, so it makes total sense that her joint monogram (also called a cypher) with Harry would be as elegant and beautiful as it is.
Shortly after marrying Prince Harry, Meghan was given her own official monogram, which is basically the same as the joint one she and Harry share .except that it includes only the letter "M".
Harry's is similar, though his coronet is a bit more complex in design.
All in all, the new joint cypher is simply a coming together of the two.
And that makes sense given how incredibly connected Harry and Meghan are to each other.
It's not just that they're married; it's also that they seem to share similar mindsets and aspirations.
So, this monogram really exemplifies that.
The reveal of the monogram comes at a time of tension and discord for Meghan.
Her father, Thomas Markle, has recently been opening up to media outlets.
Meghan's sister Samantha has also been doing the same.
The public's reaction hasn't exactly been favorable toward Meghan's family and she has reportedly ceased communication with them.
At the very least, Meghan and Harry's joint monogram shows that they stand together.
no matter what anyone has to say about the union.
hey guys welcome to my channel and welcome to day 16 of 30 days keto diet
summer transformation challenge today I'm gonna make this amazing aikido bread
using almond flour so you definitely want to say to you throughout the whole
video it's about 1 o'clock I'm ready to break my fast and make some quick
delicious lunch it's raining again so I don't know if you do know who came up
with this so do name of Sunshine State for Florida because I gotta tell you
something it ain't true what sorry guys for the
lighting it's a thunderstorm outside so it's like we're really dark everywhere
well so I'm making today tilapia I'm gonna use just pepper salt
and little oregano leaves to spice it up I'm gonna cook it in half a tablespoon
of Kerrygold butter then I'm gonna crash 20 grams of pecans to go with the fish
then I have broccoli here it's 100 grams and I'm gonna just steam it and then top
it with 20 grams of this cheddar cheese and that's gonna be my lunch
and here it is guys amazing lunch can't wait to dig in it's the first time I'm
actually mixing up the nuts with the fish so I can't wait to try it
hi guys it's Rob it is about one o'clock I am just breaking my fast now and
having lunch I wanted to show you what I brought I'm actually going really
healthy today I have been eating a lot of meat the last couple days and let me
tell you on this diet elimination is a little harder so today what I have for
lunch is a nice big side salad we got avocado we got grape tomato
spinach and kale cucumber the dressing is a roasted red pepper dressing me and
Eva love this dressing I have two eggs so no meat today and we have as a snack
I just had this this is a smoker's brand natural creamy peanut butter it's
delicious we love this peanut butter on some celery so that's my snack for the
day so this is what all right time to make this keto bread I'm gonna need
seven eggs 1/2 of a cup of Kerrygold butter 2 tablespoons of coconut oil 2
cups of almond flour 1 teaspoon of baking powder 1/2 of a teaspoon of
santim gum some salt I've cracked 7x into a pot and I'm gonna blend it with
my mixer for about 2 minutes and meanwhile I'm preheating the oven for
350 5 degrees Fahrenheit adding half of a cup of melted butter 2 tablespoons of
coconut oil some salt in Czech Republic where I'm from we heading into our bread
cumin so I'm gonna add some ground cumin in here as well and now I'm gonna blend
it once again now I'm adding half of a teaspoon of
xanthan gum a teaspoon of baking powder and two cups of almond flour
taking my mixer and blend it one last time now I'm taking this one time use a
pan and I'm gonna transfer the dough into it
I was prayed with a little bit of olive oil just to be sure that the bread will
not stick transfer it in and in the oven it goes for 45 minutes it's time to take
the bread out let's see how it turned out here it is guys it's looking pretty
awesome I can't wait to slice it up and give it a try
in here you go I gave it a chance to cool down a little bit and I use a
little cream cheese and slice of salami and little pickle and that's gonna be my
amazing snack today it's time to start the dinner it's almost 8 o'clock I have
two chicken breasts I'm gonna cook them in a skillet with a little butter and
some whipping cream and mushrooms and as a side dish I'm gonna saute some
zucchinis I'm gonna use some salt and some pepper I'm gonna put about half of
a tablespoon in the pot and melt it so I fry up the chicken for that few minutes
on both sides and now I'm gonna add about a cup of this bone broth take it
I'm gonna cook the chicken for about 15 minutes and then I'm gonna add these
mushrooms in it and at a little heavy whipping cream and start sauteing these
I mix them some tongue gum with a water and I'm gonna take in the sauce a little
I've trapped two blocks of garlic and I'm gonna add it into my zucchini
and here it is not simply you see dinner dinner was delicious I can you feel that
my stomach shrank a little bit so I can start eating a little smaller portion
it's also when you up your fat you just really don't eat that many calories
because you get satisfied very quickly so I'm gonna start eating a little less
because I feel very full okay I'm gonna wrap up today's video so let's just do
the last thing of the day I think we started the second half of the challenge
pretty strong we're gonna keep going and keep trying to lose as much weight as we
can and get really adapted into disc eaters you're naked a lifestyle and
start burning fat for fuel thank you guys so much for watching today's video
if you did like it don't forget to give it a thumbs up and consider to subscribe
as I'm posting every day so until tomorrow goodnight
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