juicy watermelons are super delicious and refreshing especially in hot summer
days they are packed with vitamin C pantothenic acid copper biotin potassium
vitamin A carotenoids vitamin b1 vitamin b6 and magnesium but wait until you see
what watermelon seeds can do for you in today's video we'll discuss if you take
watermelon seeds and boil them the results will shock you before you watch
this video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube channel by
clicking the subscribe button then tap the Bell icon so you will be the first
to know when we post new videos daily
watermelons are packed with fatty acids essential proteins minerals like
magnesium potassium manganese iron zinc phosphorus and vitamins like vitamin
niacin and folate the seeds can help in the treatment of kidney diseases and
problems with the urinary tract make yourself a nice cup of tea using these
seeds to get rid of kidney stones and sand cook grind and bake watermelon
seeds in order to get the maximum of their benefits how to prepare and use
this miraculous recipe 1 grind 20 to 30 watermelon seeds and cook them in 2
liters of water for 15 minutes drink the tea for 2 days and make a break the next
day to repeat the tea treatment for a few weeks but it is really important
that you make a break every third day health benefits 1 stronger heart
watermelon seeds are packed with magnesium which is essential for the
heart these seeds also regulate the blood
pressure and improve the metabolic functions use the seeds more often to
prevent heart disease in high blood pressure to prevent aging antioxidants
prevent premature aging strengthen skin structure and provide a healthy
complexion 3 acne treatment the cotton bud in watermelon seed and
dabbed it over your acne it will also remove any dirt and dead skin cells
watermelon seed oil works well for every skin type and it will also help you
treat skin issues for stronger hair protein and amino acids strengthen hair
roasted seeds make hair shinier because of their copper content melanin is a
pigment that colors hair 5eg scalp the mild texture of watermelon seed oil
makes it easily absorbable use it as a daily moisturizer for dried itchy scalp
sakes hair damaged watermelon seeds contain essential facts that prevent
hair damage 7 blood pressure and coronary heart disease
arginine aids in the treatment of coronary heart disease and regulates
blood pressure it also prevents further narrowing of the blood vessels amino
acids like tryptophan inch lysine are also contained in these seeds have you
ever aware of the benefits if watermelon seeds let me know in our comment section
below if you like this video give it a thumbs up and share with your friends
for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you
For more infomation >> Take Watermelon Seeds And Boil Them The Results Will Shock You | Cure Urinary Tract Infection - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
REAL ESTATE WHOLESALING - How to win bidding wars with competition - Duration: 10:25.
CLOSED CAPTION BY YOUTUBE! you gotta find a way to add value when you come into a scenario right a
motivated seller calls you a seller calls you a buyer calls you right all
right another question came in there we go so this person is this person as
concerned has a deal going on and had a bunch of wholesalers basically talking
to the seller okay so people who started beating and beat him and he got into a
bid war and they are bidding higher and higher and this person's question is
what are you doing institution where you have a bunch of real estate wholesalers
and a bunch of real estate investors basically I'll bid in each other do you
just walk away or or do you consent to bid well it's a good question because I
see as much as I thought this was like um it should be common sense it's not I
found out a long time ago that it's not common sense you know how people in my
team making this mistake you know get into bidding wars you know with other
investors you know and I want to talk about this this attraction issue here
okay basically you want to attract to your business with you want to try to
business from a standpoint of of Attraction having lots of options
okay being the only player at the table because if you don't feel like a player
at the table thing you're probably soft at the table okay and that's how I like
to do my business that's what I recommend for other people all right
that's an awesome sound of a plane right all right so that's what I recommend to
my people like you don't want to be in a position where you become one of many
options because what that does it kills attraction okay
it kills attraction and accuse your ability to get the best deals okay if
you have to compete with other people okay so the idea of a realistic hotel is
you find motivated sellers if you find a motivated seller that's already talking
to another wholesaler basically it's gonna be hard for you to bring any value
to the table that's really key thing here because if you remember the first
pillar instead of smart realistic hotel and its value okay the person I bring
the most value to the table make the most money in any business including
real estate wholesaling business okay the first pillar is value second pillar
is automation third qila is traffic right and if you want to learn all of
that which you need to learn if you are building our real estate wholesaling
business in this game then you definitely must get the book smart real
estate wholesaling it's that smart real estate wholesaling calm okay so value
you gotta bring value to the table you gotta find a way to add value when you
come into a scenario right a motivated seller calls you a seller calls you a
buyer calls you right another realtor cause you another broker calls you a
mortgage officer calls you to the table that you have no business being there if
there's no way for you to add value into the situation so if you come to this
situation with a bunch of people are bidding each other a bunch of
wholesalers trying to get to the ceiling of the offer they're negotiating with
this person that's typically zero ways for you to add value today to the
scenario right because everybody already brought that value that you would have
brought to the table because remember as a realtor wholesale at the value you
bring to the table is to help somebody get rid of a property that's become a
lie see well if they feel the need to get a
bunch of people to be talking to a bunch of people and be our billing each other
there's no more value that value has disappeared the only value you could
bring to the table is to be a buyer a retail buyer a retail mainstream buyer
and I have a feeling that's not why you came into the game of real estate
wholesaling I'm feeling that you came into the game of real estate wholesaling
so you can put a house on the contract at a significant at least 35% below its
value so you can turn around and assign that contract to an investor that's
willing to add value to that property maybe a little bit of work maybe a big
deal of work bottom line is that it's an investor that's gonna get the house on
the other end right and then you make money in between for facilitating the
the finding of that motivated seller and the distressed property that's what you
make money from you don't make money from going to this marketplace and just
giving out offers anyhow right but I've seen people get lost in the middle of
situation like that or get really carried away and hopefully that's not
you so the question is do I walk away you walking away is a part of your DNA
if you are a real estate investor if you are real estate professional if you're a
real estate business owner of any type really walking away should be a part of
your job as I saw as a student of attraction marketing okay because
sometimes that's what you have to do because the biggest negotiators in the
room are willing to walk away a minute and that's a big deal in everything
we're saying they are always willing to walk away being able to walk away and
minute is the biggest negotiation position you can possibly be in later
all right you have to be willing to walk away and minute sometimes if you can't
do that then you're gonna be the sucker of the marketplace it's very very
important for you to be able to walk away sometimes and one of those
scenarios where you wanna walk away is when you have multiple people bidding on
the same deal okay let the stock up beat I'll beat themselves and let them bring
the table they deal to the table to your table you have to be the person in the
marketplace where they bring it do to the table and the numbers are already
bad and you say well I can't do nothing with this number well you know what let
me see if there's anybody on my list that's willing to pay retail no
obligations okay because you have a list part of the things that you learn
instead of smart real estate wholesaling it's how to build your own buyers list
right you have your own list so there's no less you know you just say hey let me
out you know if I have space because sometimes you gotta have space on your
list too because you have emails on the daily basis scheduled to go out to your
list that you already know we had value to your life right so if if this already
looks like a bad you you're probably not gonna have space on your list to some
deals that are obviously bad so what kind of deals do people get from where
they have to outbid each other it's usually a bad deal okay now there's some
exception okay if you are in an auction marketplace like an online like ooh blue
or something like that all those other foucaultian auction websites right if
you're in those spaces the the value in those spaces is being able the value you
can add in those spaces has been able to identify a good deal in the midst of
really extremely bad houses right if you're able to identify a value in a
bunch of houses that been sold in Detroit for two three thousand dollars
if you have that much experience then you can bring some value to the table
over there but the key thing here is being able to identify where you can
bring value to the table if there is no way you can bring value to the table
that can turn to profit and forms of equity don't do the deal don't do the
deal and yes if you have a bunch of real estate all sellers are bidding each
other you need to walk away that's the answer to that question you need to walk
away you should not have time for that okay you should have a lot of options in
your pipeline where you don't have time for our bidding each other with a bunch
of other real estate wholesalers real estate whole sellers Ward when it comes
to lead generation should be separate lives apart okay and yes sometimes it'll
come like that the owner is supposed to feel like they
are losing out and they have to make a quick decision right but yet it's gonna
be hard for you to do that you know what it's gonna be hard for you to do that
because the owner now has options the owner has all the options that you're
supposed to have you're supposed to have the options but now the owner has all
the options right so you find yourself an institution where your disorder
you're the sucker of the whole game not that we're trying to make anybody a
sucker but you're supposed to be the player okay you come to the table you
bring a solution to somebody's hurt and pain and you help them solve that
problem that's how you make money right that's how you make money by solving
people's problem but if they feel like the other that they're not a problem
right now then there's no way for you to make money there's no way for you to
create that profit out of thin here okay as I make sense I hope I'm making sense
to you right now okay so let me run this off really quickly no you should not be
at the table I'll bid in each other with a bunch of real estate wholesalers they
said no no you don't have time for that there's no way for you to add value
yes you should absolutely walk away how are you able to walk away from scenarios
like that being able to have options being able to build your own list of
buyers being able to attract their own your own personal lives using digital
modern age platforms and those are stuff that I cover heavily in details inside
of smart real estate wholesaling and you can go grab that as smart real estate
wholesaling comm I'll see you on the next one and peace
Saxophone Fundamentals With Charlie Richard | Course Trailer - Duration: 0:59.
Circular breathing is a cool little trick.
Now I'm gonna not hyperventilate because I've done it too much.
Despite all the recorded evidence, the saxophone can be played in tune, and we're going to
try to play it in tune with a really big, beautiful sound.
It's time to play some jazz!
When playing the saxophone, context is everything.
Wow, you could give a conductor or an orchestra a heart attack if you were to play like that.
Hi, I'm Charlie Richard with Musician's Toolkit.
I am so glad you're going to be joining me
in learning about the fundamentals of the saxophone.
Let's get started!
Outfits for Patio Season | Cerulean Boutique - Duration: 2:40.
In today's episode we're showcasing three looks to wear on the patio.
Summer is here, the weather's beautiful so why not go and enjoy the backyard barbecues
and patios this season.
Hale Bob does a beautiful blouse.
What I love most about Hale Bob is not only the gorgeous details and beautiful fabrics
but when you're sitting at a table, often your blouse is the showcase and it reflects
your personality.
So choose a beautiful blouse that you can see sitting above the table with some gorgeous
detailing in the shoulder.
Easy to pair back to a white short.
A Bermuda short is great, especially when you're sitting down.
It covers the back of the thigh and keeps you from getting those lines from the patio
furniture that we all see when we get up and after we've sat for maybe a little bit too
long enjoying a couple too many beverages.
You can easily finish this look with a nude slide that gives it an absolutely effortless
For our second look that we're showcasing, a dress is a one-and-done, especially
a patterned dress.
When you're sitting on a patio, you end up sitting there for quite some time and wrinkles
tend to happen.
So with a pattern, it's all about the camouflage.
It can add some great colours in and it will carry you through the whole night, especially
one with a sleeve.
You don't have to worry about adding a sweater on over top.
Just effortless, easy and you'll arrive just looking top notch.
The perfect shoe to wear with this dress is a nude wedge.
A wedge can take you across the grass and the nude will lengthen the leg giving you
that effortless, easy look that won't compete with the dress.
As you know our summers are not always that warm.
So our third showcase outfit features something that will keep you a little bit warmer on
those cooler evenings or those backyard barbecue days that are just a little bit on the cooler
Line the Label does a beautiful lightweight sweater.
Perfect to pair back to a culotte jean by Paige.
Something that still screams a little bit summer while maintaining the warmth.
Back to a slide for footwear and a So Pretty Cara Cotter necklace just elevates the look
that much to bring you to the backyard and patio season.
Thank you so much for watching.
If you enjoyed our video, like and comment below.
If you'd like to watch our next video click here and to ensure you don't miss any upcoming
videos subscribe to our YouTube channel here.
See you next time.
Honey Boo Boo Has Grown Up Quite A Bit - Duration: 2:17.
Honey Boo Boo Has Grown Up Quite A Bit
What has the star of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson, been
up to since TLC canceled the show in 2014?
As it turns out, a lot.
That is, if you consider having a weight loss intervention staged for her, recording a rap
song, participating in charity events, and just living the everyday normal life of a
reality TV child star to be a lot.
The affable youngster has grown up quite a bit since Here Comes Honey Boo Boo days, and
especially since Toddlers & Tiaras, which is where she made her television debut.
Gone are the days of Go Go Juice and her "famous Daisy Duke routine."
Alana, who celebrated her 12th birthday in 2017, has moved on to more mature pursuits.
A boyfriend, becoming an aunt again— it's all happening for Alana as she grows up before
our very eyes.
Let's check in with the beautimous reality star to see what she's been up to lately.
Scandal...and canceled The Here Comes Honey Boo Boo empire came crashing
down in October 2014 when TLC canceled the series amid allegations that Thompson's mother,
June "Mama June" Shannon, was dating a convicted child molester … who had allegedly molested
her daughter, Anna "Chickadee," when Anna was 8 years old.
At the time, TMZ reported that TLC had filmed a full season's worth of episodes but chose
not to air them for the sake of the children's welfare.
"Supporting the health and welfare of these remarkable children is our only priority,"
the network said in a statement.
"TLC is faithfully committed to the children's ongoing comfort and well-being."
On an episode of Oprah's Where Are They Now, Alana said she had no idea why show had been
When she asked her mom why the camera crew had not been around lately, she was simply
told they "stopped filming the show."
There's a silver lining to the whole ugly scenario, however, in that Mama June claimed
the family was not too sad to see the series end.
"There's nothing like being back at home and knowing that you do not have to deal with
drama and you do not have to deal with craziness," she said (via HuffPost).
"It's been more nicer [sic] to have it calm and have peace for once."
10 Body Language Tricks to Make Her Chase You - How to Attract Girls Without Talking to Them - Duration: 8:06.
Gentlemen today we're giving you 10 body language tricks that you can use to get just
about any girl to go after you...
Most guys find out that even when they're pretty good at talking to girls,
There's a whole lot more to it than that.
And most of the time a major part of what's missing...
...Is a fundamental lack of body language awareness.
But it's not just that some guys don't have the kind of body language that appeals
to women, It's that the body language they do have...
makes girls bored, uninterested, or nervous.
But don't worry!
Because today we're showing how you too, can have the charismatic, confident, unignorable
body language that girls are naturally attracted to.
While also letting you in one bad body language habit that turns women away.
Let's get into it.
10. Fluid Eye Contact
Even when it seems like you've got everything
going for you, poor or overly-managed eye contact can sabotage
your efforts and ruin your chance at talking to a girl.
In other words, if you want your eye contact to tell a girl that you're cool and she
can talk to you, You've got to be fluid AKA, your eye contact
can't look rehearsed.
And luckily, we've got trick for that: If your goal is to put a girl at ease and
get her to talk to you, look her dead in the pupils, smile, and look away.
You may be thinking, Mantelligence, in the pupils?
That's a little strong.
But really, it achieves the perfect balance by doing 2
things: First, by targeting the pupil and smiling,
as opposed to just the "eyes" guarantees you make deliberate and friendly eye contact.
And second, because you look away, you don't seem too intense.
Give it a shot.
9. De-Shell
Do you work at a desk?
Sit a lot?
Look at your phone often?
Then listen up.
Because your shoulders...
...Are telling girls loud and clear that you not only have poor posture,
but that you might even be a little intimidated by people around you.
The worst part is that most guys are not that closed off,
They just don't know that their day to day life is literally making them look like they're
hiding in a shell, and that it's turning off women.
So here's the 1 step process to coming out of your shell and getting women to come after
If you're going to be using body language to attract women you better start paying attention
to them.
Just pull your shoulders back and keep them there.
That's it!
It'll be uncomfortable at first, But simply holding this posture will strengthen
the muscles of your back and permanently create that cornerstone confidence
girls look for.
8. Stand Bold
A lot can be deduced from simply observing
the way someone stands.
To attract women, you've got to have a stance that signals confidence and strength.
So here's how you should stand: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
This will help you to make yourself seem "big".
Lock your shoulders back like we just mentioned.
Pretend almost like your shirt is still on its hanger in the closet.
Keep your chin up and as much as possible, Leave your arms at your side.
Put it all together and you've got a killer stance that'll not only make you stand out
But'll get girls coming your way without you doing anything else.
7. Play Your Hand
No matter what you're doing, always seek
to be viewed as open or approachable.
And one easy way to do that: Is to have your palms exposed, even just a
little bit.
Just like some of the other body language tricks we're sharing with you today,
Showing a girl your palms is perfect for putting her at ease and getting her attention without
saying anything.
Now, that doesn't mean you have to just stand with your palms out, cause...that would
be a little weird, But if you can work in some open, palms-up
hand gestures as you're talking or interacting, You'll have girls heading naturally gravitating
towards you.
6. Show Your Bias
Not only do ladies know that guys check them
out, But in the right time and the right place, they are looking for it and hoping guys do.
If this sounds like a nice guy problem, It is.
Nice guys will go places where girls expect guys to be a little more open, a little more
forward, And instead of showing their intentions, they
end up looking out of place by not making a move.
But here's what to do instead: First of all, remember that in certain social
situations, girls want a guy to be flirtatious.
After that, Let the girl you're interested in see you
checking her out, and smile when she does.
Hey if you like our stuff, keep watching!
Because we've got 5 more body language tricks to attract women without even talking to them
And the one thing that gets women to turn the other way.
Let's keep going!
5. Fight the Fidget
A guy that is constantly moving about and
fidgeting will be seen as nervous and out of control.
This isn't the vibe you want to give off as a first impression.
Because it's so widespread, A guy who makes controlled, collected movements
will automatically lure women his way.
Here's how you can start practicing: Think about James Bond.
You think you see that guy fidget?
Slowing down your movements convey directness because they are more calculated and have
You'll appear more certain and it'll show everyone around that you are more comfortable
in your environment And it helps to create a bit of intrigue and
However, just remember not to slow down too much.
You don't want to be seen as the weird guy that moves in slow motion.
How weird is that?!
4. Fix Yourself
Here's another across-the-room trick you
can do to get girls coming your way.
Ladies notice everything you do no matter how small or insignificant you might think
it is.
She will notice if you're fixing your clothes when you're around her and doing this will
easily signify that you are interested in her
Simply because you are grooming yourself to ensure you stand out and appear attractive.
Not only does it show her that you care about your appearance,
But it also keeps her from guessing if you're interested or not.
And that's the whole point!
So don't be afraid to let her see you fixing your hair or straightening your shirt for
her, if it comes across naturally, She can only be flattered that you're trying
to look your best for her.
3. Space Out
Even though we're evolved, we're still
guided by some pretty primitive social dynamics.
And one of the most ancestral behaviors, Is taking up space.
Now we know what you're thinking, No, not manspreading.
All we're talking about, is taking up a little slice, the small bit of territory,
that you need to be comfortable.
There are two halves to this that women notice.
First, they'll notice that you did not try to dominate and take more than you need.
As fun as that might be, 9/10 women are not gonna like it.
The flipside, though, is that they also want to see that you kept
enough space to be comfortable.
And that part of it, is extremely important.
So put your keys and phone on the table, lean back in your seat, and don't shrink into
a space that's too small for you.
It's not rude and as simple as it seems, this sends a clear signal of cooperation and
confidence that women can't look away from.
Looking for more body language strategies to get girls coming to you?
We did a whole video that you can see right here.
2. The Welcome Walk
So it's a wonderful day, and you're taking
a cool stroll through the park.
You notice this guy walking But.. his head is down and hands are in his
What would be your initial impression of this guy?
Of course!
He's stressed or overwhelmed and more importantly... he's unapproachable.
If you want to seem approachable, stick your chest out and bring your shoulders back.
This posture shows woman what they're most attracted to- confidence!
It's that easy.
If you observe just about any celebrity, rock-star or champion you'll notice that they always
walk this way, And there's no reason why it won't work
for you too.
1. Mirror Her Moves
Let's say a woman makes her move towards
You either hold your ground and make her nervous, or you can seize the moment and use the opportunity
to send some non-verbal flirtation her way.
Sound like something you'd want to do?
Mirroring is a completely silent, body language-based method of getting a girl to keep looking at
It works like this: Say you catch a girl from across the room
and she fixes her hair, the chances are...
That you'll automatically, without thinking about it, fix something on yourself.
Now, while most of mirroring will actually happen on its own
You can use it to build a sense of familiarity with a girl, that will get her to come talk
to you.
If you want to be able to get girls to come up to
you, without even talking to them, there's one body language no-no that needs
to be avoided: Crossing your arms.
You already knew not to do this, but if you're like most guys,
You still end up doing it anyway.
Crossed arms are such a problem because more than anything else,
They send a clear signal of do not approach.
When girls see them, it's almost like they have no choice,
But to just give up talking to you, even if they're interested.
Those are 10 body language tips to get girls chasing you.
And while you're here, why not check out these other powerful videos?
These are perfect follow-ups to today's vid.
Bee Lives: Game Overview - Duration: 5:05.
What is up, my friend?
Christina here with nursingschoolofsuccess.com and in this video today we are diving into
nursing school time management.
Dun, dun, dun.
It's so hard in nursing school, you've got so much doing on, sometimes it can feel hard
to breathe, nonetheless, find the time so that you can make a plan to manage your time.
It's this whole circle, you know you need to stop for a few minutes to make a plan,
but you don't feel like you have that time to spare.
So, we're going to fix that today, because we're going to make a plan for you, together,
you and me.
Let's do it!
So I've got 3 nursing school time management tips for you: the first is to get everything
down on paper.
Seriously, I am convinced that one of the biggest stressors in nursing school is our
We get so busy trying to remember all that we need to do, we get so stressed trying to
think about what's next, that we don't focus on what's important.
Does this happen to you?
Because this happens to me all the time, there is so much going on in my mind, and it's hard
to keep track of everything, and then I don't pay attention to the real world.
I'll get so far in my own head that I'll space out and forget what I'm doing.
Do you do this too?
If you do, let me know in the comments.
I want to know I'm not the only one who feels this way, so we can chat about it!
So let me know on the comments if you and I are the same.
I can't wait to hear from you.
So the first key to solving this problem that I've found, is to take a piece of paper and
write out everything you need to do, literally everything.
Write it all down.
Papers, care plans, taking your dog for a walk, making food (don't forget that one,
please, please eat during nursing school, I know it's easy to forget), write down what
you need to study, everything, just write everything down.
Get it out of your brain, and onto a piece of paper.
I promise, you will feel about 10 pounds lighter when you do this.
Just brain dump, get it all down on paper.
And now step number 2 is to prioritize that to-do list.
Okay, for real.
You would not survive in nursing school if you had to do all.the.things right?
I mean, there's just not enough time, that would be crazy land.
So you need to PRIORITIZE your life.
And the best way to do this is to prioritize that to-do list.
So I like to do it this way: I go through my to-do list and write a number 1 next to
the first thing I need to do, write a number 2 next to the next thing I need to do, and
so on and so forth.
So go all the way down the list and make numbers next to each one.
And here's a little bonus tip, if there's something on there that isn't super important,
or that doesn't really need to happen.
Maybe it was just taking up mental space in your mind but now that it's on paper, you
realize it's not really worth doing?
Cross that sucker off your list!
If it's not important or doesn't need to get done, then cross it off.
It doesn't need to be on your priorities list.
So once you've got your list of priorities, the 3rd step is to schedule it.
You'll need to schedule these things in your planner, so that you reserve that time to
get them done, and you have a plan.
When you have all of your priorities written down in your nursing school planner, you won't
be wasting time wondering what to do next.
It will give you that mental space to relax your mind, and know that everything you need
to do is already scheduled in your planner.
And when you go to work on those things, you have a plan in front of you, so you can just
follow what you laid out.
Seriously, this will greatly decrease your stress in nursing school.
And get this: we are releasing the first edition of our Nursing School Planner.
This baby is amazing, it's beautiful!
It has everything you need to plan your time like a pro in nursing school.
It includes monthly calendars, weekly and daily schedules, to help you actually put
these time management tips into practice.
This is really your key to better time management in nursing school.
And that's why I'm so excited to offer this to you.
So I put a link to our brand new, beautiful nursing school planner in the description
below, so make sure you check that out.
You seriously, don't want to live without it!
Thank you so much for being here, friend, if you need more help in nursing school, we've
got tons of other videos here on the nursing school show, to help you succeed in nursing
school, because that's what we're all about.
I am so grateful to have you here.
Now go become the nurse that God created only YOU to be.
I'll see you next time on the nursing school show, take care.
Live in the D: JLF Paddle Boards are almost like walking on water - Duration: 4:56.
Do You know? #July31st - Duration: 1:42.
Do You know that July 31st 2012 - Michael Phelps beats Larisa Latynina's record number
of Olympic medals.
Michael Fred Phelps was born on June 30, 1985 in Baltimore, Maryland.
He is an American swimmer and he holds world records in several events.
Phelps won eight medals at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens.
Six of those were gold.
These medals made him tie the record for medals at a single Olympics.
Alexander Dityatin has held this record since 1980.
In 2008, Phelps won eight swimming gold medals at the Summer Olympics in Beijing.
This broke Mark Spitz'srecord for most gold medals in a single Olympics.
Spitz had won seven gold medals at the 1972 Summer Olympics.
At the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Phelps won another four gold and two silver medals.
At the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Phelps won five gold medals and one silver.
In total he has won 28 Olympic medals, a record.
23 of these are gold medals, over two times as many as the former record.
Foreigners taste RAKIA (Finland): Rakia Time EP 3 - Duration: 8:17.
hello everybody you're watching Curious Pavel and this is one more series like I
already showed what is Rakia to Lucy so I'm curious to find out what other
people foreigners think about rakia. do you know what Rakia is?
Is it the same as raki in Greece yeah you before there.
I don't know Italy but it's similar to Greece. this is Tony if you didn't watch
other videos he is from Finland and I haven't heared home it's an optical
dream I have not one but a clear home and I was planning to bring more but I
didn't have I have to like it only for the plane like Kelly language and I just
I had this small bottle so I took all took out it was brand or something like
that wrong it was wrong so I took it out and
I put some work here so you should drink it are you Arijit alcohol usually no no
no I hate alcohol really it's an offense I'm grown up without I know you like
sparkling wine beer you drink what about can't stuff like vodka yeah
occasionally when it's cold and SF schnapps like a shot I'd like a
shot haha okay well I showed this to some
people and they directly took it to the shop usually hidden it's taken so this
is my hundred meals we have about fifty each it should be enough and if you want
okay finished okay so half yeah this is 15
reading okay so if you wanna can smell it first smell it and then what you
think it's like alcohol Hey yeah that's good okay Lucy pointed out
something very interesting I'll cut my cutting Tomatoes can you try
this salad and tell me what you think without drinking without thinking yeah
you like it yeah like that better it's super simple and I the girl showed
Rekia - she said that the salad is even better with this so this how consume it
in here so we have a Rukiya with salad before our meal and it's kind of good
for digestion okay okay so let's try didn't do you remember how you see
Cheers and after oh yeah okay any help yes and something quite important when
Bulgarian same as gravity look into their eyes
otherwise it's considered as you know the spectrum okay let's try this you
have four days when you have salads or drinking yet drink interested in the
only can shop this one no problem okay that's right
like it's by soft still hard liquor by orizari taste it's only 40 degrees
Wow so how do you how do you drink it with just straight up yeah and you have
solid you can some people can mix it a bit with water if you want you can also
have some I don't eliminate after that I mean don't don't mix it together
never mix it together but on the site except water can have lemonade or
something the person the person yeah I like it similar to what they I guess
this is popular in your region like in Balkan area and increase in Turkey as
well yeah and they have other names Romania half as well they have palooka
and it basically it's made from fruits the main things you can make it is
either plums or grapes but in every fruit and all that stuff in the has
sugar you can make out of it yeah I need to get more I'm sorry I couldn't bring
you more next time next time when you cannot have a rule or even have you said
you have to be shops here maybe you have something that you know in Nordic
countries we don't sell strong alcohol in supermarkets so where do you take it
there are licensed government-controlled monoply shops that's true oh yeah so but
they're pretty much everywhere and they're open for follow so that when you
right next to the supermarket so do they sell on alcohol yeah they
sell no not purchases it's called but it's not like a supermarket neither is
just beverage yeah but still after we drove it up that in mind there
is no alcohol yeah in nowhere shop no worth in bars yeah okay classy and you
just need to survive from 9:00 to 9:00 in the morning 90 from the evening and
then 9:00 in the morning without fighting
oh all right just back before you stuck your fridge in your class how we do it
then we go to the park or in the summertime yes I thought was quite
expensive in Nordic countries and we are creative do you have something similar
to this yeah well we have something called friending or similar to vodka so
that's the closest thing I think friends in yes I know it's the words in English
sucks where do you make it here at home now they like yeah it's finished
yeah it's Nordic countries okay so it's in other countries it's not
just yeah yeah okay so the most famous brand for that is go skate Kaurava
mm-hmm that's something that we usually drink and we're having like a crayfish
party parts when you know crayfish you know lobster uh-huh okay
and then you take the drink and you're supposed to have a toast
between each pair of scissors and then you sing a song for this father for
animal activity yeah she's parenting filming this I'm
gonna sing you that song that we usually
go central la la la hey Lanco Sutra lolly13 summit a hill and our hobby the
Harmon for a languor illallah Hey oh you finished yours well okay perfect so is
this that this alcohol that you said is it closed this you it not as good as
this right it's a bit similar just from our compact yeah nothing like this so
this is pretty good mmm that's funny you should go to
Bulgaria there's plenty plenty or even if you come to London there's plenty of
Bulgarian shops and plenty with some food comes along and just tell me about
how about perfect have you tried it here if not get in
touch and maybe I can give you some that's nice that song is like I'm gonna
sell know like if you haven't tried if you leave somewhere around I can you
invite you for a drink Oh John I'm not telling hey thanks for
watching I'll see in the next one skal
SHY Martin - Lose You Too [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:09.
SHY Martin - Lose You Too [Lyrics]
What Determines Skin Color - Duration: 2:22.
Adrienne Houghton's Beach Bag Essentials | All Things Adrienne - Duration: 9:48.
- What's up, everybody?
If you follow me on Instagram, you hopefully have noticed
that I absolutely love the beach,
whether it's traveling the world
or right here in my home, LA.
We are here at the beach house in Malibu,
where I absolutely love, love, love to spend time,
especially my down time.
I love just coming out here with my husband,
relaxing, going down to the beach,
and this is the beach bag that I take with me,
and I'm about to show you
all the things that are inside of it
to make sure that I'm having fun in the sun
and that I'm fully prepared,
I don't have to walk all the way back up and grab stuff,
it's all right here.
The beach bag alone is popping too.
I actually got this at Planet Blue, here in Malibu,
and I love it because of the colorful pompoms on it,
it's super sturdy, and it's big enough to hold everything.
I know some people like smaller beach bags.
I need a big one because I've got
a lot of things to take with me.
All right, first thing's first,
you need a blanket, a towel blanket.
Okay, I'm obsessed with this because it's considered
a luxury beach blanket and it's actually by
a company called Kassatex.
But guess what?
I got it at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
I love the color of it, I love that it's huge
and it's big enough to lay out
as like a huge picnic blanket, almost.
But it's got the feel of a picnic blanket on this side,
and the feel of a towel on this side.
How cool is that?
And I love the little tassels, it's super pretty,
and like, I just love the color blue,
especially by the ocean.
All right, so once your blanket is laid down,
ready for all the essentials, here they go.
I would say first thing's first,
you definitely wanna make sure you've got your shades on,
get a good pair of sunnies.
These I've been rocking, if you look at my Instagram,
you know that I wear these all the time
and I've been rocking them literally since last summer.
They are by Christian Dior,
and I love them because they're rose gold,
and you know I have a love for rose gold.
My engagement ring and my wedding bands
are both rose gold, so I love, love, love these frames,
and they also have the white marble on the side,
which I thought was pretty cool.
So, sometimes sunglasses can be huge,
and these are perfect.
They've been smushed and smashed in my beach bag.
One thing that I forgot in this bag
is my sunglass case.
Make sure you keep your glasses
inside of their case so that they're protected
and they don't get scratched up
or beat up like mine.
The next essential is sun protection.
Now, I'm not gonna lie, I totally thought
this was so annoying when I was younger.
Now that I'm older, I understand that
it's not just about being vain and, like,
oh, I wanna make sure that my skin stays young.
Yes, we do wanna protect our skin for vanity purposes,
but guys, for health purposes as well.
Skin cancer is a real thing,
so you definitely wanna make sure that
you're wearing sun protection every single day.
Even if there's overcast, you wanna put on your sunscreen.
So this is my favorite one for multiple reasons.
One, I just love the brand Glossier
and everything that they do,
but I love the packaging of it.
I actually use this every day,
even when I'm not at the beach.
This is like a must.
But get this, guys, am I the only one
that freaking hates wearing sunblock and turning white?
I just went on a family vacation
for my brother-in-law's 40th birthday to the Cayman Islands,
and when I tell you everyone was walking around
literally with like a pasty, chalk-white faces,
and I was like, that is not gonna be me,
I'm trying to look cute for the 'gram.
Because I had Glossier Invisible Shield.
It's amazing.
I was passing it around and making all my family use it.
I was like, ladies, that white face is not it.
Now that your skin is protected, let's talk about your hair.
Whether it's in chlorine or the beach water,
my hair gets so trashed by the salt,
so it is so important to make sure that
you put in a leave-in conditioner in your hair.
I absolutely love It's A 10's Miracle Leave-In.
I swear by this stuff.
Like, literally I'll be swimming
and doing so much stuff,
and I have knots in my hair that are unreal
that later on are like, how am I gonna get this out?
Boom, this is literally the miraculous answer.
I spray tons of this in my hair,
literally soak it in the leave-in conditioner,
and then I always keep a brush in my beach bag
because my hair just naturally tangles easily,
and after swimming in the ocean or swimming in the pool
and then getting out, it just sits in the sun and mats,
so I make sure that I always have a brush in my beach bag,
and this kind of brush is my favorite.
It's actually by Ecotools,
and I actually just got it at my drug store.
And then another must-have is spare scrunchies.
I've even gotten my husband into the habit of
having a scrunchy on his wrist,
because somebody always needs one,
either a girlfriend or a family member.
They'll be like, does anybody have a hair tie,
and I'm like, hold on a second.
It's real, like literally, you're always gonna need one
and it's perfect to have it in there.
I like to just pull my hair up into a top knot
and have all the nutrients of the conditioner
just soaking in there.
It's like a little hair treatment
while I'm relaxing in the sun.
As much as I love nothing more
than hearing the waves crashing at the beach,
sometimes you need a little music, right?
But how rude is it when you come with, like,
a full on ghetto blaster,
and you're playing music?
Everybody doesn't wanna hear your music, okay?
And I know this, 'cause sometimes
people have their music on and I'm like,
that's not the vibe I was feeling.
That ain't my vibe, that's your vibe,
keep that to yourself.
So, I have fallen in love with my Air Pods.
I actually recommend that you create
a beach playlist that you absolutely love
that gives you all the vibes.
These are super cool because they're wireless.
They go right in your ear, just like this.
No wires, you're just like, hey!
You're vibing to your own music.
Like I said, I have a playlist that goes.
It's got Fleetwood Mac on it,
it's got the song Joker, it's got The Eagles,
a little Paul Simon, Juan Luis Guerra.
That's more of my Latin, Caribbean beach vibes,
but this is my Malibu beach vibes.
So, I love these.
Create your own vibe.
It's also amazing if you're reading a book.
Is that like old and fuddy-duddy?
Whatever, you guys, don't judge me.
Air Pods.
Onto the next.
Makeup, beach makeup.
Okay, if you're gonna wear makeup at the beach,
it has to look natural.
You can't have powdery makeup on,
so I love, love, love a clean,
dewy, fresh look down at the beach,
so I'm gonna show you some of my favorite
beauty essentials that I have in my bag as well.
So here they are, let's start with
Cherry Bomb Dot Com by Glossier.
Okay, I love this for multiple reasons.
It's actually a universal skin salve.
It tastes like old school cherry chapstick.
It's very Katy Perry, cue the song.
♪ Cherry chapstick ♪
You know, I kissed a girl and I liked it?
This brings all the vibes.
They actually have it in another flavor
that I really love, which is coconut.
Again, more of my Caribbean feels.
But I love this.
It actually has a little bit of a reddish tint,
which makes your lips look super healthy,
and juicy, and kissable.
Next, I love a good cream blush.
I'm actually wearing one right now in my favorite colors.
I got them at Mac, and they actually come in separates,
like you can pick the color that you want,
and they put 'em in these cute little palettes for you,
set up like this.
How cute is that, right?
The orangey one on top is called Rich Coral,
and the one of the bottom is called Virgin Isle.
I'm gonna blend that in.
If you're taking sun, you're just chillin',
but then you wanna take a few pictures for the 'gram,
you just pop on a little bit of this,
and you're cute in just a few seconds.
And it actually already kinda makes you look sun kissed
without having to sit in the sun and fry your face.
It gives the look of little sun kissed cheeks.
And again, I love that it's not a powder.
It's easily blendable.
You wanna look dewy.
You're gonna be sweaty in the sun,
packing on powder is terrible.
It looks awful and it can't be good for your skin.
A must, it's all the rage people,
highlight, highlight, highlight,
but this one is, again, a cream highlight
that I'm so obsessed with.
It's by Hourglass.
I actually use this even when I'm not at the beach.
I use at at the real, and the is in Champaign Flash.
I actually highlight everything with this.
I actually use it, obviously, up here on my cheekbones.
Love this, I'm gonna get it super blendable.
That's literally all the makeup you need at the beach.
After you've been sitting at the beach all day,
you know, you might get a little sweaty.
It's been hot, you've been sitting out there for a minute,
sea salt, you might wanna freshen it up.
So I, of course, always carry around
my signature scent, my perfume,
which is by Tocca, and it's called Florence.
So it's just a nice little freshen up.
Not saying you're stinking or anything,
but you definitely wanna freshen up your fragrance.
I've been wearing this perfume
for over 10 years, and I love it that
my husband's the one that pointed out
that it was my signature scent, and he loves it.
It's my favorite, and I think especially
when you're making memories at the beach,
just being able to connect a scent to that
is really sexy and memorable.
Every time he smells it, he can think of, you know,
beautiful moments on the beach or anywhere.
Bring some inspiration!
And you can jam for inspiration.
Okay, am I the only one that gets
so inspired by magazines?
Like, I'll make better choices on what I eat,
I get inspired for hairstyles,
what I wanna wear for dinner that evening.
You know, do I wanna wear soft, beachy waves
like Rihanna on the cover of Vogue?
Yes, girl.
So, bring a book, bring an audiobook, bring a magazine.
So, my bag is packed.
That was my beach essentials.
I'm so curious as to what's inside of your beach bag.
Let me know right now in the comments below
and don't forget to subscribe.
Hope you're having so much fun this summer!
Secrets of Healing Energy Reiki - Duration: 11:17.
secrets of healing energy...reiki
hi guys welcome back to another video by becoming a better you by skeed I'm skeed
today we're going to talk about healing energy and healing modalities I'm not
talking about Western medicine I'm talking about image I'm talking about
Reiki I'm talking about Qi Gong I'm talking about angelic healing all of
these things they are the same thing but they are different the knowledge of
these things has many
description they've picked up those stones along the way and they've sort of
created fetishes and misinformation things being passed down from mouth to
mouth that masters didn't teach their learners everything they always kept
something back things have been manipulated over time
we know now that these things work there are hospitals that promote meditation
that promote spiritual healers that bring spiritual healers into hospitals
to help people yet what so many people don't talk about is exactly what those
healing energies are it's all one in the same right it's all Qi you have if you
look deep into Eastern medicine it's not just Chi it's not just prana it
seperates and they give these things different names if you translate these
names and you look at not so Eastern culture and you actually bring it back
to Meridian when I say West cause it's not West its Meridian culture when are
we talking about meridian well the meridian line bridge mean time running
down there coming out of ancient southern Europe ancient northern Africa
those ancient civilizations yes we're talking about the Egyptian civilization
we're talking about possibly sort of like as far as Persia we're talking as
far as even more ancient civilizations than the Egyptian culture we're talking
about that culture that once lived between the abhart Peninsula and Morocco
on a strip of land on islands that no longer exist those cultures
that their knowledge then spread to Alexandria we're talking about that type
of stuff you don't know what I'm talking about there do your research it's
interesting I might talk about it in another video now I might let leave that
up to you but these images if we look at them you can bring them back in our
language to certain names you can call them element energies so you have the
earth water air fire and the element of ether or universe or sort
some people have even broken Source Energy into five or seven energy level
are they confusing Source Energy with the element energies possibly possibly
not within the element energy there are more subtle energies so within the earth
energy within the water energy you have magnetic energy magnetic healing
magnetic energy gravitational energy make sense earth water planets physical
masses masses energies that are so dense that have formed physical nature from
that magnetic that gravitational energy the denser things get black holes the
most dense that we know you then have the air and the fire these are
electrical energies so you can combine the magnetic and the electrical and then
we get electromagnetically energies you have all of those are combined within
what they call the source energy or the ether energy or the Akasha energy it's
got many names
if you then break that down into another five another seven you've then got
another five another seven above they're all these energies it's a bit like the
subtle bodies it's a bit like the difference between light sound heat all
these energies at the end of the day they're all energy the only difference
is their frequency their vibrational level healing energy
is there only one healing energy no because different things need to be heal
on different vibrational levels connecting magnetic with electric
electromagnetic energy we'll harness the magnetic we'll harness
the electric it has both vibrations in them and it has its own vibration ever
sent so that we'll be able to sort of heal generally more things the Reiki the
Chi is considered the electromagnetic Oh that doesn't mean to say that a magnetic
or gravitational sort of earth heal ang wouldn't be better for something else
think about it you've got a broken bone and you're trying to aid the healing
process do you want to use an electrical energy to do that or would it be better
to use a magnetic gravitational energy to pull them together and help them use
faster you decide which ask your higher self which makes sense to use if we have
a problem within our internal organs that's in a very liquid environment are
we going to want to use sort of an air energy to heal it or are we going to
want to use again a sort of magnetic-gravitational water energy to
heal those things the more specific you can get the more specialized you can get
obviously in regular medicine you don't want a brain surgeon to operate on your
heart you don't want a heart surgeon to operate on your brain well you don't
want to be using electrical energy to try and heal something that needs
gravitational magnetic energy you can do a cover it all an electromagnetic it can
work but yet at the same time there will be choosing the right type of energy
choosing the right vibration because they're all one in the same choosing the
right vibration of energy is going to help the healing faster so it doesn't
matter cool it angelic healing cool it chi gong
healing cool it Reiki healing it's energy healing when you want to know if
you want to get into energy healing if you are an energy healer how do you know
which vibration you need there are two two things to bear in mind here let's
say you want to heal help he'll
a broken boat do you want to connect to the energy the
vibrational energy being given off by the broken bone or do you want to
connect to the vibrational energy of a healthy boat the answers again pretty
logical no you connect to the energy of a healthy bone and place that over where
it's broken if you're dealing with let's go to shadow work if you want to heal if
you're talking about even deeper shadow work there isn't to do with psychology I
spoke about this in the video where I explained a little bit about myself when
I was actually dealing with someone else's shadow work too obviously I
didn't know that then I just did what my intuition told me had I wanted to
destroy those shadows that were attacking me
how would I go about doing that well first of all I don't want to destroy
them their energy but to help them heal I would use a very light right positive
energy and give it to them so therefore those shadows can heal by themselves and
go away by themselves and I don't even need to get necessarily other people
involved to heal it for themselves does that all make sense healing energy
you do Reiki great go further you do Qigong energy great you might know if
you are a master a fair amount about this go further angelic healing go
further shaman's great go further is this all energy from the palm of our
hands no crystals have certain vibrations plants have certain
vibrations oils of plants have certain vibrations and therefore those
vibrational energies on subtle levels can help heal certain things and that's
where the more physical medicines came from they stimulate things
so when you're doing energy healing just bear all of this in mind okay I hope you
had video thank you very much like subscribe share and comment on video
I'll see another bye
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