Welcome friends to another edition of Economic Update, the weekly program
devoted to the economic dimensions of our lives,
jobs, debts, incomes, our own, our children's.I'm your host Richard Wolff.
I've been a professor of economics all my adult life and in a way been
preparing to offer these economic updates each week before jumping in
today let me quickly announce that we have a new mailing address a new post
office box and we'd urge those of you that are mailing anything to us check
with our website democracy at work dot info for that new address and likewise
those of you interested in starting or joining an action group based on what we
do that may already be in your city please go to our website again address
is action dot democracy at work dot info and there you will get all the ways to
proceed along those lines so turning now to the economic updates there's a theme
for today's in it the theme might be best described as how and why we can do
better than capitalism as a system and much of what we do today will illustrate
that point I start with a remarkable experiment undertaken by a capitalist
enterprise in New Zealand it basically went from a five-day workweek to a
four-day workweek salaries were not reduced workers simply had four days
rather than five days to do their job and the result by the way the name of
the company is the perpetual Guardian a financial company that employs 240
workers it did the trial in March and April of 2018 and the Guardian newspaper
covered it as did other newspapers around the world but I want to make sure
you get the message the company loves it the company reported better results that
way than in the old five-day week in other,
workers had a better what they call their life work balance because they had the
extra weekend day Friday off they worked better they worked harder
they had more energy it turns out that the old capitalist system of making
everybody work five days a week just convenience the employer it wasn't even
good for them and it sure wasn't good for the workers it's a failure of the
system to have taken this long to discover what this New Zealand company
found out here's another example of how capitalism is something we surely can do
better than it has to do with the capital of the country of Austria namely
the city of Vienna and there's something about housing in Vienna that I want to
talk to you about because my guess is you probably don't know which is itself
a reflection of something important that we don't know about these things
62% of the citizens of Vienna live in public housing housing built by owned by
and operated by the city of Vienna in other words public housing is the
dominant form of life in that city nearly two-thirds of the people live in
public housing and let's now talk about it it turns out for example that a
average monthly rent paid by folks in there is between four hundred and
seventy and six hundred dollars a month yeah you heard me right that's because
it's not profit-making housing it doesn't have to profit the Builder it
doesn't have to profit the operator it doesn't have to profit the maintainer
and because it doesn't have to make profits because it's a public service
the benefits are passed on to the tenants whose rent is far far below the
average percentage a home owner a home renter excuse me in
vienna the percentage of rent out of their income is 27 percent i checked and
in new york city it was 58 percent in other words the
percentage of your income you have to spend for rent is twice in new york city
what it is in the capital of austria one of the great cities of Europe Vienna it
turns out that if housing isn't a profit-making business you can do much
better for people and if you ever go to Vienna as I've done and you visit the
public housing as I've done you will understand what the difference is the
homes are well-kept the landscaping is beautiful the comfort is obvious and the
happiness of the people clear a hundred years ago this project was started ever
since then ever since the 1920s when conservative and liberal and left-wing
and right-wing governments came and went none of them ever dared do anything
about that public housing structure because it is so popular and so
satisfactory nobody wants to go back to private enterprise housing a little bit
like the state of North Dakota here in the United States which has a publicly
owned and operated bank and despite lots of right wing left wing Democratic
Republican governors nobody dares to mess with their public bank here's
another example of how we can do better than capitalism Fordham University in
New York City a Jesuit institution just signed a contract with their
non-tenure-track faculty usually called adjuncts the contract gives these
adjuncts teachers who teach one or two courses raises between get ready sixty
seven and ninety percent the SEIU union representing these faculty edge
it's says that they will be getting at the end of this three-year contract
between seven and eight thousand dollars per course they teach
despite anti-union sentiment despite the hostility of all kinds of
forces when the unions got the adjuncts together which they did and they voted
sixteen to one to have this contract and the fight for it the university decided
it's wiser to come to terms than to try to defeat something when workers are
that unified and that determined now of course let's be fair here is it a
victory for labor for sure is it a recognition of the grotesque
underpayment of adjuncts across the United States for sure but let's be real
adjuncts remain even if they are paid seven or eight thousand dollars per
course much cheaper as a way of providing instruction than having the
old system of professors teaching two to three to four courses and getting a
proper salary you can live on so universities are still moving to the
cheap but they're not as able to exploit when workers begin to push back
who knows if the adjuncts keep at it we may reconstruct the really fine
educational system at the higher level that we once had and now some more
examples of how we can do better than capitalism the next one has to do with
the Burberry company you know the ones who make those famous British style
raincoats and plaid outfits of one kind or another they were recently caught and
exposed in the press for having burned burned tens of millions of dollars of
goods they had produced coats clothing of various kinds and so on why did they
do that answer to protect our brand see they were afraid that these perfectly
good new coats jackets boots you name it would get into
the hands of discounters and become available at discount clothing shops
this for them would threaten their profits so here's what they did they
burned clothing that could have helped countless people tens maybe hundreds of
thousands of people could have had important clothing and it wasn't
destroyed because of Burberry I'm not interested in attacking Burberry they
did what other companies do because it's the logic of capitalism to make a profit
if you're a high-end producer you've got to make sure that
folks can't find your stuff at a lower price and if that means destroying what
could close people that's what you do the fault here isn't Burberry the fault
is a system that makes that irrational action destroying brand-new clothing
logical the system is the problem here's another sad statistic that
suggests we can do better than capitalism 25 to 34 year olds in the
United States have been dying annually from alcohol-related liver disease in
record numbers growing rapidly over the last few years and as per the reporting
of the NPR system the economic troubles of the United States are the logical
conclusions making it were capitalism can kill does it pay us to find
alternatives to a system that drives young people in the prime of their lives
to die from alcohol-related diseases we can't do better than a system that works
that way sure we can and now the last one and I leave it for last only because
in the sense it is so grotesque a critique of capitalism that I want to
say it slowly so it sinks in airlines in the United States
who have been doing quite well in recent years partly because of organizing their
roots so that airplanes are full because we just don't have that much choice as
we once did have decided they can make even more money and so here's what
they've done and if you don't believe this let me urge you NBC News has a big
nice spread on this go look it up you'll get the details what the airline
companies that producers together with the airline companies that fly you have
worked out is they have narrowed the walls of the lavatories they've not only
narrowed the wall to enable us I guess in the rest of the airplane to hear
what's going on inside there but they've also narrowed the space so you better
learn how to do what brings you into the bathroom in a narrower space than you're
accustomed to you won't just be a sardine in your seat in the main part of
the plane you'll now be an even greater squeezed sardine when you're in the
bathroom and why they have no shame so they tell us why it will allow them to
squeeze in another roll of 2 to 3 seats right there in the back of the airplane
where the lavatory for most folks is yes it's a way of profiting the airline and
the 1% of Americans who own most airline stocks at the expense of the millions of
people who ride the airplanes and yes once again capitalism divides us because
if you have enough money to sit in business class or first class rest easy
those bathrooms aren't being shrunken just the ones where most of us sit
that's where they're being shrunk that's a system called capitalism
than by profit that constantly finds ways mostly hidden but some of them like
this one you can't really hide it finds ways to hide or disguise prioritizing
profits over people's needs over people's comforts of course we can do
better than that especially when we see clearly what that
is and where it leads as a system that does it for the first part of the show
but before we meet today's guests folks associated with a Toys R Us toy chain,
please remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow us on Facebook,
Twitter, and Instagram, and be sure to check out our website democracyatwork.info
and as always I want to thank our Patreon community for your continued
support it is a big part of what helps us bring these insights and updates to
you each week so please stay tuned we will be right back
welcome back friends to the second half of Economic Update for today it is my
pleasure and my honor to welcome two guests we normally have one but today
we're doubly fortunate we have two and both of them have been involved with
something that occasioned today's program namely the clothing of an iconic
store here in the United States Toys R Us so I want to introduce my guests and
then we'll get into a conversation of what happened to that remarkable
nationwide store my first guest is Cheryl Claude she is an assistant
manager or rather she was an assistant manager at Toys R Us in Woodbridge New
Jersey she's been with the company for 33 years and is one of the thousands of
Toys R Us employees who have not received severance pay
since the store closed she is helping to lead the movement for severance pay for
33,000 laid off employees of the toys-r-us company this movement backed
by rise up retail also calls for greater accountability of the Wall Street
private equity firms Bain Capital and KKR that were responsible for the
bankruptcy and liquidation that we're going to be talking about our second
guest is Charles Kahn is an organizing director at the Strong Economy For All
Coalition he has many things to his credit but the one that caught my eye
that I want to share with you is that he's a leader with the hedge clippers a
national organization dedicated to shining a light on the damage that
private equity and hedge funds have on our communities and making sure that
they are held accountable welcome Charles welcome good to be here thank
you okay so let's start for our audience tell us what happened to the toys-r-us
corporation and what it meant for you Cheryl why don't we start with you well
I've been with the company 33 years and when 2005 when KKR Varnado
and Bain Capital took over our company they just drained us they just took all
our money invested it and just drained it and that's they took everything from
us I mean everything including your job my job itself and made us go bankrupt
yes just a simple question did the company look like it was doing well that
your job was secure that your future looked pretty good in all the years that
you were there leading up to this toys-r-us was profitable yeah they made
11 billion dollars last year 11 billion dollars nobody of your hold
the hole yeah absolutely absolutely I thought I was gonna retire
from the company right so you didn't regret your decision to work with them
absolutely not okay absolutely I thought I was gonna retire from the company I
felt I felt my job was secure and when did you kind of get the message oh
something's really wrong here in 2005 when we when we didn't have
we didn't have picnics we used to have all this stuff in 2005 every we didn't
have anything anymore okay and I think part of what happened
is you know when when Bain and KKR and Vornado took over they changed the the
soul of the company instead of investing in their workers they decided to charge
exorbitant fees and enrich themselves and in the end that's really the story
of what happened to the company instead of investing in their workers their
workers used to have better benefits there were certain workers used to have
stock options instead of that there were fees they didn't tell the workers what
was going on with the company and ultimately the debt that they loaded the
company up with is what led to an 11 billion dollar a year company filing for
bankruptcy for those who don't know the familiarity with it this is a fairly
common occurrence in American capitalism in which sometimes people called
corporate raiders or words to that effect see an opportunity to borrow a
ton of money and buy a company from whoever owns it not with the intention
of keeping the company going not with the intention of growing the company but
with the intention of making a lot of lenders very wealthy by paying huge
interest fees for the money that used to borrow the company and paying themselves
a lot of fees to manage the company and then if it goes downhill if the next 10
years it disappears as long as they've gotten the interest payments and the
fees along the way they're happy and the loss is to the community that doesn't
have the store to the workers that don't have a job and to the local communities
that don't have the tax payments at stores that are successful make and in a
sense you particularly you sure are a victim of how this system how this
system works tell me how much blame do you put for this on the people who had
the company before and how much do you criticize Bain KKR and the other
came in since what happened in 1905 sorry and 25 seems to be a crucial
moment in changing the history of all this I mean I think what Cheryl will
tell you what other workers will tell you is that the company really changed
direction in 2005 that's really when Toys R Us began this downward spiral
right Vornado Bank acara they forced them to sell the the land that their
stores are on to pay rent you know in any homeowner would know that rent is
not is not what you want to be paying they change the culture they charged all
of these fees and I think the blame squarely lies on them and that's the
story that we've heard that is what the facts have represented and that's why so
many elected officials and so many media outlets have come out with really strong
support of the workers because it's so clear what happened and it's also really
clear that didn't need to happen it was excessive greed that caused it to happen
they can make money another way in this system these people can use borrowing
and all the laws that exists to do this I mean they're free to do it and you
were a spectator you and the other workers in a sense were a spectator to
your own situation unraveling on you what did you do how did you handle those
years what did you tell yourself as this was unfolding I just told myself to just
keep doing I mean I had to stay with the company I mean there was nothing that I
had to supply my work to live employees I tried to keep the employees happy and
keep moving I stayed to the very very end because
that was that was me I worked hard I stayed to the end
I stayed to the June 30th I was the one that locked that door when I locked that
door put the key in the box that's that was me I worked I worked very hard for
that company to walk away with nothing and that's what they literally did they
don't you you're done yeah and that actually there was no other no other
manager in the building it was me in the liquidator we boxed up the registers put
the key in the box walked out the door that was it how did it affect the other
workers around they didn't even want to work anymore they came in left I mean
they they didn't have the will to work they said how are you
happy I said I have to be happy this was my life 33 years I spent in that
building I've worked in four different stores in the 33 years three different
stores I worked in one store for 28 years and it's a total of 33,000 people,
33,000t employees, more or less in your situation, absolutely all over the country all over
the country and did the company do anything they did nothing for us they
gave us 60 days 60 60 days to work and that was our that they said that was our
severance pay 60 days they gave us work yeah and I think did you have to come in
to work though yeah that was the only pay they were giving us it was 60 days
worth the work and I said I think what was another narrative that's happened is
that last year in was a December they gave some work workers the option to
leave and take severance pay what they also said is that if we have a
strong holiday season the company's gonna pull through so a lot of workers
like Cheryl have dedicated their lives to this company decided today right and
when the company went under right what is but after the holiday season they
were still telling the workers we're gonna take care of you you know
everything's gonna be okay and then the story changed and that's why so why all
of those 3,000 workers are fighting for for what they're owed
right they were promised severance pay they were promised some kind of
restitution for the for putting their lives into this company you know working
in retail you miss holidays you know all the holidays where most of us go up to
shop or spend time with our families they're there they're punching their
time cards it's like the dedication the dedication I had with that company
I miss my daughter's quit high school graduation my father died was in
February I was out and my father passed away in February and then I came back to
work that week and that's what they told me that I didn't have a job after that
you know this is an old story the companies never want to tell the workers
the truth absolutely because they don't want you to leave on your skin that's
right they want you to leave they're scared
so that's why the funny stories one way or the other or the possibility holds a
little out for you in the hope that something will survive so that they can
make the break when it's convenient and profitable for them rather than for you
that's why in a number of European countries there are strict laws that
require an employer to notify six months or a year in advance so that the burden
of the adjustment is not entirely on a on a labor force they have to take the
risk also of what it is they're doing to the community in this country they don't
have to do hardly anything and so the chips fall and it's a social disaster
let me ask you a couple of questions was there any involvement when workers
brought in in any way to try to deal with the situation all the way they were
bringing people in a month before we're getting ready to close just to cover and
the people that were leaving temporary I thought that was disgusting because we
couldn't hold the people because everybody was leaving because they were
they were angry I mean how could I mean I felt bad for the temporary people that
were coming in how do you bring temporary people in until they got
thirty they used to work just ringing registered that's all they wonder for
and to clean the store I just really felt bad for the people and they said
how can you be so happy because that's the kind of person I am even though
we're closing what about the government were there any governmental supports to
help was there anything that either local state or federal government was
able or willing to do to intervene and do something about a disaster for 33,000
people and the communities they come from so I think that elected officials
and many government officials have posts through the bankruptcy announcement come
to stand with the workers what we're at where we're also advocating for is is
not just for the workers to be paid what they're owed but then also what can we
do and what should we be doing to prevent this from happening in the
future because toys-r-us is another victim in
long story of greed confirm Wall Street on and on the part of our economy and if
we want to make a change to our economy our financial system to really talk
about what capitalism looks like in our country these elected officials that
we've been working with like Bernie Sanders who's come out in support like
Cory Booker who's in New Jersey where Cheryl lives and they've come out and
support and we're talking about changing laws right to outlaw leveraged buyouts
right that put that saddl companies with unsustainable amounts of debt to turn
private equity into joint employers so they're also responsible right they
can't say Oh hands off we don't we don't own the company anymore
and then also governors like Mark Dayton in Minnesota right Bain KKR they have
hold billions of dollars in pension fund money right that's that's how they make
a ton you know these that's how they buy their Rolls Royce right it's pension
money and governor Mark Dayton in in Minnesota ceased all future investment
in KKR until an investigation is done they are doing what they can to hold
these Wall Street firms accountable and I think what we'll need to see in the
future is more kinds of action more kinds of commitment and more like that
official of standing with workers so we can start to not only change the
narrative but change that the tangible circumstances that so many American so
many workers are facing am i right to infer from what you've said that if the
workers themselves owned and operated Toys R Us
you would never have sold it to okay you wouldn't have done it because you would
have understood in a sense absolutely what was in store for absolutely
absolutely it's something for people to think of absolutely we've come to the
end of the first part of our conversation I want to thank you both
for sharing this story it's a sad story but it can have a good ending if people
learn from it and I want to thank all of you for watching I'm finding this is
important the story I hope as we did and I want to remind you that
this conversation and this interview will continue on our patreon channel
patreon.com slash economic update and I hope you will join us there to continue
it otherwise I look forward to speaking with you next week
For more infomation >> Economic Update: We Can Do Better Than Capitalism - Duration: 29:41.-------------------------------------------
What Happens To Your Body When You Start Walking Barefoot 5 Minutes Every Morning On The Grass! - Duration: 2:26.
My Friends Tigger And Pooh Tigger s Day at the You-See-Um Part 3 - Bailey Ford - Duration: 3:01.
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
Portal egg and I was a nest in a willow tree
Where would I be without you guys but you only what I'm around here is 200 acres one
Not a peep your poke of a witha leg sure, well this you see in business it's harder tenon
Look, sir
Don't think they're so worth all a toe looks more like a piglet
I am big lady another mystery. I said red. Hello piglet
Um, you haven't seen a woza leg anywhere have you we need one for Tiggers? You see him you see?
No, I know Pooh Bear. What does a lose a leg look like?
That's the problem. I don't think anyone's ever seen one before
Well, if lose a legs hatch puzzles
And I'm very glad I haven't seen one turn forward much till we look but we'll find it forward
Oh, thank you
Look at all these butterflies. They're so beautiful
And they tickle -
Wait, can it be?
Whoo, so egg
stand back discolor for some expert
Hard boiled
But a very lovely rock look at all those lines oh
Those must've taken a gazillion years to make
Well, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but I need to find something rare and special. Come on. Let's keep looking
Okay, not a bozo egg
Oh look digit
Really not a WOZA leg. I guess there's just nothing special about them
Don't give up Tigger, I'm sure we can think think think of something
Do You Ever Judge People Who Have Been Homeless? | Reverse Assumptions - Duration: 6:44.
Is Everything A Joke To You? | Marvel's The Avengers (2012) - Duration: 4:28.
The gamma readings are definitely consistent
with Selvig's reports of the Tesseract.
But it's going to take weeks to process.
If we bypass their mainframe
and direct route to the Homer cluster,
we can clock this at around 600 teraflops.
All I packed was a toothbrush.
You know, you should come by Stark Tower sometime.
Top ten floors, all R&D.
You'd love it. It's Candy Land.
Thanks, but the last time I was in New York,
I kind of broke Harlem.
Well, I promise a stress-free environment.
No tension, no surprises.
- Hey! - Nothing?
Are you nuts?
Jury's out.
You really have got a lid on it, haven't you?
What's your secret?
Mellow jazz, bongo drums, huge bag of weed?
Is everything a joke to you?
Funny things are.
Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship
isn't funny.
No offence, Doc.
It's all right, I wouldn't have come aboard
if I couldn't handle pointy things.
You're tip-toeing, big man. You need to strut.
And you need to focus on the problem, Mr Stark.
Do you think I'm not?
Why did Fury call us in? Why now? Why not before?
What isn't he telling us?
I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables.
You think Fury's hiding something?
He's a spy. Captain, he's "the" spy.
His secrets have secrets.
It's bugging him, too. Isn't it?
I just want to finish my work here, and...
"A warm light for all mankind."
Loki's jab at Fury about the Cube.
I heard it.
I think that was meant for you.
Even if Barton didn't tell Loki about the tower,
it was still all over the news.
The Stark Tower? That big, ugly
building in New York?
It's powered by an arc reactor, a self-sustaining energy source.
That building will run itself for, what, a year?
It's just the prototype.
I'm kind of the only name in clean energy right now.
That's what he's getting at.
So, why didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. Bring him in on the Tesseract project?
What are they doing in the energy business
in the first place?
I should probably look into that once my decryption programme
finishes breaking into all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secure files.
I'm sorry. Did you say...
Jarvis has been running it since I hit the bridge.
In a few hours, I'll know every dirty secret
S.H.I.E.L.D. Has ever tried to hide.
Yet you're confused about why they didn't want you around.
An intelligence organisation that fears intelligence?
Historically, not awesome.
I think Loki's trying to wind us up.
This is a man who means to start a war
and if we don't stay focused, he'll succeed.
We have orders. We should follow them.
Following's not really my style.
And you're all about style, aren't you?
Of the people in this room,
which one is, A, wearing a spangly outfit,
and, B, not of use?
Steve, tell me none of this smells a little funky to you.
Just find the Cube.
That's the guy my dad never shut up about?
I'm wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice.
The guy's not wrong about Loki.
He does have the jump on us.
What he's got is an Acme dynamite kit.
It's going to blow up in his face.
And I'm going to be there when it does.
Yeah. I'll read all about it.
Or you'll be suiting up with the rest of us.
You see, I don't get a suit of armour.
I'm exposed. Like a nerve.
It's a nightmare.
I've got a cluster of shrapnel trying every second
to crawl its way into my heart.
This stops it.
This little circle of light, it's part of me now,
not just armour.
It's a terrible privilege.
- But you can control it. - Because I learned how.
It's different.
Hey, I read all about your accident.
That much gamma exposure should have killed you.
So you're saying that the Hulk...
The other guy saved my life?
That's nice.
It's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what?
I guess we'll find out.
You may not enjoy that.
And you just might.
Do you want to earn a lot money ? Short Film - Duration: 4:24.
I'm not in the city that I've dreamed for
I'm completely not in the city...
...that I've dreamed for
2018 Short Movie
I'm in the sunrise of the city
There are some matters that I'm confused aboute these days
Hello, good morning. You have been late for you meetin at...
Hi there! I'm Seyit Ali
I have missed the meeting that I really love going, again
There is an exclamation mark somewhere here...
I'm hearing some vocies saying "Oh, you grew up and became doctor?"
hearing.. I'm hearing...
Won't will we able to shoot a short movie? Adabt!
We are all sent here
Not here (mars) or here (jupiter)
But some of us are trying to reach here (mars)...
And some of us still thinking about Earth's sahpe
And if you born somewhere like Turkey, you have to provide some conditions
No, I'm not excited
So, is there any tip for my first interview?
%100 honesty...
...is the way of getting the job
So, you are %100 honest?
In your last appeal you said that you are doing some video works for a company in USA
It was the packer in Samanpazarı wasn't it?
%99 honesty...
...is the way of gettin the job
We have just one effort in life: being happy or making happy
So, "How we provide happiness?
By lying?
Watching videos or making them?
Reading books?
Who knows maybe writing them...
...or maybe with having your dream car
yes, right guess...
with earning money
What if we have a little exchange with you?
Think about you got out "money" word from your life
forces, pushes...
Think about yourself without any responsibility
What would you do, when you get up in that morning?
going to work again?
or being under others' orders because of people that you don't like?
Actually one question is enough for know how to be "really" happy:
What would you do...
...in that morning?
Behind the scenes: WDSU takes you inside the JP Landfill amid odor concerns - Duration: 2:17.
How To Choose A Wig Cap? Introducing the Ultimate Wig Cap for Style Flexibility & Comfort - Duration: 3:44.
Hey ladies it's Lee at Woman In Disguise and I am going to tell you about our Ultimate
Wig Cap structure.
And I want to say that the cap structure really matters for two primary reasons.
One is comfort, and two is styling flexibility, so those are the two things we'll talk about.
So the one that I have on is our Ultimate Cap Structure, and we call it the Ultimate
Cap Structure because it gives you maximum styling flexibility.
This cap structure has that beautiful, beautiful lace front hairline which means that it looks
like a natural hairline so it gives you the flexibility to pull your hair off, use a clip
and gives you that natural hairline there, well at the same time it gives you that Ultimate
flexibility because it also has a mono top which means we can change that part around
and put the part wherever we want to.
So I'm going to take her off and we'll take a look at the inside of the cap structure,
and you can see exactly what I'm talking about.
So this really is the ultimate for me I've said this in other videos, I love the lace
It really think it gives such a great natural look and I love the ability to pull the hair
back and forward and that's what this area really does is it's hand strung, and in this
area in the way that it's put in this it's meant to look like a real natural hairline,
and that gives you that flexibility to pull those bangs back, put them to one side or
the other, and then it blends in and it meets with the whole mono top.
Which means that anywhere within this section the hair is also hand strung and it gives
you the ability, just like our hair how it's strung into our scalp, gives you the ability
to change whether you part on the right, the left, the middle, however you want to part,
you can get that part line in this area.
And of course when we talk about wig caps we talk about in terms of flexibility for
you styling which is really important depending on the type of flexibility you want, and the
other thing is comfort.
So it's really critical.
If it looks great and it's not comfortable, I don't think it's of much use.
So this has that very nice soft top, but it also has that machine wefting, and this wefting
is really important for comfort.
One, we use really nice soft materials for our wig caps, no plastic feeling and this
wefting also gives you breathability which means that it's comfortable, it lets some
air through and it keep your cooler.
You're not gonna feel like you're wearing a plastic bag with this wig cap.
Also, the sizing we talk about, having the ability, and with our wig caps we have a sizing
system that allows you to get the size just right for you.
Fine line, we don't want it too loose where you feel like your hair is slipping, but you
don't want it so tight where you're squeezing your head so having that ability in the sizing
system to change that wig size to fit you is perfect.
So like I said it really is the ultimate in both comfort, but also the styling flexibility,
so it really is a wonderful cap structure to really be able to play with your hair,
and do different styles, and really mix it up.
So great option!
Swivellink Customizable Mounting Brackets - Duration: 2:21.
Hi Welcome Back to Ramco TV!
You may have noticed throughout this video
the blue bracket holding the Banner K50 light.
I know that you're all experts on the K50 pro by now,
but you may be wondering what this contraption is.
So Lindsey, what in the world is this?
Well Brad, this is a product by Swivel Link!
Swivel what now?
Swivel Link! It's a product that allows our customers to easily build
custom mounting solutions for cameras, lights,
sensors, robot end effectors and so much more.
. Their standard series of products include bases, knuckles, link's and tees.
They have other mounting brackets that include 18 and 30mm threaded brackets
like you see here for simple mounting of sensors or lights.
I have been known to dabble in just a few vision applications,
how can these guys help?
Well, Swivel Link has pre drilled mounting brackets
for a variety of cameras from the most popular manufactures
including Banner, Omron, Cognex, Keyence, DVT and more.
So Brad, do you want to know something else that's cool about this?
What's that Lindsey?
Well Brad, the brackets
and knuckles are designed to have cords and wires thread through them.
So no mess, and less risk of damage to your cordsets.
That is pretty cool.
You also mentioned robots.
It's always a struggle developing end of arm tooling for a variety of reasons.
So you're telling me,
This product allows you to make your own brackets and configurations
literally at your desk.
Yeah, literally.
And since this is so flexible you don't necessarily have to change out the
end of arm tooling for different products
and you just tweak it a little?
Yeah, exactly.
They even have a kit that will let you thread in vacuum generators
or suction cups to their standard product.
It's a completely clean and versatile solution!
So this is basically an erector set for adults?
Basically yeah.
You can check out more about this on our website at www.ramcoi.com
Or you can give this guy a call and he'd be happy to bring a demo kit out
and discuss solutions for you.
Thanks Lindsey. And once again
Thanks for watching and be safe out there!
How To Find Your Perfect Me 2.0 Look - Picking the Perfect Everyday Wig! - Duration: 3:45.
Hi ladies it's Lee here with Woman in Disguise and today I want to share with
you the power of having your Me 2.0 style. And what do I mean by that? Me 2.0
is simply having a style that really comes very close to your everyday style
and you want to have this at your fingertips for all those occasions when
you absolutely need to be on your a-game and you need to look you're a-game. And we
all know as busy women, professionals, mothers, volunteers, the whole gamut that
there are times when life surprises us with when we need to be on our a-game or
on the flip side when something gets in the way of us getting into that
important hair appointment before we have to be on our a-game. So for me this
is just just part of my professional toolset to be quite honest is to have my
Me 2.0 style. Now here are some pointers for picking out the great Me
2.0 wig for you. First you do want to think about color and you want to stay
within the color family and you want to kind of if you're blond you want to go
blonde so this is a fairly close blonde for me. What you don't want to do is
obsess over the exact color because you know what getting close in the ballpark
is good enough for people to look at your hair and say oh it's her hair and
they won't be distracted by the color. Now if you go from this blonde to say a
dark brown yeah people are going to notice and that's gonna be a distraction
from you walking in and just looking your best in your everyday style. Now the
second thing is you want to think about the length so if you have shoulder
length hair you want to think about a style that is shoulder length you don't
want to obsess about it exact, because people won't notice if
your hair slightly sits on top of your shoulders or if your and your wig is an
inch below your shoulder you just want to be in that same length range and
people won't notice the difference I promise I've done this tons. The last
thing that you want to think about is style and again you want to be in a
similar style family but it doesn't have to be exact so for me for example this
style is fairly close it has a swoop it's short it's pixie it's got the same
color but if you look very closely when I take off this style my hair's parted
on the other side but I've worn this exact wig to meetings and people have
not noticed the difference. So what you want to think about is what would make
you comfortable look in the mirror and say yeah I look great because that's
what matters because that's what to carry forward and
that's what you're gonna give off to everybody and what you believe everyone
else believes. So please for your professional tool kit please please
please think about your Me 2.0 style thanks and we'll talk soon and please
subscribe to my youtube channel if you have questions anything that you want me
to cover please let me know and I would love to do that and of course take a
check out at our website which is womanindisguise.com to find your perfect
Me 2.0 look. Thanks!
5 Things That You Didn't Know About The Nintendo Switch - Duration: 3:41.
Hey Guys , How's it going ? You're Watching Tech Tube ! *music*
So How's it Going Guys Welcome Back to another video and Today I am going to be counting
down the top 5 things you didn't know about the Nintendo Switch !
At Number 5 , We have a cool one because when you turn on the switch it asks you to press
any button three times and while most of them sound fine others make hilarious and cool
noises .
At Number 4 , We have a useful feature Because your joy cons are great little controllers
but the downside of being small is that it is easy to misplace them . Nintendo knows
this and has implmented a built in feature where you can make vibrate the joy cons , making
it much easier to find .
At Number 3 , We have a very cool thing to do and that is unlocking the Japanese eshop
. For this , just create a new Nintendo account and set the region to Japan and voila ! You
can download Japanese eshop exclusives !
At Number 2 , Is a fix to make your gameplay free of lag . Have you get noticed your switch
lagged ? That is because your switch is searching for networks in the back ground.
We have seen this happening lots of times on computer so it is no surprise it is present
on the switch . An EASY fix is to go to settings and enable airplane mode and that's it . You
have gameplay free of lag !
Coming at number 1 is a small but cool addition and that is a feature that let's you see the
amount of time you have spent on each game.
To do so , simply go to your profile and under each game will be written played for __ hours.
So that's it Five Thing You didn't Know About The Nintendo Switch ! If you enjoyed be the
cool guy or girl and drop a like below.
Apart from that thank you for watching and peace out!
Calm Before the (August) Storm | NS4L.TV | E108 - Duration: 4:21.
Snugs - Radio Silence (KVMO Remix) 🔥 - Duration: 2:56.
Comment '❤️' if you love Snugs 💕
5 KPOP IDOLS you pronounce INCORRECTLY + BTS GIVEAWAY! - Duration: 10:41.
Hi everybody this is Lara!
Really many of you asked me to make a video about Korean lesson!
Today I'm going to teach you how to pronounce Korean idols' names
just like Koreans
but before I start the video, is there anybody who's interested in
making friends for interested in Korean and just like you?
if you are , there's a really good app called Amino
It's a community and with millions of different communities
and the community that I want to show you today is the
Korean school amino community
so let me show you with my iPhone briefly
so there are lots of things you can do here
firstly you can have a chat with the members
who are interested in Korean just like you
you can even do the voice chat so you can practice speaking Korean
Secondly there are really fun and easy quizzes to see if you can get it right
well it's easy for me but if you're curious
play the quizzes!
So to encourage you to use this app
I prepared the BTS giveaway!!!!!!!!!!
This is my first ever giveaway
This is how it works
I'll choose two winners
and the winners will get the BTS good
If you want to see the goods that are prepared for the winners
please what's the video the images are in the middle of the video
To participate in my BTS giveaway,
First step! Click the link in the description box
and download the Amino app
Secondly, join the Korean school community
thirdly, leave a comment on the post that I posted(search woolara62)
Only these three steps sooo easy right?
The winners will be announced on my Instagram Twitter
and the post on amino app,
so make sure to follow all of them
If you're done let's begin the video!
So the first k-pop group that you might pronounce incorrectly
would be EXO
Yeah we Korean call EXO as EXO too
but the pronunciation is different
EXO is English and EXO is Korean
so how you call them is totally same
but the pronunciation how to pronounce it is totally different
if you watched my previous video
giving you some tips how to pronounce Korean correctly
if you missed that video please click here
Anyway in that video I told you that you have to pronounce
somewhat somehow lazily
if you want your EXO pronunciation to be like Koreans like EXO
It should be very abrupt, short and clear
so EXO there's no oww sound
so you should be like EXO EXO EXO
I personally feel like EXO(ENG) is pronounced about here
but EXO(KOR) is like here so you have to make your voice higher
so compared to the EX in English
Korean EX I would be like EX
Clearly different right?
Make your voice higher and don't drag it too much
The second k-pop group you might pronounce incorrectly is
So, in English it's SEVENTEEN right?
So teen is longer than seven
but in Korean all three letters SEVENTEEN
are the same length so it should be like SEVENTEEN(KOR)
not SEVENTEEN Also in seven there's V sound
but in Korean there's no V sound so it should be like B sound
Pronounce all those letters in the same length SEVENTEEN
The third kpop group that you might pronounce incorrectly
In Korean we call them as BLACKPINK
BLACKPINK it's only two syllables
but in Korean BL ACK PIN K so four syllables
so it's doubled, right? black black(KOR) black black(KOR)
pink pink(KOR) BLACKPINK
and all those BLACKPINK
four syllables all those letters should be pronounced in the same length
If you want to express yourself that you love them so much
you can always say BLACKPINKUUUUU
The forth Kpop group is the
so in black pink case
Two syllables became four syllables in Korean
but how about Twice?
Can you guess?
please guess how many syllables it wouldbe in Korean
Twice, guess what? It's four syllables
twice twice twice
as I said every sound should be pronounced very clearly
so twice twice
you can you can really hear that there are four sounds
twic(only easy for Koreans...?)
So it became Twice
and the last. fifth Kpop group that you might pronounce wrong
is BTS
In BTS's case is quite different from other Kpop groups that I showed you
because until I met all of you my WOOWOOS!!
I didn't know that BangTan SoNyeonDan is called BTS in abroad
some Korean wouldn't know BTS is BangTan SoNyeonDan
so if you want to call them BTS like Koreans
it should be like BangTan SoNyeonDan I know it's hard to pronounce
but if you ever meet BTS and if you just say BangTan SoNyeonDan
like Koreans, they would be impressed!
Anyway how to pronounce BangTan SoNyeonDan
Firstly those are five syllables
English Bang and in Korean Bang is very similar
it's not hard Tan is also very similar
BANGTAN. Of course if you pronounce bangtan like this in English tone
It's a bit weird
Pronounce it in a higher pitch
and also make it very clear don't drag any sound
Not like Bang Taaan
Bangtan Bangtan
And, SO
it's also same SO it's not like so- in English
and the next Nyeon
the length that you pronounce so and the length that you pronounce nyeon
should be very similar or very same
so it should be like bangtan sonyeon not bangtan sonyeeeoondan
so Nyeon, nyeon. Make it very clear and very short
For last is dan. it's not DAN
Don't put any rhythms there it's not dan(eng) it's dan(Kor)
In the complete form its bangtan sonyeondan
so if you're ready to pronounce BTS like
bangtan sonyeondan, just like Koreans,
I think it's time to show you the giveaway gifts for you
I know the members of the BTS
But I can't match them with the characters that I prepared
so as I said there will be two winners
and each winner will get one of these
Hand sanitizer gels!
So one will get this.,
the other will get this one
and for next I prepared the nail stickers
Each winners will get two of these in a box
it's completely random so in a box there will be like this
Two nail stickers and one hand sanitizer gel
it's not done yet
BTS photo cards
isn't it so cute!!!!
so these photo cards will be in the box randomly
So if you want to be the winner to get these items
that I prepared for you guys
please participate the giveaway my first giveaway event!!
How to participate: I explained it earlier
It's just simple Download the amino app
Join the Korean school community
and search me there(woolara62) and leave the comment
and there will be some instructions how to participate
in posting as well
and also I mentioned that the winner will be announced
on my Instagram and Twitter
and also the post, so be sure to follow my Twitter(woolara62)
and Instagram(woolara62)
the winners will be announced three weeks later
and I'll contact you through the information that you put
if the information is wrong or if you don't answer me for days
I have to choose another winner
so please! When is the announcement day please come to my
Instagram or Twitter to check out who the winner is
One more announcement!!
since you guys asked me to do the Korean lesson really many times
I think I'm going to do the live show
so I'd like to know how many of you are really
really really seriously interested in the Korean lesson live shows
so if you're interested please click here and vote in the poll please
so that's it for today there are so many things
that I told you today like
the Korean lesson the Amino app
and the giveaway and also the Korean lesson live show
I think that's how much I love you everybody
anyway thank you for watching my video
hope you guys enjoyed my Korean lesson
and please participate they giveaway
if you like the video please click like and share it with your friends
and see you next time bye bye
How to Find the Perfect Wig Cap - All About our Essential Wig Cap! - Duration: 3:10.
Hi ladies it's Lee at Woman in Disguise and I'm gonna tell you about our
essential cap style. And there's two main things that you want to think about from
a cap style perspective first of all it matters. It matters both in terms of the
comfort of the wig because it's the cap that's actually on your head and then it
also is relevant to how you could style it flexibility for styling your hair is
built into that cap structure. So your wig cap matters for both of those
reasons. So I want to tell you a little bit about our essential cap style and
you can decide if that's a great fit for you I love them because the main element
of the essential cap style is the lace front. And what lace front means is that
you get this really great hand strung area of the wig that gives you a very
natural-looking hairline. So in a style like this where I may want to swoop it
back it looks just like a natural hairline and I love them because it
gives me that flexibility to kind of do it back or do it forward. And so I'm
gonna take this one off and this is kind of my 2.0 look it looks a lot like my my
everyday hair and I love it I can always look fresh out of the salon ready.
But you can see here that this whole front area is actually hand strung and
that gives us the flexibility to essentially move that hair any direction
we want in that hand strung area. Now the rest of the cap as you will notice is
machine-made which is great because it gives us a couple things the way that we
do our machining we get these great wefts that give lots of breathability
and that plays into the comfort we want to be able to be cooler and this type of
wefting really makes a big difference for that. The materials are also soft and
they're comfortable not plastic so you're not going to feel like you have a
plastic bag on. Other important element is that we have a sizing mechanism
in the wig cap that allows you to really make sure you can customize the
fit and get it just how you want it and believe it or not a little movement can
go a long way in the wig cap. So it gives you that flexibility to resize it which
can matter because I like to say our head is like our feet and sometimes shoes that
fit yesterday feel tight today our head can be the same way so having that
flexibility at our fingertips to size it to feel just right is really really a
nice element of the wig cap. So again this is our essential style and it
really essentially lets you move that hair around and get that really natural
look up front and I it's one of my favorite style of wig caps it's a great
great selection.
The Truth Behind Synthetic Hair Wigs & Why You'll Love Them or Hate Them - Duration: 3:42.
Hi ladies!
It's Lee from Woman in Disguise and today I want to talk to you about the number one
thing I get asked which is really about synthetic wigs, and people are always surprised and
they assume that to have beautiful, natural looking hair that it has to be real hair.
So I want to put some challenges to those assumptions because I'm a big fan of synthetic
wigs, and I'll go through some of those reasons why, but first I have to start with a caveat.
I think that synthetic wigs get a bad rap because people think about the Halloween costumey,
super shiny, kind of plastic looking look, so what you have to do and this is with real
hair or synthetic hair is that you have to get to the right quality level.
Like the synthetic wigs we carry at Woman In Disguise, they are not your Halloween costume
wigs so it's very natural, beautiful synthetic hair, but once you're there and you have that
great quality synthetic hair, there's really some great advantages to having a synthetic
Which is, number one for me is care and styling.
So really the best thing about synthetic wigs is that when you put them on and they have
this little bit of curl, or a lot of curl, or they're straight, whatever that style is,
is really the shape the hair is going to maintain even after you wash it.
Care for a synthetic wig is really about a two minute wash in the sink which you can
watch a video on that as well, and you kind of shake and go and let it dry, and it's really
going to dry right into this style, which is wonderful because I'm a low maintenance
kind of person when it comes to my hair so I love the ease of synthetic hair.
It also, it's also really easy to travel with it, and that was really important to me in
my prior corporate life when I would travel with my hair to make sure that it always looked
amazing for all of my business meetings, especially those international trips where I had to roll
of a plane, and get straight to that meeting.
Wow my wigs they just put the icing on the cake in terms for being ready for those meetings
when you really didn't have time to freshen up, and they travel super well.
Now one of the things you want to understand about synthetic wigs so that as easy as they
are to care for, and how easy it is to retain this style, this does limit some of the flexibility
in terms of what you do with the hair.
So you can't use heat on synthetic wigs and what you don't want to do is buy a synthetic
wig that's curly and think that you're going to be able to put a flat iron in it and straighten
So what it gives you in ease and kind of maintenance, and maintaining that style, it also limits
a little bit in flexibility, but in some of the other videos we have, we talk about how
cap styles can give you different flexibility.
Like this one is a lace front which means I can pull this off my forehead and have a
really natural looking hair line, so there's other elements that come in to give you flexibility
and how you can style and play with your wig.
So before you write synthetic off, please please please understand that it's an amazing
option to have beautiful, just natural looking ready to wear hair at your fingertips.
So please subscribe to our YouTube channel, please let me know if you have questions,
comments, anything that you'd like me to cover, I'd love to do that, and also check out our
website at WomanInDisguise.com Thanks!
How To Choose the Right Wig Cap - Learn About the Effortless Wig Cap! - Duration: 2:53.
Hi ladies it's Lee here and I'm gonna tell you a little bit about our
effortless cap. And first let me make a comment about wig caps. They do matter
and they matter in two primary ways. One comfort and two the level of flexibility
you'll get to style your hair it has to do with the wig cap. So we'll talk
through both of those things. So what I'm wearing right now is a wig with a
effortless cap and we call it effortless because the cap is intended to keep this
style just the way it is so the part will be where the part is you know the
hair will fall the way that the hair is is falling right now because the cap is
structured to maintain that that's style. So I'm going to take this off so we can
kind of look on the inside and key elements of our effortless cap is that
it's all machine wefted and that gives you the you know that really standard
low maintenance look because it's gonna maintain that look it's gonna maintain
that volume the volume level that you have in the hair. The other really
important thing going to the comfort side of it is all of this wefting and
even the wefting on the top machined part as you can see all this allows air
to get through and it really does bring comfort and helps keep it cool because
what you don't want is to feel like you have a plastic bag on your head which is
if you've ever tried one of those Halloween plastic Halloween wigs that's
what it feels like. Not with a high quality cap like we have. And our
effortless cap has that wefting so you can get that that breathability and also
it has a sizing system on it and what this does is it allows you to get just
the perfect fit for you and it really allows just for that
slight customization so it feels perfect on your head because the last thing you
want is something squeezing or you're feeling uncomfortable or you feel like
it's too loose and you lose your confidence because you feel like your
hair could move nobody wants that. So effortless cap gives you all the
functionality you need plus the comfort it's made of soft materials and it's
effortless in the fact that it lets you just keep the style just as it comes. So
I hope that helps you understand this cap structure and if it could be a
really great fit for you. And that's what it's about
finding what you like and what works for you.
RAVE TIPS - First Time CLUBBING TIPS for guys!! (EDM Club Survival Guide) - Duration: 5:25.
so this week I was at the all new Club Academy la in Hollywood to see trans DJ
duo gabriel & dresden but if you've ever wanted to see an EDM DJ at a club then
you're gonna want to stick around for my 6 tips in this video ready let's go hi
everyone I'm Doug and this is fat boy Doug a channel with an epitope for life
this channel is all about giving tips and advice on how you too can live a
happy and fabulous lifestyle so if you're new here please consider
subscribing below ok so this weekend I was at Academy LA and I was there
watching Gabriel & Dresden this trance DJ duo they're part of the N Judah Beats
label which you may know of from above and beyond and they were also there at
common ground which was above and beyond store for their newest album and this is
actually Gabriel & Dresden store for their album the only Road so you haven't
heard it yet go on Spotify iTunes I'm sure you can find it it's a really good
album but on today's video I'm gonna give you tips on how to survive your
time and an EDM club so you may wonder what's the difference between a regular
Club and an EDM Club and an EDM Club it's all about that one DJ that you're
watching maybe they have special guests or openers but you're there to watch
that specific DJ at a regular Club yes there's a DJ but they're not the main
focus or there to kind of dance and socialize with your friends here at an
EDM club you're really paying attention to the music and your focus on that DJ
and the clubs themselves may have more strict guidelines or dress codes which
is my first tip check the dress code when you're going to a regular Club you
may just be wearing t-shirts shorts but on an EDM club they like to make it more
upscale they do have a dress code so you want to check on their website to see
what that dress code is specifically for Academy LA they told us no sandals no
shorts no tank tops no backpacks and no offensive graphics I've actually been to
clubs where they told guys that we had to wear button-up shirts or at least
shirts with collars so you really want to check the dress code beforehand so
you don't get turned away at the door which brings us to tip number two don't
wear anything gray or light-colored at an EDM Club you're going to be packed in
there with a lot of people so you're probably going to sweat a lot so my tip
is to wear darker clothing so you don't see
the sweat marks on your shirt you just don't want to be that guy that looks all
sweaty so even if you are really sweaty you can kind of hide that with a darker
shirt but for tip number three to make sure you're not actually that sweaty I
suggest bringing a fan so I actually checked with the Khadem ela beforehand
to make sure that I can bring a hand fan into the club again there are strict
rules sometimes for clubs so you want to make sure that you can bring a fan first
but it truly is a lifesaver when it's really hot in your packing there with so
many people it just feels so good to fan yourself plus you can make friends by
Fanning other people I actually do this a lot I'll just stand there and turn
around in a circle and fanni everyone around me and everyone is so thankful
whenever I do that it's definitely a great conversation starter they'll ask
you where you got it what kind of fans you have so if you're interested in
getting your own fan and I suggest going to WWF that fan calm I've included a
link below but it also includes a promo code for you to get 10% off on all the
fans they have a whole bunch of awesome designs that you're going to want to
check out so check the description below for that link and that promo code but
for tip number 4 another great way to make friends is to have gum with you
not only is it good to keep your breath minty fresh but it's a great way to make
some new friends by ripping your gum in half and give it to them so I suggest
getting the type of gum that's the stick of gum instead of the little capsules so
that you can rip it up and share it with someone else
alright tip number five is actually one that I shared in my rave gear video but
it's super important and as earplugs I was actually going to film this video at
the club but it was so loud and the base was so heavy that there was just no way
that you could hear me on camera they definitely upgraded the sound system in
there because I had been there before when it was still create and it was not
that loud but thank goodness I had my earplugs if these were not in my ear I'm
pretty sure my eardrums would have been blown so they're great at EDM festivals
outside but it's actually even more important to have them when you're in an
idiom club inside because the sounds can reverberate and it's just going to
even louder so you really need these to keep your eardrums healthy and my last
tip for you is don't be that rude person to push your way through the crowd so
we're all there to watch the deejay and yes it gets crowded and I'm sure your
friends are in different locations in the club but there's a right way and a
wrong way of going through the crowd so many times there are people that will
just movie aside by pushing you over and then just walking straight through to
where they need to go sure it may take a few more seconds to ask nicely to see if
you can move past this person or maybe just tap them on the shoulder and let
them know that you want to get through but that's just so much better than just
pushing your way through and my bonus tip for you is to bring your fan with
you as you go and fan the people in front of you so they can let you through
all right so I had a great time at Gabriel & Dresden but where are you
gonna go for your next EDM concert or festival I'd love to know in the
comments below and also make sure to check out my other videos right here and
subscribe to my videos here and click the bell notification so you'll know
whenever I post something new also check the description below for your promo
code for eclectic fan comm where you get 10% off everything there alright
everyone thanks for watching bye
How To Choose A Wig Cap, Introducing the Superior Wig Cap for Ultimate Flexibility & Comfort - Duration: 3:42.
Hi ladies it's Lee from Woman In Disguise and today I want to tell you a
little bit about our Superior Wig Cap and I want to talk through some of the
things that are important with wig caps because they do matter for two
primary reasons. One comfort and two styling flexibility and so we'll talk
through both of those, and the superior cap structure provides tons of both so
I'm actually wearing one right now. So I'll pull this off and we can take a
look at it and because I want to be able to show the inside of the cap because
there's so many elements to it, so I'm gonna flip her right inside out so we
can see the cap structure. So the first great feature of our Superior Cap
structure is that it's mono top and what that means is that the hair is hand
strung in this area and that gives you ultimate flexibility for how you want to
style it. You can part it in anywhere in this area, you can part that hair
differently. So you can have a real extreme part to one side, middle, diagonal,
whatever you want you can manipulate the hair within that area because it's in
this cap like it is in our scalp, so it gives you that flexibility to change. The
other nice really beautiful element about our Superior Cap is the fact that
the rest of the wig versus being machine wefted, which is a great design feature
as well, this one is actually hand strung throughout the entire cap and there's a
few things that that does from a comfort perspective and also a styling
perspective or look perspective. This very soft, comfortable material. So it's
very comfortable to have on, but also it gives ultimate breathability as well. So
when we talk about comfort you think about you wanting to have your head not
get hot when you're wearing a wig cap and this type of cap is great for that.
It does similar but even is even a little more breathable than the than the
machine wefted, and of course another key element
of comfort is having a sizing system which allows you to size the wig to
perfectly fit your head which is always important because like I said it's
always a fine balance. You don't want it to loose where you feel like it's moving,
but you don't want it too tight where it's squeezing. So getting that fit and
customizing it for you is really important from a comfort perspective and
it comes from the sizing system, and I'm just gonna flip her out one more time
because there's one more element that has to do with the style outside of all
the flexibility you get with where you can put that part line and whatnot, I
just want to move this wig, because one of the elements that you get with the
whole cap being hand strung is you get ultimate movement in the hair because
again that hair is in this cap like it is in our head. So you get lots of
movement and so it's just a nice added feature and it depends on how you like
the hair to lay, it just gives it a really beautiful, natural feel of how the
hair moves when you're wearing it. So great beautiful cap and it's really, it
gives you so much flexibility, and comfort, it's a great option.
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