- Local character to me is about
what people know and love
and feel comfortable with and enjoy
in the area that they live in.
- Local character is all about
telling the story about a place.
What is it that you like?
Where does a place come from?
What is it that makes up that place?
- It's how people live in that community.
The schools they go to, the shops they go to,
the open space, where they walk the dog, who they meet.
- Local character means physical things
that you would actually interact with.
- That includes the street,
public domain, the buildings,
as well as traffic, numbers of people, outdoor eating,
all the activities are going on.
- It's also about how people use and view their space.
It's about the stories they tell.
It's about memories.
It's about events that have happened.
And it's also about creating a platform
so that continues into the future.
- People want to be connected and identified with that,
just like they're barracking for a footy team.
That idea of connecting to a tribe is part of our DNA.
For more infomation >> How do you define placemaking and local character? - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Why you should use a Registered Migration Agent Down Under Visa - Duration: 4:33.
So you have found the lady of your dreams in the Philippines.
And would like to bring her to Australia.
The next step is to apply for a visa.
The question is should you do it yourself.
Or use the services of a Registered Australian Migration Agent.
The main reasons why you might consider doing it yourself are:
You have a lot of free time.
You want to save money.
And you don't mind the paper work.
But does doing it yourself really save money?
Are you really sure you undersand all the requirements?
Are you truly confident you can submit a completed application, that will be accepted by
Australian Immigration.
You are probably aware thatAustralia has some of thestrictest
immigration laws in the world
So getting your application right is critical.
What most people do not realise is that the requirements found on the immigration website...
are ONLY the basic requirements.
In different locations around the world, there can be
additional requirements.
These additional requirements are not published because they are discretionary.
These are things, that Australian Immigration will ask for if they have any concerns.
This is certainly the case in the Philippines, Because of the high volume or fraudulent
applications they receive.
A registered migration agent can look at an application, and anticipate any additional
This is because they have extensive experience,
and understand what the Australian Immigration Department is looking for.
Self-submitted applications often have ambiguous or confusing information.
This can create a concern for the Australian Immigration officer
looking at the application.
Often it is something very innocent, that can easily be explained.
BUT once Australian Immigration feel the need to query something...
You have potentially added a few more months to the processing time.
A registered migration agent can look at an application, and identify anything that might
cause concern to the Australian Immigration Department.
They can make sure that any potential concerns are addressed in the application...
before its submitted!
Many applications are rejected for providing erroneous or false
Which the sponsor was probably not even aware of when they submited the application.
Often its something silly that the applicant, or
applicants family want to hide.
So they tell a little white lie about it.
Or there is paper work they don't have.
So to save time and money they use a fixer believing the fake document will not be discovered.
This results in the application being REJECTED.
which is very costly,
and will delay the visa by another year or more!
A registered migration agent woud have picked up on this before the application is submitted.
When considering if you try to do it yourself, or use a registered Australian migration agent.
Its not a question of how much free time you might have, but how long you want to wait
for the visa approval.
In almost every case a registered Australian Migration Agent is going to get a visa approval
Any money you think you can save on doing it yourself can quickly disappear if their
is a concern, And additional information is requested.
Even more frustrating is that can happen multiple times.
Because they stop the processing each time they encounter a concern.
A registered Australian migration agent will identify all the potential concerns before
the application submitted.
Do you still think doing it yourself will really save money and won't take longer?
If you want your lady out in the shortest possible time,
and avoid the stress and anguish of trying to do it yourself.
Leave it to professionals like Down Under Visa.
Down Under Visa are the largest registered Australian migration agent in the Philippines.
They have more successful visa grants than any
other agent in the Philippines.
Visit down under visa and get a free assessment today.
How to Solve 1020 Power Supply Problems | Partsbaba - Duration: 3:37.
Hello Everyone, welcome to Partsbaba.com
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Watch the video carefully to understand well.
$AMZN Earnings. EVERYTHING you should know about $AMZN earnings 2018! - Duration: 5:41.
Hey Guys
Are you interested in $AMZN Earnings, wondering about how good they are?
or what to expect from the upcoming earnings report.
You probably are if you are watching this video!
I am here to tell you the most interesting facts about $AMZN Earnings, that you can use straight away!
So, keep watching and also subscribe to my channel if you are not subscribed yet,
because in my future videos I show some more stocks overviews on the hottest stocks on the market for now.
So keep watching!
Over the years, Amazon expanded tremedesly from just a marketplace for the literature,
into a company that offers almost everything. Starting from the excess cloud computing
and ending by grocery stores.
With Jeff Bezos becoming both CEO of the company and one of the richest person in the world.
For most of its existence, Amazon rarely shows earnings worth mentioning,
but what can YOU expect going into their upcoming earnings report?
Well, no one can really tell you when they believe that Amazon will capitalize on their massive market presence
to drive the incredible profits everyone expects.
Mostly, they simply believe in the company's overall story,
and that its past peformance will predict the future.
A look at their current concensus forecast of $2.49 EPS would be a bit misleading since their High end is $3.09,
and their low end is $1.53, wide enough to fly a jet plant through.
This makes some analysts believe that the company will acquire more businesses,
others believing they have pushed down their costs per unit,
and that the mix of revenues will be markedly changed.
Analysts covering Amazon won't change their opinions until after Amazon will publish their earnings.
With knowing this fact an you can do your own homework and pick up on any necessary updates
long before the analysts publish their opinions.
Still, it is worth looking at interesting insights and opinions that can give you fresh ideas and perspectives.
Amazon remains unpredictable. The company regularly swung between profits and losses.
Also, since the company invests into almost everything starting from drone technology,
and ending by an expansion of its logistics arm,
it is not a surprise that it has a lot of additional revenue and income streams.
Recently, the company announced a venture by which individuals can become Amazon delivery businesses,
complete with branding and training.
What remains unknown is whether this simple venture will enable another aspect
of Amazon's overall business, or become a profit stream by itself.
Amazon tries to dominate in every sphere possible.
Talking about Amazon Prime- the company has made massive strides into media delivery.
Similar to Netflix, the company always looking for a new media,
accepting failure as a mean for finding something what works with their customers.
Recent reports suggest the company has its eye on CVS and Walgreens as a way of entering the healthcare space.
Amazon's foray puts it together with JP Morgan and Berkshire as a way to create a healthcare company
that is "free from making profit incentives and constraints"
I also want to cover Amazon home technology.
Amazon's Alexa brought the company into direct competition with Apple, Microsoft,
and other companies which are into the internet of things.
Their AI technology, coupled with an open programming system,
allowed developers to create customized applications for their modules.
Now, Alexa can control everything in your house.
Starting fromt your Nest temperature switch, to a Phillips lighting.
I decided to review backtest of Amazon's earnings per share (EPS) ratio and price to earnings ratio (P/E)
relative to other companies in this sector.
In order to determine, whether these metrics can provide better
returns than a simple buy and hold strategy for Amazon
It turns out that since $AMZN didn't produce earnings for much of its lifetime.
looking at their earnings did not provide any good returns when backtested.
Most of the analysts point to Amazon's revenue when it comes to better anlysis of the buisiness.
But after the sales quarter to quarter comparison it provides a reasonable metric for doing as well as buy and hold.
Yet, when you try to incorporate transaction costs into the mix, the strategy isn't worth pursuing.
Along with the NASDAQ, Amazon's share prices hit record territory, putting in new all-time highs nearly every day.
With such a remarkable run Amazon has been potentially set up for failure.
Leading into the company's earnings, we can get a clue to the overall sentiment by
watching a lot of the competitors.
For example, stocks like Netflix and Google can provide a better understanding
of how these companies will be treated at their earnings announcements.
You can't compare Amazon company to others, both in the business world and in the stock market.
Investors bet each and every day that the company will dominate whatever industry it enters,
As the company grows at an amazing pace, the companie's costs grow with them.
The company is widely owned by institutional and retail investors,
with consumers picking up packages at their doorstep almost every day.
The company continues to innovate in the way it delivers to current customers,
as well as expanding its buisiness scope.
From 2010 to 2014 2010-2014 investors wondered, whether the company got ahead of itself
and was maintaining a sustainable business that would endure.
Yet, those who stayed with the company were well rewarded.
So investing in this company requires a lot of attention.
That's all for today! Thank so much for watching;
You can check my previous videos where I compare popular stocks just right here!
Also, subscribe, because that really motivates me to produce a better content for you!
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and I would see you next time, so bye!
DG2 by Diane Gilman Asymmetric RuffleHem Top - Duration: 5:19.
Marie Laguerre: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 9:14.
Marie Laguerre: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Marie Laguerre is the young French woman who told a man cat-calling her to "shut up." He responded to her by hurling an ashtray at her (it narrowly missed) and then slapping her.
The CCTV video of the encounter went viral.
You can watch the video here.
Police are searching for the man who slapped LaGuerre.
So far they have not found him.
France's gender equality minister, Marlene Schiappa, applauded LaGuerre's courage in sharing the video.
"I would like to salute the courage of this young woman, Marie, who has positioned herself as a whistle-blower and this allows people who were skeptical on sexual harassment to see what it really looks like," she said.
Laguerre, 22, is an architecture student who lives in the 19th arrondisement in Paris.
Here's what you need to know.
LaGuerre Was Walking Past a Cafe When A Man Starting "Calling Dirty Words" At Her.
She Said Men Had Been Harassing Her All Month and She Was Fed Up.
LaGuerre, 22, was heading home on the evening of July 24th.
She's the one in the video wearing a red dress — her anonymous attacker is wearing a black t-shirt, gray pants, and seems to be carrying something.
As Laguerre passed a cafe a man walking past her yelled some "dirty words" at her.
LaGuerre was fed up.
She told the French press that "this was not the first time, neither that day, nor that week, nor that month.".
So she said, "shut up." And she kept on walking.
The man was walking too, so she didn't expect the man to hear her, but he did.
He grabbed an ashtray off of one of the cafe tables and threw it at her head.
It missed, but just barely.
A moment later, he walked over to her.
As she turned to face him, he slapped her, hard.
You can see her head get knocked sideways in the video.
Laguerre said she was scared, but more than that, angry.
She said that she could tell he was going to hit her — and she considered running — but she decided to stand her ground instead.
She said in an interview that she was determined not to turn around, not to lower her gaze, and not to run away.
Laguerre Said She was "Traumatized" By the Attack But She Wanted to Publicize What Had Happened To Her.
In an interview with Franceinfo, Laguerre said that she was "traumatized" by what had happened to her.
She said she feels afraid to leave her apartment.
She has taken time off of work, and she suffered from lingering contusions as a result of being slapped.
But Laguerre also said that she is determined not to be silenced.
She told Parisien magazine, "I decided to talk about it and not to remain silent, in order to denounce the kind of thing that happens to all women.
This happens to us every day, women talk about it.
We can never talk about too much.".
She also made a formal complaint to the police department.
They are searching for the man who slapped her but have not yet found him.
Laguerre Says She Is Grateful for Everyone in the Cafe Who Helped Her.
When the attack first occurred, people in the cafe looked stunned.
You can see it on the video: they don't know quite how to react.
But very quickly, one man picked up a chair and used it to scare Laguerre's attacker away.
Laguerre added a note on her Facebook page to say that the people in the cafe were all kind to her.
She said that when she came back later to the cafe — looking for witnesses who could help the police locate the man who hurt her — everyone was very helpful.
She wrote: "to all those who say that witnesses did not react properly: everything happened very quickly and they did not have time to understand the situation.
The attacker was dangerous.
After the assault, I came back and witnesses were of great support.".
Laguerre's Facebook page filled up with supportive comments, in French and in English, congratulating her for standing up to her attacker.
Even Before The Attack, Laguerre Considered Herself Part of France's Growing Me Too Movement.
Back in October 2017, Laguerre posted a picture on her Facebook page of herself with the banner ME TOO: Stop Sexual Violence.
In fact, Laguerre posted the banner twice, and then wrote, "the banner wasn't supposed to be up twice but, oh well, we'll never say it enough.".
The Me Too movement has not been as successful in France as it has in the US.
Many French men and women call the movement "puritanical" and say they relish the culture of seduction.
But more and more young women are talking about sexual violence and are posting ME TOO messages on social media.
Laguerre, 22, is an architecture student at the INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) in Rennes, widely considered to be one of the country's top engineering schools.
France's President Is Backing a Law to Fine People Who Harass Women on the Street.
France's president Emmanuel Macron has said he supports passing a law that would make it easier to fine men who harass women on the streets.
The law could impose fines of up to 750 euros (around 875 dollars) on men who stalk, harass, or intimidate women in the street; the amount of the fine would depend on how severe the harassment was, and also on whether the man is a repeat offender.
The same law would require girls to be at least 15 years old before they can legally consent to sex.
The Senate has already passed the law, but it has not been formally implemented yet.
DG2 by Diane Gilman ColdShoulder TieSleeve Top - Duration: 2:45.
playing with lego digital designer - Duration: 0:24.
*tape rewind*
*tape rewind*
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