Hey whats up socials! It's Abbi J your life coach and I get that is still
summertime at least here in Utah but school is right around the corner and so
I wanted to do some back-to-school videos for you because I know that if
you clicked on this video then you are probably going into high school which
can be a terrifying and wonderful experience for you if you know the right
tips. So in today's video I am going to share with you the top tips for how to
get good grades in high school because as I'm sure you've heard and people keep
telling you and you wish they would stop telling you, things start to "count" when
you're in high school so what that means is that the grades you get right now,
the GPA that you have in high school, is going to determine what scholarships you
qualify for, which colleges you are able to apply for and ultimately kind of
where you end up with college so it starts to get really important and these
tips are going to help you rock that GPA. So let's get going. So right out of the
gate my very first tip was one that saved my life in high school and that
was to get as much homework done in class as possible. Now this might look
different depending on the teacher. Sometimes your teacher actually gives
you time in class to do an assignment and they say whatever you don't finish
is homework and a lot of kids actually take that time to go talk to their best
friend or to go flirt with that new boy across the room and I'm saying that a
little bit of that is fine you gotta flirt with that boy that you want to get
to know but that you should utilize that time and that you should take advantage
of the time you're in school because if you don't do it in class you've got to
do it when you go home. So I know it takes a little bit of
self-discipline but actually take that time devoted in class to getting your
assignment done now also I'm very well aware that a lot of teachers lecture the
whole class period or you know talk you through the assignment or teach you how
to do it and then say awesome your homework assignment is the chapter recap
or these pages in your math book and that can be
but it's actually really possible to still work on those assignments. I
literally it would put my math book on my lap and as the teacher was teaching I
would try to work through some of the problems in my math book that I knew she
would assign because either she said it on the syllabus or what we were doing
that week or I knew that they always assigned that next chapter that followed
their lesson is the homework and I got so much of my homework done and it
helped me to actually take like what they're talking about and apply it real
life into my homework and I avoided that situation of when you go home and you're
oh my crap! I know that we talked about this but I cannot remember how to do it
so this tip is an amazing one for not only pulling good grades but getting
your homework done and not having to do it at home the second tip is to dedicate
a period of time that you actually do homework every single night now
hopefully if tip one is working phenomenally for you this is only going
to be a couple of minutes a night but in high school you can't avoid those long
term projects or those big term projects that just require so much extra time at
home and instead of cramming it and instead of just waiting to the last
second to do it have a period of time every day after school that if you do
have homework or major projects that you do them in that period and it's a short
period of time it's a half an hour for me I'd get home from school at about
3:30 and from 3:30 to 4:00 that was get my stuff left over from school done or
start working on the first part of my English project because come four
o'clock I knew I would be hungry I'd be tired and I'd be so done with school so
take those last couple moments or when works for you maybe it's right before
you go to bed maybe it's after family dinner take those moments and do some
homework and do those projects so that you aren't left cramming you aren't left
in a panic and that you have the time to refine that homework because that's
where the a students are making the difference that is where you're gonna
get your 4.0 that is how you're going to succeed is
taking the time and it's not a lot of time to put in that little bit of effort
that's gonna push you to that my third tip for you is to put time and effort
where it really counts. nNow this will be hard to do right as you start a new
semester of school or a new year or your very first time in high school because
you've got to figure out your teachers some teachers are so easy and I hate to
say that but you know that they give hey if you fill out the piece of paper you
get full credit and there's other teachers that if you don't use the right
vocabulary word or if you don't show your work that you're not going to get a
good grade. So figure that out and put the effort where you need to succeed one
thing for me I was horrible at physics all of my other classes including math
and calculus were a breeze and I could do such a great job on all those but my
physics homework was insane to me and I struggled with it and that is where I
put my effort because if I didn't try with physics I was going to fail. So
figure out where that is for you and put your time and effort to where matters
most for you. And my last tip for you is to take the time to go and talk to your
teachers. Now this might seem scary for some of you who are just starting high
school for some of you like me I wish I I was so shy like I wasn't shy with my
friends but to strangers to teachers people with authority I was so shy but
when you take the time to talk to your teacher after class or even like raising
your hand and asking good questions or you know participating in class 1 you
start to establish a relationship with your teacher they know you and to and
this is the most important part they know that you're involved in class a
teacher is so much more likely to help you out with either pointing you to some
extra Credit Opportunities giving you extra time after class to talk about
maybe something you didn't understand if they feel like you are actually
interested and that that this isn't a last-ditch effort to raise your grade
because the kid who all along the semester
been asking questions participating in class talking to the teacher about their
concerns is the kid that's gonna get the help that they need to raise our grade
instead of the kid that goes to the teacher and says hey teach
I am not doing so well in your class and I need an A or my mom's gonna ground me
what extra credit can I do that's not gonna go over really well because you
haven't put in the relationship there and you actually haven't shown this
teacher that you care about your grade so make sure that you're doing this and
just sprinkle it in like participate in class be a good student um check out my
other videos on how to get teachers to like you yes I did these videos forever
ago but there's some of my most popular so go ahead and check those out I will
be sure to link those in the description down below so there you have it those
are my top 4 tips for you on how to get phenomenal grades in high school because
things do start to count now and you want to get into a good college and
above all you want scholarships so you don't have to go into crazy student debt
for college so pulling good grades in high school really doesn't matter so let
me know what you thought about these tips please comment below on your
favorite one and of course hit that like button for me and please subscribe to my
channel I put out videos every week to help you succeed if that's in school and
getting your first job in your relationships we cover all those things
on my channel so please subscribe and of course I'm going to be linking to the
side here some videos on others back-to-school tips. So I hope you enjoy
those so. I'll see you in the next video. Abbi J out.
For more infomation >> How to Get Good Grades in High School BACK TO SCHOOL TIPS - Duration: 8:16.-------------------------------------------
I'm Back! - Duration: 7:27.
Accelerate Your Business Growth with Business Systems - Duration: 5:11.
hey guys we're back with another video in our productivity series and today
we're gonna be talking to you about why you need business systems to turn your
business into a family legacy we even have a business systems checklist that
you can get down in the description so you can get started right away
maybe right now you're a solopreneur but you have dreams of building your business
into a large business with multiple locations or maybe even becoming a
franchise but in order for any of that to happen business systems need to be in
place so it runs like a well-oiled machine they're mandatory not only will
they allow your business to run smoothly without you but they'll also help you
streamline processes like training new employees and they'll make sure that no
details get left out or forgotten so here's a list of the business systems
essentials that you need to have in place number one your mission statement
core values and USP this may seem like a strange thing to include in your
business systems but this is the heart of why you do what you do if you want to
have a team that is dedicated to your company's vision then they need to know
what you stand for what you believe and how they can support you number two your
customer experience systems you should have a road map in place on what kind of
experience you would like your customers to have you can do this by having
clearly defined onboarding processes like a retention system or a system to
make sure that your clients have amazing experiences ways to collect testimonials
and reviews referral programs an exiting process reactivation campaigns
and management systems number three staff systems every position in your
business should have a job description that clearly defines their
responsibilities and their daily duties you should have a training program for
every position with clearly defined tasks and checklists so they can do
their jobs without much supervision you should have ongoing education programs
and have a quarterly evaluation for each job position number four your sales
systems you should have in place all the scripts and sales presentations needed
for your sales team to sell all your services and programs
you should have front-end offers core services upsells and down sells complete
training programs for your sales teams and ongoing education programs
number five lead generation system you should have a complete Marketing System and it
should be in place to take your prospect through the journey to become a customer
have a marketing calendar have funnel Maps have scripts for your sales teams
phone scripts for your administrative staff number six an accounting
system if your accounting system consists of you checking your balance to
see if there's money in the bank you are doing yourself a disservice knowing your
numbers is so important if you have an accounting team you should have in place
a weekly monthly or quarterly system for your accounting staff what do you want
in your reports where do they locate the information where do they send their
reports when they're complete if you do this yourself you still need to know the
numbers in your business so be sure to have a system in place to stay on top of
your numbers if you're a solopreneur a great way to start putting together your
business systems is to do a brain dump set a timer for 10 minutes and start
writing down everything you do every day it doesn't need to be in any particular
order just write it all down determine which tasks you absolutely hate doing
which tasks you must do as the business owner and which tasks are unnecessary
then start using these tasks to build out your job descriptions you may need
an administrative assistant a manager a sales team and start assigning these
tasks to each position next write down the step by step processes for each task
that you're doing and these will become the checklist for each task in your
business if you need help creating systems for your business let us know
you can give us a call or shoot us a message we would love to help
take your business to the next level don't forget to check the description to
download your free business systems checklist and subscribe to our channel
so you know when our next show goes live and until next week stay awesome
Molarity Practice Problems! - Duration: 8:39.
In this video I'll be doing some molarity practice problems so question
number one how many moles of nacl are in 0.15 liters of 0.2 molar solution so
because these problems involve some algebra it's always good to start with
your equation and just checking off what you have and what you're asked to find
because if we're gonna have to rearrange it's better to do it when it's just a
formula then to plug in and then try to rearrange so we are given point one five
liters that's our volume and we are given point
two molar that's our molarity so what we're looking for in this problem is how
many moles so we're going to have to rearrange and get moles all by itself
before we can plug in so to do that I'm going to multiply by the reciprocal of
one over liters on both sides cancel out liters on the right hand side and redraw
so this is the formula I'll be plugging into because I have my liters I have my
molarity and I'm looking for moles so now I'll go ahead and do that
and now plugging into a calculator my units are moles and I've showed two sig
figs both here and here because I had a limitation of one two sig figs from 0.15
liters and this had three sig figs so my least was two so that's what I had to
replicate in my answer so my final answer for this problem is 0.03 Oh mol
next what is the volume of a solution with 88.5 moles of sugar and a molarity
of fifteen point three two one so again just start off by checking off
what we have what we're looking for so we are given the moles we're given the
molarity and we are asked for the volume so now I have to rearrange this so I
have liters all solved by itself so getting leaders out of the
denominator rearranging and now getting liters isolated this is my final formula
I'll be plugging into liters is isolated that's what I wanted and I have my
number of moles amaura molarity so now I can go ahead
and plug in and plugging into a calculator and again
checking sigfigs I had one two three four my number of
moles one two three four five for my molarity and that's why I'm only allowed
to show one two three for my final volume so five point seven eight liters
is my final answer so now doing a problem that's a little
bit more difficult this is how teachers usually start to make molarity problems
a little bit harder than the last ones we just did
what's the molarity of 245 grams of h2so4 dissolved in two thousand five
hundred and fifty two milliliters of solution alright so in this question we
are asked for the molarity that's our question mark and right now we have
grams so we can see in our formula we only have moles and liters we don't have
grams so right now we can't plug this in to anything we also have two thousand
five hundred fifty two milliliters and this is a very common test question your
teacher will give you a problem where your volume is not in liters and so this
molarity equation is very specific this is only liters so we can't plug this
number in as is either we're going to have to convert and so this is really a
conversion problem and then a molarity problem so for two thousand five hundred
fifty two milliliters that's more straightforward we're just going to
convert milliliters into liters and then if you remember from learning about
moles we have two hundred and forty five grams of h2so4
and whenever you learned about moles you probably also learned how to convert
from grams to moles so in this case we don't have our check marks yet for moles
and liters but we have pathways to get to those check marks I'll have to
convert grams to moles and then milliliters to liters and then I can
plug in like I did and problems one and two so it doesn't matter which
conversion you do first I'm just gonna pick the more straightforward one I'm
gonna go ahead and convert milliliters to liters first
so to convert to leaders we have to know that a thousand milliliters equals one
liter and now we can set up our given number as a fraction and we can multiply
by our conversion ratio that we have up here so we want to cancel out
milliliters so millilitres has to go on the bottom so this whole left-hand side
goes on the bottom and then that means that our right-hand side goes on top so
now this cancels out and when I divide I get to two point five five two liters
and so now I have one of my check marks now all I have to do is find the number
of moles and then I'll be able to plug in so to convert in between grams and
moles we can use this conversion chart in this problem we're going from grams
to moles so we're going to have to follow the arrow that takes us there
we're going to have to divide by the molar mass and so before we can do that
we have to have the molar mass so plugging in my atomic weight and how
many of each element I have in my molecule remember I'm doing this for h2
98.7 seven is my molar mass and remember this is in grams per mole and so in my
calculation I've been pretty loose with sig figs I'm not thinking about that yet
I'm not gonna think about any sig figs until the very end of the problem all
I'm kind of doing is I'm looking up at my original problem and I'm saying okay
I have one two three four sig figs one two three four sig figs so I don't want
to make my molar mass less accurate and the sig figs I already have so I made
sure when I was pulling in all of these numbers from the periodic table that I
made sure to use at least four sig figs just so I didn't lose accuracy with
something that I was creating I want to have the measurements that I was given
in the problem be my limitations all right so now I'm ready to divide by the
molar mass and get my number of moles and so before we do that I'm a big
advocate of doing double checks in our heads and remember the molar mass is
what one mole of our substance weighs so we now know that one mole of h2so4
weighs 98 grams so already we can see oh we have 245 grams that's just what the
problem said so we should expect our answer to be over 1 we should expect it
to be over 2 because our molar mass of h2so4 is 98 that's about a hundred and
so two moles of h2so4 should be about 200 and we have even more than that we
have 245 grams so with that kind of double-check in our head we should be
getting some answer that's more than one mole in even more than two moles now we
can go ahead and divide again not caring about sigfigs yet I get
two point four nine eight Oh mol and so my units for this Graham's canceled out
and then moles flipped up from being on the denominator of the denominator to
being all the way up and in the numerator and so now I have my second
checkmark I have the number of moles so now finally I'm ready to plug in
so before sigfigs and units I have 0.9 seven eight eight six and now let's go
through and just do a sig fig double check so I have from up here
four sig figs from up here also four sig figs now just checking my work really
quickly to make sure I don't have to change anything my conversion fraction
does not change my sig figs I made sure to pull in all atomic weights that
didn't decrease my number of sig figs so it looks like four sig figs is my
limitation so that means I can round you one two three four I have to round up
and my final answer is 0.9 seven eight nine molar
alright hope you enjoy this video and happy studying
hey I hope you liked that video please feel free to subscribe click around and
watch my other tutorials and as always happy studying
Lindsay Partin: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 7:41.
Lindsay Partin: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Lindsay Partin, charged in the murder of a toddler near Dayton, will have to wait until December 10 to face a jury.
The 36-year-old woman was babysitting 3-year-old Hannah Wesche when she fell unconscious back in March.
Partin admitted to investigators that she had hit Hannah the previous day.
Here's what you need to know.
Prosecutors Say Lindsay Partin Beat the Toddler Over a Ketchup Bottle.
Lindsay Partin is accused of beating Hannah Wesche for, essentially, acting like a toddler.
According to documents filed by the Butler County Prosecutor's Office, Partin reportedly became angry after Hannah dumped ketchup into a toilet on March 6.
Investigators say the little girl suffered significant bruising to her face, chest and neck as a result of being struck that day.
Partin reportedly lived next door to Hannah and her father in Hanover Township and had been babysitting Hannah for several months.
Hannah Wesche Collapsed Two Days Later and Struggled to Breath.
Lindsay Partin admitted to hitting Hannah the day after the ketchup incident.
She also told investigators that Hannah had fallen and hit her head on the concrete garage floor.
Partin thought the child was fine and did not seek medical attention.
On March 8, Hannah reportedly passed out soon after her father brought her to Partin's house.
They quickly called 911; Jason Wesche was reportedly heard in the background urging his daughter to breath.
The Butler County Sheriff's office says that when first responders arrived at the scene, Hannah Wesche was unconscious and struggling to breath.
The report also stated that Hannah had obvious bruises on her head and face.
According to court documents, Hannah Wesche had suffered "traumatic brain injury, cervical spinal cord hemorrhage and optic nerve sheath hemorrhages." She was flown to Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.
Hospital workers there noticed additional bruising on her body.
Police say Hannah's injuries left her brain dead.
She died on March 18.
In a press release, Butler County Sheriff Richard K.
Jones issued a warning to parents.
"Parents please know who is watching your children.
Get background checks, talk to neighbors, friends and family members before letting anyone watch your children, know who you are leaving your babies with.".
Lindsay Partin Was Originally Charged with Felonious Assault But the Charges Were Increased After Hannah Died.
Lindsay Partin was originally charged with felonious assault and child endangering.
After Hannah Wesche died from her injuries, more severe charges were filed.
Lindsay Partin is now charged with murder, involuntary manslaughter and four counts of felony child endangering.
Bond was set at $75,000 and Partin paid it.
She has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
The trial was originally set to begin in October, but it has now been pushed back to December 10.
The Dayton Daily News reports the prosecution asked for the delay in order to work around a witness' availability.
The Wesche Family Expressed Outrage After the Judge Set a Low Bond.
The Journal-News reports that the Wesche and Partin families have clashed during court appearances.
On April 9, the two families screamed and cursed at each other before the hearing even began.
This was the hearing in which the judge announced the increased charges which include murder.
In the courtroom, people shouted "Murderer" at Partin after the judge set the bond at $75,000.
Jason Wesche spoke with the Journal-News after the hearing was over.
He said he did not understand the judge's decision.
"I don't know why a judge doesn't want a bigger bond for a murder case.
It just doesn't make sense.".
The Wesche Family Created a Foundation to Help Abused and Neglected Children Called HannahStrong.
Following Hannah's death, a non-profit organization was created to raise money to help abused and neglected children.
Jason Wesche is listed on the Facebook page as a Team Member.
The organization's mission statement reads:.
"We are a nonprofit organization focused on helping make the world around us a better, happier place for children of abuse and or neglect.
With the help of our tireless staff, we organize fundraisers, community events, and in-depth training sessions for our volunteers.
We use the mass majority of our income that we raise to help fund various organizations and hospitals including but not limited to Cincinnati children's hospital, Life center, and other child related services.".
StoreSmith 4pack Packable Shopping Totes - Duration: 7:13.
Silver Poplar | From the Ground Up - Duration: 1:35.
So, the Silver Poplar can sometimes be confused with a maple tree because of the shape of
the leaf, but it's actually in the cottonwood family.
It's also a beautiful shade tree and can be a nice accent to your landscape if you
have the room for a larger tree.
Now, the top of the leaf has a waxy coating while the bottom of the leaf is kind of fuzzy.
And that's what gives the tree kind of a white or silvery look to the leaves when they're
fluttering in the wind.
It is not native to Wyoming.
It's actually native to the Iberian Peninsula, Spain and Portugal, and down into Morocco,
but has proven to be a successful tree in our area.
If you can put up with the cotton, if it doesn't cause allergies for you, then you might want
to consider it.
Another thing to consider is it does put up a lot of suckers, as often cottonwood trees
And so, some areas do not allow it to be planted.
So, if you are considering planting it, be sure to check on local ordinances first.
One other thing to consider is there is a product called Sucker Stopper that you can
apply to the stems after you have cut the suckers off.
It is a plant hormone that will help prevent further suckering of the tree.
Now, it's important to remember though, this plant might start small with similar
bark to an aspen tree.
It can get very large, and so you will want to consider that if you're interested in
including this in your landscape.
So, if you have the right space and you're looking for a large shade tree, you might
consider the Silver Poplar.
This has been Caleb Carter with the University of Wyoming Extension.
You're watching From the Ground Up.
Instant Karma - Instant Justice Compilation # 33 - Duration: 9:59.
Time Jump With Professional Guy! - Duration: 0:13.
(Happy Music :D)
137555100 - Replacing Your Frigidaire Dryer's Door Strike AP5736225, 3015888, PS8689132 - Duration: 2:29.
Hi my name is Bill and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace the door strike
on your dryer the reason why you might have to do this is because the door strike is damaged
or because your dryer door won't close properly for this repair all you'll need is a phillips
head screwdriver
WARNING before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source
so this is the dryer that we're going to be using for this demonstration it's a Frigidaire
keep in mind you might have one that's not quite exactly the same but the same technique
should still apply so we're going to open up the door here and this piece right here
is our dryers door strike to get it off we're going to remove these two screws here with
a phillips head screwdriver and once you take out both screws the strike will come right
off now you can grab your new OEM replacement door strike if you don't have one already
you can find it on our online store and now we're going to put the door strike into place
line up the two holes there and then we're going to screw it in so now the strike is
on there nice and tight so we'll close our door up and just make sure it's secured here
and you can just tug on the door to make sure that the strike isn't coming out and if it
does for some reason come out and you need to adjust it you can always loosen up the
screws and adjust it as needed but then just close up your door and your repair is complete
Finally don't forget to plug in your appliance
if you need to replace any parts for your appliances
you can find an OEM replacement part on our website pcappliancerepair.com
Thanks for watching and please don't forget to like comment and share our video also don't
forget to subscribe to our channel your support helps us make more videos just like these
for you to watch for free.
You are Beautiful than the MOON | Story of Divorces - Duration: 5:35.
I say man. Musa Hashimi was the most acceptable pregnant of a Calif man, sir
The lady of this pregnant was boob and Mohini God pack had created this self-made by rubbish. She
Jesus Hashim II loved his wife very much and getting a pretty beautiful wife would be grateful to Allah
She was chatting with his wife on one of the night
During this time two beauties were playing in front of her eyes
One is the unique beauty of the moon and the other is the physical beauty of the obsessed wife
He was impressed by seeing these two beauty together. It's up to you in comparison
His wife was more beautiful than the moon's beauty
So she said to laugh at her for expressing deep love for the wife and making her happy
You are more beautiful than the moon. If you are not even more beautiful than the moon then you are three divorces
People often say a lot of fun or happy things or do such things which is why they have to face different
Difficulties later they have to suffer be ashamed have to be embarrassed and sometimes even have to face such losses
This is not possible even in the people therefore
It is absolutely necessary to keep yourself in control during the laughs and exclamation and to speak freely
The law of divorce is to be done
Anyway, I do not like to laugh if the husband divorce is a wife then it will be effective
There is no scope to say the word divorce clearly that I did not tell you to divorce that I divorced you
likewise if the divorce is conditional and the condition is available then divorce will fall as
If someone tells his wife if you do not take away today
Then divorce you
After the husband said this if the wife does not take a bath after that the king will fall on one Zillah in
other words it means that you can bring your wife back in the waiting period
But if three conditions are mentioned in the case of a conditional divorce then if the condition is found then three
Divorces will fall then the wife will not be able to bring her back
Due to the provision of divorce
Jesus did not say anything else to the wife of Jesus mother Hussein
He got up and went straight into the screen and said if I am not really more beautiful than the moon
Then three divorces have fallen upon me. So until it is not clear
I will continue to screen with you till I'm more beautiful than the moon on
Hearing of the wife. Jesus came back with eben Musa he regretted saying Oh,
What amazed me?
What will happen to me now?
But what am I going to lose my beloved? If so, what will happen to me?
How can I live without him in my absence? The wheel of life of my life will be completely stagnant
Thinking about these things
The entire night passed through his instability and excitement
The next morning he ran away to the Calif man, sir
He said everything to solve the problem of the Calif man, sir
He immediately summoned the day jurists and the Muftis of the city
the discussion started after the people gathered together
Finally everyone agreed on the fatwa wife got divorced
It is not possible for a human being to be more beautiful than the moon
You Balaji chorim's Mobarak
Majlis attended imam abu hanifa raw one of the students. He sat quietly
Did not say a word
The Calif man's are asked him you did not say anything
sitting in silence
But do you have different opinion in that month? He?
Said in that month, I do not agree with you. I think wife is not divorced
According to this he recited a verse of surah 10
Which means surely I have created man in the most beautiful form
After finishing the recitation of a verse he looked down at the mouth of the Calif man, sir
And said o a maro
Mu'minin it is understood from this verse that Allah pack has created man in a beautiful shape and an excellent form
Therefore there is nothing better than Allah and hvala and in the light of the Holy Quran, hence
The moon is not beautiful than Jesus wife
Therefore the question of divorce has not arisen on her
He was surprised to hear his statement and he accepted the fatwa without any hesitation
Meanwhile, who sees the joy of Jesus even Musa hearing that the wife was not divorced
He ran home in a hurry and took the wife aside and told everything open
What is the level of the happiness of his wife reached this level and what to say?
Dear reader in any situation. We will keep our mouths in mind
Calculate and think in terms of meaning. This is the main lesson of this incident
Oh, holy God, you guard our speech give Taufiq to speak and understand
UGA College 101 | Tips for Scheduling Your Classes - Duration: 3:34.
Hey dawgs! Ruff! Ruff!
I'm sorry, that was funnier my head. I love my college. I'm not gonna do that again.
Hey dawgs! So, it's summer, which means that classes haven't started yet
unless you have decided to take summer classes, in which case, I am so so sorry.
I don't know how you have time to watch this video. But for most of us, we haven't even scheduled our classes yet.
So if you're kind of scared to schedule your classes because they can be deceptively hard to schedule, I am here for you.
I'm a transfer student. I've done it before.
Let's make your schedule the talk of the campus. Here are four things to consider when scheduling your classes
Distance between classes: having your classes back-to-back is great,
but not if you have to sprint across campus, which by the way is seven hundred and sixty-seven acres,
to get to them.
I'm lucky because most of my classes are walking distance from my dorm,
but in case you weren't blessed with the same luck that I was, please
Please please check to see where your classes are before scheduling them five minutes from each other so you don't die
What time you want to wake up in the morning
You don't want to be too hungry or sleepy to take world history or trigonometry, which, I even really know what that is
but it sounds boring just saying it
So just make sure that you know what time you know, you want to eat breakfast what time you want to eat lunch
Because I know that if I'm hungry, I don't concentrate. If I'm sleepy, I will fall asleep.
So just you know, make sure that you know what you like to do before you schedule a class like, during your lunch hour
If you're stuck between two classes and you don't know which one to pick or you
Just kind of want to see what your schedule looks like because you have to take these classes
anyway, research them! You can go on Quizlet, you can find full out quizzes
if you type in the class name. It's always better to be over-prepared than it is to be underprepared
So I've already looked at like, I have an art history class. I have a hundred something
127 flash cards on Quizlet. It's awesome. I recommend doing it
It might sound really lame, but school is fun. Stay in school kids
Deciding on whether or not to schedule your class
throughout the week to where you have class like almost every day, or scheduling it in blocks.
You might imagine yourself using your off days
which could be most the week if you schedule it right, to get a part-time job, to study more, to join some clubs, do some
extracurriculars, I can't believe I pronounced that right! Yay! Or you could just sleep in until noon and watch Netflix.
I'm not judging. I'm just saying that if I have free time, I will be watching Netflix.
Parks and Rec is just really nice, ya know what I mean? So yeah, just, you know,
according to your own self motivation. If you do better because a teacher is like, saying, "Hey,
I have a project due now, but don't worry cuz we're gonna have class time tomorrow,"
I'm just saying you might want to have that extra class.
It has only now occurred to me that you don't know my name
I'm Katelyn. I'm a university vlogger this year. You're gonna see so much of me and we're all gonna become best friends
I really hope that my tips were super useful
If they weren't you can totally let me know and I will totally work on better tips for you guys
By the way, this is Humphrey
Co-host he doesn't talk
cuz I
Cuz you know he's not real but um, yeah, bye guys. See you this fall Katelyn out!
We bet you didn't know these things about Orlando - Duration: 1:20.
Workshop: Peer review - Duration: 10:11.
Workshop: Peer review
With thoughtful planning and clear explanations to participants, Moodle's workshop activity
can provide a very powerful peer assessment tool.
Participants may assess each other anonymously; they can practise with examples to review;they
may have a chance to evaluate their own work and the peer reviews can be random or teacher
In case of any conflicts, the teacher can retain overall control.
In this workshop activity, taken from the Learn Moodle Basics MOOC, participants must
submit information about their home region and then evaluate the submissions of other
participants, according to set criteria.
You can see that the workshop has four different phases and then it is closed.
Let's explore these one at a time, from the teacher and student point of view.
Set up phase – teacher view Our teacher adds a workshop to her course
by turning on the editing, clicking Add an activity or resource and selecting workshop.
He then gives it a name and a description, which can be displayed on the course page
by ticking the box.
Other settings can be expanded by clicking their links.
Grading Settings: Here you can decide how you want the submissions
to be graded.
There are four standard methods and clicking the help icon gives more information.
We'll use the simple number of errors which is good for a basic workshop.
Note workshops have two grades -the grade students get from submitting and the grade
they get for the quality of their assessment.
As the teacher you can change the ratio here.
Submission settings: Here is where teachers add the instructions
and decide how many (if any) files may be uploaded and the types and size of files allowed.
You can also decide to allow submissions after the deadline if this is important to you.
Assessment settings: Give basic instructions for the peer assessment
Tick the box if you want students to have a chance to assess their own work.
This is not a certainty; it just means their submissions will be included during allocation.
Feedback: Teachers can choose to add an overall conclusion
and/or file attachments at the end of the workshop activity.
Example submissions can be useful, especially if your students are new to the workshop and
need practice assessing.
You can add examples of good – and less good- work for students to assess and decide
how and when you want these example submissions to appear.
Availability allows you set opening and closing times for the submissions and assessments.
You can also choose to start the assessment phase – that is – the time when students
are peer-assessing- automatically at the end of the submission phase.
If you do this, make sure your students have been allocated submissions to assess.
We'll look at that shortly.
Other settings are similar to other Moodle activities, but it is worth knowing that in
Activity completion, students need to have only one of the two grades to complete the
Clicking save and display shows two items are done – but there are still two tasks.
One is to edit the assessment form.
This workshop is using Simple number of errors so we can write a short phrase explaining
what the student is looking for and choose our word for wrong or correct.
We can give some items more weight than others if we want.
Set up phase – student view While the teacher is preparing the workshop
this is what the student sees.
He cannot access the workshop until the teacher switches to the next phase, so make sure as
a teacher you remember to do this Submission phase – teacher view
When we switch to the submission phase students will then be able to submit their work.
We check the green arrows to ensure all our tasks are done and see that we must allocate
the submissions to the assessors.
We'll do this shortly.
Submission phase – student view Now is the time for our student to submit
her work.
In our workshop based on the Learn Moodle Basics MOOC the student must write 3 sentences
about her home area… add a link to a relevant website.. and upload an image.
She must then wait until the next phase is ready.
Assessment phase – teacher view During the assessment phase, students will
review each others' submissions, but before they can do this, our teacher must decide
how the submissions will be allocated.
Manual allocation – this means we decide who assesses whose submission, which is fine
if it is a small class or you know your students well and want to control certain allocations.
We use the drop downs to choose the reviewers and the reviewees.
Random allocation is useful if you have large classes or if you don't want to be personally
involved in the selections.
You can choose either a number per submission or a number per reviewer..
We could also allow our students to assess without having submitted anything.
As only one grade is required for activity completion, this at least will allow them
to complete the activity.
Scheduled allocation means that as soon as the deadline for submissions has passed, the
workshop will send out the submissions to be assessed.
Again you have settings to choose from for the submission allocations.
Now it's time to move to the assessment phase.
This is where the peer assessment becomes really valuable because our students are doing
the work and our teacher can simply monitor the process!
Assessment phase – student view Note: If you want assessments or reviews to
be anonymous, read the Workshop FAQ for instructions on which permissions to change to do this.
With the assessment phase open, our student clicks into the workshop and must then scroll
down and click to open and view her allocated submissions.
Now she sees the assessment form set up by the teacher.
Note: it is essential the assessment criteria are easy to understand and unambiguous.
Much of the success of the workshop activity depends on the students' understanding of
the peer assessment criteria and their ability to correctly implement them.
This grading strategy was number of errors.
The Moodle documentation on workshop gives information about the other methods
Grading evaluation phase – teacher view Here is where our teacher checks the grades.
The assessment grade is calculated by "comparison with the best assessment", which means the
grade for assessment is determined by comparing the grade you gave for each submission with
the grades other participants gave.
If everyone agrees and gives exactly the same grades, then everyone gets an assessment grade
of 100%.
If not everyone agrees, the amount that they disagree is reflected in a lower grade for
And the comparison can range from very strict to very lax.
If you're not sure, leave it as fair, the default.
Here too is where our teacher, is able to edit any grades if needed.
Perhaps one student was over generous or too unkind?
During this phase is that teachers can 'publish or make visible, selected submissions at the
end of the workshop.
These could be good examples or poor examples but are useful for students to peruse.
Submissions can be published by clicking into them and ticking the Publish submission box.
Grading evaluation phase – student view During this time, which can be few minutes
or a few days depending on the teacher's workload and number of students, students
are prompted to be patient and come back later.
Close - teacher view When the workshop is closed the two grades
will appear in the gradebook and if activity completion is used, the activity will be marked
Close – student view Here our student can check how others assessed
her and she can also view the published submissions.
Any conclusion that was added will also be seen now.
To summarise: Workshop is a advanced peer review activity which empowers learners.
Feedback - listen to your learners - Duration: 4:51.
Feedback: listen to your learners
It is essential as educators that we listen to our learners to gauge their opinions and
improve our teaching. There are several Moodle activities for surveying students. Here we
look at Feedback, which allows you to create your own questions of different types.
In this Feedback activity the student is asked to give her opinion on the course. She has
multiple choice questions, a short text questions and a longer text question. This student didn't
use the Moodle app but when our second student completes the feedback and responds 'yes' to
the Moodle app question, note that he is then presented with some extra, response-specific
questions. With the Feedback activity you can make questions
display dependent on previous responses. Setting up Feedback:
The teacher in our Vegetarian Cooking course adds a feedback activity by turning on the
editing, selecting Feedback from the activity chooser and then giving it a name and a description
which may be displayed on the course page by ticking the box. Other settings can be
expanded by clicking the links. Availability allows you to set a period of time when the
Feedback will or will not be available. In Question and submission settings you can
choose whether the submissions are anonymous or user names are recorded. Note this is not
totally secure as the logs will still reveal identities.
You can allow users to submit more than once. You might want this for anonymous feedback,
to be notified when feedback is completed and to have questions auto-numbered or not.
After submission, once students have completed the Feedback, you can provide a link to the
analysis; you can add a message of thanks or information and you can give a link to
another part of the course if you feel it is necessary.
In activity completion you can set completion only when a student completes and submits
the Feedback. When we save and display we can add our questions
by clicking the edit questions link and choosing from the dropdown. Here is a multiple choice
question We tick the box if we want to force students to answer this question and we can
allow one or multiple answers and we add the answers. Setting Not selected to Yes means
this doesn't appear as an option. Answers appear on separate lines.
Here's a short text answer question. It's worth experimenting with textfield width and
maximum characters accepted. Now we can continue our feedback by adding
more questions. But let's try making some responses dependent on previous responss.
As we make this new multiple choice question about the Moodle app, we give it a label.
This is important for future reference. We then have to add a page break and we need
to add another page break at the end of the dependent questions. So we are enclosing them
on their own page. For each conditional question we add we must
Choose a Dependence item - that's the label we added before. So this question depends
on the question with the label "Moodle app." Then we must choose the answer our new question
will depend on. We select Yes, because we only want the question to appear if students tell
us that Yes they used the Moodle app. You see these dependent questions appear in
grey to the teacher. Once we've added any dependent questions, it's important to remember
to add that second Page break, and then we can continue with any further questions which
apply to all students. Finally, let's look at those other tabs:
We can edit the questions from the Edit tab; we can save the questions as a template to
use elsewhere or we can import a previously made template. Once students have completed
the feedback, a graphical analysis is available also in chart form and downloadable to Excel,
and individual responses can also be seen. To summarise:
Feedback allows you to listen to learners and improve their course experience.
遭爆裂水泥板砸中 督工伤脊椎不举索赔 - Duration: 5:48.
Preferred Pharmacy Network - Duration: 0:56.
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