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What about this dictator what's special about it?
I said you'd ever ask why this is a handy-dandy
Beckett II scratch records see
Another mystery is history. We sell them in the gift shop he now and we do shit
Keep teaching you. Hi, Phyllis girls have been teasing buster all day
Did you hear that somebody needs the supersleuths because one way to get Buster away from those squirrels
Anytime anyplace
And the case I see is at the old tree
That's weird there's nobody around
I wonder who called us
It was me the name skunk cuz I'm uh, well, you know, whoa
Stay back. You're gonna keep away from skunk --is-- types because there you have a really smelly stench, you know as in
No offensive cards, well, I don't have a smelly stench and that's the problem
Um, may I ask skunk why not having a smelly stench is a problem
Yeah, most people take baths and brush their teeth so they won't smell bad
Why would you want to smell cuz that's what's gonna do. My mother has a smelly stench
My brother has a smelly stench my uncle has it smelly stench, but I I don't
know not even a little a
Stench of my ass in chicken
Smells so bad it make people groan
If I could make people hold their noses
Get my overall over there closes. They say you just got a whiff of you
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Social media expert advises on wiping accounts - Duration: 2:57.
Baked Chapati Wrap | Healthy, filling and so easy to make! 😃 - Duration: 7:34.
For the dough
take equal amounts of whole wheat flour
and all purpose flour
That's Atta and Maida
add in 1/4 th tsp of salt
mix it well
Add 2 tbsp of vegetable oil
Mix it in
Add water little by little
and knead
a soft dough
Cover the dough and
let it rest
for about 15 to 20 mins
For the filling
we need
red or black kidney beans
that have been soaked in water for 6 to 8 hours
and boiled till they are soft
Potatoes that have been boiled
and cut into small cubes
chili flakes
roasted cumin pdr
a pinch of turmeric
black pepper pdr
dried parsley
you could use the fresh ones
and salt to taste
chopped capsicum
chopped yellow and red bell peppers
chopped onions
and some grated garlic
fresh tomato paste
add in
2 tbsp of tomato ketchup
and some soy sauce
I'm using light soy sauce
mix it up
and keep it aside
grated cheese
preferably Mozerella
and some green coriander leaves
Heat some oil in a pan
and add in some cumin seeds
add in the onions
and the capsicum
and the bell peppers
Add in a bit of salt
and fry them
till the capsicum and bell peppers have become soft
and the onions have a golden colour to them
so we have reached that stage
and now
add in the garlic
Lower the heat
and cook it briefly
add in the boiled potatoes
Cook this for a minute or 2
Give the tomato paste a final mix
it has the sauces in it remember
Pour it in
Add in all the dry spices and the salt
You could adjust the salt later as well
That's looking bright and colourful
so now
the beans go in
check the seasoning
and adjust it accordingly
add some water
and cook it down again
so that the potatoes and the beans
soak in all the spices
and the flavour
Keep it on low
Once the water has cooked down slightly
just mash up
the vegetables and the beans
a bit
so we are using the potatoes, beans
and the capsicum
to thicken the gravy as well
We'll cook it down slightly more
that looks ready to me
we don't want it too dry
just turn off the heat
and let it cool down to room temperature
Once the potato and beans mix
has cooled down
add in some
chopped coriander leaves
and mix it in
Knead the dough lightly
use some dry flour
make balls for the flat bread
or chapati
you can make them any size you want
big or small
Roll them out
as thinly as you can
once they are done
it's time to cook them
Heat a tawa or a griddle pan
cook the chapatis
or the flat bread
Once it stars puffing up
flip it over
and cook the other side
that's ready
cook the rest of them
we don't want to cook it
fully like a chapati
just to cook it lightly on both sides
Place your flat bread on a clean surface
or on a tray
and to make your wrap
filling and robust
just add in
some cooked rice
or cooked quinoa
right at the base
since this is plain rice
I'll season it
with some light soy sauce
some dried herbs
I'm using parsley
some roasted cumin pdr
add in the bean and potato filling
some more
top it with grated cheese
and fold it into a triangle
just try and get it into a triangular shape
That's a neat parcel!
Turn it over
and that'll go onto the baking tray
get on with the rest
Arrange the wraps
on a baking tray
lined with
aluminium foil or butter paper
Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil
over them
and they are ready to go into the oven
Bake them at 190 degrees C
till they are crispy on the outside
and have a nice colour on them
Just look at them sizzling away
and all that colour on them
the cheese has oozed out
from some corners
That's perfect!
Here they are
right out of the oven
Look at the cheese that has oozed out of the corners
Serve them out immediately
Serve the wraps
with a dip and salad on the side
This is how it looks on the underside
sealed completely with the cheese
It's too hot!
but I would like to
break it open
just to show you
how it looks inside
That's fantastic!
Remember to click the Bell Icon
when you SUBSCRIBE!
江西"绿色殡改"运动 上缴棺木有奖 民众抢棺材 - Duration: 6:42.
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Amazon FBA - BSR vs Keyword Ranking - You Should Know The Difference - Duration: 9:54.
One of the topics that comes up all the time in forums that people seem to misunderstand,
especially as new sellers, is the difference between your BSR rank, which is your best sellers rank,
and your search term ranking.
Stay tuned and I'll tell you the difference between the two.
What's up fellow drivers? This is your boy David Liggins
with No Rev Limits, and I'm excited to bring you some more valuable information today.
And, if you're a new subscriber, or you just found this video somehow - basically,
I sell physical products online, through Amazon as a launch platform, through Amazon FBA.
Today we're going to be talking about one of the big misconceptions - especially for new sellers -
between your search term ranking and your BSR, which is your best sellers rank. Okay?
This is very important to understand the difference between the two, because it will help you understand your data a bit better.
And when you're going through product research, especially, this is really critical and important for you to understand.
So, you'll know what type of products - and how they're doing.
So, I actually better state it - how products are doing and what the velocity of those products are doing.
Alright, with that being said, let's start off with your best sellers rank.
Best sellers rank, or BSR, is what Amazon uses to rank
your sales against your competitors in that same category. Okay?
So, for example, if you're selling in "baby" you're going to see "baby" as your top category.
You're also gonna have a subcategory. I mean, you might have something that's a little bit deeper than that,
but in these particular niches and those categories, you're gonna have a number associated with that. Okay?
In most cases, what we're going to be focusing on as a subcategory ranking, right?
Because this really identifies what niche you're in. Okay?
So, if you're in "baby" and your selling baby blankets or baby towels,
that could be a subcategory versus "baby bedding" - for example. And, if you're looking at best sellers rank,
we don't really want to compare ourselves with the top category just "baby" in general.
Although, you can because if you're at the top 10 or top 100 for the category in general, you're killing it.
Okay so, quickly, that's just how to understand what the best sellers rank means and this is very important, guys.
This is very important when you're doing product research, when you're looking at different tools and getting your bestsellers rank, because a lot of
these tools use the best sellers rank to estimate the numbers and the velocity of sales.
Okay? And that's key here. It's the velocity of sales.
So, for example, in my subcategory if I'm in the top 100, or even the top 20,
that means my product is selling - let's say. Let's go with position 20.
Okay? So, in my subcategory, I am rank 20 for my BSR. The BSR, maybe, I don't know. Let's say 3,000. Okay?
Which can fluctuate hourly.
So, if I stayed at roughly 3,000 for a whole week, that means that I've sold at the same velocity,
roughly in that category, as everything in that subcategory. Okay? I know that can be kind of confusing.
So, let me kind of rephrase that.
So, your BSR will shift every hour, okay?
This doesn't mean you're doing good or bad, it's just - it's how it goes. Some products sell better at day.
Some products sell better at night. Some products sell better on the weekend.
Let's say, for example, that if you're cooking breakfast in the morning, you may use a skillet. Boom.
Guess when you're going to think about buying a skillet? When you're using it.
You don't think about buying a skillet when you're at the gym, for example, right?
So, this is when customers are like, "Man, I need a new skillet. Let me go ahead and make that purchase."
So, your BSR can fluctuate all throughout the day, but don't fret, guys, because this is normal. Okay?
What you want to do, and how you really evaluate how important your BSR is - or how you're selling -
is to compare your positioning with your competitors. Okay?
So, let's say that on Monday afternoon I'm ranked 20. My BSR is around 3,000.
Okay? You can be ranked 20 all week,
and your BSR could be 2,500 or it can be 3,500 or anywhere in between, right?
What that means is that from your competitors who are around you - who are in position 1 through 19 or 21 through 50, for example -
are selling, you know, you're selling at roughly the same velocity as them to maintain your 20th position.
Okay, do you understand? So, this is really important, right? Because your BSR can move.
Your BSR could be 3,000 today, and then this evening it could be, you know, 5,000
but you can still be positioned 20.
Okay? That's what really matters - that you maintain your position relative to your competitor.
Now, what this would do is, when you start looking at some of these tools like Jungle Scout -
who estimates the velocity of sales based on the BSR - if I have a product that sells really fast in the morning,
my BSR is going to be lower. It may drop to like 1,800.
So, if you're looking at the data, and Jungle Scout has scraped this data and scraped it where my BSR is at
1,800 - you're going to get a higher estimated monthly volume of sales.
Alright? Now, let's say that you go back and check a few days later,
and the BSR for that same product is at 3,200.
Now Jungle Scout, or whatever tool that you're going to use is going to give you a different
velocity of sales - velocity for that particular month.
Okay? So, it's really important for you to keep an eye on where that product lands relative to competitors.
You can't just go based off the BSR in those estimations because they fluctuate hourly,
and this is one of the big mistakes people do when they're looking at -
well, when they're doing product research and looking at the data.
Alright, now let's take a little bit of time to understand your search term ranking.
Okay? So, this is the ranking that most people are worried about,
and it's very important because this will determine how many eyeballs are going to be going in your product.
Now, just a step back. Take one step back.
Let's say I was doing a giveaway, because that's been popular nowadays.
I don't recommend the giveaways right now.There's a lot of thing that's changing, but we can talk about them another video.
But, let's say that you were doing a giveaway and you just spiked your sales.
Guess what? Your BSR is going to be extremely low, which is good.
It decreases, which means your product is selling at a fast velocity.
So, when you start to evaluate these products, you can get messed up,
because it's gonna look like this products doing really good if you catch it at a time when they're doing a giveaway
or something where they're pushing a lot of units. Okay?
Now, let's fast forward a little bit, and we're going to talk about your search term ranking.
So, your search term ranking was really important, because this is going to help you get your product in front of people's eyes.
Okay? So, if I go in and search
"baby towels"
they're going to have a list of products that are on that first page, second page, third page, etc. Okay?
Most of us are trying to get to that first page, and in most cases, trying to get those top 5 spots.
One of the top sellers for that keyword - or that search term, I should say. So, "baby towels" - for example - is a search term.
It's the search term that I, as a customer, may type into Amazon in the little search bar,
and I'm going to find a list of products.
Which, if that's one of your main search terms, you want to rank for that search term
so you show up on the first page or top 5. Okay?
This is also called ranking, and your relevancy for that particular keyword is really important.
So, if you're selling baby towels, you can have "baby blanket, baby towel baby cotton, towel baby muslin towel,
antimicrobial towel" for babies, right?
These are all different search terms that can be used to find a particular product,
and you want to rank for as many relevant search terms - or keywords -
that helps identify your products. And ranking for those means that you want to go to page 1
position, you know, 1 through 16 for example, and it could differ depending on grid format and etc.
But, that's the real big difference when we're talking about BSR and search term ranking.
Okay, guys?
So, just because your BSR may be good for a couple days
does not mean that you're going to be ranking on the first page for your main keywords. Okay?
That means you've just got a lot of sales relative to competitors,
but it could have been from all the other keywords that you maybe targeted, for example.
Okay? So, every sale contributes to a lower BSR, and improves your BSR,
but not every sale contributes to all of your keywords. And going back to listing optimization -
which I said in my last video - if you have your listing optimized for these very important keywords, every sale
helps build authority and ranking for those search terms that makes sense.
So, "baby towel" may be one of your main keywords, or "baby muslin towel"
etc. "Antimicrobial towel" may be your search time that you want to use and rank for. Right?
So, if you're bidding on Amazon sponsored ads, or PPC, for "baby muslin towels" - for example -
you're going to build a little bit more ranking and authority for every sale you get with that particular search term.
But, not only that, it's for every other sale that you get the keywords
once you have your listing optimized it's going to have residual effect
and build authority for all the search terms that you have your back end.
You also have your title and your bullet points. Okay?
So, this is just a quick tip - a quick guide.
I wanted to, kind of, clarify the difference between your search term ranking and your BSR ranking.
Anyways guys, I hope that helps, and if you like the information I'm giving -
hey, go ahead and smash that like button.
Hit subscribe below - following all my next videos, etc. Should I be putting out more content?
Hopefully doing about three videos a week. Anyways, I'm looking forward to next one, and I'll see you later.
Classic Smokey Eye Using Addiction Palette 3 - Duration: 6:46.
Hey girls, okay. Today's video is going to be all about this look right here. It's gonna be a classic
Smokey eye but I'm gonna break it down and make it a little bit more
Simple for you, so it's like a beginners smokey eye, but I think it's still really beautiful. It's a classic
That's Addy in the bathroom potty-training right now
It's a classic look. I used one palette a couple brushes
and that's it so if you want to see how I achieved this look then keep on watching and
Hopefully it will be helpful
Hey girls, okay. So as always we're gonna start with primer
I'm pushing the primer into my eyelids using a sponge primer is
Such an important step
Then I'm going to take some translucent setting powder and stamp out an angled line from the outer corner leading up to my brow
This is going to help give me a visual for how I want the eyeshadow to be shaped
It's gonna make sure I don't go outside that line
Next I'm gonna go in with a pale gray shade using a fluffy blending brush
I'm gonna start at the outer corner and start buffing this into the crease
I'm using really tiny short little motions to go in a back-and-forth windshield wiper
Motion this is gonna start to build up our crease and give us this shape
You don't ever want to go in with your darkest color
you need to slowly build it up a
Grey is a great color to start it smokey eye with as I get most of the color in that outer corner
I'll start to take it over to the inner corner, but you always want to be starting at that outer corner
Next I'm gonna mix two shades the same light gray that we went in at first with a little bit of a darker one
Using the exact same brush. I'm gonna buff it into that outer crease. So it's almost like I'm drawing a sideways V
That's how you create that smoky cat eye shape
You'll notice that a lot of this look is just me blending going back forth and blending in small circles
It's such an important step. Okay. Next we're going to go in with the darkest colors is a pure black
I'm taking it little brush and I'm drawing a sideways V
I'm literally just stamping that color into the outer corner. It doesn't mean to look perfect
It doesn't need to look pretty because now what we're gonna do is blend blend blend this color
so you can even take a black eyeliner and push it into the outer corner of your eye and
Blend it to get a smoky eye that works just as well
I think a powder is a little bit easier to work with but that's just me
So again, I'm stamping it in that outer corner and then going back with a fluffy brush and blending blending blending
You're always blending towards the outer corner, but notice I'm not taking the color all the way towards the inner inner corner
I'm leaving that
Pretty light and bright that's how you can avoid getting really dark heavy eyes that can make your eyes look smaller and tired
Keep all that darkness towards the outer corner
Okay, next we're gonna take a small liner brush I'm gonna spritz it with a little bit of setting spray
Then I'm gonna go back with that dark black color and I'm gonna line underneath my eyes with it
I'm keeping it as close as I can to the lash line and this is where it's okay if it gets a little bit
Messy or smudged out. That's kind of the point. It's to look a little bit messy and undone
so push it in there and just
Smudge and blend it out
I sprayed it with setting spray to make sure that it's really gonna be locked on there and no raccoon eyes then
I'm just taking a little bit more and darkening up that outer corner a little bit more. You can totally play with an intensity and
Say hello to the two-year-old
Okay now I'm gonna go
I'm going to tightline my upper lid so I'm pulling it. I'm putting the child down to force just weren't doing it
I'm pulling my lid up and pushing that liner into the upper waterline
This is gonna make your eyes look dark in smokey Nicks and help your lashes to look thicker and more
Balumptuous' and then I'm gonna line the lower waterline as well
I only do this when I'm doing a really dark intense, or I look normally I wouldn't line my eyes with a black eyeliner
But for a smoky eye, it's a definite then I'm taking the liner and pushing it into my upper lash line as well
Okay, now I'm gonna take my finger and that sounds crazy spritz it with some setting spray
I'm gonna take a light shimmery shade and Pat this into the eyelid
I have found that a lot of times with shimmer shades
Your fingers are the best thing you can use
If you don't use your finger, you're gonna want to use a flat synthetic brush, but your finger works great
you can really pack on the color and I sprayed my finger with the setting spray to reduce any fallout and make sure that the
shimmer, really pops
Okay next I'm going to go back into the black shade and just add a little bit more there in the outer corner sometimes when
You add on the shimmer the black can get a little bit diluted
So I just want to make sure that it's really dark and pigmented
I'm gonna go back in with that shimmer shade and taking a tiny little brush
I'm gonna use it to highlight the inner
corner of my eye and my brow bone this helps to bring together the whole look and the last step is to
take off that powder first of all, but then to add on a ton of
Mascara the more mascara the better
You could even pop it on a pair of false eyelashes
If you want to I'm using the epic mascara
Which is my favorite and I feel like it gives you just as much length and volume as false lashes do so for me
That's good
I also I'm going to take it on to my lower lashes
Which is something I don't normally do but with a smoky eye you want
Lashes all around so go ahead and put it on those bottom
bottom baby lashes
And that is it girls, that is a smokey eye for you hope you enjoyed
Can You Read 10+ Books A Month With A Full Time Job? - Duration: 7:49.
Glossier Haul + First Impressions - Duration: 7:41.
hello there you lovely people! I'm Claudia Corb0 and you're watching my
youtube channel. Subscribe! alright so today is a super exciting day because I
got my packages from glossier but I'm going to unbox this stuff review it
and I like already know and expect stuff from these products so like I'm not
going into this blind don't you worry you can expect a proper beauty guru
review from me. look at this it's so cute it has like some glossier tape and it
says have a nice day on there that's adorable I say have a nice day it's just
meant to be it's really nice pastel pink on the inside
oh my gosh oh look at how cute these little stickers are I'm so excited so
now onto opening up the second box. "skin first makeup second smile always" that
should have been my senior quote oh and if you don't know what glossier is, it's
like becoming this more popular brand I think that it's more so known for like
the whole aesthetic of it but it's very much so about like embracing your inner
beauty and everything like that so the stuff is known to be pretty low coverage
the prices are a little higher than like what you would find at a drugstore or
something like that like I will admit to it but they are better prices than what
you would get from like if you're using everything Mac or whatever but if you do
want to make sure that you're getting a better price I have a 10% off link
thinks if you just click on the link in my description you'll get 10% off and
I'm pretty sure I get like something back if you do but like honestly if you
don't want to use the link don't use the link I'm not trying to pressure you into
anything just put it out there if you want to save a little bit but I figured
I should start with skin care so that's what we are going to do this is the
milky jelly cleanser I've heard great things about it it says this ph-balanced
creamy gel formula gently removes impurities and softened without
stripping your skin of moisture alright so
definitely like a very jelly consistency let's see how this feels
so now that I've watched off I don't I don't really feel like anything
particularly special like what do you think doesn't look smooth
it definitely dried out my skin a bit and it feels smooth so next is the
priming moisturizer which I've heard kind of like in reviews of it that's why
I didn't buy the full size because I didn't want it to just be and for me and
then for my bank account to be like girl you should not have thought that my
second feeling a little dry today because I just use our cleanser and it
was really dry and I can definitely feel that it did not leave me feeling
moisturize at all this feels nice it feels very moisturizing also this has
like a subtle kind of sunscreen II smell yeah this definitely combats the dryness
of the milky jelly cleanser well because it is quite moist as you can see I'm
probably a very shiny right now next is this cherry bomb calm it's red it's
supposed to taste nice and like cherries so this says swipe on to lips for a
loving layer of a nourishing moisture that sounds quite enticing for a lip
balm ooh there we go oh I feel like I squeezed too much out
oh my gosh the smells and tastes just like cherry lollipops and literally a
Jessica Nikita this not going well so it does have a very like nice and subtle
red tint I like that I think it's quite pretty it was a very thick but we don't
remind too thick around here so I also got the stretch concealer this is what
it looks like I got in the shade medium which in hindsight like um I'm not a
medium skin tone I'm like obviously the lightest skin tones I don't know why I
did that oh you know it's definitely getting rid of like some redness and
inconsistencies in skin tone and stuff the color match is actually really nice
which is saying something because do I look like a medium skin tone girl no I
do not I look like a light skin tone girl so like where is your shade range I
have like a little redness or years let's see if it covers that this is
really nice and moisturizing so it's great for under eyes but I feel like for
coverage for pimples or anything it's not great and I wouldn't
commend it for that so here are the two clap hands that I got so I got the shade
dusk and beam dusk is a little bit more like a burnished color and beam is a bit
more Coralie let's put these bad boys on I think I'm gonna go with dusk it's
really bill oh my god I schoolers too much out I'm just getting excited as
Breeden squeezing things up so you really don't need too much a little goes
a long way with this stuff but it does blend out really well so like I look
like a Kong right now but just wait this is Claudia trying to be a beauty guru
things don't really work out that well oh god this is way too much fella next
thing that I picked up was actually for my set of like the boy brow and Hollow
he lose I think it's hang low scope I don't come for me but yeah it's this
it's the highlighter which I'm super excited about because I really like the
what benefit Watts up highlighter and that's a like stick highlighter and so
is this so I hope I like this too I got this in the shape course which was like
kinda in between ish shade oh look at that
isn't that cute I guess that's why it's called that it looks like a little halo
and I know that the stuff in the center is supposed to make you very dewy this
is called the dew effect I later I want to see how much product is actually in
here oh that's like nothing all right let's get that on there oh it's very
sticky I feel like my skin's already not like matte so I don't really know if
this is making oh yeah it's something making a difference look at that do you
see it so that's good nose highlight going on I really do enjoy that boom
boom already there sister yes I'm not James
Charles I can't say that but do you like the highlight this is the thing that I'm
go six move it about it's the boy brow and I just got my brows done thanks for
noticing and so I just I really want to try it out so this is what it looks like
the tubes actually really small these come in a bunch of different shades I
got sheep blonde I hope that it matches okay
wait I'm gonna do it on one burro and then you can have a look for if it
really makes so much of a difference I want to get it right I want to do them
justice hmm okay so it's a lot more filled in like this is the one that I
did obviously and this is one I haven't done and yeah Wow interesting I don't
know if I quite like how bold it looks and such said both the bras are done and
looking rather dark I think that it definitely does a job of like filling in
and kind of taming brows a lot so this is my finished look if you like it
reluctant products you can lose that 10% off link that I have no pressure though
obviously don't have to buy anything just letting you know it's a good way to
save money okay so I'm recording this after all my
phone because my camera I don't know if it's not recording properly so I'm sorry
about the quality of this but yeah if you like this video be sure to give it a
thumbs up down below I really appreciate that let me know if you do like these
beauty videos I would like to do them more frequently and try out some more
makeup if you aren't subscribed already make sure you subscribe because I'm
having a giveaway going on right now and literally all you have to do to be enter
to subscribe and comment away to reach you and for all the people that are
excited about the giveaway and everything I do want to add this more
often but like at every benchmark and stuff so you can definitely expect like
a big giveaway at 500 subscribers so just stick around for that that'd be
cool I hope that you're having a lovely day and continue to and see you
Lester my baby oh my
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