What happens when you stop paying your credit-card bills?
With overall US household debt increasing by 11% in the past decade debt is a way of life for
many Americans. While don't spend above your means will always be sound advice
it can be difficult to put into practice since household debt keeps increasing
while income just doesn't keep up. The cost of living and rapid growth in
medical and housing costs is dwarfing income growth making it challenging to
meet obligations without leaning on credit cards and loans. But, if you are
overwhelmed by credit card debt you may wonder what happens if you simply stop
paying your credit card bills? Well your minimum payments will increase because
you have to make up the payments you've missed plus late fees are added making
your balances rise even faster your interest rates can increase the penalty
rate after your account become 60 days past due each month your minimum payment
gets larger as more late fees added to your balance. When the penalty rate kicks
in your finance charges will also increase the result is that your
outstanding balance and payments you need to catch up gets larger every month
you're late it gets more expensive to catch up the more behind you are.
Even after you catch up the penalty rate will remain in effect until you've made six
consecutive payments on time. After that the interest rate must go down for your
existing balance but can remain in effect for new purchases. If you have
multiple credit cards with the same company those interest rates may
increase too, if you wind up in collections due to non-payment it will
stay in your credit reports for seven years from the date the account
originally became delinquent. Unpaid collections accounts may eventually land
you in court or at least with the court summons. Lawsuits for collection accounts
are a common and efficient way for collection agencies to get payment
never ignore of court summons about debt. These lawsuits can result in wage
garnishment a bank levy or lien on your property if you are struggling with debt
we have solutions that can help you simply fill out our form or better yet
call us now and we'll match you with the best solution for your situation we are
A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and have helped thousands of
people become financially stable and we can help you too. So don't struggle any
longer give us a call when life happens we're here for you.
For more infomation >> What happens when you stop paying credit card bills - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
Know Your Toyota - Apple CarPlay - How to Navigate between Entune 3.0 and Apple CarPlay - Duration: 2:09.
[Music plays]
When you tether your Apple iPhone to the Entune 3.0 Display Audio system using Apple CarPlay,
you may notice that the Entune 3.0 App Suite cannot be accessed when the "APPS" button is pressed on the vehicle's multimedia display.
This is because CarPlay and Entune 3.0 App Suite cannot be used simultaneously.
By selecting the "HOME", "MENU", or "AUDIO" buttons you will be redirected to the appropriate menu.
Pressing the Toyota Icon in the CarPlay apps will also redirect you to the Home menu.
But in order to access the Entune 3.0 App Suite, CarPlay must be disabled in one of two ways.
The easiest way to do this is by simply untethering the approved lightning cable connected to your iPhone 5 or newer device.
This will effectively end your CarPlay session and will restore Entune 3.0 App Suite connectivity,
if the proper Entune 3.0 app is installed and the iPhone was already paired via Bluetooth prior to tethering.
The second option is to disable the CarPlay functionality on the vehicle's multimedia display.
You will need to do this when using Entune Apps that require your phone to be tethered for enhanced functionality,
like when using the Scout GPS Link app to push moving maps from your phone, to the multimedia display.
Begin by untethering your iPhone, as you cannot disable CarPlay when the feature is active.
Then press the Menu Button on the vehicle's multimedia display.
Followed by Setup, General, scroll down, and then disable CarPlay by turning the function to "Off".
You will now be able to access the Entune 3.0 App Suite while tethered,
but it is important to note, that if you wish to access CarPlay again,
you must turn the functionality back to "on" in the vehicle Setup menu.
Thanks for watching this Know Your Toyota video
[Music fades to silence]
Do you have sleep apnea? | SA Live | KSAT 12 - Duration: 3:17.
Texas Chic Looks | SA Live | KSAT 12 - Duration: 3:55.
Matching Questions in Blackboard Learn with the Ultra Course View - Duration: 1:37.
With Matching questions, students pair items in the prompts column to items in the answers
Let's take a look.
Select the plus sign wherever you want to add a question to a test or assignment, and
select Add Matching question.
Begin by adding the instructions or question in the editor.
Next, add prompts and answers.
You must have at least 1 prompt and 2 answers.
The default fields in a new Matching question satisfy this requirement.
Select Add Pair to add additional prompts to this question.
You can reuse answers in pairs.
Access the menu next to a pair's answer field and select Reuse an answer.
Make a selection from the answers you previously added.
Select Add Answer to add additional answers that don't match any prompts.
Additional answers cannot be reused.
When building your question content, you can add files, video, audio, and links to any
field with an editor.
Make a selection in the editor's options or Insert Content menu, such as Insert from Cloud
You have limited editor functions for prompts and answers.
For example, you can't add bullets or numbered lists.
When you are finished building your question, choose a scoring option.
Matching questions are graded automatically based on the scoring option you choose.
And finally, when you are finished editing your question, select save.
Vegan beauty products to help you look your best, guilt-free - New Day NW - Duration: 7:27.
Keep Moving Forward: Master Hinkle: You Can Always Try - Duration: 1:31.
Master Hinkle: I'm a T12 paraplegic. I drive, I work, I do yard work. I do everything that needs to be done. I just had to be tough.
Host: This is Keep Moving Forward.
George H.W. Bush: Let the shameful wall of exclusion finally come tumbling down.
Host: Exploring the legacy and promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Master Hinkle: I'm Master Hinkle, I'm 30 years old and I have a spinal cord injury. I've been in a wheelchair since I was about three years old, due to a semi accident.
Being as young as I was, the ADA was really just coming into its own, so there are places that are still standing, that I may never get inside of unless I got strong enough to climb the stairs.
And so, the more weights I lifted, the stronger I got, and the easier it just got to get into a lot of places.
You can't do everything you want because there are limitations. There are physical limitations, there are mental limitations. But you can always try.
You can't always do, but you can always try.
I think that's the biggest thing I want to get across to people.
Host: Keep Moving Forward is supported by the Minnesota Council on Disability ...
... the Minnesota Humanities Center ...
... and the Minnesota Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund ...
... online at Ampers.org.
Why The Seemingly Messy Ones May Be More Intelligent - Duration: 5:46.
Why The Seemingly Messy Ones May Be More Intelligent
You might not be ready to call yourself a full-on mess, but the lack of order in your
life may be the result of your completely scatterbrained state of being.
You are not alone, there are loads of us out there, myself included.
In this video, I'm going to show you why the seemingly messy ones may be more intelligent.
But before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't
miss any interesting updates in the future guys!
Also, don't forget to check link on the description below to see our interesting offer that might
be useful for you.
My friend and I have a running joke about our 'floordrobes', a euphemism we invented
to describe the clothes that often cover the floor or adorn the furniture in the house.
Its not anything I am proud.
Its a way of life I have become accustomed to, there are always piles of paper everywhere
and I can never find my hairbrush quickly but I always know where the important stuff
Perhaps like me, you have also been urged to work on this aspect of your life by the
'tidier than thou's?
Sloppiness leads to error, they say, insisting instead that orderliness is a requirement
for success.
Do you, like me clean up regularly only to find it only stays straight for about a day,
if that, as you rush about, being busy doing this and that?
I am never bored and after a long day I am simply not going to spend several hours cleaning
and tidying the house, I'm in bed dreaming of the mess I can create tomorrow.
Ok, so things may get misplaced from time to time, but it's never detrimental to your
overall life.
You are aware that your mind is everywhere, but it just sort of works for you.
Well, according to Eric Barker for Time Magazine, these scatterbrained tendencies of yours may
actually determine how smart you are.
Barker presents a theory that says messiness is an indicator of intelligence.
Citing Steven Johnson's book "Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History Of Innovation,"the
basis of the theory hinges on the idea that the busier and more cluttered the brain will
lead to more potential breakthroughs and ideas.
Barker compares the creativity levels of big cities versus small towns to demonstrate this.
He says, "A city that was 10 times larger than its neighbor, was 17 times more innovative.
A metropolis 50 times bigger than a town was 130 times more innovative."
According to Barker, this is because higher volumes of "ideas bouncing about" in those
more crowded cities and metropolises lead to a general increase in innovation.
So you can compare your brain to a crowded city or which is more innovative than a more
sparsely populated village, though cowed your mind may be more prone to those kinds of innovative
Additionally, Johnson says that engaging in multiple hobbies, like many scatterbrained
people do, keeps your brain working at peak efficiency.
He explains how working on a variety of different projects at once can provoke new, more abstract
styles of thought and reasoning.
Multitasking forces you to shuffle between thought processes and encourages your brain
to "approach intellectual roadblocks from new angles or to borrow tools from one discipline
to solve problems in another."
Instead of just zoning into one specific way of thinking.
At the end of the day, you want your thoughts to jumble around with each other.
It may sound counterintuitive, but you want your ideas to "fight," as Barker puts
Sounds hopeful?
Let's look at it from a different angle, I know you like to do that.
On his own personal blog, Barker references the work of Jonah Lehrer, who argues in his
book, "Imagine: How Creativity Works", that this so-called debating of ideas is what
leads to productivity.
He writes "debate and criticism do not inhibit ideas but, rather stimulate them relative
to every other condition."
This could be a provocative finding in regard to people who are disorganized.
People often argue that the clutter of items on someone's desk or the floor of his or
her room may prevent that person from thinking clearly, Lehrer seems to think such clutter
could stimulate a person creatively.
I have always been criticised by my peers about the jumble of visual ideas that surround
my work space.
I argue that it allows me to float off into other aspects of the thought process, and
admittedly complicated things might not get done immediately, they always get completed
in time and with much richer outcomes.
It's as if disorganised people are trained to thrive in chaos, and if they harness those
qualities productively all sorts of amazing things can start to happen.
I think a level of disorganisation can help you to be flexible when obstacles arise and
keep you on your toes when you need to approach situations differently, not much can sway
you and in the surprises and disorderliness of life you can remain calm and focussed on
your objectives.
So don't feel embarrassed or cowed anymore when people criticise your work or living
space, if you are still creative and efficient in your life, celebrate it, as it might be
the secret to your success.
Well, that's the reason why the seemingly messy ones may be more intelligent.
Really cool information isn't it?
Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.
Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel, thanks
for watching!
HELP MAKE A WISH COME TRUE! - Duration: 2:09.
I am Melisa Ozerska and I am 19 year old. 'm a young Deaf traveler.
I love exploring the world to discover and share amazing stories, show my dreams that I have follow..many things
Because I'm all about discovering myself, learning new things daily,
meeting and interacting with awesome people, seizing every opportunity to expand my perspective on life
and grow my experience, taking risk, and many more.
Where I would like to go, places?
Ah, why? I want to look and discover more clearly there the cultures,
I want to know how it can cope, for example, money, children, life, I want to know everything there.
I want them showing there there will be an interesting cultures there
I was litte and travelled with a family, for example, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finnland, Sweden, Norway, only these.
I loved sports much..For a long time I was focusing in sports, I was 15 and 16 years old
At that time I start began to communicate with international people, there after someone called me
I doubted.. I decided to go around and I went alone for the first time, the first plane was Switzerland.
This travel inspected me.. after Ireland, after more times travel to where..
learn more about the cultures and the people who want to share their culture. I am looking
This cost will help me to cover flights, visas, hotels, food, tours.
Please donate what you can and help me , if cost will done then I will show you everythings the travel and there cultures..
Are you ready? Come on here for support + plus you can share anytime free!
Do you want to know what kind of culture and what? what's what about Africa? What cities?
What is culture in Asia? Lets donate, then will show your all anytime! Will be interesting! Come in!
Sevilla Silver Set of 3 Round Precious Gem Stud Earrings - Duration: 5:38.
Keep Moving Forward: Lisa Kidder - From Qualified to – "Just Blind" - Duration: 1:31.
Lisa Kidder: You can change barriers in physical environments, say for instance, by putting in a wheelchair ramp or putting Braille signage up, but it isn't as easy to change people's attitudes.
Host: This is Keep Moving Forward.
George H.W. Bush: Let the shameful wall of exclusion finally come tumbling down.
Host: Exploring the legacy and promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Lisa Kidder: My name is Lisa Kidder. I'm a political science major at the University of Minnesota. And I'm totally blind. I think of myself as just a person who can't see. It isn't how I define myself.
We live in a society where it seems like almost everything is based on looks. I've experienced situations where people will say, "You have an excellent resume, an excellent cover letter, but the problem is, you're blind."
So, you might be one of the best-qualified applicants who has the most experience, but you go from being a qualified applicant to just: blind. And they don't look past that.
And it shouldn't matter, if someone has a disability, as long as you're effective.
Host: Keep Moving Forward is supported by the Minnesota Council on Disability ...
... the Minnesota Humanities Center ...
... and the Minnesota Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund ...
... online at Ampers.org.
Reuse Questions in Blackboard Learn with the Ultra Course View - Duration: 1:35.
In the Ultra Course View, you can reuse questions and other content from all existing tests,
assignments, and question banks in your course.
Let's take a look.
In an assessment, select the plus sign wherever you want to reuse questions or assessment
content, and then select Reuse questions.
The copied questions and content are inserted at this point in the assessment.
On the Reuse Questions page, you can browse, preview, filter, and select questions created
or imported into your course.
You can view the questions, but you can't make edits until you copy the questions to
your assessment.
You can also reuse other content you added to assessments, such as text blocks, files,
images, and videos.
The Filter Criteria panel is open by default and all questions and assessment content appear
in the active filter area on the right.
The active filter area changes automatically as you select or clear criteria.
You can expand questions and content to view them.
Select the check boxes for the questions and assessment content you want to copy, and when
you are finished, select Copy Questions.
You can't reuse questions when you've added a rubric to your assessment, you chose to
collect submissions offline, or when students have opened the assessment.
Also, you can't reuse text blocks or files if you chose to randomize questions.
After you've copied your questions, you can edit the copies in your new assessment
without concern.
Sevilla Silver Set of 5 Round Gem Stud Earrings - Duration: 4:38.
Columbus, OH Water Quality Assessment: What You Need To Know - Duration: 2:27.
Columbus, Ohio recently released its annual water quality report, and our Water Nerds
dug through it so you don't have to!
Make sure to comment below to suggest which city our Water Nerds should tackle next.
Let's start with Chromium 6.
Chromium 6 is a highly toxic metal that is currently unregulated by the EPA.
Chromium 6 pollution is associated with metal processing, tannery facilities, chromate production,
stainless steel welding, and pigment production.
Chromium 6 levels were detected as high as 0.35 parts per billion in certain treated
surface water sources.
These levels are 17 times higher than the concentration determined to have a negligible
impact on cancer risk.
EPA has acknowledged that Chromium 6 is a known human carcinogen through inhalation,
but is still determining its cancer potential through ingestion of drinking water.
Next is disinfection byproducts or DBPs.
DBPs are formed when chlorine-based disinfectants are routinely added to the water supply to
kill bacteria, and react with organic matter.
They are split into two categories: Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and Haloacetic Acids-5
Two of the three treatment plants had elevated concentrations of DBPs.
Concentrations for Haloacetic Acids at the Dublin Road Water plant averaged 29.4 parts
per billion and reached concentrations as high as 36.1 parts per billion.
Concentrations of trihalomethanes averaged 40.2 parts per billion but reached concentrations
as high as 61.6 parts per billion.
At the Hap Cremean Water Plant, haloacetic acid concentrations averaged 45.3 parts per
billion and reached concentrations as high as 55.5 parts per billion.
Trihalomethane concentrations averaged 53 parts per billion, and reached concentrations
as high as 86.5 parts per billion.
For a bit of perspective the Maximum Contaminant Level of trihalomethanes is 80 parts per billion
and 60 parts per billion for haloacetic acids.
Disinfection Byproducts are a category of emerging contaminants which means they have
been detected in drinking water but the risk to human health is unknown.
Our Water Nerds are on the lookout for other cities to cover.
If you would like us to see what's going on in your hometown, please let us know and comment
Also, if you have any questions about this report or anything else water related, drop
us a line at hello@hydroviv.com, or visit hydroviv.com and use our live chat.
Our Water Nerds are based in Washington DC and can answer any questions you have.
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