Hi all, this is my first LinkedIn video blog and also the most exciting news I've had to share
in a while. I'm about to embark on a three-month sabbatical and a lot
of people have been asking me "Where are you going?". So I'm actually not going to be going
anywhere, unusually enough, I am going to try and write a book in that time period instead.
As many of you may suspect it's not a lot of time to
write a book in. So I want to take a slightly different approach. Instead of holding
myself up in a cabin for three months and not talking to anybody so that I can
write, I want to actually take a lot of product principles and apply them to
what I do. I've been working as a product manager for two teams and
I've really enjoyed it, I really enjoy the process. I like having a vision that
you can align a team around so they know where they're going,
I like having customer centric design so having the customer at the heart of
everything you do and the decisions you make, and also the iterative development
cycles, so trying not to build the perfect thing
initially but accepting that you'll learn more by just giving it to people
and seeing how it turns out afterwards. I'm going to be documenting this process
and sharing it. You don't need to know, necessarily, what product
management is to embark on this adventure with me. I'm going to be laying
all that out in my first blog post saying exactly how the process is going
to work. I'd be really interested in getting people's
thoughts and opinions on it which is my entire point to making this video in the first
place. So I'd like to ask people for help, get some advice. Maybe you work as
a writer, maybe you work as a publisher, maybe you've done something like this
before, maybe it's your side hustle. I'd be really interesting in hearing how it's
going for you and what massive learnings you've had along the way as well. So
follow me if you're interested in this process and thank you in advance for listening or
commenting, sharing advice and I look forward to sharing this adventure with you.
For more infomation >> So I hear you're going on sabbatical? Where are you going? - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Instagram Qtiyapa - Instagrameen Rozgaar Yojna ft. Mithila Palkar, Dulquer Salman - Duration: 7:34.
Yes, Kanye bro. It'll all be done.
Listen, please inform Jay Z bro to tell sister-in-law Beyonce
to get her loan from the Instagrameen bank approved.
Okay... All right... Give my respect to dear North.
And lots of love to sister-in-law Kim. All right, brother.
So, Viral Kumar, we gave you a loan of 50k followers. Did anything go viral?
Not at all, sir. I worked out for six months and uploaded a pic of my six-pack,
I even took a selfie with my gluten-free protein shake.
Still, nothing went viral.
Hmmm, did you try cute pets?
Yes, sir. I posted a picture of my cat.
I even tried the 'puppy' filter on it, but still nothing.
Do one thing-
load your bag with a DSLR and your mobile with roadtrip music,
Then get going with wanderlusting.
- Mr. Sinha. - Yes sir.
Dear, tell him the destination, not the playlist.
Ok. You can go to Corsica, Costa Rica, Kodaikanal or anywhere else.
Go now, next!
Hello, sir. Good morning. Neha this side!
I want to be an Infiltrator on Insta.
- Infiltrator? - No. That blue tick thingy?
Sorry, sorry. Influenza.
- Influencer? - Sir, that's what she said.
Yeah! That's what I wanna be.
Look, you maybe a wannabe, we are not denying.
but that's not enough for a blue tick.
See mam, under the 'Prime Servant Instagrameen employment scheme'
a loan of 25 lakh followers can be allotted;
but only to the needy and talentless youth.
We can't just give it to anybody.
Sir, I'm not any Tom, Dick or Prince Harry. I'm like really talentless, okay?
Please, sir. I really want this bad!
#Currentmood: despo
Ever since I saw your ad in the newspaper I was like...
Hold on...
You...read the newspaper?
Lol! You know I can't read!
I can get trending memes, current affairs of all celebs
and latest updates of Taimur on Instagram.
- #awareness. - Then, what do you do with the newspaper?
Obvio! I take a picture of my coffee mug with it,
then I look up some motivational quote to go with it, and then I post it.
#morningcoffee #morningmotivation
#morningmorning *other irrelevant # just to get likes*
Ok-ok. I understood, madam.
Look, it's almost lunch time so I won't lie...
You seem deserving of a blue tick...
Sir, I even did a solo bike trip from Cochin to Siachen.
When I put up an instastory from the mountain top, I just got one comment-
"Dude, you got on top of the mountain, but how will you get down now?"
Look, it is a little tough for boys to get Insta famous.
- It's not like you're Rock or Ronaldo. - Sir, but Justin Beiber also...
Sir is talking about boys... Boys!
Sir, there must be some way?!
- There is one way. Mr. Sinha. - Yes sir.
Look, if trip didn't help you, strip will.
Post a beach or washroom selfie
with some deep philosphical shit below. You'll definitely be viral!
Okay, sir. Thank you, sir!
Listen! Don't forget to shave!
Madam, you're still here?
No, sir was talking about me being deserving or something.
Was I?
Look, we tend to make mistakes. We're humans afterall.
Since, it's a government office, papers work more than potential here.
We'll need a BPL card of yours.
Sir, but I'm not Below Poverty Line...
I'm rich! I'm like filthy rich!
BPL! means Best Photogenic Lads!
You are already pretty, just add a few filters, and get a passport sized picture.
That should make you photogenic.
What do you say, sir?
But, I'll have to do 'that' for it!
Madam, compromises don't work here. Sir told you, it's a government office, not Bollywood!
No, no. I mean that thing that helps poor people?
- Government? No, that can't be it. - Hard work!
I'll have to work hard.
Madam, this is a government office, even hard work doesn't work here.
Then what does work here?!
Look madam, no offence,
but you look a bit smart. So we'll be straightforward with you.
Look, we'll give you your blue tick.
But for that, you'll also have to take care of us a little.
Follow us back on Insta and give us a shoutout in 2-3 of your insta stories.
Even we'll get more followers that way.
Note down my insta handle. It's @yourbaedubey.
- Mr. Sinha. - Yes sir. Mine is John Sinha.
You can't see me. I hardly have any followers so you'll have to look for me.
No problem.
Neha mam, tell us your insta handle. We'll process your blue tick file.
-Sir... -What...
Ms. Neha, what is this?
What happened, sir? Any problem?
Any problem? How do you spell Friends?
- Mr. Sinha. - Yes sir.
It's right, but at times even FRNZZZ ('Z' in Indian accent) also works.
Yeah, but how will THIS work?!
Not only did you write the complete word but also the correct spelling!
Sir, I don't know... I don't know how it happened. I really don't know.
- Damn you auto correct! - Auto correct?!
Mr. Sinha, get her out!
I don't know where the hell do these bloody educated fools come here from?
Go do a PhD in physics or get a job at NASA!
- Want to be an Influenza, huh? - Come on, get out!
Get out! Come on, out you go!
Sir, I did just as you said.
I made a boomerang of coming out of the sea,
just like Daniel Craig from Casino Royale.
And put a caption below- 'Water is life' #shutupandbounce.
So, did it go viral or not?
No, sir. My followers body shamed me...
Can you get a sex reassignment surgery?
10 Things Clients Should Know About New Beginnings Family Law | Huntsville AL Family Law Attorneys - Duration: 3:00.
Ten things I wish our clients knew about us
First, in almost every case. We have someone in our firm who has been in your shoes
Our team is a conglomeration of single parents
divorced parents, children of divorced parents, members of blended families, and parents struggling with post-divorce issues.
Second we understand how hurt and angry you are about your situation
and are here to help you through the legal and emotional turmoil you are facing.
Third, we genuinely care about our clients and their success. You are not just a client.
You become part of our firm family and our story.
Fourth, we believe our clients should see a return on the attorney's fees. They invest in us
While not every case comes down to dollars and cents
We want you to be involved in working out a retainer amount and payment structure that works for you
Fifth, if we ask you to do something there is a reason for it. The attorney-client relationship is a partnership.
We work together in order to achieve the best outcomes.
That is why it is so important for our clients to listen and to follow the advice of their attorney.
Sixth, we are not here to judge you, you can feel free to be honest and open with us
We have all been given so much grace in our own lives that we are called to extend that same brace
If you don't tell us all the good the bad and the ugly we cannot properly advise you
Number seven, our attorneys have over 40 years of combined litigation experience.
If a trial becomes necessary, we are prepared to zealously present and defend your case.
Number eight, even though we are prepared to take your case to trial. We will never push you into a courtroom.
Unless it is an absolute last resort
We find that parties who are able to resolve their legal disputes amicably,
Without going before a judge are more satisfied with the result overall because they were involved in the settlement process
Instead of allowing a stranger to make decisions about their lives.
Ninth, we are here to fight for you, your rights, your hopes, and your dreams
And finally, our ultimate goal is to help you find a new beginning after your divorce is over and we are here to coach clients through
that process when they are ready.
If you're facing divorce or other family law matters
such as child custody, child support, adoption, and more; We want to help.
New Life, New Direction, New Beginnings!
Top 10 Hottest Bollywood Actresses 2018 - Duration: 3:19.
Top 10 Hottest Bollywood Actresses 2018
How to use IFERROR in Excel - Tutorial - Duration: 2:24.
Hi. In this Excel tutorial, we'll go over how to use the IFERROR function in Excel. One of the IF functions, IFERROR helps to clean up how
formula errors look and behave in spreadsheets. Incorporate this into your formulas and, if the calculation results in an
error, you can customize what to display instead of the error message. And, by the way, if you enjoy this tutorial, don't forget to Like the
video and subscribe to the channel for even more tips. So, let's say we need to divide
these numbers
and, when we do that, some will give us an accurate result and others will end in error - such as dividing by zero and dividing by the
letter J. Now, for arguments sake, let's say that we can't change these. These are part of the project that I'm going to be working on and
they have to be there. Well, what we can do to clean up the spreadsheet - we'll copy this over and
we'll paste it right next to it. And, this time, we'll do the calculation, but we'll include an IFERROR
function before our calculation. So, we typed =IFERROR
and then we'll divide column H by column J, comma, and, where it says "Value If Error" we need to type what we would like to see if there
is an error. So, in this case, we'll type "Contains Error." Now, if you really want your spreadsheet to be
very clean, you could just type a blank space and have that return a blank cell if there's an error.
So, when we do this you see that now we get results for the first and the last calculation, but the 2 middle ones, of course, say Contains
Error. Now, another way that this helps is, let's say we have to then sum our results. So, if we type =SUM... In this first example we can't do
this calculation because of the formula errors. Now, if we were to copy this over to our IFERROR example, now
we're able to do this because even though there's errors in our formula, Excel is able to ignore those errors and calculate the remaining
results to give us our total. So, I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to use IFERROR in Microsoft Excel. If you did, please make
sure to Like the video and don't forget to subscribe to this channel. Thanks!
Antique Key Pendant 3D Modeling in Rhino 6 (2018)- Jewelry CAD Design Tutorial #39 - Duration: 23:44.
Hello everyone welcome back to my YouTube channel
PJ Chen design. This channel is about sharing Rhino 3D knowledge to students
and professionals learning various Rhino3D techniques. We are going to talk
about this key model today. I will show you the detail of the top part. How I
built each parts, and construct it into the solid. We won't talk about the bail
and a chain in this tutorial but you can find a link below
to see the detail tutorials on specific the chain and the bail. Are you ready
let's get started!
if you go to the Google and search for the old design you will have a lot of
black and white image which is actually easier for us to trace in the Rhino
so go ahead to pick up any of the design that you like as a reference. We don't
have to build exactly the same, but some of the design have very intricate scroll
design, for example, will be great for a design reference. So pick up the image
that you like, and save it into somewhere you can find. And we'll use that to trace
in the Rhino. so when we are in the Rhino. Let's go to the top view and type in
"picture frame" for the Rhino 5, or "picture" in Rhino 6. And we're going to the image
that we saved. And bringing into the top view, you can pick up any of the image
that you like. In this case, my demonstration will working on the one
in the left. So I want roughly to scale into the size that I like. In this case
is roughly over... it's about 40 millimeter roughly, and we
can always change the size later. So let's go ahead to lock this one and
since my image is black, I'm going to change my line into... my layer into the red
color, so my line will be easier (to see). My plan is to use "sweep2 rail" command, so we
will need to create a curve for it. Let's use the curve tool and I wanted to
starting from inside of this sphere, so we can have intersect and we can boolean
it later so let's draw the first one, then you
can always use F10 or turn on the control point to find the best curve on
it. Alright so I'm going to draw one more time this one we're gonna draw
somewhere from here and try to find the best curve here. Alright, here I want to
show you a little trick instead of try to trace this puffy part. I usually like
to use the blend tool because it's come up better. I'll pick up this end and this
end, and you can also edit the control point to make sure it fit well. Once you
have done that, you will have three different section. Let's go ahead to hold
the SHIFT key and join them together. After joining we would like to split
into half, and you can always make sure that your Osnap either is on the
midpoint or the quadrant is on, and we use the point to separate them into two
half. So those two will be our rails and let's go to the perspective (view) now. we need
to make a cross-section, so let's use the "arc" tool
and in the arc tool, on the third one, is "start, end and direction" of the arc so
we will do is we will go into the perspective (view) and let's snapping to the end
point and the end point coming to the right view, and holding the SHIFT (key) so that
way you will have a 90 degree. Alright so to create this surface, let's go to
use the.... under the "surface" you have "Sweep2 rail", and this is gonna be rail 1,
rail 2, cross section, and that's how we get this really smooth surface. Alright,
then the rest of the 4, I'm going to fast forward here, so you can see in
the fast pace here. but it pretty much will be the same. As you can see here. I
try to trace all the lines for our rails first, and you will need to reuse the the
first model or the first shape to reuse them so rail, so after I create a first
shape I will need to explore it the curve back to three sections, and use
where is overlapping to be the first rail on all of them, so you can see how I
built this with "Sweep2 rail" command. This is a nice model, but one thing for metal
casting is... if you look at this profile its connecting this way. That
means this is almost no thickness on where is connected. That means when you
are casting. It may cost the issue so what I'd like to do now is just a little
bit change there. I'm going to close all the forms first, and make them into
the solid, and try to overlap and scale it up
a little bit. It might change just a little bit, but it will make your
model cast much better. So I'm going to close this one and this one right here.
so making another surface. We are going to pick up this curve and this curve and
the command I'm using is living under their surface, and this is "surface from
the planar curve" that's the command I'm using, so pickup 2 curve and close this
end here. and the reason we wanted to do that is I'm going to use a "cap" command
but need to make sure that it's only one side is flat and it's opened. You cannot
have two side open to do the command. So I'm gonna do that to all of them
and now what I'm doing is try to join those surface together, and then we can
use the "cap" command. Let me flip it to the other side, so we can see better
that's hide one. Alright so now we can use the CAP command to cap all of
okay so now we have this as I was talking about earlier we need to kind of
scale it up a little bit, and I'm gonna bring it back to my drawing here. I don't
want to be too much difference, because we scale it up we can kind
of bring back together like this. So they are kind of overlapping which also
create a thickness in between. So I'm gonna bring this back here a little bit.
and bring this one back here. Alright so you can see they're overlapping and
if we are we're selecting all of them and use the
"boolean unit" so there will be a good piece and has a thickness on it.
Even though we are going to mirror to the other side, it's also going to increase
the thickness, and I will ensure a better casting quality. Now I finish this part
on the top I'm going to just drop a sphere roughly about right here, and we
can scale it later once we mirror to the other side. Let's work on the part
in the middle. Let's go ahead to lock this one that we already did, and for the
second the middle part, we are still going to use the "sweep2" so let's
creating the first rail roughly about right here, and you can always turn on a
control point to adjust the points to fit into your design more. And this one is
just for our reference, so I'm not gonna make a hundred percent fit, but just want
to show you how I do it for the adjustment. Once we've done the first
rail. The second rail we are going to go roughly from here.
Again, try to follow your design as possible. In this case, it's not gonna be
100%, but one thing I would like to do here is make sure that it's get inside
of this shape there. The reason is the same, we want to make sure that it's
gonna be overlapping, so this is some part that overlapping so we can do a
better boolean unit together so you can go ahead to adjust
the curve to make sure that it fit well okay so then we are going to creating
the circle. I'm gonna use the diameter because I'm going to snapping into the
endpoint right here and right here. Now you see that's a circle it's what we
want it to be vertical so going to the top. There's a vertical, you click on it.
It will be vertical right there, and let's do one more time, endpoint to
endpoint, before you click on the second one you want to use the vertical
option. So let's take a look on the perspective so here's what we have on
that, and I'm going to use the same command "Sweep2 rail" and this is our
rail 1, rail 2, and cross section, cross section. so then we can have something
like this. Alright, you can also.... one things we can do is
before we do that, we want to "record history", and let's do one more time
"Sweep1 rail", rail one, rail 2, cross section, and cross section. So now once we
have done. and if we feel like okay this is not too good of the curve, I can
always turn on the control point, and edit. So that way you can make sure the
the form is intersect with it, or you feel like okay this curve might be too
bumpy, and I want to move a little bit so your shape will follow it. Okay and
you can spend some time to find better shape.
Okay so now we are done with it. I'm not gonna spend too much time to adjust it.
Let's go ahead to finish with two spheres. So let's go to the top view and
I'm going to drop two sphere right here. First one is roughly going to be here,
and it's roughly going to be that big Alright,
the second one will be somewhere here like this big here. So let's go ahead to
cap this one and it will say you break the history. That's alright, because this
is already perfect and we don't need to change too much. Alright so once it's
CAP, I'm going to boolean unit those together. Alright so now it looks okay
but when you're looking at the render view, then you're going to see this line
here and it's not gonna look good. Let's take a look on it so what the goal is
try to make it look as smooth as possible, so we're gonna go back to the
ghost view, and right here we're gonna use the fillet command right here. Let's
go ahead to fillet. 1 might be too small, let's see. Yes, a little bit too
small, so I'm going to try 2.25 and see what happened. Alright it looks
smoother so I'm going to try 2.5 here as well. Okay so now we have
this one. Let's do a little bit test here. Now this is the showing the high of our
first part. The second part apparently is a little bit too fat, so I'm going to do
1D scale down, so it will look something... it's more appropriate to the first part
that we have. Maybe a little bit thicker right there.
alright so that was the first part, and I'm just gonna simply mirror to the other
side, using the endpoint as my mirror point, and let's mirror this one to the
other side, alright so now we have done that part, let's go ahead to finish the
third part. For the third part we are going to separate them into the three
section again. So first section that's going to go from here. That will be our
first section, and let me make them smoother
okay the second line is going to go from here. And don't forget to make sure that
has intersect. So this is roughly will be my second section there. Alright and you
probably kind of guess what I'm going to do here at a tip. Instead of trying to
trace it I'm going to use the blend tool to blend it together. So that will ensure
a better smoother form. Alright so now I have this I'm going to join them
together, and actually I'm going to rebuild this one. It's another trick here
to show you rebuild. You can rebuild it's really close to what
everybody has. But by rebuilding, it will make it much smoother. So look at
this part has a flat section, so now I can move it out a little bit and all
other form will follow. so it will be smoother. And of course after rebuilding,
you kind of need to adjust what you have there to fit into your design, so here's
our perspective we are going to use the arc and then we're going to use the
third one "start, end, and direction" so here's the arc
and let's take a look on the right view. holding the SHIFT, so that way we have
the cross-section vertical. And with this one let's split into two. So rail 1
rail 2, so using a sweep 2 command, rail 1, rail 2, cross section, and
that's how we get that one. We want to close this form by
the command for "surface from planner curve". We're gonna have this curve and this
curve and join them together, and "cap" them. Alright so now I can just simply
mirror this guy back to the other side. so now we only need to.... the last part we
need to do this section here is the top part. So what I like to do is go back to the
top, then we're gonna draw a line, a curve. Let's go inside of this form so we'll
ensure we have a better boolean later on, and we want to mirror that to the other side
okay and try to blend again. I use a lot of blend in this tutorial, I just want to
show you a different way of how I work with curve, and we want to go to the
perspective, and then let's go ahead to use the the same command for the arc
and the snapping into the endpoint, endpoints, holding the SHIFT at the right view
and to create this arc. Let's go ahead to split this into two, and we
want to split with the point right in that quadrant, so we cut those and let's
go ahead to Sweep 2, So this is the rail 1, this is the rail 2, cross
section. Let me go ahead to close this shape. on surface from planar curve
and that's join those two and cap as well
Alright so now we have all the part ready and we can simply just boolean all
the parts together, but before we do that we want to check the thickness if that
is what we want. So let me hide the background and let's take a look at this
one. Alright so we want to take a look on the side (view) and make sure that they all
look nice, before we do all the boolean. So I'm going to pick up this shape and
this shape. Let's go to the right view and we want
to pick up the shape over here, and let's go ahead to do the mirror. Alright, so
the middle part, it might be too much. So I would like to scale it down a little
bit, so it's not stick it out too much right there, and rest of it look nice so
we can boolean at this point. The final part is actually quite easy. Let's turn
down our drawing again, and I'm gonna do a little bit change here. I'd like to
have a cylinder and simply snapping somewhere in the middle.
somewhere like this, and I can just have it pick up any of the shape that I have.
Somewhere about the one in the middle. So let me pick up this ball here, and the
cylinder, and let's do the align. So now it's align, I can do 1 D scale it down. Maybe
a little bit wider. Okay and you can alter your design, if you need to.
Let's give it a little bit fillet edge to looks nice. Let's go ahead
to do another cylinder, and this time, I want a snapping into in the center and
then roughly about this size. Alright so the very last part... oh... we want to giving
a little bit radius, so it looks nicer there. Alright so very last part we're
gonna use the straight line, holding the SHIFT coming back here
another shape will be right here
and with those two shape, I'm going to use the command in for the corner fillet
"fillet corners" and then they set it up for... try 1. Let's see how it turn out.
And right here maybe I need to have a bigger radius. I can simply just pick up
those 3, and delete them. So they will come up a very large curve there. Let's
go ahead to extrude those two shapes by going to "extrude planner curve" and
pick up this one, and that one, and we want to make sure they both solid, and
we'll be right there. For a better rendering, I will suggest you to giving a
little bit fillet edges both top and the bottom. Alright we can
now turn off the background so I'm going to unlock it, and hide it. So now this is
our key. The only thing left for us to do is Boolean, so this is the tutorial
today for making this key. I hope you enjoyed please comment below let me know
how you doing, and if you have any question that I can answer for you.
Thank you for watching I will see you next Monday!
মুখের দূর্গন্ধ থেকে চির মুক্তির কিছু ঘরোয়া টিপস || Some domestic tips for getting rid of mouth odor - Duration: 2:21.
Gettin' Basted BBQ: Mexican Street Corn - Duration: 3:13.
Monday is the deadline to register to vote in upcoming Florida elections - Duration: 1:25.
Making hands-free calls with your Rider 500/550 - Duration: 1:46.
Making hands-free calls with your Rider 500/550
You can receive and make calls through your Rider 500 or 550
if you have connected it to both a headset and your phone
When you are receiving a call
you will see a notification on your Rider
To answer it
either select the phone icon on the notification for the call on your Rider
Or use the controls directly on your headset
Note that how you answer a call with your headset depends on the features available for your specific headset
If you're unsure
refer to the manual of your headset for more information
To make an outbound call
you need to use your smartphone's voice control
Make sure you have the MyDrive app installed on your phone
and that the smartphone assistant such as Siri or Google Now is available in your language
Select the Phone button on your device to activate your assistant
After the tone signaling that your phone is listening
initiate a call by using the appropriate command for your phone
e.g. "Call Anna"
Your phone will make the call
and once you're done use the controls on your headset or smartphone to end the call
For instructions on how to set up pairing with your phone and a headset
click this video
What Should You Expect from a Marietta Estate Planning Attorney? | Probate Lawyer | Stephen Scriber - Duration: 1:05.
When you hire a probate attorney expect them to ask you questions
to gather information about the case.
They'll want to know if there's a valid last will and testament.
If there is the one a copy to determine who the executor is and how the estate is to be distributed.
The attorney is also going to ask about the heirs of the estate, the heirs are the people who would inherit had
there been no last will and testament.
They're typically a closest family members to the deceased such as a spouse and children.
Finally, the attorney should be gathering information about the family dynamic to determine whether it's likely that litigation will occur between
Family members over the estate. At Scriber Law Group, we help people
protect the people they care about.
Contact us today to schedule a strategy session.
Pregnancy Post 40 | Parenting Tips | Hungama Kids - Duration: 2:20.
Hello Friends,
Hungama Kids has always tried to bring you informative, fun and entertaining videos.
Not just kids, our channel makes sure that it has entertainment and information for everyone.
Let's continue doing the same by discussing today, "Having a baby post 40"
Owing to today's lifestyle and woman empowerment, it's quite a usual scenario to have kids post 40.
It is the same Bioscience, that once believed it's difficult to conceive after 40
due to it's proximity to menopause, now has made it a possibility.
But we need to take special care of certain points.
The fertility rate reduces after 36 years in woman and hence it is important to take special
care of your fertility.
This can be done by,
Diet: Spirulina, maca and royal jelly supplements improves the fertility of your egg.
Also, antioxidants, folic acid & CoQ10 Ubiquinol supplements help conditioning the egg
Exercise: Specific exercises help in keeping hormonal balance intact.
Yoga, walking, dancing, swimming & kegel exercises helps release the toxin from your body
Which in turns, helps you to build stamina & strength that helps in pregnancy and labor.
Cleansing: It's very important to cleanse your body especially for pregnancy post 40.
You need to improve your food habits and bring a structure to it.
Besides, smoking, alcohol & stress should be kept at bay.
Also, you need to regularly monitor your uterine health, take fertility massage,
keep your body hydrated and try to make sure that you have a regular cycle.
In spite of this brief information provided by us, don't forget to consult a gynaecologist
for more details.
Hope you find this information useful.
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