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For more infomation >> vid for you! Subtitles on for the message - Duration: 0:14.-------------------------------------------
Video # 6 - Ol' Dirty saves the day - Duration: 8:22.
hello guys it's Wesley McKinley coming at you today with video number six six
count em six I'm very stoked because today is an
amazing day and I am gonna be talking about some amazing material I want you
to know before I get into this that this content has some explicit language that
being said let's dive into it I am a huge wu-tang fan I I just I love them.
I had a roommate in college who listened to Wu Tang all the time and I just I I
fell in love with them I really really adore their stuff but you know so I
followed the different albums from the members of the group and one of the
album's that came out was an album by all dirty bastard and the name of this
album is nigga please it was released in 1999 and I must say
this is this a truly awesome album this this album kicks it off with a cold
blooded which is a Rick James song I believe and it just goes through me and
stuff there's hits on the album baby I got your money
which was a huge radio hit you might have heard that one there's a lot of
songs on there it's it's just it's a phenomenal record I mean it's it's
amazing I I love that it's a it always you know it just gets me up and gets me
hype I I love this album I'm not a big fan of cursing on the album but
this album there there are some albums where I just I just
don't mind the cursing and this is one of those albums that is just like man
it's spot on hahaha I just you know sometimes you you have to use curse
words there's not really any other words that you could use that fit the
situation as well as curse word and ODB is a charismatic individual and he just he
uses those powerfully and I just I love this album and it's a very deep album too
I mean he's he yeah you know he's he's gonna come together come together now
all together now he's promoting that and so this this album it's just I I bought
it I actually had my roommate he was in class next to a record store and I I asked
him to to pick it up for me and he bought it for me he came home and he handed it to me
and I listened to it and we all listed it we just sat down on the couch and we
must have listened to it good five times all the way through that first day and
um it's another one of those albums where
you listen to it from beginning to end and you just don't stop and I know I get
super excited every time I listen to this album I just listened to it again to
refresh my memory on all this stuff and yeah I'm getting the same jitters that I
got when I first heard it it's amazing so but next I have something a little
bit special I'm going to reveal my favorite song on this album which it's
kind of hard to do because this is a just amazing album every track is I
really I have hard time picking them at like this one this one really touched on
my heartstrings
as you can see I'm not a professional
singer or anything but if you know it just that song just gets to me every
time and I ever don't know let's do that I have to belt it out myself
you can yeah you can laugh at me if you want to but it's amazing and that's
that's what I do every time I hear that song so yeah that song the title of the
song was good morning heartache and it was actually done by ODB featuring
little lil' mo on that one and the song was actually a jazz song Billie Holiday
did it in 1957 58 59 something around that but it's an amazing song and that's my
favorite song in the world but you know don't don't let that take away from the
rest album because it is amazing so that is
the end of my video today I hope that you found this very enjoyable I hope
that it it inspires you to go listen to this music I am going to leave the link
to a YouTube page where you can listen to the whole album and enjoy
I would like you to do a couple things for me the first thing I would like you
to do is I would like you to give me a thumbs up or you know a thumbs down
whatever I would like you to subscribe to my channel because remember I am
trying to get a hundred subscribers in two weeks this is day six of my two week
stint so if you could help me out that'd be wonderful and then I would also I
would like you to post a comment I find these so valuable extremely valuable I
you know tell me what you thought I'd be tell me you know tell me if I was wrong
in the video tell me what you would like me to talk about in future just just
tell me something I would love love to hear from you so until next time my
friend have a wonderful day and I help the music that I'm sharing with you
makes it a brighter day
BEST EA FOR FOREX TRADING ! - Duration: 20:18.
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BreatheIn Calm App | 2 min Breathe Bubble | Breathing Exercise Jungle - Duration: 2:19.
Breathe In Calm App
Breathe Bubble
Breathing Exercise
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