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Don't know Tigger, I don't think the wood is a very special place
Even if we didn't find a leg
We don't need a weasel like for taters Museum we saw plenty of special things today we did well my eyes closed
Everything can be interesting and special it just depends on how you look at it
You know what you see him, it's a how you see a
You are imitated to the special so
You see him taker I already told you I
So, so, will you think
What do I think I think it's the same sticks and rocks you showed me before?
At first glance perchance, we take a closer look rabbit. I am looking. Oh
But you're not seein
No dis ya brah is no mere Rock tis a time machine
What yes, yes, they look close see cuz a gazillion years a history written all over it Oh
Is that a fossil quite possibly?
I just hear cocoon. It's dead one amazing. Mummy or what mummy?
Don't be silly Tigger. That's it
Wait, wait, you know you're right. Uh,
Caterpillars wrapped in this cocoon. Oh, it is like a mummy
Right here in our own
Wonderful wood. Well, what do you know about that?
And this may look like an old used of eppley color
But there's actually a whole tree inside of it
Just waiting to happen. Once you plant those seeds of love the tree grow. Oh
My you're right. I never looked at it that way. I think what we're trying to tell ya I
Hate to admit it tater. Oh
But you're right, it's all very special it's all in how you look at it
For more infomation >> My Friends Tigger And Pooh Tigger s Day at the You-See-Um Part 4 - Bailey Ford - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Alec Benjamin - If We Have Each Other [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:07.
Alec Benjamin - If We Have Each Other [Lyrics]
Skimmers keeping local police departments busy - Duration: 2:42.
Putting You First: The Job Hunt - Duration: 1:56.
Putting You First: The Job Hunt - Duration: 2:16.
The one big thing about location you're overlooking - Duration: 2:35.
- If you're into property investing
then you'll probably understand how important the term is
location, location, location.
But what's one consideration around location
that can really scuttle your investment plans
if you're not paying attention.
Keep watching because I'm about to show you what that is.
(dramatic music)
Hi everybody, my name's Josh Masters.
If you follow property and real estate at all
you probably understand the term
location, location, location as
one of the most important aspects
when you're looking for property.
But what's one of the biggest considerations
that a lot of people overlook
when they're looking that can have an adverse effect
on what you're going to buy?
The biggest consideration is the future of that location.
Super important and here are three aspects
that I'm going to reveal to you that can highlight that
and the first one is around supply.
Now supply in the area could be new housing estates
or it could be medium to high density buildings
going up in the area that were a little bit unexpected.
Now this can have an adverse effect on the market
because an increasing supply
tends to keep a cap on price growth.
The other thing I look at is the unemployment rates.
Are unemployment rates increasing in the area
or are they decreasing?
If they're increasing it may indicate
that the area is becoming a little bit unsavoury
and can mean a decline in growth rates
and it can impact the type of tenant
that you're going to get into that property.
And the final thing that I'd look at
when it comes to the future prospects of an area
is the infrastructure going in.
Now normally we talk about infrastructure
like roads and railways et cetera
as being really great things for the area and that's great
but if it's too close to that infrastructure,
if you're like right up against a new highway
that's being built, the noise could be a real issue
and that can have an adverse effect
on the price of the property itself.
So while location, location, location
is still a great term to use
when you're looking for perfect properties,
keep in mind that the future of that location
is an all important consideration
that you need to keep in mind.
If you have any questions around this,
please drop me a comment below.
I'd love to hear from you.
You've been watching me, Josh Masters On The Ladder.
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Justin Bieber Maga Lifestyle | 2018
New pay-what-you-can restaurant open in Kansas City - Duration: 0:50.
✅ The Bluffs - Season 4 - Episode 2 | It keeps getting WORSE - Duration: 18:29.
Tell no one...
do nothing
and continue to live your life as normal
after all I mean, if you can't stop imminent death
you might as well accept it.
Hey sorry I didn't mean to
intrude on you I just heard the music I was
enjoying it did you write it
I wrote it
for a friend
yeah it's really nice
yeah? You know, you can keep playing. I just got to, you know?
not a friend
it was more than that...
What did I do wrong?
And to think everything was fine this morning
I wish I could turn back time
and kiss those soft lips once more
You know...
regret doesn't do you much good
unless you have yourself a time machine
I wish I did
I'll write her another song
no a symphony
I'll prove myself to her and we'll get
back together
how long were you you two together?
two weeks as of today
Two weeks kid.
You gotta pull yourself together here
it was hour bi-month anniversary
maybe I was too attentive
or not attentive enough
maybe I should start wearing those skinny jeans
her friend Antonio wore last week
She've really liked those
I don't think the kind of pants you're wearing should really matter
of course it matters
she's my moon and my stars
I don't know how I'm gonna go on without seeing her sweet face
the way her ears are shaped
like shells
the way her left eye blinks more than the right
oh and her precious
she sounds, ah...
I've only known her for 21.5 days but the first time we kissed
time Stood Still
it was straight out of a movie
like The Notebook or Lady and the Tramp
and she wouldn't call me her boyfriend
because she knows that we mean
so much more to each other
look kid sounds like you got some big
I gotta go
I got some cleaning to do
there's some
trash cans to empty toilets to scrub
no, wait
I can't be alone right now
can you stay another minute please
Oh, I've got all the time in the world
I meet her between every class to kiss
she doesn't like it when her friends are there though
especially Antonio
maybe he's a prude you know
I like the secrecy though
once she shoved me in her closet
because Antonio came into her room
I was in there for seven
minutes and 69 seconds
I respect her decision to be
against public
displays of affection
I think you got this all wrong
sounds like this girl you got yourself
wrapped up with this bad news bro
what do you mean?
Kid! she's using you
alright the way I see it
she's cheating on you with Antonio or...
she's cheating on Antonio with you
and trust me
that's not the kind of girl that you
want to keep worrying about for the rest of your life so you know just let her go
you don't know love
sure she's my first girlfriend but
But I have seen all
the Disney movies
I know what true love is
you're just a janitor
what do you know
I'd love to stay here and keep talking to you but...
I'm not going to
wait, I'm sorry
there's nothing wrong with being a janitor
but I know she still loves me
and I know you're wrong about her and Antonio
he's a prude
they're study buddies that's it
I mean, they don't have any classes
together this term but
but I love her
good luck
That Tramp was cheating on me
how could I be so gullible
stupid stupid stupid
Oh, you're such an idiot
oh this is funny to you
and where do you think you're going
I am going home
um you aren't gonna clean that up
why would I?
maybe because you dropped it
what are you talking about you did I
I handed it to you
well I don't want it
you ungrateful piece of...
what? piece of what
yeah that's what I thought
you know, you are a brat
a selfish irresponsible
ungrateful brat
you don't care about anybody but
yourself not me, not mom
real nice
way to bring mom into this
god you are such a mama's boy
she has done everything for you
and have you even thanked her
yeah no
in fact what have you done you
you flunked two classes in one semester
you got fired at your job
screw you Jared
you'll never know what it's like between me and her
you're right
I'll never I'll never know
I'll never understand the mentally insane I'm
I'm insane look at you you are screaming at me
over a broken bottle
that you dropped
I'm yelling at you because you are a lunatic
who doesn't understand what everybody goes through so that...
so that your life isn't ruined
oh my god you know what I do not need your help
and you know why don't you just leave like dad did
no sir don't worry about that I've got that that was my fault I
I dropped it
oh, it's fine I got it I'm doing this for five years
kind of what I do, so...
no sir I insist, I'll get it
well if you insist...
may I?
stop doing it so hard you're spraying me
you sweep it like a normal human being
can you hold it down
okay all right thank you
thank you
I got it I got it from here
yep good night have a good night
see you later
Thank you
so can you still help me study for my test?
what class?
dishes for a week
all right
you guys
are you guys okay?
yeah we're okay
are you okay?
I thought... I heard
you screaming someone was calling out for help or...
oh no you're
referring to
sorry about that
it's just
we're role-playing right now and someone
decided to get a little loud
oh so so no one's being attacked
just a stupid dwarf
over there
oh shut up Taylor
at least I'm doing something
oh now we're breaking character to
listen... you named your ranger, Taylor the great
but uh we're on the same team
and you haven't done anything to prove yourself
so you just get Taylor
until you do something great
if I could do something
I would but why should I
you guys never help me out
that's it I'm going to my dorm
screw this
Taylor the great are you sure you're
gonna leave your party in this dire time
they clearly need you and you're the
only one the spell slots left
kid you can't leave your party in their time of
and why should I listen to you you're
not a wise wizard, you're just a janitor
all we have to decide
is what to do with the time that is given us
you're just gonna sit in your room all night by yourself
or you gonna help
your friends and defeat some monsters
well I do have a plan
but you guys can't
say I don't help anymore
all right
and you have to call me Taylor
the great, from now on
all right I need you to get ready to lead in for the attack
I'll save the dwarf
I cast intimidation to scare away all the
roll a d20
D20!!!! It's a D20
congratulations you drive the monsters away
huh I should be on my way
are you sure you don't want to stay and
be our wise wizard
even the very wise cannot see all ends
see you in the next life kid
as the wise wizard walked away
he had faith that the young warriors
would finish their noble quest
This surprising strategy can help you build a portfolio while you rent - Duration: 2:52.
- Do you have a dream home in mind
but simply can't afford to buy in the area
that you want to buy in?
Well, I'm about to introduce you to a strategy
that you may not have heard before
that'll allow you to invest in the market
and eventually buy that dream home as well.
(dramatic music)
Hi everybody, my name's Josh Masters.
If you've been looking for the perfect home to live in
but have simply found it too unaffordable
in the last couple of years, you're not alone.
And rather than going to the boonies,
or going interstate to find a property that's half the price
you have to ask yourself,
is there a better strategy that we can use
to find the perfect house to live in?
Now, one of the popular strategies
that's been going around of late is that of rentvesting.
That means then you can live in the area
that you want to live in by renting
and taking your money to a more affordable area
where you can invest comfortably
and hope to make gains in that market.
Now there are some great advantages around this
and of course the first one is that
you can choose wherever you want to live as a rental
providing you can pay for the rent.
And you can adjust things accordingly.
So if you're doing quite well in one year
you can live by the beaches
or in a great area but if things scale down
then you can always move according to that budget.
The second thing is that by holding an investment portfolio
and simply using a blindfold strategy,
you can avoid chopping and changing every time
you need to move house because of family considerations.
Maybe the family's growing or you want that extra bedroom.
This means that you don't have to pay
the high entry and exit costs
that come with moving from property to property.
Stamp duty, legal fees and selling agents fees
and finally, one of the great things
that I like to see is that you get great tax deductions
from holding an investment property.
Remember, interest-only repayments,
or interest repayments in general and appreciation
don't come back to you if you're owning the home
that you live in.
It's only applied
if you're looking at an investment portfolio.
So if you're paying a lot of tax,
then this can be a great strategy to use
rather than going for the home.
Now what a lot of people do then
is that they build up enough equity
in the property portfolio, one day to sell it down
and then buy their ideal home
in the area that they do want to live
rather than continue to rent.
So if you have any questions around this strategy
or you'd like to talk to me personally,
please drop me a line.
I'd love to hear from you.
You've been watching me, Josh Masters, On The Ladder.
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