For more infomation >> it's for you, PewDiePie. - Duration: 0:27.-------------------------------------------
How to Build a Meaningful And Successful Career. - Duration: 5:24.
5 Foods You Should Eat For Strong and Shiny Nails - nail care routine - Duration: 4:26.
5 Foods You Should Eat For Strong, Shiny Nails !
Strong, shiny, smooth nails pretty enough to show off without polish and sturdy enough
to pop open a can of seltzer without cracking start in the kitchen.
Your body has to constantly regenerate the cells that make up your nails, and it needs
a healthy supply of certain nutrients to do so,
Make these foods a regular part of your diet, and your nails will have the nutrients they
need to grow thick and strong.
Edamame (for cysteine and folate) The edamame appetizer before sushi is a smart
Soybeans provide cysteine, an amino acid necessary for the production of the protein keratin,
which is one of your nails' major building blocks, says Libby Mills, a registered dietitian
based in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
What's more, edamame is a good source of folate, needed for the production of new nail
Make your own salsa by tossing together cooked, shelled edamame; chopped white onion; diced
tomatoes, sweet corn; and lime juice.
Or season steamed edamame with chili powder for a zesty snack.
Eggs (for biotin) Break an egg instead of your nails!
Eggs are one of the best food sources of biotin, a B vitamin that promotes protein production
in the nail matrix, the tissue underlying your nails that generates nail cells.
"Biotin has been shown to increase the thickness of your nails, and it can also prevent them
from becoming brittle," says Mills.
It's best to get your biotin from food, if possible: The high levels in many supplements
can interfere with certain medical tests.
Make scrambled eggs with sliced smoked salmon and chopped broccoli, two other good sources
of biotin.
Cashews (for zinc)!
Zinc, which is abundant in cashews, is needed for cell division and protein synthesis both
very important for your always-growing nails.
And you need it every day, because your body can't store it long-term.
Getting enough in your diet can keep your nails shiny and strong.
But if they're dry or weak, it may be a sign that you're low in zinc.
Soak cashews overnight in the fridge and blend them into a smoothie with banana slices, chopped
dates, and almond milk.
Sweet Potatoes (for vitamin A)!
Something extra sweet about these spuds: Just one provides a whopping 561 percent of your
daily dose of vitamin A, which helps your nail cells reproduce properly.
When you don't get enough vitamin A in your diet, your nails may be brittle and develop
vertical ridges that split and crack, Mix mashed sweet potatoes into hummus for
a spin on the classic dip.
For earthy flavor, add chopped sage; for a sweet taste, add cinnamon and a drizzle of
maple syrup.
Yellow Peppers (for vitamin C) Sorry, oranges yellow bell peppers win when
it comes to vitamin C, which your body needs to produce collagen, a structural protein
in your nails.
Collagen production diminishes as you age, which can result in thinner, weaker nails,
so it's very important to eat foods rich in vitamin C to keep them strong and healthy.
One large yellow pepper provides four times your recommended daily amount of C.
Marinate sliced yellow bell peppers in a mixture of olive oil, red wine vinegar, minced garlic,
and chopped rosemary for 2 hours (keep chilled in the fridge) before grilling.
At What Age Can We Leave the Kids Home Alone? - Duration: 2:43.
HOW TO SAVE MONEY - NO.12- INFLUENCE - INJIBS COSMETS #brightside - Duration: 31:21.
The money that you make, does it disappear? where does it go.. what takes it...
I work a lot.. I work enough.. I work hard.. Israel once
again fromInjibs Cosmets hoping that you stay tuned to our beauty tips today. Our
topic is how to save money and one of the 15 shocking things that take money
out of our hands out of our wallets out of our bank accounts is the influence
influence. What does influence have to do with
taking money out of our bank accounts so? Basically influence is and when I say
influence I'm referring to the things that actually hook you up things that
get you hyper or things that actually get you addicted or things that get you
obsessed things that influence you what are you influenced when when it
comes to to to too many your hobbies or things like that what influences you is
it is it the movies that you watch is it the music that you listen to
is it the magazines that you read is it the newspapers is the news is it is it
the the TV shows or the TV Soapy's or the the all that kind of stuff
is it the idols on the on TV and all that kind of things what influences you
being you into gambling are you into things like that
are you into drinking and all that kind of stuff are you into going out are you
into shopping are you into what influences you the influence behind you
will always determine how you will spend your money and what will take your money
out of your wallet there's many influences that we can that
we can actually face and likely to actually go through in this life what if
Louis is you what influences you into doing things most of the things that
actually influencing us are usually things that are taking a
no but a bringing us down even though they look as if they're so attractive
and they're so tempting but now we had we need to look at the problem where the
problem lies when it comes to to our finances and spending and our
accountability and expenditure and all that kind of stuff
how are we if blue waste when it comes to our finances what influences you to
spending on it some people are into banks some people are into shoes some
people are into gadgets some are into educating some people spend money into
educating and upgrading them there's nothing wrong with education but then
are you obsessed with education are you obsessed
Kuzma some people get so obsessed with it with it with with studying that they
study study study and they believe in - they believe in achieving all these kind
of studies and achieving goals in terms of education and achieving degrees and
their masters and all that stuff they will never get satisfied they usually go
like okay I've had the diploma now I'm going for there for this now I've had
this now I'm going for a degree I'm done now for the deal with a degree I'm going
for the master's degree I'm done with the master's degree I'm going for the
bachelors in arts I'm done with the bachelors now I'm going to the they are
always always up to something so now forgetting that actually a busy
busy busy accumulating all these degrees but by the time you're done you will be
already you will be you will be or what do you call them retire retirement
something something you will be retired you will have reached the age of
retirement by the time you're done with accumulating the degrees so it behind it
you actually studied in order to get a very good job in and do something
important in life but then you spend all your time studying and obsessed with
studying taking the little that you have that you would have actually invested
you children you're taking it any vesting vesting it into your obsession
of studying I'm not saying studying is wrong studying is very good go and study
and empower yourself but have a strategy behind it have it all planned out sit
down and say okay I'm going to put my my way to invest my money into studying why
am i studying what am i studying am i passionate about what I'm studying or
it's because there is a lot of demand out there is it because it's what
everyone is going after is because my friends talk about it a lot is it
because it earns a lot of money or is it because it's something that you're
actually passionate about you need to be passionate about everything that you do
are you going to study father be passionate study about something you're
passionate about study is something that is within the line of your purpose in
life it all takes us back to the purpose in life and the identity and who you are
if you know who you are hit that cut it will take you to our
previous video that I mentioned who you are determines what you what you're
gonna be family politics family politics I mentioned a few a few things that that
really hinder people into entering into entering their wealth or their comfort
comfort zone whereby they start enjoying the benefits of their sweat so we need
to know exactly when you're going to enter into something studying or working
or whatever are you entering it with passion because if you're entering with
the wrong reasons it will never get you anywhere but it will always fall apart
so how does this actually affect then that our income and our savings 15
shocking things that are fit and take money out of our bank accounts and
wallet one of them is what we are talking about right now they influence
what influences you do you use are you addicted to going to
every day every night there's nothing wrong with cladding but club was a week
goes Saturday's and when you when you're under that stage of busy discovering
yourself the teenage stage to the age of 25 if you can do it every week but if
you you need to reach a stage and get it out of your system
at stage where you've actually dealt with all that now you're not you're not
searching for attention and all that kind of stuff I do understand as a child
as a young adult was still finding themselves collabing and all that kind
of stuff and bars and restaurants is a good place it's a very good place to to
socialize and to meet new people and to learn new things if you're not very very
careful you could actually end up drowning in it but though for your age
it's it's all right it's it's cool it's chilled just be careful but then when
you reach the age of 35 my friend if you are in a club every weekend then there
is definitely something wrong with you you need to get out of those such
influences going out clubbing at the age of 35 once a month is alright or even
once in three months that is okay when you actually need that is the age where
you need to focus and start building careers at the age of 35 and upwards
building careers and settling down and making sure that everything is in shape
and everything is is is you basically that's the period where you invest not
only your money but you're investing your time and energy and your brain into
a career or into something or into a hobby remember I mentioned it would be
something that you should earn a living I mentioned that in my previous video
you should you're supposed to earn a living through your hobby or your
passion then I explained there is there is the the there is a huge a huge
meaning behind work resting while working then I explained that working in
rest doesn't mean active it means you are confident and
comfortable and passionate and you're busy smiling at your job basically
you're not looking at the income or the payment that you're going to get out of
the out of the service that you offer instead you're focusing on the service
that you offer to the clients making sure that you deliver good and quality
service that they that will bring them back and even spread word of mouth out
there so that is the meaning of resting in work it doesn't mean being inactive
it simply means to smile and be confident and comfortable and spend and
and be happy and be joyful and be passionate about what you're doing
most people get up in the morning and go to work but they aren't even passionate
about what they're doing they don't like what they're doing they just do it for
the sake of earning a living now that is a poverty way of living the getting up
in the morning and not even know why why why are you actually even going to work
you're not even passionate you're not even having a smile on your face you're
drugged all your issues from home you bring them to the office and upload them
on to colleagues and take it out on everyone now that is a job that is not
work work is when you actually have to offer service work has everything to do
with service a job has everything to do with payment and salary so how does
employees have to affect us in the areas of earning and living and saving them
many people earn a lot of money people aren't saved and earn a living
people aren't big BAPS some people as supervisors people have managers people
people are CEOs people earn a lot of money but then they never get to see
that many why because of the attitude that they have towards the money you
find that people are influenced by a lot of things things that are busy chowing
on their money and taking money out of their banks what are the influences that
influence you subscribe that the bottom hit the bell button if you wanna receive
all the notification that I upload and like this video if you
really in love with it send your comment and I will always be
here in touch to discuss all these matters with you
influences that you have in life really hinders the savings that you have and
seeing money that sticks by when you get it and when you keep it most of the
things that take money out of our hands and our backs in our and our wallets are
not other than the things that are in our bedrooms in our kitchens in our
lounges in our in our in our yards in our garage and all of that stuff in our
store rooms and all of those places you find that you're cutting you buy things
when you go shopping you buy clothes that you don't even need you could clear
clothes hanging in your in your wardrobe hanging there for years you don't even
know they exist some of the clothes are still new
even with tugs on them but you bought them four years ago you don't know what
you're spending time money on but you just having this influence you're
influenced and you're obsessed about shopping it believing that because
you're stressed out when you ran to shopping is what's gonna deal with the
issue at hand you need to find good ways of dealing
with issues instead of using money using your money to bail you out
out of all situations money will never give you happiness instead it will put
more baggage and more more responsibility on you in my video
what about videos on the under the topic how to become rich I explained the
difference between the rich and the poor the wealthy and the rich the poor the
wealthy people focused on taking what they have giving it back to the
community they take all that they have giving it back out there to make sure
that they invest all their effort and all their all that they have they invest
it into people now by focusing on that investing into people money on the other
side come chasing after you I give you an example of Facebook and Microsoft and
all of those guys those guys created solutions for people they never made
money out of people and the intention is not to get rich and get worthy on you
but their intentions were to create solutions for people to create people
good communication and effective transportation of messages and in good
communication and effective to maintain that the relationships that we have in
life by that by that by doing that billions and billions came chasing after
them so we need to actually exactly know that that money when accumulating wealth
isn't about you taking taking taking from the people and keep for yourself
wealth is about you taking what you have and taking all that you've accumulated
put it back and invest it back into the people and by that you will get to be
appreciated and money will come chasing up to you power will come chasing after
you and authority and Dominion at the same time so what does influence have to
do with this we are on our topic how to save money one of the 15 shocking things
that take money out of your hands your bags and wallets is influenced what is
it fluency you in terms of finances hobbies and things that you love doing
the hobbies that you do are they there to suck money and take money from you or
are they actually bringing an income and bringing profits into your business most
of the things we actually spend on or we spend our money or take money and spend
on our things that don't even bring in bad profits like say for instance you've
got to sit like this all those channels you do not actually get to see them I'm
not saying the satellite dishes are wrong do not have a set like this said
my dishes are wrong but make sure that you reach you touch where you can reach
do not go overboard to all the channels and the excess packages making sure
you've got all the Explorers and stuff you do not need that stuff you get up
and go to work in the morning when you come back home when exactly do you get
time to sit in front of a TV and watch 342 channels where tell me and number
one let me tell you one thing if you are interested in watching surpise
and you sit in front of the TV for two hours then you definitely have nothing
to do you definitely have nothing to do
wealthy people do not sit and watch TV they make sure they get themselves onto
that TV in order to be watched do not spend so much time what
influences you is it the movies going to cinemas and
all that stuff when you go and sit into a cinema what do you what what you buy
you take your friends in and make sure that you show off and look force patrol
make sure you spend a good time there and look for happiness from the wrong
places one of the people do not go and waste money to watch movies in cinemas
wealthy people go to cinemas to see how they produce their own movies to see the
movies that they invested their money in how does it look on cinema and on camera
that is the main reason why rich wealthy people go to see them as to what they
wealthy people do not go to escape they do not go escape to go to cinemas and
and and feel feel good and feel real release relieved and all that kind of
stuff those are perfect people who live in poverty are the ones who escape they
run away from reality running away from issues and escape to go watch movies in
order to feel better and besides when you sit in front of a screen it's
usually you you're paying for that screen even a TV in your own lounge
you're paying for that TV licence but then you actually spend a lot of money
spent paying for the satellite and spend a lot of money watching people make
money watching those people on TV make their own money so now you always make
sure that the influences that are taking your time taking your energy and taking
your brain at the same time are they bringing back anything into your wallet
are they contributing anything positive to you you find that all this
information that we feed on our minds on a daily basis he's taking us nowhere but
actually in putting images images that we meditate on day by day and at the
back of our minds which influences the way we talk of which that by the way we
talk we create situations through the words that we say like a mission is why
Linden one of my videos that may mentality click on data card will take
you to the mentality mentality video the mindset mindset a prosperity mindset the
way you think determines how you're gonna the way the way the information
you take in the information you the things you watch the music you listen to
the information you take in on the daily basis people you spend time around
people you hang out with people you go and associate with things you see in the
news things that you movies that you watch on a daily basis things gossip
that you hear from the magazines things that you watch on TV celebrities that
you see all over the show all that all that information feeds your mind and
your mind when you mind keep feeding on that such information it actually ends
up into you meditating on such things that you actually feeding on in the end
you start speaking what you know and what you're thinking about by speaking
that you create a situation in front of you just that the the fever will never
take its place and take get grounds inside your body until it itches you
then you spit it out and say I think I've got fever the minute you say I
think I've got flu then flu takes charge and then it takes its course but before
you say it you couldn't even feel that flu is
affecting you but flu will come in each other and you you'll sneeze in public
just to get an excuse and say oh of this flu I've got enough good I'm catching
flu I'm sorry flu is making you that the flu is sneezing making a sneeze in
public it's itching your throat the next thing you cough
after you pop you spit out their words that I've got a cough
the minute you admit I've got a cough then the bacteria takes charge and then
then you end up going to the chemist and sick for days and lose out money and
start spending on that flu meanwhile if you didn't get to speak out the words
I've got flu or I've got a headache you wouldn't have gone to spend your money
on buying medications and stuff because now error at the back of your mind after
you say to yourself after you spoke it out that I've got flu the brain you
created that flu flu environment and then eventually by people your brain
jumped into a mode that believes that you need help
then they when you need when you jump into the into that mode of needing help
is when now you start desperately running around and that running around
involves you spending your money now can you see that what we say actually
determine what we think determines what we say like I always said in all my
videos do not speak what you say what you feel
say what you want to what you want to see do not speak what you see say what
you want to see let the poor say I am rich let the sick say I am healed so do
not let the blind say I am I can see so do not speak what you feel do not follow
your feelings your feelings will always deceive you your feelings will always
lead you to destruction follow what you believe you want to see how do you want
to see your life that is why I always said it takes us back to your mindset
and your personality if you see yourself in a box you see yourself down there in
poverty and you will never come out of there and your father always told you
you will mount to nothing your mother always told you is she's disappointed
so all that kind of information contributes on what we're gonna think
and what we're gonna believe in life by believing on all that kind of crap you
actually determine where your life will be and what you will
start talking about yourself my mother always said this and now I can see that
I believe it my father always said I'll never be anything my mother always said
she's disappointed my younger sibling is even more pretty more understanding and
privileged and smarter in wiser than than I am so all of that stuff you
eventually believe on that information you start meditating on that information
eventually you start saying by saying you create a situation in reality so our
topic is how to save money and one of the 15 shocking things that take money
out of our wallets and banks and accounts it is actually the influences
that we face things that influence us does your friends do your friends call
you all the time every weekend maybe you don't wanna you don't wanna go drink
drinking you don't know what to go clubbing and you don't want to do all
that stuff but then you've got a very strong hold a strong point or stronghold
of friends you don't want to lose your friends you don't want to disappoint
them you don't want to look as if you are boring you don't wanna you don't
wanna well maybe if something should something happen one day who's going to
be there to actually bail you out of that issue problem so you find that
you've got all the strong laws that are holding us you want to be out of
something you wanna update your life and move on and be a better person but
because of the mentality you're very weak you're weak to say no to friends
you're weak to change your life by actually leaving all those friends and
people that are keeping you in poverty you're afraid of leaving them behind and
move on why because of the influence that we have we are basically usually
influenced by our personality our personality leads as to what we're going
to be influenced to the mindset that we have how do you see yourself do you see
yourself rich this is so big becoming wealthy even though right now it might
seem as if it's difficult you don't have all the qualifications
you don't know nothing you cannot you you didn't you didn't have any trust fun
to get you anywhere your father left you nothing your mother passed away before
she even did this or that for you but it's never late it's never too late the
time is now we can do this together you and that we can get ourselves out of
this situation I am I am determined to come in hand with you and make sure that
we help each other to get out of this poverty situation we need to find ways
of how to save this money that we earn on a date we aren't salaries every month
we are incomes we get tips and all that stuff we work so hard for our and for
our living but when the salary comes in or when the money gets into our hands
it just goes to like we don't even know where it goes
you put holes in your hands that take the money and suck it out of your hands
we need to beat down this this giant that is busy taking our money out of our
hands what influences do you have your hobbies do they take a lot of money out
of you are you God I are you are you addicted to to to gadgets and being on
that social media for 24/7 it also depends I'm not saying social media is
but social media is good myself I'm a fanatic of social media I won't lie but
then what is one of the reasons you are on social media are you doing marketing
are you doing promotions are you are you just there for the fun of gossiping are
you there for the fun of of promoting are you are you a blogger are you what
are you doing you should be spending a lot of time on social media gaining
something out of it or helping have lived someone out of whatever situations
that they are in so you always need to know that the things that you get
yourself addicted to or things that influence you are they get are they are
they growing you either influencing you positively or having flu acing your
negatively most of the friends we have actually if luison us in the wrong way
you find that friends have influenced you into things
into substances things that you didn't want to get hooked on and then your 30
step a good lifestyle and itself a very popular lifestyle lifestyle like ways of
doing things and you don't want to be boring and you don't wanna be left out
you don't wanna be old man out and all that kind of stuff but then you forget
that time comes when actually it's you and yourself who's facing this world
friends come and go right now you're together in high school
and doing all that kind of shit but then remember that one day you'll be out of
that high school and everyone will scatter friends will be scattered and
everyone will lead their own way leaving you to face the world alone all of that
the the whole group that you actually used to hang out in
everyone is scattered some got married some got jobs some moved some relocated
to other countries some the summer no in the picture some passed away and some
got whooped summary in rehabilitation centers some are behind bars some well
off they're doing well some are having a lot of kids they don't even know where
to start looking after them so when you get hooked to these substances or you
get you find yourself behind bars you'll find that it's the group is nowhere to
be found to bail you out and you found that you're in this alone by yourself it
also brings us back to the mindset and the mentality and how you view yourself
and how you see life and how you choose to be so always you have the you have
the you have the capability you'll have the authority over your life you are the
CEO of your own life before you become a manager to any other company or to any
other colleagues you have to be a manager of your own life and if you
can't manage your life and can't put things together then things are
definitely definitely not like no are not likely to go your way or go the
healthy way financially and emotionally and at the same time relationship wise
so don't forget to subscribe there at the bottom subscribe and and hit the
like button if you like this video if you like my videos I would really
appreciate if you laughs if you if you if I will appreciate it like when you if
you like hit the like button and then hit the bell button if you want to
receive all the notifications of everything that I applaud
on a daily basis I usually applaud between harpist between 11 - eleven and
half past one African Standard time in the morning so those are my times my
times to upload half past one afternoon and that morning after between 11:00 in
the morning and uh past 1:00 in the afternoon so do not forget to comment
their comments I need to hear from you I need to communicate I need to chat to
you I'm I'm really really kind wait I'm looking forward to hear your ideas hear
your comments I need to chat to you talk to me send me all your comments send
your ideas I wanna hear from you whatever it is
there is no don't think it's stupid whatever anything you think it's stupid
send it put it day in the comment in are Mona's here 24/7 to to actually chat to
you and to reply to your comments let's just let's get to know each other let's
let's get to know everything about about about our financial areas in life and
then the question of the day what is their worst influence that you feel like
is taking money out of your hands and your wallet please discuss that in the
comment box there let's share ideas I'm here to tell you and give you ideas and
tips of how to go about anything that you feel it's a giant in your life
Israel once again from Injibs Cosmets hoping that you stay tuned to
our beauty tips today.
Oak Ridge PD begins "Operation Safe Start' - Duration: 1:22.
魏家祥抨政府 没遵守削弱首相职权承诺 - Duration: 3:17.
Do You Love Swimming Pools in Summer? Let Us Ruin That for You - Duration: 4:14.
How's your summer going?
Did you spend a lot of time in the pool?
Have fond memories of the ol' swimmin' hole?
Well, let me retroactively ruin them.
Pools are gross.
The thing about water is some pathogens absolutely thrive in it.
Harmful viruses, bacteria, and protozoa can be transmitted from one person to another
by way of pool water.
Over 14 years, health officials from 46 states and Puerto Rico reported almost 500 outbreaks
linked to treated recreational water, causing more than 27,000 illnesses and eight deaths.
Since many people don't go to a doctor when they're sick, and it's difficult to test
water for contaminants after an outbreak, those numbers could be higher still.
Now, you may be thinking that a lot of these outbreaks were caused by pools that weren't
treated properly, and it's true that does happen remarkably often.
A 2016 CDC study found 80% of public pools had health and safety violations.
Eighty percent!
One in eight facilities failed their inspections so badly they were closed immediately.
Undertreated pools can lead to tragedy, like in 1998 when seven swimmers who shared a pool
with a child with E. coli were hospitalized, resulting in one death.
E. coli outbreaks like that can be prevented by properly treating pools with our dear old
friend, chlorine.
The chlorine that's added to pools, either in the form of hypochlorous acid or hypochlorite
ions, reacts with the lipids in a microorganism's cell walls or enzymes inside the cells and
kills them (which is good).
But, chlorine also reacts with ammonia in things like sweat and pee.
This results in chloramines, which are responsible for that pool smell.
It also means there's less free chlorine available to kill friggin' E. coli!
That's right, that "chlorine smell" and your red irritated eyes actually mean
a pool is under chlorinated, not over chlorinated!
A properly treated pool has no smell.
But even if a pool is chlorinated, some pathogens can survive, like Cryptosporidium.
This single-celled parasite has an outer shell that makes it resistant to chlorine.
It's the leading cause of waterborne disease in the US, and symptoms include abdominal
pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
That last symptom is also bad for pool goers.
Diarrhea is almost always caused by some infectious microorganism, and people can spread it in
pools up to two weeks after the symptoms subside.
Then all it takes is for another swimmer to inadvertently swallow some infected pool water
and start the cycle anew.
Even if people haven't had diarrhea, they can still shed poop and it's associated
pathogens into the pool.
One study found that the average person -- that is, you and me -- has about 0.14 grams of
poop on our stinky bums.
That's about the weight of one pea.
A pea's worth of poop.
I love that I get paid to say this stuff.
Fortunately, it's not hard to avoid becoming a disease vector.
How many people don't shower before getting in a pool because they figure the pool will
wash them off?
Well turns out we were wrong.
Showering before swimming is a good way to clean up our gross butts for everyone's
It also washes away sweat, so the chlorine won't react with it.
I can't believe I have to say this, but you should also avoid peeing the pools.
One survey found that one out of five people admit to peeing in pools while four out of
five people are liars, I'm assuming.
Pee also has ammonia in it that will use up free chlorine, making the pool smell bad and
be less safe.
Avoid swallowing the water as best you can.
And lastly if you've had diarrhea in the last two weeks, do us all a favor and suntan
or read a book while the rest of us enjoy Cryptosporidium-free water.
Have a great summer!
Not all microbes are bad… for example your gut is filled with them.
They're just controlling your mind, no big deal.
Watch Maren's video to understand how!
And one last thing, I don't have a cool fun fact, but have you thought about how often
we empty pools and scrub them down?
How often.
Yeah, maybe just try not to think about it.
Daily Insights & Motivation: Either You Run The Day Or The Day Runs You. - Duration: 6:15.
Hey everybody John Kevitz from Acquire Liberty hope you're having a great day today I
want to talk to you about something really easy something super really
simple and if you're working from home this is gonna be very very important for
you as I'm sure you've either gone through it before or you're going to go
through it if you decide to work from home and it goes as simple as this
either you run the day or the day runs you write the day can run you and the
reason why that happens is is when you're working from home you are you
know having a certain amount of freedom you are in a position of control like
you're not normally used to having especially if you've always had a boss
right you wake up you have your breakfast you go through your routine
you go to work you have your teen there you come home usually thinner do a
little routine at home there's some worker on the house playing with the
kids play with the dogs whatever you do and you do the other nighttime stuff you
go to bed do it all over again right it's pretty simple routine and like you
know then if you're working from home well that's a little bit different you
get up in the morning you get ready to get cleaned up you have your breakfast
you start pedaling away going to work and you get someone's at the door all
right I'll go at the door see who's at the door you do your thing with the door
whoever's at the door hello how you doing okay take care bye you're running
upstairs you start going back to work you're under your office you start doing
back to work going back to work then you get going back to work you start getting
involved what you're doing right ring-ring ring-ring
your mother's calling you up your spouse is calling you up your kids are calling
you up somebody's calling you up for something important a friend knows your
home needs your help with something so you have to take care of that then in
there and tell them you're working right or you let the day run you and you go do
what they want you to do and they don't think that you're actually working right
it's another possibility okay you get that straightened out you go back
upstairs you're doing your thing you're getting involved with your work right
you're you in his own right everything seems to be
going right you got dogs downstairs
they know you're home now so when they got to do their business you gotta let
them out where when you were at work they were in the cage and they were
trained and they knew that not nobody is to bother them or no one's gonna bother
them for eight hours and they are terrifying they were comfortable they
knew the deal right but now that they know that Daddy or mommy's home
well hey it's a whole different ballgame we want to go out now we gotta let them
know so you go up there you let the dogs out let them do their business you come
back up you go back upstairs or into your office and you and you just go to
work right okay I think you guys kind of get what
I'm talking about here you can't let the day run you you have to run the day you
have to set it in stone in concrete that from such-and-such a time to
such-and-such a time you are working or not to be disturbed and if anything else
comes up out whether someone's knocking at the door callin on the phone you know
barking downstairs wanting to go out you ignore it I mean you kind of know though
if you're a dog owner if your dog just come on I want to go outside or I really
got to go outside you kind of know the difference right but you guys get the
gist of what I'm saying you can't let family friends phone calls door knocks
dogs kids whatever the case may be stop you from doing your work that is the mo
the the most difficult thing to stop when you're working from home from
happening because no one looks at what you're doing is work except when they
need something paid for except when they need a luxury that I normally wouldn't
have to see the benefits of you working because everyone thinks you're home hey
you know he's just he's working at home he's he's done that's a lot of people
think right so it is absolutely essential to make a schedule for
yourself stick to the schedule from the time that you wake up to the time you
eat time that you you know you get ready the time that you want to send your
emails out the time you want to write your emails the time you want to write
your article is the time you want to do your videos your time you want to you
know sit down for lunch everything you've got to schedule
just like you were working at another you know for somebody else except the
difference in here is is you're working for yourself
you're the one that's going to read the majority of the reward you're the one
that can say today you know what I work Saturday and Sunday this past week I'm
taking off Monday and Tuesday you know and you tell your wife your kids or your
family whatever let's go do something on that day plan something off for that day
guess what you have that luxury you don't have to answer to anybody anymore
but it's just something you need to keep in mind don't let the day run you you
run the day don't let anybody else run the day for you either just remember
that - guys listen I hope this helped you ought to hope it encouraged you and
I hope it gives you a little tidbit of information or some information about
when you want to work from home the kind of obstacles you may or may not face
probably but probably you will face them at some point in time guys listen if you
want to see how I started in this whole digital marketing thing I always
recommend this number one program that's down it's at the first line of the
description of the video I always put it in everything ok and it shows you my
partner my my friend the guy who was my mentor he stay he shows you how he
started the business he shows you how to walk go through the business he shows
you how everything works and it's the best system I found for any beginner at
you know period and even if you're an experienced digital marketer network
marketer the opportunity in this business is tremendously it's huge it's
huge I came and explained how big this is all right listen guys it's been a
pleasure you can still follow me on youtube facebook twitter and instagram
all under Acquire Liberty okay and i'll put the links down in the description as
well guys until next time take care and what am I going to say always God Bless
How to Find Your Pricing Sweet Spot - Duration: 5:53.
- Are you a creative entrepreneur
looking for some no-nonsense,
straight talking, actionable advice?
Well you're in the right place
and today on The Creative Business TV Show
we're gonna help you find your pricing sweet spot.
(upbeat music)
Hello and welcome to a little segment of our show
we like to call Ask Kylie.
I'm your host Kylie Carlson and in this episode
I'm taking a question from Heather from Doncaster
and Heather writes, Hi Kylie,
I'm a wedding stylist and florist
and I've been in business now for around five years.
I'm now at the point where I'm well established
but I'm struggling to justify charging what I'm worth.
I know my clients could go to cheaper stylists in my area,
but they wouldn't have the quality of work
or experience that I can offer.
Can you give me some advice on how I can charge
what I'm worth?
Oh Heather, this is a juicy subject
and it's one that I could probably write a book on
but I've only got five minutes.
So I wanna give you some actionable takeaways
that you can apply pretty much straight away.
So the first thing you need to do
is look at the positioning of your service of services.
How are you marketing your services right now?
Are you putting yourself out there
as a high-end stylist or florist?
Or are you offering a product that's,
I don't know, more attainable to all brides?
Do you wanna offer something that is lower priced
but that leads into a service
that has a higher ticket price?
Or, is it just one part of your business
that you wanna charge a higher price for?
So what this comes down to is where you fit in
to the marketplace because this is gonna have
a huge bearing on how you price your services
and how they're perceived by others.
So let's put it into perspective for a moment
and talk about jewellery, we all love jewellery.
If I go into a high street jeweller
such as Goldsmiths, H. Samuel, Beaver Brooks,
all those types of stores.
I have a certain expectation when I walk through the door.
I know that there will be a price tag
that won't make me faint.
You know, the service will be good, but not over the top.
However when I go through the door of Tiffany & Co.,
my expectations are so completely different.
From the level of service, the exclusivity,
the price, the surroundings, the packaging, everything.
So, the first thing you need to decide
is whether you're Goldsmiths or Tiffany
because how you package yourself and the story you tell
is going to be completely different.
Now once you've done that, we can move onto the next step
and that is quantifying your value proposition.
So long gone are the days of selling features and benefits.
Today to set your pricing at a point
that's gonna be accepted,
you need an in-depth dialogue
of your client's sort of, inner workings.
A well-honed ability to quantify your value
in their eyes and here's what I mean.
So last year, I moved to France as probably you know.
And as part of that move
we were renovating an open hangar into an office
and I had this vision of the office
and I knew I wanted to it to be on the first floor
looking at the view of the countryside.
With windows that went all the way across.
Now of course, as the client I had a budget in mind
of what I wanted to pay for the windows.
But when it came to discussing them,
the sales guy suggested we had bifold doors
that came all the way across and opened right up.
And then he suggested we should build a balcony
which we could go out onto from the office
once the bifold doors were open.
Okay, as you can imagine
once I heard about this particular option I wanted it.
There was no going back.
What I didn't want
was the massive price tag that came with it.
It was nearly 5000 more than just having the windows.
So it was then that the sales guy got really clever
and said something that really resonated with me
and had me hooked.
He started to describe what it would be like
to have the windows open in the summer
with the breeze gently blowing through
and how I'd feel at one with nature.
I'd have the ability to wander outside with a coffee
and sit on the balcony to clear my mind
and in the evening sit there watching the sun go down
with a glass of wine and he finished up,
telling me all this would make me more productive,
feel more inspired and be more creative.
Boy did that guy know how to sell.
Like how could I put a price on that?
As you can imagine, with this little spiel
the extra money started to seem worth it.
All of a sudden I wasn't thinking about the price.
I was already on that balcony
with my glass of wine looking at the sunset.
I was sold.
So what I'm trying to say here
is that what you charge is all relative
to the real value that you bring to someone
and as a wedding stylist, you'll be building a vision
in your client's mind about her wedding day.
You know, that vision's going to be ticking the boxes,
pulling at the heartstrings
and have her emotionally connected to you
and your services, thus allowing her to justify
the extra cost to hire you.
She will want the vision you've created for her.
The story that you've built in her mind
which comes back to first step of deciding
whether the story you're telling is the Goldsmiths story
or the Tiffany story.
So Heather, I really hope this helps you
to start justifying your work
and to identify what value you're gonna bring
to your clients.
That's all I have time for today
but remember, this little segment of the show
only works if you guys send me your questions each week
and you can do that by leaving a comment below,
using the hashtag AskKylie on Instagram
or by emailing me at
And if you like what you see, don't forget to subscribe
and share it with other creative entrepreneurs.
I'll see you next week or next Wednesday
for another episode of Ask Kylie.
(upbeat music)
[MV] Caesar Wu (吴希泽) - 想你想到快疯了(I'm Going Crazy Thinking About You) (Meteor Garden 2018 流星花园 OST) - Duration: 5:00.
I'm going crazy thinking about you There's no one know me like you do
It's one chance in a lifetime, but it's too cruel Please let me admit my mistake
I'm going crazy thinking about you ? How about you ?
Will you worry about my loneliness ?
Love is unkind, but it's not last more than a week
Many people love me, but they can't move me anymore
I miss you, looking at me, like you want to see me I'm desperate beside you, I am just me
I miss you, the one who cares the most about me
I am the one who hurt you the most After I lost you, I admit that I have nothing
I'm going crazy thinking about you ? How about you ?
Will you worry about my loneliness ?
Love is unkind, but it's not last more than a week
Many people love me, but they can't move me anymore
I'm going crazy thinking about you ? Will you thinking about me too? Ha~
I am alone, dreaming about us
When I'm thinking about you, I smile in pain
I miss you, looking at me, like you want to see me
I'm desperate beside you, I am just me
I miss you, the one who cares the most about me
I am the one who hurt you the most After I lost you, I admit that I have nothing
I miss you, looking at me, like you want to see me
I'm desperate beside you, I am just me
I miss you, the one who cares the most about me
I am the one who hurt you the most After I lost you, I admit that I have nothing
I'm going crazy thinking about you ? Will you thinking about me too? Mm~
I am alone, dreaming about us When I'm thinking about you, I smile in pain
Boss Baby Sing Finger family song | Daddy finger song Sing Boss Baby - Duration: 0:54.
Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
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