I'm Jason with solutions pest in line if you're new to us we create these videos
to help educate people like you about DIY pest control if you want to learn
more and get your professional pesticides for grub control then click
the links in the description below prevent grubs and beetles from returning
by regularly maintaining your yard mow your grass at the right height properly
water your lawn and fertilize your lawn in the fall this will strengthen the
turf roots and resist injury from grubs and applied to minion to L or
imidacloprid granules every three months for long-lasting control solutions is a
small family-owned business and we rely on referrals from customers like you so
if you liked this how-to guide and when the products work for you please share
and tell your friends and family about us also please don't hesitate to give us
a call or shoot us an email i'm jason baker with solutions pest in lawn ask us
how didn't do it yourself
For more infomation >> How to Prevent Grubs - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
My Friends Tigger And Pooh Tigger s Day at the You-See-Um Part 8 - Bailey Ford - Duration: 3:01.
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
It doesn't spray
It just drips. I
Guess you're an actor too. Goopy to spray. Hmm
Thanks for trying super sleuth
But I was born without a smelly stench
Yeah, I guess I'll never have one
Lord, oh poor guy
He's like a stuffed up nodes
It just can't smell or maybe we've been asking the wrong question
How to help skunk have a smelly stench
Maybe we should be asking why skunks have a smelly sense in the first place known a lot of skunks in my Dave
Once made the mistake to make it one mad at me
Sprayed me. Good see skunks make a stench when they get mad or scared
Oh, I want to protect themselves all their friends
Skunk, do you ever give an not really scared of what?
Nobody ever bothers a skunk
Everyone keeps away cuz they're scared of getting sprayed and I don't have any friends to protect cuz well
It's hard for us going to make friends. We shall be your friends skunk
Thanks, that makes me feel really
Squirrels coming to attack
What Oh but stand back
Did it I made a smelly stench cuz I thought I needed to protect my new friends
Guess I was acting on instinct. That's a cow, right?
Wonderful. Oh, yeah, beautiful
Just hope you will use that smelly sketch to butts just kind of
Special occasions like what about a town a stench of my own?
stench of my own
Have you ever been to a museum you can try making your own you can put all kinds of things in your Museum
things you find
Things that are interesting or one-of-a-kind or even a museum of your favorite themes
Put them all in one place where people can
How to Control Grubs in Your Lawn - Duration: 2:32.
I'm Jason with solutions pest in line if you're new to us we create these videos
to help educate people like you about DIY pest control if you want to buy the
products in this video and learn even more about grub control click the card
in the top right corner of the screen or the links in the description below
because grubs hatch in late summer August and September are the peak times
for grub activity this is the best time to treat your yard the newly hatched
grubs will be closer to the ground surface feeding on the grass so they'll
be more likely to come in contact with the pesticides they'll also be weaker
and more susceptible to treatments you can use either a granular pesticide like
imidacloprid 0.5 G or a liquid pesticide like Dominion 2 L you can choose
whichever is easier for you to apply we recommend Dominion to L because after
being mixed with water it will penetrate deep down into the soil where the grubs
will be hiding Dominion 2 L is also a systemic insecticide meaning it will
work its way through this root system of your lawn grubs will be exposed to
pesticide when they're feeding on the roots Dominion 2 L also has up to a
three month residual and will treat more than just grubs it can be used to
control other turf pests like chinch bugs ornamental pests like aphids and
even wood destroying insects like termites and carpenter ants use Dominion
2 L with the hose and sprayer following label instructions using a hose and
sprayer is ideal because you want to make sure there's enough water to carry
the Dominion down deep into the soil where the grubs will be broadcast the
Dominion over your entire lawn making a nice even coat we recommend aiming for
about a gallon of water per thousand square feet and make sure you stay off
the treated area until it dries you can also use the imidacloprid granules this
is also a good option because like the Dominion 2 L these granules will help
control a variety of larval and turf pests and is also systemic load the
granules into a spreader following the label directions broadcast the granules
over the entire yard like the Dominion 2 L the granules need to be soaked into
the turf for best results so water the lawn thoroughly after application to
drive the granules down again choose whichever product is easier for you to
apply but for heavy or repeat infestations you might want to apply
both products visit our website for an in-depth guide and access to each of
these products we 100% guarantee that these products and tips will rid you of
your grub problem and we offer same-day shipping to help you get control quickly
so Lucian's is a small family-owned
business and we rely on referrals from customers like you so if you liked this
how-to guide and when the products work for you please share and tell your
friends and family about us also please don't hesitate to give us a call or
shoot us an email i'm jason baker with solutions pest in lon
ask us how then do it yourself
How are your prescription lenses made? - Duration: 0:57.
Your lenses will be made to the highest global standards using the latest technology from top European suppliers
Because they embrace innovative cutting-edge techniques
you can custom design your lenses
from your prescription right through to choosing from a variety of color tints and finishes
And despite their exceptional speed and capacity,
you can be sure that they never compromise on quality or precision every step of the way
From ordering, to manufacturing, to fulfilment they ensure their high quality products arrive promptly
So that you can benefit from shorter times between order and delivery
So put your trust in our partnership and let us focus on your success
How to Identify Grubs - Duration: 1:25.
I'm Jason with solutions pest in line if you're new to us we create these videos
to help educate people like you about DIY pest control if you want to learn
more and get your professional pesticides for grub control then click
the links in the description below grubs are the larvae of a variety of beetles
that live underground in the soil beneath our grass grub worms actually
feed off the roots of grass and can cause extensive damage to your lawns
root system this affects your grasses ability to be able to absorb water and
nutrients leaving it too weak to fend off summer heat and turf disease
sometimes damage can be so great that you could pull the grass up like carpet
identification is one of the most important steps in pest control you need
to be certain that what's killing your lawn is grub worms your grass could be
dying from a turf disease or it could be a different pest damaging the grass if
you aren't sure its grub worms and you treat anyways you could end up wasting
time and money the grub can vary in size from 3/8 of an inch to 2 inches in
length it is soft thick and has a white body there frequently but not always
curled like the letters see important characteristics of grubs are their
well-developed heads and their legs groves will have brownish heads with
large mandibles they will also have three pairs of legs near their head the
presence of the legs will help you distinguish grubs over other larval
pests please don't hesitate to give us a call or shoot us an email i'm jason
baker with solutions pest in lawn ask us how did do it yourself
10 Craziest Things You Can Buy Online - Part 2 - Duration: 11:23.
Why did I marry this guy? - Duration: 4:57.
couldn't ask for a better morning today we're gonna be going on a catamaran and
spending the whole day on the boat so we're looking forward to it and can not
wait to tackle today headed to LA haina Mahina the Hanna Hina tomato tomahto
we're going to spend the day on a boat all day all day long
eating drinking and checking out Turtles and snoopeh ever diving we'll find out
what that is walk into our boat getting ready to take off for the day
very excited okay tell me now what to say there's your service your bartenders
your naturalist your lifeguard and we are off
we finished snorkeling laid out on the beach of it and now it's time to feast
captain Emily is captain of the ship lifeguard and apparently chef as well so
let's see what she cooks up and
great day on our way but we had three pounds oh yeah that should be
How to Be a Street Performer or Busker on Venice Boardwalk - Duration: 8:12.
How was your bathroom experience?
It looks like a well that a serial killer would keep you in
while softening your skin for the slaughter.
[Luke with sign]
[Man playing guitar]
[Actual alien man]
[Phat blunt]
You need water?
I'm cool
That's just informational.
Alright what is that?
<b>Two of swords.</b> Alright what is that?
<b>Two of swords.</b>
So you wanna be like a hot powerful woman with a dog
That's pretty self-explanatory.
Um, 3 of swords
You feel like a victim.
<i>not</i> being the victim.
Maybe stay away from swords.
More swords
what'd I say?
Four of swords!
stay off TV,
get a Hulu.
I need to shuffle these
Alright I'll take it.
Uhhm, alright
my joke is
I went to my friend's bachelor party recently
She smacked him in the face
<b>with a dildo</b> She smacked him in the face
<b>with a dildo</b>
<i>Smacked him across the face</i>
What's up?
You guys want... uh...
Any donation at all
can get you
We'll take rubber bands
Yea we'll take a paper clip
My life is brilliant
My love is pure
This guy came back with a
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
Beautiful mustache man
<b>GODSPEED MUSTACHE MAN</b> Beautiful mustache man
What would you like man?
<b>YES What would you like man?</b>
What would you like man?
What would you like my friend -
a song,
a joke,
or life advice?
You know, sometimes life hands you doubt
and then a...
<b><i>ANGEL ...florescent-colored</b></i>
just drops out of the sky
to give you positivity & <3
<b><i>BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY</b></i>
<b><i>THAT I GOT</b></i>
<b><i>SOMETHING THAT I GOT</b></i>
<b><i>* * *</b></i>
we're -- PG...
[wild animal noises]
That was awesome!
<b>"I am a river...</b>
<b>down in the valley, ohhh</b>
<b>I am a vision,</b>
<b>I can see clearlyyy</b>
<b>If anybody asks you who I am</b>
<b>Just stand up</b>
Which one appeals to you the most my lady?
Let's see...
Five of swords
Swords speak to aggression
Are you angry?
Sometimes, you wanna bring out the sword
And you go...
Are you gonna come, or not?!
And he says "maybe I'll call, ya know, we'll see"
and then you wanna say to him - and then you wanna say to him
you wanna say "take my hand," you wanna say,
"Am I with you?"
"Or am I gonna be with someone else?"
good Oh
You give him the perfect relationship
and then he can choose with a clear mind
And if he's still giving you this <b>FAKERY</b>,
if he's not being a <b>MAN</b>,
And if he makes the wrong choice,
then you whip it out again -- you go
Oh yea, any donation is fine
Now we can buy TWO sandwiches
Who got the rose?
I got her a rose
Awwwww AWWW come back
I have had that before and it's the best
and then you like, trust the person already
and you've known who she is, and it's - it's friggin... it's just like so organic
We're just taking it a day at a time
Oh yea that's awesome, that's what I'm saying
"I know it sounds funny but I just can't stand the pain
Girl I'm leavin' you tomorroOoOoOoOoOOOw
[Interpretive lyric]
[More b#!$@^&? that's not in the real song]
"Cause I'm easy"
[garbage words]
Y'all are so cute
"Easy like Sunday morning"
Awww, awwww, awww -
- O -
- aaawwwWwWwWw
"Cause I'm eeeaaasyyyyyyy"
"Easy like Sunday morning"
spin me
do a tip!
In Italy it only goes one way
You guys stay beautiful
<b>see you again</b> You guys stay beautiful
<b>see you again</b>
stay together
"Hey now
you're an all-star
getchya game on
go, play
Hey now,
You're a rocksta'
get the show on
get paid"
[guitar solo]
yea, break it down
That's the only song I know, by heart
GUY LIKE ME "fdsjakhfadkljh
Stacy's mom, has got it goin' on
She's all I want, and I waited for so long"
"This is my message to youUuUu"
"Don't worry
about a thing
'cause every little thing,
gonna be alright"
Here we go...
"Woke up this mornin'
smile at the..."
I thought someone counted
We're so f*%(^#$? filthy rich
oh my GOD
What're we getting?
Um, can we do
Can we get uh 2 McChickens,
Definitely a sausage burrito
What's the total?
Yea we can do it
You makin' a YouTube video or something...
We had a
We had a very lackluster fundraiser
Alright, so what we have here is
2 McChickens, Alright, so what we have here is
2 McDoubles, 2 McChickens, Alright, so what we have here is
and a sausage burrito. 2 McDoubles, 2 McChickens, Alright, so what we have here is
2 McChickens, 2 McDoubles, and a sausage burrito.
Alright, we're gonna split it all up
Split it all (?)
Take a bite
We earned this with
Blenheim Grove Custom Build: Part 2 - Piling Day - Duration: 3:25.
Homescapes Level 876 - How to complete Level 876 on Homescapes - Duration: 2:54.
"How to complete Level 876 on Homescapes"
"How to play Level 876 on Homescapes"
Life Hacks That Will Save You Time And Money - Duration: 8:39.
Dance Free ~ Tranceformation ~ Lose Your Inhibitions - Duration: 18:52.
Hey! Are you listening?
Then I hope you're not driving.
Listening to this will alter your consciousness by bringing you into a state of deep relaxation
So please enjoy safely.
Have you ever noticed how the ones who dance like no one is watching are the most beautiful
to watch?
Free of fear or self-consciousness, they seem to float somehow
just moving and shifting effortlessly as they flow with the music
Completely connected to that wide open, ecstatic feeling as everything else just falls away
Technical skill or conventional beauty… none of that matters when you're in the flow
because surrendering to the bliss of absolute freedom automatically makes you shine.
And perhaps you remember a time when you danced so free and you wish to do so again
Or maybe it's a feeling you've only dreamed of and one you long to experience
if you could just drop all those pesky inhibitions holding you back
Well, you can.
Quite easily, in fact.
And all it takes is a bit of everyday magic
My name is Whim, and today we're going to do some personal alchemy
Peeling away those fears that once kept you bound in place
and transforming them into a glamour that will entrance and captivate as you dance free.
So close your eyes and focus on my words Follow me as I take you on a Flight of Whimzee
Are you ready?
Then let's fly!
Now, when people come to me to be entranced, sometimes they are after more than just this
delicious feeling of falling deep under my spell as my voice charms you
They want to feel the power of my words change them
Make them more somehow More courageous, more carefree…
which, of course, is quite simple once you know how
But I'll let you in on a little secret: It's not actually my words that will transform
you today Following my voice simply leads you down into
a nice relaxed state of trance Bringing you down to that deep place where
all you wish to be and more already exists within you
And from here you can easily make the changes you desire
Because, you see, Inner Space is the realm of alchemical magic
A place where all kinds of transmutations and transmogrifications are possible
And the transformations that happen here can be seen in the outside world as soon as
you return.
Because when you drop deep into this beautiful state of trance, making these changes is effortless
Usually it's just a matter of releasing the old and turning it into something new…
easy peasy And the more you release, the more you have
to fuel your transformation So drop and let's take a look at what we
have to work with
Hmm, so it looks like some of these inhibitions have got you all wrapped up
and that can make it difficult sometimes when you just want to let go and groove in the
flow But that's OK, it's an easy enough fix
See, inhibitions are just the ideas you've accepted throughout your life about the "right"
way to be or act Layers of restrictions we place upon ourselves
to ensure that we're accepted by others And some inhibitions are healthy, of course
The ones that protect your livelihood and ensure your survival
or those handy filters that keep you in harmony with others and help you remain kind and respectful
even when it can be a challenge sometimes
Most inhibitions can simply be put on and taken off whenever the situation calls for it
adjusting your behavior as easily as changing
your outfit for the occasion But some inhibitions can be harder to shed
becoming blackout curtains draped around your soul
A costume worn so others cannot see who you really are
Sometimes worn for so long that you can even forget your own dreams and desires
as it becomes so twisted and knotted that it restricts your movements,
robbing you of your voice or your freedom to just flow with the music
Bindings of fear keeping you from living your best life as your authentic self
But fears are just nagging what-ifs that can only thrive when you don't really examine
the possible outcomes with a clear mind And any knot can be unraveled when you take
the time to really look at it So let's look deeper now and see how easily
we can undo some of these so you can remember how good it feels to be completely free,
Because each knot that drops away will leave you feeling lighter and lighter until you're
ready to go out and dance
Alright, let's start with an easy one — the fear of what people will think of you.
What if they don't approve of your choices?
Well, what if, indeed?
Luckily you don't actually need anyone's approval to be yourself and live the life
you desire.
As long as you're not hurting anyone, most people's opinions of you aren't really
of any practical consequence in the grand scheme of things, especially if they're
You will both simply go on living your own individual lives whether they approve or not.
Whatever thoughts they have about you are their own, and there's no reason for you
to worry about it or try to take on their ideas as your reality
Especially not when you could be living with joy instead
Another person's opinion of you can never be more important than you embracing your
authentic life Because at the end of the day, your experience
is yours to create, and yours alone So you can just release that fear now and
let it drop away, you don't need it anymore You can be free to dance however you want without
caring what anyone else thinks about it That's right.
Doesn't it feel nice to just let it go?
Like finally being able to breathe again after taking off a belt that was too tight
And you'll keep feeling lighter and lighter the more of these we work through, so let's
move on to the next one.
What if people don't like you when they see who you truly are?
Now, this is an interesting one, because when you really think about it, people can't
actually like you UNTIL they see who you truly are, so are you really risking anything by
being your authentic self?
Until you show them, they are simply interacting with your costume.
And how much of a real connection can that be?
Life is too short to waste it pretending to be something you're not, when you could
be enjoying who you truly are… and allowing others to enjoy it too
And you know what?
Not everyone is going to like everyone else anyway, and that's ok.
Surely you've met people you didn't care much for, and somehow life went on.
So you don't need to worry about this one anymore either
You can just let it drop away… and feel that relief and lightness as the unnecessary
weight leaves you now.
And look, some of your true colors are starting to peek through, so let's peel this last
layer away and see who you really are…
But what if the people you care about don't look at you the same?
Now this one may seem to be the scariest of all, and it might even be true, but it's
not something to be afraid of…
Because showing your authentic self to those closest to you is the easiest way to deepen
your relationships And of course, it can be scary at times to
be vulnerable, but that is the only way to forge a true connection.
The people who love you will accept you completely, the same way you accept them completely
And you can just let all the others go so you can enjoy a richer experience surrounded by
those who truly see you and support you, because those are the ones that really matter
So just allow the last of those fears dissolve to now,
letting the last of your inhibitions drop away until you're completely unbound,
Laid bare, free to shine with all those beautiful colors that make you unique
Just look at you, you're beautiful So take a moment now and rest here in the
awareness of complete acceptance of who you are and the knowledge that it is all ok.
Allow yourself to enjoy this feeling of absolute freedom.
Alright, you've done a wonderful job of releasing all of those inhibitions, and since
we have all this material to work with now, let's use a bit of alchemical magic to transform
these old rags into something fabulous So take all that energy that was tied up in
those inhibitions and focus it now Imagine what it would be like to feel this
free all the time Intensify those feelings of ecstatic joy and
comfort in just being yourself Secure in your desires
Confident in your choices Committed to living your authentic life
And let that warm glow fill you now and spread out around you
A glamour showcasing the unique beauty of your true colors for those who care to see
Rendering you impervious to the judgments of others
And calling the right ones to you whenever you dance free
And, of course, this glamour is fully adjustable so you can shine just as bright as you desire
After all, you don't have to bare your soul to just anyone
How much you show the world is, of course, your choice
But remember, the more you shine, the easier it will be for your tribe to find you, and the richer
the experience you can have as you pursue your authentic life.
And if you ever begin to notice that feeling of being constricted again, you can simply drop deep back to this
place and examine those knots Unraveling each one and letting them fall
away until you're free like this again Because remember, everything you need is already
right here within you
Now in a moment, I will tell you to wake, and when I do you will return to the world
transformed and all glammed up Ready to go out and dance like no one is
watching Surrendering to the flow and following your
bliss with those who choose to join you on the journey
And as for the rest of them?
Let them stare.
So WAKE… and shine.
Opportunities for Direct Engagement with Real-Time Text - Duration: 1:11:49.
I'm Jay Wyant, Chief Information Accessibility Officer for the State of Minnesota,
and I am happy to welcome Christian Vogler.
He is the head of the Technology Access Program at Gallaudet University.
He came here to present about real-time text. RTT.
He will be talking about current data.
It's a long, complex process.
Hopefully it will happen soon – RTT.
We have a 90 minutes presentation.
So, he is not going to go overtime.
90 minutes, that's it.
We'll be letting him know when there's a 10-minute break.
One more thing, I'm sure you have heard this
but use an app on your devices to complete an evaluation.
We'd appreciate your feedback.
So please use the app.
If you don't have the app on your device, you can get the evaluation in paper from me.
The evaluation is confidential.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you, Jay, for the introduction.
So – as he already mentioned, I work for Gallaudet University.
My perspective is academic.
My presentation will be talking about what happened from academic research and development
to a companies and to the Federal Communications Commission regulations and so on.
A lot of changes are happening right now.
I had to revise my slides again to align with recent developments that came up.
This is a hot topic and a lot of changes are happening right now.
Ok. All right. So…
I'll briefly explain who I am, who we are, and what we do.
Gallaudet University is a liberal arts college for the deaf and hard of hearing.
We are a research group focused on technology for the deaf and hard of hearing.
How to make technology more accessible.
We have a strong goal.
We want the deaf and hard of hearing people to be able to function equally as a hearing person.
Whatever a hearing person can do, we can have the privilege to do the same.
So far, there has been a lot of research on phone communications.
Access to phone communication -
but we also do a variety of topics.
Today – Real Time Text.
RTT, in short.
I'll be saying RTT going forward.
This falls in the area of phone communication access.
This will provide a lot of new opportunities for the deaf and hard of hearing
to gain as much access as a hearing person has.
Anyways, we have a team of five people working on this. You'll see a picture of our lab.
We have four researchers—
two deaf and two hearing.
If you want a summary of who I am…
Professional troublemaker.
We collaborate closely with a variety of companies and government agencies
and deaf and hard of hearing customer advocacy groups, as well.
Often they don't like to hear what we have to say.
Too bad! We believe it is the right way.
We want to emphasize that we're neutral… regardless of the means of communication.
It doesn't matter if you sign or talk
or use visual communications or auditory --
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter which government agency.
It doesn't matter which company.
If your goal is to support access for people with disabilities,
we'll work with you.
Today, our focus is on RTT.
There are two parts in this presentation.
In the first part, I'll be explaining what exactly RTT is and what's up with that.
In the second part, I'll be discussing how government agencies and other organizations
could take advantage of RTT to improve communication
for both people with disabilities and important people with disabilities.
I have a visual to show of RTT. In this visual you see a conversation using text going back and forward.
This is different.
As you can see on the bottom,
there is a person that is currently typing.
As he types, the message shows up.
He has not finished his message.
So, this means with RTT you can read exactly what the person is typing.
What is being typed is being sent out at the same time.
It types and sends at the same time.
Basically, what I type is being sent out immediately.
The other person can read it immediately.
a hearing person …
calls another person and use their voice.
The other person hears this person speak.
Sometimes the person would misspeak and self-correct.. This concept applies to RTT.
With RTT you see what is being typed out and sometimes you will see mistakes, yes.
You self-correct but the important thing is that it helps a lot.
if a hearing person calls and the other end hears what this person is saying—
he notices that his question is not being answered.
The speaker is going off the point and the other person can tell the speaker to stop.
Slow down, say "That's not what I meant."
This works out a better conversation.
RTT has this same concept.
If you type something and a person notices you're going off the point,
this person can tell you to stop and try to reel it back to the right topic.
I'll be explaining with more depth later-- on what's the difference between RTT and text messaging.
Hold that for now.
RTT has two important characteristics.
First, it sends out what you type immediately. You read it immediately.
That means typing has no delay; the other person can read it almost immediately.
And the second important characteristic is that you can accommodate typing with voice
at the same time.
Some people are profoundly deaf like me, for example.
I'll only be able to use the typed part.
But the people who use voice or those who are hard of hearing,
those people will be able to use both at the same time.
Sometimes they'll speak. Sometimes they'll type.
Sometimes a person would speak and they can understand fine.
Sometimes they would not be sure what the speaker means and they would type it.
That could happen.
I have a few videos to show to help you understand what it really means.
OK. I'll be showing two videos.
The first video will show two situations.
The first situation is between deaf and hearing neighbors.
Ok, the deaf house has a kid. This kid goes to the hearing neighbor's house and interacts with them.
The deaf neighbor just saw a tornado warning.
In a hurry, he talks to the neighbor to make sure he knows and to make sure they are safe.
There is no time for a longer process of communication.
He needs to call and be connected immediately.
We have exciting news!
FCC -- Federal Communications Commission
FCC had a historical vote of 5-0 yesterday on a new communication technology—RTT.
Real time text for all of you, deaf, hard of hearing, or hearing.
For everyone out there.
On new mobile phones, by next year--
December 2017--
you can type on a live phone call.
The goal is to replace TTY with RTT everywhere in the next few years.
Here's what RTT looks like.
So, you've seen the video—
You probably noticed a few things.
First, the conversation is fast.
Notice how the neighbor answered the phone and at the same time the typed text is being sent
talking about the tornado warning.
Before he finished typing, the neighbor answered telling him not to worry and that kids are be safe.
People type/send messages together at the same time.
If you communicate with text message, this is what will happen:
I'll text that there is a tornado warning.
I got to type the whole thing without the neighbor reading it.
When I finish the text and send it, then the neighbor will get the message.
The neighbor answers "Oh, OK. Thank you. We're safe."
While he types this, I have to wait.
Then he sends it and I get it.
That's prolonged.
With RTT, you see the conversation is fast and fluid.
I don't want to highlight RTT as being only for emergencies.
No. It is also useful in other situations.
The next video I'll show is an informal conversation between two friends.
They're making plans to go to a movie theater.
What you just saw here had two examples for comparison.
The first example is your regular back and forward texting.
The friend told me to go to that movie theater and that he will tell his wife to meet at that movie theater.
Then after I read it, I tell him to go to the other movie theater.
But he already told his wife.
Now, he got to tell his wife the change of plans.
The second example is RTT. Both people can see what is being typed at the same time.
I told I want to go there and my friend interrupted me. He tells me to go to the other theater.
That situation avoided misunderstandings.
There is one more video I want to show.
So far, RTT focuses on typing only.
Now, I'll show an example of how RTT combined with voice will help.
In the next video, you'll see an example where a doctor's office calls a hard of hearing person.
The hard of hearing person can hear on the phone and understands most of it
but sometimes they misunderstand something.
So, the doctor office uses RTT to send a message, ensuring the person understands completely.
So, you saw a hard of hearing person thought the appointment was confirmed for this morning.
This person is ready to go to the doctor's office this morning.
The doctor's office noticed that this person had misunderstood
and she typed to clarify that it is an afternoon appointment.
By the way, if you have any questions—please feel free to ask me anytime.
You can interrupt me.
As I've mentioned, RTT and text messages are different.
Now, I'll be explaining with, more clarity, of how these two are different.
I have many experiences with many people who are not sure
why we need RTT when we already have text messaging.
You know, most of you, maybe all of you use text messages often.
It doesn't matter if you're hearing, deaf, or hard of hearing.
We all text often.
Even though you're hearing and you use text—that's fine.
But, often hearing people make voice calls.
In many different situations, text messages are usually informal and more casual.
You send text messages saying "Hello. What's up?" and so on.
Sometimes you don't expect the other end to read it immediately.
Sometimes you have to wait an hour or two hours for the person to read it and respond.
Sometimes something comes up in the conversation and the person has to go and will not respond for a while.
Later, in three, four hours, or tomorrow the person comes back and the conversation is continued.
With voiced calls, the situation requires the conversation to happen now.
You have to have a full conversation
and you have to make sure you get the person's attention and discuss
until the issues, whatever it is, is resolved.
So, the text messaging is accessible to the deaf/hard of hearing
while the voice calls are not fully accessible as of now.
So, RTT is connected with voice calls.
This concept makes sure whether you're hearing, deaf, or hard of hearing, [with RTT] the voice calls are more accessible.
The goal is whenever you give the voiced phone number,
it would allow the people call you.
The goal is also to allow RTT to be used at anytime a call happens.
So, if you can't speak on the phone or can't hear the phone you can use RTT.
Now, I have a question.
If you don't mind, raise your hands if you've heard of TTY.
So, TTY.
So, RTT technology exists because we have to replace the TTY.
You have to.
It's not optional.
TTY is a fifty year old technology.
It started showing up for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the 1960s, 1970s.
Back then, the release of this made phone communication accessible
first time for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
But, it has a lot of downsides and many limitations.
The biggest, the most severe downside is that TTY does not work for internet phone calls.
If you make a TTY call on the internet, you run a high risk of having the text garbled.
Also, many people have moved on to more advanced technology.
Many people are now using captioned telephone and video relay services.
These are excellent technology but they have a big downside, as well.
With TTY, you can place a direct call with a person without a third party.
Both video relay service and captioned telephone involves a third party to conduct the call.
For example, the video relay service—
I'd be talking through a sign language interpreter.
With the captioned telephone,
you receive the captions through an operator who talks to an automatic speech recognition system.
Both of these are not perfectly accurate.
For example, the interpreter sometimes does not understand what I'm saying.
For example, suppose I have a deep and complicated conversation about a medical issue or a legal question.
If the interpreter doesn't know the subject, the interpreter will be prone to misunderstandings.
That will mangle the conversation.
Captioned telephones have a lot of issues with errors and delays.
So, these services are great but not perfect.
Sometimes it's better to have a direct conversation.
A direct communication with a person because he is an expert and I know exactly what I want.
Better to have a direct conversation.
In the past, that was the TTY.
Now TTY is obsolete.
TTY does not work on the internet.
TTY is slow. Very limited. And so on.
It's time to replace that with RTT.
Here are two examples of how RTT is much better than TTY.
First, with RTT, you can type and send at the same time.
You can interrupt each other since you type at the same time.
With the TTY, you have to wait for your turn
because typing at the same time would garble the conversation.
Second, TTY only works for American English.
If you call a minority who has a different language
and possibly uses a different alphabet,
the TTY doesn't work. You can't communicate with that person.
With RTT, you can.
It supports Unicode completely.
which means it supports any language in the world.
If your phone supports that language, that means RTT will support that language too.
So. If, for example, you call a person who speaks Chinese,
RTT will communicate with them. It works.
I'll cover some benefits of RTT, why it is good for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing,
and why it's good to provide access.
Here are several examples.
The most important thing—the most significant thing is
that RTT will become available on every mobile phone.
We're getting there soon.
Comparing this with the past
When the TTY was a special equipment for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
If someone wanted to communicate with a (deaf/hard of hearing) person,
he/she or a government agency had to go a buy a TTY and set it up.
Many people said, "No, thanks.
It's too much work or too expensive. I'm not interested."
RTT is on every phone.
That's different.
That means in the future, every person will be able to send and receive RTT.
You don't need special equipment any more.
That means for the first time deaf and hard of hearing people will have more access
to communications just like a hearing person with a phone.
So, we should be able to call a government agency effortlessly.
Or call a company and order a pizza.
Call whoever we want. A neighbor to meet at the pool. Anything.
If 911 is not available for any reason—
I'm going to give an example of that.
Emergencies can happen anywhere.
If there's a long wait on the phone and I need immediate help,
I can tell my neighbor to come and help.
To the point, this has a lot of benefits for the deaf and hard of hearing.
OK. RTT actually can be beneficial for everybody.
It doesn't matter if you're deaf, hard of hearing, or hearing.
I'm going to show you how it can benefit hearing people.
First of all, I really hope people will adopt this idea:
Often a call would be connected to a phone tree.
"Press one for English. Press two for Spanish."
Press for English.
"Please listen carefully for your options. These changed recently.
Press one for customer service. Press two for sales. Press three for an officer.
Press four for complaints. Press five for insanity and professional help."
You go through this tree.
It's terrible. You have to wait and listen a long time.
When you press your button, you just listen to it again.
So, if every phone has RTT,
what it'll do is that it could send a list of options before speaking.
You can read the options immediately—RTT.
Reading has two upsides.
First, for most people, reading is faster.
Second, it is easier to search and find the option I want.
I can avoid waiting and listening.
Another example is when you need to provide your credit card number or a phone number.
If you're speaking, the person on the other end has to remember it or write it down.
If you send the information by using RTT, it'll be easier for the other person to receive it.
Also, if you spell out a name over a phone, you'll need to provide phonetic help such as
"V as in Victor, A as in Alpha," and so on.
People misspell my last name and my wife's last name often.
It's just easier to type and send names.
Or suppose you book a flight through an airline and they ask for your credit card number.
When there are people around, they can hear you speaking on your mobile phone.
They'll hear your credit card number. There's no privacy.
If you type it, it's private. Nobody can read your text and get your number.
This also helps when you're in a noisy environment.
Suppose you're making a call next to a jackhammer,
it would be impossible to have a verbal conversation.
The other end will not hear anything. Typing and sending your message will help.
You'll probably be talking about this later, but are there current laws regarding RTT?
Yes. I'll be mentioning that later.
I just explained a lot of the pros about adopting RTT.
Now, I'll be giving a brief summary of what is happening right now.
As of right now, the FCC is working on replacing TTY with RTT.
They're making new rules on the mobile phones.
Yes, mobile devices.
In short, they require giving the phone companies options—
to continue supporting TTY or switch to RTT.
All phone companies will definitely switch to RTT.
The phone companies hate the TTY requirement.
If they switch, they are required to support RTT and voice features in the same call.
And they must be backward compatible with TTY.
Backward compatible.
TTY is the old technology, RTT is the new technology.
If I use RTT, I must be able to call a TTY.
More specifically, 911 and 711 relay services.
All of the phone companies provide RTT are required to be able to interoperate.
Yes, Interoperate.
Interoperate has a very simple definition.
Suppose I use AT&T, you use Verizon, and you use Sprint—
we should still be able to use RTT to call each other.
You may remember that when the mobile devices first showed up,
the different companies couldn't call each other.
That has been resolved.
This requirement makes sure that this isn't an issue with RTT. With RTT, we will be able to call each other.
Somebody just asked me how that works.
Technology standard, or open standard, everybody uses it.
It's called RFC4103.
It interoperates perfectly with voice over IP phone communications.
That means, if the company supports VoIP it's easy for the company to support that technology.
It's very easy.
It's same as if it supports video and voice; it's easy to add this.
That'll be important later in the second part of the presentation
focusing on what the government agencies can do.
We're getting back to what is happening right now.
Remember when I mentioned that the FCC had released new rules?
It will be effective three weeks from now.
On December 32—sorry. 31.
The big four phone companies—
AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile must support RTT as of December 31st.
Some of the other subjects are still being investigated by the FCC.
Ok. So, as I've mentioned it's 3 weeks later.
Very soon!
The first step is a baby step.
The phone companies will make a downloadable app available.
Later in 2019, all new phones must have built-in RTT.
The downloadable app is temporary.
Two years from now, the phones will have it built-in.
It's interesting to see some phone companies start offering downloadable apps.
Other phone companies have started the built-in with the phone makers.
The recent iOS 11.2 upgrade with Verizon phones let you use RTT.
You can see that it shows up on your options.
If you turn it on and make a voice call to another person with RTT, an icon will show up on the phone screen.
Clicking on this icon will turn on RTT.
Some of my friends have tested and verified it.
Just today—this morning, AT&T published their app on the android store.
It's available now, I've already checked.
As for iOS, they're still waiting for approval.
Any questions so far?
So for someone who uses an Android phone with Sprint, you're saying that if I want the app,
but if I don't use the iPhone,
can I download the app on January 1st?
I can't speak for Sprint. I don't know what they're doing.
Two things are happening… you probably can go to the Android store and find an app for Sprint.
Find an app for Sprint.
Possibility… another possibility is that maybe Sprint will say
"sorry, we don't support old Android phones right now."
Or maybe they'll support only iPhones.
I don't know for now.
The first step requires them only to support one phone.
AT&T seems to be supporting a variety of phones right now.
I hope Sprint is the same but I can't confirm that.
I don't know what they're doing right now. Wait until December 31st and find out.
Any questions?
No. OK.
Remember this point—RTT will be on every mobile phone in the future.
It's starting now and it will continue with an end date in 2019.
That's for the big phone companies.
The small companies have to be ready by 2021.
So, as I mentioned, this is the first time a regular phone will be
fully accessible for the deaf and hard of hearing using voice calls.
It's an exciting opportunity
and a great win.
I'll begin to briefly talk about the legal situation right now.
So, we have ADA Title II, and of course, Section 508.
Two things: So far, many federal and state agencies have TTYs.
Of course, less and less people use TTY.
Many of them have put the TTY in a corner and let the dust gather.
They don't use them for calls anymore,
they are just sitting there.
Second, Voice over IP communications is under a completely different law.
This law is the 21st Century Communication and Video Accessibility Act, CVAA for short.
This law basically says if you provide an advanced communication service, then it must be accessible.
Voice over IP, RTT, and video communications all are under "advanced communication service."
This does not force you to provide RTT.
Correct, it does not force you to provide RTT.
But if you do provide RTT, you have to make sure it's accessible to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind, blind, and so on.
Now this part is where it gets complicated.
Jay, just before lunch,
Jay was talking about section 508.
He talked about the changes.
He mentioned the changes on phone communications
and asked me to talk about it. So, I'll be talking a bit about what is happening.
Unfortunately, as of right now, there is a lot of confusion.
The old language in Section 508 said, "You have to provide voice communications and a TTY."
The new Section 508 removed the TTY language and they're saying they will hold off on RTT until later.
The (U.S.) Access Board said that there are too many changes happening and they're not ready to put it in section 508.
They're waiting for FCC to figure it out.
They're waiting to see what happens over there and will come back to it later.
So I can't predict what will happen.
Please don't hold me to this but this is what I think will happen--
As FCC figures out what to do with RTT for mobile phones,
they will be looking at Section 255 for phone communications access.
We don't know but after they figure that out, they might go back to section 508 to make sure they both work together.
Anyways, even though section 508 is vague,
if you provide fully accessible services to all citizens, then you need to make sure you provide as many communication options as possible.
Even though the legal requirement is not currently there,
I encourage you to proactively think about how to make RTT available.
Two reasons: First, access.
The other one is that it will benefit everybody.
Now, I will talk about what could happen in the near future.
How, today—or soon, government organizations or agencies can receive a call from a mobile user
using RTT? How can I get that call?
The first situation you see is a customer with a mobile phone using RTT to call the agency
and the agency receives the call through a TTY.
That is expected to work because FCC requires these two to be interoperable.
This, however, is an easy and cheap way out.
I don't recommend this because you become stuck with an old,
severely limited technology for a while.
This is not my idea of a good service. It forces you to type slowly and it's limited.
But, if you do have a TTY… what could happen in the near future is that you start receiving more calls.
Like I mentioned, many of these TTYs are abandoned and gathering dust.
Now is a good time to check your TTY call handling protocols and make sure it works.
Make sure somebody knows how to use it.
So, I'm curious. TTY is an ancient technology. How does "same-time" communications work?
If you interrupt, how does that work?
OK. I'll tell you what I want and then I'll tell you what the phone companies agreed to do.
When RTT connects with TTY, the problem is when they both type at the same time—
the RTT user doesn't know that the other end is a TTY.
The RTT user would think they're typing at the same time but this will scramble the conversation.
So, in that situation you just go to make sure the both ends wait for their turn to type.
This is another reason why you should throw out the TTY and figure out how to offer RTT in your office.
Let's move on to the second situation.
Again, we're talking about mobile phones.
The agency sets up a software that supports RTT.
It's already part of the software that is available today. I have some on my phone right there.
If there's time after the presentation, I welcome you to come and play with it yourself.
The software is available and it works through the Internet.
This software uses the exact same technology as mobile phones.
It sends and receives RTT. It sends and receives audio.
The FCC rule mentions one standard for interoperating, RFC4103.
The software supports this and the mobile phone, as well.
It will interoperate.
One thing is missing right now—
one thing is missing.
We have to set up a connection between the phone company and the VoIP provider for your agency.
I don't know what the companies are using but suppose the provider is Vonage
then they have to figure out an agreement with the phone company to add RTT.
Connect it.
But again, I want to emphasize with the technology of today, it's not hard to do it.
It's not hard to do. Technology is not hard.
OK. This is the goal for the future.
It takes time to establish this and to get the software edited and developed.
If you're ambitious and you're looking fast benefits, you have a third option.
The third option is, some of you already know this.
For example, a company such as Amazon and other companies;
they've set up a web-based communication system.
Once you have a problem, you connect through a website.
A lot of website communication systems are already out there.
Some offer video and audio. Some are starting to offer RTT.
The nice thing about website based system is you could set it up tomorrow.
It's already there. There's so many available.
That means the mobile phone user can't use their phone right now.
You have to send the user to the webpage.
They have to connect to be provided with services.
Whether or not they're disabled or not disabled; they can use voice, video, or RTT.
So, you got three options.
It seems that you have to make some effort to figure out how to plan for that.
You may have to purchase some software and figure out how to keep it operating. A lot of work, maybe.
I'm emphasizing again on why it's so important.
First-- the top reason, you're supposed to be accessible.
Right? You must be accessible.
If you don't provide this, you're not fully accessible.
A voice phone number is not enough.
You should provide an option for direct communication.
As I've mentioned, a third party on video or captioned telephone can mangle the conversation sometimes.
Direct conversation minimizes the risk of miscommunication.
Some companies and agencies have set up a text chat on their websites.
If you have that, consider RTT.
The reason is because conversation would be faster and fluent than when you read and start thinking of a response as the other person types.
If it's a conventional forth and back text chat, you don't have that option.
With RTT you speed up the conversation.
And I'm telling you it's a lot more fun too.
Lastly, even if you neglect people with disabilities,
I know you all care about but suppose you didn't care about them.
RTT also benefits people who can hear. For example, the phone tree!
What has to happen.
The technology is ready. Anyone can start get going right now.
The biggest remaining task is to figure out
how the VoIP provider and RTT connect with mobile phones.
The technology standards are there.
Both the VoIP--
So, I want to share some specific names of software we have today.
If you're interested, you can explore these today.
All of the mentioned software is either the ones I know and used or the ones my friends and coworkers uses.
But to be clear, my talking about these software does not mean I endorse it.
It's just information. This is not a complete list.
There are other companies out there that are starting to work on this.
If you set up RTT in its own VoIP environment, these are some of the options you have.
One is eCTouch.
eCTouch. I have it here.
Then we have PUC…
SIP, yes.
OK. Jay asked what SIP means.
SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol.
That specifies how any VoIP phones and new mobile phones can set up a connection.
The first is eCTouch. PUC. Make sure you Google for more.
Some video relay services also offer this.
And open source. Open source Linphone also offers this.
Second, you have options of the web-based services.
First, the ACE Direct—this was developed by a contract with the FCC.
MITRE developed this.
It's available today. You can download it and set it up today.
Other companies that provide services with similar concepts are
SOLVES, eCWeb, and a lot of others.
One of the cool things about these options is that most of them support all three—
video, audio, and RTT. Three in one.
So, you got to think big.
Don't focus on just audio and RTT.
Suppose you hire a lot of deaf signers, you can use the video to hire some who signs.
This set up will do videos, too. Plus RTT. Plus audio. It's got everything.
Basically whatever you do—again I'm emphasizing—review your TTY protocols.
If you still got the TTY, review the protocols for you probably could get some calls.
So, I want you to think about three things.
One, RTT can make communication much more efficient and more accessible.
Two, RTT is coming to mobile phones. No matter what, it will come.
Many companies are starting to implement RTT in their software and their platforms.
I'm letting you know that RTT is also an important part of the next generation 911.
A lot of areas are starting to implement this.
Some federal contracts are looking into this too.
In general, my perspective is academic.
From the University's perspective.
I work closely with the users because they want it.
I know what the phone companies are planning to do.
I know what the government is planning to do.
But what I don't know is the perspective of state agencies, agencies who closely interact with their clients.
So, I'm going to give two discussion points.
You don't have to follow this. If you have any other questions or ideas, that's fine.
Go ahead.
The two discussion questions, from the perspective of an agency:
what opportunities and barriers do you see for deploying RTT?
And—how do we make sure in the future, when setting up a new contract for a phone communication service, to include RTT?
Does this mean I've overwhelmed you?
The defining factor, from my perspective, is that Section 508
is that the hardware requirements in Section 508 requires full accessibility.
So the hardware intervention in Section 508,
what we should do is ask the VOIP vendors, what are you doing?
And they said, we will get back to you later.
They are presenting this Friday. What I plan to do is ask and hopefully find out soon about their plan for RTT.
From the hardware perspective, I think it can be supported?
But for the wireless perspective, it won't be easy.
Thank you for your comments.
It's nice to see some positivity.
So, I've always said that the hardware should be ready because most of the phones have a screen.
If it has a screen, any of the recent hardware will be able to develop software to receive and show RTT.
Also, some of the hardware has the ability to connect an exterior keyboard through Bluetooth.
It's a part of the requirement for accessibility, anyways.
Suppose there's a blind person who uses braille—braille…
that means it should be able to connect with any keyboards.
If you got both, the screen and the keyboard then RTT will not require much computing power.
Most of the hardware has these two things. A screen and a keyboard.
It should be able to support RTT.
So, my view is don't ask the hardware manufacturers—the hardware will support it.
Instead, ask "What about your software?"
Wait for the interpreter.
With new RTT,
with VoIP compatibility,
the new phone tree integrates with VoIP.
As phone system VoIP separates video and audio.
You're right.
The software ACE Direct was developed by the FCC for that specific purpose.
To integrate video and voice calls into one.
The speaking part is similar to auto play for screen readers attached to their (blind people) phones.
So, if you're listening to a call and you get a text at the same time…
how can blind users pause the screen reader so you don't get both at the same time?
Excellent question.
That is an issue right now.
FCC has established an advisory committee.
It's called Disability Advisory Committee, DAC for short.
DAC looked into that issue recently—they're looking into how to make sure that RTT is fully accessible to people who are blind.
And how to interoperate it with the screen reader and braille.
There will be a round table next year, I'm guessing around February.
I'm not quite sure yet.
They'll be getting people from manufacturers, phone companies, screen reader manufacturers, and braille manufacturers.
They all are getting together to figure out how to better delegate responsibilities and to decide who does what.
What we know right now is that it is technically possible.
I know that because the DeafBlind community has used that system in the past—based on IP
--It will happen. It has to happen.
If it doesn't happen that means it's breaking the law.
This is Jay again. You asked me about barriers.
One barrier is culture because when we talk about RTT, we can forget about the relay services.
If we focus on the texting part, we forget about the videophone and call directly but that person could try signing
and we don't know if there's a person who can read sign language.
So what can we do?
Hope the person is smart enough to say, "I don't understand sign language, please type what you are telling me?"
We need to have a lot of training and a lot of cultural developments.
Will that happen in the future?
There's one way how we can avoid confusion—
to make sure there's no confusion.
If an agency or organization is not ready to sign, don't offer video.
Only offer audio and RTT. That's one way.
Some people will object.
Some people prefer to sign and that's fine.
But, you got to start at step one.
Figure out the next step after that.
With RTT, you're reaching out to a larger potential audience.
I know there's not much time left.
I see a lot of people scribbling in their notes and getting ready to leave.
But, I'm letting you know that if you want to play with some of the technology I have right now—
if you want to stay a bit and take a look to see what it looks like, go ahead.
This is Jay.
One question I wanted to ask for clarification.
With mobile phone technology, does RTT work with 3D and 4D?
Sorry interpreter error—3G or 4G?
So, if the 3G is connected, you can't use it. Right?
RTT supports 4G and WiFi.
That's the reason why RTT is starting to spread right now.
More phone companies want to offer WiFi calls.
AT&T did their own investigations and they found out that it's impossible to use TTY through WiFi calls.
So, they're stuck.
By offering WiFi calls, it means they're breaking the rule.
Sales Tips: How to Approach Personality-Based Selling - Duration: 1:59.
Hi, Andrew Davidson at SalesLoft.
As sales reps, you'll tend to come across many different personality types with your
prospects, looking to communicate with them around the benefits that your product provides,
in a context that they can relate to.
So today, I'm going to share some tips of how I'm communicating effectively with different
personality types.
So you've done your research, and your prospect fits your ICP, or your ideal customer profile.
Now it's time to look at some context that you can relate over.
I know from experience, tailoring my message to a prospect's personality, and understanding
what channels they appreciate messages to come through, as well as how long those messages
should be, are extremely powerful.
And SalesLoft's integration with Crystal helps a great deal here, giving you a plethora
of data from a prospect's personality and understanding into how they like to be communicated
For example, with Emily here, Crystal identifies she is pragmatic, logical and direct.
So I know I'm more likely to get a response by keeping communication short when reaching
And Crystal even gives me an email example that's less than three sentences, tailored
to her specific personality.
But with a more social personality, like Jason, a short and concise approach may come off
as cold.
They may prefer a longer, more personal stories, emails four sentences or longer, and visual
They may also even enjoy a little small talk to get to know you as a person.
I also find Crystal very useful when calling.
I can proactively adjust my tone and pitch to match that of my prospect.
Thankfully, Crystal has data for all personality types so you're able to connect with your
prospects quickly and effectively, and you can access
that information and those notes, all within SalesLoft.
Thanks so much for taking the time to listen.
Hope you learned something new about communicating with different personalities, and I'd love
to hear how you've been successful here.
Have a great day.
Sales Tips: 3 Ways Automation Will Boost Your Sales Game - Duration: 3:15.
Andrew Davidson, Account Executive at SalesLoft.
Today I'm going to talk to you about when and how to use automation to boost your sales
As sales reps, we know that establishing a human connection is the critical for success.
But in today's world that's packed full of technology, that can be difficult.
The truth is, personalization and automation should be balanced, and there's a time and
place for each.
Great automation will actually save time without sacrificing value.
I'm going to share three of the best uses of automation that will keep mundane and monotonous
administrative tasks off your plate, so you can spend more time selling.
First up involves email.
I usually kick off my cadences with a hyper-personalized email to the prospect.
It's carefully aligned to the persona, needs, and initiatives of the prospect, account and
So, this one's going to be a little bit more of a time-consuming step.
But what's great, is I can create a cadence step that will send an in-thread email a
few days later to bring that personalized email back to the top of the prospects inbox.
This is a creative way to resurface value without having to re-personalize a new email,
looking for identical information, or hoping for another compelling event.
It's a step I would execute regardless, but it saves time on copying, pasting, or
creating a whole new email.
A second way to use automation, is a triggered standard of success within the SalesLoft
So internally, if an SDR schedules a meeting, we consider that a success.
Once a demo is scheduled, your team doesn't want to pester the prospect or their colleagues
with emails or phone calls.
Manually, this requires removing all prospects from that account within SalesLoft, and also
updating the information within Salesforce.
Rather than doing all this manual work, we set up these automation rules to execute everything
for us.
Simply marking someone as a success will automatically remove them from a cadence, remove everyone
else within that account from a cadence, update the records in Salesforce, and also notify
any other reps who have been working on that account.
This drastically cuts down on duplicate work, and makes sure that nothing slips through
the cracks.
My last tip involves transferring prospects in between cadences.
We found success in both account-based and persona-based cadences.
Throughout your cadences, you'll connect with certain prospects and learn that timing
might be off for those accounts.
This means you don't need to communicate as frequently.
But rather than pushing an account in Salesforce, we can simply switch a prospect from a account-based
cadence, into a persona-based cadence.
This allows us to automate based on a prospects level of interest.
For example, if a prospect clicks or views an email up to five times, the remaining steps
for that day become calls to strike while the iron's hot.
There's a huge number of uses for automation, but these three help our sales team manage
a prospect faster, and spend more time on engage selling.
Thanks for watching; I hope you learned when and where automation will help your sales
teams productivity, and how to implement it effectively.
Feel free to drop any question or comments below.
Thanks again, and have a great day.
Jay-Z & Beyonce | 7 Super Tips - Duration: 6:06.
You're sweating a lot, dude. Maybe you could post-produce an image that has a
person sweating. But right now, it'd be good if - oh we should have grabbed Monica because
then we have another camera showing how bad you're sweating right now.
Hey it's number one best-selling author and motivational speaker Eric Qualman.
Most of you know me as Equalman. Welcome to our 7 Super Tips where today we're
joined by Beyonce and Jay-Z. They're gonna give us 7 Super Tips that help
unlock and unleash our inner superpower.
Well, trust yourself. Know who you are. Well, I was so young when I first started.
It took a couple of years because I didn't know who I was. I was still the
teenager, but we always wrote our own songs and we always - you know - had
creative control. For one, because the label didn't really believe in us so
they were like, "oh let them do whatever they wanted to." And it worked out in my
advantage because we proved ourselves at a young age. But, I think the biggest
thing is to - I would say - rehearse practice and you know it doesn't matter
if you're in front of Target, a daycare, wherever you say.
[HOST] They say it takes 10,000 - 10,000 - hours to master.
[BEYONCE] Exactly
[HOST] You would agree with that?
[BEYONCE] Absolutely, and I put the same amount of effort into whatever I did, and so did
the other girls. It didn't matter what it was and eventually it prepares
you for greatness. So work work work work work.
My advice is just do things that are true to you - you know...you know - Most things that I'm involved with are
extension of being creative, you know. Rocawear is a clothing company, you know
It's part of who you are and hip-hop is your attitude and what you're trying to
express how you dress. You know, I love sports growing up I grew up
in a household where sports was on 24 you know 7. So these are things that are
you know are comfortable for me, you know. These are things that I like so I would
just say get involved in things that you love and also have, you
know, have a standard for yourself and have some sort of integrity and try to,
you know, find some sort of truth in what you're doing.
I love to perform. I love music. I love what I do. I love singing in the studio and writing songs and coming
up with video treatments to the point that, during that year, I do not count the
72 songs I recorded as work because it's what I was born to do.
I started a little later. My first album didn't come out 'till I was 26 so I had like a bit more maturity
where I was at. My first album had all these you know emotions and complexities
and layers to them that a typical hip-hop album didn't have because you
know we were making it at 16, 17 years old. It wasn't enough wealth of
experience to share with the world. So at 26, I had been through so many different
things. I had so much wealth to share you know with the world at that time and
from that starting point I've never forgotten those things like you say. I
mean you never forget those true things that you stick through - your basic things
that that you know make you successful.
I'm not - I'm competitive really with myself. Honestly. Like, I - every time I start an album, I go and watch all
of my performances and I try to figure out, okay, what is it that I could have
done better or what worked? And really my references - I go back to myself and
try to better myself. So I'm really tough on me more so than than anyone
else. I'm not a competitive person that walks in thinking about other people and
and how I can compete with them more, especially not my husband. Not at all.
You know, and again, he just affirmed to me that instincts is really important
in business. You know, I didn't go to any proper business school or any - read any
super - follow any manuals like the record business 101 or anything like that. I
just pretty much followed my instincts and he just reaffirmed that for me that
you know your instincts are very important to you.
I would say to continue to work hard and don't give up on your goals. And I know, for me, like I said I
grew up watching my family struggle and I grew up with a family that was
successful but not born successful. And I believe with hard work and with a goal
and love and positivity, then eventually we're gonna be fine.
That's it for today. My hope is that those 7 Super Tips help unlock and unleash your inner superpower.
We want to thank Beyonce and Jay-Z for providing those to us today. To ensure you get the next episode
of our 7 Super Tips, please subscribe below and remember, until next time: It's not what we take from
the world it's what we leave behind.
Look at the doggies. Goldens. Alright, we're doing intro outro for Fanny Eggman okay.
For finding your tr- I'm gonna smash into you.
No, oh so I'm just standing here. Got it. It's not your bad, oh it's my bad. Ok.
Scavenger Hunt Round 3! - Art Seen Ep. 705 #ARTHUNTNYC - Duration: 0:33.
Welcome back, art hunters
It's clue time!
Here are this week's clues for you to guess the next public art spot.
Remember to use the hashtag #ARTHUNTNYC on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
to share your guesses, and winners will be announced in the next episode.
As always, thanks for watching, good luck, and happy hunting!
Start Using The Nucleus® Smart App For The Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor - Duration: 2:42.
Designed specifically for the Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor,
the Nucleus Smart App is the first ever mobile application
to control a cochlear implant sound processor
directly from a compatible Apple or Android™ device.
You can monitor the status of your equipment
and battery life
and, for added reassurance,
the 'Find my Processor' function can help you to locate
a misplaced processor.
To get started, download the app
from the Apple App Store
or Google Play Store.
To start using the Nucleus Smart App,
log in with a Cochlear Account.
We recommend that you do this before your initial activation
so that you're ready to use the Nucleus Smart App
when you receive your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor.
If you've purchased a Cochlear product from the online store,
or have used a Cochlear online service in the past,
you may already have a Cochlear Account.
If you do not already have a Cochlear Account,
tap 'Create New Account'.
Then, follow the instructions in the Nucleus Smart App
to set up your Cochlear Account.
To start using the Nucleus Smart App
with your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor
you'll need to pair your sound processor
to your compatible Apple or Android device.
To pair your sound processor, follow the instructions
in the Nucleus 7 Pairing Guide
or watch the 'How to pair' animation.
Once you have paired your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor
with your compatible Apple or Android device,
follow the instructions within the Nucleus Smart App
to 'Set up your processor'.
When setup is complete, you will be ready to use
the Nucleus Smart App with your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor.
Bhool Bhulaiyaa Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:11.
Bhool Bhulaiyaa Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name
5 Products You Should Never Use on Your Face - Duration: 6:36.
5 Products You Should Never Use on Your Face
Your skin is the biggest organ you have and it is constantly being exposed to many factors that can affect its health.
The climate, diet, hydration, lifestyle habits, and many beauty products you use are factors that can influence the state of your skin, positively or negatively, according to the care you give it.
The most delicate parts of your skin are the skin on your face and neck.
These delicate areas are at a higher risk of suffering from certain skin-related problems in these areas because we tend to apply more products on them.
Many dermatologists and cosmetologists suggest that some products can damage your skin, because they can cause a bad reaction that will dry it out, favor the appearance of acne, and other skin problems.
Below, we will list 5 products that you should never use on your skin if you want it to look great.
Many beauty tricks suggest using vinegar for problems like acne or fungus, however it is not recommended to apply it to your skin because the acetic acid in vinegar can cause damage to this area, especially if you have sensitive skin, open wounds, cuts, or burns.
Using vinegar directly on your skin can increase dryness, which is why if you want to use this product on your skin, we recommend diluting it with water in equal parts.
If you feel a burning sensation when you apply it, it's best to stop using it right away.
In any case, this product is not the most recommended for skin care, so you should avoid it completely.
Vegetable Butter.
David Colbert, an esthetic dermatologist in New York, suggests that using vegetable butter on your skin can have negative effects and isn't good for caring for your skin at all.
It's true that many beauty products for the skin use vegetable butters as ingredients to nourish and hydrate it.
However, this specialist states that vegetable butter is too heavy for the skin on your face because it blocks pores and boosts the appearance of acne.
Hair Sprays and Shampoos.
An old trick to supposedly set makeup well is to apply hair sprays to your face and thus get your makeup to last.
The truth is that this can dry out the skin due to these products having high amounts of lacquer and alcohol, that are not good for your skin.
The same thing happens to those people who use shampoos to clean their face; these products have chemical ingredients that are not good for your skin and cause irritation and dryness.
Creams with Retinol.
Retinol is promoted as being an active anti-acne and anti-aging ingredient, however its use is not recommended because it is too strong for the skin, it thins it out and can make it more sensitive.
Also, in some cases this product has been proven to cause reddening in the skin and can even cause a rash.
Pure Vitamin E.
It is true that vitamin E is good for your body and many cosmetic companies even use it in their products.
However, you should avoid the use of oil directly on your skin because it can block your pores and cause acne outbreaks.
Also, there have been cases of reactions like burning, swelling, and/or reddening when using this product on your skin.
Remember that not all skin types react in the same way when using different products.
That is why before using any kind of skin product, it is good to read the recommendations and/or apply only a small amount to some part of your body to see if any negative reactions appear.
Before buying any new product, make sure it doesn't have alcohol or any composite that affects your skin like in the case of retinol.
There are different skin types and it is important to learn how to identify which one is which.
It's important to see a dermatologist so that they can advise you on the most recommended products according to your skin type.
There are many natural ingredients that help hydrate and take care of your skin effectively and healthily.
If you want to avoid chemical and expensive creams sold at stores, then natural products are a good option for skin care.
With natural beauty treatments too, however, it's important to learn about them and test them beforehand, in order to make sure they won't have any negative effects on your skin.
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