In my video last week, I spoke about how people love to read about themselves, and see their
lives reflected in the copy they read.
I talked about how people are selfish.
And the reason we're selfish is, because our brains are wired that way, it helps us survive.
We can't help it.
but do you want to know what else we are besides selfish?
We are also lazy.
Now before you protest, hear me out.
I'll let you know why in this video, and how we can use this to our advantage when we're
creating our copy.
And if you stick to the very end, I'll let you know how you can receive some bonus copywriting
And in every video I do ... I give you proven copywriting advice that will result in more
conversions, so make sure you subscribe to my channel.
And of course click the notification bell, so you can be notified every Tuesday when
I release a new video.
All right.
So I've called people selfish, and now I'm calling us lazy.
What do I mean by calling us lazy?
Well, we're not really lazy, we just want to expend as little energy as possible, in
order for us to survive.
It's just like being selfish, it's all an attempt to keep ourselves alive.
And when we create copy that makes our readers think too much, or jump through too many hoops
to perform the action that we want them to take, they're likely not going to stick around.
It's up to us to write copy, that connects the dots for readers, to make things easy
for them.
We shouldn't be making things easy for ourselves.
So, I want you to do something.
I want you to look at something you've written recently.
That could be something on your website, an email, or a social media post.
And look at it through the perspective of your reader, and remember your reader likely
doesn't have as much information about that topic, as you do.
so you need to make sure you're writing it at their level.
And as you're reading it, ask yourself, "Is this really easy to understand?
Have I made it really easy for them, to take the action that I want them to take?"
So, if you've made it easy for them, please comment below, "It's easy."
And congratulations, if you have.
If you haven't, don't worry.
We don't purposely set out to make things difficult for our readers.
It's just that we know our businesses, or services, or products, or topics so well,
that we can forget what it's like to have no knowledge.
So sometimes we'll end up skipping steps, but this just leaves gaps of information for
our reader.
Or we make them jump through too many hoops, to perform the action that we want them to
Again, we don't do this on purpose to make things difficult for them, we're actually
just trying to make things easier for ourselves.
We're human too, we want to survive.
So, I'm gonna show you an example today.
This is of a website that I find makes the reader do all the hard work.
Let's take a look at it now.
Innovation for Prosperity.
So, let's stop right here.
When you look at this headline, do you know what this business is?
Is this a banking business?
Is it a technology business?
We don't know, it could be for anything.
Then under the headline and hero image, there's a new section that reads, "We develop teams,
design innovation programs, accelerate ventures to advance collective prosperity."
Again, this is still vague.
They are starting to be more specific, but we still don't know what they do, or what
kind of business or organization they are.
Then we scroll down some more, and it starts to become more clear.
We help build businesses and startups, to create a thriving economy in emerging and
frontier markets.
Emerging and frontier markets, these words are the specific ones, that readers really
need higher up.
you're really taking a chance that people are going to be patient, and take the time
to figure out what you mean.
They are more likely to move on.
you're making them think too much, and do too much work to figure it out.
And despite what looks like an organization that does good, important work, they've just
made things difficult for their readers.
First with being vague and unclear, but they have this call to action button at the top,
"Let's connect, email us".
So I clicked, and I got this.
It says, "You want to hire us, book us for conferences, apply for a job or internship,
or just grab a cup of coffee?
Email us."
now it looks like they're being friendly, which is great.
But again, they're taking some big chances that their readers are highly motivated, and
want to go through this work to understand what they do, and then to contact them.
Do they really want people to email them, to ask them to go to coffee?
Probably not.
It's cute and it's friendly, and shows some personality, which is good.
But it's also jumbled up with "Hire us, book us for conferences, and apply for a job."
but this is a Contact Us page, so of course this is an opportunity to get in touch with
them, with whatever it is you want to reach out about.
It makes me wonder if they provide more specific contact information elsewhere on the site.
For instance, if we take one of those things they say you can contact them for, such as
book us for conferences ... let's take a look for that.
So, I saw that, and I wanted to look through their site to see where they actually offer
information about speaking at conferences.
I didn't actually find it.
I did find their page that offers training.
It appears in the navigation menu, and is listed as "Rewire Teams".
This would be a very good example of being clever, instead of being clear.
This example shows you, how not connecting the dots for your readers makes it very challenging
to get them to do what it is you want them to do, while they are there.
They are making me do a lot of work, just to find what I'm looking for.
It's really important for us to be very clear, so it's easy for our readers to figure out.
All right.
That was today's copywriting tip.
You can get those bonus copywriting tips, if you sign up with a link that's on the screen
right now, the link is also below.
You will get five quick and easy tips that will help you create copy, that is compelling,
and that converts your readers into buyers.
If you like this video, please like it, subscribe, and share.
And of course, I would love to read your comments.
I will see you next Tuesday.
Thanks for watching.
For more infomation >> HOW TO CONVERT MORE READERS (COMPEL VISITORS TO DO WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO) - Duration: 6:53.-------------------------------------------
WATCH ME COLOR! ~COLOR WITH ME~ - Duration: 6:19.
🕺Eshare Tere 👌/dhamaka WhatsApp status for you 😍 - Duration: 0:34.
Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery - Duration: 1:47.
DRAKE - In My Feelings Cover + Shiggy Challenge!! - Duration: 2:57.
Kiki, do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always KB, do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always
Look the new me is really still the real me I swear you gotta feel me before they try
and kill me They gotta make some choices they runnin'
out of options 'Cause I've been goin' off and they don't
know when it's stoppin' And when you get to toppin', I see that you've
been learnin' And when I take you shoppin', you spend it
like you earned it And when you popped off on your ex he deserved
it I thought you were the one from the jump that
confirmed it TrapMoneyBenny
I buy you Champagne but you love some Henny From the block like you Jenny
I know you special, girl, 'cause I know too many
'Resha, do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always J.T., do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always
That's a real one in your reflection Without a follow, without a mention, ya rarely
piping up for these brothas, ya gotta stay, nice for what to these brothas, ya gotta stay
Cause I want ya, and I need ya, and I'm down for you always
and I'm down for you always, and I'm down for you always,
Kiki do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want you, and I need you
And I'm down for you always KB, do you love me?
Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I–
And I'm down for you always :)
Please like and subscribe :)
Hey guys, Robert Michael hope you enjoyed that, and were able were able to get through
the dancing ;) and if you did,
please let me know if you enjoyed, like and comment if you haven't already.
and if you haven't subscribed and joined the family, consider doing that today we have
a lot of fun here.
You guys were awesome in my last video.
I'll keep doing shout outs in each of my videos, so just comment below and you have a chance
of being in the next video!
I think that'll be kinda cool, so hopefully you guys enjoyed!
Let me know what you thought, give me more requests, feedback, whatever!
and I will see you guys in the next one, take care guys :)
The Never Seen Things - Evil Eye - Villa - Duration: 3:30.
There are English titles in the bottom just in case!
Before we start make sure to check my discord server and the link is in the description.
We have there several subchannels in order to break down PL strats, talk about the current
meta, giving ideas on strats and more.
To addition to that, you can even ask me to give you pros and cons about your strat.
This is the second episode of Maestro's Evil Eyes videos, we'll be on Villa this time with
incredibly 13 places.
Most of the time, on the bottom left side, will be explained how to get an Evil Eye on
the position.
Starting with Study, you can destroy xkairos on the Mira windows if they're there, or simply
stop any hard breacher with the cam easily.
It is placed in a way so it isn't possible to be
destroyed from the balcony or the window.
Next one is a bit tricky to place and has extraordinary view.....
Very hard to get rid of with a frag grenade.
Following one is located in the middle of the rooms, at the door...
You can deny from below exotherm charges/xkairos on the Games' wall.
Upcoming Evil eyes paired with an ADS will be a pain in the ass for attackers if trying
to breach vault wall...
Pick any of these 2.
The one on the floor is recommended to put in the middle so any explosive before the
desk cannot get rid of the evil eye.
The wall one gives an additional info in Living/Library entrance.
The between sites cam will aid in destroying Hibana/Thermite charges on the Games' wall
if opened according to walls...
Following two Maestro's cam can be placed in Trophy...
There is one more Evil Eye in Astronomy...
Holding Library, and worried about its walls?
Don't worry, place it in the dark corner...
Next cam can be placed inside the library, in a very high position...
You could use this Evil Eye in the Kitchen, really protected against frag grenades.
Last but not at least, denying Hibana/Thermite was never easier than this, don't let them
open Dining wall!
Bonus parts: The first one will be located on the bench.
The second one is a bit trickier, there are several ways of placing it in Astronomy, but
I found the easiest (still hard) way to put it,
simply aim for the corner and drop a bit.
The final bonus (actually 2) Evil Eyes can be placed in Kitchen.
These are also a bit trickier, but first, you have to vault on the desk, normally run
(don't shift) towards the right side of the corner, when you reach max, go for another corner.
Once you reach their max, you'll be able to dance around the bomb, you should find there
a way to get just on the top of it.
If you find it easier, you can crouch as well.
That'd be it for 13 + Bonus parts placements in Villa, let me know down in the comment
section for which map should I go next.
Different breed got your bitch'll me feeling like I'm curry balling on your team. How you do the shit? They keep backing me, bitch
I came to win so I shoot the three
ITS YOUR BOY LeekSlightWork King and I got y'all with another NBA Live 19 video man, so here
NBA Live
I'm go ahead and show you a real quick man. How the actual traces didn't work
And you know, how was an NBA Live 18. I just see my clarity
It said the lead and then it was separate and set the street
So actually it have only three trades on either order. You can come all together, but now
Check out eBay live
19 great designer
I want are already look at I want I really pay attention now just see it said its trade loadout
You have three sections, right?
but it all say he's not separated from Street and a nice array if you League is together and it shows
Three slots, see now shelter to my homeboy
I'm a iso guy man. He's a subscriber man
He point this out to me and I stand like a little bit as well my washer
Oh, I don't know man, if we could use nine trick at a time, that'd be dope, right?
But if it's just like something like you you get three and then you select another three just just you know
We're gonna switch, you know a three without you having to like switch it off off one slot
And do you got another section just in case you want to switch off a whole three, you know just like that
I don't know that but 10 which I think and I
Comment section man too much I think but a are we hit two point four subscribers, man
2400 subscribers, I appreciate y'all man
but hey makes you guys spend that like button tell me which I think Donna coming to sex and I
But he made to end of this video
You should go ahead and hit my profile pics outlet subscribe
And hey, any of my last videos he may like nineteen videos that I have
Hit any of those man?
Tours is towards the end man. So Eddie's towards the end hit the nutcase and they all said that I offer you have it. Yeah
But it's your boy be slight working out out of here
Get the cork out the bottle get that money jumpin make your style a little harder to follow I've been hustling all the time
That's the only thing I know now, my watch is worth thirty thousand guy Cuban Linx an Italian boy. I'm getting
Harvest And Dry Homegrown Onions 👍 - When And How!😎 - Duration: 7:15.
Onions, what can I say about them? Well, firstly they're one of those main crops
that you need to grow in order to be able to bulk out a lot of dishes these
days. Curries, casseroles, stews they all have onion as an integral part of the
recipe. Now earlier on in the year you saw us sowing these onions and they were
all sewn from sets and I did sets this year rather than seed because I didn't
have the time to get seed in. But in this episode we're gonna look at harvesting
and drying these onions. And in a later episode we will then look at stringing
these onions up, but that's all coming right up after this.
For those of you who don't know, I'm Tony O'Neil this is UK Here We Grow. If it's your
first time here, consider hitting that subscribe button and the bell
notification and you'll be updated every time we put up a new video. Onions, so
we're looking today at harvesting and storing these onions now you can tell that
these onions are ready to be harvested all the necks have flopped over or they've
bent over and the onions are already here now I did want to harvest these a
few days ago but we had torrential downpours for the last four days so
today is the first dry day that I've been able to get up here. But the idea
now is to start harvesting these onions, get them on the ground to dry now for a
couple of hours and then we are going to put them in a basket to dry very similar
to how we did our garlic, and you can see that episode up here. Now lifting your
onions is quite important in that you don't want to be pulling the onion, if
you pull the onion you're gonna damage it and it's not gonna store for you. So
instead get yourself a fork and put that fork down alongside of that onion and
then just praise on the fork while pulling on the onion very gently let the
fork do the work don't pull the onion out. Once we've got the onion out all we
need to do then is remove that soil from around the root system, and off the bulb.
and we can set them down on the soil to enjoy this glorious weather. So now that
I've got a few of these bulbs out I'm gonna get on with getting out the rest
of them and I'll set you up on a tripod for you to just watch what I'm doing.
So these onions have now been sat out here for about an hour or so just drying off
in the sun. And I've dug over those three beds that the onions were in and we've
already planted in some lettuce and some beetroot as a follow-on crop again
because both of those crops are quite quick and we're coming up to August now
so we have our onion here, and we still need to prepare this in a way all
these loose leaves now we want to be able to pull off or peel off down to the
last good leaf by doing this whatever's left of the onion don't worry if it's
taking off all the brown so whatever's left of the onion will provide you a
nice clean onion for later on, however, you have to be very careful here the
last thing you wanted to was scratch the skin underneath, because if you do it's
just not going to store. So we've got a nice clean onion now, and we are
literally just going to feed it through and like in the garlic video we're
storing our onions through the mesh just like this.
Storing them upside down allows all of the water to drain out of the neck, which
will help dry that neck okay? you'll have to excuse me I'm a little bit warm and as
you can see I'm sweating a bit. So we just need to continue doing that now
with all of these so we'll peel off all of these damaged skins on the outside
which will leave us a nice clean skin on the inside. Don't be afraid to peel off
the layer guys, and, it will leave us nice clean skins and these will turn brown
over the next few weeks, and once they are dried. I will show you exactly how to
string them up. Now quite a few people use a similar method as me and the
reason they use that method is because it works. When you're putting these into
to dry, guys, have them so that they're not touching each other. Don't worry if
you damage the leaves but try and get them all through that sort of mesh there.
Just play with them and they will all go through, there we go, and as you can see
we've got air flow around that. So I'm going to continue this and I'll come
back to you at the end. So there you have it guys, we've now got our onions cleaned
off so there's no split skins in these at all now it's a whole complete skin. And
that's we're looking for no disease and get in there then. Over the next few
weeks now all these will turn brown or red again, and we'll do the same
thing with the other tray we'll get them up in the drying rack and these necks
will eventually go all dry and brown and then we can get on with tying these
onions up which I will put in a later episode. We've left on the roots at the
moment because that aids in the drying process and the curing process of these
onions and later on when it comes to stringing these onions up we will remove
those roots, as well as some of the foliage that's on them. For now they're in perfect
shape in order to dry. so I really hope that this episode's has been of interest to you.
If you haven't already click that subscribe button and a bell notification
to be informed of when we put up more great videos like this.
How are your onions doing this year? Let me know in the comments section below.
And what variety are you growing? I'd be interested in to know how your
Onions have done in this incredible heat we have had this year. Anyway guys I'm
Tony O'Neill this is UK Here We Grow and remember you
reap what you sow. I'll see you in the next one. Bye, Bye!
Preview: You've Got A Backstage Pass | FOX BROADCASTING - Duration: 0:31.
Arlene Alda, Alan Alda's Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 10:30.
Arlene Alda, Alan Alda's Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Actor Alan Alda revealed on Tuesday, July 31 that he has bee living with Parkinson's disease for more than three years.
The actor, best known for his role as Army Captain Hawkeye Pierce on the hugely popular TV series "M*A*S*H" made the announcement during an interview on "CBS This Morning.".
Alda told the network that he thought he might have the disease after he began acting out his dreams.
He said he had a dream in which he was throwing a sack of potatoes at someone attacking him.
But in reality, he was throwing a pillow at his wife.
85-year-old Arlena Alda has been married to Alan for more than 60 years.
She is a well-known photographer and writer; her work has appeared in national publications including Vogue and Good Housekeeping.
Here's what you need to know.
Arlene and Alan Alda Bonded Over a Rum Cake During a Party in Manhattan.
Arlene Weiss met husband Alda at a party in Manhattan in 1956.
They bonded over a shared sense of humor and a desire to help out an embarrassed host, who was a mutual friend.
In a 1981 interview with the New York Times, Arlene described the moment the host's rum cake fell off the top of the refrigerator.
Arlene and Alan sprung into action.
They both picked up spoons, sat down on the kitchen floor and began eating the rum cake.
They discussed that moment in a 2015 interview on NBC's TODAY show.
Arlena commented that it had "cemented the friendship forever." Alan also joked that current dating websites that try to analyze how well two people match up have it all wrong.
He said, "toss a cake on the floor and see who goes for it!" They married after dating for 11 months.
Arlene Alda Grew Up Playing Instruments and Studied Music in College.
Arlena Alda was born and raised in the Bronx, New York, a fact she has remained fiercely proud of her entire life.
She stayed in New York City to further her education.
She graduated from Hunter College in 1954 as a music major.
In an interview with Publishers Weekly, Arlene said she grew up playing the piano.
But she admitted, "When I was a kid, I loved music but hated to practice." After giving up the piano, she decided to pursue the clarinet instead.
"When I got older and playing an instrument was my own choice, I loved playing the clarinet and took off with it.".
After college, Arlene received a Fulbright Scholarship to study the clarinet in Germany.
Upon returning to the United States, she joined the National Orchestra in New York.
She later joined the Houston Symphony under legendary conductor Leopold Stokowski as assistant first clarinetist.
(Stokowski may be best known as the conductor of Disney's "Fantasia").
After Getting Married, Arlene Alda Switched her Focus to Photography and Writing Books.
Arlene Alda has said over the years that she took up photography because it was something she could do while also raising her daughters.
And she was very good at it.
Arlene's work has been featured in national publications including Vogue, People and Good Housekeeping.
She had her work displayed in several prominent one-person shows, including at the Nikon House in New York City and the Mark Humphrey Gallery in Southampton, New York.
Arlene Alda also won a Chicago Graphics Communications Awardfor a photo essay called "Allison's Tonsillectomy" which was published in "Health Magazine.".
Arlene has written 20 books.
Her children's books often showcase her original photographs.
Her most recent work, published in 2015, is called "Just Kids from the Bronx." It is an oral history highlighting the childhoods of some of the most famous people originating from the Bronx, including Al Pacino, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Colin Powell.
In an interview, Arlene Alda said her motivation for the book was to show the rest of the world just how great people from the Bronx are.
Alan Alda contributed to the narration of the audiobook.
Arlene and Alan Alda Have Three Daughters and Eight Grandchildren.
Arlene and Alan Alda were married in 1957.
Their daughter Eve arrived one year later.
Elizabeth was born in 1960 and Beatrice followed in 1961.
Youngest daughter Beatrice followed her father's footsteps into the acting world.
She has appeared in films including "The Four Seasons" in 1981 and "Men of Respect" in 1990.
She is also the co-foundr of Forever Films.
Behind the scenes, she wrote and directed the documentary "Out Late." The film features five people who chose to come out as gay, lesbian or transgender later in life.
Oldest daughter Eve Alda Coffey graduated from the University of Connecticut.
She did not follow the rest of the family into acting.
In January 2018, Alan Alda shared this tidbit about his daughter on Twitter.
"Love this post from my daughter @EveCoffey: "So incredibly refreshing the day after an awards show and not hear any discussion of best and worst dressed women!! (Just that they were in black.
Not one comment about style).
Could we actually be moving forward a little #timesup".
Eve posted support for her father's decision to go public with his Parkinson's diagnosis.
She wrote, "In his interview on CBS this morning he was very upbeat (which is truly his approach), and mentioned he's continued to work and has "had a full life" since his diagnosis.
He kinda didn't mention that "full life" is putting it mildly…I think he's working more and harder now than he ever has!".
Arlene and Alan Alda Are Strong Advocates for Women's Rights.
Actor Alan Alda has been an advocate for women's rights for decades.
He was a vocal supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment, which was approved by Congress but never ratified by the states.
Alan was also a member of the International Women's Year Commission put together by President Ford in 1976.
In the 1981 New York Times interview references above, Arlene was asked how much of a role she played in her husband's political leanings.
She told the newspaper, "From the time I met him, I've only known him to be a fair-minded person.
There was no prompting from me.
The issues just sort of presented themselves, and he decided to use his visibility to do something he felt very strongly about.
I got the feeling that because he had daughters, a concerned wife – I was in the Women's Strike for Peace – and saw social inequities, these all fed into his wanting to do something.".
Everything You Need To Know About PCOD/ PCOS - Video Series [ With Malayalam Subtitles ] - Duration: 7:44.
The Nib: Trump Has Got *THE* Pitch for You | 106.4 - Duration: 1:22.
Would you care to hear a joke mother?
A man walks into a talent booking angency...
Trump: Boy do I have an act for you!
It's set up like a beauty pageant see...
I'm the owner so naturally
I'm ogling and grabbing every girl in sight.
Grabbing it and they're loving it!
Next I start getting real inappropriate with my daughter.
And she's tremendous, by the way. She's a ten.
That's when the Russian prostitutes come in
and they start peeing all over me.
It's the best!
You've never seen urine like this, believe me
This is big league urine!
Agent: Go on
Trump: Then, and this is the best part,
I somehow get elected for President of the United States
despite several sexual abuse allegations,
a fraud lawsuit,
never releasing my tax returns,
and running a campaign of fear and hatred.
Can you believe it.
Finally, after being accused of colluding with the Russians
to hack the election,
I fire the head of the FBI in charge of the investigation,
and the very next day,
I share top secret intel with Russian officials
I finish--get this, get this.
For the big finish, they bring out The Constitution,
and this is perfectly legal, I had no idea!
I drop trou,
and I dump the biggest most spectacular turd right there on The Constitution.
Right all over it.
Agent: That's a hell of an act! What do ya call it?
Trump: The Art of the Deal.
8 Breakfasts that will Help You Lose Weight - Duration: 9:35.
8 Breakfasts that will Help You Lose Weight
Breakfast is the ideal time to begin your day in a healthy and delicious way, besides being very important in providing us with energy and activating our metabolism.
Many people skip breakfast for lack of time, lack of appetite and even because they believe that in this way they are doing something good for their body; however, studies have shown that not eating breakfast may be a serious mistake, both for health and weight-related reasons.
If you want to take advantage of this time of day to activate your metabolism and lose weight, you don't have to settle for eating only oatmeal, egg whites or whole grain crackers; there are other good ideas that can help you enjoy a good breakfast, with everything you need to start your day well and without damaging your diet in order to lose weight.
Smoked salmon toast.
This delicious recipe is a great choice for a change in your breakfast routine.
It may seem inappropriate for weight loss due to its use of cream cheese, but you should not be alarmed by this.
Researchers believe that the calcium found in dairy products helps burn more body fat.
1 slice of whole wheat bread – toasted.
1-1/2 tablespoons of cream cheese.
2 ounces of smoke salmon.
1 thick slice of onion.
1 tablespoon of chives. Directions.
Spread some cream cheese on the toast and then add the smoked salmon on top, the thick sliced onion and the chives.
Total: 360 calories.
Green eggs.
This delicious recipe gives you protein and essential vitamins that you need throughout the day.
It contains spinach which is a great aid to losing weight and controling the urge to eat too often during the day.
Ingredients. 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
1 cup of sliced mushrooms.
2 cups of spinach. 1 egg. Directions.
Heat a little oil in a skillet and sauté the mushrooms and spinach for a couple of minutes.
Once they are ready remove them from the skillet, fry an egg in a small amount of olive oil.
Finally, add the egg to the vegetables and enjoy.
Total: 230 calories.
Cherry and chocolate waffles.
Whole grains not only help you lose weight, but can prevent heart disease and Type 2 diabetes, according to studies.
With this delicious breakfast you can take advantage of whole grains with the delicious taste of chocolate and cherries.
1 tablespoon of chocolate cream and almonds.
2 whole grain waffles.
1 cup of fresh pitted cherries.
Spread the chocolate cream and almonds over the whole grain waffles and decorate on top with cherries.
Total: 350 calories.
Toast with mango.
Mangoes are full of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A and fiber, which will help you lose weight and feel more satisfied.
1 tablespoon of cream cheese.
2 slices of toast. 1 cup of mango slices.
Spread the cream cheese on the toast and put the sliced mangoes on top.
Total: 310 calories.
Muesli with cherries.
According to research by the University of Michigan Health System, the pigments in tart cherries may help reduce weight and body fat.
This recipe is a delicious alternative to enjoy the benefits of cherries for breakfast.
Ingredients. ½ cup of rolled oats.
½ cup of unsweetened almond milk.
1 teaspoon of ground cloves.
2 teaspoons of honey.
2 tablespoons of chopped tart cherries.
Soak the oats in the almond milk and refrigerate the night before.
In the morning, mix together with the other ingredients.
Total: 336 calories.
Oatmeal with walnuts and berries.
This delicious breakfast is rich in fiber and will help you lose weight while keeping you satisfied and prevent you from thinking of more food before lunch.
1 package of instant oatmeal.
1 cup of skim milk.
2 tablespoons of chopped walnuts.
½ cup of raspberries.
½ cup of blueberries. Directions.
Use the milk to prepare the oats according to the package directions.
Once it is ready just add the walnuts, raspberries and blueberries.
Total: 351 calories.
Yogurt and grapefruit. Ingredients.
8 ounces of light yogurt.
1 tablespoon of wheat germ.
½ teaspoon of honey.
1 teaspoon of ground flax seed.
1 medium grapefruit. Directions.
In a bowl mix the wheat germ and ground flax seed to use as a base.
Afterward, put in a glass alternate layers of grapefruit and yogurt.
Cover with honey and wheat germ.
Total: 252 calories.
The Pulse on AMI-audio: advocating for you! - Duration: 0:31.
David Cooley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 10:33.
David Cooley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Facebook David Cooley, a Los Angeles bar owner, accused Alaska Airlines of discrimination after allegedly asking he and his partner to separate on a plane to give preferential treatment to a straight couple.
David Cooley, the owner of the popular West Hollywood gay bar The Abbey, and his partner were humiliated after they were allegedly asked to give up their seats to accommodate a straight couple during an Alaska Airlines flight from New York City to Los Angeles.
"I have never been so discriminated against while traveling before," Cooley, owner of iconic Los Angeles gay bar The Abbey, wrote in a public Facebook post.
Cooley claims he and his partner "could not bear the feeling of humiliation for an entire cross-country flight," and so they deplaned and boarded a Delta plane instead.
Here's what you need to know about Cooley and Alaska Airlines:.
Cooley Says Alaska Airlines Asked Him and His Partner to Separate So That a Straight Couple Could Sit Together.
Cooley claims he and his partner were asked to separate on the flight to give preferential treatment to a straight couple.
"After my traveling companion and I had been seated in our assigned seats for a while, we were approached by the flight attendant and my companion was asked to move from his premium seat to coach, so a couple could sit together," Cooley wrote.
"I explained that we were a couple and wanted to sit together.
He was given a choice to either give up the premium seat and move to coach or get off the plane.".
He added: "I cannot believe that an airline in this day and age would give a straight couple preferential treatment over a gay couple and go so far as to ask us to leave.
At the end of his Facebook post, Cooley called on LGBTQ people to boycott Alaska Airlines, and thanked Delta Air Lines for accommodating them after they deplaned.
"Thank you to Delta Air Lines for getting us home safe," Cooley wrote.
"If you are an #LGBT person, please spend your travel dollars with an LGBT friendly airline like Delta.".
Alaska Airlines Called the Incident an "Unfortunate Situation" That Arose After Mistakenly Booking Two People in One Seat.
A spokesperson for Alaska Airlines told NBC News the incident is currently being investigated, and claims the situation arose after "a couple was mistakenly assigned the same seats as another couple in Premium Class.
"We are deeply sorry for the situation, and are investigating the details while communicating directly with the guests involved to try and make this right," the spokesperson said.
"Alaska Airlines has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination of any kind, and our employees value inclusion for our guests and each other.".
"We mistakenly booked two people in one seat.
We are deeply sorry for the situation, and are investigating the details," the carrier said in a statement to Newsweek, adding that it has a "zero-tolerance policy for discrimination of any kind.".
Later, the carrier said, "This unfortunate incident was caused by a seating error, compounded by a full flight and a crew seeking an on-time departure and nothing more than that.
It's our policy to keep all families seated together whenever possible; that didn't happen here and we are deeply sorry for the situation.
We've reached out to Mr Cooley to offer our sincere apologies for what happened and we are seeking to make it right.
"Diversity and inclusion are part of the fabric of Alaska Airlines.
We are an airline for everyone and reflect these values through our work with dozens of nonprofit LGBTQ organizations, Pride Parades along the West Coast and a perfect score in the HRC's Equality Index.
We'll keep building on this commitment, with our employee-led LGBTQ business resource group.".
Some Social Media Users Are Disputing Cooley's Claim, Stating He & His Partner Actually Had Separate Seats & Tried to Sit Together in Premium Class Anyway.
Despite the huge backlash against Alaska Airlines, there are some people claiming that Cooley and his partner had actually booked separate seats, in completely different parts of the plane, and that they still tried to sit together on the flight.
A screenshot with the name blocked claims that an anonymous user "has the story from the FA's [flight attendants] on board, which dispute Cooley's claim that they were discriminated against.
"The couple in question originally had seats separate from one another," the screenshot comment reads.
"One in premium. One elsewhere.
They chose to try and sit together in premium.
When the guest showed up that was assigned to the seat the person not ticketed there was asked to move.
They got upset and left the AC.
Had nothing to do with orientation or anything else ….had to do with where they were ticketed to sit.".
Facebook user L.j.
Kappas asked Cooley in the comments if the screenshot comment was actually true.
There was no response to the comment as of Tuesday morning.
Cooley Is The Founder & CEO of The Abbey Food & Bar in West Hollywood.
Cooley is the CEO & Founder at The Abbey Food & Bar in West Hollywood.
His Facebook profile is filled with posters and ads promoting the bar, tags of different places he's traveled, and LGBTQ-positive messages.
Cooley posted an emotional tribute on the anniversary of the mass shooting at the Orlando gay nightclub Pulse, talking about meeting the owner and some of the survivors of the shooting and how it was the most "memorable night" he ever spent, listening to their "stories of survival and the horrors they endured.
"Two years ago today… On June 12, 2016, we woke up to news of the tragedy in Orlando.
Our #LGBT community in Orlando had been attacked by a gunman at @PulseOrlando Nightclub.
49 people died and 68 people were injured because of the actions of a lone gunman.
I had the opportunity to meet Barbara Poma, the owner of #PulseNightclub, and several of the survivors from that deadly shooting.
The night I spent with Barbara and survivors of Pulse is the most memorable night I have ever spent at @TheAbbeyWeho.
I listened to their stories of survival and the horrors they endured.
I listened to stories about people who did not survive.
Listening to their stories changed me forever," the tribute read.
His profile states that he studied at UNLV in Las Vegas and currently resides in Los Angeles.
He has owned The Abbey Food & Bar since 2016, according to his profile, and "liked" several musicians, including DJ Dan De Leon, DJ Dime and Diimond Meeks.
Several Airlines Have Been Criticized For Treatment of Passengers Over The Last Few Years.
The claims against Alaska Airlines are just one of several accusations of discrimination aimed at airlines over the years.
According to Newsweek, passengers flying Southwest Airlines, American Airlines, Emirates and others have claimed to have experienced anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
Not only have airlines been under fire for alleged discrimination against the LGBTQ community, there have been other serious issues with airlines for dragging bloody passengers off flights and killing pets after forcing passengers to shove them in overhead compartments.
Rep. Kevin Cramer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:16.
Rep. Kevin Cramer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Kevin Cramer of North Dakota is looking to make a move to the Senate.
He's challenging Democratic senator Heidi Heitkamp for her seat.
Both have served in Congress since 2013.
Cramer's campaign is missing out on support and funding from the powerful Koch brothers.
Americans for Prosperity has decided to stay out of this important Senate race.
According to a report by the New York Times, David and Charles Koch spent nearly $900 million during the 2016 election to support conservative candidates and issues.
Donald Trump was not the Koch brothers' first pick for president.
But the Koch's have exerted influence over the current administration anyway.
A study by political watchdog group Public Citizen has found that there are more than 20 senior officials in the Trump administration that have close ties to Koch Industries.
The Koch brothers support pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, getting rid of the Clean Power Plan enacted by the Obama administration and allowing coal leasing on public lands.
But President Trump lashed out at Koch Industries and its two founders in tweets Tuesday, July 31.
He wrote, "The globalist Koch Brothers, who have become a total joke in real Republican circles, are against Strong Borders and Powerful Trade.
I never sought their support because I don't need their money or bad ideas.
They love my Tax & Regulation Cuts, Judicial picks & more.
I made………them richer.
Their network is highly overrated, I have beaten them at every turn.
They want to protect their companies outside the U.S.
from being taxed, I'm for America First & the American Worker – a puppet for no one.
Two nice guys with bad ideas.
Make America Great Again!".
The president was reportedly angry that the Koch's are not helping Rep.
Kevin Cramer in his bid to oust a Democrat from the Senate.
CNN reports that American for Prosperity is not backing Cramer because of differences in policy priorities.
AFP President Tim Phillips told the network, "If this were 2016, we likely would have gone ahead and endorsed" Cramer.
But we're raising the bar.".
Here's what you need to know.
President Trump Has Joined Rep.
Kevin Cramer on the Campaign Trail in North Dakota.
Kevin Cramer's campaign for the Senate is a personal one for President Trump.
Trump was at Cramer's side at a June rally in Fargo, North Dakota.
During the rally, Trump used his speech to slam his critics, promote his desire for a Space Force and push for tougher trade policies.
But he also stressed to the crowd that he needs another Republican in the senate.
President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been meeting with senators, and Trump wants to ensure an easy confirmation.
Cramer would be expected to vote in favor of Kavanaugh.
It is worth noting, however, that Democratic senator Heidi Heitkamp did vote to support Justice Neil Gorsuch in 2017, who was nominated by Trump.
Heitkamp's seat is considered vulnerable in this election cycle, despite her record of bipartisanship.
She voted with Republicans to ease financial regulations under the Dodd-Frank law.
She also supported Justice Neil Gorsuch in 2017, who was nominated by Trump.
But she voted against changes to the tax code.
Trump won North Dakota by 36 points and would like to see his influence extend to the ballot box.
Within the last year, other Republicans candidates backed by Trump in key races have lost.
Examples include: Ed Gillespie in the Virginia governor's race; Roy Moore of Alabama for the Senate; and Rick Saccone in Pennsylvania's 18th district.
Kevin Cramer Supported Trump's Recent Decision to Supply Financial Aid to Farmers.
Kevin Cramer is among the Republican lawmakers who got behind the president's plan to give $12 billion in aid to American farmers.
The emergency relief was to help farmers affected by retaliatory tariffs.
Republicans have historically been opposed to this kind of distribution of funds, but a CBS News poll revealed that 56 percent of Americans, including three-quarters of Republicans, were in favor of this assistance.
Kevin Cramer has expressed his concern about how Chinese tariffs could negatively impact farmers in North Dakota.
Cramer claims on his congressional website that he was one of the first lawmakers to suggest "utilizing the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) to help mitigate the disproportionate retaliation against our nation's farmers and ranchers." His statement on the issue reads, ""Our farmers must know the Administration has their back and I urge them to act swiftly should these tariffs go into effect.".
Kevin Cramer Promotes North Dakota as an Oil Producer.
Kevin Cramer lists on his website that reducing American dependency on foreign oil is one of his "top priorities as a Congressman." North Dakota is reportedly on track to hit a record for oil production in 2018.
The state is producing on average more than 1 million barrels per day.
Cramer has been a supporter of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
He also supports a lawsuit filed by North Dakota's attorney general seeking $38 million from the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers.
The suit claims the federal government was negligent in their handling of massive protests against the project.
North Dakota's argument is that the state had to spend millions of dollars providing law enforcement during the protests.
Cramer adds that the pipeline protests "helped introduce and proliferate environmental terrorism throughout North Dakota" and that the federal government should help with repairs.
The Dakota Access pipeline is expected to deliver as many as 570,000 barrels of oil per day from northwestern North Dakota to existing pipeline in Illinois.
Cramer Says More Lawmakers Need to Support Trump in Trade Negotiations.
China has imposed $3 billion worth of tariffs on American products.
10 Countries With The Most Beautiful People - Duration: 5:35.
10 Countries With The Most Beautiful People
Tuesday Tip: How to Get Things Done You Don't Want to Do, Part 2 - Duration: 0:55.
Hi guys, I'm Hillary and today's Tuesday Tip is part two of how to make yourself
do things you don't want to do. And the first tip comes from my friend Nicole and
she brought up Elisabeth Elliot's quote, "Just do the next thing."
And I love how this applies, whether it's a big project or a small project, just
doing one simple action toward your goal can help really get the project going. And the
other tip is from a violin teacher of mine and this was especially helpful
during the summer when I wasn't sure if I wanted to practice every day. The goal
was to practice 100 days in a row and at the end there was a reward. And that
really cut the decision of having to decide, "Am I going to practice today or am I
not?" That was already made and I knew I could just practice my violin and be done
for the day. So there's two ideas. I hope they help
you guys, and thank you so much for watching!
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