Josiah: Do you ever want to just go out and meet some beautiful ladies but instead you
decide to be lazy? Maybe even chill out, catch a couple videos on ****hub.
Learning how to meet women takes practice and discipline. but sometimes
lack of motivation and other priorities just get in the way so, when times get
tough, how do you motivate yourself to get the reps in? "Just do it!" I'm Josiah
Prise from The Attractive Man and I'm gonna give you four motivational tools to help you
meet more women! My name is Josiah. Narrator: Josiah is a master at day game. Matt: we've
done all the testing. We know what works. Josiah: Alright, tip number one. And you guys
should have seen this coming; no fap. You know what I mean. No masturbation.
Although studies have actually shown masturbation has little to no effect on
your sex drive, it does affect your motivation to go out meet new women.
Think about it! If you go to visit your old friend "Hand Solo" and you get all the
chemical rush you need without ever leaving your man cave, then why go out at
all? Mentally, there becomes less of a reason for you to go out and hunt, but
it's the hunt that makes you strong! In fact, the failures that you face make
those sweet taste of success all the better! Every time you make a choice
you're building a habit so why not choose to go out and master something
that's gonna affect the other aspects of your life and something you could hold
on to forever? So instead of taking the road of instant gratification make a
rule for yourself - there'll be no release for you and so you go out and find a new
girl. Tip number 2: find yourself an accountability partner. So when I started
my journey to deal with my social anxiety and get better with women, I had
three guys around me, they're all in it for the exact same thing. We accomplished
going out every night for 90 nights in a row in Las Vegas. And on top of that we were
doing day game sessions on the weekend. And to be honest if it wasn't for them I
probably would have fallen off the wagon in the first month. See, we may have had
our moments of disbelief or frustration, but with four of us, those things never
happened at the same time, so there's always someone to back us up. And when it
came time to go out no man was ever left behind! Which leads me right into tip
number three: just take the first step. I remember a few times in that 90 day
marathon where I just didn't want to go out. I'd whine and complain to my
roommate about how I didn't want to go out or how tired I was but he was a pretty
crafty one! Matt: Come on man let's go out for like thirty minutes, we'll be back by
midnight. It'll be fun, let's go. And of course with it being a low investment to
me, I would always end up going out. But it never ended with "just midnight" because
once I got rolling out and started having fun, I just lost track of time. So
if you're having issues talking to women just start showing up in the places
where women are available to socialize. For working out,
they say showing up the gym is half the battle? Well the same is true when meeting
women. Alright guys tip number four: create a
reward system for your efforts, not your results. Look, maybe you're like me and
you love video games but look, we all know the likelihood of you finding a hot
girlfriend with some video game skills is little to none. But like cake, if you
indulge too much, you're gonna get fat. If you don't take some time to burn off the
calories. It doesn't mean that you can't have it but you need to use it as a
reward. So say for every night that you go out and approach at least five women,
you can get one hour of video games. So if video games aren't your thing just
substitute that for something that is, maybe get yourself a nice massage or
have a fancy spa day. The key to this tip is to reward yourself with effort. Think of
it as kind of one of those new age kids participation trophies, and it's like a
consolation prize for at least doing something. By the way, if you aren't
subscribed yet, smash that subscribe button and tickle that notification bell!
Because we got more videos coming out every week. Now you're motivated to go
out, we got a special tip from Matt Artisan himself! Matt: Listen man, when you see
that beautiful woman that you want to approach, there's gonna be some
nervousness and sometimes fear that builds up, especially when she's really
beautiful and you have a choice; you can either let fear win or you can let
courage win. You can step into courage and go approach her. When you do that
it's like building a muscle. Proverbial courage muscle, you're becoming more
courageous every single time you approach, you're becoming more confident
every single time you approach and therefore more attractive. On the flip
side, when you decide not to approach, you let fear win. You actually become more
fearful and women are not attracted to men who let fear run their lives. So it's
up to you, you have that choice. Approach that beautiful woman even if it goes
horribly wrong, you're still becoming more courageous and more attractive... when
you don't, you're becoming more fearful and less attractive. Josiah: So if you're still
struggling to find a reason to go out, we got one last tip for you right now: "Don't
let your dreams be dreams! Yesterday, you said tomorrow. If
you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!" *Awkward pose* Josiah: Now that you're meeting women
live in person we want to help you take it to the next level! That's why we
created this free conversation cheat sheet, so you know exactly what to say to
make her want you. You'll get our top conversation starters for any situation,
over here you got simple techniques to never run out of things to say, a list of
our favorite games to keep that fun, flirty, vibe! Simple ways to escalate the
interaction and more! Download it now, because you're gonna want to keep it
handy before you go out. Click the image in the bottom right of this video to get
your free Conversation Cheat Sheet now!
For more infomation >> How To Keep Approaching Women When You Lose Motivation - Duration: 5:45.-------------------------------------------
Lagu Barat Terbaru 2018 - Lagu Ed Sheeran Terbaik 2018 - Duration: 1:00:56.
Jessica Kincaid Snow: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 9:25.
Jessica Kincaid Snow: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
A former Virginia music teacher has been accused of having an "inappropriate sexual relationship" with a student after she was caught by a deputy with the teen parked alone at a boat landing, the Galax Gazette reports.
Jessica Kincaid Snow, 33, of Fries, Virginia, was a teacher at Galax City Middle School and Galax City High School, according to the school district's website.
She was indicted by a grand jury on several charges on July 27 and arrested that same day, online records show.
She was later released from custody later that day, according to the Grayson County Sheriff's Office.
The victim in the case is less than 15 years old, according to the charges.
Snow, who is married and has a young son, was charged with three counts of indecent act with a child by a custodian, three counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, one count of use of communications system (a computer) to facilitate certain offenses involving children and one count of enticing a minor to perform in pornography.
That final charge indicates the victim is less than 15 years old.
Here's what you need to know about Jessica Snow:.
Police Say the 'Behavior' Went on for a Period of 1 to 2 Years & Snow Met the Student Outside of School Several Times.
Jessica Snow is accused of having an inappropriate relationship with the student "over a period of one to two years," Sheriff Richard Vaughan told the Galax Gazette.
The investigation into Snow began on April 1 when she was found with the child alone in a car parked at a boat launch by a nightshift deputy, the newspaper reports.
Vaughan said investigators learned that Snow had met with the student outside of school several times.
Further details about the accusations against Snow have not been made public.
The victim, who is under the age of 15, was one of Snow's students, according to police.
Vaughan told the newspaper that the case is still under investigation and additional charges could be filed against Snow.
Online records show that the Grayson County grand jury returned the indictment on July 27 and Snow was arrested that same day.
She was later released from jail on $20,000 bail.
The case lists November 1, 2017, as the offense date for all of the charges.
Snow could not be reached for comment by Heavy and it is not clear if she has hired an attorney.
The Galax City School Board Fired Snow, Who Taught Middle & High School Music & Was the Choral Director for Both Schools.
Snow has already been fired by the Galax City School Board, the Galax Gazette reports.
A special meeting of the board was held to terminate Snow's employment after the investigation into her conduct began, according to the newspaper.
"We were out of school on that Monday.
Members of the Grayson County Sheriff's Office met with us on that Tuesday," Superintendent Bill Sturgill told the newspaper after Snow's arrest.
"I met with (Snow) that morning, and we addressed it from right there.
She was placed on administrative leave at that point, and has since been terminated.
She has not been in the school since we found out about it.".
Snow has worked for the Galax City school district for several years, teaching music classes and leading the choir and other theater groups at both the middle and high schools in the district, according to its website and social media posts.
Snow Is Married to the Director of a Church Children's Camp Run & Has a Young Son.
Jessica Kincaid Snow has been married to Michael Snow since August 15, 2009, Virginia marriage records show.
Michael Snow, 54, is the director of Camp Dickenson, which is run by the United Methodist Church.
He has held that job since 2007.
Her husband is also a former camp director in Tennessee and a former youth and children's director at a United Metodist Church in Tennessee.
Snow and her husband have a young son, who was born in 2014, according to public records and her husband's Facebook page.
Snow's husband posted several photos on Facebook with her and their son on a hiking trip taken the day after she was arrested and a boating trip taken the day after that.
The Snows are also active members of the First United Methodist Church in Galax, Virginia, where they help with music, according to the church's website.
She Is a Virginia Native & Graduated From Emory & Henry College.
Jessica Kincaid Snow is a Virginia native who is originally from Radford, according to public records.
Snow graduated from Emory & Henry College in Emory, Virginia, in 2006, with a degree in music education, according to the school's website.
On her Twitter profile, Snow wrote in her bio, "Chorus & Music Teacher at Galax HS & MS, Singer, Pianist Un-Extraordinaire, Arranger, Conductor, Advocate.
Snow Faces Up to 53 Years in Prison if Convicted of the Charges & Is Scheduled to Appear in Grayson County Circuit Court in October.
Jessica Kincaid Snow faces several decades in prison if convicted of all the charges filed against her.
The maximum sentence for all of the combined charges is 53 years in prison.
She was indicted on three misdemeanor charges and five felony charges.
Snow could also be required to register as a sex offender.
According to Virginia state law, contributing to the delinquency of a minor is a misdemeanor, which carries a maximum sentence of 12 months in jail.
Indecent act with a child by a custodian is a class 6 felony.
That carries between 1 to 5 years in prison.
Use of communications system (a computer) to facilitate certain offenses involving children is also a class 6 felony carrying a potential sentence of 1 to 5 years in prison.
The most serious charge she faces is enticing a minor to perform in pornography.
According to state law, the charge carries a potential sentence of 5 to 30 years in prison, with a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years, when the victim is less than 15 years of age and the suspect is more than 7 years older than the victim.
Snow is scheduled to appear in court in Grayson County Circuit Court on October 26, 2018.
Ryan Kelly & Justin Schmidt: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 10:23.
Ryan Kelly & Justin Schmidt: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
MPD MPD Officers Ryan Kelly and Justin Schmidt cleared of wrongdoing in fatal shooting of Thurman Blevins.
Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman announced there would be no charges filed against Minneapolis Police officers Ryan Kelly & Justin Schmidt in the fatal shooting of Thurman Blevins Jr.
in late June.
The police dashcam was released this weekend as well as myriad reports and documents in which it's clear the "case was closed with no discipline" against the officers.
Blevins' family and others not only wanted the cops fired, they wanted them to be charged.
Neither will happen.
Freeman's press conference was completely taken over by Blevins family members and activists Monday.
Here's what you need to now:.
Officers Kelly & Schmidt Won't Face Any Discipline Nor Will They be Criminally Charged in Connection With the Fatal Shooting.
Activists & Family Say if They Are Not Arrested in 48 Hours There Will be 'Consequences'.
Forward to around the 14-minute mark on the Facebook video where Freeman begins the media and community briefing: "These cases tear our community apart," he said.
Freeman offered his condolences to Blevins family and thanked investigators.
While police documents clearly showed the officers would not face internal police punishment for killing Blevins as Heavy reported Sunday, Freeman said that while his office may "dislike" police actions, prosecutors cannot discipline but rather can only criminally charge cops with a crime.
He said he was going to lay out the facts of the case and then explain what his decision is in reference to charges.
At 19 minutes, when Freeman is explaining the law that would have allowed him to charge the police, it's clear no charges will be filed and the family and others gathered begin speaking over Freeman, who abandons the podium and leaves.
The family and activists take over.
"We came here today for justice us black people looking for justice …we're tired of being hunted down and shot.
We are trying to watch these snuff videos by police…".
Blevins cousin Syenne Brown says that the reason cops should be charged is that they did not fear her cousin.
He was fleeing.
"That's clear as day on the video footage," she says.
"They were not afraid of him." She said police were cavalier and even, as the video shows, asked a resident, "Hey, have you seen a drunk black guy?" Brown said the group wants "the officers arrested in the next 48 hours or there will be further consequences.".
The comment stream on the Facebook live video of the press conference were largely of the same sentiment:.
"Guy had a long rap sheet.
he would not stop when they told him to.
they warned him they would shoot.
instead he pulled the gun from his pocket.
Blevins Was Shot by Police in June While Running Away.
Bodycam Shows he Had a Gun.
Officer Schmidt Fired the Shots That Killed Blevins.
The video above was created from the raw footage, which you can watch below, by the National Center for Audio & Video Forensics.
Technicians "stable and analyze" the video with "stabilizing software (which) identifies pixels from each frame and aligns them to help limit the 'shake' that can occur without altering the content," the Minneapolis Police Department explained.
That said, the video does slow down to a near standstill at times to call the viewers attention to what is circled in red, as identified as the gun Blevins has and police say, depicts him pulling it out while running.
Indeed, after police gun him down, the gun falls to the ground.
It was in the early evening in a north Minneapolis neighborhood when police shot Blevins in an alley as he was running away.
Officers were responding to a 911 caller who reported Blevins was drinking, possibly intoxicated, and was firing a gun in the air and at the ground.
Schmidt and Kelly had a description of the man, and at one point asked a resident on the street, "Have you seen a drunk black guy?".
Police located Blevins and jumped from their car saying he has a "gun.
According to police records, and as the raw and edited video show, Blevins runs from police when they roll up on him.
They scream at him to stop, put his hands up and yell they know he has a gun.
Blevins yells back that he doesn't or, though it's hard to understand, he may have said, "it's in my pants." Regardless, Blevins keeps running.
He tells police not to shoot him but is ultimately shot and killed by Schmidt.
It's Argued That Blevins, Though Armed, Did Not Pose a Significant Threat to Kelly & Schmidt.
Investigators & Prosecutors Disagree.
"No one wins today," Freeman said.
"A young man is dead.
Our officers face increasing criticism and scrutiny and the community is devastated," but, Freeman prepares the room for what is to come.
He says the law allows prosecutors to charge police in "only the most egregious cases …" and this is not one of those, Freeman says.
But Blevins family says police were not in danger, that their family member was running away and shooting him in the back, armed or not, is the definition of egregious.
"These officers were not afraid of my cousin," Brown said.
"When they approached him he was sitting on the curb" near his baby and girlfriend "looking terrified.".
The cause of death as recorded by the medical examiner was homicide by multiple gunshot wounds.
His family said he posed no threat and was running away.
A criminal justice professor told local media what matters is if police actions were reasonable, and he said, an officer can "only shoot a fleeing person if that person poses a significant threat to the officers or the surrounding community.".
Monday, it was reported that a spent casing was found at the scene and police said it was from Blevins' gun.
Police said he fired his weapon.
His statement reads in part, "…I don't know if it was quarter of the way down the alleyway a third of the way down the alleyway, or somewhere in between there that I see the actual firearm clearing his pocket so it's in his hand it clears his pocket so it's coming out so that's when I stop I planned and I am center mass and I fire multiple rounds until the subject falls to the ground …".
The Minneapolis Police Department Released the Personnel Files of Both Officers Kelly & Schmidt.
Project Youngin: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 1:40.
Project Youngin: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Rapper Project Youngin, real name Rasheed Jamaal Hall, was recording a video on Instagram Live today (July 30th) when he appears to be shot at three times.
According to the Sun, the incident happened early afternoon in Florida.
Project Youngin, 25-years-old, went live flashing hundred dollar bills and playing a song off his soon to be released mixtape 'Thug Souljas' when three shots rang out.
In the video, you can see Youngin's phone drop to the floor instantly.
There are still no updates on his condition.
Here's what you need to know about him:.
Project Youngin Has Been Dubbed "Florida's Next Big Thing".
Everything Gone Happen Like it's Meant To Be.
Take 5 With Art - Ep 17: Me and You Too by Maku Bisset - Duration: 4:27.
- Hi everyone, my name's Scott.
- And I'm Sarah.
- And we're from ColourSpace.
Welcome to another episode
of Take 5 With Art, where we get
to disconnect slightly from the daily hustle
and bustle to stop and look at a piece of artwork.
Now, as with art,
so too in - I guess - business,
that we have to continue to evolve
and continue to change how we do things,
to as they love to say in the business world,
innovate or die.
And from our side, we kinda got tired
of standing and talking about a piece of artwork
and we got thirsty as well.
So, we actually thought,
Wouldn't it be lovely given that this
is about taking 5 with art, to have a cup of tea--
- And a chair.
- And a chair, and to just use this as an opportunity
to take 5 with art, because this is about having a break.
Now this piece is called "Me and You Too" by Maku,
or Justina Bisset.
She prefers to be known as Maku as well.
Can you tell us a little bit more about this piece?
What do you think of it?
- This is a beautiful piece.
Its an abstracted take on portraiture,
so whenever we're looking at another person,
that style of art is a portrait,
but here Maku has really combined a lot
of abstract elements,
so a lot of geometric linework
along with the washed out or diluted colours
in the background.
- You look at a piece like this,
and you'd think she drew the faces,
and then she puts the colour in afterwards.
It's the other way around.
She starts with the colour first.
She said that she has always been inspired by
the colours that she sees and so she
starts with the watercolour paints.
The way that she's dripped it sideways as well,
so its not just going down, it's also sideways
and then after that, she's then drawn the faces in.
I just thought that was really cool.
- [Sarah] It's interesting that you say that,
because often artists will work from
the lighter shades first so there's
diluted tones and then followed by the solid black.
- As with anything that's purely abstract,
people, by their natural tendencies, will
want to see patterns in that.
And this is kinda what Maku's done, on our behalf.
If she had just left it as the watercolours
in the background and not put the marks on it,
maybe we wouldn't have seen the faces.
But she's kinda taken the liberty
of giving shape and giving warmth to
nothingness, so to speak. - [Sarah] Yeah, that's right.
- [Scott] And giving us something more to look at.
I think that's what makes this all the more striking.
- I think also, if you were
to imagine being the artist of this piece,
if you started with the linework
and then wanted to add colour over the top,
it would be really tempting to just
colour in and it would be tempting
to just have colour fitting in
to those shapes around the hair
or colour fitting in to the eyes or the lips.
But working the other way around
has meant that she's got colour moving
in and out of different parts of the face.
So the colour is adding to it,
but she's not colouring in what she's already done.
She's using the colour and the linework
to contribute different things.
- So, I guess the final thing that
this does remind me of and because
I can never away from thinking about
the relation of this to business,
doing things the other way around
can sometimes be actually,
can sometimes create some really interesting results.
You don't always have to start from step 1, step 2, step 3.
Sometimes going in reverse can give you something different,
recognisable, still, but very striking.
So that's our new Take 5 With Art.
We hope you've had a nice little break as well,
looking at this piece of artwork with us.
Hope you enjoy, otherwise
it's time to wrap up and get back to work.
Luxury vinyl plank flooring review: What you need to know before installing - Duration: 6:15.
In this video we talk about luxury vinyl plank flooring, what it is and its benefits,
that's starting right now.
Welcome to Homebuyer's School
brought to you by Brookfield Residential.
Hi everyone I'm Karl Yeh, welcome to another edition of Homebuyer's School,
a channel where you get the latest strategies tactics and tips from home
buying experts, and remember if this is your first time on this channel and you
want to to get the latest strategies from the experts, make sure to hit the
subscription button below, hit the little notification bell so you don't miss anything.
So today I'm joined by Deborah Armstrong, a senior interior designer
from Brookfield Residential. And today we're talking about
luxury vinyl plank flooring. So Deborah, I have absolutely no clue what this is,
what is luxury vinyl plank flooring?
Luxury vinyl plank flooring is a flooring that can either look like hardwood in this
case, now we're seeing some that look like tiles or stone, but it is a solid vinyl
piece of material.
So what are the benefits of this?
People would use these in their home if they have a very busy household, they
maybe have have big dogs that do some scratching, maybe have accidents on the
floor, they want to use it in a mud room or in a bathroom where there's a tub,
whereas unlike hardwood which will not be installed because of the moisture,
and you know, hardwood would get damaged, whereas this
it's 100% waterproof.
And remember, we created a video on the best flooring if you want to have a look at
that above-- So Deborah, you were talking about-- is it completely waterproof?
This is 100% waterproof, it's solid vinyl all the way through, and it also just clicks in
like a hardwood, so it can be floated, easy to remove if you do want to change
it out in the future. Yeah so it goes together just like a hardwood but unlike--
you don't have to nail it, so you can actually float this, great in basements.
So you could actually install this yourself?
So rip out your own flooring, and is just pretty much click--
Okay. Is there different types of this type flooring?
No it's all 100% solid vinyl. However, the look that you can get, yes the many
different colours, many different looking species of hardwood, different widths.
Sometimes you can get a floor with random width, you have wider and
narrower boards, you can like I said, get ones that look like tile, stone, yeah.
Many different options.
So it's not like when we talked about the solid vs. engineered hardwood, it's
nothing to--
Nothing like that, nope.
So wouldn't most people want to have this flooring in throughout their entire
house or it's not something that's really recommended?
Well I wouldn't say that it's not recommended, people still today percieve
real hardwood as having that luxury appeal, so for resale and things like that
if you say, "I have real hardwood in my home", there's an appeal to that.
This is a less expensive product, but it is very durable, and I have had you know,
people build 2-3 million dollar homes and put this throughout because of their
lifestyle. They might've had 3 or 4 really big dogs and have lived through real
hardwood, and the challenges, the scratching, etc.
And what's the lifespan of vinyl?
This would probably live as for long as you're in the house and passed.
It's very, very durable.
And is it scratch resistant too?
Very scratch resistant, much more than a real hardwood, a solid hardwood
or engineered.
Okay. And where would be the most typical places you'd want to install this?
Bathrooms? You mentioned bathrooms--
Yes. You'd want to-- however you don't want to have real hardwood in one room
and then switch to luxury vinyl plank, you're going to get a transition, and the
wood are going to look different, and not gonna create that beautiful flow that you
want in your house. People maybe put this in their entire basement,
wear and tear with kids and animals down there and leave upstairs because it's
separated by maybe a carpeted staircase, use the real hardwood up there.
Oh okay. And even though you can make it look like real hardwood, it's still-- like if
you put them next together, it still-- it wouldn't make any sense?
You're not gonna get the exact match, the thicknesses aren't the same so you're
gonna get transition strips and you're going to lose that luxury.
Okay. Now what's the difference between --I just did a quick research on my own,
what's the difference between luxury vinyl plank flooring and
engineered vinyl plank?
Okay, engineered vinyl plank is a vinyl that's been adhered to a high density
fiber board. They do claim that it's waterproof-- I don't know if I would really
trust it myself, I've never really suggested it because it's still a fiber board, and
you're not-- the reason why you would want to go to a luxury vinyl plank is
because of its 100% waterproof.
I don't know if I would trust engineered that has a fiber board underneath.
That's my personal thing, I would rather just stick with a solid vinyl.
Awesome. Anything else to comment on luxury vinyl plank flooring?
No, other than that the newer versions of this hardwood, when it's installed it is very
hard to tell between a real hardwood and a luxury vinyl plank.
They've come a long way and they're beautiful.
Would you be able to tell if you walked through a house?
Sometimes I have to look twice, yes absolutely.
In fact I'm actually thinking for my next home, I might go this route --so durable.
So the question I have for you is, do you use luxury vinyl plank flooring?
And what is your experience with it-- let us know in the comment section below.
Thank you very much for joining us and we'll catch you next time.
That's another edition of
Homebuyer's School. Tune in next time
for more expert tips and tricks, and visit to bring you one
step closer to finding your dream home.
As with everything, it would be great if you
like and share our videos, also please let
us know if you have any home buying
questions you want us to answer.
Signs of ADHD - Duration: 2:22.
There are some signs and symptoms or I should say some signs of ADHD and they
can include inattention impulsivity and hyperactivity. Martin, Joanna, I want to
kind of break those down and inform our viewers what we're talking about so
let's first take inattention. We have a graphic that kind of helps us understand
it a little bit more... Short attention span for age, hard time listening to
others, hard time sending the details, ---Yeah, easily distracted, forgetful, poor
organizational skills, poor study skills, all of that is the stuff that happens in
our prefrontal cortex so one example is procrastination
it's that putting it off to the last minute, why that happens? People with
ADHD have poor time horizons so that's where you see running late, poor time
management not being able to organize things like that. Martin, let's
look at that breakdown of impulsivity and talk about it as well... Often
interrupts others ---Yes, hard time waiting for his or her turn, blurts out
answers instead of waiting to be called on, takes risks often and often without
thinking before acting and I would say that that is the main if we can put one
thing is this idea of not being able to pause before you act that we lack you
know that inability to sort of start thinking a little bit ahead and which is
go straight to acting. Let's go straight now to hyperactivity and see the
breakdown there and Johanna let's have you comment on what we see here seems to
always be in motion, hard time staying in seat, fitted with hands or squirms when
seated, ---Talks a lot, hard time to doing quiet activities, loses or forget
things often, not able to stay on task, one of the more common ways we will
notice these symptoms is in the classroom setting so that kid that
gets up to throw something away every two seconds
and it ends up call it seeing a disruptive behavior which then calls
attention to them resulting in consequences negative potential food
teachers and such.
Kiyomi Leslie: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 2:35.
Kiyomi Leslie: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Kiyomi Leslie is Bow Wow's girlfriend.
Both have been angry on social media amid accusations that the "Pussy Talk" accusations the "Pussy Talk" rapper cheated on her.
On July 30, Bow Wow ranted on Twitter about bloggers and Twitter users making allegations about alleged infidelities.
When one Twitter user said that Bow Wow was acting "real friendly" with other women at the club.
The user also alleged that she was removed from Bow Wow's section for recording his activities.
The rapper snapped writing, "I dont do cameras u stupid b****! Come in my section recording! So we shut your bright ass camera down u got mad so u tweet my b****.
Id pay a b**** 1000 to slap the lacefront off yo dusty ass! This goes for the rest of you hoes! LEAVE ME AND MINE THE F*** ALONE." The rapper tweeted three other messages about the recording.
In a final message, Bow Wow said, "I hate you f***ing bloggers too! Shaderoom i f*** with.
All you other gossiping ass hateful sites F*** YOU! your comment sections F*** YOU! SMASH OR PASS BULL**** I WOULDNT F*** YOU UGLY I SHOP AT LANE BRYANT BITCHES EVER! F*** YOU!" After deleting those message, Bow Wow simply tweeted a smiley face.
Here's what you need to know:.
Leslie Has Called the Allegations Against Bow Wow 'Fake News'.
" They told me hold back , that's when i went hard !…".
BREAKING: Abducted Ex-Ondo LG Boss Freed 'After A Series Of Negotiations' - Duration: 1:42.
Dele Fagoriola, the abducted former Chairman of Akure North Local Government in Ondo State has, been freed, Sahara Reporters just learnt.
Fagoriola was released on Monday evening by his abductors, two days after he was seized on his farm located at Iju on Akure-Ikere Road.
A family source who asked not to be named told our correspondent on phone that the ex-council boss was set free after a series of negotiations.
"Our brother has just been released. He was set free by the abductors this evening and he is currently reuniting with us," he said.
"We want to appreciate everyone for their concern during the period that he was kidnapped mostly the media organisations and we thank security agencies too especially the police.
"For now, I can't authoritatively tell you if any ransom was paid but you are aware that we engaged the kidnappers in a series of negotiations.
Femi Joseph, the Spokesman of the Ondo State Police Command, could not be reached immediately to also confirm the release of the victim.
Six masked boys kidnapped Fagoriola, Akure North Council Chairman during the regime of the late Olusegun Agagu, during the weekend. The abductors had also demanded the sum of N10million before the captive could set free.
张念群提醒魏家祥 "勿以国阵标准审视希盟" - - Duration: 5:06.
NORDSTROM HAUL | Back to School Lookbook for Women Over 40 Fall Trends 2018 - Duration: 3:47.
Hi guys! If this is your first time checking out our channel, welcome! We hope you'll subscribe.
We do weekly videos on fashion tips, tricks and lookbooks. With school just around the
corner we thought it would be fun to do a back to school lookbook for moms. We have
you covered with 6 different looks that basically are all about the life of a busy mom, so whether
or not you've got a PTA meeting or first day drop off. We've got you covered with some
great styles. And the best part is, every item is available at Nordstrom and is priced
at under $100. So, we've listed the item description down in the box below if there is anything
you're interested in you can go and find it on their website and pick it up for yourself.
Well, I'm not really looking forward to back to school but I am looking forward to this
lookbook, so let's get started! For parent/teacher conference I want to look casual and comfortable
but still look polished. This outfit checks all those boxes. The blue button down and
jeans are so classic but the leopard print tote adds that element of interest and makes
it on trend. The brown flats are a wardrobe staple and pull the look together. Meet & greet
the teacher is such a fun and exciting day for the kids. Of course I want to look pulled
together and make a good impression so this black shirtdress is a great option. Animal
print is huge for fall so these leopard print loafers are a perfect addition to keep this
looking fresh and current. And the circle cross body bag is perfect with this look.
I love the way the brown in the bag complements the brown leopard print. With a little cheerleader
in the family I'm sure I'll be attending quite a few pep rallies. This army green tee and
black jeans look feels very fall appropriate and these casual black sneakers make it easy
to wear. I love the idea of a backpack as a purse and this leopard print one seemed
like a fun addition to my wardrobe. When I'm wearing solid colors I always look for the
opportunity to add a fun print in a shoe or bag & leopard is one of my all time favorites.
I love this bold red blazer a a PTA meeting g is the perfect excuse to wear it. Paring
it with jeans and a classic white tee keeps it casual and comfortable. The leopard print
loafers pair perfectly with the bright red. Leopard print is one of those trends that
really never goes out of style and is especially hot for fall. These shoes are so versatile.
I can see myself wearing them with so many looks. I have to be hones, with the convenience
of the morning carline drop off, I'm usually in my pjs when I take the kids to school.
But for that first day I gotta get some pictures so this outfit would be great. I could literally
sleep in these comfy fleece joggers and white t-shirt but when I throw on the cute denim
jacket and stylish white sneakers, this transforms into a casual everyday outfit. Add i the super
trendy circle cross body bag and no one will know I just rolled out of bed. This outfit
would be perfect for hauling my kids all over town for their after school activities and
games. I can see myself cheering my kids on at their soccer games in these great dark
denim jeans and this cozy army jacket. And these great sneakers are so cute with the
white leather lace detail. The gray color makes them perfect for the outdoors because
they won't look dirty and dingy. We hope you like our Back to School Lookbook for moms.
If you like this video please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to leave us a comment
below. And head on over to our video on how to big or flabby arms so that you can enter
for a chance to win our $100 gift card giveaway it ends September 19th. So get over there
soon. And we'll see you next week. Bye!
355私人法案诉潘俭伟诽谤 纳吉再撤案 - Duration: 3:12.
Bow Wow Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 4:41.
Bow Wow Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Bow Wow went on an explosive Twitter rant Monday morning, criticizing bloggers and gossip websites and claiming that he wanted to give away all his money.
"Ima quit all this s—t," he wrote.
"Down size my home.
Sale [sic] everything.
And go to work at gamestop.
Id probably be the happiest man in the world.
trade my cars in and buy a probe.".
The rapper also said that he would use an app to give money to whomever wanted it.
"Im cash apping all my money away today," he wrote.
"So if you want some free money y'all can have it… lets see if you think money makes you happy.".
The confusion surrounding Bow Wow's claims has led many to question how much money he's currently worth.
According to Bankrate, he has an estimated net worth of $1.5 million.
Read on to learn how he earned his fortune and how much his recent stunt will cost him.
He's Sold Over 10 Million Albums World.
Bow Wow released his first studio album, Beware of Dog, at the age of 13, and it quickly established him as a commercial force; debuting at number eight on the US Billboard 200 and eventually going double platinum.
His success continued throughout the 2000s, as he released two gold albums and two additional platinum albums.
His last release was 2009's New Jack City II.
To date, Bow Wow has sold over 10 million albums and 14 million digital copies worldwide.
In addition to his album sales, Bow Wow has also had three top ten hits on the US Billboard Hot 100: "Let Me Hold You" featuring Omarion, "Like You" featuring Ciara, and "Shortie Like Mine" featuring Johntá Austin and Chris Brown.
Despite his commercial success, Bow Wow has expressed his dissatisfaction with rapping in recent years.
"I always said I'd retire from music before 30," he tweeted.
"I just can't see myself at 30 years old rapping. Made over 20 million off rap.
Why be greedy? I'm good with everything I accomplished.
I made it to the White House." Bow Wow announced that his final studio album will be titled NYLTH.
There has yet to be a confirmed release date.
He Denied Rumors That He Was 'Going Broke' In 2012.
Every day is a weekend in Miami GA enjoy your weekend.
30 Important phrases in English - Duration: 9:13.
HI guys! I'm Frank
and today we'll see phrases
that you're gonna use a lot in your conversations in English
when I study a new a language
and I still don't know anything
one of the things I do first
is to study this phrases because I'll use always
no matter what the topic of the conversation is
if you have some knowledge in English
but have problems when speaking
this video will help you
so let's start
so as I said in my video "how to learn English fast from scratch"
is important to start speaking
from the very beginning
for that reason I made a list of phrases
following the order you'll have in a conversation
so let's start with the first part of the conversation
you find someone and the first
thing you say is
which is another way to say "how are you"
so you find someone a friend
and you say "how's it going" to know
how he or she is
if the other person asks that question
you can use the next phrase
here the "what about you" can be useful for you when
you want to ask back the same question
the next phrase is my favorite to start a conversation
I like this phrase in particular cause is more specific than
"how are you?"
and it even sounds as if you really care about the other person
sometimes people ask "hi, how are you?"
but they don't really care about it
now imagine that you haven't talked
or seen a person for a long time
here you can say the next phrase
another option to the last phrase is
so you haven't seen a person for a long time
and you can also say
when you talk with a person again
you can use the next phrase
which means that you're happy to talk with this person again
so the conversation already started
and you have no idea what to talk about
then you can ask
to know what the other person did on that day
here you can get some information about the other person
and keep the conversation going
now let's imagine that the other person is speaking fast
and you want him to speak slowly
you can use the following phrase
then you won't ever complain that people speak too fast with you
now let's imagine that the other person is speaking slowly
but you still can't understand what he's saying
here you can use this phrase
you can also specify a word or a sentence
for example: "can you repeat that last sentence please?"
sometime you can't understand a phrase cause you don't know a single word
here you can say this
now you finally understood what the other person is saying
here you can say
which in Portuguese would be "entendi"
in this way you show you understand something
if the other person is speaking slowly and you understand what he's saying
you can say to yourself
in Portuguese it'd be "faz sentido"
if you ask the other person to repeat a word or sentence
and unfortunately the other person doesn't remember, which could happen
you can tell him
which could mean "tanto faz" in Portuguese
no problem if you don't remember the word I asked for
another option is the next phrase
which means "forget about it"
now if you understand the words and sentences
but not the explanation the other person is giving
you can say the next phrase
it means that you didn't understand
something that the other person said
the next phrase you can say when you
don't understand a specific word
or when you're surprised at what the other person said
this phrase is
you say "what's that"
when you don't understand a specific word
because you didn't hear well or anything else
and you also use "what's that" when you're surprised at something
if you have a call in the middle of the conversation
or you have an interruption
you can use the next phrase
so you use this phrase when
you want the other person to wait for you
when you have a call or anything else that
doesn't let you talk with the other person
now that the call is over and you want to
talk again with the other person
you can use the next phrase to start talking again
so you say that when you want to talk again
after being interrupted
now let's imagine you're in a call and you can't listen the other person
here you can say:
and if you can't see him or her
if you think
that the other person can't hear you
you can say
the next phrase I used to say it a lot with Brazilian people when having a call on Skype
so you use this phrase
when your computer screen is frozen
and you can't talk with the other person
if you're surprised at what other person said
you can express your surprise saying:
so you can use this phrase
you can't believe something happened
another way of showing surprise and I prefer because is shorter is the phrase:
which means "I can't believe that"
when you wanna know the meaning of a word
you can ask
for example: "what does together mean?"
"what does playful mean?"
in this way you'll know the meaning of this word
when you wanna know how to say a word in English you ask:
for example: "how do you say "entendi" in English?"
when you're not sure whether you're saying is correct or not
you can ask
if someone tells you something that happened to them, you can say:
in this way you show you're happy for him or her
if the other person is sad and
you could make them feel better by saying:
you use this phrase when someone doesn't feel good at all
In the end of the conversation when you want to stop talking and do something else, you can say:
and finally the last phrase
before leaving you can say:
well many of these phrases you'll always use in a conversation
and I recommends you guys to learn them from the beginning when studying English
so you won't have any problems when speaking English
That's it. If you find the video helpful, subscribe
See you!
LeBron James' I Promise School: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 12:24.
LeBron James' I Promise School: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
LeBron James' I Promise School opens in his hometown of Akron, Ohio, today.
The school, built in partnership with the LeBron James Family Foundation and Akron Public Schools, will serve Akron's most at-risk youth to help give them the tools to have a successful future.
James tweeted about the opening, calling it one of the "greatest moments" of his life.
Here's what you need to know about the I Promise School:.
I Promise School has a Unique Enrollment Process That Solely Focuses on Improving Student Performance.
As part of the Akron Public School system, the I Promise School is in a unique situation.
From the outside looking in, it looks like it has the resources of a lavish private school.
But it's public, and therefore has no tuition.
The school doesn't take applications for enrollment.
Instead, Akron Public Schools and James' foundation studied reading proficiency in its student body.
"Looking at reading data, we identified students who were a year, two years behind in reading," said Keith Liechty of Akron Public Schools, who worked closely with James' foundation.
This process identified more students than the school could fit in its first year.
So, they randomly selected the student body and then asked parents if they'd like their students to attend the new school.
In all, 120 third and 120 fourth graders are set to attend the I Promise School for the 2018-19 school year.
Each year until 2022, the school will add new grade levels.
Next year, second and fifth graders will be added, and in 2022, the I Promise School will function as both an elementary and middle school, serving first through eighth graders.
The School Receives the Same Amount of State Funding as Other Public Schools, but It's a Future-Thinking Commitment for Akron Public Schools.
Akron Public School District Treasurer Ryan Pendleton told the Akron Beacon Journal that the I Promise School took "serious amounts of money" to get off the ground.
While the school receives the exact same amount of funding as other schools within the district, the district is pouring approximately $2.9 million from its general fund for the 2018-19 school year.
As the school expands, the cost of operations will naturally go up.
In 2023, the district thinks the school will cost them $8.1 million.
Akron Public Schools sees the I Promise School as a "long-term investment" that will benefit not just the kids going to the school, but others within the district.
The school system expects to see smaller class sizes, increased enrollment, and better grades overall.
The district's contributions don't fully cover the costs to operate the school.
Having an NBA superstar like LeBron James at the helm certainly has helped the school get off the ground.
Contributions to the I Promise School from both local and national partners and foundation donates have eclipsed $2 million.
For example, The Peg Foundation, a Northeast Ohio initiative for mental health, is donating $2.
5 million to the school mainly for support services over the next five years.
The funding was necessary to keep class sizes capped at 20, and to hire the 43 staffers that will help manage the school's day-to-day activities.
The I Promise School is a certified STEM school, and has a lengthier school calendar than normal.
This year, the school calendar runs from July 30 to May 17.
And there's a seven-week summer school program for kids who need additional help.
Each school day also runs from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
On top of that, all students will be provided breakfast, lunch, and a snack each day.
School supplies are provided to students, and the faculty will have a fully stocked teacher's lounge and workout area, including access to a personal trainer.
The building used for the school previously housed a closed school.
LeBron's foundation renovated the building extensively.
Now, when you walk in, there's a split staircase.
Murals of James, Jackie Robinson, Jesse Owens, Martin Luther King Jr., and Muhammad Ali adorn the walls.
And above the entrance, there are 114 James-worn basketball shoes.
Upper Deck plans to sell the other half of each pair, and the proceeds will go towards additional school funds.
The School has a Family Focus, With Support Geared Towards Everyone Involved in a Child's Success.
I Promise School officials and LeBron's foundation want to assist not just at-risk youth, but their families as well.
"I think the missing link in public education is that family wraparound support," principal Brandi Davis told the Los Angeles Times. "Because our students come to school and they're worried about things at home.
… We want to create that safe, that secure and that caring and loving environment for our families and our students so that our kids can focus on education.".
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
will assist parents who earn their GEDs from the I Promise Too Program with volunteer mentors who will help guide them on their next steps.
The mentorship program will be setup in the I Promise School's family resource center down the line.
Support for adults of parents will extend to providing career counseling and job resources.
The school will also be stocked with food bank donations that parents can access to cook for their families.
James Sees Himself When He Looks at the Students Who Will Attend the I Promise School.
In a video on his media platform Uninterrupted, James explained how he understands the struggle these under-privileged kids are facing.
I know these kids, basically more than they know themselves.
I've walked these same streets.
I've rode the same bikes on the streets they ride on.
I went through the same emotions — the good, the bad, the adversity.
Everything these kids are going through — the drugs, the violence, the guns, everything they're going through as kids, I know.
For me to be in a position where I have the resources, the finance, the people, the structure and the city around me — why not?.
On Twitter, he said, "This skinny kid from Akron who missed 83 days of school in the 4th grade had big dreams…big dreams for the kids in Akron to give them everything they could need to find their passion, give back to our community and change the world! This school is that.
The people are that. Akron is that.".
James attended Akron Public Schools for eight years as a kid, before attending St.
Vincent-St.Mary High School (located down the road from I Promise School).
Executive director of the LeBron James Family Foundation Michele Campbell talked about James' connection to Akron and his childhood as the driving force for starting the school.
"We all know which path he took.
He took the right path with some very good people around him and now we know him as the world's best basketball player.
He could've taken the other road, and we would've never known LeBron James.
He would've been a statistic like a lot of students who drop out of school," she told USA Today.
"Every one of these kids, maybe they don't become LeBron James on the basketball court, but they become the LeBron James of their passion and dream in life.".
Ahed Tamimi: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 8:24.
Ahed Tamimi: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Ahed Tamimi, a 17-year-old activist of the Palestinian cause, was released from prison after serving eight months for punching and kicking an Israeli soldier.
Ahed Tamimi, a 17-year-old Palestinian activist from the village of Nabi Saleh, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, was released from prison Monday after serving eight months for slapping Israeli soldiers.
The confrontation quickly went viral on the Internet and propelled Tamimi into the spotlight, with many labeling her a "symbol" of the Palestinian cause, according to the New York Times.
"I learned a lot," Tamimi said hours after her release on Sunday from prison.
"I learned how to stay patient, to be in a group.
I did my best to use the time to study.
I came out more educated, and understand the world better than when I went in.".
However, the young activist also stated that she is no less determined to fight against the Israeli occupation, and that she doesn't regret her actions the day that landed her in jail.
Here's what you need to know about Tamimi:.
Tamimi Became a Face of the Palestinian Cause After a Video of Her Slapping, Kicking and Punching Israeli Officers Went Viral.
Tamimi was arrested in December, 2017, a few short days after she was seen on video kicking, hitting, punching and shoving a heavily armed Israeli soldier at the entrance to her family home in the village of Nabi Saleh.
The two soldiers remained mostly impassive during the altercation before leaving the scene.
The episode occurred after a different soldier fired a rubber bullet at Tamimi's 15-year-old cousin, striking him in the head.
He was gravely injured but survived, according to the New York Times.
Tamimi was 16 at the time.
Her mother, Nariman, who filmed the video and posted it live on Facebook, was also arrested, as was a cousin who joined in.
Tamimi Plans to Continue Her Education Studying Law, Aiming to Sue Israel in International Courts for War Crimes During the Occupation.
According to the New York Times, Tamimi now plans to study law, with the hopes of suing Israel in international courts for what she describes as the "violations and war crimes of the occupation.
"Of course I'm not going to forget the cause," she said in an interview, "but I'm going to invest in my studies, because knowledge is the strongest weapon for a struggler.
She told the New York Times that her imprisonment had been "difficult but meaningful.
" She also expressed solidarity with the female Palestinian prisoners that she met while she was incarcerated.
She Was Photographed in 2015 Biting the Hand of an Israeli Soldier Who Was Trying to Arrest Her Brother.
Tamimi is no stranger to standing up to Israeli soldiers.
Nearly three years ago, she was photographed biting the hand of an Israeli soldier who was attempting to arrest her young brother.
A protest of Israel's military occupation became restless in 2015 after an exchange of tear gas and stones, and one officer tried to arrest a 12-year-old Palestinian boy, who happened to be Tamimi's brother.
Despite his arm being in a sling, the officer was photographed pinning him down after accusing him of hurling rocks.
Five female protesters surrounded the Israeli officer, according to the New York Times.
The women scuffled with the officer until he released the boy, but not before a 14-year-old Tamimi bit his hand.
And in 2012, when she was 11, she was photographed raising her fist and yelling at another Israeli soldier, according to the New York Times.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Praised Tamimi's Actions, Calling Her a "Model" of the Palestinian Struggle for Freedom.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met with Tamimi and her family after her release.
According to a statement released by the official Wafa news agency, Abbas "praised Ahed and described her as a model of the Palestinian struggle for freedom, independence and statehood.".
Tamimi's protest gained international attention and many human rights groups were critical of her prison sentence.
Amnesty International called her release "welcome news" but "stressed that other Palestinian minors are facing difficult circumstances in Israeli prisons," according to National Public Radio.
"Ahed Tamimi's release must not obscure the familiar and continuing story of the Israeli military using discriminatory policies to lock up Palestinian children," said Saleh Higazi, the head of Amnesty's Jerusalem office.
"Her unjust imprisonment is a reminder of how the Israeli occupation uses the arbitrary military courts to punish those who challenge the occupation and illegal settlements expansion policies, without any regard to age.".
Some Israeli Protesters Believe That Tamimi & Her Siblings Are Manipulated By Her Parents to Participate in "Staged Protests" That Deliberately Incite Violence.
Many in Israel claim that Tamimi's parents exploit her and her siblings, manipulating them to be used as "pawns in staged provocations.
" She denied claims that she had been exploited, according to Yahoo.
"My family never exploited me once," she said.
"I am mature enough and I know the cause.
I know the consequences that will stem from choosing this path.
I am not a child.".
Tamimi and her mother Nariman were both sentenced to eight months by an Israeli military court in a plea deal following the December incident.
According to NPR, her father said her protest was "an understandable response to growing up watching her relatives be killed and wounded.".
Students Guess How Much Money They'll Need to Retire (They're Way Off) - Duration: 1:35.
Let's go like, 20k.
30 grand?
Maybe even 50.
For the last time, no!
Oh my God.
Maybe like 500 grand?
Oh, okay.
I don't know how I'm going to do when I'm old.
Yep, definitely, because I have a job and I'm not really going too good with it.
No, I didn't know that.
I thought it was just like houses and stuff.
If I found out my super fund was doing those sort of things, like chemical weaponry and
tobacco, I would definitely pull out.
Because it's not right.
Firstly, I worked hard for that money.
It would be nice to let me know what it is you guys are investing in.
No, no no!
We are aware of different world, and it holds true especially if you have high sensitivity
towards universe.
It is not some science fiction, or maybe not even anything related to science, but it's
worth to talk about.
Sometimes, the spirit from other world tries to contact you in one way or another.
In most cases, It is usually from the shape of someone who have died, but it can be from
If you're curious enough to know the signs, here are some signs that often happen in our
But before we go down to the list, please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video
until the end to know the complete information.
13 Telling Signs That Spirit is Trying To Communicate With You.
#1 - Vivid dreams.
It is common for people to forget their dreams after waking up.
Even though they try to remember, they only can save little details from it.
Vivid dreams, however, is quite different.
It is just like your extension and you can remember details from the dream.
If you experience such dream, there is a chance that the spirit from other world is trying
to contact you.
#2 - Enhanced sense.
You can be an empath to feel what others feel.
However, it is also can be a sign of being contacted by spiritual world.
You constantly feel stronger taste, smell, or voice from different source.
Additionally, your vision may be enhanced and you can see what others cannot.
At this stage, the spirit is getting closer to you.
#3 - Electronic starts to act strange.
They want your attention, and the electronics are the medium for communicating.
They use frequency of the electronic circuit makes it possible for them to disrupt and
seek attention from you.
#4 - Eureka moment.
Sometimes, you are surprised that you can remember something.
You may also be shocked that how you can draw conclusion from various source of information
even though you've been trying to solve the problem for years.
#5 - Animals.
The Spirits might also use animals to guide you.
Pets can be incredibly intuitive and spiritual.
Some have been known to lead their owners away from danger and even sniff out illness.
Wild animals can often shed light on our situation too.
If you see an unusual bird or animal, it might offer you a message.
It could even be your power animal.
You can look up the spiritual meaning of animals online.
#6 - Goosebumps.
People have defensive mechanism for warning you.
Goosebumps are also the sign of you being contacted since sports are considered external
object that may harm you.
This way, you will be aware that there may be something approaching.
#7 - Weird sensations.
If you experience weird sensations such as deja-vu, this might be that Spirits are trying
to communicate with you.
Pay attention to where you were when it happened to see if this offers a clue as to what they
are trying to say.
#8 - Universal GPS system.
You never know why you visit places, do certain acts, and say something weird to others.
It is because the spirit tries to guide you to specific purpose.
They want something from you, and that is why they are trying to sync everything to
achieve their goals.
#9 - Changes in room temperature.
Sudden drops in warmth despite door and windows being closed also signify the presence of
a supernatural being.
It may be experienced by everyone in the room or a particular person that the spirit might
be trying to make contact with.
It may be described as a cold chill through the body that can give us goosebumps when
we unconsciously think of the presence of spiritual beings close by.
This effect may also be stimulated by the brain, especially if your surroundings give
you an eerie aura.
#10 - Butterflies.
The ancient Chinese believed that butterflies were symbolic of people who had left the realm
of the living owing to the transformation from cocoons to their short lifespan of fluttering
in the air.
The sight of butterflies or related motifs after the death of a person is a sign that
the person has moved into the spirit world.
#11 - Faces of people who lived.
Many of Sue's clients reported that they saw people who looked like their relatives who
had passed away a long time ago.
Perhaps the people didn't actually look like their relatives but their minds saw differently.
#12 - Telepathic thoughts.
If you are hearing your voice in your head speaking words that are not your thoughts,
you are probably hearing what a spirit is trying to tell you.
It may be repeated several times for emphasis.
#13 - Scents.
A sudden burst of floral fragrances in unlikely places signifies the presence of a spirit.
For instance, you can smell a floral scent in your car even though you don't have an
air purifier.
And surprisingly, it will stop only after you opened the doors of your car and aggressively
demanded the spirit to leave.
Well, those are the 13 unusual signs the spirit world is trying to contact you.
So, really cool information isn't it?
I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share
your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
Should You Make Your Events Open To The Public Or Private Only? - Duration: 1:38.
James Schramko here. Today, I want to pose the question: If you have a members group,
should you run events just for members, or should you open them to the public? In
my business, I actually do both. I've got members-only meetups, which
happen in major cities around the world, especially in Australia and the UK and
the USA. Now, beyond that, I do run an annual live event most years, and I make
that available to the public. And here's why - what I've found is, if you let
members of the public buy a ticket to an event and they're not a membership of
your community or your program, the other people who are at the event, who are
members, who got the best deal first, will actually convert those people across to
being a member. Now, you can assist this by offering everyone who buys a ticket,
if they are not already a member, offer them a special rate and a trial
basis for them to become a member, so that they can get to meet the other
people at the event. They can do some prework, perhaps, look at the trainings
from the previous event, and they can get the resources and downloads and things
that are available from your event after the event. I usually offer a 60-day free
trial which starts billing if they stay, and the stats are that about 85% of
people will take up the trial and about 65% of those people will still be there
three months later. So they've gone for an extra at least another month after
the billing starts. So that's my tip today, to turn your public live events
into membership customers.
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