when visitors first see the large Wildcat wrestling the small dock to the
ground they might think they are about to see the dogs last moments in life
however the activity between these two animals is all in fun because the Jaguar
the little Jack Russell terrier are best friends
Jack the Jaguar was brought to the Aqua by a logic predator park in South Africa
after he was found orphaned the young cat lured to his caretaker as
its foster mom but the park rangers knew that he would
need a companion for the early months of his life instead of another cat though
jag ended up with the most unlikely buddies a small dog named Boyd
it was a match made in heaven Leila the facility owner and Jack's
caretaker notes every night Jack needed comfort so he took me in as a mom and as
I could not let him sleep with me all the time
I put bullet with him these two struck it off straight away they don't leave
each other alone they feed together sleep together do
everything together they are like brothers
as Jack grew older and bigger he needed to move to his own enclosure and he and
bullet would have to be separated leymah states we separated the two of them and
it was a disaster the Jaguar cried for 24 hours and the dog sat at the gate
with hell moving
the two best friends were quickly reunited and now spend their days of the
nature preserved together playing and lounging around in harmony the dock is
the dominant one Leila explains
the Jaguar obviously has more power so if he is hurting him or anything
the dog will growl or bark and the Jaguar knows when to stop what did the
light will do here's to many more years of their friendship full of love and
For more infomation >> You might think you are going to see the dog's last moments in life but you are wrong - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
Cyberpunk 2077 State of the News - Pijama Rant - Duration: 16:17.
Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadqueenShow!
I am your host the MadQueen
On today's menu we have a pajama rant after the forced holidays for a couple of weeks,
and for once I can't blame YouTube, they were quick and did their job well and fast,
you know that I'm the first to complain about them when they screw but it's also
important to note when people do things right, and this is one of the cases, no complaint
about how quick YouTube resolved all my issues
So on today's menu, I'd like to address the question people are asking: why is there
no news about cyberpunk in my channel lately with the number of things that are there to
explain right now and, well, the thing is that, amongst other things I will explain
later, it's very frustrating
I started talking about Cyberpunk 2077 a little more than a year ago, I don't know under
what rock was I sleeping that I discovered the game then, incredibly late, and I went
totally crazy, If you liked my reaction to the trailer you should've seen my first
reaction to the teaser because I just couldn't believe it and I watched it several times
to make sure that I watched what I watched
The thing is that I wanted to know everything about the game, and as I discovered things
I wanted to share them with you, apart from the lore and all the things that make this
setting so amazing, but the constant backlash I receive for the news is unreasonable
See, I leaked one year ago about the size of the map, with the Triple S league, people
didn't seem to like that I talked about it, I had a lot of hate coming my way for
that, some even followed me to other channels where I commented to tell me to shut up, that
I didn't know shit about the game, three months later, The CEO of CD Projekt Adam Kiciński
talked about that and confirmed the map was going to be huge
I also talked about the multiplayer, which wasn't exactly a leak, Kiciński mentioned
that several times, and now it's officially a thing, and again the same process, even
some time after the Know called me out for saying there was going to be a multiplayer,
until a couple months later they discovered the number of job postings about that on the
official CD Projekt web, and the grant, and Kiciński, and made a huge video about it,
but they forgot to mention that, yes, you know when we called out the MadQueen for that?
Well maybe, just maybe, she wasn't that wrong after all
Then I wanted to know about the working conditions at the studio, because at that time the controversy
raised I recently quit from a studio, also working on an artistic field and also high
end, where they treated us the employees appallingly and they did all the things CD Projekt was
accused of doing, and I wanted to know, because if all this was true I wasn't going to make
any more Cyberpunk videos, I interviewed 42 developers because after all, developers are
the ones who should say what's going on, and I proved the thing was blown out of proportion,
same result, hate going my way, even some YouTuber whose name I'm not going to mention
because I'm more elegant than him, who has a sub count way bigger than me, sent his dogs
my way to harass me for weeks until I revealed the name of the devs I talked to, which obviously
didn't happen, with a lot of hate like "who's going to talk to you, you're a no one",
etc Guess what?
4 months later the former developer Ryan Pergent talked about it on his blog and he basically
said the same I did: everything is blown out of proportion
By the way, the guy sending his dogs after me, in the end, I should thank him because
this whole thing gave me the chance to prove where my loyalty stood, obviously with developers,
and this earned me some friends at the studio
The same process happened several times, when I talked about the new generation of Sony's
consoles saying the cycle was ending, and again, people calling me crazy, and a couple
of months later the CEO of Sony confirmed that their cycle was ending, surprise!
Or I talked about the 4th game of the Witcher, 4 months ago, same result, until YouTubers with more subs
count found out shortly ago and I had people coming to my channel to ask how is it that
I wasn't talking about that, and I'm like "Seriously?
I talked about that 4 months ago?"
And, by the way, Kiciński didn't confirm anything and I was wrong in the video I made
4 months ago, I just found out that, so you'll probably will need another 4 months until
someone else finds out
And I have tons more of examples, you're free to check for yourself, my videos are
public, the title and the date when I talked about it, the reaction over it, and you can
google yourself when it got confirmed, not because they were leaks, lots of things I
say come with a proof in the video but it seems that people have not been listening
to Adam Kiciński all this time
Seriously, this lovely gentleman "only" the president of the company
He may know a couple of things about the game
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So, receiving backlash when you're wrong, no one likes that, but it's understandable,
I've been wrong many times, and I can't complain about complaints because they're
well deserved, but receiving it when you're right is quite frustrating, even more when
you have such a good record of being right, and even even more when you're providing
proof in the video, but I sometimes feel like I need the approval of YouTubers that have
more followers than me, if they don't talk about it I must be wrong, well… maybe they're
just slower than me
So, yes, now that there are so many people giving news on Cyberpunk 2077 you don't
really need me for that, you'll have to wait until they learn about things, so you
may receive the info months later but, yes, is quite frustrating and I rather talk about
other things that are more rewarding, so I'll only talk about news when there's something
that really blows my mind or in Evening Gaming News with Mr Ruvver
So, you have other people for this job
And good luck trying to find out what's going on with Cyberpunk because right now
the state of the news is a complete mess
A total and absolute mess
All the info out there is contradictory, and I'm not talking about rumors, they are there,
they're hard to control, but no, I'm talking about news given by "respectable" outlets,
if things keep going like this I swear if I read an article that says that Cyberpunk
is set in the XIX century in London I'm not even going to be surprised, there's
no unified message about the game, the information is contradictory and,
obviously, people is confused
I didn't see it by myself, I've been told, but it makes sense, that recently someone
from the studio said in an interview that he hoped people would have more trust in them,
and I don't think that in here we have a problem with the community not thinking CD
Projekt is a trustworthy company, the community is just confused
The info about the game is not unified, is so contradictory
The thing is that no one saw the demo, well some of us did, but you know what I mean,
the community didn't see the demo, and obviously I'm not criticizing this decision from CD
Projekt, first because it's their product so their decision, period, and second because
I saw it and I totally understand why it can't be shown to the general public
Even with a very valid reasoning behind that, it doesn't change at all the fact that the
community didn't see the demo, and to learn what's going on they need to rely on the
journalists that did see the demo but have no fucking clue of what did they see
The thing is that CD Projekt didn't make it very easy with this, when you watched the
demo you had this highlights
with information that explained a little about it, basic stuff, then while
we were watching it we had a dev explaining stuff, mostly about the gameplay, then you
have the press kit of the game, three pages, only one and a third of text, that may be
enough for your average game but I believe not for this one, we're talking about a
new IP in a setting that people is not used to with an incredibly rich and complex universe,
and this universe not only provides a context, but defines the gameplay
And even with all this complexity, the info CD Projekt gave was minimal, and not only
minimal, pretty hard to understand if you're not used to the setting, they gave this brief
info and expected everybody to understand it, and I believe that was way too much faith
So they just sat there and expected journalists to make the appropriate questions,
journalists that, again, didn't have enough tools to understand the universe
and too lazy to go to the internet to find more info, let's be honest
the sourcebooks are really easy to get
so, they just sat there and expect the journalists to make the appropiate questions
journalists, that, again, didn't have enough tools to understand the universe
if you don't count the inmense amount of resources on the internet
so, please, don't understand I'm blaming CD Projekt here
and, obviously, these journalists were going to make the most basic questions about the gameplay
And what happened?
Well, I remember an interview with game director Adam Badowski on Kotaku where he was complaining
about not being asked for the transhumanist side of the game, well, sweetheart, did it
occur to you that journalists just didn't understand that this was a thing in this universe
On the other hand, the universe is so complex that overwhelming people with all the info
would be, well, overwhelming, and maybe the effect would've been even worse, so I'm
not saying they did the wrong thing, I don't really know, what I'm saying is that shit
happened, and journalists are lazy
they spent a lot of time surrounding this game with secrecy and it seems that it's
not completely working out, because people are filling the gaps as they can, creating
an insane confusion around it
Because the first impact was great, everybody was so blown away, oh the demo is so insane,
is so mind-blowing, is wuo!
Ok, the first wave moved on, and now the community wants more details, so they ask the journalists:
it was mind-blowing but how?
Well, ah.. yep Mind-blowing
But how? Tell me about the features
Yep, mind-blowing
Even the information given by them is sometimes
contradictory, to give you an easy example, you read the press kit and it says that you
can enter the net
THE net
Oh, cool, we have the net in the game, and then in an interview with Mike Pondsmith he
talks about the micronets of the third edition after the DataKrash and you're like, so
are we talking about THE net or the micronets? Not the same thing
That's a simple example, but there are many more, this is getting really
confusing, and there is no unified message about it so, obviously, the community is very
confused, journalists are confused, and lazy, everybody is confused
Honestly I don't know if E3 was supposed to be the real beginning of the marketing campaign,
they really are introducing the universe with this "frame by frame" explanation of the trailer that, again, if
you don't know the universe is hard to understand, and if you are one of those who have a hard
time understanding it, Last Know Meal is doing a series on it
The task they have in front of them of explaining the universe is not going to be easy, but
is going to be necessary, and I think is going to help a lot and make it easier for both
community and journalists to understand the universe and the gameplay features that are
defined by this universe
Now we have GamesCom ahead, I guess they're going to show the same gameplay privately,
and that's just a guess, people are hoping for a second trailer, that would be just great,
even more if it had the Net on it
but don't take this as something anywhere official, they didn't say anything
that's just a hope
and I also hope this second wave of opportunities to talk about the game with a wider audience
puts all the information back on track with a unified message in a way that the community
has a clearer idea of what's going on because, again, I don't think that the problem here
is that the community doesn't trust CD Projekt, they are just confused
Fortunately for all of us, if you're tired of being confused you always have a solution,
that is getting your info from the official forum at cyberpunk.net, you have a lot of
official news and links to other news, good thing is that it has a filter, you have RED
people there managing it, meaning that bullshit is cut really fast, and sometimes developers
answer questions from the community, so I believe it's the only source of information
that is 100% reliable right now, along with video interviews, I don't trust written
interviews because they are always rewritten by the person making them and words and their
meaning is changed, so you know, cyberpunk.net, get your news there and some of your fears
about the game that are fueled with confusing and contradictory information will be calmed
Well, folks, thanks for watching
Don't forget to take a look at our lore playlist to learn everything about the universe,
now 50 videos long I believe, and people are asking "Didn't you run out of things to explain yet?"
When I said I just warmed up I wasn't kidding, I just gave the basics, when I say this universe
is huge I mean in, again, two words: FUCKING HUGE
See you in next videos and stay being amazing!
Benefits Of Internal Linking For Content Marketing - Internal Links SEO - Duration: 0:58.
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Preferred Pharmacy Network - Duration: 0:56.
Did you know?
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can save money when you use a contracted preferred pharmacy!
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Panthers CB Ross Cockrell suffers an injury so horrible you could hear it - Duration: 3:36.
The Panthers' Ross Cockrell, left, holds his leg in pain after being injured in a training camp collision with Torrey Smith, right
(Chuck Burton/Associated Press) by Matt Bonesteel July 30 at 1:47 PM Email the author Carolina Panthers cornerback Ross Cockrell suffered what appeared to be a serious injury to his left leg Monday after colliding with wide receiver Torrey Smith during a training-camp practice
Reporters who were present during the collision are painting a somewhat gruesome picture, with the Charlotte Observer's Jourdan Rodrigue saying she "could actually hear a bone crack and scream from Cockrell
" The Observer's Joe Person, meanwhile, reports that Cockrell was yelling "my leg is broke" while writhing in pain on the ground
Coach Ron Rivera ended the team's practice in the wake of Cockrell's injury. Ross Cockrell carted off
Practice is over. pic.twitter.com/srm1qppcxp— Bill Voth (@PanthersBill) July 30, 2018 Rivera did not have specifics on Cockrell's injury when he talked to reporters after practice, merely saying that his left foot got caught under Smith as the wide receiver went to the ground to make a catch in the end zone
Carolina's secondary was not thought to be an area of strength: Pro Football Focus has ranked it 29th in the league entering the season, and that's with the expectation that Cockrell would get some heavy usage after signing a free agent deal in the offseason
But an injury to Cockrell likely would thrust rookie Donte Jackson into a starting role across from James Bradberry, who hasn't exactly stood out in his two NFL seasons (Jackson also left Monday's practice with what's being described as a minor groin injury)
So a bad situation may have just gotten a whole lot worse for the Panthers. Cockrell "represented the energy, he represented the system," Panthers defensive coordinator Eric Washington told the team's website
"Our system being the way we want to do things — our culture. The highest standard of our culture on defense
"We're going to close ranks and represent exactly who he is with our play. We're going to close ranks as a defense, and we're going to perform because we love him
" Read more on the NFL: Sam Darnold reportedly will end holdout, join Jets in training camp Jerry Jones called Trump's interest in NFL anthem issue 'problematic
' Trump thanked him anyway. Malcolm Jenkins calls Cowboys owner Jerry Jones 'a bully' over team's hard-line anthem policy Jameis Winston says he must teach his son 'to respect women' Don't expect a winning season from the Redskins NFL training camp buzz: Titans make Taylor Lewan highest paid offensive lineman ever
Beers with Dads: Why You Need to Say NO to Cheap Diapers - Duration: 2:52.
It's just all over the place...shooting up their backs. I mean it was just disgusting
[Beer Bottle Opening]
Find a brand of diapers
thats a good brand too, because I mean we have friends that every time their kid took a crap
it went everywhere. And I don't know if they were buying some sort of discount brand diapers, because
I can't imagine what the cost difference is. I mean do they have like, you know Costco brand diapers?
Maybe they do, but
in a box how many do you get? Like 80 diapers in a box or something, right? You get a lot of diapers in a box.
I don't remember, luckily, both of my kids are out of it.
But I remember one of them wore diapers longer than she should have. Diapers are not cheap.
But, is it worth twenty dollars to not have to clean poop out of your car seat on a weekly basis?
I think so.
I would not, yeah.
Get a good brand. Yeah
I completely agree with you, and because that was an experience that we had.
So I'm not gonna say what type of diaper to to buy.
But you gotta buy a top brand. Whether Huggies or Pampers. There's some others out there. I know
Luvs, Jessica. Alba has the Honest ones.
Oh Really?
Alba is in the diaper industry, huh?
Alba is in the diaper industry actually. Yeah, my wife was all over it
And so we had honest diapers for like a month or something like that, but you're absolutely right.
You got to get a high end diaper, because we had that same experience where I think
we were low one day and, I ran out to CVS and got a the branded CVS kind or something like that.
Super cheap and like okay these were cheaper than what we're used to buying and it was a complete disaster
Complete disaster, exactly like you said. It was just all over the place
Shooting up their backs. I mean it was just disgusting...completely disgusting.
And that's the thing too, everyone says "oh you know baby diapers don't smell bad in the beginning."
Yeah, they don't but, doesn't take long for that to change
No, yeah. Yeah, and then and then that smell just haunts you.
I haven't actually experienced a dirty diaper in years, but for some reason that smell...
something smelled like that the other day...
I don't know what it was.
Probably your hockey equipment.
No, it wasn't no
Maybe I don't know but you know
They say smell I guess is the strongest sense tied to your memory. And that memory came flooding right back like Oh, baby poop
Why does it smell like...
Soft, gooey, baby poop.
Yep, baby poop and Jagermeister
Not good
You can't drink Jager?
I had a bad experience with Jager. It's very tough for me to drink it anymore
Well, that's a problem.
That's why I'm drinking beer out of a sippy cup.
Sippy cup.
There you go.
Preferred Pharmacy Network - Duration: 0:56.
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137553400 - Replacing Your Frigidaire Dryer's Door Gasket AP5803879 134720900 PS8768991 - Duration: 2:27.
Hi my name is Bill and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace the door gasket
on your dryer the reason why you might have to do this is because the gasket corner is
damaged and hot air could leak out of your dryer
WARNING before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source
so this is the dryer that we're going to be using for this
demonstration it's a Frigidaire keep in mind you might have one that's not quote exactly
the same as this but the same technique should still apply so we're going to open up the
door here so this gray thing around perimeter of the door here is the dryers door seal gasket
just pull it out and you'll see the whole right there and once you have the first one
out the rest will be a lot easier so just pull it straight out and go all the way around
now you can grab your new OEM replacement door seal if you don't have one already you
can find one on our online store so we're going to start on this bottom large middle
hole here on one end and we're just going to push that in slide it over and we're going
do the same thing for all the rest of them and once you get the last one just make sure
everything is in there and hasn't come out then you can close the door and your repair
is complete
Finally don't forget to plug in your appliance
if you need to replace any parts for your appliances
you can find an OEM replacement part on our website pcappliancerepair.com
Thanks for watching and please don't forget to like comment and share our video also don't
forget to subscribe to our channel your support helps us make more videos just like these
for you to watch for free
Bad Day At Work 😜😂 Funny Fail Compilation # 30 - Duration: 9:46.
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