hey what's going on everybody this is Floogiel trader Jeff author of the
book trading part-time today is Monday July the 30th welcome The Floogiel show
alright everybody welcome to the show hopefully everybody had a great weekend
today pretty crazy in the market today I don't know how much y'all know about the
market or what was going on hopefully you know something about the market
you're here every day watching this show hopefully you know something by now but
anyway pretty volatile day right new week you know what really quick let's
just jump let's see how we did today we'll talk a little bit about it and
then we'll get into the show alright so let's pull up really quick what we did
today okay today we were down yep we were down
again guys we were down 687 dollars exactly okay so again today's Monday
we're starting off the week down now listen that's nothing okay the market
got punished today I think it got punished on Friday we were down like
seven actually we were down like five hundred and seven dollars I think on
Friday 687 dollars today but again no big deal the market got punished but
again we don't just trade the market we train them we trade the foreign exchange
market we trade the crypto currency market so just because one markets down
don't mean the other one but in the equity because that's what this show is
about again as far as showing you the positions 687 dollars to the downside no
big deal that's just the way the win so what we're gonna do today is we're like
a big coin we're gonna look at a theorem we're gonna find out you know what the
market did today if it broke key support levels where it's at as far as setups to
see if we have any opportunities over
the next couple days but again today's
Monday we're down 687 but no big deal because the market was down with a lot
more promise alright so I'm gonna let y'all go if you want to watch this show
go to the blog that's where the show is post posted just go to the blog daily
market analysis section we're gonna analyze everything we're gonna find out
what happened all right so thanks for watching this first part to catch the
rest of the show go to the blog now that's where it's at alright everybody
until next time this is flu game trader Jeff author of the book trading
part-time and we'll see hopefully we'll see you in just a couple minutes inside
the blog alright everybody welcome thanks for coming to the blog I know you
just got done watching the other part on Facebook so we're glad that you're here
alright so we're gonna do is we're gonna pull the paper money account by TD
Ameritrade I'm not affiliated with TD Ameritrade our policies are completely
separate okay but we are gonna look and analyze his we might place trade so
we're gonna do that from our paper money platform okay so as you remember we were
down six hundred eighty seven dollars today there's a lot of read going on
over here read okay so let's take a look at the strongest you know before we look
at the in well look at the indexes and then we'll look at you know the crypto
currencies in a Forex so today the strongest and it was not strong was the
S&P 500 and it was down sixteen point two two points I mean the market got
crushed today it was down man sixteen okay so look what happened today we
broke that support level okay we talked about this on Friday we had a huge down
day on Friday another big down day today okay but it broke the sport level now
what is the good in all the good in all this is these two lines
are moving up this is our 10 this is our 20 moving average and our 40 moving
average one those lines are going up that means our trend is up okay so if
we're trading bullish ly that's what we want okay
now this right here is forming what's called a bull flag price pattern this is
a bullish continuation pattern so we're looking tomorrow to see if we get a
bullish harami a hammer and inverted hammer some
bullish candle pattern that can give us potential clues of when the next move to
the upside is because remember this game is all about buying low selling high so
I'm actually glad that the market got beat today because it's forming a bull
flag that was the strongest and it was not strong the next strongest again down
was the Dow Jones the Dow Jones was down 144 points 144 points we got that same
picture now this line is from a previous resistance so what I'm gonna do is this
just look at the close same picture right let me get rid of that I was from
one of my classes I do so many multiple classes but look we have the same
beautiful bull flag pattern okay so yes it was down a lot today and for people
that don't know what they're doing they probably freaked out sold their
positions but not us not you this pattern we love so what I would like to
see tomorrow is another down day yep I would like to see another down day and I
would like to see it come around this area give us a bullish candle pattern
off to the races but again the market was down 144 points the S&P was down
sixteen point two two points and we were only down 680 steps again that's nothing
go look at your 401k accounts I bet you they were down a lot more than six
hundred eighty seven dollars right after this show go to the Internet
pull up your forum okay see what it did today see if you
didn't drop more than 687 because if you did drop more than that maybe the wrong
persons managing your money maybe you should learn how to do it yourself now
this is the Russell 2000 it was down Tim
it was down 10 points today ouch okay it broke the support on Friday
continue to the downside okay now I have this next line now again I got lines
everywhere but here what we're doing guys whatever we're gonna do is right
down here
okay hmm so this is the next support level so price based on this pattern
could drift down to the next support level if bid does that then we might be
able to take a support bounce trailer right now it's below this 30 day moving
average it's below the 20 moving average broke through support not looking good
okay down big today and then the last index which was down the worst was
technology all four indexes were down today and it was down to Nasdaq 103
points so the Nasdaq was down 103 points today
ouch look it kind of looks similar to both the S&P and the Dow but now we have
this other big red candle so we have now fallen below the support so we felt
below the 40 day moving average as well so this index this along with the
Russell are the weakest indexes right now yes they were the weakest today but
if you look at the picture there the weakest based on the chart okay so again
my next support lines right here so we'll see what happens tomorrow oh man
all four indexes down to so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to now
switch charts because I want to see how Bitcoin did today
and I would like to see how aetherium did today so let's go to the trading
view charts okay and Bitcoin looked like it was down today and aetherium again I
don't know what the chart looked like yet but have you said Bitcoin was down
some people my panic but let's go look at the chart and I see what's good ok so
this is my chart on Bitcoin now we had that reversal pattern down here we went
up to our next resistance and we went up to our next resistance and so right now
price is in what's called a well it's like a pennant or you could call it a
symmetrical triangle I'll try to draw the lines on here yeah okay that worked
out well this line right here so it's in what's called if you look at this this
is a symmetrical triangle which means price is just calling up inside that
triangle if we really zoom in to this level right here you see price went up
to resistance bounced down to support back up to resistance it's inside that
channel now what do I see positive about this you see this long I don't know how
much you can see but it has a long wick which means that sellers push the price
down but didn't buyer stepped in and push it up so even though Bitcoin was
down today there was a lot of buyers because buyers pushed it from that
bottom level here all the way up to here okay so again to me if I look at this
chart it's just calling up inside a pattern ready to break okay know one
thing we don't know this is gonna break to the upside or it's gonna break to the
downside but since the pattern suggests this is a bullish trend we would expect
doesn't mean that it will price to break through this ultimately our final price
target is up there around 9800 for Bitcoin okay now let's go take a look at
aetherium okay again Bitcoin and then aetherium which
is an altcoin an altcoin is all the other coins
besides Bitcoin so if we pull up aetherium today right here let's back it
out we're zoomed in if we can get it bigger here let's try this year to date
okay tried to kind of play around in there for a minute pull this up okay
knocking it down now let's zoom it in and see we're figuring out this charting
package okay so what we had was we had a downtrend all right we had a downtrend
going on it broke through our resistance we pulled into that W bottom pattern
right here went up down up down okay now we're just floating around sideways okay
so again that's what happens usually trends don't just go down and then
reverse straight up they do sometimes and they're called V bottoms a V bottom
I explained what of the bottom padam is in my book but usually they go down and
then they go sideways before they go back up and that's what's happening here
we have this W bottom reversal pattern but again price it hasn't reversed quite
yet right now we're going sideways so today was a down day both Bitcoin and
aetherium but again it's an exhaustion after the downtrend on this chart the
other Bitcoin is a symmetrical triangle and an uptrend so those are positive
signs not negative signs positive signs a theorem is at 450 three of coin okay
so now back to our market we're gonna look at the euro United States the
dollar right now so the euro United States dollar we're comparing the
strength of the euro dollar versus the strength of the United States dollar
okay because there's a lot of people and it's called the forex market or the
currency market - well they'll trade the pairs they'll trade euro strength or
dollar strength today the Euro was up 48 pips okay as you know going back to this
chart let me go to my euro chart I'm still in this
trade I've been in this trade I've been in this trade for a while now price has
just been kind of doing nothing but today was a positive sign and we're
right back at the resistance right there okay so we might finally get that
breakthrough out of this area if we do we will target up here and then it'll
either break or it'll start to channel okay
so if I'm looking at this chart and I'm trading this chart I'm not doing
anything right now I'm looking at this level and I'm looking at this level
either to do what's called a sell a by or buy a limit order down here or a sell
limit order up here this is going sideways okay so when it's in channels
we can just trade up and down okay but it was up today 48 picks right so let's
look at the United States Canadian dollar okay so if we look at the US
Canadian dollar and I like to look at this pair because of our trade
relationship with Canada okay now this is from another class okay so in this
particular case right here it was down to date 23 pips so if it was down that
means the dollar was weak the Canadian dollar was stronger right okay now
you'll see here in the class the other day we took some trades got stopped out
today no big deal actually we didn't get stopped out today because we would have
taken profit up here just this was one of my classes that I was demoing but
this is where we got out kissed the US dollar was weak today on a lot of fronts
okay the US dollar was weak against the Canadian dollar it was weak again to the
euro it was weak against a Swiss franc today the dollar took a beatin so in the
stock market even though the stock market went down quite a bit you can you
may be lost money in there if you would know how to trade this market you could
have traded weakness in the dollar and maybach your money right there cuz I
know looking at this we've got the United States dollar look at this one
the Aussie let me just look at a couple pairs Canadian dollar okay
hey that's one pair that I'm looking for right here there I'm just looking
okay okay so now we're looking at the Euro Japanese yen like this pair this is
what's called a bull flag forming up okay so if I activate this guys hang on
let me do this kind of removing out hang out a second let me just remove that
drawing real quick boom this is a bull flag okay
now this has fallen below this resistance here but I love this pattern
right here okay this had a higher high pullback we got to bounce today okay so
this is our entry into the bull flag so you could take a trade into the Euro
Japanese yen today that means that we are looking for your strength against
the Japanese yen okay so going through my foreign exchange you
know let's get back to the let's go back to the other and this is more of as
thoughts kind of class but for my Forex class don't worry we're gonna be talking
about this in our private group okay so the strongest sector day was energy
sector so there was actually three sectors that were positive today energy
sector was one of them okay and so the energy sector again it still sideways
but it was 0.63 now it's right at the resistance okay so we might finally
break through this channel guys we're in this trade right here we did a bounce
trade we got in we've been going sideways so if they can break through
that level tomorrow we might finally get some juice in the energy sector so look
at oil it was up today okay so again if that breaks through this chart could
finally break through this resistance game we enter into bullish trades either
with bounce trades or breakout trades okay this is our breakout setups the two
that I just told you or breakout setups breakout help financials okay same thing
financials went up to our resistance pulled back okay
and so that one is a tombstone doji it's a bearish candle pattern but that's what
we would expect at resistance so tomorrow's gonna be a crucial day in the
financials we have not given the financials any love for a very long time
but if it breaks through that resistance tomorrow we might finally be able to
start paying attention to the financial sector because it was up today okay
healthcare healthcare write this down this is what you want healthcare is in a
beautiful bull flag if you notice we got in a half a position right here pull
back into a bull flag health care is now a bull flag setup you can take your
second entry into this trade well place the condition order if you miss the
breakout you can place a full position order on health care that if momentum
continues tomorrow it'll get you in the trade so I'm writing that down okay
I love that picture that is a beautiful beautiful picture can't really describe
it that is the textbook perfect bull flag so now we got real estate real
estate it's been going nasty in this it was down today we did get a hammer
candle pattern but it's in between the 20 and the 40 that means momentum it's
stalled any times it drops below or the 20 anytime it drops below that that
means the momentum stalled it's not going sideways when it goes sideways we
look for breakout setups we're not looking for a breakout setup there
that's not too good staples staples was down today point
zero six but look at this see how these lines are going up I mean this upward
trend we had a pullback okay so it's a strong it's a strong sector it's forming
a well this is a pennant but it's looking like it wants to form a bull
flag price pattern so if we get price tomorrow on a down day we could get a
bull flag setup but I wrote that down xlp for potential I really like that
health care though basic materials base materials came up to resistance
broke through it Celes pushed it back down
today it fell back down so now it's back inside this channel there's no setup
there well if you are going to do a setup you'd have to get back in with a
breakout so be looking at this over the next day or two because you could get a
breakout setup right now it was another down day utility is down
today inside of our symmetrical triangle again price is coiling up inside the
triangle right cool one up so we don't trade inside the triangle with the next
setup will be a break out of this area or a break out of this area it can break
to the downside or can break to the upside okay so right now it's inside
this triangle we're looking for a breakout okay so I still like that a
healthcare sector by far the best discretionary sector that was the next
weakest now by the way a health care was goes down with an aloof discretionary
down point eight nine point eight zero percent broke do support today broke
below the 30 day moving average no bullish setup there guys so and things
break down like that we look for strength that was down it's not strength
there industrial sector down big point seven five point nine nine percent down
again it hit resistance we talked about this Friday
and sure enough price rolled over maybe the breaks to resistance or rolls over
resistance is where there are sellers okay and again if the sellers are gonna
step in they're going to step in at resistance you know that's where the
Bulls and the Bears battle and the Bears they won that one today technology was
the weakest sector on the day I do want to look at that health care you know
space and we talked about though okay oh down today technology down one point
one to one point five six percent it was down huge on Friday huge today it broke
through support it broke through the moving average it bro
do another support below not good we don't like to trade bullish ly when
they're below our moving averages okay so yes the two moving averages are going
up but what you can't see is this one is starting to flatten out
no not for bullish okay so technology move I'm gonna get Facebook if
technology was down what are Facebook do this Facebook is a pretty big player in
technology so let's see how Facebook did today Facebook oh man down two point one
nine percent down man that's too big red days and down on a row this line right
here well we should have got already this is where price was supposed to open
up that one night so let me just delete that line real quick okay so right here
Facebook is down today it's coming to a critical level guys this support level
right here is big for Facebook if it breaks too it could fall all the way
down to 151 that has 20 points more to the downside so if you're in Facebook
watch it we're gonna be looking for bullish patterns like divergences and
things like that but I'll tell you what you should have already bought a
protective put on this trend I got told you a couple of days ago around earnings
but anyway Facebook down technology down a lot of stuff down today except the
euro was up actually almost every pair against the US dollar was strong so you
could have made your money in a currency market today Bitcoin was down a theorem
was down spy was down Dow Jones was down a lot of stuff down only three sectors
up financials energy health care take a look at bonds because if the stock
market was down we would usually think that bonds would be up and some bonds
were down okay so again people weren't taking their money see one name is
people when they move their money out of the market they don't just sit on the
side as they move it to another market a lot of times when people pull out of the
the stock market they'll go to the bond market okay they didn't do that today if
you notice the euro was up the dollar was weak so people took their money
in the margarita day and bought here oh right
again they so took their money out of the stock market and they put it today
in the currency market right yeah you just gotta find out where the money's
going and then followed that wasn't in bonds today it was down interest rates I
want to take a look at our interest rates financials were up so we would
expect interest rates to be up that would be the correlation we would expect
this chart to be up plus the bonds were down so it usually means interest rates
were up interest rates were up point one five point five one percent so interest
rates were up today this is the ten-year Treasury yield so bonds were down
interest rates were up financials were up huh cool money moved out of the stock
market into the currency market again all these correlations guys all these
correlations okay let's just take a look at gold you know we got into gold the
other day the market was down right so let's see how gold did gold was down a
little bit all right Gold is down right now to the sideways
mess we're in gold we got in the other day right now it's just going sideways
no big deal so I'm gonna drop it to a three-month
chart and I want to go look at some stocks really quick in the healthcare
space right okay the healthcare space because that
was a strong sector take a look at the sector again this is the healthcare
sector we have that nice bull flag so I'm gonna look since that's a strong
sector my job is to find the strong sectors and go trade the strong stocks
in the strong sector so let's go through our watch list this is the healthcare
watch list right here so this is what we do every day guys we look at the we look
at the market we look to see what happened we look for strengths and then
we go find the strong stocks or no yeah I know what I'm looking for right I'm
looking for a strong stock came not yet but that is a potential bull flag see
how it went up and it pulled back to me it hasn't pulled back enough yet I like
to see that move at least halfway in that channel okay this sideways mess
okay yes those two lines are going up see how that's going up the price fell
that's not what I'm looking for not what I'm looking for
that's a higher high now I'd like to see a pullback okay right here this is what
I'm looking for in d-t okay MDT is what I'm looking for so
write that down oops write that down that's the picture that I'm looking for
up today was a bullish harami this is ATR this is called the average true
range I like this I like this trade for what's called an ATR trade okay but it's
a wolf-like pattern but I like it so I'm writing that down because I like that
one okay right there the breakout setup but
I'm not looking for a breakout setup right now I'm looking for a bull flag
bounce setup higher high that's it see this is a bull flag but not really
because look what I it's not pulled back enough right now it's just went up and
it's going roughly sideways okay so there's nothing in that trade yet you
and H know was the other sector I rode down today the strong sectors were
energy financials and health care so let's go look at the energy sector
really quick we've got some time okay I got MDT though we do like that one MBT I
like the ATR if I like the setup time to start making some money we had a couple
down days in a row markets been damn it it's what happens
when you're bullish portfolio the market goes down that's what you would expect
no no Bear Flag okay she's down this is a Bear Flag Halliburton for a Bear Flag
I don't know what a bear flag is my pin stop working just know that that's not a
bull flag it's the opposite right so Halliburton Bear Flag okay
Bear Flag this is a beautiful picture that means we would expect it to go down
because the trends going down we would expect to go down up nothing up nothing
up nothing nothing this could be forming up soon I'm just going through you look
for some stocks we have a couple minutes I'm gonna flying out there right now I'm
gonna go through the financials see this is what I do every day this is a bull
flag but see it fell below this level don't like that it's got a Bank of
America let's just no okay I'll do it for specifics I got MDT as a bull flag
Halliburton is a bear flag right that broke through the symmetrical triangle
today so if you like that that would have been an entry into Berkshire
Hathaway today entry symmetrical triangle see that's up up you know I
like some of these charts you know what I would like to see some pullback in
these charts and this could be this could be where I'm going over this week
okay dad we got a breakout set up Morgan
Stanley okay didn't break out yet but I told y'all that Friday it's a breakout
set up so ms breakout set up okay USB up up you know what I like this funny I
mean I like the sector but I like some of these stocks in that sector over the
next couple days right so I'll tell you what guys I'm writing the financial
sector down on my list because the stocks MDT M DT I want to go over here
and I want to see how their options are 4 million ok so what I'm gonna do is I'm
going to you know not do that after the show or it does you in my paid class so
those are you in my paid class like we're going I'm going to record this and
I'm going to post it in that section so if you're not a member of the training
part time master class or the stocks online coaching a live class then you're
not gonna have access to it but I'm gonna place what's called an ATR trade
after I get off this recording I'm gonna go do this trade bull flag ATR Trey
blanket all right everybody hopefully you enjoyed it I went over a
lot of stuff today there's some cool things I wrote down some good stuff we
were down today's 687 the market was down the sectors were down a couple
sectors were up MDT I'm gonna go back over it again sorry cuz I really liked
it and I'm gonna look at this 40 Delta ok telling you right now like what I see
MDT Alright everybody until next time this is Floogiel trader
Jeff hopefully you enjoyed the show. I'm author of the book trading part-time if
you're not in my classes join it go to my blog
if you're kind of curious about what we offer all right I'm ready until next
time peace
For more infomation >> Trading Recap: 💣DOW JONES Drops 144 Points (VISA down 3.01%)... Finished yesterday 🤔Down -$687.00! - Duration: 31:06.-------------------------------------------
Celebrating motherhood - Duration: 2:31.
Leveling Up With Jen Young from Outdoorsy! (Coming this Week) - Duration: 0:58.
- Today we're going to Outdoorsy,
which is a ride sharing marketplace for RVs.
Take out an RV, take your friends and family
and go have fun.
We have Jen Young, who's one of the co-founders.
- This is the way to hit some of your own financial goals
outside of just some extra money.
There are 13 million RVs in just the United States alone.
That's a market right there.
- We also jump around in different,
like I'm here today but sometimes
I'll be back in another space.
- What's the reasoning for jumping around like that?
- It's just nice to work next to different people,
just get to know what they're working on.
- I think that's huge.
- We must've been crazy!
We sold our houses, we moved in to a trailer.
Without any 100% guarantee that it was going to be
a huge business, which we needed it to be.
- How do you go about learning,
how do you go about getting better
not just around marketing,
but just as a human being or entrepreneur?
Check it out, go to Outdoorsy.com
and we'll see you in the next episode.
Pros and Cons of Hiring a Virtual Assistant, Part-time Assistant or Shared Assistant - Duration: 7:14.
- Does this sound like you?
You need help, but you're not ready to take the leap
and hire a full time assistant.
You're in that in between stage.
If that sounds like you, this video
is one you need to watch.
Stay tuned.
(upbeat techno music)
Hi, I'm Vanessa Rosenblum, President of Pro R.E.A. Staffing
where we are passionate about fostering careers
in real estate and growing real estate teams.
For help landing your dream job in real estate
or growing your real estate team,
make sure to hit subscribe and ring the bell
so that you can be notified every time we post a new video.
Today, we're talking about what to do
between no assistant and a full time assistant.
And trust me, I get it.
In the past four years, I've grown
from one part time assistant to five full time employees.
And yeah, it's a little bit scary every time
you add someone to your payroll.
And you want to do it with thought and care.
And so, if you're not ready to make the commitment
to hiring someone full time, you really have three options.
You can hire a virtual assistant,
a part-time on site assistant, or you could
share an assistant with someone else.
And in this video, we're going to break down
the pros and cons of each of those options.
(electronic music)
At Pro R.E.A Staffing, we mostly place full time,
direct hire placements, but we are also asked
to find virtual, part-time, and shared assistants,
so we've seen first hand what works
and what doesn't with these various options.
So let's start by talking about virtual assistants.
A virtual assistant is simply an assistant
who is not physically in your office.
They might be down the street
or on the other side of the world.
When you're just starting out, and you're just starting
to look for a little bit of help,
finding a skilled marketing coordinator
or transaction coordinator who can
work for you virtually is a great place to start.
If you don't know one within your sphere of influence,
Upwork is a great resource for you.
If you can just get your marketing piece handed off,
and have somebody who is skilled in marketing
take that piece for you, you can create a lot of leverage
from a rather small investment.
Now, at some point you might need to take on
more of a generalist virtual assistant,
and that's an option, too.
Again, Upwork might be a resource,
but when you're ready to hire a part time virtual assistant,
the traditional advertising sources
are good places to look as well.
Now, let's talk about who should hire
a virtual assistant and who shouldn't.
If you don't have the physical space and you need help,
obviously a virtual works well.
If you are organized and you have good systems in place,
and all of your resources are online already,
you can work well with a virtual assistant.
Where this falls apart is if you are
not a good communicator, not a good delegator,
and you're not organized, it's really hard
for you to work successfully with a virtual assistant.
So that's something to think about.
Do you have what it takes
to work well with a virtual assistant?
The other thing to think about is the fact that
just because they're virtual doesn't mean
that you can call them an independent contractor.
Now, this varies a bit from state to state,
and as in most things, California is the most stringent,
but if you have, and the rules that apply to
whether you can categorize someone as
a independent contractor or an employee apply
whether or not that person is in your office or not.
So keep that in mind.
(electronic music)
So let's talk about part time assistants.
Now, we get this call a lot.
Somebody calls, and they say, "I need help,
"but I don't need full time help.
"Can you find me a part1time assistant
"who will grow into a full1time assistant on my team?"
And the sad reality is that the answer is probably no.
If someone is looking for part time work,
they usually have, or always have something else
going on in their life that is more important.
They might be in school, they might have
another job, or, you know, be a parent.
And that is going to bump up
against your needs at some point.
And the other thing to keep in mind is
because there are just much fewer candidates
looking for part time work, you will probably
have to make some compromises
when it comes to their skills and experience.
And therefore, the person who is a good fit for you
on a part-time basis probably isn't the best fit
for you when you're ready for a full-time,
full charged real estate assistant.
(electronic music)
Now, our last option is a shared assistant,
and essentially, this is a full-time employee
who splits their time between two different employers.
And this can work, but it is also
wrought with potential pitfalls.
The biggest is if one agent really gets along well
with the assistant, and they work well,
and it turns out that the other agent doesn't
work as well with the assistant,
the one who is succeeding with the assistant
is going to be left disappointed.
You know, these two people need to have
similar management styles, similar needs,
they have to have good communication
and good trust in order for this dynamic to work.
It can be really hard for an assistant
to split their allegiance between two agents.
Especially if both of those agents are very demanding.
So keep that in mind.
Typically, these shared assistant situations
are rather short term.
It's rare that it lasts more than a year,
but that might be all you need
if you can get a great person for 20 hours a week,
and in nine months you're ready for full time,
then either you can arrange to hire that person full time,
or shift time, or you know, find another solution
with the person that you are sharing that assistant with.
But just know that it's a challenging placement.
Not everybody wants to be in that kind of situation,
split between two agents, and it is,
it's the least likely solution
to work out well in the long run.
So there you have it.
Those are the pros and cons of hiring a virtual assistant,
a part time assistant, or a shared assistant.
After listening to the pros and cons,
which of these options do you think
is going to be the best for you?
Let me know in the comments below.
I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Now, if you are ready to hire your assistant,
I have a great resource for you.
We have a free guide called
How to Hire a World Class Assistant.
This essentially is our ten step process
to hiring assistants, and we're giving it to you for free.
So, click on the link in the description below,
and download that free report.
And obviously, if we can help you with the search,
we would love to, but we're here to support you
even if you want to do it on your own.
If you liked this video, please hit like
and consider subscribing so that you're
the first to know when we post a new video.
I'll see you on the next one.
(electronic music)
Warning! You won't be able to become a YouTuber (Without the right mindset) - Duration: 9:08.
In today's video we're talking about what it takes to become a successful
youtuber and we're starting right now
hey there welcome to another video my name is Tom I'm a dad of three I'm a
skydiver and I'm a youtube certified expert over the years I've developed a
very unique set of skills that help my clients get more views and more
subscribers on YouTube and real quick before we get started
huge thanks to buddy who are sponsoring this video and our channel too buddy if
you're not familiar with it is essentially the premier extension for
your web browser to manage your channel get you more views and get you more
subscriber with two buddy you can work on your SEO game you can do tag
exploring AP testing bulk editing health report competitor analysis you can do
anything the good news you can get it free right now by clicking the link
below also you can get a 20% off for any paid services on to buddy by using the
coupon code Tom's buddy which is also listed below
if you want to support our channel and you're also looking for a great tool to
improve your YouTube game definitely check to Buddy out are you doing this
channel we talk about a lot of analytical stuff to talk about numbers
and facts SEO different set plans a lot of objective technical stuff that you
have to do to succeed on YouTube this video is going to be a lot different
than that because we're going to talk about what it takes
mentally and emotionally to succeed on you which means that we're gonna dive
into the psyche of a youtuber the inner struggles in how you can survive and
come out on top there's a lot of struggles and complexities and
difficulties but being you can bring that most people just don't understand
for example tell me this ever happen to you you work so hard in the video you
sacrifice sleep time with your loved one just basically throwing yourself into
this video then you upload this video and you find out that it's out of focus
what has nasty sound or a hundred different things that can go wrong when
you upload a video this happened to you I'm sure because it happened to me
because it happened to every single youtuber on this platform and the only
difference between the youtubers who made it and the ones who didn't make it
is the strength of mind heart let me tell you a little story when I was a kid
I was watching a basketball game local European game and this guy was
playing in this game was my hero right this guy was a Lithuanian player his
name was shirtless it's cabbage juice crazies name like easily to any this guy
was a champion he won championships everywhere in Europe everywhere he
played the guy was crazy 40 point games he was my idol and this game he was just
horrible he was missing shut up the shut shut but somehow it managed to be a
close game so played the tank the gaming winds down to the final minutes in the
final seconds this guy has zero of nine shots from the three-point basically
shot nine times three-pointers throughout the game and missed all of
them the game winds down to the final seconds this guy takes another
three-pointer for the win and makes it with 1 out of 10 but it took that one
convinced this is gonna make the shot he didn't even think about those nines I
missed that is the strength of mine that I mean when you screw up on YouTube you
have to forget about it you don't have to think about it just move on and be
better in the next video the only thing you should be focused is not how you
screw up is how you can get better in the next video don't well don't drag
yourself down by your screw-ups now the second thing I want to talk
about is the numbers obsession the vanity numbers that just mean
diddly-squat people are obsessing about 10 subscribers 100 subscribers 2,000
10,000 subscribers like it means something it doesn't mean nothing the
only thing you should be focused on when you're starting out YouTube is the
quality of your video not the amount of subscribers not even the amount of views
that you got when you start obsessing about these numbers they become the main
focal point and for a lot of youtubers these numbers views subscribers etc this
becomes the whole thing not the quality of their video my quality of your video
I mean everything the sound the video the production quality the thumbnails
the tiles the SEO work everything that has to do with that video that has to be
your focus when you're starting out YouTube don't even think about
subscribers and views nothing there's no different than having
them or 50 or 100 or 1,000 or even 10,000 subscribers it's all basically
the same you're still styling out focus of making
better videos in everything that the video entails and then you'll get the
subscribers and then you'll get the views it has to be result of making
better videos not the end game for you guys the next issue I want to bring up
is the expectation gap people start this YouTube journey completely misguided
about what the expectation versus reality about YouTube they're convinced
that you know they're gonna upload a video they're gonna go to sleep and then
they're gonna wake up the next day 1 million views we all know that that's
not how it works the reality is you work a lot of hours
to make mediocre videos it takes you six months master through video making and
then you start uploading these videos a few months later he's struggling to get
20 30 views most it takes you a whole year to get like to 100 subscribers and
it's a grind and that is the reality of starting a YouTube channel from scratch
this is how your first peer is going to look and if people don't understand it
you're gonna crack and they're going to leave very very shortly because they're
not ready for the journey they're not ready for the grind they don't have the
strength of mind in strength of heart to carry out this marathon that I call
YouTube people have this whole sprint mentality they're gonna drop off very
fast and if you guys want to survive you have to prepare for a long ride with a
lot of disappointments with a little moments where you just want to quit
happen to me many times but a lot of difficult times it has to be marathon
mentality you have to brace yourself for a very very very long grind just to put
yourself in the position to succeed on YouTube and even then nothing is
guaranteed nobody promises you that you'll ever go
full-time on YouTube or make enough money to make a living you may never
actually get there and that's why if you don't love making YouTube videos for the
love of making YouTube videos you're probably not gonna make
the next Shona bring up is being different being different is being
better especially on YouTube let me prove it take a bag of rice and spill it
on your kitchen counter all of these rice beans look the same
but imagine that one rice grain is painted red it's gonna immediately stick
out in the sea of these white rice grains that is the key to success and
you have to be different and unique in order to stand out from the crowd and be
noticed because if you just be another white rice grain nobody's gonna notice
you think about it this way all these youtubers now are playing for tonight
there is streaming for tonight whatever they're all playing the same game in the
same manner with the same mannerisms they're basically carbon copies of each
other you're gonna get notice if you don't become an addict streamer or
fortnight you have to be unique for example let's say you playing fortnight
riding your bicycle there is on fire why are you playing that's unique that's
gonna get a lot of youth that's gonna get you notice right that is a very
extreme example which I not want you to try at home actually forbidden you from
trying this at home but it goes to show you how different and unique triggers
interest don't be like everybody else don't try to imitate how do you do
yourself that's the only way to see the music the next point I wanna talk to you
about is this focus youtuber is now coming into this platform thinking okay
I'm going to do blogs I'm gonna do do-it-yourself toriel's and the craft
I'm gonna play games I'm gonna have rants hundred different things and if
you don't have a brand that is established right now nobody's gonna
watch you play games or you walk around and vlog you're not Logan Paul you know
Jake Paul well I'm happy that you know I don't wanna be a local boy Jake pool but
that's just an example of a guy or guys that people want to watch doom and Dane
stuff because their steps brand which would like they want to watch the
grocery shopping event right you're not there yet
so for you the strategy has to be let's build the brain first and then if you
want to branch out to rabbit channel or just set up second or third channel
let's do it one we have in the Spanish brand I've seen channels actually carry
this out very successfully for example I know the channel that started with craft
do-it-yourself crafting then once the head of a 50,000 subscribers this does
also doing vlogging on the second channel by that time when they started
vlogging they already had 50,000 people who knew them and one do the fault of
their legs that make sense I'm starting out to dear subscribers and just
flogging it's gonna be extremely difficult
I don't saying we can't do it I'm just saying it's gonna be really really hard
to build a channel this way now I honestly hope you can play this video
even more so I hope that now you understand what it takes to become a
youtuber what is the mental strength that is required for me what is the
emotional strength that is required from you and even though that this is a
serious topic hit the like button you know so I can giggle let's check out
these videos right here if you want to learn more about how to get more views
and more subscribers we're gonna see you guys next time
Sales Tips: Bring Sincerity Back To Your Sales Process - Duration: 2:53.
Hey, this is Chris Smith, Account Executive with SalesLoft.
I wanted to share with you the history of sales briefly, and also want to thank you
for your time in advance.
10 years ago, it was all about the phone.
Phone was uprising, and that's where I cut my teeth, 50, 7500 calls a day.
I think we can relate.
However, email came into play five or so years later, or five years or so back, email became
the noisiest communication channel on the market.
According to Google, in 2015, this is two years ago, imagine what this is today.
205.2 billion emails per day, and if you couple that with phone, imagine the noise that your
buyers are seeing on a daily basis.
So, what came into the marketplace a few years later is now social selling.
Email, phone, social, but we are actually behind that as more and more buyers are seeing
more and more noise in the marketplace.
So what I wanted to talk to you about today is how I leverage SalesLoft in a human, sincere,
and personal way of selling and being relevant to my buyers during the sales process and
for prospecting.
So what I wanted to talk to you about first was traditional sales.
We have to go back to traditional sales.
Traditional sales is empathy, sincerity, humanizing the relationship, actually showing value,
concern, and care for your buyers, knowing their business, right?
So what I've done and what I love about SalesLoft, opposed to three years ago when
I used to send just generic touches in a seven-by-seven cadence, sending you a templated email
I might send you a piece of content that is specific to your needs or specific to a conversation,
such as, hey, you should check out page 22, it speaks directly to the account-based approach
you're looking to put in place for your team.
So if you're sending a generic piece of content that's 48 pages, most likely you
haven't put any thought or empathy, or any time into reading that piece of content and
understanding it and aligning it to the business, so it's insincere, impersonal, and most
likely just a waste of your time, 'cause it's a waste of touch and a waste of their
This leads to the second tip I wanted to share with you, specifically around how SalesLoft
is helping our customers think about modern sales.
Modern sales isn't just about features, it's about a sales rep understanding the
business in a very sincere and human way.
And as a modern seller, if you can relate your knowledge of their business, if you can
relate and align your product or your service using a platform in a sincere, human way,
you're gonna have a much better and deeper understanding of their business.
So specifically, when you're speaking to an executive, we all know that value selling
is key, and so with SalesLoft being a modern seller, understand their business, understanding
their priorities, understanding the objections, and especially their future state, you'll
have a much better understanding and a deeper conversation with an executive who's looking
to take their business to the next level and increase their stakeholder value.
So, I hope this was helpful.
Feel free to reach out personally, I'm always open to a discussion.
Thanks again for your time.
Urban Report - "Counselor" (UBR000207) - Duration: 28:30.
Blenheim Grove Custom Build: Part 2 - Piling Day - Duration: 3:25.
20 Types Of Students - Back To School / AllAroundAudrey - Duration: 14:00.
HOW TO COME OUT?! - Duration: 5:03.
Hello there peoples of de internet!And today were gonna be talking about - how to come
Now coming out is a huge thing let me repeat a Humongous (said wrong) that is not a word.
a humongous thing.
A HUGE thing as trump says.
A huge thing.
Now some people do need time to come out.
Never EVER force someone out of the closet.
It doesn't matter if your straight, gay Lesbian.
whatever in the hell you are.
Don't force someone to come out.Okay?
And for you questioner watching this, i recommend not coming out if you do not fell 100 percent
Now here's a really good thing to do!
YOU, yes you viewer, have a cat or a dog Maybe if you come out to it you'll feel a lot better.
Tigger there's something I just need to tell you.
Tigger please accept me.
I'm gay.
Tigger *dramatic music* Boy if you don't get!
I've seen yo nasty-ass search history don't play that crap. *chuckles* Alright so let's
say you don't have a dog or a cat. or a GOLDFISH. or maybe you want some Social *clap* Inter-
*clap* Reaction.
Do you have a best friend? or maybe a sibling you spend a lot of time with?
That you trust a lot like a lot a lot.
How about ya tell them! because its a lot easier then telling your family members BELIEVE
Well unless like they are your family as in brother sister.
Cousin, Uncle, your gay uncle.
ahha there's a few ways you can do this.
Like number 1! which is JUST TELLING THEM.
Rebecca there's something I need to tell you.
Oh my god Yass B?
I'm a flaming homosexual.
Yay! so now we can like stare at boys together, Mark is so cute. or maybe you can write them
a letter.
if your to afraid for the social part because your a ball full of anxiety.
*rewinding sounds* alright can we just stop here and see how bad my hair is after doing
that skit?
Anxiety, relatable.
Yeah, no i'm not making another skit after that.
Point is if wow my hair.
Point is if they're a real friend they'll accept you like no matter what.
Like even if you came out as trans, ya know?
they will accept you if they are a real friend.
But if they Don't, Leave them Because you don't need toxic people in yo life.
Now, maybe you wanna tell your friends and family, well one thing you could do is just
update your Facebook status, or put it on your Snap Chat story.
or you could just send them this video.
Hi there, Your son,daughter, Cousin Niece uncle, is now a Guncle or Luncle, wait that
doesn't make since.
anyways what i'm trying to say is the person that sent you this is either gay lesbian or
Bi or trans or something.
Alright then!
If you liked it press the BIG thumbs up button.
~That means you liked it.
And if you didn't like it, uh I'm so sorry.
Do i offend you?
Well you can just tell me how much you hate me by pressing the thumbs down button TWICE
by showing me how much, Okay.
Also i will probably be responding to comments, whether that be hate comments, happy comments
or everything in- between so like you can comment down below and maybe your comment
will get like.
Maybe your comment will get like pinned or hearted or maybe i'll just respond to it.
So with that being said.
Please subscribe.
stay tuned.
Follow my Instagram, link in description.
Shameless Plug!
Uhm. and yeah! with that being said stay tuned!
I upload every Tuesday and Friday.
that's like what i came up with.
And this might be going up on a Monday if it is, deal With it!
Yeah it's not going up on a Monday, its umm 11 o'clock now and like so, if i tongue pop
one more time i'm gonna kill myself.
not really, ha ha Jk.
No it's not going up on a Monday so past nick, chill.
With it because I shoot it on a Monday okay?
Love you all and peace! *singing very badly* THIS IS THE END OF THE VIDEO AND THE OW OW
Borough Green family escapes fire thanks to a safe and well visit - Duration: 2:54.
So it was a Sunday night just after Father's Day we went to bed I was asleep
and then Sarah came in woke me up and said there was a fire in the living room.
So still half asleep up just ran in picked up James and we just run out of
the house. What happened next we were standing out in the on the footpath for
a while and then we realised we needed to call in to the neighbours next door
and that the house adjoined to us to make sure that they were out just in
case the fire did spread so I was banging on their door for a little while
to get them out and I was just trying to stay as far away from the house as
possible because we could hear the windows cracking or couldn't they
couldn't really see any flames or anything but we could hear the noises
and we just tried to stay away and making not be tempted to go back in and do anything.
I suppose the full extent we didn't realise until afterwards so
a couple of days later when we went back into the house because we realised the
lounge was affected which is where the fire was but we didn't realize the
extent of smoke damage until sometime afterwards and that was a very hard time
when we kind of saw that every room in the house had got quite heavy smoke
damage that was quite a big moment for us really when we were when we realised that.
So what could have actually happened is without working smoke alarms the family
would not have been alerted to a fire in their lounge they would have probably
still been asleep the fire would have definitely made its way out the lounge
because there were some doors left open. It would have compromised their means of
escape and the outcome for the family could have been very very different.
You feel very grateful that we've survived and a son is okay but also a lot of well
pretty much to all of our property has been destroyed and it's things that you
can't replace like photos and things that have memories which is the hardest.
It was somewhat of a relief that there was nothing that we did that actually
caused the fire or nothing that we could have done but that would have stopped it
it just happened it was an accident it's the what-ifs that sort of you keep
thinking about. What if we didn't wake up, what if we didn't have a smoke alarm,
what if we didn't get out and it's those that just leave me with a
sense of relief everything in the house are just things the fact we've got
family and that's the important thing. I would really recommend that people have
a Safe and Well visit from Kent Fire and Rescue and have the advice as to where
to put the smoke alarms and to consider what you need to do for a fire it is
something we took up and it is something that saved our lives.
Thinkific Monthly Update - July 2018 - Duration: 4:19.
>> AARON MORIN: Hey everybody and welcome to your midsummer
Thinkific update. In our continued effort to put
the needs of you are incredible course creators at the fore of
everything we do, this month we totally revamped the Thinkific
brand to focus on the amazing work you do every day and how we
can support you. We've also updated the way some other tools
talked to Thinkific, shared an incredible customer
story, and added two new people to our team. Let's dive in.
>> ERIN BUSH: Email Marketing is crucial for online educators
selling to their existing audiences. In order to stand out
in your subscribers inbox, you've got to personalize.
The Thinkfic convert kit integration Now lets you build
more personalized student communication. If a student buys
a course or a bundle from you that data can be automatically
synced with or convertkit subscriber profile.
Among other things this lets remove contacts from email
sequences designed to sell an online course
when a subscriber has already bought it. And add them
to upsell or onboarding sequence instead.
>> COLIN PAL: Zapier is an awesome tool to let
you automate your workflows by connecting your various
platforms. It lets non-technical people achieve
what was previously only been possible using costly
developers. The past few months we've made some significant
updates to the Thinkific Zapier integration. Using the lesson
completed trigger. You can nurture your students to send
timely additional content via your favorite communication
platforms. Using the unenrolled user action, you could remove
a student from your course from membership based on actions
in a payment gateway or CRM. Plus with the new search
functionality you can trigger actions based on data about your
students, like group membership or custom fields.
We're excited to see all the cool things you'll do with
this new functionality.
>> ANDREA: We are so excited to share with you that we have
officially launched our updated brand this week. And thank you
to everyone for the kind messages that have been flooding
in. If you haven't seen the update. Make sure you check out
our new website, and our social pages, for more information.
Supporting entrepreneurs like yourself has always been a
personal mission for us. And we are thrilled to be
celebrating more of your accomplishments.
From course creators teaching everything from drone flying
to Encausitc painting to excel to speed reading Thinkific
course creators are literally transforming their businesses
and changing the world every single day. You'll see these
stories and images as the heart of our new brand imagery.
We've also reaffirmed our dedication to supporting
you in building long term sustainable businesses.
We believe wholeheartedly in the power of business.
And I've seen firsthand that when you couple business
and education together it's an unstoppable force for change.
That's why we've promised to give you the very best
support team and also the very best tools to help you create
outstanding student experiences when your students are happy.
So tell your business and that's what matters to us. Be sure
to stay tuned for even more brand updates including what,
don't tell anybody. Who's going to be entirely new
in app experience. Coming at you this month.
>> ROB BALASABAS: Hey guys it's Rob here with your Event update.
If you're in New York, Vancouver,
London, San Francisco, Seattle, or Australia.
We're hosting events near you over the next couple of months.
Check out our events tab on our Facebook page to find out more
details about the meet ups. And if you'd like to host
the meet up in your hometown please give me me a shout
>> BRITTNEA REICH: at Thinkific we love celebrating the many
milestones of our teammates. This month we had a few familiar
faces tie the knot, and we welcome to baby Uma to the
world. In case you haven't heard our team is growing and we added
two new people to the Thinkific team. Say hi to Georgia,
our newest customer champion who loves indulging in Italian
food and wine, and Ali a Q.A. engineer who takes the cake in
the baking department. We're still growing.
make sure to check out the Thinkific Carrers page
for more information on our open positions. We can't wait to meet
>> AARON MORIN: And that's a wrap for your July Thinkific
update we'll see you next month. And in the meantime keep an eye
on the thinkific blog for more news.
Start Using The Nucleus® Smart App For The Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor - Duration: 2:42.
Designed specifically for the Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor,
the Nucleus Smart App is the first ever mobile application
to control a cochlear implant sound processor
directly from a compatible Apple or Android™ device.
You can monitor the status of your equipment
and battery life
and, for added reassurance,
the 'Find my Processor' function can help you to locate
a misplaced processor.
To get started, download the app
from the Apple App Store
or Google Play Store.
To start using the Nucleus Smart App,
log in with a Cochlear Account.
We recommend that you do this before your initial activation
so that you're ready to use the Nucleus Smart App
when you receive your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor.
If you've purchased a Cochlear product from the online store,
or have used a Cochlear online service in the past,
you may already have a Cochlear Account.
If you do not already have a Cochlear Account,
tap 'Create New Account'.
Then, follow the instructions in the Nucleus Smart App
to set up your Cochlear Account.
To start using the Nucleus Smart App
with your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor
you'll need to pair your sound processor
to your compatible Apple or Android device.
To pair your sound processor, follow the instructions
in the Nucleus 7 Pairing Guide
or watch the 'How to pair' animation.
Once you have paired your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor
with your compatible Apple or Android device,
follow the instructions within the Nucleus Smart App
to 'Set up your processor'.
When setup is complete, you will be ready to use
the Nucleus Smart App with your Nucleus 7 Sound Processor.
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