Andreia is an amazing lady,
she is positive, and anytime that I need to talk to her,
she's always there, being with me
So too difficult time that I have right now and she's always been there
it's not as a mortgage broker, as a friends that will land in the hand
and she's always said, even though I was in a difficult time,
every time when I call her: how do you feel?
I'm fantastic!
That's her voice, this voice itself just make you happy
and you get the positive energy through you
and I would recommend Andreia to all my friends,
that who need mortgage. It is not only because of the mortgage,
it is this connection between the client and the broker
and she is there, helping you, not turning you down,
it is a different feeling when you get this through Andrea
At the beginning, I thought that: this is not my first mortgage, this is how many mortgage that already been through
so this is the last one. When I met Andrea it's amazing lady, I will never go out with somebody else to get me a mortgage
so if anyone there I want to find the mortgage through Andreia is the best broker, I thing, in this world.
Yeah! Thank you!
For more infomation >> A Fantastic Mortgage - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Mortgage & Home Inspection - Duration: 11:46.
Hi everyone! I'm very happy today. I have a friend here that I would like to introduce to you.
This is Steve
and Steve is an amazing Home Inspector!
Thank you.
My name is Steve Sandhu, home inspector.
I've been doing it for about 7 years or so.
I was an electrician for 10 years before that
I really enjoy it and enjoy meeting good people like Andreia...
It's a fun job, I mean, not many people like their job,
but actually I love my job.
What exactly you do? So, I got in a house contract
I want to buy this house and I call you: Steve I need you to do inspection on this house
so from there, what will happen?
Basically, I go in and do the inspection. I look at the condition of the exterior of the home,
I look at the roof, the plumbing, the electrical. I open up the electrical panel
I open up the heating system to have a look and to see
how everything is performing and to see if there's any issues,
A lot of times we were looking for safety issues,
safety issues affects the client,
we're here to protect them
and you don't want something happening to the clients so safety issues are important
So we're also looking for things that are gonna cost the client money in the future
so a lot of people are buying with emotion so they may go into a home for five ten minutes
and they may really like it they may really like the area and they just set on the home
but it's our job to go in and say: you're maxed out this is what you're allowed
but the client doesn't know that, this house, another year, needs a new roof
so they're gonna have to spend
10 to 15 thousand dollars on a new roof
and the roof is mandatory, because if it starts leaking, more problems.
so things like that, we make the buyer aware of, what's going on and what's gonna happen in the future
if you need a new roof, need a new furnace, or what's happening,
because just like anything in life, nothing is gonna last forever, so like a hot water tank,
it's gonna last between 10 to 14 years or 10 to 15 years, things like that, so we advised them:
you're a hot water tank is 7 years old or 10 years old or whatever it is
and let them know: you've gonna lot of life in it
or it needs to be changed in the next few years
or it's leaking you should change it right now so things like that.
It's more of giving the information to the buyers,
to the buyer has no surprises and they know what they're up against.
So one interesting thing is: Steve is an electrician, that it's very handy,
when it becomes a inspection of the house
So, you go through the house, is the buyer allow to be with you during the inspection?
Yes, they are. The home inspection Association actually recommends that
that the buyer be around the inspector
and during the inspection and we don't mind that
but a lot of times, we're in there for 2 or 3 hours
and the buyer doesn't want to be there that longer,
or the buyer is not gonna want to go up with a roof
or go up in the attic, things like that and this is fine,
because most buyers just want to know, what's up,
even though in the end, when we do the walkthrough,
we show them everything where all the moving parts are in the home,
where the electrical panel is, where your heating system is,
where your main water shut-off is, we show everything in the walkthrough
but some people, they're just curious and they want to know what's going on
and that's fine, there's actually it makes it more interesting
How about the appliances?
I have clients that, even with the home inspection, they did everything,
they moved in, and then, on the third or fourth day leaving the house, things start stopped working
so is this very common? Because I know you cannot test the dish wash and say: this has another ten years, you're not gonna say that but....
Well, it's just like any mechanical, like
someone buys a car you can't guarantee
that something's gonna happen in the car in a few months
and the same thing with the dishwasher or a washing machine.
I personally do test all the appliances and to make sure everything's working at the time of the inspection
but anything could just stop working, nobody can guarantee that.
Now the only things that we can do is, we have a program called, it's a recall program
so I can take all the model numbers of the appliances, send to a website and
it checks at every couple of weeks to see if there is no recalls on the appliances.
When you first started this, I thought:
this is a waste of money, but it turns out probably every 5 or 6 dishwasher
that I put it into the website. It tells them: well this dishwasher has a recall on it,
and if it's a really brand company like Maytag,
Maytag will actually come in and replace it.
That is cool! I don't think everybody does that?
I know, not all home inspectors do that.
This is really interesting!
I know there is a specific professional to do the inspection on the foundation,
but are you, as a home inspector, do you also cover the foundation as well?
If there is any crack in the foundation, is something they said: no, you have to hire a different professional for this...
No, we do a general visual inspection. If there's cracks in it, cracks always depend on, how many cracks,
what kind of cracks, where are the cracks, type of thing, if it looks like, there's movement in the foundation,
then we say: okay we recommend an engineer or someone else, to take a look at it
but generally speaking, depends on what you can see
because in the foundation, it's really hard to see the foundation,
but from what we can see, we can give a good idea of if the foundation is ok.
I wanted to sell my house and it's falling apart and my realtor said:
just make up the house and painting here and I have some leaking problems
but my guy did a good job the house looks beautiful
so it's the open house and I got an offer
so you come in into this house that was brand new renovated.
Are you able to catch problems even if it's well painted, the floors look nice,
so what happened if I'm buying something that was renovated and it's an old house?
Actually we hear that all the time. The house just got renovated , the house was renovated a couple years ago,
it's a 60 year old house but just got renovated, so we hear all that,
if there's leaks, we have a few tools that can detect that
if there were past leaks or if the leak is active.
Can you show it?
This is an infrared camera, what this does it actually
It will measure the temperatures in the walls and in the ceilings
so it gives you an idea so if I point it out up to the ceiling
so there's temperature differences It can tell me
it might have been a leak there
This is a moisture meter so what this does is, this detects any moisture
so this tell me it might have a leak there,
and this is gonna confirmed
if there is moisture there, so the leaks is active.
So like my hands got moisture....
it's a basic tool but it's very valuable
And with the infrared camera, as you can see,
if I put my hand up there, I'm 31 degrees
I wish, you guys could see this, it's kind of cool!
You can actually see him standing there..
I can see that.....
It is very handy...
So, cost.... I know in different areas the cost of an inspection can be different
but what is the lowest and the highest cost?
I just wanted to give a range, what we can expect in terms of how much is gonna cost a home inspection?
The cost always depends on size of the home and how old the home is....
Those two factors determine how long the home inspection is going to take
so it is like a 7,000 square foot home compared to a 700 square foot condo
so it's quite a bit of difference so you're looking at a couple hours compared to one hour
so that's one factor and also the age of the home
because the older the home is, the more liability a home inspector has,
because especially homes that are very old
they have asbestos in them, they've used vermiculite in the attic,
so there's lots of issues if a home inspector was to miss any of those issues it can be his responsibility
so I generally speaking, it's a $100 per thousand square feet so that's the lowest
so it is like a 3,000 or 4,000 square foot home and between it's $300 to $400
So that's one factor so if the home is 2,000 square feet but the home was built in 1965 ,
then you may want to add an extra $150 because it's gonna take the inspector more time
I always say: don't try to save on inspection. Do the inspection
at the end you are receiving a report telling the whole house
the story of the house and I just think it's so important to have this report in our hands
even later on, because sometimes when you're buying your house
all your savings went through the down payment
and you don't have any money to fix the house but at least if you have this report
and you know that those things you need to fix in the future
you can plan and work your budget a little bit
so I always tell my clients: do the home inspection
I really appreciate you guys watching this video
We are going to have this on our website
Every client I will ask them to watch this video
because it is important for people to go through the process
to have a guidance and I always tell my clients you are not buying your shoe,
you're buying a house so you should be proactive,
it's the biggest investment so you should do your homework!
Steve, thank you so much for this help
You're very welcome
I really appreciate that! Thank you!
How To Improve Your Cricket Skills By Omar Rasheed - Duration: 2:30.
After coming here, as usual one same question that is being asked from at every level
that, "Sir I do so much of practice but why don't I feel any improvement?"
Do you have the same question in YOUR mind? So come on, lets go towards the solution. "Cricket Practice",
a very important phase, is the preparation phase. It has been observed that cricket in our overall
scenario of Pakistan, is not given as much importance compared to some other foreign countries
Basically, what happens is that if you do one same thing over and over again daily, you will get better at it sure,
But there will be no "Improvement". Getting better and improvement are two different things.
In order to achieve "Improvement", the method or way you practice is very important
that whenever you are working on, there is a concept of "What. Why and How?"
put it in that context. For instance, if you are
practicing batting, ask a question to yourself "What",
"What" is it that you are trying to do? After that ask yourself the second question, "WHY" why are you trying to do this.
That "HOW", how will you do it? When we ask these three question to ourselves,
then you automatically manage your preparation and practice
under a plan and following that plan you will begin your practice
During the practice it is also observe that we do more of
physical practice. but in cricket if you observe that the higher
and higher level you will reach, you will observe that mental work will increase allot, so if at at early age
we focus on mental training, then the player will become self reliant
will take his own decisions himself and at the end,
and you will get the results in different situations, scenarios and during matches
that you will need this thing in some crucial situation, your mind will work properly
and you would be able to execute your skill in a nice manner
and eventually it will affect your results. During the practice we should
not think about our results. We must only think of that process that we will use
in our bowling, our batting or fielding. If we practice following this process,
our practice will be better, our practice will be fruitful
and we will be able to take more advantages
through it
Ben 10 do you have a better idea? - Duration: 0:43.
Take 4 Tablespoons Of This Every Morning And Say Goodbye To Clogged Arteries,And Bad Cholesterol - Duration: 1:49.
5 Things You Didn't Know About ST Suspension - Duration: 3:24.
- I almost (beep) that up.
Hey guys, what's going on?
It's Alex from Fitment Industries
and today we're going to be talk to you
about five things that you probably didn't know
about ST Suspensions.
Now, you're probably looking at ST Suspensions
because you looked at KWV3 prices and you're like,
wow, those are four grand.
So you learned about ST probably
through the KW-branching.
So we thought we'd talk to you a little bit
about where ST came from, why they're so popular,
and probably a couple things that you'd wanna know
before picking up a set.
By the way, we're trying to get 100,000 subscribers,
so don't forget to subscribe
and let's just jump right into it.
So, the first thing you may not know
about ST Suspensions and that they're old.
But they're not like, anky-old,
they're just an older company.
They're based out of the early-80s,
out of a company in Southern California,
called Suspension Techniques.
And that, if it's abbreviated,
kinda sounds like something you may know,
like what we're talking about today.
The second thing that you may not know
about ST Suspensions is that originally,
they were just made for lowering springs.
And they had a ton of different applications.
It wasn't until their acquisition
of multiple different companies
from the 80s to the 90s, to the 2000s,
that ST really started to get into coil-overs.
Because, at the time, they just really didn't need to.
A lot of their growth and a lot of their profit margins,
and all that stuff, came from lowering springs
and just spring-products in general.
And the best thing about the range of applications
that ST has, is that they're really not
that bad of a spring.
They're very, very good.
And for the cost that you can buy them for--
which is pretty much a middle-end price-point--
they're very good products.
The third thing you may not know about ST Suspensions,
is that they were bought out by a company in 1995,
Belltech Sports Trucks.
Which if you didn't know, was a company that specializes in
Sport Trucks.
They moved to Fresno, California before they ultimately
got acquired by another company of the German-curiosity,
KW Automotive in 2005.
And because of their acquisition to KW,
that was when the first coil-over for ST was founded.
And that was when ST began to really start getting
into overall suspension components
for pretty much every application that you could imagine.
And that goes into the fourth thing
that you may not know about ST Suspensions.
Is because of the acquisition with KW,
ST Suspensions quality, research development,
techniques, materials, and everything in between,
shot through the roof
because of how big the KW Automotive Group was,
and is still to this day.
In fact, because of KW's acquisition of ST,
ST was able to come out with coil-overs,
they were able to come out with sophisticated products
that had dialed-in tuning capabilities,
that was really only offered
through KW's highest product line that was available.
But because they acquired ST,
they were able to actually cut a couple costs here and there
so that ST could get a lot of the tech stuff
without that super-high price point.
And because of their acquisition with ST,
KW actually brought ST over-seas into Fitzenberger, Germany
to do a lot of their additional RND for ST Suspensions.
And the fifth, and final thing, that you may not know
about ST Suspensions, is that they're and amazing bang
for your buck product.
Now, I would not call these an entry-level coil-over,
but I would call them an extremely competitive,
border-line race-style coil-over.
Because of how expensive KW is,
it's really hard to jump into a set of them.
At the same time, when you look at the price-line
of ST, they do offer some really competitive products.
And because of their partnership with KW,
you get a ton of the tech that KW has
in their products in ST.
And because of their RND that they do in Germany,
and all the stuff that they do
to make these products perfect,
you get a lot of different things
that you wouldn't normally get out of coil-over like ST.
So those are five things you probably didn't know
about ST Suspensions.
Let us know in the comments what you would like us
to talk about next.
I'm Alex from Fitment Industries.
If you're interested, and looking at any suspensions,
check out
We have a lot of.
That's all I'm gonna go into.
I'm Alex from Fitment Industries.
We'll see you later.
What matters most to you? Indicators Aotearoa New Zealand – Ngā Tūtohu Aotearoa: Consultation - Duration: 1:26.
What matters most to you? Stats NZ is shining a light on
well-being in New Zealand. Help us tell the story about what matters most to you
and your whānau. We're looking beyond the economy, to include well-being and
sustainable development in decision-making,
so current and future generations of Kiwis can enjoy a healthy environment
and vibrant communities. We want to talk to you about how we measure and treasure
our taonga now, and in the future, and our impact on other countries. What do
you care about the most, and what does well-being mean to you as a Kiwi?
Indicators Aotearoa New Zealand will track how we're doing environmentally,
socially, and economically to shine a light on measuring our well-being. These
measures will support many cross-government initiatives and drive
decisions that will affect all New Zealanders.
Ngā Tūtohu Aotearoa – te ine i tō tātou toiora. Your voice is vital, so have your say today!
Add a comment on Facebook, email, or send your submission
to Stats NZ. To find out more about Indicators Aotearoa New Zealand,
Here's What Comes To Netflix In August 2018 - Duration: 7:33.
Netflix must want you to stream away your last few weeks of summer. How else to explain why the company adds about four dozen original movies, shows and specials this August? And, on top of that, Netflix has a movie lineup that includes "The Aviator," "No Country for Old Men," "Million Dollar Baby" and "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
" Cancel your August summer plans. Forget the ice cream cone, unless you're letting that melting goodness drip onto your couch instead of by a pool
The new Matt Groening cartoon, "Disenchanted," and the second season of "Ozark" stand out as the Netflix Original shows to watch this month
Or, you could check out the third season of "Dinotrux Supercharged," a show about trucks that look like dinosaurs and also have special powers
A few notable movies leave the service. It's your last chance for "Finding Dory," "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story" and "The 40-Year-Old Virgin
" Check out the full list of arrivals and departures below. And, if you want to stay informed on what's joining Netflix on a weekly basis, make sure to subscribe to the Streamline newsletter
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" comes to Netflix on Aug
1. Superlatives For Arrivals Unique Titles I Don't Recognize, But You Should Check Out "Edge of Fear" "Million Pound Menu" "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" "The Ponysitters Club" Title I Don't Recognize, But Hope Is A Home Renovation Show "House of Deadly Secrets" Most Expensive Child "Million Dollar Baby" ! "The Informant!" !! "I AM A KILLER" (Netflix Original) Most Original "The Originals" Best Chance Of Having Animals "72 Dangerous Animals: Asia" (Netflix Original) Ji Sub Jeong/HP Streamline makes recommendations for streaming shows and movies
Every Saturday, Streamline highlights the best shows to watch online, with a focus on Netflix
Arrivals Aug. 1 "Batman Begins" "Chernobyl Diaries" "Clerks" "Constantine" "Dreamcatcher" "Edge of Fear" "Eraser" "Gran Torino" "House of Deadly Secrets" "Los tiempos de Pablo Escobar" (Season 1) "Million Dollar Baby" "No Reservations" "Once in a Lifetime Sessions with Moby" "Once in a Lifetime Sessions with Nile Rodgers" "Once in a Lifetime Sessions with Noel Gallagher" "Once in a Lifetime Sessions with TLC" "P
S. I Love You" "Secretariat" "Silverado" "Steel Magnolias" "Stripes" "Switched" (Netflix Original) "The Aviator" "The Golden Compass" "The Informant!" "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" "The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement" The Aviator "The Aviator" comes to Netflix on August 1
Aug. 2 "Emelie" Aug. 3 "Brij Mohan Amar Rahe" (Netflix Film) "Cocaine Coast" (Netflix Original) "Dinotrux Supercharged" (Season 3, Netflix Original) "I AM A KILLER" (Netflix Original) "Like Father" (Netflix Film) "Marching Orders" (Netflix Original) Aug
4 "Flavors of Youth: International Version" (Netflix Original) "Mr. Sunshine" (Streaming Every Saturday, Netflix Original) "On Children" (Netflix Original) Aug
5 "Paid in Full" Aug. 9 "Perdida" (Netflix Film) "The Originals" (Season 5) Aug
10 "72 Dangerous Animals: Asia" (Netflix Original) "Afflicted" (Netflix Original) "All About the Washingtons" (Netflix Original) "Demetri Martin: The Overthinker" (Netflix Original) "Insatiable" (Netflix Original) "La casa de las flores" (Netflix Original) "Million Pound Menu" (Netflix Original) "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" (Netflix Film) "The Package" (Netflix Film) "The Ponysitters Club" (Netflix Original) "Voltron: Legendary Defender" (Season 7, Netflix Original) "Zion" (Netflix Original) No Country for Old Men "No Country for Old Men" comes to Netflix on August 11
Aug. 11 "No Country for Old Men" Aug. 13 "Alexander: The Ultimate Cut" "Splash and Bubbles" (Season 2) "The Nut Job" Aug
15 "Adventures in Public School" "Hostiles" "The 100" (Season 5) Aug. 16 "Evan Almighty" "Wish I Was Here" Aug
17 "Disenchantment" (Netflix Original) "Magic for Humans" (Netflix Original) "Pinky Malinky" (Netflix Original) "Spirit Riding Free" (Season 6, Netflix Original) "Stay Here" (Netflix Original) "The Motive" (Netflix Film) "To All The Boys I've Loved Before" (Netflix Film) "Ultraviolet" (Netflix Original) Netflix "Disenchantment" comes to Netflix on August 17
Aug. 19 "The Investigator: A British Crime Story" (Season 2, Netflix Original) Aug
21 "Year One" Aug. 23 "Deadwind" (Netflix Original) "Follow This" (Netflix Original) "Great News" (Season 1) Aug
24 "Ask the StoryBots" (Season 2, Netflix Original) "Bert Kreischer: Secret Time" (Netflix Original) "Ghoul" (Netflix Original) "The After Party" (Netflix Film) "The Innocents" (Netflix Original) "Trolls: The Beat Goes On!" (Season 3, Netflix Original) "Young & Hungry" (Season 5) Aug
28 "The Good Place" (Season 2) Aug. 29 "Inequality for All" Jessica Miglio/Netflix Season 2 of "Ozark" comes to Netflix on August 31
Aug. 31 "Inside the Criminal Mind" (Netflix Original) "Ozark" (Season 2, Netflix Original) "Paradise PD" (Netflix Original) "The Comedy Lineup" (Part 2, Netflix Original) "The Laws of Thermodynamics" (Netflix Film) "Ultimate Beastmaster: Survival of the Fittest" (Netflix Original) "Undercover Law" (Netflix Original) Departures Aug
1 "3000 Miles to Graceland" "Adventures in Babysitting" "Can't Buy Me Love" "Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot" (Season 1) "Finding Dory" "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay" "Reasonable Doubt" "The Killing" (Seasons 1-3) "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story" Aug
2 "10 Rules for Sleeping Around" Aug. 5 "13 Assassins" Aug. 6 "Welcome to Me" Aug
10 "St. Vincent" Aug. 12 "For a Good Time, Call." August 13 "Help, I've Shrunk the Family" Aug
16 "Being Flynn" "Enter the Battlefield" "Jem and the Holograms" (Seasons 1-3) "Littlest Pet Shop" (Seasons 2-4) "Pariah" "Pound Puppies" (Seasons 1-3) "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" "The Adventures of Chuck & Friends" (Season 2) "Transformers Prime" (Seasons 2-3) "Transformers: Rescue Bots" (Seasons 2-4) Aug
23 "Sausage Party" Aug. 25 "The Road" Download Todd Van Luling Senior Culture Reporter, HuffPost Suggest a correction MORE: Movies Netflix Streamline Netflix Original August 2018
How to Subtitle a YouTube Video with Camtasia - Duration: 13:05.
How do you handle YouTube closed captions
when there are two, three, or more people talking in the video?
I'll tell what happens.
A mess.
But no worries, I have a Camtasia solution for you.
I'm Naomi Skarzinski with the Top Shelf VA channel.
Your place for creativity and inspiration for business and life.
Okay, the first thing to mention is I have already
produced an in-depth tutorial on how to create transcripts and closed captions.
Those methods work perfectly fine if you are the only person speaking in your video.
The first half of that training is a good review of the various ways you can create
the actual text file for your transcript.
I've provided the link in the description below.
What we are looking at today is what can happen when loading a text transcript
with two or more people, music, and background noise.
It can be difficult for YouTube to set the timings when loading the text file directly to YouTube.
I'll show you an alternative solution using Camtasia 9 or Camtasia 2018.
Let's first see what the problem can be by loading the text for one of my client's videos.
Let's get in here and see how YouTube did with the timings for the closed caption.
I usually like to review this at one and half speed to save a little bit of time.
Hi, I'm Evelyn Gallardo from the Discovery Beach House and I'm with
Our concierge extraordinaire and thank
you so much for joining us on our happy hour tour.
Okay, so far so good.
So, here we are at the Ronny's Place here in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica.
Hmmm, the intro bumper is still showing the previous closed caption section,
so the time is off right here.
Then it's showing the music notation with the next caption.
So that's off and is going to have to be fixed.
Let's see a little bit more.
Yeah. (
Well, our sangria is not like the regular sangria.
Okay, it does well until we get to this section.
Evelyn said, "here."
Sabrina said, "yeah,"
and Ronnie said, "Well our Sangria…", etc.
None of which lined up where they should have.
Let's go ahead and speed up to another
section, so I can show you what a pain it can be to line the timings up in YouTube.
Let's put this back to normal speed.
So, we can see where Evelyn says, "Pura Vida" is not lining up properly.
We then have to go back to find the right place to stop,
which can be tricky since we cannot adjust this wave form at all.
It's hard to see.
Okay, she said, "yeah" right there, and now I have to
adjust it here by dragging this over to the left.
Then I have to go back and drag the beginning of this
one over to the left to match it up with the one before it.
There is Evelyn's pura vida,
and Sabrina's pura vida,
and her cheers.
You can see how it can be frustrating to do this in YouTube.
It's hard to line everything up with the wave form,
having to adjust the left and right on every single solitary caption
because when you move one in YouTube, it will affect all the others differently.
It's very frustrating.
Well, you get the picture.
Let's go ahead and see how we can do this in Camtasia.
Before we get in there, let me mention a few points.
First, I'm going to show you one way specifically, which I think is the easiest,
for creating what is called a SRT file in Camtasia 9 and Camtasia 2018
to load to YouTube.
Second, I never render and load directly to YouTube from Camtasia.
It's a personal preference.
I always render out to a MP4 file and then load the MP4 file to YouTube.
Why do I do this?
By rendering it first as an MP4, waiting for five minutes or so, and then watching the MP4 on
different player rather than in Camtasia or the preview, I usually can catch something I might have missed.
For me, it helps ensure I load the most accurate and close to perfect video as I can
provide to YouTube.
So, with this tutorial I will be using the MP4 file I had rendered out.
However, you could easily do this directly in your Camtasia project file if you wished to do so.
After loading the MP4 to the first track, I expand it, so I can distinctly see the wave form.
This is so much easier to read the wave form here than it was in YouTube.
I click on Captions.
Then I click on the Add Captions button.
A large text box for the captions appears on the canvas.
On the track above the first track, which is holding the
MP4, the captions asset appears, which I like
to expand out the full width of the video.
I manually expand the Closed Caption asset here,
but really, it's not necessary to do that.
It's just a habit I picked up.
It will expand automatically on its own.
If you were doing this in your project file, simply add a track above where your audio is and
add the captions there.
Okay, go ahead and get the text file of the transcript.
Highlight the text.
Copy it with Control plus C and paste it into the captions box with Control plus V.
Click on the Closed Captions setting icon here at the top and then select Sync Captions.
A pop-up window explains a little how to use this.
Your video will begin playing.
Click a word to create a new caption.
Repeat until all text has been captioned.
I want to make a note here for you.
In most cases, when you
transcribed your video, you should have transcribed with one sentence per line.
That will help you in knowing when to click on the word starting the next sentence.
Try to click with the new sentence each time.
Sometimes, if a sentence is long, I will click somewhere in mid-sentence and after all the
settings are made, when I am tweaking, I will adjust it then if I need to.
For now, I'm just trying to click when I hear the word of the next sentence or mid-sentence.
It doesn't have to be perfect, because you will have the opportunity to tweak everything once you're done.
Use Pause and Stop buttons to control playback.
Go ahead and click on Continue and the video will start right away.
Up here, you will click on the word when you want the next caption to start.
Our concierge extraordinaire and thank you so much for joining us on our happy hour tour.
Let me go ahead and stop this for a second and show you what is happening.
As you can see here, what I have tried to do is click a word every time that someone is
speaking separately or starting a new sentence.
Now, here's the thing, I clicked on stop instead of pause, to show you this.
If I had clicked on the Pause button, it would say Resume, and you could easily just keep going.
If you do click on stop, no worries, you're not stuck.
Simply place your playhead where you want to start.
Go back up to the Closed Captions settings icon and select Sync Captions again.
Click on Continue.
A message appears asking if you want to start at the playhead or from the beginning.
Select at playhead.
If you wanted to start all over again from scratch for some reason, from the very very
beginning, that is when you would click on Start at beginning.
For our purposes, we'll start at the playhead.
The first few times you do this, it will take a little
bit to get use to keeping up with the audio and clicking but it's a relatively short learning curve.
Now of course, you don't need to watch me do all of this, so let's jump to the end here.
Now what we are going to do is watch the captions with the audio and fine tune it.
To get back to the beginning of the video I will click on Control plus the Home key.
What I'm going to be looking for is to have two lines per caption.
You can have three; however, I prefer two.
I'm also going to look for places where the timing needs to be adjusted
slightly because I clicked either too early or two late.
I'm not going to go through all of these but show you just a few quick samples.
We'll listen and watch the wave form.
Hi, I'm Evelyn Gallardo from the Discovery Beach House and I'm with
Our …
So, we see here she starts with "our," so all I have to do is move this to the left.
You see that's much faster than it was in YouTube.
I'm not having to worry about the adjusting the left and the right sides of a caption.
See, they are stitched together and move as one.
So, here we are at the Ronny's Place here in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica.
Here, with the music, I want to separate this out into two captions.
I'll right click on the caption and select Split Caption.
When splitting the caption, it puts the same text on both sides of the split.
On the first caption of the split, I will delete the text starting with "One of the special things…"
On the second half of the split, I will delete the music section.
Now I'll move back a little and line up these captions appropriately by the wave form.
One of the special things that I love about Ronny's Place is not only Ronny himself, …
Let's go ahead and do a couple more examples.
Here's an example of where I want the sentence to end on the caption before it.
I'll click in the caption, cut out the Ronnie by highlighting it and
pressing Control plus X to cut it.
Remove the extra line space by pressing the delete key.
I'll go to the prior caption and adjust the sentence.
Then I'll paste Ronny to end of the sentence by pressing Control plus V.
Here's the place where all three were speaking.
Remember, that was a little tricky in YouTube.
So, I'm going to decide to adjust this, so it makes a little more sense.
I'm going to take Evelyn's "here" and move it over with Sabrina's "yeah" and indicate that it is
the ending of Evelyn's other sentence by putting it into parentheses.
This will indicate to the reader that both are speaking at the same time.
I think you get the idea now.
Simply go through all the closed captions, adjust as necessary to the wave form, and if
needed, moving some text from one caption section to the other.
Once you get use to it, it will get much easier and faster.
Don't forget to keep hitting Control plus S throughout to save the work you have done.
Once you have all the captions the way you would like, you are only a
couple steps away from loading them to YouTube.
Go to Share.
Export Captions.
Go to the location on your hard drive where you want to export the file to.
Give the file a name.
As you can see, you are now about to save the file as a SubRip Captions File with an SRT extension.
Click on Save.
If we open the SRT file, what we will see is Camtasia 9 or Camtasia 2018 has time
stamped each caption.
This is what YouTube's closed captioning system will read.
Back in Youtube, under Subtitles CC.
Let's go ahead and remove the previous text version I had used for demonstrating the issues
of YouTube's automated closed captions when you have two or more people in the video.
Let's get rid of that.
Now click on add new subtitles or CC.
Upload a file.
Click on Subtitles file.
Browse and then go to the file on your hard drive and double click on it to upload it.
You'll get the warning message that uploading a file will overwrite this version of English,
which is perfectly fine.
Click on upload.
If you want to be on the absolutely safe side to make sure everything is accurate before you
publish, you can watch it one last time.
You can make any minor tweaks to the text on the left side here.
It should be fine because you used Camtasia 9 or Camtasia 2018 to super fine tune the timings.
So, you really should be fine.
Once you are happy with it, click on save changes.
That's it!
If you have two, three, four, or more people in your video, use your Camtasia 9 or Camtasia
2018 to get the most accurate closed caption SRT file possible.
I'll have the link to other closed captions and translations training video in the description below.
You can watch the first half of that video to learn ways to produce transcriptions for your videos.
Remember to subscribe and hit the notification bell to get more training videos
on a wide variety of subjects.
Until we meet again, have a wonderful day!
Details for getting a mortgage - Duration: 1:14.
Andreia was so helpful,
she knew so many things that I didn't even realize
about getting a mortgage and things that affect your mortgage
and things that I didn't know in the past
when I was dealing with my own bank
that my bank didn't tell me.
I found her to be so helpful in the fact that
she just basically empowered me to
you know make myself better
and get me to understand
how things were actually affecting my credit.
I would absolutely recommend Andreia
as a mortgage broker to anyone and everyone that I can.
She is a wonderful person and she's just outstanding at what she does for people.
Womax Funciona - Veja o Depoimento Da Atriz Solange Couto! Garantido! - Duration: 5:16.
How can you come to learn more than 10 languages? | Video Podcast 002 Part 1 - Duration: 25:25.
So if you are looking for a language
tutor you want to practice your language skills especially if you don't live in
the country where the language you're learning is spoken or if you're
traveling a lot like I am then I recommend you go down to description
below the video and check out a link there for italki or italki because
that is the service I have used an awful lot over the last few years as many of
you know who are regular viewers to the channel and there you're going to find
tens of thousands of language tutors and you can have classes with them
one-on-one individual classes via Skype you don't have to meet them in person
and you can do all the payments online and it's something that I have used
regularly over the last few years to learn my languages and of course you get
a special discount if you go through my link there is some starter credit of ten
dollars towards your first lesson so go check out the link to italki or italki
depending on which way he want to pronounce it.
Всем привет! ["Hi everyone!" in Russian] Salut! ["Hi!" in French] and
welcome to this second episode of the Tsar Experience podcast with me Conor
Clyne. I'm delighted to have you back here today I'm speaking to you from a
very very nice park called L'Abbaye de la Cambre in Brussels (Bruxelles) in
Belgium and there is a particular reason why I chose this location to have the second
episode of the podcast. Unfortunately you can't see it if you're listening to this
just in the audio on the podcast version but if you're watching this on youtube
be able to see this beautiful Park. It's one of my favorite places in Brussels I
actually come here kind of to take a run or just to have a stroll it's right in
the city center a little bit of an oasis of calm here in a big European capital
and in today's episode of the podcast I'm going to discuss my own language
learning journey and how it can inspire and help you and motivate you to learn
lots of languages and this city is actually important to that story because
I actually lived in Brussels for a few years but to get started into the
podcast and to explain my background my name is Conor Clyne you might be able to
detect that that is a Irish name so I was born in Ireland in
Galway on the west coast of Ireland and you probably if you're listening
to this especially on the podcast version you will notice that I don't
have a particularly Irish accent when I speak I've lost that I
brogue to a certain extent unfortunately a lot of people find it charming and
that's because I've lived in lots of countries since being born and growing
up in in Ireland so you can probably hear different influences on my in my
accent I lived in the US for a while also in France in Belgium here in
Germany in Italy in France if I haven't said France already the Netherlands was
the other one and recently I'm spending a lot of time is probably a lot of you
know and that's probably why you're watching this video I spend a lot of
time Eastern Europe so countries like Ukraine Belarus Romania Moldova and
occasionally I've been in Poland and in Russia the Baltic countries: Latvia, Lithuania
and Estonia so if you were watching this channel before I started a
focus on Eastern Europe you will have seen that I did a lot of videos about
learning languages and being a polyglot now a polyglot is someone who just makes
me someone who speaks lots of languages it's not very complicated. It may sound like a very an
elitist term but that's basically what it describes and I actually started out
in Ireland a country which of course is not known for its linguistic prowess I
mean we don't have a very good reputation like the same inUnited Kingdom
or in America for learning foreign languages and I was definitely a very
good example of because in high school my three worst subjects my three worst
results in my high school final exams the state exams were actually in the
languages although those three languages I had to learn like English obviously as
my native tongue Irish because that's the official language of the country of
Ireland it's not English with an Irish accent it's completely different
language from the Celtic family of languages and I don't actually I don't
really think it's that hard to learn but it is completely different to English
and then I had French that was my like foreign language in that sense and they
were my worst three subjects I really couldn't master pronunciation obviously
you know English is my native tongue so that's not an issue but in French for
example I could not get the pronunciation down at all and I just
really struggled vocabulary grammar terms actually found a really boring
when I was a high school like languages were something that I just felt like not
for me they're from other people at class seem to get the good results right
because at the time I equated being good student with being
a good learner of languages and it's only later on that I realized that's not
always the case and in fact it's actually maybe never really the case for
if you look at people who actually go on to learn lots of languages first people
who were students of languages and get really good exam you know results in
those high school high school exams in particular so I was there and I just
thought languages were not for me they're my worst results I was really good at
things like physics chemistry mathematics
I got like top grades and all those kind of things I also accountancy so anything
with numbers it seemed like I get a good result on so I actually then studied law
which of course involves language because gotta speak it you gotta read
all the time admittedly it was in English I did have legal French at university
but I really was like the worst student in the class again student in the class
and actually only passed my second year French exams we had legal French was
very specialized I couldn't even speak French so learning legal terminology was
obviously really really difficult for me and I remember I was basically just
passed out of sympathy because I agreed to go on a language exchange in my third
year spent the entire year in France and actually learned some French so the
teacher was like okay fine I'll just give you a passing grade just so just we
can go to France and actually learn the language so I arrived in France to do
this university exchange the exchange program in Europe is called Erasmus and
it was definitely a really transformative year for me because you
know I had never lived in a foreign culture and had to adapt to it so it was really
a challenge in the beginning and I could not and this is I'm not joking I could
not order a sandwich on the train from Paris to the city I was actually
spending the year on the exchange program in. I had the point I had to grunt because
yeah I just didn't even though I tried to say like can I have whenever a
sandwich please and the guy didn't understand me this is the bottom line so
I had to point at it and grunt that's how terrible my level of French was and
remember I've had this for five years in high school
followed by two years in University where I'm suppose we learn Legal
French to be a lawyer in French and I cannot even order a sandwich so any notion
that you have that people who learn lots of languages in general are
talented or have some special like gene for learning languages well I don't
believe it exists but if it does I certainly wasn't blessed with it because
I started out in the bottom the worst student and during that year in France I
mean has basically spent the first I would say month to two months completely
mute I couldn't partake in any of the conversations everyone else was having
around me because yeah I just didn't understand anything and I couldn't say
anything over extremely basic so my friend I had a friend who's with me
there are several friends with me but one in particularly he actually
interpreted for me a lot so I didn't end up completely left out but obviously
he couldn't do that I couldn't do simultaneous interpretation for me every everyday 24
hours a day so basically I was very isolated because I couldn't communicate
with people of course some people were other foreign students spoke English but
in this region of France people did not speak very much English I did have other
English speakers on we're staying in these dorms in these residences not
really dorms they were like because we had our own rooms but we were saying
this residence and there were of course other foreign students on my floor so I
was able to communicate with them using English when I first first arrived but
over the year basically I managed to adopt and survive and I got to a really
basic level in French and I became a lot more confident but it still wasn't very
good right and this is after living in the country for one year well this stage
maybe about 10 months the academic year and I even went to the south of France. I had gone on a
little bit of a traveling trip and I arrived back in France on my own I said
okay now I'm gonna spend the summer here and I think I have enough French to at
least be able to communicate on a very basic level of people like high beginner
probably was my level at the time maybe low intermediate just about that and a
chance occurrence then happened I was in Cannes which is very
famous for the Film Festival in the South of France I went there in a trip
on a day trip and there was a guy who was sitting with a girl we're
sitting on a terrace beautiful days the South of France you can imagine the
seaside Cannes and he was there and he was ordering in French talking in some
language I think I mean I figured out it was German from listening to it with
the girl he was with and then he he turned to me and he said
yeah hello are you British and yeah
he had a slight accent German accent in English when he when he addressed me and we
started to chat and he was telling me that he had actually just come from
Spain that morning where he spoke in Spanish and then he was going to Italy
in the evening where he's gonna speak in Italian and he was speaking to his
girlfriend in German and he was ordering in French and speaking English to me so
I was like man that's like five languages and he said yeah I'm a
polyglot actually so I'm just someone who speaks lots of language in it he was
explaining to me that he had played table tennis at a high level when he was
younger and he also had the matches the tournaments in the different countries
around Europe so he was really fascinated by languages because when he
would go and play he would you know encounter the different people who speak
the different languages across Europe as he went to play in the tournaments for
the German national team if I remember correctly so he was like you know comes
constantly moving around throughout Europe and he had a need and a
motivation and but I was just completely taken aback because I'd never met anyone
who spoke more than maybe two or three languages and this guy's spoke five right I
think it means but more than that maybe six and I never even heard of this word
polyglot and understood what it meant but I mean basically just means someone
who speaks lots of languages I do have an article on my website that I'm going to
link in the description below this and YouTube and also put in the show notes to
the podcast where I actually go into depth to what you know how many
languages is someone a polyglot the different types of categories and all
that kind of nerdy stuff so if you really want to geek out on this then you
can go check that out. I'm going to link it below in the show notes and in the in
the description in YouTube here and so I said him like well do you spend all
your time studying because like to speak that number of languages is like insane
for me and he was like actually no I'm just kind of like motivated I'm really
curious because I get to use them a lot and I want to be able to speak in French
in France and you know in Italian in Italy so you know I read about the
grammar and I studied it a little bit but actually I just kind of talked to
people a lot and I read a lot in the different languages I watched the TV
because here at the time in Germany I guess you had a lot of foreign TV
stations so I can kind of watch the news or watch a documentary in French and
it's pretty easy for me so I found this like amazing I was like man this is like
really just something that astounds me because you know growing up in Ireland where
people spoke English and Irish maybe one other foreign language this was like
something I never encountered even on my year as an exchange student so I came
back from that you know meeting and I was I was working for the summer in Nice
and yeah I was really made me a lot more curious about the other languages that
we hear because we were very close to Italy so there a lot of Italians were
coming into the restaurant I worked as a waiter for the summer to get some money
to go travelling at the end. I went around Corsica which is really beautiful
Island see if we get the chance to go there and I took that trip and I learned
a lot of French of course over the summer because I was having to deal with you
know the public I was waiter so I had to of course serve people and wait the
tables and talk to the customers and and I started getting exposed to Italian I'd
take a little trip there so I was really like curious about Italian and having
met this guy who's a polyglot it really kind of made me think right over the
last year I didn't really have language classes very much I did have them a little
bit in university and you know I sucked at them I did the exams I think I failed them
all so again another another example where I sucked as a student and I
started to think well well this guy wasn't taking exams right I mean he was
just learning because he was really excited and you know he enjoyed it and
he was like reading lots in the different languages watching TV and just
talking to people so it seemed like he was a master all these languages and you
know the people who were getting the high grades in the class
they think they would do well in that exam and they would be able to speak to
people obviously better than me outside but they weren't people were like
speaking four or five six languages so this guy's on to something
and after I spent that summer I did improve because I also had a lot of
contact with the language at travel around Corsica on my own for
the week and I had a great time there and I did you know really talk to a lot
of people and also my at my job as a waiter that had happened so I came back to
finish my law studies in Ireland and I started to get really curious about
finding some sort of alternative method I remember I went to the local bookshop
and they had you know the kind of classical language books there and none
of them really inspired me because it seemed like it was good just gonna learn
lots of grammar and vocabulary and it was the same old same old I've been
seeing in class and now I still can't pronounce things properly this isn't
gonna help me be any different right in terms of a learning experience and there
was one course that kind of caught my eye because the cover to it had these
words like something like no memorization no homework I think there
were the two things that caught my eye and they really appealed to me because
having followed ... that kind of like rigid classroom regime at
school that had been absolutely ineffective to teach me languages so I was I am willing
to try anything else at this stage but it was actually course from Michel
Thomas I like I'll link to this below as well of course in the description to the
YouTube video and you show notes to the podcast so you can go take a look. Michel
Thomas was originally from he was from modern-day Poland he may have been born
in Lodz and he had grown up in Germany a little bit and Breslau at the time
I think that's Wroclaw today if I'm not mistaken in Poland and then he he had
this incredible life story you know during second world war he was Jewish and he
was living in France and of course you had the Nazi Germany invaded France and
I'm yeah the Vichy government the puppet government in the part that he was and
he had all these he even you know he was interrogated and he had to pretend that he
didn't understand German even though of course he spoke fluent German
to avoid being executed by the Nazi regime
pro-nazi regime where he was and after the war he had even testified at the trial
of a leading Nazi so he had this incredible life story and then
afterwards he had opened a language school in California in LA and became
this big celebrity teacher to a lot of stars so we had this course and it
seemed very different and I remember he had this kind of crackling voice on the
old recording and it was kind of imperfect but it really helped me get
the basics down in terms of learning how to open conversations and I was really
hooked on this I think I bought it in several language and I had it in like
German Spanish Italian French and Italian I think at the time so I bought
them ... I may have may have bought in the space of a few months actually
bought them in all of them even though I wasn't learning all the languages I was just
like so excited and I was motivated to learn Italian because I had had this great
trip to Italy and I was really like yeah I want to live in Italy for at least one
year of my life I was not sure how I was going to do it at the time but I was really
determined to at least start on that path so I bought the about the course and I
listened to it and I remember my family some of the family members making fun of me
because I was like listening is when it was dark and repeating the sentences and
building up the structures and that not memorizing and doing anything or being
in a classroom environment right it took the traditional learning approach and
they were kind of making fun of me for doing this kind of crazy thing like it
seemed the insane to them and then I think it was like the following year I went to
study in the Netherlands and I invited an Italian girl out on a date and yeah
it was kind of funny I had had a 20-minute conversation only in Italian
and remember I just taken the Michel Thomas like 8-hour course up
until now like the audio course and that's all the Italian I had right and
it was exhausting but I lasted 20 minutes in Italian and I later dated
this girl we went out to get her for a couple of years so then I would see my
Italian improved dramatically afterwards because I had an Italian girlfriend and
that's again part of the philosophy I guess to learning languages I had
high motivation and a lot of exposure to language when you have obviously a
relationship and an intimate relationship with someone but that just shows like this
allowed me to have a 20-minute conversation remember when I
was telling you about French and my experience out of five years at school
in two years University I couldn't order a sandwich on the first day never mind
have a 20-minute conversation I was living in France in that Erasmus year
and it was months before I had a 20-minute conversation with anyone and to have a
one-on-one in Italian was like obviously as I said tiring it wasn't very easy I
was struggling in parts but I got through it and it obviously had made a good
impression right because I ended up in a relationship as a result so this really
for me man I could never go back to like traditional language learning after that
so I continued I obviously learned Italian I actually lived in Italy I
achieved my goal I went to study at Johns Hopkins University SAIS which is
their School of Advanced International Studies and they actually had a campus
in Bologna in Italy so I actually went for the first year there and studied in
Italy got to live had probably the best year of my life definitely my university
life it was just amazing living in northern Italy eating just incredible
food the vibe at the time ... university it's a university city Bologna and it
was just amazing and I got pretty like really good Italian obviously having
lived there and having had this base that I had learned from Michel Thomas
also have a relationship with an Italian and I spent the summer in Sardinia if I
remember correctly which another great thing beautiful island if you ever get
the chance you should definitely go there and spend some time it's really
one of my favorite places in Italy during the summer just amazing beaches
and so I had this phenomenal experience and at this stage speak ok French I
speak ok Italian pretty good Italian I took the exams as part of my masters and
passed them and both of those languages so I was like officially competent
finally so we have three languages at this stage and when I was there in
Washington I started to do things like you know there was an Hispanic
neighborhood basically one street away from where I lived and I actually would
go there and I started learning Spanish using Michel Thomas had some classes
also at university I'd joined the class but I didn't need it for credit or
anything was just something to you know was on offer so
take advantage and just you know use that to improve another language at the
same time and I used to go like really regularly like every second day to the
Hispanic neighborhood so these people were immigrants originally from Central
America and primarily from El Salvador and I would just speak in Spanish of the
conversation and I didn't speak very good Spanish but I just just went a
did it right and some people were like because my Spanish was obviously very
basic they didn't really want entertain me but I would say about 80% of them of
the people in the neighborhood were just we're happy to speak to me they were
either neutral or really happy to speak to me in Spanish because they
could see someone who wasn't a native Spanish speaker opening up you know
making an effort to learn their language where they could probably empathize with
that because they had come to America and not speaking English and they had to
struggle and learn it themselves so they obviously respected that and by god
this guy is in the same position as us trying to learn our language and I remember
I used to go to a taco stand every Sunday the same one one of these small
vans and I would like hang around and chat to the people there for like 10 15 minutes
and they were really delighted because I was probably when a few people came by
and actually bought a taco and spoke in Spanish as a non-native speaker and I
also had a cafe my favorite cafe right near my university and some of the
people worked there were El Salvadoran as well and there was some there was a
french-speaking guy from West Africa and then there were some Swahili speaking
guys and even taught me some Swahili so I used to speak every day like French
and Spanish and so it was a bit like having a language class but you know it
was no extra effort and what was really important was like I actually liked the
people genuinely who I was chatting to every day in Spanish and French in this
week and I hadn't really learned so they just teach me so in terms of when we
talk mainly in English but even if I had to do in every everything in English I
would have spoken to those people and formed that friendship and relationship
with them but here I was doing it in French and Spanish so like my French got
really really good not because I was taking classes not because I was
studying grammar it's because you know everyday based I was going this cafe and
maybe the guy was working there every second
is every second day I basically chatted for like half an hour in French I was
like I'm in a French class and same for Spanish I got up to a decent level I
didn't get a remember they tested me in Spanish from you know obviously I start
beginners and it's a little bit of overlap of course with Italian and
French cuz they're from the same family of languages the romance family so it
wasn't like it was completely foreign to me in that sense so I did have a little
bit of a head start but you know it's funny because they tested me at the
school right so it's students do I know the grammar and all this stuff and they
didn't pass me anything just about how many people below the passing passing
rate after you know two semesters of the language upto proficiency level which
was very high very high standard to have reached anyways but I found it
interesting because the people that they were passing in the exam had learned all
these grammar rules and you know the vocab
in reality you don't need when they're communicating 99% of the time but when
they would come to me the cafe they would struggle to have a natural
conversation with the real native speakers and for me it was like well the
goal of learning the language is actually to communicate with people
right so they've been good students and had passed the exam but they can't have a
conversation and actually or really engage in the subject matters that they
really want to talk about naturally so they may pass the exam but are they
going to continue to maintain the language are they going to improve it's
very unlikely right because without that motivation that curiosity and those real
genuine relationships in the languages it's just like it's too much work right
I'm not gonna be studying grammar if you don't have the exam any more because
that's the thing they have a goal pass the exam it's useful for my career I
have to pass one language in order to get my final diploma while I didn't have
that pressure I was like I think this kicks ass right I mean this is this
excites me that's like challenge of like starting from position of a
five-year-old in terms of my ability in the language and I'm gradually increasing and
you know that progress is addictive and you know I'm talking to people you know
learning about that culture at the same time now I want to go visit their
country so the whole thing was really exciting so this is the end of the first
part of this two-part episode of the podcast. It was actually so long that I decided
to split it into two parts now that we're doing the
editing as you see I'm no longer in Brussels I'm actually in Odessa, Odessa
on the Black Sea in Ukraine just standing at the entrance to Park
Shevchenko you can see the statue of Taras Shevchenko there if you're watching it
on YouTube if you're listening to it well you just have to imagine where I am
you should go below to the description of this video or the show notes if
you're listening to this and there I have a free video course for you guys
three part video course completely free you just sign up by email and then you
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next week до свидания! ["Goodbye" in Russian] from Odessa Ukraine!
Can you run for office while running the state's election system? - Duration: 2:09.
Top 10 Hollywood Celebrities with Biggest Boobs - Duration: 3:03.
Top 10 Hollywood Celebrities with Biggest Boobs
What matters most to you? Indicators Aotearoa New Zealand – Ngā Tūtohu Aotearoa - Duration: 0:26.
Stats NZ is shining a light on well-being in New Zealand.
Help us tell the story about what matters most, to you and your whānau.
Ngā Tūtohu Aotearoa – te ine i tō tātou toiora.
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