Do you like playing Fortnite?
Do you dream of being a filmmaker?
Want to see your work on the big screen one day?
Keep watching?
I'm going to give you seven tips every filmmaker needs to account for in every project he or
she ever makes, and lucky for you, Fortnite's Blockbuster Contest teaches you these steps.
Yep, that's right.
As someone who has worked on hundreds of productions, I can tell you firsthand, there is a foundation
that needs to be laid down for your motion picture and television projects to be successful.
And even as technology and distribution outlets evolved and trends may change, these same
foundations needed are always the same.
And for young aspiring content creators and filmmakers joining the ranks of The New Hollywood
Generation, this directly applies to you.
All of that coming up.
Welcome to 'Hollywood, Unapologetic!'
My name is Orlando Delbert.
I wanted to speak a little bit about Filmmaking Essentials: 7 Tips On How Creating A Fortnite
Gameplay Fan Film Can Teach You Fundamental Filmmaking Skills, and how it applies to The
New Hollywood Generation.
I should mention before we get into it, I first wrote about some of what we're about
to touch upon, success in filmmaking, in life, and how it applies as part of the New Hollywood
Generation when I was writing, Pollyanna's Tear Soaked Battlefields of Hollywood: A Survival
Guide Against the Cynicism and the Hypocritical.
We want to know your questions, comments, and suggestions you may have.
Please write them below.
Leave a "thumbs up" if you like what you see.
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Be sure to check out the videos in the playlist, "New to Film Production?
Start Here!"
Be sure to watch all of the way through.
We're going to speak about a lot of things as part of being best prepared.
Remember, preparation is the key to you and your project's success.
Today's episode will give you seven filmmaking tips you can learn by playing Fortnite.
Seven tips?
How does a video game teach me anything about filmmaking?
Well, it's a bit more involved than just playing any video game.
Check it!
Epic Games, the creators of Fortnite asked game players to create their own fan films.
The submissions had to be at least one minute in length, and no longer than five minutes.
The rest of their criteria were pretty straightforward: Judging would be based on your creativity,
your mastery of the Replay tools, and the level of "Fortnite-ness" -- the quality
of capturing the tone of Fortnite itself.
Of course, you can only use your own original gameplay, and you're only allowed to use
your own and royalty-free audio.
You also were not allowed to add any on-screen text or graphics, nor add any type of voice-over
Once your finished short film is uploaded to YouTube, made public for all the world
to see, and searchable, you can add the hashtag #FortniteBlockbuster before letting Epic Games
know of your creation.
Oh, and also your Epic ID.
I'm sure some of you may be thinking, "This isn't filmmaking at all."
Well, actually it is.
If you think about the process of what is being asked, a lot of the foundations are
the same.
And there is a lot in the power of the Replay tools offered.
Right off the bat, you're asked to create a story based on your gameplay.
One may think it's just "my experience" of my playing this game right now.
While that may be true, you would need a little more than just a view from a first-person
It needs to grab some attention.
It has to have some type of rhythm and arch to tell a story those watching would find
of interest and be engaged.
It would have to have an original representation of the Season 4 heroes, highlight their adventures.
These are the same details needed to be worked out during the film development stage.
This leads us to…
Your timeline.
Sure, I'm playing this game and everything is great.
But being your considering the story's structure as I've just mentioned, you're also working
against a clock to make sure you have YOUR fan film competed and uploaded before the
deadline, which was only nine days away.
Now you have to consider ALL of the technical and post-production aspects needed to complete
your fan film, because this part of the process is no different than if you were putting together
your own short film you want to write, produce, shoot, and edit yourself.
It all would need to come together, and part of that process is to understand and adhere
to a schedule.
Every single thing needed to be done takes time.
This also a crucial part of the film development stage.
One of the things to consider in your timeline is how would you capture your gameplay.
This is part of your digital workflow.
Fortnite has a replay system built right in, allowing you to save your matches, and watch
them from different angles whenever you want.
In a nutshell, all of the network traffic is recorded on their server, which allows
you to see exactly what you saw during your original game.
Plus you would need to have a PC, PS4, or XB1 to be able to access it.
Determining whether the equipment you have is compatible with one another, the equipment
or software you would need to directly save the gameplay onto your computer, do your editing,
and your final render of the finished project and it's upload needs, must be accounted
for before you begin.
This is also a crucial part of the film development stage.
When you're planning your principal photography on your film, how your actors are blocked,
lighting, location, and more need to be considered so you know how your cameras will be used,
where they will be placed, and the type of lenses needed for each of your shots.
Working in this digital environment, you're able to select different camera modes, including
the Gameplay camera to see everything as the main character sees it, to different Drone
cameras, allowing you to see what's going on from above and from various distances.
You're also able to adjust your exposure and aperture settings, as well as your focal
Although figuring out camera placement and movements are determined during the film development
stage, it's during the film pre-production stage; these details would be worked out with
your director of photography way before shooting a single frame.
Does my speaking about Fortnite's player-made superhero film challenge and how they are
an introduction to filmmaking make sense?
If it does, write hashtag New Hollywood Generation in the comments below.
That's #NewHollywoodGeneration.
What this competition illustrates very well, the guys at Epic Games know very well their
own branding.
They built up a whole virtual world built around the characters, and as they give you,
the end user a criteria to stick too, everything is about the extension of the brand.
By offering prizes to game players, the setting for their brand to be expanded even further
grows, at a lower cost than it would by having any other type of traditional advertising.
Incentives like the winning video being featured in game at Risky Reels, a drive-in theater
in the Battle Royale game, a one-sheet poster of the winner's film, as well as the film's
name in lights on the marquee, not too mention 25,000 V-Bucks, are enough to drive fans to
dive deeper into the game itself, which is exactly what Epic Games wants.
These are all examples of how they solidify their brand, by encouraging further engagement
of the game players, and the viewers of the winning film.
In relation to you as a filmmaker, branding is a huge part of the process that is too
often overlooked early on.
The moment you decide you're going to create any type of content, you just became your
own brand.
Every single thing you do from that point forward will now be under the scrutiny of
The medium doesn't matter because regardless of its form, your name is attached to it.
And people with identify you with what you create.
You become your own brand ambassador.
Many inexperienced filmmakers begin thinking about branding during the post-production,
and more so the distribution stages of filmmaking.
But really should be thought about and worked on during the film development stage.
Including branding in your timeline helps you figure out what you need, the time needed
to execute everything, and what it will cost.
What is important to note here, licensing is big business.
By setting up criteria at the beginning for the game players to only use royalty free
audio, saves the company tons of money if they had to go out and acquire the music licensing
rights, as well as saves them from any potential lawsuits by the music owners.
This alone is a huge lesson for aspiring content creators and filmmakers to learn early in
their careers.
One of the biggest issues seen in many first offerings by filmmakers is the unauthorized
use of un-licensed material, that, and just bad audio altogether.
By using royalty free music anyone can use, especially from the audio library on YouTube,
eliminates additional and unnecessary expenditures for Epic Games, and gives you a real-world
example of where to find music you may use.
Finding music and audio effects is usually all worked out during the film post-production
stage, but should be considered much earlier during the film development stage.
This brings us to…
For filmmakers, distribution is the key to opening lots of doors.
And as I've just mentioned, YouTube allows content creators the use of music and sound
effects in the videos content creators create, including videos that are monetized.
What this means, you create a film; use their audio clips in your videos uploaded to YouTube
and it's allowed.
This is perfect, because YouTube is a free distribution platform for content creators
to use.
It's a great example of how an Internet-based video sharing service gives content creators
access to the world.
For aspiring filmmakers in the context of Fortnite, Epic Games wants all the videos
made by game players to have a centralized place to be seen.
And right now, today, Fortnite is the hottest video game trend on YouTube.
It's a win-win for them.
And it may be a win-win for you.
And when producing your own films from scratch, the film distribution stage is where many
first-time filmmakers stumble.
By understanding the basics of how the YouTube distribution platform works, and how videos
may be monetized, as well as learning how to diversify your own brand with your own
merchandising or other projects and services you may want to offer, are all building blocks
needed to successfully release any film.
All of these details and far more fall under the film distribution stage.
I know these seven steps for anyone already in the filmmaking world may seem obvious,
and that may be true for some.
But for someone who has aspirations of becoming a young successful filmmaker, and don't
know where to begin, and if you already are a fan of Fortnite, why not take advantage
of the tools the game makers have available.
Which by the way, the trailers Epic Games make is the same system they use themselves.
And in saying this, I have a challenge for you!
My challenge to you is I want you to think about the seven items I mentioned and see
as you play the game, and go into their Replay system, how the tools work.
Play with the cameras.
Zoom in and out and play with the video exposure and focal length.
And give some thought to how you may be able to utilize these tools to build a story.
Consider how you would take your gameplay and build upon it.
How and where would you add music to set the tones of the action?
What audio effects would you add to give a layer of realism to what is seen on screen?
As your pieces come together, make a timeline of where you are today, and add markers to
the time you think you would need to edit, and add the audio pieces I've just mentioned.
Also consider your audio sources to make sure you are able to use them legally, as well
as be mindful of staying within the brand.
You also would need to determine your digital workflow, so that you can capture your gameplay,
edit the video, and audio components, and be able to upload your video to your distribution
outlet, YouTube.
By doing all of these things, you have just completed the basic steps every content creator
needs to figure out to complete a film and distribute it to the world.
I want you to give that some thought.
Yes, creating your own film from scratch is much more involved and takes a lot of time
invested in it.
There's no question of that.
But for a young and aspiring filmmaker who just happens to enjoy playing Fortnite, why
not take advantage of this opportunity to learn some of the fundamentals needed to make
a film, which everyone who is a successful working filmmaker has to do with every single
one of his or her projects.
Every member of The New Hollywood Generation, yes, this means you too, has to ask the same
questions of themselves and do the same work from the very beginning.
If this exercise gets you one step closer to getting to your goals, it will also get
you one day closer to achieving your dreams.
One more thing, as part of The New Hollywood Generation, others just like you are asking
the same questions of themselves.
You are not alone.
We're all in it together.
If you enjoyed the content, please SUBSCRIBE and click on the bell to know when we have
more for you.
And more episodes are coming.
Please share with someone you know who may find what we spoke about today beneficial.
LIKE if you like what you see?
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And let us hear from you.
Are you going to use what we discussed today?
YES or NO?
Let us know in the comments below.
Please consider what I offered you today, and consider what your role is as a new generation
of content creators.
And feel free to take advantage of other members in the New Hollywood Generation community.
We are all here to grow together and to help one another.
We have a strong group on Twitter.
Come join the New Hollywood Generation, and meet some fellow filmmakers and content creators.
As members of the New Hollywood Generation, take the time to assess what your short-term
and long-term goals are.
Create a timeline of where you are today, and where you would like to see yourself in
a year, two years, five years, ten, professionally, financially, and personally.
Do your research and learn what you can about technology, distribution outlets, contracts,
and of course set etiquette and protocols.
All of these things are important and help to make you of value to others in our industry,
and to yourself.
The lessons learned as a content creator can help build leadership qualities and an entrepreneurial
approach to life.
The process will help you build structure and the discipline needed to truly be a success.
Use this information as a tool, so that you can protect your integrity, and yourself better.
And don't forget to have fun with it.
Making a film takes a lot of effort to see it all of the way through, but definitely
can be worth it.
Your experiences stay with you for the rest of your life.
Make your plan.
Take a breath.
Go for it!
You can do it once you believe you can.
Are you ready for the challenge?
If you're looking for filmmaking for beginners, filmmaking 101, and for some filmmaking tips
on how to want to be a filmmaker, make sure to click on the subscribe button.
Click that bell so that you don't miss anything.
Looking for how to filmmaking essentials?
Be sure to check out the videos in the playlist, "New to Film Production?
Start Here!"
Think of this channel as a film crash course, or filmmaking crash course, and an introduction
to filmmaking entrepreneurship, to build the skills needed well beyond just how to succeed
Hollywood, and beyond whatever discussion other how to film school, how to indie filmmaking,
in general how to film industry channels don't talk about.
The "why's" you truly need to know, to help you grow as a thought leader in life,
the entertainment industry, and how it applies as part of the New Hollywood Generation is
in this video series and in the Pollyanna's Tear Soaked Battlefields of Hollywood: A Survival
Guide Against the Cynicism and the Hypocritical, series of books.
Links below.
Remember, preparation is the key to you and your project's success.
For more infomation >> Filmmaking Essentials: 7 Tips, How Creating, Fortnite, Fan Film, Teach Filmmaking - Duration: 14:12.-------------------------------------------
Крым то купить можно было! You could buy Crimea! - Duration: 2:34.
You could buy Crimea!
Hello! The other day Andrei Makarevich,
the leader of the rock band "Machine of Time",
famous among other things for calling Russians "evil morons"
and other anti-Russian statements on his account in one of the social networks
shared with the public opinion on the Crimean issue,
the essence of which boils down to the fact that if Russia really needed Crimea,
then in 2014 it could simply buy it from Ukraine.
The question arises: "And what could I do?"
Nobody knew.
If in 2014 with such a proposal made by Ukraine,
then I think Russia would buy from Ukraine
at once in bulk a couple - three regions.
However, friends, it is more obvious that this way was impossible to go.
Proposal Makarevich is akin to the idea of Mikhail Efremov
about the gift for the peninsula of Ukraine Kerch bridge.
For most of the population, these ideas only cause smiles and not understanding.
Because the fate of its territory,
no matter how naive it seemed to someone, the people decide.
So the bargaining here is not appropriate.
Nevertheless, in spite of the comical nature of Makarevich's proposal,
in my opinion, it contains the real idea
of solving the Crimean problem peacefully.
Let's look at the order: who and how much Crimea is needed.
For Russia, Crimea is indeed historically
and strategically valuable.
This fact is not in anyone's doubt.
Andrei Makarevich's words make one think about something else:
how much Crimea was necessary for Ukraine,
if Makarevich is a clear opponent of Russia,
voiced the possibility of buying it?
According to the estimates of the inhabitants of the peninsula
known to me, before the Crimea joined Russia,
Ukraine was not particularly invested in the infrastructure of the peninsula,
as if foreseeing the inevitable outcome of the fate of the Crimea.
Maybe the truth is, not so the Crimea was needed in Ukraine in connection with
which Andrei Makarevich, after five years of criticism of Russia,
decided to translate this issue into the rank of a joke.
If you said that if you bought Crimea,
then there would be no problems.
It would not be bad if the conflict was exactly the way it ended:
sincerely and with jokes.
On this cheerful note,
I want to make a small digression
to invite you to subscribe to the Castle Shtorm channel.
Returning to the main theme of this video,
instead of criticizing Makarevich in social networks
for not a standard approach,
I propose his idea of buying the Crimea to support,
answering it with humor: we bought it.
Subtly hinting, therefore,
that we did not sell gas to Ukraine at a discount.
Thank you for attention!
Have a good mood. Bye.
Trading for a black long! - Duration: 52:14.
Do You Remember These Silly SpongeBob Songs? 🎶 | #MusicMonday - Duration: 5:05.
Eating here was your idea.
I'd like to call this little number...
Striped Sweater.
♪ The best time to wear A striped sweater ♪
♪ Is all the time ♪
♪ One with a collar ♪
♪ Turtleneck ♪
♪ That's the kind ♪
♪ 'Cause when you're wearing ♪
That one special... sweater.
Road! Road!
Road! Road!
Road! Road!
♪ When I'm on the road ♪
Road! Road!
♪ I see stuff going by ♪
♪ When I'm on the road ♪
Road! Road!
♪ I got a bug in my eye ♪
Road! Road!
♪ When I'm on the road ♪
♪ Looks like clear skies ahead ♪
Road! Road!
♪ When I'm on the road ♪
♪ Please stop touching my head ♪
Road! Road! Road!
♪ Let's all sing The Road Song ♪
♪ I wanna sing it all day long ♪
♪ Let's all sing The Road Song ♪
♪ Let's all sing along ♪
[engine exploding]
Hm, no people.
That's great!
Because I hate people.
♪ I hate people ♪
♪ People hate me ♪
♪ I prefer my own best company ♪
♪ Single and secluded on my own ♪
♪ I can have the best of times all alone ♪
♪ Because I hate people ♪
♪ Ar-argh, Pearl's my daughter ♪
♪ I'll spit in your eye ♪
♪ Yo-ho, Pearl's a whale ♪
♪ And it's her birthday, ya, ya, yar ♪
[music playing]
[clearing throat]
♪ If only I could join you there In the air ♪
♪ Floating free without a care ♪
♪ I wish I could fly ♪
♪ And see things with a different eye ♪
♪ I would fly ♪
♪ So very high and touch the sky ♪
♪ And never have to ask why It is that I can't fly ♪
♪ Figaro ♪
♪ Figaro ♪
♪ Figaro ♪
♪ Figaro ♪
♪ Figaro, Figaro, Figaro Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro ♪
♪ Fi-ga-ro ♪
I've got to tell someone about this!
♪ Hey all you people ♪
♪ Hey all you people ♪
♪ Hey all you people Won't you listen to me ♪
♪ I just had a sandwich ♪
♪ No ordinary sandwich ♪
♪ A sandwich filled with jellyfish jelly ♪
♪ Hey man, You've got to try this sandwich ♪
♪ It's no ordinary sandwich ♪
♪ It's the tastiest sandwich in the sea ♪
♪ Skee ba-da bob-a doob-a Dob-a dab-a dee dow ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
Thank you.
[music playing]
♪ A stove ♪
♪ Is a stove ♪
♪ No matter where you go ♪
♪ A patty ♪
♪ Is a patty ♪
♪ That's what I say ♪
♪ A grill ♪
♪ Is a grill ♪
♪ This is surely so ♪
♪ And fries should be fries ♪
♪ Either way ♪
♪ But this grill is not a home ♪
♪ This is not the stove I know ♪
♪ I would trade it all away ♪
♪ If you'd come back to stay ♪
♪ This kitchen's not the same Without you ♪
♪ It's just a greasy spoon Just a greasy spoon ♪
♪ Without you ♪
Books for Type A Personalities - Duration: 10:17.
Hi everyone. Wallace here with your Monday video. Today I'm talking a little
bit about organization books. I go straight down rabbit holes with
organizational books. I like being organized. There definitely been times in
my life when this has not been the case. But I've always been that person who the
more organized I am, the less overwhelmed I am. So when things just get a little
chaotic or when I don't have like a plan for something, it makes me feel
overwhelmed. I mean, I can remember the first time this happened, I was like in
sixth grade. I had just started a new school and it was academically way more
challenging than this school I had just been in. And granted also middle school
was as well. And so the amount of homework and projects that were coming
home to do were overwhelming for me because I didn't have a system in place
about like remembering what needed to be done and where I put it, etc.
And so I can remember that this was like the very first time when I had that
feeling of needing things to be in a place so that they didn't fall through
the cracks. Because that stress of things possibly falling through the cracks was
just enormous for me. And it's definitely a personality type. I like to call myself
a type A- because you'll notice if you come into my house or my life, I'm not a
perfect type A. Things do get messy and there are times when I just am too tired
and I leave like the dishes in the sink or the toys out on the ground or
whatever. And type-a personalities don't do that. But I am definitely not whatever
other type there is. Is it type B? I don't know. The type who just can like live
like that for days or weeks. I need things to have order. I like to have
files. I like to know where things can be found.
I'd like to make sure that I'm like getting things done when they need to be
done or that I have a plan for when they need to be done. So things don't fall
through the cracks. So I have read so many organization books over the years
because I just think it's fun. And I like, I like looking at organizational
magazines and Pinterest boards and Instagram accounts. So I'm gonna share
three books that I really like right now one. I'm reading right now, one I read in
the past and one is my all-time favorite. So the most famous of them is
a life-changing magic of tidying up. I've read this, I kind of like, I skimmed through
parts of it and then I really read through certain parts of it and I used
what worked for me. And I had been warned ahead of time, you know, take with
a grain of salt because you'll go through and you'll get rid of a bunch of
stuff and you might regret it a little bit later. I already am somebody who kind
of gets gets rid of things every like few months. I like to just kind of go
through and get rid of some stuff to make room. So I don't mind the getting
rid of things. I don't necessarily like use her method for it because not
everything that I'm holding in my hand that I want to keep brings me joy. And I
think that's one of her like main things that you've probably seen made fun of.
But, um, because I'm also kind of a big picture thinker and even things that
might not bring me joy, I I know it might bring my son joy someday or it
might bring another family member joy and I don't want to toss it. So I will um
keep, I will keep those things separate or I will keep those things labeled for
them. And then there are some things that just don't bring me joy but I don't want
to get rid of them because they mean something from my life. And so it might
not be something I'm super excited about right now but it is something that I
know that 20 years ago I'll be sad if I get rid of. um 20 years from now. Did I
just say that incorrectly? Probably so. So you have to take you know each of these
books with a grain of salt and you have to make them your own. But there's a lot
of wisdom in this one and I think it's a really good place to get started.
Especially like her methods of like put it all on the ground, see what you
have. Don't just try to remember what you have because a lot of times we can't
remember everything we have especially if we have too much. So there's a lot of
good stuff in here and it's popular for a reason and it's a really small in
short. So it's easy to read if you haven't already. This one I'm reading
right now. It's called a simplified life and it's by the woman who makes those
simplified planners, which I didn't actually know about but now I do. And
they also sell some really fun things on their site like binders for like, um, you
know keeping everything together for your recipes or your house and then like
lists, like emergency lists, lists for the babysitter, etc. Just things to kind of
help you get organized, which I really like because, like I said, I'm not
necessarily type a. So I like having somebody, I like looking through like
materials and seeing what somebody else has come up with. I don't necessarily
need to reinvent the wheel. But I do like that sense of feeling like I've got
everything under like where it should be. And so having lists made for me and then
be able to choose the one that works for me and my family, um, I really like that
kind of stuff. And so they have a bunch of stuff on, I don't know what the
website is. But if you google her, her name is Emily Ley, L-E-Y. I'm sure it'll come up.
And I have to be honest, I can't tell if this is a Christian book or not. I got
it from Target and it's not considered Christian or religious. um I think she
probably is Christian and like so occasionally like she'll throw something
out like a Bible verse or something like that. But I haven't really run across
anything where I'm like, whoa, this woman is really preaching to me. So just do
beware of that if that's something that you're sensitive to, that that is in this
book. And if you don't mind that then you probably won't even notice to be honest.
I mean it's that little of a thing in the book. um But she has, I really, really
am liking this book. I have just torn through it because her sections are
really, really easy to read. And they're, um, it's not, doesn't go super deep into
the organization of your, of your life. It just gives you some good overall
ideas for different areas of your life. And it kind of gets you started. So I
would say this is like a good one to start with if you're feeling like-- So if
this is a good one-- If life-changing magic is a good one to start with if
you're like I am in it to like get rid of everything in my life that isn't like
serving me, then start with this one. If you are like, I am a busy person and I've
probably got like 20 minutes here or there and maybe an hour here or there are
the weekends. But I really want to get my life and my stuff and my house
together, then this one is the one to start with. And then when you're really
ready for like a life rehaul, like you just are not in it. Like you just don't
have your stuff together, you just like really want to get in there and it's
like you need to organize your life, you need to organize your job stuff,
you need to organize your house and your family stuff, and you maybe need a
schedule for this big important thing or that big important thing in
your life. You like you feel disconnected from friends, you kind of feel off or
anxious and you're just overwhelmed with life in general. And obviously it could
be some other deep-seated issues but it can also just be like you just need
somebody to come in and like help you take stock of what is going on in here
and what is important to you and where to start.
This one. I love this one. And I read this one for the first time like
probably eight or nine years ago and I really, really benefited from it. And I
have read certain parts of it over and over again because there are sections
that-- There's like financial section, there's a family section, there's a
friend section, there's a, you know, like there's um there's you know self-sabotage
section, there's just organizing like a decluttering section. There's like
sections for like every part of your life in this one. And this one is called
the change your life challenge. And I found this one in barnes and noble back in the
day but I just think it's really rare to be able to find it in a book store. So
you might have to order it. She has her own website and then it's pretty much
order-- orderable from most book websites. I really love this one.
I mean this one has been underlined, there's like dog ears everywhere, there's
notes in it. Like it's a system that I still use to a good extent and that I
used really like religiously for years. And this one is not, I don't think
this one's religious at all in fact. I mean, I really can't remember. It is
interesting that I find that a lot of these organizational books sometimes
have a bit of a Christian bent to it because, I don't, I don't know why but
it's either like a Christian bent or like a Buddhist bent. It's either like
Christian like organized kind of, I don't want to offend anybody. So just yes bent
or that bent. Or there's like um you know like a Buddhist like get rid of your
stuff live a minimalistic life which um you know I don't,
I'm not bothered by either one. So neither one really triggers me but if
you are somebody that is triggered by that I don't think that this one is.
It has quotes on the tops of like different um chapters and it's possible it
has some religious quotes too, like of different varying faiths. But otherwise
it's really not geared towards that. And I just, I think you can probably look
through it on her website as well and you can get a lot more information about
it on her website. But this one is like my all-time favorite. So let's recap
You want to do a big declutter, you really want to dig in and get rid of a bunch of
stuff and just need to get somewhere to start, you get this one. You're, you know,
stressed for time but you want to make some sort of impact, you get this one.
And then when you're done with those guys or if you are just like, nope, I am ready for
a complete change and to kind of re-evaluate where my life is. And what I
mean by that is like obviously like reevaluate where like you know your time
and energy is going, like this is not gonna help you solve your marriage
problems. You probably need to go to therapy for that. But this will help was
like the everyday stuff, here you go. And if you have any favorites, go ahead
and put them down below and I will link these guys up in the comments. Or I'll
link these guys up down below. And until next Monday, happy reading.
True Story of Varadvinayak Temple – Hindi - Duration: 3:05.
Friends welcome you once again on our channel.
In this video, i will be told you about Varadvinayak Temple.
If you like our video, then subscribe our channel.
Varadvinayak is the fourth temple of Ashtavinayak temples.
This temple is situated in Mahad, it is a small village in Raigad district of Maharashtra state.
It is believed that whatever wish are completed in this temple.
This idol was found in a immaculate condition in a pond in 1690.
This temple was rebuilt by Peshwa Sardar Ramji Mahadev Biwalkar in 1725.
It is said that the lamp in this temple is burning continuously since 1892.
On the festivals like Magh Chaturthi, a large number of devotees come to this temple.
According to legend, King Bhima of Kaudanyapur and his wife were practicing penance in the forest for getting child.
Then they got Sage Vishwamitra.
Sage Vishwamitra said to worship Ganesha ji.
Both of them had a son.
The son's name was Rukmaganda, Prince Rukmaganda is very beautiful and attractive.
Once, Prince Rukmaganda was in the forest for hunting.
In the forest Prince Rukmaganda halted at the Ashram of Sage Vachaknavi.
When Sage Vachaknavi's wife Mukunda saw Prince Rukmaganda,
she fell in love and started demanding Body pleasure.
But Prince Rukmangad retracted Mukunda and got out of there.
At that time Indra took the form of Prince Rukmaganda and started loving love for Mukunda.
Mukunda gave birth to a son a few days later.
The son's name was Gritsamada.
When Gritsamada came to know about his birth, then he cursed his mother that he would become a leprosy tree.
In return, Mukunda cursed his son that his son would become cruel Devon.
Only then did Akashwani that Gritsamada is the son of Indra.
Both of the mother's sons were shocked, but it was too late now.
Mukunda turned into a tree and Gritsamada started praying for Ganesh Ji for relief.
then Ganesha ji are happy and gives relief.
Gritsamada demands Ganesha to be blessed with this, and establishes a statue by making Ganesha's temple.
If you like the video then do not forget to like and share.
Thanks for watching our video
Do you pronounce BEACH with a long iː (iiiii) or short ɪ (i) vowel sound? - Duration: 1:15.
beach or bitch this is Susan Brodar from SPEAK
Languages & TRAVEL the World here to help you improve your English with
minimum effort a maximum benefit and this is summertime and this is a time
when people speak about the beach a lot now you must be careful I can't stress
enough how important it is in English to have a long eval Beach and not use the
shorter vowel because as I've already mentioned in
another video you can cause very embarrassing situations so beach is the
place where you go and enjoy yourself relax swimmer and sleep sunbathe instead
bitch is not only the name of a female dog but can be used in a negative sense
especially if you are referring to a person so you must be very very careful
to pronounce things correctly Beach is where you go to in the summertime I hope
this was useful and look forward to seeing you in my next video don't forget
to subscribe bye
火爆最新~魏家祥再狠批张念群10+6的6大过失 - Duration: 5:15.
How to calculate FWHM in Origin - Duration: 2:43.
How to calculate FWHM in Origin
Klook Travel Ambassador Search 2018 | Macy & Chew - Duration: 3:00.
Let's get into this video! INTRO TAKE TWO
Hi guys, my name is Chew, and I'm Macy.
So today, we are participating for the Klook Travel Ambassador Search 2018, and we have to introduce ourselves.
So what's better than to introduce ourselves by making a montage.
So let's get right into...uh noooo. Why not? That's cringy!
Okaayy...soo let's just JUMP RIGHT INTO IT
Take a stroll at my 20 years worth of subjective reality,
a wacky chronicle.
We are spontaneously leaving impression through passing eyes,
but there is always space for me to expand myself.
eating unhealthily and
delivering a world-class performance.
So come along with me if you don't mind falling at the wrong place yet at the right time.
Gosh, I'm awkward at introducing myself :P
But here it goes:
To begin, I'll tell you about me using my name.
M is for Meticulous
A for Ambivert *in hiding*
C for Creative
And Y, represents the ram sign as my horoscope is an Aries.
I'm a HELP University Psychology degree student
And this course *chuckles* surely isn't "stressful" at ALL.
I love swimming, provided that the water isn't too cold
I also love reading
and DIY craftings
So, that's me. Anddd
Travelling is so much more than just the fun,
it's a privilege to dwell into art
and history that reflect upon architecture,
to understand the cultures that shaped diverse communities,
and to appreciate the best intentions received.
Oh not to mention food too!
Filming and photography capture good memories,
but travelling keeps the passion burning ;)
So, that's us.
The epiderm of shameless self-promo
Ehh bub ubub brrr remember we're trying to win a trip to Japan here
No shameless
It's not shameless
We hope you enjoy the video,
and thanks for watching! Byeeee
Summer Times Was I Supposed to Be Writing? | Camp NaNo Vlog - Duration: 7:57.
9 AWESOME FREEBIES ALL Designers Should Use - Duration: 5:28.
in today's video I have nine different freebies you should be using as a
what is that people walk back to Satori graphics by Homer graphic design content
right here on YouTube now just before we begin you might be able to tell that my
voice is quite weak right now and that's because I've been under the weather the
last few days tomorrow I do have a really cool technical Adobe Illustrator
tutorial so be sure to tune in for that if you want to learn more cool things
about daily illustrator all of the freebies in today's video are linked
right down in description box below so follow along and learn about some really
cool and useful freebies which are going to better your graphic design workflow
the first graphic design freebie on today's list is freebies bug this Wilson
website has a wide range of freebies such as templates mock-ups and also
funds much of the items on this website are very high quality and the majority
of them are also free as well to browse around have a look
next on today's list is free pick which is a great source of free vectors and
vector graphics simply search in your keyword terms of interest and search the
wide library on the sides most of the assets on a free pick are
free for you to use on your commercial projects all of you budding UX and UI
designers out there try checking out Sketchup TV where you're going to find a
good selection of tools and resources for your next project something I
suggest you do if you're into UX and UI design
the fourth freebie on today's list is one I use very often pixabay is an
ever-growing source of royalty-free imagery all you need to do is simply
search for your request and then head into the download section you'll be
shown various different choices in file size as well as where you can use the
imagery and most of the time you will be allowed to use the imagery anywhere you
want without any attribution needed this next edition in today's freebie list is
a really cool one pixel has a nice selection of royalty free stock footage
for you to use at your disposal some are paid for premium options yet many of the
items on here are totally free again you can use these on your projects freely
without any worries about licenses I use pixels quite often myself
another freebie on this list today is when I use very often and as graphic
burger although has a lot to offer in different types of downloads I
personally use it from mock-ups so have a browse around graphic burger and see
what freebies you can snap up today if you use Photoshop you'll need to be
using brush easy here you're going to find an almost unlimited amount of
Photoshop brushes as well as PSD templates upgrading and installing
custom brushes never gets old and it's always fun and useful for your
projects to the Adobe Illustrator version our brush ez is vector Z again
you will find many free downloads but also premium ones two vectors are
widespread here so check it out and see what you can grab for yourself today
totally free
finally I have one of the best places for you to get neat and cool fonts font
squirrel has a huge selection of fonts and by looking at the symbols here you
can find out what kind of license comes with a download this lets you know where
you can use the font on your projects and what kind of license it has
so there is today's video on nine different freebies you can utilize as a
graphic designer let me know we thought today's video
right down in the comment section below and of course if you want to improve
your skills as a designer subscribe to Satori graphics for weekly
graphic design content I'm gonna sign off for today guys and be sure to tune
in tomorrow for that debut list rated tutorial were you're sure to learn some
techniques and some tips in illustrator so until next time there's only future
today peace
Should You Make the Same the Prayer Requests Every Day? | Little Lessons with David Servant - Duration: 8:35.
Should you make the same the prayer requests every day?
Hi, welcome to today's Little Lesson.
Thank you so much for joining me.
If you're a regular viewer you know we're working our way through Jesus's most famous
sermon, and many consider his most important sermon, the Sermon on The Mount, found in
Matthew Chapter 5, 6 and 7.
And we're just at the beginning of Matthew Chapter 6, where Jesus is really getting into
the heart of the matter of heart holiness.
And, when you think about it that's really where holiness begins, if it doesn't begin
within our hearts.
If we haven't got our motives and our inward, inner most desires on the right path then
any attempts at trying to be holy are- to do what God wants you to do are really ... it's
going to be in vain.
Because true holiness stems from the heart and God wants us to do what we do because
we love Him and because we're motivated by love.
It just seems so many in the church are focused on getting folks to outwardly conform to various
rules and if they're conforming then you know, we've done our job.
But, I read something that Paul said in writing to Timothy, in the very first chapter of 1st
Timothy Chapter 5, Paul said, "The goal of our instruction," here's the reason we're
teaching, here's what we want, "The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart."
That's what we're trying to produce in people.
We want them to be loving people and that's stemming out of a pure heart not just to show,
not just to put on, not just some religion practices.
Love from a pure heart and a good conscience, see that's an inward thing.
Just like the pure heart.
A good conscience and a sincere faith.
Boy, what ... so much truth packed into that one verse.
That it's worth our time to meditate upon that a little while, 1st Timothy, Chapter
1 verse number 5.
And that's what Jesus was after, you know, he doesn't want holy robots.
He doesn't want people pretending that they're something they are not and so in three cases
here in Chapter 6 of Matthew he talks about doing certain things you out to be doing but
doing them secretly so that you can be certain your motives are right.
That you're not doing it to be seen by men.
Namely, giving to the poor, secondly praying, and thirdly fasting.
These are things at all disciples of Christ out to be doing, you know, and, sadly those
things are so low on many Christian totem poles and in many Christian churches.
We're not focusing on the hard things, but the heart right then everything else just
naturally falls in line because if your heart is right, and you love God and you love people,
well then what you're gonna do, it's going to be right as well, if you make mistakes
your heart can be right.
And you can be wrong in your head and right in your heart.
Anyways, the question of today's Little Lesson is, should I make the same, repeat the same
requests because I'm hoping that you're praying and I'm hoping that you realize that it's
a discipline, it doesn't just happen.
You have to make time for it.
Usually the best time is in the morning, we're about to read an example prayer that Jesus
gave in the Sermon on The Mount we call the Lord's Prayer and one of the requests is,
"Give us this day, our daily bread."
Well that sounds kind of like a morning prayer before you've eaten right?
So, I think there's a little hint there that if you're going to pray, once a day, well
shoot for the mornings.
And when you get about as old as me you don't have as much trouble getting up in the morning,
you wake up actually earlier than you want to.
All right, so, should you pray the same request every day?
Well, there's a debate on that subject but we find some evidence right here, we haven't
read it yet, we will read it, the very clause of the Lord's Prayer, that we've already mentioned,
"Give us this day, our daily bred."
Well that sounds like an every day prayer that you're praying and I don't have it all
figure out, you know, but one thing that I'm convinced about in that prayer request is
it helps us.
Reminding us of our dependency upon the Lord.
And also remind us to not be greedy.
To be satisfied and content if all we have is just enough for the day because God will
supply us.
He goes on to say in this section of the Sermon on The Mount, look at the birds in air, they're
not worried about tomorrow because the Heavenly Father takes care of them.
Don't worry, you're of much more value.
And these are lessons I just think that we just continently need to be reminded.
I do.
I've been a Christian here for well over 40 years and I'm still needing to remind myself
of these things.
I don't have it perfected here yet.
But, Jesus did warn against some kind of repetitious prayer right before he gave them a prayer
that at least part of it could be repeated every day.
And we read today in Matthew Chapter 6 Verse number 7, "When you are praying do not use
meaningless repetition as the gentiles do for they suppose they'll be heard for their
many words."
And we're told in another place that the Lord knows what we need even before we ask him
so it's not like we're telling him something that he's not aware of.
Again, I don't have it all figured out.
The mystery of prayer.
But, I do know this, the Lord wants a relationship where his children and fathers, I'm a father,
I'm a grandfather, always loved it when my children talked to me and communicate to me
and look to me.
And we have a relationship, communication is part of it and my grandchildren the same
I get a big kick out of when they want to talk to me.
It makes me feel so good.
And similarly, they rarely tell me things I don't already know.
And sometimes they tell me crazy things that are not true and but just interacting with
them is so very precious and I just think we need to think about that as we think about
your Father.
Here it is, I said it's another place, it's right in the very next verse, don't be like
them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
So, when my grandkids talk to me, I'm not learning a whole lot I didn't already know
but if they ask, they're much more likely to receive and if they don't ask there's less
likelihood that we're just going to outright give it to them.
When my grandson, just the other day come up to me, he's a little tyke, he doesn't talk
much yet, he's just got a couple of words.
And, when he wants something to eat he goes ah, ah, ah, ah.
That's his way of saying, can I have what you're drinking, or can I have have what you're
Well, I wouldn't be giving it to him if he's asking me he's hard to resist.
Okay, because I love the little guy and I think our Father's the same way.
A lot of parallels there, a lot of parallels.
Okay, well all right.
Thanks for joining me.
Good to be with you.
And hope to see you in the next Little Lesson.
God bless.
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