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Humans are far from the only animals that drink booze.
But, like us, they usually pay for it after.
That poor Swedish moose is never going to live down
that whole drunkenly-getting-stuck-in-a-tree thing.
But there's a mysterious little tree shrew in Southeast Asia
that basically lives on palm wine.
And somehow, it never gets drunk.
Lots of animals will occasionally down a spiked drink if given the chance.
Some even show a preference for it.
But none are so well adapted to binge-drinking as the pen-tailed tree shrew.
They're small, nocturnal mammals
and they spend their nights drinking bertam palm nectar.
The spiky plant is a tough sell for most species,
so being able to consume it
gives the tree shrews an abundant, reliable food source.
But the sugary juice it produces is frothy and stinks like booze, for good reason.
It's fermented by yeast, and it can contain as much alcohol as a light beer,
up to about 4%.
That doesn't seem to matter to the tree shrews, though,
who can spend spend more than two hours at a time slurping away.
Scientists have calculated that they drink their body weight equivalent
of about 9 glasses of wine several nights a week.
But they never seem drunk!
No stumbling around, falling out of trees,
or dialing their exes because they need closure.
And that might be because of the way they break down alcohol.
When we drink, most of the alcohol we consume
is broken down by an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase,
eventually becoming acetic acid, aka the stuff in vinegar.
But a very small amount is bound to a glucose derivative
to make a compound called ethyl glucuronide.
And tree shrew hairs contain about 30 times the level of ethyl glucuronide
that indicates excessive drinking in people.
Researchers think that's because tree shrews are
up to 30 times more efficient than us at breaking down ethanol this way,
which could explain their tolerance.
But lots of ethyl glucuronide is also thought to be
one of the drivers of blinding hangover headaches,
as well as the pain associated with withdrawal in alcoholics.
So we don't yet know how they avoid being perpetually hungover…
or why they aren't grumpier
if they do spend every morning with a splitting headache.
Of course, pen-tailed tree shrews aren't the only animals
that can handle their liquor.
Several bat species can apparently drink until their blood alcohol is 0.3%
nearly four times the legal driving limit in the US
and they still hunt and fly just fine.
But biologists don't think that kind of drinking is a nightly activity for them.
And other species, including primates like the slow loris,
also drink alcohol regularly, they just don't drink as much.
Tree shrews are the only animals we know of that binge drink all the time…
other than some humans.
Which is especially interesting, because
they're considered one of our closest living non-primate relatives,
having veered off from our line some 60ish million years ago.
Their boozy behavior adds to the growing evidence
that our relationship with alcohol began long before
we learned how to ferment it for ourselves,
and may even suggest there are benefits to regular drinking.
But … it's important to remember that their bodies have
adaptations for excessive alcohol consumption that ours don't.
So it's probably best to leave the binge drinking to the tree shrews.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow,
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For more infomation >> This Binge-drinking Tree Shrew Could Probably Outdrink You - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
New Everyday Leadership Channel Welcomes You! - Duration: 1:47.
Hi, my name is Ally.
Welcome to the Seecus Everyday Leadership channel.
This is where you come to learn about the action of leadership.
What does it mean to be a leader in a physical, practical sense?
What does it look like, what does it feel like?
And to be inspired by others that are actioning leadership on a daily basis.
We often refer to senior executives as the leaders of organisations.
But leadership doesn't come with a certain position or salary and it's not defined by
a type of personality.
Leadership is a choice that we make to stand up for what we believe in and bring our full
self to every situation.
Leadership is about living up to our potential and inspiring others to do the same.
Traditional thinking suggests that if we make a decision that this will somehow magically
translate into our actions.
That if we understand the theory, then we'll automatically be capable of doing so.
But leadership is just as much about our body as it is about a cognitive process.
We show you what does it look and feel like to be confident, to have leadership strength
and to have real power.
And also show you how to communicate this through your body to others and to yourself.
There's no such thing as good and bad leadership.
By definition you're either leading or you're not.
We're going on a journey to talk to experts and explore what this looks and feels like.
We want you to be inspired by other everyday leaders so that you can make changes and practice
everyday leadership.
Glad to have you here on the channel.
I hope you decide to subscribe.
We post videos every week and there's masses more content on the seecus site to help you
develop your leadership potential.
See you in the next video!
Vlog #1: CUBA - Duration: 5:24.
Hello Hello
we are walking around with our new friend angel
He is a well known artist
in Cuba
and actually like internationally
um right now we are in a square
plaza de armas
El Cimarron
new listing house for sale 20 major dr sayreville nj russell hayek weichert realtors - Duration: 3:18.
hey guys this colonial brings us right into sayreville, 7 rooms, three bedrooms,
two full baths and half bath built in 1995 sits on a 75 x 132 lot, features a
eat in kitchen two-car garage open floor plan, wood-burning fireplace, park-like
setting backyard paver driveway and walkway let's take it inside do a quick
tour for you have any questions need more info just shoot me a text call me
all bedrooms are upstairs
it is in the winding river section of sayreville close to all your New York
transportation and your major shopping
alright guys that wraps things up here you need more info like to see
shoot me text or call me all the contact information is in the description box
till next time have a good one
The 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Freelancing - Course Intro - Duration: 1:14.
it seems like everyone nowadays wants to become a freelancer just surf through
the internet and you probably come across the story of some john doe who
started his own internet company and became a millionaire overnight in all
honesty some of those stories are very inspiring and make it believe that
anyone could potentially achieve that but how far are they from the average
freelancers reality the truth is that just a very tiny percentage of
freelancers ever get to cover their own expenses and those who thrive are even a
rare species but what makes the difference between those who succeed
from those who don't the answer is very simple
those who succeeded knew that the path was going to be full of soft calls and
still willing to face them head-on and I'll get me wrong the purpose of this
course is not to prevent you from taking this path but instead to give you
accurate information about the problems you'd most likely come across when
you're starting so that when it happens to you it won't come as a surprise my
name is David Rodriguez and I've been a bit of production freelancer for over
seven years and these are the 10 things I wish I knew before I started
freelancing welcome
❣️🏠Fabulous home you don't want to miss ❣️1508 Sandy Way Antioch CA ☀️ - Duration: 3:44.
(upbeat music)
- If you are a super picky buyer
this immaculate home is made for you.
Krista Mashore, Homes By Krista,
and I cannot wait to show you this house.
Come on in and let's take a look.
(upbeat music)
Talk about meticulous right?
No rear neighbors, what else can you ask for?
And it's a single story.
I know you know somebody who's thinking about buying a home
so forward this video and as always
make it a great home selling and buying day.
Krista Mashore, Homes By Krista.
ian you sonic exe trailer - Duration: 0:36.
Short Intro (Read Description) - Duration: 0:48.
Ha Okay, let me just tell you that this channel is legit I mean
It most definitely is not unprofessional
Anyways, welcome to my channel it is I, Kiwiartzz!
although I don't really eat Kiwi..SSs
Um, I'll make a short video on my user later
But yeah
let's get to know each other and just hang. all I do here though is like animate and draw and
Probably some other things later on. I don't know. Um *random noises*
Hope you enjoyed my content so far shout out to my Eleven* subscribers
Of course, I'll probably likely make this intro later on. I don't know. Yeah, bye my doods :)
I Miss You, Barack Obama by Jory John and Alyssa Machle John - Duration: 0:59.
I miss his support for all people.
His dance moves.
That mic drop.
I miss his heart... his compassion.
I miss his smile.
I miss his appreciation for families and keeping them together.
I miss the way he made me feel.
I miss his sheer intelligence.
I miss everything.
I miss those basketball skills.
I miss free Birth Control.
I miss the way he looked at his wife.
I miss how he treated his wife, his daughters and, you know, women in general.
I miss his bromance.
🎶 Hail to the Chief 🎶
I don't know... I just miss him!
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