I work with and volunteer with Ashburton Community Care.
Always, there are people who are on the periphery of the community who don't see people very often.
I'm helping to connect with people.
People are at home a long time and they don't always have family
...and if they do have family they don't always go and see them.
I find that people enjoy having somebody to talk to.
It is a lovely feeling because we're all human beings.
We all need the people
to live with... to be near...
to be in contact with...
Volunteering from my community is my way of showing I care.
For more infomation >> Ashburton Community Care: Show You Care - Together we can make a difference (1 min) - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Barnstaple Ability Counts Football Club: Show You Care - Together we can make a difference (1 min) - Duration: 1:13.
I moved to Devon three and a half years ago and saw an advertisement for 'football coach is required'
I made a call and was invited along to watch a training session and from the moment I got there
I was just immediately hooked. It was just such an uplifting and rewarding experience
to give so many young disabled people the opportunity to play football and
here I am - three and half years later - I am a qualified football coach.
I'm one of a number of volunteers at Barnstaple Ability Football Club.
It's just the best feeling in the world to be able to know that someone who has come to a
session and they've had a really good time and I wouldn't have that
opportunity and I wouldn't get those feelings if I didn't volunteer.
We all need to make our communities a nicer safer better place for people to live in
and I really do feel part of the local community because of what I do at the football.
Volunteering for my community is my way of showing I care.
Question: How do you know that it's God calling you to do your job? | Life Without Limbs - Duration: 2:51.
Hey guys, we got an awesome question from Brian Brown.
He said, "How do you know that it's God that is calling you to do your job or your task?"
Well first of all, we know that God will only call you to do something that is aligned
in the righteousness with the Bible.
I don't know exactly what you're referring to but I kind of reckon that you're kind of asking,
how do you know if what you're doing is of God?
And what you've got to do is ask God that He would help you to feel the Holy Spirit's leading.
I really believe that God lets us to still continue in free choice,
and that as we honor Him in everything we do and plan and say,
that really, He will bless everything that you touch if you are doing it according to the Glory of God.
You will lose your peace if God's not in it, and ask Him for doors to shut or windows to shut
if He really doesn't want you to do what you've been called to do
according to your conviction.
There is a liberty of a belief in faith that as you move forward, that God's in it.
And if you are unsure, you can definitely ask people around you to pray for you,
that God would take away your peace or convict you differently
or open different opportunities.
But really, I don't want you to be trapped and chained to the wall,
"I don't know if this is exactly what God wants me to do."
Go along with the peace of God,
move forward in freedom and liberty in the Holy Spirit's power and blessing.
And keep going, dream big, never give up.
And sometimes when you're doing things for God, and it is truly blessed by God,
it doesn't mean that you always see fruit,
the way you want to see fruit, or when you want to see fruit.
But by faith, you walk and let it be according to conviction,
and that's the beautiful thing though of having brothers and sisters pray with you for that peace,
for that confirmation.
And maybe if you're praying for confirmation
that this is what God wants you to continue to do as an encouragement,
I really believe that at the right time in the right ways,
God will encourage you to see a little bit of fruit just enough for you to know you're right on track
and keep on going.
So may God give you that encouragement and may God give you that peace.
Keep going my friend, Love you so much.
Thank you Brian Brown for your question.
And please if anyone of you have a question, my team do run some questions by me
to record in camera and simply find out the link that you can submit your question as well.
May God bless you.
I don't have all the answers.
I just want to encourage you along your spiritual journey with Jesus Christ.
Clearing can be easy and stress free - Duration: 0:36.
We understand Clearing can be a very stressful time. To make things easier
it's best to make a list of alternative courses now so that on A level results
day, if things do go wrong you're prepared. You can apply directly online
to our various clearing vacancies and you can then track your application and through our website
We have a team on hand to help you through this process to make
things as quick and easy as possible for you.
Sadhguru - Can you not commit the sin? Be in tune with life. - Duration: 10:07.
Sadhguru: Can you name something as sin?
What is sin?
Participant: Killing an animal.
Sadhguru: I'm sorry?
Participant: Killing an animal.
Killing animal is sin?
Without killing can you exist here?
Every inhalation and exhalation you kill a million creatures, isn't it?
Yes or no?
So with every breath you are committing sin.
If you hold your breath you will kill this one; again you commit sin.
Isn't it so?
If you eat... whether you eat a plant or a vegetable or a fruit or a bird or an animal
you are killing something, isn't it?
Yes or no?
Aren't plants as alive as anything else?
Aren't they?
So can you not commit this sin?
Is there some way not to commit this sin?
Whichever way you live you commit this sin.
Now, just the simple process of breathing has become sin.
Just the simple process of eating has become sin.
Then you will torture yourself with guilt.
That is definitely sin; torturing this life is also sin, isn't it?
If killing another life is sin; torturing this life is not sin?
Is it not?
So you will anyway sin.
So you have to go to the temple, church or mosque
and keep the business going because always you will feel guilty.
Wonderful trick, isn't it?
Isn't it a wonderful device to keep it going eternally?
[laughs] Can I tell you a joke?
Are you okay?
Participant : Yes In his previous life Shankaran Pillai was
a good man.
After a brief illness he died.
Being a good man naturally he went to heaven.
When he went to heaven, the angels welcomed him, the reception committee and then they
opened his account book.
'Good deed, good deed, good deed, good deed, good deed, good deed, good deed.'
From cover to cover only good deeds.
Then the angels went into a little confusion and then they came to Shankaran Pillai and
said, 'Mr. Pillai, we have a little problem here.'
Shankaran Pillai asked, 'What is the problem?'
The angel said, 'See here in heaven we have different types of accommodation.
One bad deed means highest heaven, seafront view.
Two bad deeds - next level of heaven.
Three bad deeds - next level of heaven.
Like this we have many levels of heaven.
But no bad deed, there is no such place.
We have never received anybody till now without a single bad deed.
You are the first man; we really don't know what to do with you.'
Then Shankaran Pillai said, 'What nonsense!'
'In the world I was such a good man; nobody wanted to come anywhere near me and nobody
knew what to do with me and I lived with a hope that anyway I will
go to heaven.
Here also problem with my good deeds?'
Somebody is too good means nobody wants to be around them, isn't it?
Because life doesn't happen.
[laughs] Then angles went into a discussion mode
then they came up and said, 'Don't you worry Mr. Pillai, we have found a solution.
Anyway your body is still intact.
We'll give you three more hours of life; you go back, just commit one bad deed.
We'll put you in the highest heaven; nothing is lost.'
Shankaran Pillai said, 'What nonsense!
There also problem, here also problem, my good deeds.'
And lo! he became alive here.
He sat up; started thinking how to commit a bad deed.
One and a half hours passed away.
See he has no practice like you.
He never committed a bad deed, he doesn't know.
So he went on thinking how to commit a bad deed; an hour and a half passed away.
Then he remembered; there is a woman who is well past her prime in the neighborhood
who has been casting inviting glances at him but he being a good man he never looked that
Now he remembered; adultery is a bad deed.
So he went.
He found that woman's house and went and knocked on the door.
She opened.
Shankaran Pillai said, 'I want you.'
'Why Mr. Pillai, just yesterday evening they told me you are on your death bed.
What is this?'
He said, 'It doesn't matter.
I want you.'
So he went in; whatever he lacked these things, somehow nature took over; things happened.
But he doesn't want to die there.
He wants to go home and die.
So time is running out and he is leaving in a hurry.
The woman came to see him off at the door and said, 'Mr. Pillai, do you know what a
good deed you have done for me today?'
One more good deed, what to do.
So good people neither make it here nor there because your goodness is not coming out of
your humanity.
Your goodness is coming out of your morality.
Morality means suppressed goodness, controlled goodness.
Not because of your love, not because of your humanity that you are good but simply out
of your morality.
Morality means too much calculation, isn't it?
If you allow your humanity to flow you will not do anything that would cause damage to
But many times we may have to do something, we may have no choice.
So the question is not about papam, punyam - sin and virtue.
If you are in tune with life anything that you do is okay.
You are not in tune with life; you have calculations going, then whatever you do is sin.
You are moralistic and do whatever you do all the best things that you do is a big sin
because you are suppressing life.
Out of your humanity whatever you do is wonderful.
So the difference between morality and spirituality is just this.
See if you experienced all these people as a part of yourself then do I have to teach
you morals?
'Don't harm this person, don't kill that person; don't rob that person.'
Would you need the morality?
Only because you are not experiencing your original nature
you have, per, you know deviated yourself from your natural course of experiencing life
all these morals have become necessary, isn't it?
If you open yourself up to life you will see you will be perfectly in tune with life
when you are in tune with life there is no sin, there is no virtue; everything is okay
with you.
The Body-Brain Connection - Can Exercise Make You Smarter? (animated) - Duration: 16:06.
Back when I was in still in school there was this stereotype going around.
Kids who were nerdy and never did any kind of sports were considered the most intelligent
and bright.
The jocks who were sporty and fit, were often branded as simple-minded and empty-headed.
So by following this stereotype you had two groups: Smart and weak.
Dumb and fit.
However in the recent years, there's a new stereotype that's gained popularity: A smart jock.
An individual who is both intellectually gifted and is physically fit.
Did they win the genetic lottery or is it possible that exercise could make you smarter?
First we need to take a look back in the past before we can draw any conclusions.
Not that long ago, there was this prevailing theory that we had a fixed amount of brain cells.
You were either born smart, with a big brain, or you weren't.
And once we became adults our brains were supposed to stop creating new neurons, and
we could only lose neurons as we got older.
Saying the brain could grow and form new brain cells, got you ridiculed and made fun of by
the scientific community.
However in the mid 90s some scientists were looking for a way to prevent Alzheimer's disease.
For those that don't know, Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia, a general
term for memory loss and other cognitive abilities.
It's identified by a loss of neurons in certain brain regions.
To put it simply, the disease shrinks your brain.
Over the 4 year period, the scientists found 3 factors or 3 lifestyle changes, that actually
helped prevent the cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease.
The first factor was continuous learning and education.
Things like reading books and learning more about the world around us, fall in this category.
The second was self efficacy and mindset.
Basically an individual's belief in their innate ability to do things well and achieve
their goals.
But third and last, was physical exercise.
The first two factors weren't so surprising, but the third one was.
How could exercise be the most potent lifestyle change you could make to keep your brain going?
As far as we knew, exercise didn't act on the brain.
One of the scientists of the group, Carl Cotman, went back to his lab and decided to study
what's going on.
So he got a bunch of mice and had them run on a running wheel from 7 to 14 days.
But it wasn't all fun and games for the mice, as their brains were eventually dissected.
He looked at their brains and the cortex, which is the top part of the brain, was thicker.
And there was one particular area called the hippocampus which was bigger, when compared
to the mice that didn't run on the wheel.
The brain's cortex is where our long term memories are stored.
And the hippocampus is like a center for learning and short term memory.
So Carl found the answer he was looking for.
Exercise was making our brains grow new cells and neurons.
This is why it was preventing brain's deterioration and cognitive decline.
Carl's findings paved a way for a whole new research field in science, by showing the
world that the brain is astonishingly flexible, able to be retrained and reprogrammed.
Like a muscle, it responds to use, adapting to new demands and conditions.
It also withers without use.
So it's either "use it, or lose it".
However that doesn't quite explain why exercise is making our brains grow new neurons.
Most people would consider "using your brain" as doing something creative or logical, like
writing a book or solving a puzzle.
But that's not really what the brain's main function is.
The only reason why humans have such big brains is for one purpose, and that purpose only.
And the reason is to perform adaptable complex movements.
Simply put, we have a brain made to move.
As pointed out by a neurophysiologist Rodolfo LLinas, only a mobile creature needs a brain.
To illustrate this, he used an example of a tiny jellyfish like animal, called a sea squirt.
Born with a simple spinal cord and a three hundred neuron brain, the sea squirt moves
around in the ocean until it finds a coral rock, where it will spend the rest of its life.
However once safely attached, the sea squirt simply digest its own brain for extra energy.
For most of it's life, it looks much more like a plant than an animal, and since it's
not moving anymore, it has no more use for a brain.
When we bring the word "exercise" to mind, we might think of someone trying get it in
shape or becoming buff.
However today we know that exercise has a much bigger effect on our brain, than on our body.
Physical activity activates most of your brain regions simultaneously, because like we just
said, we need a brain to move.
Conditioning the heart and building muscle are essentially side effects.
But the most profound effect exercise has on our brain, is that it improves our learning ability.
We mentioned earlier that the mice that ran on the running wheel had a bigger hippocampus,
which is the brain's center for memory and learning.
The reason it was bigger is because when we exercise, we raise our levels of BDNF.
BDNF or brain derived neurotrophic factor is a powerful protein that stimulates the
production of new brain cells and strengthens existing ones.
It's found in the hippocampus, cortex, and basal forebrain.
All these brain areas are vital to learning, memory, and higher thinking.
BDNF can be compared to a plant fertilizer.
Plants need water, sun and soil to grow.
However most soil doesn't provide the essential nutrients required for optimal plant growth.
This is why plant fertilizer is added.
Just like a plant fertilizer supports plant growth, BDNF acts as a brain fertilizer.
BDNF nourishes brain cells and makes them grow new synapses.
A study in 2013 showed that just 20 to 40 minutes of exercise increased BDNF in the
blood by 32%.
This ties closely to the German study, where they found that people learn vocabulary words
20% faster, after physical activities.
And the rate of learning is directly correlated with the levels of BDNF.
To put it simply, the higher our levels of BDNF are, the easier it is to learn new things.
And if you've been paying any attention right now, you know what gives a significant boost
of BDNF.
Which brings out a more interesting question; is there a correlation between fitness and academics?
Only a few researchers have tackled this question.
However a study from Virginia Tech showed that cutting gym class and devoting more time
to math, science and reading, did not improve test scores. as many assume it would.
Cutting away exercise and spending more time behind the books could actually decrease your
test results.
Over the past few years the California Department of Education has consistently shown that students
with higher fitness scores also have higher test scores.
In 2001 study, kids who were fit, scored twice as well on academic tests as those who were unfit.
Body mass index and aerobic fitness were the most significant contributors.
This means that if you want to get better grades, you might want to start by lacing
up your running shoes, before hitting the books.
There's a school in Naperville Illinois that took full advantage of this.
Over the 20 year period, they evolved their PE program to one of the best in the world.
The program was started in response to research which linked exercise to increased brain function.
As a result, they have turned 19,000 students in Naperville District 203, into one of the
fittest in the nation.
Only 3% of them were overweight, without a single obese child.
This was at a time when 33% of America's kids were overweight, with this number increasing
to 37% over the past years, and still no sign of stopping.
What's more interesting is that the Naperville program has also turned those students into
some of the smartest in the nation.
In 1999 Naperville's students took an international test called TIMSS, which evaluates knowledge
of math and science of different countries.
Almost every year the Asian countries score the highest, while United States is usually
in the mid teens, but Napperville is an exception.
The students took the test as a country, to see how they would perform, and they finished
sixth in math and first in science.
Sixth and first in the world, as a school.
Not only that, but 97 percent of the 8th graders took the test, so it's not only the top students
who were picked for it.
How did they do it?
As I mentioned they were the fittest school in the nation.
The key word here is fit.
Fit doesn't mean you're skinny.
The benefits of exercise don't kick in with your shape and size, but it has a lot to do
with what you're doing.
It's much better to be overweight, but active daily, than being skinny and inactive.
Like I said, building muscle or losing weight are essentially side effects that will come
over time.
When students from Naperville go for a mile run, they are more prepared to learn in their
other classes.
Thanks to exercise, their focus and mood are improved and they feel more motivated and
less tense in school.
That's why their early morning PE program is called "Learning Readiness" class.
Physical activity primes the brain for learning and if we look at it from an evolutionary
standpoint, it makes perfect sense why.
Often we forget that humans evolved as hunter gatherers.
It's only in the last few centuries that our lives have become more sedentary.
However, evolution doesn't work that fast, and today we still have the same brains as
our ancestors.
As little as 10,000 years ago we were still hunting and gathering, and we moved anywhere
from 10 to 14 miles every single day.
We were foraging for food, constantly moving from place to place, looking for a new shelter.
If you weren't fit enough to run, climb or swim, you were removed from the gene pool.
As far as our brains are concerned, physical activity counts as a novel experience.
Whenever we were moving, it meant something important was happening.
We had to escape from a predator or remember the path we took so we didn't get lost.
However when we were resting, it meant nothing important was going on.
We still have this ancient mechanism, so as far as our brains are concerned, if we're
not moving, there's no reason to learn or remember anything.
So what kind of physical activity should you do to reap the most benefits?
The answer is high intensity aerobic exercise.
Going to the gym and lifting weights every 10 minutes, like many powerlifters do, doesn't
seem to have such a powerful impact, as high intensity exercise does.
Powerlifting still benefits the brain, don't get me wrong.
However if you want to get the most out of it, you need to get your heart rate to at
least 80% of its maximum beats per minute.
Some of the best activities are running or cycling.
But it's even better if the activity involves some complex motor movements, and it's not
just putting one foot after the other.
Good examples are tennis and dancing.
Optimal daily dose of exercise seems to be 20 to 40 minutes in the morning.
For some people the benefits last for the whole day, but for the majority they seem
to last for about 2-4 hours.
This is why it might be a better idea to break it down in to smaller segments.
So let's say you do 20 minutes of your core exercise in the morning and then exercise
2 times for 5 minutes throughout the day.
This way you can extend the benefits.
If you haven't been active for a while, it's better to slowly build up to those times.
30 minutes is just a recommendation and not a requirement.
Even just walking for 30 minutes could have a powerful effect.
It's up to you to find your optimal dose, depending on your schedule and personal needs.
So to answer the question, can exercise make you smarter?
Going for a run sadly won't turn you into a genius.
But it will prime your state of mind and at the cellular level, improve the brain's potential
to log and process information.
You will be able to learn things faster and more efficiently.
However it's up to you to put yourself in a situation where you're actually learning
If you go exercise and then right after go sit on a couch while watching TV series, you're
not learning anything of value.
But if you put your mind to it and try learning something new, whether it's a new skill or
just studying for the test, you will find that it's much easier to do so.
By knowing more about the world around you and how things work, you could say that, yes,
you've become smarter.
We all have the ability to boost our brainpower and all we need to do is lace up our running shoes.
Thanks for watching.
I hope this video made you better than yesterday.
Behind the scenes: WDSU takes you inside the JP Landfill amid odor concerns - Duration: 2:17.
Raven Symoné - True To Your Heart - Duration: 3:39.
Raven Symoné - True To Your Heart
Raven Symoné - True To Your Heart
6. Famous Overnight...!!!! (2018) - Duration: 2:56.
Raven Symoné - This Christmas - Duration: 3:48.
Raven Symoné - This Christmas
Raven Symoné - This Christmas
5 Surprising Struggles of The Super Smart - Duration: 3:19.
5 Surprising Struggles of Highly Intelligent by : Pj Stone
Often envied, those of us who ace exams and easily grasp complex problems seem to have
a leg up on the rest.
Before you jump to that conclusion, please consider the downside.
Now, I'm going to show you 5 surprising struggles of the super smart that might surprise you.
But first, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't miss any
interesting updates in the future guys!
So, here are five surprising struggles all super smart might experience:
Intelligence Creates Pressure to Succeed
Due to ease of understanding what others may not perceive, an internal pressure builds
for a better career, higher income, and loftier social status.
When things don't pan out, and these expectations aren't met, acceptance is rare.
Baffled by life's diversions or perceived failure, those with high intellect risk extreme
Friendship is Elusive
Most of us seek social and intimate relationships aware that we'll be expected to offer attention
and a bit of ourselves.
Water seeks its own level and we can easily find our tribe.
Those with great intelligence, though, seldom have a quiet moment in their mind, and miss
the social nuances the rest find easy to use.
They also dismiss potential friends who don't display an equal level of insight.
Analytic Overload is Typical
For the highly intelligent, there's so much cranial activity going on, it's hard to
choose which though to grab first when the desire is to grab all of them at once.
Decision making is arduous, stressful.
Add to this a tendency to be physically inactive, suffering from frequent lack of sleep, and
you've got a perfect landscape for depression.
Intellectual Isolation
When success is determined early by grade point validation, fear of failure can destroy
a true love of learning and a passion to impart knowledge to others.
So, tapped to share knowledge with others, those of high intellect are often seen as
Imagine your brain on full tilt.
You efficiently report the facts, only to be frustrated by others' inability to grasp.
Of course you're tagged a "know-it-all", clueless to why.
Real Happiness is Tricky
In 1926 psychologist Lewis Terman identified 1500 students in California with an IQ over
140, 80 of whom were above 170.
They are being followed to this day.
In their summary of life satisfaction, great intellect can actually mean you're less
Chronic "over thinking" leads to social anxiety.
An inability to ask for help increases isolation, and the practice to "dumb down" erodes
We all have our demons, and the super smart, clearly, are no exception.
As Carl Jung aptly noted, "The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth."
Well, that's it.
Really cool information isn't it?
Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.
Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.
Thanks for watching!
"D-Day - Normandy 1944" - Episode 2 - Planet Coaster - Duration: 13:26.
Hello everyone!
Welcome back to D-Day!
Thanks a lot for all the nice comments
and feedback on my 1st episode.
I really appreciate it!
Remember, you can turn of the captions with the CC icon below.
So, into the video now.
In this episode I will be focusing on detailing the beach.
Adding the animatronics,
debris and mist/smoke effects.
I really wanted to have a realistic 'destruction' feel.
I also start on the razor wire ontop of the cliffs
This is just my 1st attempt,
I still will improve them later on.
Here I start on the MG nests
After recording footage of a next episode...
I realised that the MG nests...
Where missing the MGs.
I will add them in a later episode.
Using the new studio pack bags,
And some of the light rocks.
Like in the bunkers...
I added the cowboys in black as germans.
After making one, I copied them around.
With on each some minor adjustments.
So they don't look exactly the same.
The trenshes at the back of the cliff
Will be in a other episode.
Terrain painting is also very important.
Not only for this project,
But for everyone
I see a lot of people under using terrain paint.
I always like to paint the terrain on the exact...
spot where a tree is planted.
So the tree is not just sitting a normal grass.
Without any effect on the grass.
Painting a small patch slightly darker/lighter...
Makes it look so much better.
Here I'm adding more explosions.
As you can see I'm adding a sequencer per explosion.
I'm going to because I want the timing between explosions...
To be more random.
If I would add all explosions into 1 sequencer
the timing between them would alway be the same.
If they are separate, the interval always will be different.
Because I ill add a unique delay time per sequencer.
I hope I explained this properly :D
Here I start adding fog and smoke effects.
It was not easy to get a realistic feeling effects.
Tried out several of the available effects here.
Further in the episode I will be adding more.
Next thing I did is adding some of the allied animatronics
I used the police animatronics colored green.
Because there are several animated police animatronics...
I thought these where the best to use.
There are sadly no police animatronics...
who are lying down. So I had to use normal animatronics.
And hide the box underneath in the ground...
Or by using props.
After adding a lot of animatronics.
(i probably will add more in a later episode)
I started on the debis and surrounding props.
As much props as possible to simulate the chaos and destruction.
I'm probably only gonna detail the middle part of the beach.
Otherwise there will be to much effects...
and animatronics in this small part of the map.
What I also did not mention yet...
What ride I'm adding into this set.
If you payed attention in ep1 you may have seen it.
My goal is to add a remotion track ride.
Riding through the set, with a lot of triggers.
On its route telling the story of the invasion.
Landing on the beach.
Getting pinned down behind the tank traps.
Advancing up to the shingle.
Passing the mine field.
Climbing the cliffs, etc...
The remotion track ride has a lot of maneuverability.
Passing exposions, the riders can swing around, and up...
A lot of options here. I hope it will works out.
Here I add some detailing onto the other bunkers.
But I think I'm going to partly redo the bunkers anyway.
Adding the interior and details before copying them around.
This concludes this second episode.
Ill leave you all with a last cinematic shot.
Bye and thanks for watching!
Are you Ready? - Duration: 2:04.
Are we ever really truly ready for the aftermath of a major decision we make sometime in our
Probably not.
I'm Scott Gordon, founder of Open Mortgage, and I think for certain life decisions being
ready is either impossible or it's overrated.
But there is an important balance to strike between thinking about something and moving
to the point of actually doing it.
How many novels have gone unwritten?
How many dream homes have slipped through the cracks?
How many projects never saw the light of day?
What it all boils down to is this: Do you trust yourself?
Even if you find the perfect moment to quit your job and start a business, to buy a house,
to start a new workout program, or to take a big trip overseas, there is no guarantee
of what comes next.
There is only a guarantee of what comes now.
And now is the only moment you can control.
It's better to act with enthusiasm than to wait and fear wondering what might have been.
There's a lot of talk right now about rising interest rates and we know it's a deciding
factor for many people.
And that's okay.
We whole-heartedly endorse making decisions that are right for you, and your unique situation.
But I'd also add to that, if it's the only thing holding you back from taking a leap,
then maybe it's time to think about the positives and what you gain from buying versus waiting
to see what happens with rates.
In any case, I wish you responsible enthusiasm in your next big decision and until then lots
of big dreams.
Speak to you soon.
How to Share Xbox Live Gold – Can You Share Xbox Live Gold With Family Members - Duration: 1:20.
Is it possible to share Xbox Live Gold?
Microsoft used to have something called family sharing for Gold members but that required
setting up a family account and I thought that was a bit confusing in my opinion.
But the good thing is that if you have Xbox Live Gold now, it's already set up for sharing
with everyone in your family.
I'll show you how that works in your account settings.
So if you have Gold and you've set your Xbox as your home Xbox then anyone can play online
on your Xbox Live Gold account using their own profile.
Chances are that if you only own one Xbox then your Xbox is already set up as to home.
But if it isn't, here's how to change it.
You can go into your personalization settings then make this your home Xbox by clicking
on this button.
You can only change your home Xbox 5 Times in one year starting from when you first make
the change.
And that's the basics of Xbox Live Gold sharing.
Noe everyone in your household can play online using your Xbox Live Gold account.
If you found this information helpful please give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe
to my channel TheRenderQ so you won't miss any of my weekly videos.
Raven Symoné - My Christmas Wish - Duration: 3:28.
Raven Symoné - My Christmas Wish
Raven Symoné - My Christmas Wish
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?Nursery Rhymes/ Song for kids | Simple kids songs TV - Duration: 2:24.
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?Nursery Rhymes/ Song for kids | Simple kids songs TV
Maximizing Your Profit When Selling Your Home - Lynaae Forbes Interview on Geeks R Sexy - Duration: 10:27.
Happy Thursday everyone! We're in our new time slot for Geeks R Sexy. New to me
because this is my first time in a new time slot. If you're a regular watcher every
week you've been watching for a little while with Michelle Davis. But we are now
at two o'clock on Thursday afternoons. It's great to be here. It's a little
easier to get out of the studio and on our way on a Friday afternoon instead of
being out here at the busy time on strip traffic. So welcome to Geeks R Sexy. I'm Jason LeDuc from Evil Genius Consultants leadership consultants and I'm your host
and I'm your host today to talk about all things about how to have a successful business and a
successful professional life here in Las Vegas. We're going to jump right into it. My
first guest today is Lynnae Forbes of Forbes Realty Group. She specializes in
the sale of new and existing homes in Las Vegas North Las Vegas and Henderson,
and as part of her industry experience she's had a lot of opportunity to work
all the little jobs that go into real estate. So she hasn't always been that
real estate agent out in front showing the homes. She's had a lot of experience
working what would be in the Air Force, what we call a back shop. The behind the
scenes work in real estate instead that really helps her with her clients. And
she likes to arm her clients with an understanding of the market to help to
make sound decisions and that she believes them the most satisfied client
is a client feels included in the process and that leads to a successful
closing for them. Excuse me I'm having a hard time today. So Lynaae, thank you for
being here. Welcome to Geeks R Sexy. How are you today? I'm awesome with the
exception of the heat. Yeah so last month I talked about how hot it was
well it's even hotter this month so I'm gonna stop talking about the
weather here in Las Vegas because it leads to me talking about how hot it is
on the show all the time. So let's jump into what it is you do and how you
do it differently than other realtors here in Las Vegas. Tell us tell us about
the philosophy you have, your philosophy of helping people buy and sell homes
here in Las Vegas and what's the driving force behind what you do for the people you help?
You know, well my biggest thing is I want to encourage my
clients and empower them. Okay so the buyer, we empower them to be able to
search the internet 24/7. With our sellers we empower them to be flippers
of their own house. And that's what I really want to get into a little bit
today. That's the fun exciting part. But when you talked about the
back story, the back side of everything, so I worked a number of years as a
notary signing agent which includes working for escrow companies, and that
was a great experience because you get to understand what the escrow companies
are looking for, what the title companies are looking for, so often I'm ahead of my
peers because of that. And then I also processed loans for five years for a
company here for about three different loan officers, so that too was very
enlightening process and I enjoyed it. What's something specific you learned
from working the back shop the escrow side of things that helps you help serve
your clients a little better than someone who hasn't done that might? Well
one, I know how to read the settlement sheet I know how to read the preliminary
report, but I also know some of the what's behind what why they ask certain
questions of clients. Like, you know, if you're married and but you're actually
buying the property and you're going to be a sole as separate. Did you know that
even though you're going be sole and separate on that property that your
spouse still has to sign off and it's not signing off their rights it's only
signing off to ensure the file. Big difference if you're talking to in a
divorce attorney because just because you sign that document doesn't mean you
lost your rights in the state of Nevada for actually settling with your spouse
if you get divorced and that that property is only in their name. So that's
hugely important if you are a real estate investor or you're buying
a rental property, even if you're putting it in one name for whatever reasons you
might be doing that nefarious or otherwise, the spouse
still have to sign off on that. Yeah I'm having a hard time today. And that's the
biggest reason why is for the it's for the title company to insure the file. So
often people don't realize when you just go file a document with the county. Let's
say you decide that you want to put it into your trust and you didn't talk to
an attorney and you go sign that document you send it down to the county
and you record it it is considered an uninsured document.
That's one of the things that most agents don't understand and the great
news is is that when I see something like that I'm already ahead of it.
I'm already asking my seller. "Hey, by the way do we know who this person is? Can
get ahold of them? We're going to have to do an affidavit for the title company
because we've got to insure this document now." That's one of the things I
learned in the Air Force, especially when I was working a staff job at a
headquarters in Colorado Springs. Is that documentation needs be really tight. You
need to have a really good understanding not just of what it is you're trying to
do but all the little pieces that that everyone along the way who's going to have
to touch that document needs to see and it sounds like that's what you've got
here is with that back shop experience you know all the people who have to
touch a document before before it goes into a final file and becomes that
public record. And not become like the you know the ninth hour. Oh everybody's
got to race to get it done because someone just discovered it because I know
how to read those documents and I know how to ask the questions I'm already on
it before we you know. You don't have to ruin somebody's Friday afternoon trying
to track that stuff down. So that's awesome!
Well so you have a unique way of helping homeowners make more money on their sale
and that's really what we want to get to today in the show. Today
well I think the biggest one is to talk about is that we actually can help our
sellers get anywhere from 7 to 11 percent more on their listing if they
get work done that prior to. For example, just basic things, painting, carpet, the
last house we did we replaced all the toilets. The kind of work
that just about every home needs to have done if you've been living in it for any
length of time. Exactly or it's been a rental which has happened often to us.
So I'm closing one tomorrow we actually got our client 10.3%
over list. Okay and so tell us what the, what our
viewers need to know about how you do that for a seller. Well first of all we
go in and I'm it's called "Taking the Flip Out of Real Estate"
by the way, I got a call from the trademark company, our trademark of the
government. The USPTO? And we are actually on the road to getting that
trademarked. Outstanding! Congratulations! I needed to give them two more documents
and I have to do that on Monday so it's been TMd. We've also done a show. Yeah
I want to hear about that. Okay so part of what we do is the
introduction is showing me the property. Now one of the things that I
think is important is, as an agent, is knowing what's going to sell. What is a
buyer looking for? That I know. Why? Because I work with buyers too, and what's the
biggest complaint I hear from buyers? Oh I don't want to paint even though it's not
an expensive thing to do, they don't want to deal with it. So I've talked the
seller into doing what we call very basics. We don't do over-the-top. So we do
the painting, we do the carpet. In the next house I've got we're
going to do linoleum. In the current house we did the toilets, fixed the
cabinetry, just little things that make a huge difference. If this house had gone
on the market without any of the work I can tell you right now they would have
gotten beat up on their price and gotten insulting offers, so not only do we
take the flip out of real estate, we take the insult out of real estate too.
Yeah and that's something I knew is really stressful for a homeowner
when they're trying to sell. Did you know that 39% of the sellers out there who
would choose to sell would rather go get a tooth extracted then deal with
repairing their house and preparing it for the market? I did not know that.
And so so the the thing here is is that the sellers don't put the money up front
for these repairs correct? We handle all of that we finance it, we find the vendors
we do the whole ball of wax. As my last client, Kim, said, "You took
the stress out of my life." And I think that's really the the key to this, is the
the money in your pocket at the end of the process is nice, but money in
your pocket plus not having to deal with the stress of those insulting offers,
those other house flippers trying to come in and get this for for a song, and
trying to kind of kind of lean you lean you to take their price because the
well it means this work and this is done and this is scratched.
We did less than six thousand dollars worth of work to get the seller that ten
percent over list and the list price that we usually go with I actually
went through an appraisal class and we really work to make sure what is out
there what is an appraiser gonna see and I pull all those comps together and then
I come up with a price. And our price on this particular house was $273,800
because that's what it worked out then appraisers don't see. Right so it was
appraised, you got 10% above that. So... quick math in public so
$27,000 for $6,000 that you put in. So that seller walked away
with $21,000 more than they would have by not doing the things that were
stressing them out. Exactly and there's the big one, the stress. See she was
out of state on top of that so there's that stress is gone. She knows
we're closing tomorrow. It's like she's so excited. That's awesome so you're
putting all this in a TV show. You shot one episode but it's not ready to air
and you're not sure where you're gonna air yet either so so we're going to have to
have you back when you have your premiere we're going to have you
back on this show even though it'll be small potatoes to you by then. But we're
going to have you back on this show when your show premieres. But in the meantime,
tell our audience how they can get a hold of you so that you can help them take the
flip out of real estate. We actually came up with a phone number it's called 213-FLIP-OUT. There's a message there how to get hold of us but the
other one is is forbesrealtygroup.com. You can find me at and all of my
contact information LinkedIn Facebook even our youtube channel which
is youtube / forbesrealtygroup so we've got we're out there so it's really easy
to find us and of course we'll have all the information the phone number linked
up in our show notes for this as well on my website. So thank you for being here
today. This is exciting! Great to have you we're going have you back in a little bit for
our panel discussion talking a little about education and workforce
development here in Las Vegas. I'm Jason LeDuc. This is Geeks R Sexy. We'll be
right back with Dr. Thomas Kenny.
Raven Symoné - Next - Duration: 2:45.
Raven Symoné - Next
Raven Symoné - Next
48 Day challenge - Day 41: What you would say to your oshimen (I speak Japanese here!) - Duration: 10:58.
Okay, starting from here, I'm going to speak in Japanese.
Matsui Jurina-chan, Okada Nana-chan
If you're watching this video, nice to meet you!
You probably have no idea who I am
To put it simply, I'm a typical fan in America
I'm Marley, aka Ruka (on the channel). Please take care of me.
What this video is, it's part of the "48 Day challenge".
Made by many 48 group fans
Talking about things they like about the group, like favorite songs or favorite members
It's a video challenge where we can talk about a lot of things.
It's a daily challenge for 48 days straight.
Today is Day 41, and the topic is "What you want to say to your oshimen (favorite member)".
So I wanna talk about everything I want to say to Matsui Jurina-chan and Okada Nana-chan.
I wonder if that's a weird way of putting it (my phrasing).
Anyways, there's quite a bit I want to say to these two
So let me say everything, please. (lol)
First, with Matsui Jurina-chan
Firstly, for winning first place in this year's Senbatsu General Election
This made me incredibly happy!
I bought a CD and placed in my vote (for Jurina).
I also watched the live stream on Youtube
The moment when Jurina's name was called
I was really emotional, even during her speech, I was so touched and so happy
In my heart, it felt like Jurina's time has finally come!
To me, Jurina-chan is
I believe she is a true star.
Jurina is a true, big star!
She's been an idol for 10 years now, and she's done so much
She's challenged herself and grown in so many ways.
I've been able to see many sides to her.
I believe she's truly an admirable girl.
So, Jurina... I just love her! Plain and simple, I love Jurina!
So now... The day I'm recording this is July 5th(? I might be saying it wrong.)
So Jurina right now still isn't in the best physical health
She hasn't been able to appear in concert events recently.
If when this video comes out, she's back in business (which she is not as of right now.)
I'll be relieved then. (As of 7/30/2018, she's still on hiatus.)
If she's still taking a break
What I would like to say to Jurina is,
Take your time, rest easy, so when you come back
Return with the brightest, shining smile of yours.
Of course, as a fan, I'm worried about her, but I know that this is what she needs.
And one more thing
This is just my desire, more than a message to Jurina
I love both Jurina and SKE48, and I want to meet them
If ever in the future, SKE48 comes to America to perform live, I want to go see them.
Please allow me to see SKE live in America.
Please, please come here! (My message to SKE.)
Surely, there are fans waiting!
Moving on then, next is what I want to say to Okada Nana-chan.
Firstly, this year, Nana placed 5th in this year's election!
I congratulate her for that!
That in itself is extremely admirable!
Nana-chan is
I think she's an amazing idol.
She, surely...
For the fans who do know, which I'm sure they do
She has a complex about herself (has some self esteem issues)
But to me, I don't see it as a negative thing
Her work ethic (I don't know how to say it in Japanese. XD)
How do you say it... (Talking to myself.)
The effort she puts in as an idol is amazing.
She's extremely talented! She's a good singer,
She always puts over 100% of her effort
To put out her very best (on stage).
I think she's doing great as an idol.
Nana-chan is... splendid!
So it's okay! Please don't think so negatively about yourself!
Nana-chan is amazing!
You're perfect.
Just my honest opinion.
What should I do...
Lastly, to the both of you
I love both of you
Someday, I really want to meet you
Not just you two, but for the rest of AKB and SKE...
Honestly, I just want to meet AKB!
I've never been to a concert event or to a handshake event...
I'm still 19 (and a college student), right now, so I haven't been able to go.
So someday, some time in the future
To both of you, to AKB, to SKE...
I want to meet all of you!
If I could, I want to meet everyone in AKB! (or at least, as many as I can. XD)
Well, so that's all.
I'll return to English, and wrap up the video.
That's all, thank you very much!
Absolutely Lovely Villa with Lovely Garden in Kontrollvägen 2 - Ronneby - Duration: 5:36.
Absolutely Lovely Villa with Lovely Garden in Kontrollvägen 2 - Ronneby
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