There are a lot of reasons books end up
sitting in people's TBR's way too long.
Sometimes, for me, it's because I lost
interest in the book, or maybe it's
because it's a book in a series and I
forgot what happened in the first books,
or maybe because I'm intimidated by the
book. And I figure you might have some of
the same reasons, but have you ever
postponed reading a book that you were
actually really excited about because
you wanted to save it? Because you wanted
to make sure that you read it at that
exact perfect moment? Because you didn't
want to taint your experience of reading
what is probably an amazing book? Because
I have definitely done that - and I'm
actually currently doing that - with a few
books. I really want to read Arcadia, but
I also really don't, because I know that
the story is so intricate that I'm going
to want to dedicate proper time and
focus on it before I start reading it,
and I don't think I have that right now.
I also really want to read Night Film, but
I also don't, because I'm not totally
sure if it's the type of book I want to
read right before sleeping, and right now
most of the time I have for reading is
before sleeping. And I also really want
to read Etiquette & Espionage, but, of
course, I also don't, because I know that
this is a prequel series and everyone
says that the best way to read it is
after you read the original series, and I
want to read it right.
I worry about these things because I
hate the idea of possibly disliking a
book because of something I could
have controlled, because of something
I'd done, because of something that
wasn't the book's fault - I just feel like
I owe it to the book to read it properly, you
know. But is there really a proper way to
read books? Is there really a perfect moment?
Because, sure, I want my reading
experiences with these books to be the best
that they can be, but what if, because of
that, I never actually get around to
reading the books because no moment
seems perfect enough? I don't think
there's anything wrong with knowing
yourself and trying to know the book and
applying what you know about yourself
and the book to make your reading
experience as good as it can be, but at
the same time sometimes you have to know
when to stop waiting and just appreciate
a moment that is not perfect, but is
good enough, and just read the book that
you're freaking excited to read anyway.
Because when you're excited to read the
book, sometimes the moment becomes
perfect. You want to read a series in a
way you're going to enjoy it?
Well, if it's a good series you're
probably going to enjoy it even if you
don't end up reading it the way everyone
else reads it. You want to be able to
read a book without dreaming about the
creepiness of it after? Well, if you're
really into it, you might not sleep
anyway, so that's totally fine. You want
to be able to find time to read a book?
If you're really into a book, you're
probably going to find time, even if it's
to the detriment of your sleep or your
academics or your social life - I'm sure
you've been through that before.
Stop stressing out about it. If it's a
good book and you're excited to read it,
you're going to enjoy it - and by you, I
mean me, because I really need to stop
worrying about trying to read my books at
the perfect, perfect time and just read
Have you ever worried unnecessarily
about these sorts of things? If you have,
please make me feel less weird by
leaving a comment down below.
Anyway, thank you
so much for watching, and I hope to see
you next time. Bye!
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