Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 3 2017

- Alright, here we go.

This week's free car winner.

I'm headed down to the garage

to pick today's free car winner.

You guys setting it up?

We got Willa, Alec, Armen.

I'm giving away a car a week.

Put a bunch of names on ping pong balls,

put them in a little bin thing, spin it.

Pick a name out.

So make sure you're following me on Facebook,

Insta, Twitter, YouTube because

that's where I select the semi-finalists from.

Big day, pickin' the free car winner.

This week's free car winner.

I'm going to do it again next week

if you want to win so, watch for it.

I think I'm going to put it all

on my Facebook and Instagram Live.

Going to be awesome, I'mma put the semi-finalist names,

we got the verified, legally eligible finalist.

I think we have five or six,

give them each a ping pong ball.

And then we'll put their name

in the thing and pull them out and so ...

If you're one of them, I hope you're the winner.

If not, keep watching 'cause I'mma

pick another winner again next Friday.

(hums tune)

- [Willa] No, don't do that.

- No, if I sing it, it's fine.

There's no DMCA on singing ...

- [Cameraman] Algorithm might catch it, if it's in-tune.

- Yeah, if I sound too much ...

I don't think there's any worry about me

startin' sounding like that.

- [Cameraman] Like a musical instrument?

(hums tune)

- Alex, you ready for this?

- [Alex] For what?

- We got Alex, co-founder with me at

So, we're doing the first time I'm doing

the free car giveaway.

One of the reasons people procrastinate

in doing anything is they think

the first time has to be good.

You should try to make the first time be bad.

But not too bad.

The saying in The 67 Steps is

the first draft is for the trash.

This is my first draft doing it like this.

So I'm purposely under-doing it.

Couple things that I want everybody to know.

One, no one had to pay to be entered into this.

This is a free car giveaway.

And, other thing I was going to say is,

y'know, reason I'm doing this, I saw that movie years

ago about paying it forward.

So this is me ...

When I saw that movie I wish I had more money,

I didn't have any money to pay it forward

and actually didn't have a car myself.

So I couldn't pay it forward, really.

So, the only thing I ask of the winner,

you're not legally obligated,

but one day try to pay people back.

Doesn't have to be a car.

It could be buy somebody a coffee.

Be nice to somebody.

More is more good energy.

Blindfold (laughs).

(upbeat music)

Does this look like a prisoner?


Should I take my glasses off and do it?

Today's free car giveaway,

I'm going to select the winner, right here.

We got 10 ping pong balls.

Right here, 10.

Each has a number.

We got a lot of people coming in.

Right down here is all their names,

I'll read 'em out.

And I got, printed out, their Facebooks.

Are you a winner?

If you don't win today, and you want to win the next one

this how you enter to win.

Follow all my different social media, it's free,

no purchase necessary for any of this.

Not a penny is spent by any winner.

By the way, my family can't win,

my staff can't win, none of my friends can win.

This is all strangers winning.

To become a semi-finalist, to get a ping pong ball here,

I release passwords during the week

on my different social media.

Sometimes on my Twitter, sometimes on my Instagram,

sometimes on my Snapchat, sometimes on Facebook.

Whoever grabs that password first and emails it in,

I randomly pick from the first hundred people,

and they become semi-finalists.

First person who was a semi-finalist during this week,

we got Jerome Balen ...

Oh, I'm not supposed to say the last name

but you can see it.

Might as well say it, Jerome Balenshaw.

My name's Tia Lopez.

Welcome to the modern world,

people want to find you, they're gonna find you.

Number two, semi-finalist, is Eric Vidana.

You're ping pong ball number two.

Okay, we got number three, Julian De La Roso,

looks like a guitar player.

That's number three ping pong ball, in.

We got Reggie Vasquez.

Don't ask me why all these people have Latin last names.

(laughter) It's just random.

That's number four, I'm not pickin' 'em

out because I'm Lopez, I'm out.

We got Joel Nepal, no-paul.

Number five.

Why am I holding these balls up?

So no one can say it's fake.

Number six, Mark Kim.

Who you guys got?

Number seven, we got Johnny Marcos.

Seven, we should print out their Instas.

Eight, Emily Washington.

Lot of people rooting for you, Emily.

Number nine, we have Saith Figueroa.

Think I pronounced your name correctly.

Nine, boom.

And last but not least, Johnny Manuelito, number 10.

Down here you can see that the name's written.

Okay, here we go.

So the next up, Maya.

Armen, my lawyer right here, is going to put the blindfold.

How necessary are you, Dana, zoom in.

All the balls are still there.

There's 10, right?

2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, yup.

And first we're going to pick runner-up number two.

Runner-up, that means if runner up number one or the winner

don't answer the phone, eventually,

it'll go to runner up number two

if we can't get a hold of the others.

Okay, one last spin.

And, we stop here.


- Yes.

- Can you put her ...

Look away, so no one can ...

Put the hand down, reach in.

This is runner-up number two.

Not the winner. - Oh my god.

- Pick any one - This is tricky, guys.

Okay, this one.

- Okay, hold it towards the camera.

No one can touch.

What number?

Ah, it's number three.

The second runner-up, the second runner-up,

this is like third place.

We will stop it, Maya look away.

Damn this thing get ahead of you.

Take a finger off.

Okay, got her hand in while she's looking away.

Somehow they keep going on the wrong side.

What, are you double jointed?

- [Female] Move your body.

- There, what do we got?

- Hold it out, spin, okay!

Oh my god!

The second runner up is number two (laughs)!

Eric Vidana, please for the love of god,

don't let the winner be number one.

I'mma have more conspiracy theories about this shit.

- Sorry.

- Number two is second place,

that means you're the first runner-up.

- We've got, right now, we are selecting the winner.

Alright, here we go.

This week's free car winner.

One, two, I'm spinnin' it.

Who's winning a free car?

Okay, I'm stoppin' it, letting it stop randomly.

My hands are up.

Stopping it randomly, letting it come back.

We will now, Armen's going to open it.

I won't touch it.

Armen the lawyer will open it, drop it.

Maya, don't cover, drum roll please.

Wait, wait, Dana, ready?

Drum roll, please.

(drum roll) Ready, set, pick!

Who you got, hold it up!

Number seven!

Number seven!

A lot of people's lucky number!

Who is number 7?

- [Female] Johnny.

- Johnny!

Johnny Marcos!

What's up, Johnny Marcos.


If you didn't win, I'm doing this again next Friday.

This is actually fun.

It was all random, numero seven.

The lucky number seven.

Tell me a little about you, man, what do you do?

- [Johnny] Pretty much I'm a college student, I'm 23.

I'm an entrepreneur, I've got my own little business

called Custom Controllers.

- So, just so everybody knows, have I ever met you before?

- [Johnny] No, sir, you've never met me before.

- We're not friends, you don't work for me.

Some people are so suspicious,

they don't realize that I'm just giving out cars.

- [Johnny] Naw, you're the real deal, man.

For more infomation >> Tai Lopez's 1st Weekly Free Car Giveaway - Did You Win? - Duration: 8:27.


City Crews Get A Jump On Pothole Repairs - Duration: 1:52.





































































For more infomation >> City Crews Get A Jump On Pothole Repairs - Duration: 1:52.


Video Ranking Tips - how to rank videos on YouTube - step by step easy - Duration: 2:56.

Videoo Ranking Tips

video ranking tips how to rank videos on


Well hey it's Clive here from Tube

Commandments and ranking a video on

YouTube starts with your video script and

making sure that your targeted search term,

the one that you are looking to rank for

is the first spoken phrase that you use

inside your video. I just did that. And your

script will also feature related

search terms and those related searches you

can find using Google and YouTube's

predictive search that you're just going

to get a bundle of search terms that

Google and YouTube realize are related

to each other and sprinkle those

throughout your video audio and of

course later on your description titles

tags and so on. Now in my video ranking

interactive mind map which you can access

via the link beneath this video or by

clicking on the big shiny button that's going to show up

here in a moment I'm going to give you a

load of really cool tips on optimizing

your video before you even upload it to

YouTube and how to write effective titles

descriptions and why tags are so

important and also how to create

internal links within YouTube and the

power of linking out to Authority sites so

why not scroll down this page

stop looking at this video

scroll down the page a bit and check out

my description so you can see the kind of

stuff that I do inside that description

you also see a link to the interactive

video ranking mind map and I suggest you

click on that and go and get it it'll

open up a new windows so don't worry

youtube will not close this and how to

increase your channell's Authority

piggyback views from other peoples

popular videos simply because you're

thumbnail is better than theirs so go and

check out the mind map where all this

will become crystal clear and refer back

to it in again and again until it becomes

second nature

subscribe to this channel please because

for ongoing video ranking tips I need your

support and as I add new content

focusing all these aspects of getting

your videos to rank higher quicker this is

the best place to be

For more infomation >> Video Ranking Tips - how to rank videos on YouTube - step by step easy - Duration: 2:56.


The Last Minute Malayalam Short Film - Duration: 29:59.

Sub titles added by Lumian Art Media Production Crated by Arjun JP & Krishna Nair

A ten thousand feet above our heads

among the planets and the stars

Behind the blue sky, this curtain that we see..

Behind the blue sky, this curtain that we see..

is the great performance that human minds cannot comprehend.

Every performance has a rhythm..

a fact known to everyone who has been on a stage..

The hours of practice..the perspiration ..all flash before the eyes.

Thoughts of what .. the performer ahead of us may have done

When the curtain rises..

when our name is called out..

everything freezes for a long moment.

Son, only 5 minutes

The eyes dart between the judges..

When each face in the audience laughs..

or looks away..

we are filled with doubts of ever little thing we do.

However, every performer knows that..

till the final moment, everything is open to change.

A moment when everything could turn on it's head.

The beauty of every performance lies in the potential dramatic turn of the last minute.

where had you been yesterday? Didn't see you around..

I had an audition for a film and-

So did you get it?

I did..but then I decided against it

Yea right! Everybody knows that all the chances today are ear-marked for the children of the big stars.

No way.. There are plenty of chances nowadays, for everyone with talent


Brother, when you make it as a big movie star get me a big bag of chocolates.

Hey! It's time you payed the rent.


Hey mate.. Remember the audition we'd been to..


we lost it.

You know the star Krishnachandran,

his son got in..

All the chances today are set apart for the movie stars' kids.

Anyway, hold on to that Das..

We need the production control managers if we are to make anything happen

He hates seeing my face,

.. but I intend to meet him anyway.

Well,..okay then.

Good morning sir.

Oh! Dear Akshay..

..I'll call you if anything turns up

Don't annoy me so.

No sir..I thought you might've forgotten..

I haven't forgotten.

If something comes up I'll let you know.

You can go now..

I have enough troubles of my own.

His damn attitude!

Excuse me..


Where can I find the first one of this book ???..

Er..that would be.... ma'am?

The first one. The first one of this book.


May I help you ma'am?

Bro.. I don't know a word of English.

That is why I couldn't get any of what the girl was saying.

Where did you pick up all of this?

I'd been with my brother at Dubai for a while.

It was my brother that raised me..

and after my education..

.. he went to great lengths to find me a job.

Worked at Dubai for 6-7 months..

and then, at my insistence..

.. he pleaded with the manager to get me a leave.

I never went back..

had a great time with my friends here..

What about your brother then?

I haven't spoken to him in a year..

wouldn't blame him.

He tried real hard to get me that job..

One good thing did come out of it though..


been crazy about it from when Iwas a little boy.

Picked up a bunch of awards at school and college..

I have a cousin..

He was mad about films too..

He ended up going to Dubai.

And you.. gave up the one steady job you had to come here...

Akshay.. You've been standing here a while now.

There's a delivery to make..

Who was it that didn't show up today sir?


You know what happens when you send these guys out..

How many are there?



five is all..

Come here, I'll tell you..


Yea what is it?

Sir, you had made an order from dc books hadn't you?

Oh, yes..

Hey, I don't see Sunshines here..?

Sir, this is all the manager had handed me..

I can get it to you tomorrow if you want..

Must get it..!

Ok sir.


I hardly find any of this surprising..

ha, you see these are all faults in your star sign..

Set apart a 101 rupees and send it as an offering..

will call you later

Why are you smiling?

Nothing sir.

Come on, tell me why you smiled

Sir.. You're Christian right?


No.. These muhurthams and Panchangam are generally not Christian-

Why so?

Why so? Is it that the sun and the moon don't matter to Christians?

No, not that.. Just a friendly question when I saw all of this..

I believe in these things immensely..

My whole life has followed the script laid out here..

Not for me sir..

Which is why I've never trusted any of these

What's your star sign?

Sir... Makam (a birth star)

Haven't you heard of high-tides and low-tides at least back at school..?

I have.. the sun and the moon...

Yes. It depends on the distances between the sun, the moon and the earth..

If the whole ocean can be moved by these changes,

imagine the amount of changes that could happen to a tiny human being.

That is the science of it all..

Not that, sir.

Not everyone has to have the same fortunes..

If it's not part of your fate, it just won't happen.

Ok Fine.. How old are you..?

Twenty six

Twenty six ...

Hey, I do forsee some impending changes in your life...

Hey, it's time for the rent!

Sure.. I can foresee changes..

The stars Ashwathi, Bharani and Makam,

from nine o' clock tomorrow fall under Jupiter's influence

After nine, huh..?!

Sir, the balance...?

Keep it, boy.. We're bound to meet again aren't we..

Thank you sir.

Hey you, wait.

You know, nothing my tongue has ever uttered has gone wrong..

Let us see...

Thank you sir.


it's me Das..

A role has come up..

Main role.

Oho..Thank you sir.

The producer demands 30,000 rupees,

but for you I can get it down to 20,000.

But Sir..

Come down to my office with a couple of photos and the money

Sir.. 20,000 rupees is a bit.. How can I..

There are lots of kids waiting in line! If you can't do it I need to know now!

I...i'll try sir..

I'll be at my office till 6 - 6:30..

Ok sir, I'll be at your office by evening.


We'll find a way somehow..

we'll find the money..

Sir, A.k. has found an opportunity to star in a film

Oh! That's great

There is a catch though..

The producer wants a sum of 20,000 for the opportunity

Do you have that money with you?

No way.. I might have an 8,000 if anything..

Bro, I can pitch in a 2,000..

and sir will give you 3,000

Come on, what could that amount to..

You do one thing..

Ask them for some time for the rest..

No, I'll tell you something that could work..

Go over to our other office, meet Lekha ma'am.

If you're lucky, she'll help you out..

Good afternoon ma'am

Akshay, what's the matter

Ma'am, I needed a bit of cash.

How much?

I needed about 8,000.. As an advance would be fine...

Look Akshay,

you're drawing a salary for the work you do here.

I admit, I have helped out others who have come to me in the past,

but this is way too much..

Still, ma'am....

It's okay ma'am, thank you.

Akshay, somebody is here to see you..

How long have you been working here?

6-7 months.

We moved from there..

now we live at ??

Why haven't you called?

Thank you sir.

You could have called brother..

I leave next thursday.

No, I can't..

You might need it. Keep it.

Hello sir,

I have the money. I'm on the way to Das.

Yea, he's at the office till 6..

Yes, that came through..

Tell Faisal too..

Ok, thank you.

By the way.. I might not show up tomorrow.

Okay, bye.

They will be there sir.

They will get there soon.

I have made arrangements.

They will be there sir.


That could be done..

Ok sir, ok..

That was the director.

What's the progress on what we discussed?

I've brought the cash, sir.

This is the money right?

yes sir.

I'll get it to the producer.

The photos are there as well.

I'll take those to the director.

Get to the production office at 9 in the morning tomorrow.

You know where that is don't you? ya..

Alright then.

Hello.. Yes it's me Das... What?

Yes it's me Das...


So this will work out won't it, sir?


Yes I can hear you, tell me..

We have run around so much for this haven't we...

And now, your moment has come seeking you...

This is my dream..

Good for you..

So what do you have planned?

My parents insist that I write the bank test.

Got to take a look at that..

It has been quite a while hasn't it...

Okay then,.. I have to get there by 9

Have to send that e-mail to the people at Mumbai today..

What about that prop list I'd mentioned?

I have taken care of that



Call the finalists for the audition why don't you..?

Going to call them now

Sir, what about that house that we needed for the location..?

No.. That fell through...


Sir, I'm here to meet Shyam sir

Shyam sir is upstairs.. Why?

Shyam sir has cast me in his new movie.

What role?

I was told that it's the lead role.

Lead role huh?

this is the hero for Shyam sir's new movie.. Get a good look

The hero huh?

Hey, I'm the associate director and I don't know who the hero is... You think this is your decision to make?

But sir, I had paid the 20,000 for the role..

What? And to whom did you pay this money..

To Das.. the production controler


My dear fellow, you're just wasting your time then.. It's best that you leave.

We can probably consider yo for a junior artist...

But Sir, I was told that my role was confirmed.

I'll just meet Shyam sir and be on my way

Hey, don't you get it?

Sir, just for a moment.


Hey, please understand..just walk away..

Subin, get this guy out of here

Sir..Let me talk..

Dear brother, don't make a fuss.

This man is a hot head.

That fellow Das has ripped off so many others and they have been coming here with complaints.

Do you really think Mr. Shyam would hand out roles for money?

Your best bet is to nab Das and demand for a return of your cash..

I really don't think you have an opportunity here..

It's best that you don't waste time,.. leave..


She was a child who led an active, playful life.

A month ago she felt giddy while at school and fell down.

She's been bed-ridden for the last 3-4 months.

We tried a lot of drugs,

nothing worked.

We took her to a Siddha at Kollam, who said a sacred thread would cure her..

My husband has gone to find money for that


forget the money you swindled from me..

Your child needs proper treatment, not a phoney thread

Bro, your tea..

No thanks..

Drink, please..

Don't get so disheartened.. over one misplaced hope..

a hundred opportunities will come knocking

You're still depressed about that are you..

Let it go.

Everyone has many falls in life.

Greatness lies in being able to pick yourself up after each one.

Oh.. I have a book to deliver today that I had promised

Alright, you can make the delivery and go straight on home.. Get a good bit of rest

yes, we have sent the photographs.

I'll meet Thomas sir and call you back..

I'll mail it and call you back.

I'll call you back..

Who is it?

Sir, I am Shyam sir's associate. here to show the photographs.

Just wait here, I'll be back

Hello, sir..

Shyam sir had an urgent meeting

Yes, he had called. Show me the photographs

Yes.. I have them.

These are the ones..

Sir, we aren't sure if the people from Mumbai will get here by the 21st

Man, this is my 22nd project.

Getting the folks from Mumbai here and getting the work done are your issues.

The project will start on the 20th

Ok sir..okay

Will any of these people act..?

Sir, these people were shortlisted by Shyam sir after much deliberation.

They're all very talented..

There were many to start with...

Who is this?

20 D 9..

Only those with great experiences can become great artists

Yes sir..

Yea. So, where is the video?

Sir.. just a minute.

Get it, man

Just wait a minute sir..

Call Subin..

Sir, see the first one?

Yes.. that one can act quite well..

Gave a good performance at the audition.

Fine, get the one I asked for.

Ok, sir

Come in.

Sir.. I'm from dc books.. Linda Goldman's Sunshines..

It hadbeen left out yesterday

Oh.. Looking at how late it's gotten, I thought you wouldn't show up

Oh, no sir.. I had a bit of work at the store

Okay.. So what does the bill come up to?

No that's alright sir, there was the balance left from yesterday

So.. How did things turn out for you ?

Well, how could they turn out sir..

I had dreams..of becoming certain things. I'm giving it all up now.

Buddy, the time is now 8:55..

You still have 5 minutes left.

If you've got it in you to prove your talent, go ahead..

Sir.. this the office..

I didn't get what you meant, sir.

His eyes were teary..

I've done everything possible..

I didn't get what you meant, sir.

Mate, your photo is right here in the final list,

but these idiots don't have the video of your audition

Sir..this guy had..

Shut up.

You can hang it all up and walk away, as you had intended to..

Otherwise..this is your moment...

You have 5 minutes.

Sir, just a minute.

Everybody who has been on a stage knows that

even at the final minute, a miracle can happen..

A moment when everything can turn around..

I didn't get what you meant, sir.

That last minute that can change every performance

Sub titles added by Lumian Art Media Production Crated by Arjun JP & Krishna Nair

For more infomation >> The Last Minute Malayalam Short Film - Duration: 29:59.


Singas Project - Don't Say (Official Video) - Duration: 4:34.

The color of your love, the first time it was red

then the games came

I know you poor boy, how hard it was for you,

Now everyone knows that

dreams come true and you wake up

and there is nothing anywhere

I know how hard it was you poor boy

but your love hurts me every day

The color of your love turned purple and black

they're covering my face

turned purple and black , black and purple

covering my face

Hush hush don't say

Hush hush hush no more

Hush hush don't say

I don't wanna stay, don't wanna say no more

Hush hush don't say

Hush hush hush no more

Hush hush don't say

I don't wanna stay, don't wanna say no more

Hush hush

Hush hush hush

Hush hush

Hush hush hush

The color of your love turned purple and black

they're covering my face

turned purple and black , black and purple

covering my face

Hush hush don't say

Hush hush hush no more

Hush hush don't say

I don't wanna stay, don't wanna say no more

Hush hush don't say

Hush hush hush no more

Hush hush don't say

I don't wanna stay, don't wanna say no more

Hush hush don't say

Hush hush hush no more

Hush hush don't say

I don't wanna stay, don't wanna say no more

Hush hush

Hush hush hush

Hush hush

For more infomation >> Singas Project - Don't Say (Official Video) - Duration: 4:34.


BJ's Best Super Bowl Commercials 2017 - Duration: 6:21.

Hey guys it's matt with

and man have I got a product for you!

Do you have problems with rusty nuts?

give it a squeeze, use anti seize!

Your old rusty spark plugs got you hot and bothered?

you'll be on yo ur knees without anti seize.

Eye bolts, U-bolts, New bolts, Used bolts,

Don't let their nuts freeze use anti-seize!

Got a shaft you need to lubricate?

Everyone agrees, use anti seize

Spreads with ease, yet not a disease, its anti-seize!

So if you're new to the channel every year I make a

super... I mean big game commercial and

that was it i'll leave you with the

previous years commercials, make sure to

hit the thumbs up and subscribe and tell

your friends we really appreciate it

thank you for sticking with us!

For more infomation >> BJ's Best Super Bowl Commercials 2017 - Duration: 6:21.


Is Music Not As Good As It Used To Be? - Duration: 4:28.


Music is just not as good as it used to be

Or is it?

I truly believe it is

and not only that, I think music nowadays might be even better than before

Now, I know music taste is as subjective as it can be

but for the sake of this video im going to focus on only one genre


since it's my favorite and it has evolved enough in the past couple of decades

that I find it to be a perfect example to prove my point

Rock music has been changing constantly

new bands take inspirations from the ones that came before and learning from them

so musicians of this day and age have access to so much information

that it's not surprising that they can develop talent and skills far beyond of what was considered possible decades ago.

and on top of that rock music has been mixing with so many different genres and styles that it has created a plethora of sub genres

It has so many subgenres that you can find your particular niche no matter what it is



Technical prowess?

Epic fantasy themed adventure music?

Yeah, there's a subgenre of rock for that.


when you think of rock music of the past you think of classics like The Beatles, Pink Floyd or Queen.

And that's the thing, they are classics

and a classic by definition: is an outstanding example of a particular style; something with a timeless quality.

So they weren't just great bands, they were the greatest of their time and that's why you know about them.

That phenomenon is called Survivor Bias

Survivor bias is the logical error of concentrating on the people or things that "survived" some process

and inadvertently overlooking those that did not because of their lack of visibility.

In other words, the fact that they were so good was what made them stand out over all other examples of their time.

That's why when you think of rock from the nineties, you think of Nirvana

and not Moist

Now that we know we are taking the greatest bands from the past

we can't justly compare them with your everyday garage band

or the newest pop sensation that is going to fade away in just a couple of years.

No, we need to compare them with the greatest of our present time

but who are those?

Well… we can't exactly know at the moment for certain

we need time to judge if a band is just a one hit wonder, or if they can keep on putting great music for years to come

But what we should do is try to get out of our comfort zone in terms of music

don't just listen to the radio or that same old playlist you made 3 years ago

try listening to up and coming bands, or bands that you never heard of

or even music from countries you wouldn't expect

That way we have a better chance of identifying who will be the next legendary band

I know it's not that easy to find them

but services like Spotify and Pandora have great features for discovering new bands

But in my experience the best places to find new music are subreddits like:

/r/Music/, /r/WorldMusic/ and /r/listentothis/

Not only did I discover gems that I would never find otherwise like Manganas Garden

but there's also great discussions and recommendations about music in general

Now I would like you to give me a band or song recommendation

it doesn't have to be your favorite, just a song or a band you would want me to listen to, and tell me why

From my part, I would like to recommend you Protest The Hero

it's a really good band with extremely talented members

the vocals are top notch, the guitars are insane and the whole band is just amazing

Listen to "Blindfolds Aside", it might not be their best song, but its my favorite from them.

Remember to like and subscribe

And if you would like to know how I learned to enjoy other music genres apart from rock, watch this video

For more infomation >> Is Music Not As Good As It Used To Be? - Duration: 4:28.


When Should You Remake a Film? - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> When Should You Remake a Film? - Duration: 7:27.


Can You Guess All The Movies? | Emoji Challenge 9 😃 - Duration: 4:10.

GAMES Aula365

At last, a new Emoji Challenge!

I'm thrilled!

Challenge Level 1

A poisoned apple!

Lovely movie! Snow White

Challenge Level 2

Clowns can also be fish!

Finding Nemo!

Challenge Level 3

"I want to be a real boy."

I know! Pinocchio

Challenge Level 4

A very strange captain.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Challenge Level 5

Don't go green of anger.


Challenge Level 6

"With great power comes..."


Challenge Level 7

A ring with superpowers.

Green Lantern

Challenge Level 8

"Once for all, all for one."

The Three Musketeers

Challenge Level 9

Not all parallel worlds are good.


Emoji Challenge

Do you know what movie is it?

Answer in the comments

For more infomation >> Can You Guess All The Movies? | Emoji Challenge 9 😃 - Duration: 4:10.


Phonetic Eyewear Blue Light Reducing Computer Glasses - Duration: 12:08.

For more infomation >> Phonetic Eyewear Blue Light Reducing Computer Glasses - Duration: 12:08.


7 Key Signs Your Partner Is In Love with You - Duration: 2:45.

So, you have met your life partner and you are wondering if this is the one, if this

person is going to be the one that you're going to spend the rest of your life with.

You are wondering if that person feels the same about you.

Well, today we will explore seven ways to tell if your partner is madly in love with


• They Know How To Make You Feel Better When two people sincerely love each other,

there is a strong connection that lets each other know what to say and how to cheer the

other person up.

If you are having a terrible day, your partner will be the one person that can make you smile

and make your troubles melt away.

• They Don't Play Games If your partner truly loves you, he or she

will not try to manipulate your emotions.

True love is made from honesty, communication and compassion.

If your partner truly loves you, they will never try to toy around with your emotions.

• They Are Always There When You Need Them There are times in life that you need to rely

on your partner, either for support or to physically help with a task.

If your partner is deeply in love with you, they will be by your side in a heartbeat.

They will be cheering you on and helping to cheer you up if you do not succeed.

They are always in your corner.

• They Believe In You True love is full of appreciation for each


If your partner loves you, they will believe that you can accomplish your goals and aspirations.

They know that you are capable of success and believe in you.

• Even If They Do Not Get It, They Will Try

When we love someone, we want to be able to understand everything that is happening around

them so that we can help.

However, that is not always the case.

Sometimes whatever is happening can only be understood by the individual that is experiencing


Yet, if your partner loves you, they will have empathy for you and try their best to

understand where you are coming from.

• They Keep You Humble Even if you become the most successful person

in the world, someone who loves you will never let that go to your head.

They will keep you grounded.

Of course they want you to be successful and accomplish your dreams, but they will also

help to remind you of who you are.

They will help you to become a better person.

• They Are Your Best Friend When someone finds a true friend in life,

it is an honor like no other.

Yet, when your life partner is also your best friend, you have the best of both worlds.

There is a sense of companionship and comfort that develops.

If your partner is deeply in love with you, they will become the best friend that you

could ever hope for.

Are you in a great relationship where you feel deeply loved by your partner?

Are you still looking?

What are the best qualities that a partner can display to show that they love you?

Let us know in our comment section.

For more infomation >> 7 Key Signs Your Partner Is In Love with You - Duration: 2:45.


Writing Definitional Arguments- Thesis Statements - Duration: 7:39.

today we're going to talk about your

definition an exemplification essay

we're going to talk about different

strategies you can use direct the thesis


what kind of a thesis statement you need

to make with the definition and

exemplification essay and how it should

be used to organize your paper when we

use the term definitional in this


we're not referring to the kind of

definition you would find in Webster's


those are factual statements instead we

are persuading the reader to take a

particular view of the topics nature

when you make a definitional argument

you're not trying to quote Webster's


the goal is to give your own view of a

particular word idea or concept what we

want to avoid our statements of fact for

the example you can see here: a shoe is an

item of footwear designed to protect the

human foot now that is a statement that

can't be argued there's no other way of

looking at that what we don't want to

begin your paper with is a statement

that quotes Webster's dictionary or a definitional argument

uses the format of a definition that

writes a sentence that sounds like a

definition but instead what you are

doing is you are trying to persuade the

reader to take a certain nuanced view

for example if I wanted to write a paper

about alcoholism there will be many

different ways I could do this however

are going to try to define alcoholism

I could say alcoholism is a disease

that's not a statement of fact there are

several different ways of looking at

that issue so for several different ways

of discussing it when i say alcoholism

is a disease this is now something

that I have to demonstrate I have to

prove using specific examples the

primary reason I start this course by

having students write a definitional

argument is I find this is the best way

to teach how to write an organized the

assistant access road map for an essay i

can actually give you something like

almost a mathematical equation for how

to write this kind of a thesis the

standard way of writing a definitional

argument a definitional thesis for

definition argument looks like this X is

or is not Y because it has or does not

have features A, B, and C now in the next

slide i'm going to show you an example

of this in practice the word "because" is the

essential component here. It is something

that I would really recommend you use in

this sentence because when you define a

term you then have to give a

justification for it in the last slide I

talked about making an argument about

how alcoholism is a disease in a

definitional thesis you would then give

justifications for that

here is an example of the prototypical

definitional thesis that i showed you in

the last slide

it's a subject is very very near and

dear to me

professional wrestling. So if I were

going to make an argument about the

value of professional wrestling, I could do

so in a definitional argument and I can

actually plug that word that term that

idea that concept, "professional wrestling,"

into that form that i showed you in the

previous slide so i could say

professional wrestling that's the "X" term

is an art form, the "Y" term because it

combines improvisation storytelling and

drama now this is certainly arguable

probably many of you watching this think

the idea of professional wrestling being

an art form is absolutely ridiculous and

that's fine that's one of the reasons it

could be a strong Thesis statement it

is definitely arguable it is not a

statement of fact I now have to show

that in my essay i have to demonstrate

if I were writing about this topic why

I think professional wrestling is an art


defined it in a way that is fresh and

interesting an arguable and I would then

write the first part of my paper in this

case you're writing three pages so i

could write a couple of paragraphs about

how wrestling uses improvisation then I

would transition onto my next point, the

"B" point, and I could write a couple of

paragraphs about how wrestling

incorporate storytelling and then I

could moving on towards the conclusion

finish off my third point by talking

about how wrestling incorporates drama

the important thing here is that your

thesis is the last sentence of your

first paragraph and that the body of the

paper follows the A, B, and C points in

the thesis now to give you a couple of

examples of definitional arguments for

what we're doing

I've given you several points that you

could define in your assignment sheet

and all of them are sort of broad

universal ideas concepts that you then

have to think about in a way that is

creative and try to get across an idea

of what this word what this idea means

to you so what I have here are a few

examples of taking a universal idea sort

of a large concept and creating a

definitional argument with it. For example

in our recent reading "Why Courage

Matters" by Senator John McCain, he

defined courage "as a kind of madness."

I've had a couple of recent student

essays that I thought had very strong

thesis statements few semesters ago I

had students define "love," and I had a

student instead of saying something very

trite that I've heard a million times

like love is a feeling or love is an

emotion and a student argue that love is

a battery that charges are spirits when

we need strength I also had another

student who when talking about trust

called trust a kind of currency that we

exchange for our mutual benefit

now these were all strong thesis

statements strong beginnings

to an argument and the reason is

these are not simply statements of fact

these are all points that can be

discussed and have to then be defended

you would then come up in your paper

with reasons for your definition your

personal definition of any of our

prompts and the words you've received

in your prompts and you would not only

define it in a way that speaks to your

view of the concept you want to then

give justifications for that I hope you

found this helpful instructive and i

hope this will maybe illuminate how you

write a thesis statement for this paper

and how that thesis statement is meant

to give three points that guide the body

of the paper and all the examples you

use to prove that thesis statement has

some validity

For more infomation >> Writing Definitional Arguments- Thesis Statements - Duration: 7:39.


Vote for the questions in our March 2017 Ask the Vet video! - Duration: 1:12.

SARAH: Hi SmartPak fans!

SmartPaker Sarah and Dr. Lydia Gray here.

We are so glad you guys submitted so many more great questions for our second video

of our second year of Ask the Vet, and now it's time to vote!

You might remember last time we had some videos where you could vote in the video - this is

another one of those.

So you'll see something that pops up over Lydia's head - don't move.

DR LYDIA GRAY: Ok. I'll stay very still.

SARAH: Don't move.

It can't see you if you don't move.


Just like a T-Rex.

So if you guys click the thing that just popped up over Lydia's head, you'll see all the polls

drop down.

You can vote on each one, keep scrolling there are some below it, and make sure that you

continue to vote so you can pick your favorite questions, so that way we're answering the

ones that most riders want to see and hear the answer to.

You can also encourage your friends to vote.

You can vote as many times as you want.

Rope your barn mates into it, your family - people don't have to know about horses to

vote on which question they want to see the most...

DR LYDIA GRAY: Absolutely not!

SARAH: So send it around.

We want to get as many votes as possible, so that we make sure we're spending our time

on the most popular questions.

As always, thank you guys so much for watching, submitting questions, and voting.

And have a great ride.

For more infomation >> Vote for the questions in our March 2017 Ask the Vet video! - Duration: 1:12.


Saving with Snowball Cabral Pt. 4 - Duration: 1:32.













































For more infomation >> Saving with Snowball Cabral Pt. 4 - Duration: 1:32.


Bayless Conley TV // Gaining a Brother without Losing Yourself - Part 1 - Duration: 28:30.

There are many questions you are faced with every day.

We are all searching for answers that will make a real difference in our lives.

It's hard to imagine that these answers might be right in front of us.

Get ready to discover answers in the Bible with Bayless Conley.

Hello friend, welcome to the broadcast today.

We're going to be talking about how to gain your brother without losing yourself.

You know, when someone has been offended it can be harder to win them then to take a walled


But Jesus gives us instructions to win an offended brother, an offended sister without

you going down the drain yourself.

So if you've got a Bible why don't you grab it.

We're going to get into the Word of God together.

This is going to be good!

My wife and I are both going to be sharing with you today.

I'm going to start, and then she's going to come up, and then I'll come back up and

close it.

We're both going to be sharing from Matthew, chapter 18.

If you happen to have a Bible or an electronic device that has the Scriptures on it, why

don't you open to Matthew 18, if you would.

And I think some of the things that we're going to share are so important when it comes

to relationships and yet it's some of the most difficult ground to traverse when it

comes to having right relationships with people.

You know, I come, on my dad's side of the family, from good West Virginia hillbilly


And there is a bit of a stubborn streak that runs in the Conley side of the family.

Uhm, my great, great grandmother, Grandma Steel, uhm, she got in an argument with her

husband, with my great, great grandfather.

Uhm, the family still debates a little bit over what the argument was about.

But I think it had something to do with she didn't want to have any more kids.

And so they got in an argument, and she packed up her stuff, left their little humble abode,

crossed over the dirt road and up the holler where they had a little like a one-room cabin.

And she set up her home in there.

Spent the night.

Next morning she came down and fixed Grandpa Steel's breakfast, tidied up a bit, then

walked back across the dirt road up the holler to her little cabin.

And she didn't say anything to him, didn't speak to him.

And that carried on for the next 20 years.

Until she died, she never spoke another word to the man.

That is not the best way to respond to conflict to just sort of cut people off and to not

talk to them, anymore.

But that's what she did.

And we're going to talk a little bit about responding to conflict and when people sin

against you.

And there are actually some astonishing, shocking words that Jesus spoke when He talked about

what we must do.

And here in Matthew 18 after cautioning the disciples about not giving offense to others,

not sinning against others, He began to teach them on how to respond when offense was given

to them, when others trespassed against them.

And at the heart, at the very core of what Jesus teaches throughout this chapter is rescuing

a relationship, trying to restore a broken relationship.

And He even used the analogy in the context of when someone sins against you: You've

got a hundred sheep, one of them strays; you go after that one sheep and rescue it and

restore it.

And He actually, in this context, was talking about a relationship that was broken, that

you should value it enough that you actually get proactive and go after it to try and redeem


So we're going to pick it up in verse 15.

If you would look there with me, if you would.

Matthew 18 and verse 15,

"Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and

him alone.

If he hears you, you have gained your brother."

Now right there is the goal: to gain your brother… without losing yourself, but to

gain your brother.

Not to gloat over your brother, not to prove that you were right and your brother was wrong,

but the goal is to gain your brother, to gain your sister.

Now he didn't say, "If your brother sins against you, cut him off and never speak to

him again."

In fact, it says, "Go to him."

Jesus said the injured party is the one that should go.

And I know our natural response is, "Wait a minute!

You know, he's the one that sinned against me!

He needs to make the first move.

He knows what he did.

I'm not moving an inch.

He needs to come to me."

No, Jesus said, "If your brother sins against you, you go to them."

And it's always the more spiritual person in a relationship… in a marriage or whatever…

that seeks reconciliation first.

So I think husbands and wives should probably have a race to see who can repent first and

ask for forgiveness first.

It's always the more spiritual one that does it.

But Jesus also says this just because of the value that God places on relationships.

And He said, "Do it between you and that person alone."

No one else needs to know.

Keep it between you.

But sometimes what people do, instead of going to that person alone, they go to everybody

else and talk about what that person did to them: "Well this is what they did," and

so now everybody's got this bad opinion, a tainted opinion.

And what that does is, actually, it makes the breach even wider and makes it all that

more difficult to restore or regain the relationship.

Listen to these words, Proverbs 25 and verse 9.

It says, "Debate your case with your neighbor and do not disclose the secret to another."

Now if he hears you, Jesus said you've gained your brother.

One of the greatest things I've ever learned in my life is that God is smarter than I am.

And, you know, though His way may go cross-grain to my flesh, it's the best way.

You know, years and years ago I had written a book.

I was pretty excited about it, and I worked with a company, some people that I knew, to

get it published.

They did all the typesetting.

Back in those days it wasn't all done by computer.

It was the old way to do it.

And they had actually put a rush job on it because there was a big convention coming

up and the guys that were leading the convention said that they really wanted to showcase the

book that I'd written.

They found out what the subject was, and they said, "Look, this is what the church needs."

And so the guys I worked with, they really bent over backwards and worked extra hard

to get it out on time.

And when I got the first copy, I perused it; and to my astonishment, they had changed something

without informing me.

It wasn't a big thing, but they just had added a parenthetical explanation of something

I had said because they felt it wasn't clear.

And I blew my stack!

I got so mad!

I went off on the guy.

I mean, I just went off on him.

I said, "You know, what are you doing?

This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen!

This didn't need to be explained."

And I just got really, really angry.

And to his credit, the guy who is the head of the organization didn't go and talk to

other people about my reaction.

He didn't go talk to a bunch of other people in the industry, said, "Look, don't work

with that Bayless Conley guy.

You know, he's an ungrateful idiot."

He didn't do anything like that.

He came to me, personally.

In fact, I remember over lunch he said, "Bayless, your reaction was really upsetting."

He said, "We worked extra hours.

We bent over backwards.

We gave you extras and did things that you didn't even pay for.

And you zero in on this one thing that you don't like and you get all mad about that

and you go off on me."

He said, "Frankly, I'm offended."

And, you know, when he shared it with me, it's like, "Duh.

Of course.

You're right.

I'm an idiot."

And I just said, "Look, I am so sorry.

You are right.

Will you please forgive me?"

I remember sitting there with our iced teas on the table in the restaurant begging for

his forgiveness.

And he forgave me, and it brought closure to it, and the relationship was actually restored.

We remained good friends and did a lot of work together, you know, throughout the years.

But he did the right thing.

It says, "If your brother sins against you, go to him (go to her) alone and get it sorted


You might say, "Well, what if I go to them and share and they won't listen?

What if it doesn't go well?"

Step 2: Verse 16,

But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that "by the mouth of two or

three witnesses every word may be established.'

All right, you take one or two witnesses with you.

Now a witness is somebody that has seen something, somebody that knows something.

Maybe they saw the event in question.

You know, they are, in a firsthand sense, aware of the transgression.

Or maybe it's just somebody that they have observed a pattern of behavior in that person.

And you can bring them along, and they can say, "Look, you know, you know us; we know


This is something, frankly, that we've seen you do a number of times."

And the idea is that every word may be established.

They realize you are not just spouting off that there is some substance to what you are


And, again, the object is not just to prove that you're right.

The object is to gain your brother and to restore the relationship.

Now you can also look at it in this sense.

Maybe it's somebody that doesn't have firsthand knowledge of the situation, but

you bring a person along just in case things go south and that it's not well received.

At least that other person can say, "Look, I can testify that he came in a right spirit.

You know, he came in a spirit of humility and laid out the grievance, and there wasn't


He wasn't looking for vengeance.

And this guy just refused to hear it."

And sometimes it can be handy to have someone there as a witness to the conversation as

it plays out.

You know, I, as young Christian, I didn't have a lot of Christian friends, at least

my age.

Most of them were ancient.

The Christians that I knew, everybody that went to the church that I was at, they were

all really old.

And I did have a couple people that were close to my age.

And this one person that I really esteemed the relationship… because I'm a new Christian

and I didn't have many people to relate to in my new life.

And, you know, most of my old crew, they all were up to their eyeballs in drugs and illegal

activity and a bunch of stuff that I kind of needed to distance myself from.

And I found out that this new friend of mine had lied to me in order to maneuver me into

a position so they could gain a particular advantage.

And I was just devastated!

And I just…

I talked to them, and they sort of felt that the end justified the means.

I said, "But, bro, I don't feel like I can trust you.

I don't know how to go forward in the relationship.

You know, you don't even think that this is a bad thing.

But, to me, it's everything."

And they just wouldn't see it.

And I said, "Look, what if we call this guy from the church."

I said, "Do you trust him?"

They said, "Yeah."

I said, "Okay, let's do it."

We called this guy up about 10:30 at night… he had a night shift at the local foundry…

and said, "Look, I want to make an appointment with you.

So-and-so and I, we've had bit of a disagreement, and we need somebody to referee."

And he said, "Come to the foundry now."

I said, "Look, you're working.

We can wait until tomorrow."

He said, "No, I put in a lot of extra time.

My boss will give me off."

We went out to the foundry, got there about 11:15 at night, and they provided a little

room for us.

And, you know, I laid the whole thing out; the other person said their piece.

And, you know, I was glad he said, "Look, Bayless is right.

You know, he's a hundred percent right in this.

What you did is wrong."

But he went on to just talk about the value of the relationship.

And he said, "This isn't worth you guys going separate ways over."

And he actually prayed us through.

I remember us bowing our heads and praying in that little coffee room or whatever it

was at the foundry.

And he prayed us back into a right relationship with one another.

I was glad to have an extra person.

And Jesus said, "Look, if they won't hear you, bring one or two more."

Now what if Step 2 doesn't work?

What if it's still not well received?

What if they refuse to hear even with a witness or witnesses there?

Step 3, verse 17:

And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church.

But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax


Meaning a corrupt tax collector.

Now when He said, "Tell it to the church," that doesn't mean you get somebody to stand

up in the pulpit and say, "All right, let it be known to all that Joe Brown borrowed

Max Green's lawnmower.

And when he brought it back, it was broken and there were parts missing, and he has refused

to pay for it."

Save that stuff for Judge Judy.

He's not talking about putting it in the church bulletin; He's not talking about

shaming that person before the church.

But just bring it to those that have been authorized to hear those sort of matters and

judge concerning those sort of matters.

And listen, don't run after me and say, "Okay, Pastor, I…"

We've got people that can hear that stuff and they can help sort it out.

And, again, the whole idea, it's redemptive.

It's not just to be punitive.

Tell it to the church.

You know, even in First Corinthians there's a story of a guy that had gone off the rails.

He had actually taken his stepmother away from his father and was living in open sin

with his stepmother and coming to church… you know, like sitting on the front row.

And Paul writes in First Corinthians, "Look, you guys need to do something.

You need to administer some church discipline and get this thing taken care of."

It was very serious.

And they did.

But it wasn't merely punitive.

It was redemptive.

You read in Second Corinthians Paul brings up the subject again, he says, "Look, the

guy has repented.

Receive him back lest he be swallowed in sorrow."

The guy, he did come to his senses; he did repent.

He did come back to right relationship with God and did want to be reintegrated into the

church fellowship.

So Jesus said, "Step 3: Tell it to the church.

But if he refuses to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a corrupt

tax collector."

One translation says, "Treat him as you would treat someone who does not know God."

And I know some people are thinking, "All right, finally.

You know, cut him off!

Don't have anything to do with him.

Despise him.

This guy's like a heathen."

Well, I don't think it means that.

We're not called to hate the unsaved.

We're called to love them and to try and win them and to minister grace to them.

They may be acting like somebody that doesn't know God, all right, well, I'm going to

endeavor to win that person through acts of kindness.

You know, that's how the Scripture tells us to deal with the unsaved.

It doesn't say God so hated the world that He ground it to powder.

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.

And, you know, The Message Bible actually takes a fair bit of liberty with this verse.

But I think it captures the spirit of it.

It says this: "If he won't listen to the church, you'll have to start over from scratch.

Confront him with the need for repentance and offer again God's forgiving love.

Now if they remain obstinate and unyielding at this point, perhaps all you can do then

for them is pray."

But that is no little thing, and that's the next thing that Jesus says to do.

Verse 18,

"Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever

you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

"Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask,

it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."

Jesus, in context, is talking about gathering together to pray a prayer of forgiveness.

You've been through the whole process.

So it's going to be you, it's going to be those witnesses, it's going to be the

people that were delegated in the church that are aware of the situation.

You gather together and you pray.

You pray and release that person.

You forgive them, and you pray that they'll come to their senses and that the relationship

can be restored.

And Jesus started off, "Whatever, you know, loose on earth, loosed in heaven."

Well, you know, He uses the same word down just a few verses later because He goes into

this parable of this guy that racks up this huge debt to a king, an unpayable debt.

And when he begs for mercy, what does the king do?

The king has compassion and releases him from that debt.

The word "release" is the same word translated "loose".

In fact, the Old King James Version said, "he loosed him from the debt."

Jesus is talking about a prayer of forgiveness.

I over the years have probably seen just about everything.

Every once in a while something new comes up.

But mostly it's just recycled stuff that happens.

And uhm, not the first time, not the only time it's happened, but there was a situation

where, you know, somebody in the church… and I actually knew all the people involved,

so I got pulled into it, sort of, in the end stage.

And there was a major disagreement that talked about the one person was just unyielding and

so witnesses were called in, actually, people that did have intimate knowledge of the situation;

the person refused to hear.

I happened to have knowledge of the situation, but I came in as sort of the church stage,

and the person still refused to hear it.

Got mad at me, got mad at everybody else involved and actually left the church mad.

I hate it when that happens.

And they actually didn't just leave, themselves.

There was a bit of collateral damage when they left.

They took a few other families in their wake as they went out.

They had believed a lie and wouldn't see the truth of the situation, and they just


And, you know, we grieved over it, you know, grieved over the relationship that had been

broken over the other families that had been fed some things that were actually quite far

from the truth.

All we could do at that point was pray.

And so we gathered together with all of the people that had been involved, and we forgave

the person.

And we just prayed that God would open their eyes, that they'd recover themselves out

of the snare of the devil, as Paul talks about elsewhere.

You know, return to their senses.

And, you know, nothing happened for a week, nothing happened in a month, nothing happened

in a year.

But Jesus said, "If two of you agree, it shall be done."

It may not be done the way we want it to be done; it may not be done on our timetable;

but, my friend, do not scoff.

Things happen in the corridors of heaven when we agree together in prayer.

It was about three years later I was in a store one day; and, low and behold, there's

the person that had caused all the problems.

And I walked up to him and said, "Hey, how are you doing?

I've really missed you!"

And they hung their head down, and it got real uncomfortable for about ten seconds,

and then they looked up at me and said, "Pastor, I need forgiveness."

I said, "You do?"

He said, "Yeah, you know, when I left the church and took the other people with me,

you know, I was mad.

But I realized I was wrong.

Everything that we thought was true, I have come to find out that it was not true.

And myself and the other people I took with me, we were completely in the wrong.

Please, please forgive me."

I said, "Of course."

And we had a wonderful time of fellowship there.

The relationship was restored.

That's a great value!

Now they're not back in church yet, at least at Cottonwood, and I hope one day that that

happens, but some of you may be at a point that all you can do is pray.

Do not underestimate the power of your prayers.

Jesus said God will work.

Somebody says, "All right, but what if instead of repenting for the offense done, the person

starts repeating the offense?"

Well, you know, Peter was thinking the same thing.

Verse 21:

Then Peter came to Him and said, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and

I forgive him?

Up to seven times?"

Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."

In other words, don't even start counting.

You know, if you start counting up, you're already in trouble.

You've got something lodged in your heart.

In fact, Jesus, in saying this to Peter, was making reference to an event that happened

in the Old Testament.

Peter, being a Jew, would have been very, very aware of what Jesus was saying.

In Genesis, chapter 4, there was a guy named Lamech.

He was the very first man that broke God's principle of one husband, one wife.

Lamech took an extra wife.

He's the first one of the Bible to do it.

His first wife's name meant ornament.

His second wife's name meant shadow.

She was just sort of on the side, in the shadows.

And this guy, Lamech, was a piece of work.

And we find in Genesis 4:23 he's bragging and boasting to his wives.

Listen to what he said.

Genesis 4:23, "Then Lamech said to his wives: 'Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; wives of

Lamech, listen to my speech!

For I have killed a man for wounding me, even a young man for hurting me.

If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-sevenfold.'"

Jesus making reference to Peter by making that statement.

He's basically saying, "Peter, in the old way, in the old covenant, it was multiplied


But I'm bringing a new way to you.

And the new way I'm bringing is multiplied forgiveness because God places multiplied

value on relationships.

Thank you for watching Answers with Bayless Conley.

Bayless will continue with part two of his message next week.

You know, one of the greatest lessons to keep in mind is how God has dealt graciously with


How Christ has washed away our sins.

How He doesn't count up all of our faults and our failings against us.

And then to endeavor to love other people the same way that God loves us.

I think it's when we forget about God's mercy toward us that we don't extend mercy

toward others.

So some of you that are watching, you need to go back and rethink how merciful the Lord

has been with you.

And then extend that mercy to someone else.

You will be blessed as you do it.

We take special care of the things that are most valuable to us so that they last.

We find the best ideas for successful relationships in the Bible.

In The Ten Commandments for Marriage, Bayless Conley unpacks God's Ten Commandments in

the Old Testament to show why these sacred vows between God and His people can provide

the basis for a stable, lasting marriage today.

Try it out!

It's worth it.

Thank you for watching Answers with Bayless Conley.

For more information and inspiration, visit

For more infomation >> Bayless Conley TV // Gaining a Brother without Losing Yourself - Part 1 - Duration: 28:30.


How to Grow Your Business Faster - Duration: 2:45.

Hey there my name is Kelly Roach, I'm the

CEO of Kelly Roach Coaching where we help

entrepreneurs from around the world to

make six and 7th figure leaps in their

businesses. I'm super excited to be here

with you for this quick two-minute tip

that will change your life. Today we're

talking about how to make your business

grow faster. One of the key questions

that I get from entrepreneurs all the

time is "Kelly, was do I need to do to

pack a more powerful punch and get a

better return on investment for the time

I'm putting into my business?"

Well the simple answer that is two-fold.

Number 1, raise your prices on your

premium products and services that

actually require your involvement or the

direct involvement of one of your

employees and number two on the flip

side and even more importantly it's

really leveraging and scaling your

business into selling, servicing and

delivering one-to-many so of course if

you look at a program for example you

could be a coach that servicing a

one-to-one client and making maybe five

hundred dollars per hour, right? But on the

flip side if you run some Facebook ads

and you build up your email list and

then begin launching a coaching program

and group coaching program to that list

and you sell people into it every single


eventually you get to the point where

you 50 or 60 or 70 people even if

they're paying you less per hour you

can double triple or quadruple your

income and you're still putting in the

same amount of hours that you were with

that one-on-one client so if you want to learn

more about how to quickly leverage and

create your own celebrity so that people

will start flocking to you sending you

Facebook messages shooting emails into your

inbox and you wake up every morning with

new merchant receipts coming through for

you to look at

I want you texting the word celebrity or

follow the link in this post texting the

word celebrity to 44222 or you can follow

the link above or below but all I want

you to do is listen to this free

training and I want you to really take

some time to evaluate what you're doing

currently a market and grow your

business versus what you could be doing

from the standpoint of raising your

prices with your premium product

food services and leveraging the scale

that's available to each and every one

of us today with the power of the

Internet we're talking video podcasting

webinars all the great things that are

accessible to each and every one of us

that allow us to move from that

one-to-one model to one-to-many and

multiply our income. I hope this tip was

helpful for you again you can gain

access to the free trainings I put

together for you on how to engineer your

celebrity by texting in celebrity to

44222 or follow the link in the post

thanks so much

For more infomation >> How to Grow Your Business Faster - Duration: 2:45.


TG Green Room Renovation - Part 2 - Duration: 16:11.

hey we're back working on the green

room renovation. As you can see if

you watch my last video I finished this closet out. This wall

behind me

I framed out since then and now I need to

work on that last wall over there so I

need to clean up some garbage. Take it to the dump then we'll be

framing up this other wall. We''ll see you then.

This little pile of debris sadly was

keeping me from getting this project moving

forward. It didn't take much to load it up and

hall it off to the dump. Like you can

see here just a small pile and this roll of carpet

was all that was left over.

Carried it up and outside and

hauled it off to the local landfill. Worked out pretty good.

Ok, we (I) just got finished taking out the remnants of the

demo work we did.

This is where the pile was.

It's all cleaned up now, just have a few little

pieces that we need to sweep up.


You can see that wall that I still need to frame out.

I was hoping to salvage some of these 2x2s

and other wood but they were kind of holding up the

process I don't usually use 2x2s

and the were full of nails. A lot of them were rotted out.

So I decided to get rid of them all and take them to the

dump and that will make this project keep rolling again. So...

We will continue work. I'm going to go to the dump

right now and we'll be back here

Ok, we're back from the dump.

Over here I've got, I believe that's a 2x10

And that's off of one of my pallet wood pieces so I

decided since I was going to run another wall

along here. Along this other wall.

That if I did it that way that I would have plenty of room for that

sheet rock to tie into. And that would make that process a

lot easier. It made use of a board I wouldn't

of otherwise used without trimming it down.

So that worked out good. Most of these

2x4s I ended up having to start

buying. Bought this pressure treated wood on the bottom


a lot of the wood. I did have enough

wood for the closet, a few pieces in the

closet but I've had to buy everything else.

Over here I also tied in up top here.

I've got this board connected over and then up top so

that's a seperate joint and then I didn't

do anything with this one. Just have that

nailed into the concrete along the

base there so that's what's holding

that bottom in. And then up top here.

It's kind of difficult you can see, I don't know how well

you can see, so these nails is where the joist is

above in the ceiling so kind of had to go

off at an angle and in try to shoot it over and

hit that in a few of these places and then

in this section didn't want to let those

screws suck it in too much wanted to

leave enough room for the drywall to

fit up underneath there

I'm just trying to really plan ahead on

this and do things smart.

You know I'm not, this is not something I do on the

day-to-day basis so whatever I can do to

make it the most efficient for me I'm

trying to do. This wall is the wall I'm going to work on

today and 8' will start on this

end. 8' will bring us out to about here.

So I'll this two sections too.

I'll build an 8' panel and set it up.

Then I'll build that little smaller panel. I will need to take

off this 2x2 as well as some base trim.

Just so that will sit flush over there.

And then once i'm done with that

I think that will be a good goal for today

It's a little after noon, 12:30-1 o'clock.

Try to get that wall framed up today and after

that we'll work on some plumbing and

electrical and installation

ok just finished taking off this trim

and they've got these little kind of

like wet pieces this section is about

1/2" and then over here with the drywall seam is

a little bigger, about 1"

It looks to me like they tried to add like

1" of dry wall because they didn't have enough.

And I didn't realize this until I did

some mold remediation for a job

but dry wall is supposed to be a half an

inch or inch off the ground so that if water

does get on the ground, that it doesn't wick it up and

obviously right here that's been a

problem with all this drywall that is here on the

ground is just. You can a little bit of black

growth on there.

I mean just not good stuff so you know.

Now that I've cleaned this off. Gotten rid of this lower

section, that's the right height it should be

This trim came off pretty good.

So, just throught I would throw in that quick note on

the why the drywall.

Ok, I got this wall put up. I missed some footage, the

GoPro battery did not charge last time

so I've got the 8' section of that wall done.

As you can see over here these

three boards are recycled from pallets

and then these other ones are brand-new

and I just had one left over they need

to buy so i went to home depot and spent

a boat load of cash. So I've got another

2x4 there. I also cut this section

out for electrical. On the other side

of this wall there's a outlet box right there

so we'll just tie it right there and we

will run electrical through this wall

we'll add an outlet here. Run it all the way

around. Add an outlet here, not below the window.

Skip the window, add another one here and then

we will go up and over and then we'll

add one over here where we're gonna have a

little desk and then also off of this

junction we'll run up and do a light

light switch here and then a light up in the closet.

So we've got, I bought some electrical for that.

I got some 14-2 wire.

We got some of these nail plate caps and we've got

four new outlets in this room, one switch, one light,

We're going to swap out the switch in this room.

We'll swap this switch out for a new one.

And then also the outlet on the back

side of this wall we'll add a new outlet there.

That covers electrical.

Plumbing, I'm not going to do all the plumbing yet.

We want to do a pressure reducer here.

But I will leave a hole cut out this wall for a an

access panel and everything I do

whether today or the future everything I do

there will be made easyily so I can do it in the

future so today I'm going to do all the upper plumbing.

i'm going to add a new hose bib out here and plumb all my valves in there.

So you can see I've got four valves

there or, sorry just three valves and then

I've got some 3/4" pipe

3/4" hose bib and then

this PVC pipe. 1" PVC is going to act as a

a sleeve. i'm going to run that up here and

i don't know how well you can see up here but I

just want to, i don't know, i'm not sure

this is the professional way to do it

I'm not going to be able to put little clamps on

that hose, on that 3/4" pipe all the

way down. It goes all the way out to the end of this

room and i'm just going to sleeve it in that

1" pipe and then you know if there's any

water hammering action that will prevent

that hopefully and then I can secure that on

both ends and there's also a cross

brace in the middle somewhere that i can

set up in so i think that work well for that.

I also picked up a home depot a

snake here

and that's snake is for the upstairs bathroom

i'll see if i can throw some footage on that.

That sink is really clogged the

bath tubs clogging up and it's hardly

draining now. I tried to pull it out (with plunger), I

got some gunk out of the p-trap but it's

not doing the whole thing.

And then the last big thing is the insulation here.

So we've got this big role here was about

$50 these two here were $15 each so that's $80 there.

the 3/4" pex, 100' about $50

The valves are like $10 a piece ($30 total) and

I think the 14-2 wire it was $25

so everything in here it adds up real

quick. So, we got the GoPro

up here recording us so we will see if

we can get some good time lapse video for this.

Here I started with installing the outlet boxes.

I placed them 12 inches

to the top of that, then I removed all

these items i purchased from the store

I got them out of my way so I could keep working

there in that area. Here i'm drilling out

the holes for the wire to run through and

then here I'm installing those nail

protection plates and then following that

with the cleanup and then laying out my

boards for the remaining of that framing of the wall.

This last bit of framing took a few attempts

Used a pocket hole jig to attach it to the existing wall

there and then attached it to the green

wall there with a few screws, used a level

to get it all squared up and lined out right.

In the end i'm pretty happy

with how this whole wall up.

Here I'm drilling the holes for the new

3/4" pex waterline putting

those nail plate on that worked out

pretty good i did install the at same time

the hose bib on the outside didn't

really film that just cold outside and

hard to film in a hard-to-reach area and

then here are pushing through the

3/4" pex pipe

I had my wife help me with that.

It helps having two people, one to

push, one to pull and then lastly here

really hard difficult bend that was hard to

push through so i worked it. I kept working the

pipe and ended up getting it the way I wanted

it and the corner ended up being right so

really happy with how this all turned out

worked out really well.

It's 9:14pm.

What a day it's been.

Well, I don't know, I feel like today's been one of the

most productive days on this basement project.

Idk, maybe I just feel like progress is finally rolling

First weekend i started i got the closet done.

Second weekend I got this wall done then this

weekend i got this wall done. I've got my

electrical started. I've got plumbing started

So electrical I've got

all the holes drilled, well at least

half of them I guess.

Half of the holes drilled and half of the plates installed

over to here. I've got all of the boxes installed

except for this one right here which i

need to add a stud to nail that in to.

switch plate done. I've got the light

fixture done so i got half the

electrical done that went pretty quick

ready-to-run wire. I've got this hose bib

installed and 3/4" pex pipe installed so I've got

two lines running down there

that way I can sheet rock the whole entire

room and then just have my access cubbie

here and i can get in there and add a

pressure reducer and finish that out.

Here I've got my,

we got a 90 degree sweep right there.

That was hard to install on this 3/4" pex.

I've got this one-inch PVC pipe

that runs all the way through here to the room next

door just right next door there we'll go

over there and take a look at that

ok we are in the laundry room here you can see

the other end of this 1" PVC and the other side of this.

This was a brutal run right here.

So I started in the utility room

and i push it up through next to these

heating ducts went up through the

joists and then set it through.

It was so hard.

So these: one, two, three, four holes I only drilled out to

1" and it was just getting super

tight. I end up over sizing these to inch

and a half kind of nasty looking but I

made a huge difference to get these ran.

Oh, a little while back I ran

this other pex. There is some pex pipe here and

some pex pipe here to the toilet as well

as out to this hose bib. So that was my first

experience on that and i liked it so I

figured I'd do it again

Let's go over to the utility room and

see where that roll is.

Ok, behind the water heater and furnace here we got this

100' roll of pipe here and it's coiled up

and it's going through right there and then goes to

the hall and over to that other room. This is pretty

hard to get through too. There's not

much room left in there. There's a hot line ran

through there and then a couple of colds.

Glad to have to have that done.

It's been a long Saturday.

Sorry, it feels like a Saturday, it's

been a long Monday. Been a long day off.

Lots of work done and glad to accomplish that.

Well, it's been a long day. I'm pooped, ready for bed.

Ready for work in the morning and

glad we got a good chunk of this out of the way.

Hopefully I can work on some of this other stuff

on some week nights and obviously some more saturdays

and we'll just keep chipping away this.

This has been on going project since

November now and it's the middle of january so

we will just keep going at it and i will try to

keep these updates as frequent as

possible and hopefully they're being enjoyable.

So put a comment in the section

below let me know how to improve these

videos make it more interesting, if you

want more detail,

less details, I mean whatever-it-is,

questions you might have on

why I did things a certain way so

I'd love if if you'd subscribe as well and if you

liked the video give me a thumbs up.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> TG Green Room Renovation - Part 2 - Duration: 16:11.


Mortgage Protection vs Term Life Insurance. It's Toboggan TIME! - Duration: 0:59.

Do you know the difference between

Mortgage Protection Insurance and Term Life Insurance?

Well in the unfortunate case that you pass away

mortgage protection insurance would pay for your mortgage.

But it doesn't pay for your heating bill

it doesn't pay for your internet

and it doesn't put groceries on the table.

Basically the bank gets the money and your and your family gets nothing.

As you pay down your mortgage

your monthly premiums stay the same.

They don't decrease with it.

It's expensive and they qualify you after your death.


They qualify you after your death.

You better hope that application has been filled out

perfectly because you'll be denied.

Term life insurance is the complete opposite

where they qualify you first,

your family gets the money

to pay for the mortgage and the groceries

and it's the best contract you'll ever sign

because only you can cancel it.

Get rid of your overpriced insurance.

Do a proper plan with me.

It's Toboggan TIME!


For more infomation >> Mortgage Protection vs Term Life Insurance. It's Toboggan TIME! - Duration: 0:59.


PETA vs Warhammer - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> PETA vs Warhammer - Duration: 2:04.


ULTIMATE 2017 DIY Custom Desk PC Mod Setup Tour - Water Cooled Gaming Computer in a Desk - Duration: 12:52.

what's going on guys I hope you enjoyed

my setup this desk pc took me around six

months to build on and off obviously

with a full-time job so that's mostly

working on it on weekends and afternoons the whole

front panel of the desk is dedicated to

fan control LED lighting and we also

have a car head unit in place so what I am

able to do is pair my phone with this

and I'm able to receive bluetooth phone

calls sort of like hands-free in a car

through the desk which is another pretty

crazy feature about this desk also have

2 12 x 16 inch speakers

one on either side of the desk at the

sides so i am able to use this two channel

car amplifier which is inside the desk to

listen to some beats through those

speakers the two 4 inch speakers which are

on top of the desk are also car speakers

and they are hooked up to this car head unit down

below but that's not the only audio we

have we have a 7.1 surround sound system

without logitech gear over there we also

have a focusrite scarlett audio

interface for our audio technica

headphones which are hanging up there

the microphone here is an audio technica

at2020 i use that when I'm doing my

gameplay and talking to people in

teamspeak and things like that and for

my general voice overs I normal use a

sennheiser mkh 416 shotgun mic so what

has changed since the last update video

well we have some new liquid cooling

tubes inside I've re-bent this one at

the back it's more hidden underneath now

I also have a new tube route going from

the cpu to the first hard drive and

that's because we got a new motherboard

the MSI X99 Carbon godlike

motherboard we also have four sticks of

Corsair Vengeance led ram and two msi gtx

1080s in sli down the bottom here

we do have our custom SSD plates which we

made in a previous video a couple weeks

back and all of our fans are noctura

fans for the best possible cooling

potential we do have UV green and black

sleeved cables which is why they are also

glowing from the UV light within the

system we are able to control the

different colors of the light with our

remote system we can turn it on and off

have them flashing fading we can have it

going to music and many more options

yes the hard drives are liquid cooled they

have a water block on them this is more for

aesthetics they don't need to be liquid Cooled

the only reason i have the waterblocks on

them is because I've got the tube

coming from the cpu and if i didn't have

those waterblocks there that tube would

have to go all the way around and then

into the reservoir it would have looked a bit

untidy so having the water blocks there

is just for aesthetics it breaks the

loop up a bit and just fills up that

space a bit more we are using a Mayhem's

UV green dye within the system and

we've also got all of our biocides and kill

coils and stuff within the system to

stop any growth majority of the liquid

cooling hardware is from primochill we have

got their flowmeter down the bottom there

and a few of their ghosts compression

fittings which is a nice clean black

color which suits the theme of the build

the monitors are three LG 27 inch IPS

LED monitors i'm looking to upgrade

these monitors but for now these do

exactly what I need them to do i'm not a

competitive gamer anything i just play

for fun but most of my time is spent

video editing i actually have another

monitor in for RMA at the moment so the

main display in the middle will get

replaced once that returns the desk is

all custom-made i made this about two

years ago the first version it had soft

tubing in it to begin with but now I think

it's a much cleaner design and I like

where this desk is heading and I'm going

to keep it growing throughout my growth

on youtube as well so I sort of see

this project as a centerpiece for my

youtube channel and something that I can

grow off of as well

the desk is 1.5 meters long 0.8 meters

wide and the desk sits around 0.77

meters high the box at its thickest

point is

0.22 meters in thickness

this is a strengthened safety glass on

top so i don't have too much worries if

I am in some really serious game

play I got to try and refrain myself from

actually smashing down on the glass now

I know in my other videos a lot of

people said that the glare might be an

issue while gaming but to be honest I

can't even see the glare reflecting onto

the screens and in your peripheral


yes you can see it but i do have

switches to turn all the lights off so

it makes it nice and easy and you can have

it suit your personal preference if

you wish you can dim the lights you can fade the lights

you can do whatever you want, you can turn the

lights off you don't have to have any

lights on at all the cpu is an intel 5960x

we're gonna probably upgrade

not this gen maybe next-gen we'll just

see how everything pans out and what the

speeds of the new CPU's you look like

I'm after more cores than everything

because i like to do video editing and

rendering and 3d design as part of

my hobby and part of YouTube and part of

building custom pcs my operating system

is windows 10 and is currently stored on

an M.2 SSD so it's really fast

read and write speeds on that and I try to

keep my main programs and operating

system limited to that SSD and put games

and stuff on other ssds which I have

within the desk in total there is

around 26 terabytes of storage within

the desk i will certainly not be using

all 26 terabytes I have some hard drives

in here just for backups

so i can keep multiple backups of

everything that i have i also have a lot

of videos and editing and raw footage

that i like to store as well and i

like to keep it because down the track

i reuse a lot of my footage for

tutorials and things like that so anyway

hope you all enjoyed my 2017 desk set up

tour i'm going to give you guys a whole

tour around the actual caravan so you

will be able to see more pcs sitting behind me

such as the tank and one of my new ones

that i just recently complete last

week hope you all enjoy guys remember to

check out more videos on the channel

lots of custom pcs lots of DIY tutorials

water cooling tutorials and reviews so

check them out guys let me know what you

think down below

I want to know what you guys think about this new desk

setup for 2017 like and subscribe guys

and we'll see you all in the next video

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