Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 3 2017

Top 5 Scary Video Caught On Tape - Ghost Sightings - Horror Videos Paranormal

Top 5 Scary Video Caught On Tape - Ghost Sightings - Horror Videos Paranormal

Top 5 Scary Video Caught On Tape - Ghost Sightings - Horror Videos Paranormal

Top 5 Scary Video Caught On Tape - Ghost Sightings - Horror Videos Paranormal

Top 5 Scary Video Caught On Tape - Ghost Sightings - Horror Videos Paranormal

Top 5 Scary Video Caught On Tape - Ghost Sightings - Horror Videos Paranormal

Top 5 Scary Video Caught On Tape - Ghost Sightings - Horror Videos Paranormal

Top 5 Scary Video Caught On Tape - Ghost Sightings - Horror Videos Paranormal

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scary Video Caught On Tape - Ghost Sightings - Horror Videos Paranormal - Duration: 5:37.


You are not alone: Durability (Tutorial 009) - Duration: 27:52.

Before we begin you may need to update.

You need version 1.1.1 or above to add durability. If you got that just ignore the update procedure that follow. If you dont have it make sure you download the latest version. But...

...dont run update.bat when you update.

So after you download the lastes version and imported the new update folders and the included folder.

Go back to the project and we will copy some stuff before we continue.

First duplicate scr_Multiplayer_ON_PLAYER_REQUEST_OBJECT_GRANTED so we can re-add some code after the update.

We will copy and paste our changes we made in these tutorial back to this script after the update.

Ok now close and save the project.

Step the update by check the version you had and run it in sequence.

If you had 1.0.9 run Update_1_0_9_to_1_1_0.bat then Update_1_1_0_to_1_1_1.bat

The version I had was 1.1.0 so I run 1.1.0 to 1.1.1

This will only change 3 files in the project.

This will allow you to keep most changes we have done in the tutorial series.

Re-add code from the duplicated scr_Multiplayer_ON_PLAYER_REQUEST_OBJECT_GRANTED stuff to the new one.

Ok. Re-added.

Also make sure you download and import the lastest ExtraForYouAreNotAlone extension.

You can check and make sure you got the scr_Multiplayer_Data_Add_and_Update that we will be using.

Ok. Lets continue.

In tutorial 007 we added armor to the game

But I missed to add it to the savegame. So before we continue we will fix that.


ini_write_string("Items", "Equipped_Armor", ds_list_write(Array2List(objPlayer.equippedArmour)));


// Load armor ds_list_read(_tempList, ini_read_string("Items", "Equipped_Armor", "")); objPlayer.equippedArmour = List2Array(_tempList); ds_list_destroy(_tempList);

Ok. Armor is now saved and loaded with the player.

Now we will add durability

First we need to add constants for the place in the item array.

Objects>objConstants>Game start


Ok. We now must add 2 more space for these in the inventory slot data holder.

Objects>Pause Menus>objInventory>Create

slots = ds_grid_create(invWidth*invHeight, 11);

Now we want to draw the durability in the inventory.

Draw GUI

// Draw weapon durability

var _xPos, _yPos, _seperation, _icon, _durability, _durability_max;

_durability = objPlayer.equippedWeapon[ITEM_DURABILITY];

_durability_max = objPlayer.equippedWeapon[ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX];

if (_durability > -1)

{ }

draw_healthbar(_xPos+647, _yPos+133, _xPos+647+64, _yPos+133+2, (_durability/_durability_max)*100, c_black, c_red, c_lime, 0, false, false)

Copy it and paste below.

// Draw armor durability

_durability = objPlayer.equippedArmour[ITEM_DURABILITY]; _durability_max = objPlayer.equippedArmour[ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX];

draw_healthbar(_xPos+743, _yPos+133, _xPos+743+64, _yPos+133+2, (_durability/_durability_max)*100, c_black, c_red, c_lime, 0, false, false)

Copy it and paste when drawing the inventory slots.

// Draw item durability

_durability = ds_grid_get(slots, _gridPosition, ITEM_DURABILITY); _durability_max = ds_grid_get(slots, _gridPosition, ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX);

draw_healthbar(_drawX, _drawY, _drawX+64, _drawY+2, (_durability/_durability_max)*100, c_black, c_red, c_lime, 0, false, false)

Ok. It will now draw the durability in the inventory.

Now we need to make all inventory script work with the new durability in the item arrays.


ds_grid_set(objInventory.slots, _emptyCell, ITEM_DURABILITY, _array[9]);

ds_grid_set(objInventory.slots, _emptyCell, ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX, _array[10]);


_newArray[ITEM_DURABILITY] = ds_grid_get(_grid, _index, ITEM_DURABILITY);

_newArray[ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX] = ds_grid_get(_grid, _index, ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX);


ds_grid_set(_grid, _index, ITEM_DURABILITY, -1); ds_grid_set(_grid, _index, ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX, -1);


ds_grid_set(_grid, _index, ITEM_DURABILITY, _array[ITEM_DURABILITY]); ds_grid_set(_grid, _index, ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX, _array[ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX]);




_item[ITEM_DURABILITY] = argument9; _item[ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX] = argument10;

/// ItemGetDefine(name, type, count, object, icon, description, spriteSet, effect, value, durability, durability max);


_item[ITEM_DURABILITY] = 500; _item[ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX] = 500;

500 uses (we can hit stuff 500 times)



_item[ITEM_DURABILITY] = 1000; _item[ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX] = 1000;


_item[ITEM_DURABILITY] = 2000; _item[ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX] = 2000;



Potions dont have any durability so make it -1. This will prevent it from drawing durability in the inventory.




_item[ITEM_DURABILITY] = 1000; _item[ITEM_DURABILITY_MAX] = 1000;



We must now make sure all calls to these scripts add durability.


item = ItemGetDefine("NO NAME", -1, 1, -1, -1, "NO DESCRIPTION", -1, 0, 0, -1, -1);


item = ItemGetDefine("NO NAME", -1, 1, -1, -1, "NO DESCRIPTION", -1, 0, 0, -1, -1);

Ok. The Items now got durability that show in the inventory. Now we must make items lose durability.

Objects>objPlayerStrike>ParMortal collision

No not here..

Add code block:

/// Durability Inventory_Remove_Durability(0,1);

0 means the wepond. And we remove 1 on each collision.

Copy the block and paste it in the other collision events

You could change the remove and just remove 0.5 durability when hit grass. If you want.


Go to the death section

// Armor Durability Inventory_Remove_Durability(1,(*1);

Ok. So if we lose 10 hp we will lose 10 durability on the armor. You can change this if you want.

Now we must handle the durability when we drop something from inventory.

So when we drop and pickup the item it has the same durability.

Objects>Pause menus>objInventory>Step

// Drop item section

First we need to create the data string. We add the whole item array so everything is saved.

If you add your own stuff in the item array it will also be in the droped object.

// Create item data to put in droped item

var data_;


This will take the array and create a string for us.

Now we add the item data to the droped item


Now we need to add the data when we pick it up.


We will add the item data every time we pickup a item that is put in inventory.

// Set data from pickup item


The data_ is provided to this script when we pickup an item.

scr_Multiplayer_Data_Get merge the default data and the data from the pickup.

Copy and paste.

Done. Lets test it.

And we see the durability bar.

Lets try it a bit.

Ok. We see that it changed a little.

For more infomation >> You are not alone: Durability (Tutorial 009) - Duration: 27:52.


Public Speaking Analysis of John Legend's PGA Awards Speech (on Donald Trump's Immigration Policy) - Duration: 5:04.

And those of us who work in this business have

the privilege of shaping how the world perceives this country

we love. GIO: if celebrities represent our

country we're in a really bad situation

John Legend gave a quick two-minute

speech on Donald Trump and his policies

at a recent awards ceremony and I wanted

to look at the speech and tell you what

can you learn from that both positive

and negative for public speaking as

usual under to ignore the political

content of the speech and instead focus

in on whether it's achieving its goals

there are a couple things that I think

John Legend did well

the first is using Anaphora

Anaphora is when you start several sentences

or phrases in a row in a speech with the

same few words for example john legend

says los angeles is the home of so many

immigrants so many creative people and

so many dreamers and here's another

example of anaphora that he used in the

same speech. JOHN: our America is big, it is free and

it is open to dreamers of all races

The second thing that I think John Legend did really well

was that he had a kind and calm tone

throughout the speech. It's easy to get

over passionate in a speech like this

because obviously John Legend cares

about the topic but he also realizes

that not necessarily everyone in the

audience agrees with him. If this was an

audience that was gathered together to

protest Donald Trump for example he

could take on a little bit more of an

angrier or more passionate tone because

he knows that people are there for that

purpose. In this case he was just talking

about Donald Trump even though he was

supposed to be talking about La La Land

and i don't mean that figuratively I

mean the movie La La Land. However there

are few things that I think he could

have done better

the first problem with the speech is

that at times he had awkward pauses in

the middle of a phrase. For example when

he's talking about how Hollywood has the

ability to change perceptions of the

United States he says "how the world...

perceives...this country... we love... JOHN: And

those of us who work in this business

have privilege of shaping how world perceives

this country we love

I think what he was going for was to slow

down to emphasize what he was saying but

instead of doing that he just kind of

awkwardly paused between a couple of

words and that didn't come across well

the second thing that I think he could

have done better

is hyping up the crowd. Probably the

pinnacle of his speech was when he was

talking about how America is open and

free to people of all countries all

races in all religions. You could tell

that this was going to be a big moment

in his speech but he didn't use the energy

of the crowd as they were beginning to

clap and hype them up even further with

his voice instead of just saying all

races all countries all religions... he should

have grown progressively louder as he

said all countries all races and all

religions. JOHN: and it is open to dreamers of all races, all countries

all religions. GIO: The third thing that I

think he should have done is he should

have complimented the crowd in a

critical moment in the speech. At one

point in his speech he talked about how he

felt a little guilty that he was at an

awards ceremony instead of out

protesting with the people at multiple

airports. He concludes by saying well

we're still here but we made a donation

towards the ACLU and we hope that you'll

use your money wisely as well. That would

have been a great moment to compliment

the crowd and kind of flattered them a

little bit because he's about to ask

them to donate money to a good cause and

so complimenting them and saying I know

you're a generous bunch or something

like that would have helped the crowd to

feel a little bit better about

themselves and made them more likely to

donate. JOHN: my wife and I were a little bit

conflicted about being here tonight we

know what's happening in the streets

we know what's happening at LAX and at airports around the country but we

came here tonight but we also wanted to

put our money where our mouth is and we made a donation to the

ACLU... and to other organizations

who are committed to fighting for freedom in the land of the free.

there's a lot of money and power in this

room and I hope you all will use it for something good.

and the fourth and final thing that I

think John Legend could have improved on

is that he should have used more hand

motions. Throughout the speech his hands

were firmly gripping the lectern in

front of him which is something that's

usually a sign of nervousness watch this

example of the only hand motions he used

throughout the entire speech. JOHN: We are the voice, we are the face of America

again hand motions are great for

emphasizing key points in your speech so

when you have your hands firmly planted

on the lectern you're missing out on a

lot of potential audience energy. Overall

I think this speech was well delivered

and i think john legend is well on his way

to potent speaking. Thank you for


For more infomation >> Public Speaking Analysis of John Legend's PGA Awards Speech (on Donald Trump's Immigration Policy) - Duration: 5:04.


2017 Aquarius Wisdom of the Zodiac - Duration: 22:57.

welcome to PSP foundations with the

Memphis iliac today's class and

meditation will be taken from vol.4 with

a facility a quite Torkham Sarah Darien

it will be on chapter 27 titled aquarius

group consciousness

this is a beautiful chapter and starts

with a nice introduction and then it

proceeded to seven key notes that we can

use a seven-seat thought during the

seven days of the phone period that is

the day of the phone three days before

three days after and then we will close

with a beautiful meditation that i will

guide you through and you can follow

along with me i encourage you to do this

beautiful chapter read it

take the feet thought meditate on them

and then follow through with the last

meditation that is so important at the

time of the full moon so let us begin

that is page 315 open your book to that

page if you don't have these books that

good time to get them you will never be

disappointed from the content of these

beautiful chapters this was a chapter

that was delivered as a lecturer in 1990

by Torkham that's 27 years ago and you

will see how appropriate it is to

address the problems that we have today

it starts with a beautiful paragraph

every great constellation in the

universe emanated a law

ok keep that in your mind a lot of

stream of energy which imposes itself on

the lives of the solar system and and

and that imposition of energy turns into

a law so there's an energy that comes

and it becomes a law of something that

we agree to live by the law of Aquarius

of the law of group consciousness so at

this time we are getting that energy

from the Holy Ones from beautiful great

ones and great thinkers who are saying

it's time for us to think in group forms

if this laws responded to an obeyed and

assimilated so we accepted we obey it we

followed through and we put it into

practice in our lives we will have


synthesis means we come together we

think of everyone and their own health

and happiness and success and creativity

if this law is not obeyed and

assimilated so that we rejected then we

will see many kinds of sufferings and

troubles in humanity based on separatism

don't we see that right now if we do not

accept the higher laws we will see great

troubles in our lives

this law emphasizes that human beings

must eventually understand the purpose

of evolution of all forms all forms have

to evolve that is the law and we cannot

stop that evolution we must help

facilitated we are evolving what our

destination is what our destination is

divinity that is for every human being

in the world

look what Torkham says on later pages

let me just highlight them for you

page 23 22 for example he says if we do

not obey the law we will have pollution

the whole world pollution shows that

everyone is sharing the pollution so

there's pollution in the world there are

no walls that could keep the pollution

out it is everywhere in the oceans in

the air and the water and the food that

we eat in the soil so that is their

pollution in the world

yes and that is because we rejected as a

humanities law of evolution the law

group consciousness

what's the second thing the second we

have greenhouse effect where the

temperature is increasing every year

23 degrees isn't that happening

everywhere in the world we feel it here

we feel it everywhere it is cold colder

than before or harder than before so the

temperatures are vacillating and great

amounts more than ever before

what the third thing that we see is

universal unrest are we seeing universal

interests you bet just read your

newspapers and look at the news and you

will see how much unrest there is in the

world in every way

look at the personal unrest that we have

inside of us emotional and

until undressed and then feed in society

and see it globally everywhere in the

world we see unrest people are not happy

then there's economic disaster are we

seeing that you bet we are seeing that

in every way we know if you do not know

how bad economic situation is in the

world this was written in 1990 and we

see now look what's happening the next

one nieces epidemics are the next sign

these are the signs of not obeying the

law group consciousness epidemics are we

seeing that you bet epidemics don't have

borders they cannot be stopped by walls

they go over the world in an instant the

61 is increasing in fantasy everywhere

we have a depression anxiety mental


yes everywhere everywhere we feed and

leaders we feed our families and society

this is a real problem for the health

system of all our nation's the 71 is the

decreasing clean water and air in the


these are discussed on page 3 20 23 23

and this is very important for us to see

and he says on page 3 24 go to that page

top paragraph why have all these things

happen is because we reacted against the

law of God consciousness against the

love economy and write human relations

so Aquarius is about building white

human relations it is up two disciples

what to do who are disciples they're not

necessarily religious people disciples

are men and women who are committed to

the seven principles the higher

principles that every spiritual

tradition enumerate and emphasizes what

are those living a life of beauty of

life of goodness a life of righteousness

a life of joy for yourself and others of

life of freedom the life where you can

strive toward perfection and have

scientific sacrificial service that you

can serve in every way you can to your

family and the people around you

these are seven principles that we must

abide by if we call ourselves disciples

so disciples are responsible for these

things change your direction and

whatever you are doing wrong you must

change it before it is too late so that

your subconscious mind and yourself do

not record the things that you are doing


this is very important why because the

things that you are doing wrong if they

are registered by yourself and Adam you

cannot get rid of them so you see this

is very important that we do not do

wrong things and dwelling them and stay

in them and reiterate them over and over

continuing them in our personal policies

and national policies because they get

cemented when something is cemented it's

harder to get rid of so this is very

important the age of aquarius that is

coming in our future is the age of group

consciousness and that group conscience

has come through a crisis i'm going to

read this paragraph on page 3 24 and I

want you to think about it what it is

that you have prices in your life and

what happens if you respond to that

crisis and you look at the causes and

what you can do with the response you

can change your life but look we are

told that the age of equations is an

eighth of crisis a crisis is nothing

else but a combination of opportunity

and danger

it's an opportunity if you grab hold of

it and you think where is this coming

from and what can I do that danger

ignore it ignore that because the

crystallized habit in our life and our

personal life and national life and

global life

look how many crystallized habits exist

in our global life

ok the Chinese have a word for crisis it

means opportunity goes together with

tremendous danger to ignore it becomes

dangerous now if we individually work

hard to be useful to the human unity

upliftment expansion and prosperity our

karma will save us because we sex

five ourselves for the whole of humanity

with righteousness harmlessness right

speech and with spiritual purity that is

what the message of Aquarius is the

during this period of Aquarius we are

going to think of how we can bring him

immunity upliftment expansion and

prosperity in the way we speak and the

way we write and the way we think and

feel and relate with other people don't

let this opportunity go by how do we do

this here in this chapter are seven

steps that are enumerated i'm just going

to read them i would ask you to take one

day for each one and meditate on it

what is the first one page 316 when you

have contact with anybody

your family your husband your wife your

friends foreigner strangers no matter

who they are

think of their interest first instead of

saying what's in it for me whenever you

are confronted or you meet someone think

what is their interest in this

relationship in this meeting in this

discussion see we don't listen to each

other anymore we just yell at each other

or talk at each other if it were noticed

when you're talking sometimes two people

that they're not listening

have you ever noticed that sometimes you

don't listen and we are not absorbing

and listening to what other people say

very important with the second 1i think

that you can cover up things from the

eyes of your friends and from

authorities but never from the eyes of


nothing is ever hidden nothing goes

unrecorded think about what that means

and the kind of clean up your life you

have to do from here on number three

this is so interesting before you die

try to leave your family or friends

money or possessions that have been

gained an honest ways leave a legacy

behind you give to organizations gives

your families education fund so that

they have something to continue their

evolution see this is so important you

want to help people evolve and grow and

get educated and

their best so leave something for people

number for think in what ways you can

improve the life of trees animals humans

the life of all so now you're expanding

your leaving money and then you are

expanding to the next step

how are you going to better the life of

everything look at number 5 on page 319

think about the political economic and

educational problems of the world and

see what you can do to contribute to the

increase of freedom and cooperation in

the community of nations if you have

money you have talent you have time

contribute to the betterment of life

everywhere around you

elantra p is so important and we can be

philanthropic and ten-dollar increment

millions of dollars of increments

whatever your capacity is whatever your


it's time to share that with other

people so you can uplift them to live

think talk and act in a way that you

create right human relations peace and

understanding that's number six think

about what that means that this time of

Aquarius how we can create right human

relations right here in our home

starting with our home and then

expanding and what is number seven

bottom of page 320 think how you can

help to create and to keep one humanity

one earth in which all have

opportunities to be healthy happy

prosperous and lightened why should we

not take care of little ones across the

world who are suffering and me just as

much as our children due to be

prosperous and healthy and educated and

and well cared for and loved we owe it

to everyone in the world to take care of

these things and they are so important

when we do these seven steps it makes a

slowly slowly become more group

conscious it is still important to be

group conscious if we don't we are going

to be swimming in the same pollution

with everyone and all of us suffer


why not do something to uplift ourselves

everyone around us take these

step-by-step ok

no we are going to do a guided

meditation that starts on page 3 25 and

it goes through 23 27 is beautiful and

I'd like you to go with me on it and i

will guide us

so what to do sit up and relax with a

nice smile on your face and just don't

think of anything outside of yourself

right now just be very quiet and still

and keep your eyes closed and first

youth alignment integration and

alignment first integrate yourself your

physical body and surround it with a

beautiful crystal-clear emotional body

then put your beautiful clear yellow

mental body around you and then linked

to a five-pointed star your soul and

keep that alignment through this entire


thanks for a few minutes about how you

can plan your life in such a way that

you can contribute to the unity and

upliftment of humanity

think of small and large ways it doesn't

matter can start with your prayers and

good will take a minute to think of

constructive ways how you can help


yourself in alignment

and think of the Holy One as we see the

beautiful mantra repeat after me lead us

all lord from darkness to light from the

Unreal to the real from death to

immortality from the chaos beauty but if

a 3 own either quiet or out loud

next think about what you are going to

do to eliminate from nature and what you

are going to develop in your nature so

that you are useful and bring benefit to

one humanity and as well as yourself


what you will eliminate think of three

things you would like to eliminate and

stay focus on the line

three things they would like to develop

in your nature

now visualize a golden chalice above

your head and in the chalice see a blue

flame let the radiation of that blue

flame penetrate your mental emotional

and physical bodies one by one

first let that beautiful flame come to

your mental body purify it an emotional

body let it be like a scanner that scans

your body and cleans it and your

physical body

see you three bodies outside of you and

let that fire come to each body once

again first mental body see it like you

are looking at yourself from the

distance next emotional body next mental

emotional and physical altogether

let the flame penetrate into your mental

body around your head and burn away all

Glamour's vanity illusions greed

selfishness ego to see at a distance how

your beautiful line is becoming

crystal-clear beautiful lemon yellow and

all these crystallization are being

melted away

visualize yourself sitting in the flame

and let the purification process go on

for a few minutes just look at yourself

from far away let that purification

process start with each body and clean

out all crystallization


repeat after me keeping your focus and

alignment remain seated at a distance

and that beautiful blue flame let vision

come and insight let the future stand

revealed let in our union demonstrate

and outer cleavages be gone that love

prevail letter all loved one own

before you open your eyes imagine a

callus on top of the planet beautiful

blue flame in it at that blue flame

penetrate our whole planet and all


say two more own

open your eyes thank you for joining me

i hope you enjoy this class and i will

be bringing these classes to you want

them off to celebrate each full moon and

thank you and i hope to see you next

time bye for now

For more infomation >> 2017 Aquarius Wisdom of the Zodiac - Duration: 22:57.


Have Fun Get More Done - Duration: 5:32.

Hello my friends.

My fellow achievers.

And I say that, if you watch my videos you know I

usually say, "My fellow achievers and seekers."

But my wife pointed out to me this week if you're a seeker, you're always looking.

And maybe never finding.

That's the definition of a seeker.

So, at least for this week I'm going to dispense with that.

This video is not for seekers. This video is for achievers.

This video is designed to help you get more done and have more fun.

That's it!

There's no seeking here.

This is totally achievement oriented.

If you're a seeker, go ahead and click off.

If you're an achiever, and you want to have more fun and get more done,

keep watching.

Cause that's what this video is about.

Having said that, I want to talk with you today about something I've been grappling


I want to see if it's something maybe you deal with.

And if so, how you deal with it.

What it is, I'm calling it "Steve Jobs School of Project Management."

As opposed to "The Peter Diamandis School of Thought" related to project management.

What do I mean by that?

If you're a Steve Jobs type thinker, you probably lean toward the idea that simplicity is the

ultimate sophistication.

That the fewer buttons, the fewer instructions,

the fewer gadgets and gizmos the better.

This is the notion of perfection is achieved not when there's nothing left to add,

but when there is nothing to take away.

A very beautiful way of thinking, for sure.

As we see Jobs employed that brilliantly.

His company, Apple, carries on.

From my perspective, I think it's pretty cool.

At the same time, Peter Diamandis, another incredible thinker who is still alive, doing

a lot of amazing work, in many different industries, has this idea of many projects lead to many


Start many fires.

It's this notion that more, bigger, better kinda thing.

Not for its own sake, but hey, dream big.

Take the limitations off.

Nothing is impossible.

Go for it.

Be bold.

In fact that's the name of Diamandis' book.


Then as I look at this in my own life, it's like, look, simplicity or aggressiveness.

Which path is more fulfilling?

Which path actually gets more done?

As I explored that for myself I think of the zen proverb:

Chase two hairs (or rabbits.)

Chase two hairs, catch neither.

Now how often does that feel true for you?

Certainly, it does for me. If you're like me, you love to create.

You love to dream.

You love to do.

Sometimes admittedly it can be hard just to keep your head above water with everything

that's on your calendar.

Everything that's required of you in that day.

Maybe you've found a way to deal with this.

Maybe your way of dealing with it is not even thinking about it.

If you have a clever or brilliant strategy that works for you, by all means, please let

me know.

And share with the others in the comments below.

What's your approach?

I'll share with you one thing that I've been pursuing as I've looked to balance this in

my own life.

It's not the ultimate answer, but it is a way that I manage within that.

It's this: Having clarity of outcome.

Asking myself, what is it that I'm trying to accomplish.

What is it even?

I think most of the time, most people have no idea what's their outcome.

What's their life about?

What's the purpose of the meeting they're attending?

What's the email they're sending?

Why are they doing what they're doing?

Why do people do what they do?

Maybe that's the eternal question.

The more clear you are about the outcome you're pursuing, the more successful you'll be in producing it.

It's total common sense. It's one thing to take the time and write down and

clarify what are the outcomes that you're even trying to create.

That's very worthwhile.

At the same time, that outcome, a lot of people get stuck at saying how do I get there?

What's every single step along the way and not necessarily knowing that so abandoning

before even really begin.

That's not helpful either.

What I found to be helpful is identifying the next step.

Just the next step.

What's the very one thing that if you did that, it would move you closer to that outcome.

Yes, the strategy and everything in the middle is important, it's helpful at some point.

What I've discovered is ultimately, it will reveal itself.

You can drive from California to New York City at night using your headlights

and you don't need your beams to shine from California to New York.

You just need them to shine 300 yards down the road.

Then you drive 300 yards and the lights shine down the road.

That's like the next step.

That's what I invite you to consider.

If you're not already doing clarifying what is your outcome.

What is your next step.

Any time you feel stuck, anytime you get lost in the ambiguity,

any time it seems overwhelming, taking the time to actually write those down

and or just do them.

With next steps they're often things you can do in one minute or less.

Just doing that.

Remembering the universe rewards action.

Having said that, again I invite you to leave your feedback for me.

Maybe you can give me some insight on Steve Jobs versus Peter Diamandis.

What do you do?

How do you approach it?

With that, I want to thank you for watching,

and let you know that it's been great to be with you this way. It's an honor.

I will look forward to connecting with you again very soon.

Until then, take care.

My fellow achievers.

For more infomation >> Have Fun Get More Done - Duration: 5:32.


How to Get Her to Like You | 5 Ways to Get Her to Like You Without Saying A Word - Duration: 5:15.

how do i get her to like me? It's a question

that just about every guy has asked

himself at one point or another and there's

no question how important body language

is to communication. Some experts say

that as much as fifty five percent of

our communication is actually nonverbal

it was once believed that over ninety

percent of our communication was

actually nonverbal. We can say so much with

our face our posture and our eyes and its

effect on us in relationships are

astounding and today I'm going to talk

about five ways you can get her to like

you without saying a single word. Now I

want to note that none of these tricks

i'm about to share with you are

unethical or manipulative they're just

some simple tricks that anyone can use to

improve their communication skills and


The first tip is what Leil Lowndes

referred to as the flooding smile in her

book entitled "how to talk to anyone."

Our smiles have a powerful effect not

only on the people around us but also on


Research shows that smiling not only

makes you appear more friendly and

attractive to others but it can also

lower your own anxiety and release

endorphins! But if you want to get the

most out of your smile then don't give

it away for free instead when you meet

someone take a moment to look at their


pause and then let a warm smile flood over

your face and into your eyes. This pause

may only last for a quarter of a second

or even a half a second but it'll make

the receiver feel that the smile was

genuine and meant for them alone.

The second tip is what the book refers

to as sticky eyes. Our eyes are arguably

the most powerful tool at our disposal

when it comes to promoting feelings of

respect trust and intimacy in a

relationship. In fact a Boston Research

Center once conducted a study to learn

the precise effect of eye contact.

They put two people in a room and had

them have a two-minute conversation with

each other. They tricked half the subjects

into maintaining intense eye contact by

counting the number of times the other

subjects blinked during the conversation.

They found that the subject who received

this intense eye contact reported

significantly higher feelings of

respect and fondness towards the other

person. The sticky eyes technique is similar

you simply pretend that your eyes are

glued to your conversation partners eyes

by an invisible piece of taffy. Try not

to break eye contact

even after the person is done speaking but

if a situation comes up where it would

be inappropriate to maintain eye contact

make sure you look away slowly as if

you're reluctant to take your eyes away

your partner for even a moment. The third

tip takes sticky eyes a step further by

using epoxy eyes. Normally when you're

having a conversation with other people you

look at the person who's talking

but when you're using epoxy eyes you

continue to watch the person you want to

make an impact on even when the third person

is talking this shows the other person

that you're extremely interested in them

and their reactions. And if romance is on the horizon

this technique can be especially

powerful because it sends the other

person a message which quite literally

says I can't take my eyes off you. If someone

has ever used this trick on you you're

already well aware of the impact it can

make but you want to be careful in

using it yourself.

This technique can actually make some

people feel uncomfortable or even in

some cases threatened. A less intense form of

this technique would be to watch the

person who's speaking during

conversation but let your eyes drift

back every now and then to the person you

want to make an impact on. That will

still show your interest in them but it

will give them breaks from the intensity.

The fourth tip moves away from the face

and instead looks at the body. Your

posture says a lot about you and the book

describes it as your biggest success

barometer. This is because good posture

makes you seem more confident not only

to others before yourself as well.

Unfortunately it's a problem for many

people nowadays. We spent all day sitting

down whether it's in a car driving to

work or on the computer or playing video

games or whatever. And unfortunately if

your posture is really bad there's no

real quick fix but this tip can go a

long way towards bringing your body back

into alignment and it's called the

hanging by your teeth method.

All you have to do is to visualize a

small rope hanging from the frame of

every door you walk through during the

day. As you walk through the door

visualize yourself standing up straight

and biting the rope. Using this trick

will quickly make good posture a habit

because it forces you to consciously

remind yourself stand up straight and

bite that rope dozens of times every

day. The fifth trick is to limit

fidgeting when you're talking to

someone. HR professionals and police

officers who interrogate criminals are

trained on how to detect people when

they're lying,

however even those of us who don't have

that training often have a sort of a

sixth sense,

a gut feeling that something isn't quite

right when we're being lied to.

I'm sure we've all experienced this at some

point. We're having a conversation with

someone but whenever we ask them a

question they shift in their chair or

their eyes begin to briefly glance away

from us or they start scratching the nose

or something. And we get this odd feeling

that something just isn't a quite right

even though we have no

actual proof that the person was lying

to us. Being aware of this effect is

crucial because setting off this alarm

in others even when you're not lying

can have a detrimental effect on your

life. It can be the reason that you're

not offered that job even though you

felt like you really crush the interview.

Some have even speculated that during the

presidential debates in 1960 richard

nixon's lack of makeup, his fidgeting and his

constant mopping of his brow on camera

actually cost him the election. If you

can eliminate these extraneous movements

during crucial conversations you will appear

much more credible and trustworthy. So

those are five little tricks to get her

to like you without having to say a

single word. But there are so many more

nuggets that this book has to offer and

if you were interested in any of the

tricks in this video and want to learn

more of them i'll leave a link to the

book in the description below.

I highly recommend you check it out. So

until next time guys remember don't let

anything stop you from taking your life

to the next level get out there and

crush it!

For more infomation >> How to Get Her to Like You | 5 Ways to Get Her to Like You Without Saying A Word - Duration: 5:15.


MUMMY TO BE WORKOUT VIDEO! - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> MUMMY TO BE WORKOUT VIDEO! - Duration: 5:12.


Video: Could you qualify for renter's tax credit? - Duration: 1:50.































































For more infomation >> Video: Could you qualify for renter's tax credit? - Duration: 1:50.


You Reposted In The Wrong Fortress - Duration: 0:27.

*dank beats*

2 to the 1 to the 1 to the 3

I like this weapon

And I like good medics

This is not a camping trip Sisha!

This American boot just kicked your ass back to Russia!

2 to the 1 to the 1 to the 3

That was gettin' heavy!

Cream Gravy!

This is gonna be a real piece of piss!

Ya bloody fruitshop-owners

You are all a bunch of no-hopers

For more infomation >> You Reposted In The Wrong Fortress - Duration: 0:27.


2017 Royal Panda Casino Guide Video - 10 FREESPINS after reg - Duration: 4:30.

After Logging in We will show you 1.PROMOTIONS/VIP 2.DEPOSIT/ACCOUNT 3.GAMES 4.SUPPORT

1.Let's start with the PROMOTIONS!


3.GAME types


Good Luck and Have Fun! Compare casinos at

For more infomation >> 2017 Royal Panda Casino Guide Video - 10 FREESPINS after reg - Duration: 4:30.


Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou - 276: Honourable Defeat! (Part 115) - Duration: 0:23.

On the substage, there were groups cosplaying in fantasy, sci-fi and event the occasional sailor uniform...

Lively music played as they began dancing. They all moved in perfect sync, it's pretty impressive.

However the crowd was overwhelmingly male, both them and the occasional female entranced by the stage. Not the kind of environment where you can talk to anyone.

Let's go somewhere else...

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