welcome to PSP foundations with the
Memphis iliac today's class and
meditation will be taken from vol.4 with
a facility a quite Torkham Sarah Darien
it will be on chapter 27 titled aquarius
group consciousness
this is a beautiful chapter and starts
with a nice introduction and then it
proceeded to seven key notes that we can
use a seven-seat thought during the
seven days of the phone period that is
the day of the phone three days before
three days after and then we will close
with a beautiful meditation that i will
guide you through and you can follow
along with me i encourage you to do this
beautiful chapter read it
take the feet thought meditate on them
and then follow through with the last
meditation that is so important at the
time of the full moon so let us begin
that is page 315 open your book to that
page if you don't have these books that
good time to get them you will never be
disappointed from the content of these
beautiful chapters this was a chapter
that was delivered as a lecturer in 1990
by Torkham that's 27 years ago and you
will see how appropriate it is to
address the problems that we have today
it starts with a beautiful paragraph
every great constellation in the
universe emanated a law
ok keep that in your mind a lot of
stream of energy which imposes itself on
the lives of the solar system and and
and that imposition of energy turns into
a law so there's an energy that comes
and it becomes a law of something that
we agree to live by the law of Aquarius
of the law of group consciousness so at
this time we are getting that energy
from the Holy Ones from beautiful great
ones and great thinkers who are saying
it's time for us to think in group forms
if this laws responded to an obeyed and
assimilated so we accepted we obey it we
followed through and we put it into
practice in our lives we will have
synthesis means we come together we
think of everyone and their own health
and happiness and success and creativity
if this law is not obeyed and
assimilated so that we rejected then we
will see many kinds of sufferings and
troubles in humanity based on separatism
don't we see that right now if we do not
accept the higher laws we will see great
troubles in our lives
this law emphasizes that human beings
must eventually understand the purpose
of evolution of all forms all forms have
to evolve that is the law and we cannot
stop that evolution we must help
facilitated we are evolving what our
destination is what our destination is
divinity that is for every human being
in the world
look what Torkham says on later pages
let me just highlight them for you
page 23 22 for example he says if we do
not obey the law we will have pollution
the whole world pollution shows that
everyone is sharing the pollution so
there's pollution in the world there are
no walls that could keep the pollution
out it is everywhere in the oceans in
the air and the water and the food that
we eat in the soil so that is their
pollution in the world
yes and that is because we rejected as a
humanities law of evolution the law
group consciousness
what's the second thing the second we
have greenhouse effect where the
temperature is increasing every year
23 degrees isn't that happening
everywhere in the world we feel it here
we feel it everywhere it is cold colder
than before or harder than before so the
temperatures are vacillating and great
amounts more than ever before
what the third thing that we see is
universal unrest are we seeing universal
interests you bet just read your
newspapers and look at the news and you
will see how much unrest there is in the
world in every way
look at the personal unrest that we have
inside of us emotional and
until undressed and then feed in society
and see it globally everywhere in the
world we see unrest people are not happy
then there's economic disaster are we
seeing that you bet we are seeing that
in every way we know if you do not know
how bad economic situation is in the
world this was written in 1990 and we
see now look what's happening the next
one nieces epidemics are the next sign
these are the signs of not obeying the
law group consciousness epidemics are we
seeing that you bet epidemics don't have
borders they cannot be stopped by walls
they go over the world in an instant the
61 is increasing in fantasy everywhere
we have a depression anxiety mental
yes everywhere everywhere we feed and
leaders we feed our families and society
this is a real problem for the health
system of all our nation's the 71 is the
decreasing clean water and air in the
these are discussed on page 3 20 23 23
and this is very important for us to see
and he says on page 3 24 go to that page
top paragraph why have all these things
happen is because we reacted against the
law of God consciousness against the
love economy and write human relations
so Aquarius is about building white
human relations it is up two disciples
what to do who are disciples they're not
necessarily religious people disciples
are men and women who are committed to
the seven principles the higher
principles that every spiritual
tradition enumerate and emphasizes what
are those living a life of beauty of
life of goodness a life of righteousness
a life of joy for yourself and others of
life of freedom the life where you can
strive toward perfection and have
scientific sacrificial service that you
can serve in every way you can to your
family and the people around you
these are seven principles that we must
abide by if we call ourselves disciples
so disciples are responsible for these
things change your direction and
whatever you are doing wrong you must
change it before it is too late so that
your subconscious mind and yourself do
not record the things that you are doing
this is very important why because the
things that you are doing wrong if they
are registered by yourself and Adam you
cannot get rid of them so you see this
is very important that we do not do
wrong things and dwelling them and stay
in them and reiterate them over and over
continuing them in our personal policies
and national policies because they get
cemented when something is cemented it's
harder to get rid of so this is very
important the age of aquarius that is
coming in our future is the age of group
consciousness and that group conscience
has come through a crisis i'm going to
read this paragraph on page 3 24 and I
want you to think about it what it is
that you have prices in your life and
what happens if you respond to that
crisis and you look at the causes and
what you can do with the response you
can change your life but look we are
told that the age of equations is an
eighth of crisis a crisis is nothing
else but a combination of opportunity
and danger
it's an opportunity if you grab hold of
it and you think where is this coming
from and what can I do that danger
ignore it ignore that because the
crystallized habit in our life and our
personal life and national life and
global life
look how many crystallized habits exist
in our global life
ok the Chinese have a word for crisis it
means opportunity goes together with
tremendous danger to ignore it becomes
dangerous now if we individually work
hard to be useful to the human unity
upliftment expansion and prosperity our
karma will save us because we sex
five ourselves for the whole of humanity
with righteousness harmlessness right
speech and with spiritual purity that is
what the message of Aquarius is the
during this period of Aquarius we are
going to think of how we can bring him
immunity upliftment expansion and
prosperity in the way we speak and the
way we write and the way we think and
feel and relate with other people don't
let this opportunity go by how do we do
this here in this chapter are seven
steps that are enumerated i'm just going
to read them i would ask you to take one
day for each one and meditate on it
what is the first one page 316 when you
have contact with anybody
your family your husband your wife your
friends foreigner strangers no matter
who they are
think of their interest first instead of
saying what's in it for me whenever you
are confronted or you meet someone think
what is their interest in this
relationship in this meeting in this
discussion see we don't listen to each
other anymore we just yell at each other
or talk at each other if it were noticed
when you're talking sometimes two people
that they're not listening
have you ever noticed that sometimes you
don't listen and we are not absorbing
and listening to what other people say
very important with the second 1i think
that you can cover up things from the
eyes of your friends and from
authorities but never from the eyes of
nothing is ever hidden nothing goes
unrecorded think about what that means
and the kind of clean up your life you
have to do from here on number three
this is so interesting before you die
try to leave your family or friends
money or possessions that have been
gained an honest ways leave a legacy
behind you give to organizations gives
your families education fund so that
they have something to continue their
evolution see this is so important you
want to help people evolve and grow and
get educated and
their best so leave something for people
number for think in what ways you can
improve the life of trees animals humans
the life of all so now you're expanding
your leaving money and then you are
expanding to the next step
how are you going to better the life of
everything look at number 5 on page 319
think about the political economic and
educational problems of the world and
see what you can do to contribute to the
increase of freedom and cooperation in
the community of nations if you have
money you have talent you have time
contribute to the betterment of life
everywhere around you
elantra p is so important and we can be
philanthropic and ten-dollar increment
millions of dollars of increments
whatever your capacity is whatever your
it's time to share that with other
people so you can uplift them to live
think talk and act in a way that you
create right human relations peace and
understanding that's number six think
about what that means that this time of
Aquarius how we can create right human
relations right here in our home
starting with our home and then
expanding and what is number seven
bottom of page 320 think how you can
help to create and to keep one humanity
one earth in which all have
opportunities to be healthy happy
prosperous and lightened why should we
not take care of little ones across the
world who are suffering and me just as
much as our children due to be
prosperous and healthy and educated and
and well cared for and loved we owe it
to everyone in the world to take care of
these things and they are so important
when we do these seven steps it makes a
slowly slowly become more group
conscious it is still important to be
group conscious if we don't we are going
to be swimming in the same pollution
with everyone and all of us suffer
why not do something to uplift ourselves
everyone around us take these
step-by-step ok
no we are going to do a guided
meditation that starts on page 3 25 and
it goes through 23 27 is beautiful and
I'd like you to go with me on it and i
will guide us
so what to do sit up and relax with a
nice smile on your face and just don't
think of anything outside of yourself
right now just be very quiet and still
and keep your eyes closed and first
youth alignment integration and
alignment first integrate yourself your
physical body and surround it with a
beautiful crystal-clear emotional body
then put your beautiful clear yellow
mental body around you and then linked
to a five-pointed star your soul and
keep that alignment through this entire
thanks for a few minutes about how you
can plan your life in such a way that
you can contribute to the unity and
upliftment of humanity
think of small and large ways it doesn't
matter can start with your prayers and
good will take a minute to think of
constructive ways how you can help
yourself in alignment
and think of the Holy One as we see the
beautiful mantra repeat after me lead us
all lord from darkness to light from the
Unreal to the real from death to
immortality from the chaos beauty but if
a 3 own either quiet or out loud
next think about what you are going to
do to eliminate from nature and what you
are going to develop in your nature so
that you are useful and bring benefit to
one humanity and as well as yourself
what you will eliminate think of three
things you would like to eliminate and
stay focus on the line
three things they would like to develop
in your nature
now visualize a golden chalice above
your head and in the chalice see a blue
flame let the radiation of that blue
flame penetrate your mental emotional
and physical bodies one by one
first let that beautiful flame come to
your mental body purify it an emotional
body let it be like a scanner that scans
your body and cleans it and your
physical body
see you three bodies outside of you and
let that fire come to each body once
again first mental body see it like you
are looking at yourself from the
distance next emotional body next mental
emotional and physical altogether
let the flame penetrate into your mental
body around your head and burn away all
Glamour's vanity illusions greed
selfishness ego to see at a distance how
your beautiful line is becoming
crystal-clear beautiful lemon yellow and
all these crystallization are being
melted away
visualize yourself sitting in the flame
and let the purification process go on
for a few minutes just look at yourself
from far away let that purification
process start with each body and clean
out all crystallization
repeat after me keeping your focus and
alignment remain seated at a distance
and that beautiful blue flame let vision
come and insight let the future stand
revealed let in our union demonstrate
and outer cleavages be gone that love
prevail letter all loved one own
before you open your eyes imagine a
callus on top of the planet beautiful
blue flame in it at that blue flame
penetrate our whole planet and all
say two more own
open your eyes thank you for joining me
i hope you enjoy this class and i will
be bringing these classes to you want
them off to celebrate each full moon and
thank you and i hope to see you next
time bye for now
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