Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 30 2018

Careful What You Wish For! Dems' FBI Probe Into Kavanaugh About To Backfire BRUTALLY On Them

I would expect it's going to turn out very well for the judge there's never

been anybody that's been looked at like judge Kavanagh I think that it's going

to work out very well but the FBI I believe is doing a really great job they

have been all over already yeah they have free reign they're going

to do whatever they have to do whatever it is they do they'll be doing things

that we never even thought of and hopefully at the conclusion everything

will be fine

what yeah I do I think he's great I don't

think there's ever been any person that's been under scrutiny like he has

been I think it's been a very tough process but he's a good man he's a great

judge this is a great judge highly respected for many many years at the top

of the list and I hope everything works out great but I will say there are a lot

of people going out right now working very hard I'm going to West Virginia we

have a big crowd many of you are going and we're gonna have a lot of fun we're

gonna be rally and it's gonna be a lot of fun but well I think we have a close

race that's going to be a race we have a lot of close races we have races as an

example in the Senate we're having races that nobody built were possible and now

they're tied and actually Republicans are winning and I really believe when

the public looks at the situation that's taken place over the last three or four

days and what the Democrats are doing and more importantly how they're acting

so terribly so dishonestly keeping papers and documents not releasing them

until after hearings are over I really think the Republicans are picking up a

lot I really believe that I'll see you I will see you in West Virginia

well I think it's fine I think actually this could be a blessing in disguise

because having the FBI go out to a pharoah investigation whether it's three

days or seven days I think it's going to be less than a week but having them do a

thorough investigation I actually think will be a blessing in disguise it'll be

a good thing I'll see you in from the back I don't

have any bank I don't need a back-up plan we'll have to see what happens I

think he's going to be fine again one of the most respected men and

certainly one of the most respected jurists or judges in the United States

oh I think she was but we're gonna have to find out I think frankly the FBI has

a chance to reveal a lot of different things I'd like to find out who leaked

to the papers was it senator Feinstein because certainly her body language was

not exactly very good when they asked her that question so I would like to

find out as part of it who leaked the papers which Democrat leaked the papers

thank you very much everybody all right president Trump tonight

directing the FBI to dig into Brett Cavanaugh's background for a seventh

time saying quote I've ordered the FBI to conduct a supplemental investigation

to update Judge Cavanaugh's file as the Senate has requested this update must be

limited in scope and completed in less than one week all right former FBI

consultant and DOJ prosecutor Joseph Moreno is here to separate fact from

fiction about how this is really gonna work Joe could have you with us good to

be here okay so the FBI let's talk about this

Shannon penny piece tweeted out she's a White House correspondent for Bloomberg

she says a note on what the FBI can and can't do this isn't a criminal

investigation no grand jury so they can't subpoena records or force anyone

to testify Jill what are they going to do so I mean I think there's a lot of

misconception because people think that there's going to be this CSI type effect

and the FBI is gonna swoop in crack the case neither vindicate judge Cavanaugh

or prove these crimes prove these allegations true the fact is none of the

above the FBI will gather facts now normally this is done far prior before

we got into the process like this when things are still confidential the fact

is that now we're tipped off to these allegations so the FBI it's sort of a

hybrid it's not quite a background investigation but it's not a criminal

investigation so you're right no subpoena authority they can they can ask

questions they can ask for statements they can get some records but again

there's no physical evidence here there's no forensic evidence here

there's no electronic evidence here it's far too old for that so they're really

going to be limited to about half a dozen people largely duplicative of

what's already been done by the Senate well and we've heard from just about

everybody who is involved here or has been named by dr. Ford and the

allegations about the party every one of them has given some kind of statement

tonight we're hearing from several of them again saying I'm willing to

participate with law enforcement that's you know not a problem and I will do

this and answer these questions NPR the FBI will not give its own

determination about the truthfulness of what witnesses say one reason Grassley

and Cavanaugh both earlier said they opposed activating the bureau

investigators probably only will conduct interviews and then pass them on to the

Senate they said so is that basically gonna be more of the same we're gonna

come full circle right so let's let's say you know an investigation is being

done of me because I'm being nominated for some position they go talk to my

childhood friends and someone says Moreno committed this this act back then

they might talk to some other people to see who else may have heard this but

they're not gonna try to prove or disprove if the act actually happened

they'll take the statements to whomever is looking at this information in this

case it's the Senate and say here you go but you the Senate have to make the

decision about whether or not you think this is credible and what to do with it

what about the time frame because we know what that you need a hill case

there were many more witnesses who were named in that the FBI talked to it took

three days so what about a one week time for him here her attorneys uh dr. Ford's

attorneys are saying there shouldn't be any artificial timelines or restrictions

on this but is that doable from what we know we're talking about half a dozen

people so it should be doable now the question is whether or not that's going

to pacify the minority and that's another question in entirely

I guarantee very little will be gained from this FBI investigation so the fact

is we have all the information that's out there the FBI look it's possible

they will find something but it's very unlikely they will add much to this

process what is very likely is that whatever they find will be rejected by

the minority as insufficient again lying to a federal agent big problem if you do

the big problem big problems same as lying to the Senate though yeah

all right either way their story's better Mash if they've told multiple

times the story under oath all right Joe thank you very much and very interesting

and helpful thanks Shannon good to be here I think it would be proper to delay

the floor vote for up to but not more than one week in order to let the FBI

continue to do an investigation limited in time and scope and just minutes ago

President Trump did order the FBI to conduct a supplemental investigation

here now to discuss what it all means Fox News correspondent Greg Jarrett is

also author of the Russian hoax and he's of course a former defense

terney Danielle McLaughlin liberal commentator Beverly Hallberg district

Media Group president art Gregg let me start with you

high drama over the last 48 hours certainly in let's say in the last 24

plus hours and then it's moved by by Senator flake what do you make of it all

and where do you think he could take us well you could see this coming because

it was flake Markowski and Susan Collins who were reticent about voting for

Cavanaugh they're concerned about their own political welfare and so I you know

to the extent that Democrats were hammering yesterday over and over again

why not another FBI investigation they succeeded so that now these three

Republicans have decided this is their hook we're going to demand this in

exchange for a vote but I must tell you it should take about a day to do this

investigation no you can't find any evidence after 36 years and the two

principals have already testified in this case you've already got affidavits

from mark Judd and letters from the others so you know I'm not sure that you

know more than a couple of hours well are they gonna go find the house that

this you know that do you find that what are you gonna find 36 years later okay

there's not any DNA evidence there I mean what are you gonna find Danielle

you clearly weren't gonna find any DNA evidence but we might get closer to the

time and the place the allegations are related to we might

get mock judge with a more fulsome statement on record he was alleged to be

in the room at the time because the Democrats as Floyd tried to explain this

and then later on I think maybe Senator Lindsey Graham kind of I think

articulated that even more to Greg's point this is what the Democrats

demanded over and over and over again we already know that they're Republicans

who are on the fence apparently Democrats have made up their

mind despite the compelling testimony from both the accuser and accused

yesterday will this allow Democrats to have a more open mind about this and to

put down the resistance one week from now I think so and Venus you know we had

Lindsey Graham saying he would plow through before it even heard dr. Ford's

testimony so I think we had people who are very firmly entrenched on both sides

but what I will I think this is actually the best thing for the GOP

under these circumstances because they they're given they're given the

investigation a week the Democrats are gonna get what they want the people who

are on the fence on the Republican side we all need fifty one votes now we don't

need sixty anymore Cavanaugh will be confirmed there won't

be so many people in candy so probably on either side and maybe the midterm is

won't look quite so bad what Democrats want is to stop Cavanaugh and they will

spare no shameful ploy and tactic to accomplish it so I you know I'm waiting

for the other ten shoes to drop over the next week well I hope you're wrong Greg

and I really would like to believe it I think American people want to believe

that they are people of their word when they say it will it will be one week and

then we will go to well you know what Beverly it's hard to accept that there's

any goodwill here seeing how this all played out beginning of course with the

this this letter that was set on for so many weeks when an FBI investigation

could have been called for and completed long ago and we could be well on our way

to either up or down vote for Cavanaugh mom right now so many weeks and that's

why even with it came to senator Feinstein she was even questioned about

why it took so long it was almost as she was on the stand yesterday and I wish we

could have heard more about that I'm not clear it's not clear who did leaked this

information and why she didn't present it sooner but I do think when it comes

to the FBI investigation this has been the play by the Democrats all along they

knew there wasn't enough evidence to convict Cavanaugh even in the public or

the court of public opinion so what they did even in his questioning was say we

need an FBI investigation don't you think so because they knew that if there

was an FBI investigation it was a stall tactic and I think what they're gonna

try to do I hope this isn't the case but I think what they're gonna try to do in

the next week is try try to drum up more accusations against him and I think

we're gonna be sadly in this place even week from now potentially looking at

more time well you know here's the thing Danielle I mean Michael avenatti is

making all kinds of folk you know crazy demands but to Beverly's point you know

to find more claims and and is he helping this process are you are you

embarrassed by him as perhaps the next candidate for the Democratic Party

because it feels like he keeps hijacking or attempting to hijack these these

serious issues and I think he makes it worse for your

party and certainly worse for the whole store whole process I agree that's

something that a so partisan is problematic when we're trying to get to

the truth here the idea that Democrats somehow rustling up these people

I think it's belied by dr. Ford's testimony yesterday I mean you I don't

think you could watch that and think that this woman was making it up that

she was going to destroy her life move her family twice be on national

television be recognized for the rest of her life she was some democratic Donna

decided not victimized by her own attorneys you heard Lindsey Graham he

said I must fellow out on my chair when I heard her testify that she didn't know

that this could have been private held in her own home in California there were

three different letters that Grassley sent to cats and banks the two lawyers

who were Democratic activists and Trump resistors and they apparently did not

communicate this to their own client it appears they were exploiting and

manipulating her because the lawyers wanted a rancorous acrimonious public

hearing to damage Cavanaugh but their client wanted it to be private and

confidential that is a violation of the rules of ethics it's unconscionable even

when even when senator Feinstein was being asked about this he seemed

completely and you know grappling if you will and I thought at the end because

when when dr. Ford testified she talked about her Beach friends and going in and

out of the communications with the Washington Post three times over four

days senator Feinstein alluded to them as perhaps being the ones who outed dr.

Ford I mean it says he threw her under the bus she threw her friends under the

bus and it looks so disingenuous in front of the American public

I do agree and I would love to get to the bottom of who leaked her name

because it really was that piece that brought her forward another important

fact to remember is that she was getting a hold of both politicians and the press

before Cavanaugh wasn't nominated right so he was on the list I don't think

she's put us some big scheme to bring him down and at the end of the day

elections have consequences and Democrats have to remember Beverly what

do you think the consequences are going to be of this I think remains to be seen

what Republicans do I know Jeff Flake he's the one who decided to kind

pull the trump card so to speak today on on this whole process but I mean I think

it comes to Republicans if they don't move forward with this confirmation if

there's a way that this is derailed I think that hurts them immensely

tremendously in the midterms the president Trump moved very quickly to

say okay you know what let's give it a week yes right so but this is one week

you think this is it no matter what comes up

how crazier this circus gets because we now don't know what can happen

you're saying one week from today a one week from tomorrow whenever it is vote

for this particular nominee if it's one week I think that's good I am not

convinced it's going to be one week what I am fearful of is as you talked about

Michael vanetti you talked about other accusations I'm not talking about dr.

Ford and what I think I think she did go through something I'm talking about

other things that can't be corroborated at all people coming forward and then

you have to ask yourself what a Republican senators do at that point I

think there's a chance we get no confirmation at all and that is going to

throw midterms into a tizzy yeah no one's complaining dr. Ford or her

testimony with anything that the avenatti has come up with or will over

the next few days believe me thank you god bless you and God bless america

For more infomation >> Careful What You Wish For! Dems' FBI Probe Into Kavanaugh About To Backfire BRUTALLY On Them(VIDEO)! - Duration: 15:23.


The Black Left & The Prison Inferiority Complex - Duration: 17:41.

There seems to be a huge difference in the way that black conservatives and black liberals

think about black progress in America.

While many on the black left believe that blacks should have accommodations made for

mistreatment of the past, black conservatives simply want to compete on an equal playing

field with everyone else without any special accommodations despite what has happened in

the past.

While the black left champions affirmative action plans, diversity hiring, ignoring bad

behavior in School classrooms, and relaxed laws for black criminals, black conservatives,

on the other hand, want to live in a merit-based system that allows us to compete in an environment

where criminals are apprehended and prosecuted with appropriate punishments for the crimes


Now when approaching these subjects, we have to ask why are there such huge differences

between these two groups?

It would seem that the desire to compete would be a desire that people should have when they

feel confident in their abilities.

A desire to be treated as true equals regardless of your background or race.

To be judged based on the content of our character rather than on the color of our skin.

To constantly ask for assistance, on the other hand, for an indefinite amount of time, suggests

that people may have a bit of a complex about their abilities and skill levels.

Now I know...

The argument is most likely going to be that racism and a history of slavery have caused

so many of these black problems.

but listen!

You might find it comforting to consider the past and racism as the cause of black problems.

But others of us?

We would be ecstatic if, just this once, you took a few moments to Consider Culture.

When you have a strong desire to help people to do well in their lives, you also have to

be willing to tell them some harsh truths.

For example, loving parents don't point out their children's problems because they dislike

their children.

They do it because they love them dearly and want them to make changes for the better.

A parent who ignores a child's problems is only setting that child up for failures later

in life.

The same thing applies to our adult friends, family, and those who happen to share our

skin tones.

I say all of that because I am about to say something that many black folks may not like.

However, I am saying it because I would love to see you all succeed.

Many of you act in a manner that leads me to believe that you may have a slight inferiority


Of course, I like to define terms when I use them in videos.

So let's get into the definition.

An Inferiority Complex is an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or

supposed inferiority in one sphere, sometimes marked by aggressive behavior in compensation.


a neurotic condition resulting from various feelings of inferiority, such as derived from

real or imagined physical or social inadequacy, and often manifested through overcompensation

in excessive aggressiveness, a domineering attitude, etc.

Now how does that definition apply to many on the black left?

Just as I said in the intro, many blacks on the left seem to want the standards lowered

for them because of historical disadvantages and perceived slights of the present.

If not granted such preferential treatments, some aggressive or domineering behaviors may

be observed.

Now inferiority complexes have multiple symptoms.

Let's go over a few and see if they fit...

Symptom 1:

Constantly comparing yourself to others in your disfavor.

The concept of white privilege shows us that many blacks are constantly comparing their

lives to whites and if whites are being said to be more privileged, well then that can

only mean that blacks are disfavored.

Moreover, people are constantly bringing up disparities for example, whereas blacks are

earning less or are being locked up more frequently or are at the bottom disproportionately in

this area or another.

It's constantly a comparison that disfavors blacks for whatever reason.

Symptom 2:

Having a high sensitivity to criticism.

This one shouldn't even need discussion.

We've all heard about the hypersensitivity that some black folks display.

Or forget hearing about it.

Most of us have dealt with it up close and personal.

From accusing teachers of racism for correcting their grammar to lashing out at whites (or

anyone) who dares to be critical of blacks who simply break the law or act in an immoral


Being critical of blacks who aren't taking more responsibility for their actions is a

recipe for, at the very least a heated debate and at the worst a physical altercation.

Symptom 3:

Perceiving others as a threat.

Here is another symptom that shouldn't need much discussion.

Many of these individuals have an interesting belief that white society has been making

a concerted effort towards plotting against Blacks.

Many blacks, particularly those on the left, perceive whites and black conservatives as

a threat.

But it doesn't stop at whites or black conservatives.

Hispanics, Jews, Asians they've all often been thought of as threats at some point in


Symptom 4:

Trying to Fit in and Seeking Attention

Trying to fit in isn't so cut and dry, but it still fits when you think about it.

There's a reason why so many blacks vote Democrat.

In fact, many of the black democrats that I know spend very little time researching

about politics.

They simply take the word of their peers, parents, media, or elders.

Many constantly bring up Black solidarity and black unity.

All of these things show that blacks are trying to fit in with one another.

When someone black doesn't fit in they can be attacked mercilessly, which puts pressure

on everyone to fall in line.

Just look at what happens to many black conservatives.

Fitting in when you are black is assumed to be essential... and if not you may find yourself

in the midst of a Chapelle Show style Racial Draft Trade.

Now the attention seeking is much more obvious.

When you think of fashion, style and cool, it's hard not to imagine several black people.

Black people seem to have created the concept of cool and it makes sense as a symptom.

Many people use clothing and cars to get attention.

Even the Pan-Afrikanist, Umar Johnson has said, "when people think they are worthless

they can only add value to themselves by what they put on their body as opposed to what

they put in it."

But it's not just about looking cool.

Attention seeking can also be seen in protesting, in constantly playing the victim, and in public

displays of unhappiness.

Symptom 5:


This is a big one.

When I see blacks who've done well for themselves blaming whites and a "racist system" for all

the blacks who haven't made it, it leaves me scratching my head.

How is it that hard work and determination worked for one group of black people but it

can't work for another group of black people?

And why are you making excuses for others when you know that there was a formula to

your success?

It doesn't make sense.

Blame, in this instance, makes you feel better about the group when you do not know how to

think of yourself as an individual.

This is where identity politics becomes problematic.

Now, that's just five of the many symptoms that some blacks on the left seem to display.

It should be noted that inferiority complexes are often subconscious and may not be recognizable

to those who have them.

In 1957 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. explained the intricacies of the inferiority complex

rather appropriately during his "Overcoming an Inferiority Complex" sermon at the Dexter


Baptist Church.

He pointed to two "destructive" ways in which blacks have tried but failed to overcome their

inferiority complexes.

The first method Dr. King mentioned was about speaking badly of successful people.

You know, kind of like how some blacks will ridicule anyone who made it and didn't do

so in a manner that they deem as acceptable for blacks.

You know, like working for "the man" and generally becoming a success working in a field outside

of Rap, Sports or Entertainment.

Or they harass blacks who choose the do well in school.

That whole "acting white" thing.

Dr. King noted, "So often people find within other people belittling elements because they

are trying to justify their sense of inadequacy and their inferior feelings.

This is one of the ways that people use to overcome an inferiority complex.

That, too, is a destructive way."

he said.

The second method King spoke of was what he called the "Smoke Screen" method.

"People try to overcome a sense of inferiority by giving the impression that they are superior.

And you see people, you think they have a superiority complex.

It isn't that.

They have basically an inferiority complex, and they try to give the world the impression

that they are really superior, so they boast all the time.

They talk about how much they have.

They talk about how much money they have, how much education they have, how much they

can do.

They brag and boast, and they are cocky all of the time.

Now they aren't superior, they're really inferior, and they're trying to overcome their

inferiority through the impression that they are superior"

Now isn't it interesting that Dr. King spoke of the inferiority complex back then and spoke

of people pretending to be superior by way of bragging and boasting?

Now, what genre of music came about with rhymes that were all about bragging and boasting

and that today has influenced fashion and the art of being cool in American life?

Hip-hop is that genre and it is just another example of yet another symptom.

But that's not all.

Consider this...

Some blacks on the left have leveraged so-called racist incidents in order to get so-called

racist companies to hire more blacks.

However, studies have shown that racism is not why these companies do not have many black


Instead, in many situations, the evidence points towards there not being enough qualified

black applicants.

But you can't say that to blacks on the left without being called a racist or a coon.

But just think for a minute.

In situations like this blacks are demanding to be given jobs not based on merit but based

on their ability to gain sympathy by way of complaints and playing to an ample amount

of white guilt.

This screams inferiority complex.

A facebook friend once said to me, "You can't embrace decades of victimhood without also

embracing the belief that your victimizer is in some way superior to you."

Since that time that quote has resided pinned to the top of my Twitter feed.

It's a hard truth.

If you think whites control blacks, then you must be of the belief that they have superiority

in some way.

If you constantly talk about what whites need to do for you then you are basically saying

that they have the ability to do more for you than you can do for yourself which is

like saying that you believe that they are superior.

White businesses need to hire more blacks you say.

Whites need to let more blacks into college you say Until whites do right by us, we can't


They have to stop holding blacks back from getting a good education you say.

They are responsible for fixing the wage gap since they are preventing us from doing as

well as they are doing.

These types of black people cry victim victim victim all while asking that their victimizer

fix their problems.

What twisted kind of logic is that?

The entire concept of white privilege is basically a statement of their superior abilities.

They have a superior ability to get things done and rather than name it white superiority

you call it white privilege.

When are people going to wake up and realize that their desire to be victims is an admission

of their inferiority complex?

How about the leveraging of so called "racist" incidents in order to get corporations to

hire more blacks, as if the reason more blacks don't work for a leftist corporation like

Starbucks had anything to do with racism rather than a lack of applicants.

I was listening to Larry Elder and I heard him say that there was someone organizing

a boycott of Starbucks because after their apology and an entire day of racial sensitivity

training following the case where the two black men decided to have a meeting there

without ordering, some blacks felt that the apology wasn't enough.

They wanted Starbucks to do more.

They wanted Starbucks to hire more black managers.

But the problem with this is that it assumes that blacks want to work at Starbucks, one.

And two, it assumes the Starbucks wasn't hiring blacks because they were racist.

Now we know that's not the case.

What this is is blacks feeling bad because not enough of us have jobs so because some

of us feel inferior we use situations like this for leverage to get more things that

we should attain by working for it.

But wait there's more!

When we hear black people claiming that black students need black teachers in order to do

well it shows the complex once again.

How so?

Asians are kicking butt and taking names in education.

How many Asian teachers do you see in the public school systems?

Whites are going to HBCUs and graduating at the top of their classes.

Getting class valedictorian and so on.

Are you are really going to feel comfortable arguing that blacks need black teachers!?

And when did speaking properly become equated with "acting white"?

There is a correct way and an incorrect way to use the language.

Why are you purposely pushing for blacks to speak it the wrong way?

To make yourself feel better about having an inferior grasp of the language?

That's the COMPLEX!

Or how about when blacks say that we need different policies enacted just for us.

As if policies that work for other races don't work for us?

That's seems like an Inferiority complex to me

Only blacks would suffer from Voter ID laws even though whites have more poor folks in

rural areas!?


Softening of Drug laws because blacks are disproportionately landing in prison for disproportionately

committing crimes!?


Schools changing suspension policies because more black students are being suspended?


It seems obvious to me that have to have an inferiority complex if you would push for

setting the bar lower for their race than for other races.

And, if you adamantly fight for those standards to stay lowered in order for you or others

from your race to compete?


Folks, Black conservatives want to compete on an equal playing field.

The Black left wants a head start.

We both may want a similar outcome and that's great.

But in order to get there we have to eliminate some of the bad ideas that require us to be

dependent on others.

We have to realize that eliminating our feelings of inferiority doesn't have to be so Complex.

In fact, it's rather simple.

Just Consider Culture.

I'm Chi Brown.

Please remember to like, share, subscribe, and comment.

And if you enjoyed this video and would like to see me continue to make informative videos

going forward, please consider donating as little as a dollar a month to my Patreon account

or a one time amount of your choice to my paypal.

The links are in the description.

Thanks for watching and I'm out!

For more infomation >> The Black Left & The Prison Inferiority Complex - Duration: 17:41.


You Haven't Suffered Enough - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> You Haven't Suffered Enough - Duration: 4:07.


HOW TO DRAW A ZOMBIE | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:47.

How to draw a Zombie

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For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW A ZOMBIE | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:47.


Teresa Teng - Goodbye My Love 鄧麗君 CC English Translation - Duration: 3:12.

Goodybye my love, My loved one, goodbye

Goodbye my love, Now separated from you

I once gave you everything

I want you to cherish

And never disregard my true love for you

Goodybye my love, My loved one, goodbye

Goodbye my love, Although I don't remember the day we first met

I will always and forever

Love you and keep you in my heart

I hope you will never forget me.

I will always miss you,

Miss your gentle affection

Miss your warm passionate heart

Miss your sweet kisses

That intoxicating singing

How can I forget these feelings?

My love, goodbye

I don't know where or when we will meet again

Goodbye, my loved one

I will never, ever, forget

I also hope that you will never forget me

Maybe we will meet again someday

Isn't that possible?

Goodybye my love, My loved one, goodbye

Goodbye my love, Although I don't remember the day we first met

I will always and forever love you and keep you in my heart

I hope you will never forget me

I will always miss you

Miss your gentle affection

Miss your warm passionate heart

Miss your sweet kisses

That intoxicating singing

How can I forget these feelings?

My love, goodbye

I don't know where or when we will meet again

My love, I believe

We will meet again someday

For more infomation >> Teresa Teng - Goodbye My Love 鄧麗君 CC English Translation - Duration: 3:12.


September Wrap Up - Duration: 6:04.

what's up everyone I'm Melissa Elise and you're watching Melissa Elise TV

welcome to my September wrap-up video I made it through all four of the books I

plan to read in September and I'm ready to talk about them so let's get started

the first book I read this month was "My Year Of Rest And Relaxation" by Ottessa Moshfegh

and I'm actually not going to talk about this one because it was my

September book club pick which means my full review comes out next Sunday the

first Sunday of every month I have my book club reviews come out and I hope

you guys will check it out because I do have some things to say about this book

I will give you my ranking though which was a high two maybe three out of five

and I hope that doesn't discourage you guys from watching that review and it

might still be worthwhile for some of you guys read

my classic read for this

month was "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway and I gave this a 5 out of 5

but surprisingly because it didn't meet my expectations but was better for it I

think it's rare that a story is exactly what the back of the book the

description says it's gonna be but this actually was yet the telling of it was

so good the characters are absolutely wonderful

Jake is a fantastic narrator and I love the Hemingway style is so simple yet he

says so much he tells you about the characters and the story without adding

anything extra and Lady Brett Ashley, Bill, Robert Cohn, Mike they're all

unique and they add something specific to the story but I love Jake and Bill's

bromance and then Bill and Mike Bill is just a wonderful character he's

probably my second favorite after Jake but Brett is really interesting as well she's kind

of like this rich aunt not rich she's a lady so but she's getting divorced but

she's been married a couple different times yet she loves Jake and Jake loves

her but they can't be together so the theme of disillusionment is definitely

there as the characters try to figure out what life is supposed to be like and

how they can live it to their fullest ability and there is that sense of

romance but it's not quite the romance that you would expect it to be but I

really really recommend this book and really enjoyed reading it

So my next book for the month / my history pick was "The History Of The Kings of Britain"

by Geoffrey of Monmouth and I gave this a four out of five and the thing that

got me most about it was whoever published it or put this version of his

work together put in footnotes and commentary but they just kind of ended

up being really snarky comments about this work and they called out the people

that this was written for at the time as being rather foolish for believing that

any of this could have ever happened most of the footnotes say stuff like it

was well known that that did not happen or that this is what happened is they

will tell you if the character is real or the dates that this likely happened

that he might be talking about but for the most part it's just like says that I

mean this couldn't have happened at all that he would even have written this but

I still enjoy the arthur elements and his storyline where he got his start

Merlin's background and then their connection to Uther Pandragon and Vordigan so if

you like our Arthurian Legend and you want to know where he got his start this is

definitely a worthwhile read I did have trouble staying awake but that can just

be a byproduct of history sometimes especially when most of it is just

genealogy but I would still recommend it and say it was worthwhile to read and I

still it encouraged me I want to read more about King Arthur and see how the

legend develops from what Geoffrey writes here and his start

I mean Excalibur is not even in this book his sword is called Caliburn so I'm

interested to read more because already minutes so I wouldn't recommend it four

out of five really good book

My final book of the month and continued my read

through the Vampire Diaries series was the Hunter's Moonsong and I gave this a

four out of five as well because in the end it felt like it was rushing and

getting trying to get to the conclusion too quickly with the majority of the

books blitz it I think all of the books tend to

go chapter by chapter from each character's perspective and what they're

doing and most of this book each character kind of had their own mission

or focus and so then in the end it all came together but it felt like it was

rushed and Elena who pretty much always drives me crazy was extra annoying and

frustrating in this one particularly in how she was treating Stefan and versus

Damon and then acting like she's miss innocent

'oh I never meant to hurt anyone' and then she's a martyr because she hurt somebody

and, its just annoying for me, but I still enjoyed it and there's ahuge set up for the last book and this

plot that they leave open in the end where they plan to reintroduce Klaus so

I'm excited to read the last book and I can't wait to see how the series ends

So those are the four books that I read this past September if you've read any

of those I would definitely love to know what you thought and if you ever have a

suggestion for a book you think I would love or should read a review let me know

in the comment section and stay tuned next Sunday for my book club review

and later this week for my October TBR

thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye

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For more infomation >> September Wrap Up - Duration: 6:04.


[DODAENG] Its Strange with You- Acoustic Collabo [도댕] [subtitle/Vietsub/Engsub] - Duration: 3:33.

I have so much fun thinking of you

But I get really lonely thinking of you

It's a strange thing to like someone

An evening with nothing much going on

I'm walking in front of my house because the night air was good

But suddenly~

I miss you...

It's so strange, love

You get lonely because you like someone

What is happening?

My heart isn't like my heart at all..

What do I do now?

All my time, all my space!

Everything around me is only you, it's strange~

I miss you, it's weird

It's weird so I miss you

Then I get really nervous

Nothing is wrong

But I tear up at the sunlight

Then I feel better by talking to you on the phone

It's so strange, love

You get thankful because you're hurting

You feel proud that you're thankful..

What is happening?

That path is not that path at all..

It's strange like going on a trip without planning!

So I want to go once more with you

When I'm looking at you like this

How can I explain this?

I'm happy but scared at the same time^^

It's so strange, love

You get lonely because you like someone

What is happening?

My heart isn't like my heart at all

What do I do now?All my time, all my space

Everything around me is only you, it's strange

So I want to go once more with you

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