- Hey, Jenny De Lacy here with a quick video tip.
Do you want more engaging videos
and ones that feel as though we're having a conversation?
Then start looking at the camera lens.
Get used to where it is on your phone.
Most of the time
it's the black dot at the top of the screen
next to the microphone there
and it's the same on an iPhone really.
So, find the camera lens,
take a couple of photos of yourself
to see if you're looking in the right place
'cause when you look at the screen,
what you do is you're looking at yourself aren't you?
I always get paranoid about my hair
and how my lippy looks and my glasses or something,
whereas if I'm looking at the camera lens,
I'm not looking at myself
and it definitely makes me feel like I'm having
a conversation with you instead,
so I highly recommend that you give it a go.
For more infomation >> Video Tip: How To Create Professional Looking Videos That Engage - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Pepsi Bottle WOODEN FACE HAMMER | Learn Colors Boss Baby Madagascar Lion Masha and The Bear Pj Masks - Duration: 1:57.
#Pepsi Bottle #WOODEN FACE HAMMER | #Learn Colors #Boss Baby #Madagascar Lion #Masha and The Bear #Pj Masks
Dad's Thoughts When Daughter Gets Late! | Yugvijay | Girls Coming Home Late At Night - Duration: 17:48.
[ light Music]
[Clock tik tok]
Shamaya : Okay bye Dad, i'm going to dance classes.
and I'll be back at ten.
Take care of yourself...
and I mean it!
Look out for the green light.
Make sure you look both ways before crossing the street.
Look for the red light because the red light...
Yugvijay:Dad...she left.
[Shamaya going out]
Dad's thoughts:Okay...
She is a big girl now
She is old enough to...
Get out of the home alone.
No, what the [Bleep] she's my doll!
Dad's Thoughts When
His Daughter Is Late At Home.
Twenty two years
old girl
brutally died in a car accident!
Young girl committed suicide
in the postmortem it was found that she was pregnant!
Maybe I should not read news.
I should read advertisements instead!
Seventeen years old girl named Julie
Color brown, is lost from
Two weeks
Went to morning singing classes and never came back.
Dad's thoughts:Oh my god
This girl went to morning singing classes...and got lost.
My daughter went to night dance classes!
Something is so wrong I can feel it.
I think I should call her.
[Calling her]
Dance Classes
[Phone vibrating]
Dance Teacher : [Dancing] One, two, three, four!
Shamaya & Trisha : [Dancing] One, two, three, four!
[Dad's calling]
Dance Teacher :One, two three, phone! Whose phone is this?
[Trisha points at Shamaya]
Dance Teacher : Shamaya!
Shamaya : [Bleep] I'm sorry...
airplane mode
Set to airplane mode.
Why is she not picking?
"The number you have dialed is switched off, please call again later."
Dad's thoughts:Okay what was that?
Maybe she got kidnapped.
and the kidnapper threw her phone.
and it broke!
and got switched off...
Shamaya : [Screams]
Please let me go!
Kidnapper : [Shouts]
Shut the fuk up botch.
I don't like to kidnap hairy and smelly noisy botches like you myself.
I'm gonna get you out of here very soon so...
I will sell you and get you in prostitution.
But I'm already a slut!
Everybody calls me that.
Just let me go!
Aye, botch shut fok up or I'll shoot you!
You don't have a gun.
Shut the fok up or I'll behead you!
I'm going to pee.
You sush!
Now is the time to do something!
I wanna work in prostitution?
My mobile phone!
You're a kidnapper slash pimp!
Hard worker!
[Lick her arm]
You really think, you can seduce me and get out?
I am gay baby!
[Throw away her phone]
My phone!
Your phone cheap.
My best photos were in it!
Dad's thoughts:Or maybe she got drunk.
Or someone drugged her.
and, she fell from the top of the world's biggest building!
[Mixing drugs]
Bad guy: Shamaya...
Drink for you.
I love, wait...
You mixed drugs in this right?
Because if it does not have drugs then I'm not drinking this.
Plain beer soda.
Oh my god, you're so cool Shamaya.
It does have drugs.
Would you also get naked after getting drunk?
I mean, I know how to handle myself.
[Fell from the top]
[LOL no one even cares]
I didn't even get to finish my drink.
Dad's thoughts:Oh my god...
Or wait...
My daughter is smart!
She went to dance class at
this time of night!
I don't think she went to dance classes...
She went to meet her secret boyfriend!
[Shamaya becoming seductive.]
Hey baby.
Boyfriend :Aye aye! Babe, you came!
You know my parents are gone for a week so we can have sex right now.
Come on, come on! Hop on.
Hop on.
[Sits on him, kids close their eyes]
Yeah babe that's nice [Kids don't watch XD]
[Jumping back and forth on him]
What the fok
Are you imagining dad?
My daughter is great. She can't do that.
I need to watch T.V. or something.
[Turns on television]
[Live un prepared news anchor]
"Welcome to the local news"
"today's main important news is..."
"A teenage girl gets raped by her boyfriend"
"Who was four years older than her!"
"It was found that she met this guy on Facebook who raped her."
"It is not safe anymore in India"
Thoughts: Of course, she said no to her boyfriend!
But he forced her!
[Boyfriend forcing her girlfriend]
I should call the cops?
Dad's thoughts:unless.
She is already at the police station
Because she hit someone from her stupid scooty!
Which I never wanted to buy her!
[Girl hits someone from her scooty late at night]
Can't you talk to me nicely?
Shut up.
I have very high blood-pressure.
Do you have Shamaya's friend's number?
Why would I have her number?
942-cute girl's number-000-300
[Dialing Shamaya's friend Trisha's number]
Dance Teacher:One, two, three, phone!
[Shamaya looks at Trisha]
[Phone ringing]
[Phone ringing]
I think this time it's Trisha's phone
Trisha go pick your call please?
Ma'am, why are you so sweet to her?
Trisha :Hello?
yes wait
Come here it's your Dad's call.
Hello uncle...
Yes,I think the dance class is over.
And Shamaya left already.
She must be on her way.
Okay girls! Break over.
Trisha :I thought the dance class was over!
Dance Teacher : One, two, three four!
[Dad stressing over her daughter and thinking and waiting for her to come home]
She's on her way from twenty five minutes...
Maybe she died?
Shut up you bastard!
Joking Dad! I'm sorry.
Look at me I am always thinking positive!
Dad's thoughts:Why did her friend say that she is on her way.
I think she killed her in jealousy or something! Hmm.
"Mujhe Tumse jalan hoti hai" [Hindi]
Umm, could you talk in English?
Writing subtitles is not easy.
[Looks in the camera]
Botch! I said. I am jealous of you. That's why you must die!
I am your best-friend!
[Trisha stabbed Shamaya with a knife.]
[Shamaya stabbed]
[Shot her from gun]
[Laughs wicked]
Dance Class changed to "Death Class"
[Trisha dancing the dance steps, one two three four!]
[Leaves the death class]
She died?
You! You are right one time.?!
Actually I came home early, it's 9:59.
Clock: 9:59.
[Dad finally calms down a bit]
Colton Clark's brother: 'You wake up and it's like living in hell' - Duration: 3:41.
Drawing Tiny House Step By Step For Child | Drawing Ideas For Kids | Art Coloring - Duration: 2:39.
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