Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 28 2018

what's up guys Jason Poston here prosupps athlete and trainer for 15

years I'm gonna show you guys how to get better at pull-ups I've been weak before

I could do like two pull-ups I'm gonna show you guys how you can progress and

get to where you can do up to 20 30 even 40 pull-ups simply grab a band set the

band up at the top just like this so before you start kicking your way up on

pull-ups and cheating your way up on pull-ups make sure that you use proper

form because you're gonna be able to do better pull-ups and you're gonna develop

a much more defined and develop back so this band is based is gonna help pull

you up it's gonna take weight off your body so that your upper body is not

straining as hard what should allow you so you have to get

one band some of you might have to get to I've trained some people that have to

use up to three bands don't worry about how many bands use and the point is

we're getting better at pull-ups I wrap this band under my knee and it keeps my

knee up like this you don't want to put it directly underneath because it's

gonna fly up like that right so when you put it more at the ankle you've got a

nice comfortable and it's nice and set it's not gonna flip up above your knee

and maybe possibly hit you in the face alright so this is one way that you can

master pull-ups

okay so the next pull-up progression to get you better at pull-ups is what I

call a jumping pull-up with a negative you could set the height where you need

it based on your pull-up height set that underneath your pull-up bar and you're

actually going to use your legs to spot yourself so a lot of times you guys have

a spotter sitting there holding your legs you can do that too

but remember your spotter doesn't always know how much resistance you need you

know how much resistance you need better than a spotter so for pull-ups I like

this simply step up on your your box here taking an overhand grip jump up

slow negative a lot of you guys are gonna drop you might look like this

that's okay just take it as slow as you can jump up slow use your leg to push up

and go down as slow as possible

so this one is one of my favorites I still use this but even though I can do

pull-ups sometimes when you do regular pull-ups you don't really activate you

don't activate the back as much because you're kind of swinging and swaying it's

a compound movement when you're a bodybuilder or when you're building your

physique you want to isolate this one is great for isolating the lats isolating a

lot of the back pull up muscles it's also just a little bit easier than a

pull-up but at the same time you're gonna activate a lot more of your lat

muscle alright guys so I use a smith machine here at destination the Smith

machines just easy I can set the bar higher or lower and then I use see I

elevate my feet right here this takes a lot of the weight off of my lower body

so it's a little bit easier all I'm pulling is my upper body now and I'm

gonna do a half rep come up squeeze I could go all the way up but I don't

because I'm just gonna push off my legs in but I do a half rep I come all the

way up squeeze my lats and then I go down and I make sure I stretch my lat out

you guys don't end right here stretch your lats out contract your back

those are no joke you'll get immediate lat activation do you want to feel right

here you want to feel those lats burn and that's exactly what I feel right now

try those out this is going to be the easiest one it's not easy but it's the

easiest out of the four that I'm showing you this is just a horizontal row which

still engages the lat and will help you get stronger at progressing to where you

can knock out a ton of pull-ups in the future

check this out you simply just get a smith machine same thing as the other

rack pull-up you could take whichever grip you want you can go overhand or you

can go underhand I'm gonna go underhand just for this

tutorial core tight and you're just gonna row and the good thing about this

is you can activate whichever muscle groups you want as you get stronger I'm

squeezing my back I'm not just doing this and squeezing my arms squeezing my

back activating the muscles and releasing all the way all right and what

you can do is you can actually pull up here drop your hips and work a different

part of your back a lot of options here guys but any one of these should help

you get stronger at doing pull-ups thanks for watching this video be sure

to LIKE and subscribe let me know how your pull-up game is getting better

For more infomation >> Perfect Pull Ups | 4 Exercises to Help You Perform Pull Ups - Duration: 5:48.


let you love me - rita ora (traduzione italiana hd) - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> let you love me - rita ora (traduzione italiana hd) - Duration: 3:14.


DIY How To Make Chocolate Cakes Tutorial 😍🎂 Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating compilation - Duration: 13:26.

DIY How To Make Chocolate Cakes Tutorial

For more infomation >> DIY How To Make Chocolate Cakes Tutorial 😍🎂 Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating compilation - Duration: 13:26.


How to fix stuck Illustrator - Duration: 3:57.

Hey, and welcome to my channel

I have a really annoying thing

in the illustrator.He got stuck,

When I doing a big works

It's really annoying

I played with it a little

And I found a solution that helps a lot

So, let's see how we do it?

But first intro

Okay, so let's see what we doing

As you can see, I have work here

With four layers

And quite a lot of details

And what happens when I try to move the page

It's pretty stuck

The zoom in/out is also stuck

So, let's see how we solve this

I wait for everything to return to its state

Go to "file"


Choose exactly the size as the previous page

previous page


In the first layer

We do not need the background

copy the first layer

And paste to the new layer

It can take a few minutes or seconds

Depends on your computer

We have the first layer

Make a new layer

Go back to the previous page

and copy the next layer

And paste

I noticed the first and second layers That we copy

The lines perfect

The third layer of lines

Something is wrong there

And we have to correct

This is not a problem

I'll show you how to do it

It's ready

As you can see

There's a problem here

Just select each layer you've done

Take some corner

And drag it where it should be

And it's ready! Everything in his right place

Let's see if the problem worked out?

You can move the page freely

Zoom in/out works

Maybe there's a little Delay but let's face it

It's much better!

For more infomation >> How to fix stuck Illustrator - Duration: 3:57.


How the Fed rate hike impacts you - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> How the Fed rate hike impacts you - Duration: 1:40.


Eternal life- Do you have it? RomaniaMission.TV - Duration: 13:15.

Buna dimineata si Dumnezeu sa va binecuvinteze!

Va multumesc ca urmariti RomaniaMission.TV!

Numele meu este Martin Mallette si locuiesc aici in Bucuresti, Romania.

Dar acest mesaj ajunge in toata lumea si in America.

Unii dintre voi mi-ati scris si m-ati intrebat:"Frate Martin, poti sti daca ai viata vesnica?"

Sunt trei lucruri despre care vom vorbi astazi. Ce este viata vesnica?

Cum primesc viata vesnica?

Si cat dureaza?

Numarul 1: Ce este viata vesnica?

In primul rand viata vesnica nu este o perioada de timp.

Viata vesnica este o Persoana!

O sa va citesc din 1 Ioan 5 :13

"V-am scris aceste lucruri ca sa stiti ca aveti viata vesnica."

Despre ce lucruri vorbeste aici in 1 Ioan 5?

Sa ne uitam ce scrie in 1 Ioan 5 verstele 11 si 12:

"Cine are pe Fiul are viata!"

"Si marturisirea este aceasta:

Dumnezeu ne-a dat viata vesnica,

si aceasta viata este in Fiul Sau."

Deci daca Il ai pe Fiul , ai viata vesnica!

Daca ai doar o speranta , nu ai nimic!


F - I- U - L!


Fiul lui Dumnezeu care este Domnul Isus Hristos.

Trebuie sa vii la El si sa Il cunosti personal!

Aceasta este viata vesnica!

Si apoi spune in versetul 13 acelas capitol(5):

ca voi care credeti in Numele Fiului lui Dumnezeu


Cum pot sti eu ca am viata vesnica? Sunt multe motive dupa care va pot spune..

si in exterior am devenit o faptura noua.

Obisnuiam sa fac o multime de lucruri cum fac toti in ziua de azi:

Bautura, droguri si altele...

Incercam sa gasesc placere, sa ma simt bine.

Dar intr-o zi L-am intalnit Domnul Isus Hristos

Si nu am mai avut nevoie niciodata de droguri, bautura.

Nu mai beau pentru ca nu mai am nevoie.

Dar cineva vorbea cu mine nu de mult si m-a intrebat:

Hey, nu vrei sa bei impreuna cu noi? Erau niste muncitori..

Nu, domnule! I-am zis: "Nu mai beau!"

"Una mica..Trebuie! Nu vrei sa te simti bine?"

I-am zis: Ma simt atat de bine incat nu pot sta locului!


care L-a inviat pe Isus Hristos din morti


Si imi intareste trupul muritor.

Imi da sanatate , putere, bucurie, pace.

Am pace in mintea mea, in inima mea si pot dormi noaptea!

Am vazut la Stiri, ieri, aceasta tanara care era in masina

Si se comporta ciudat.

Luase heroina sau un drog , ceva..

Si se scarpina, nu putea sta treaza!

Si ma gandesc ca oamenii fac tot ce pot

ca sa scape de realitate.

Vor sa simta ceva.. Dar va spun ca

viata vesnica in Isus Cristos iti ofera totul. Am devenit o faptura noua!

Inainte de asta, eram mizerabil!

Aveam bani ,aveam un nume. Dar eram mizerabil in inima mea

pentru ca stiam unde ma duc daca muream in starea in care eram.

Biblia spune: Plata pacatului este moartea!

Si nu voi uita niciodata cand draga mea sora mai mare, Joanne,

mi-a trimis o brosura de evanghelizare de la Chick Publications.

Poate le-ati vazut, au desen si sunt dreptunghiulare si scria:

"Aceasta este viata ta."

Am deschis-o iar pe primul rand spunea:

"Este dat omului sa moara odata apoi sa vina la Judecata!"


Cand am vazut asta am aruncat-o , am inceput sa fluier si s-o ignor.

Nu voiam sa infrunt faptul ca intr-o zi voi muri.

Dar prietene am vesti pentru tine:

Fie ca iti place sau nu...

Indiferent daca crezi sau nu crezi,vei muri intr-o zi

si vei sta in fata unui Dumnezeu Sfant!

Unii spun: Eu cred ca atunci voi muri, nu e Dumnezeu si doar nu o sa mai exist.

Poate o sa ma intorc ca si o vaca, un iepure ceva..


Sa-ti zic ceva! Stii adanc in inima ta, cand esti pe moarte

si te loveste durerea in piept...inainte sa suni la Ambulanta strigi:

Oh, Doamne, ai mila!

De ce zici "Doamne" acum?

Intelegi ce spun?

Viata vesnica este sa Il cunost ipe Dumnezeu Tatal

si pe Fiul Lui, Isus Hristos ca Domn!

Nu doar sa stii despre El.

Va pot spune o multime de lucruri despre presedintele Bush.

Imi aduc aminte cand am venit prima oara in Romania.

Toti ma intrebau:

"De unde vii?" Le spuneam: "America."

Iar ei salutau. Le placea si respectau America.

Apoi Bill Clinton a ajuns la conducere si s-au intamplat toate acele lucruri.

Apoi s-a ajuns sa se faca glume despre Bill Clinton si sa dispretuiasca America.

Dar acum, cu presedintele Trump la conducere, oamenii au respect in tara aceasta.

Vorbesc despre Europa de Est, aici unde traiesc eu.

Si vad o multime de oameni care respecta America si il iubesc pe presedintele Trump.

Ei spun: Mi-as fi dorit ca presedintele Trump sa vina aici si sa fie presedintele nostru

si sa curete mocirla pe care o avem aici.

Toti oamenii stiu ca exista oameni in Guvern care nu-s onesti

si fura tot ce au saracii

Dar Dumnezeu mai ridica din cand in cand oamenii care pun lucrurile in ordine

Daca oamenii se roaga el ridica. Aleluia!

Nu intru in chestiuni politice dar voiam sa va spun ca

sunt atat de recunoscator pentru ceea ce face Domnul in America. Amin!

Si ma rog in fiecare zi ca Dumnezeu sa demaste democratii , pe cei care vor sa insele.

Si sa-i expuna pe ei si faptele lor!

Vorbeam despre viata vesnica..

2. Cum primesc viata vesnica?

Trebuie sa vii la Domnul Isus si sa-L intalnesti.

"Dar cum fac asta, frate Martin?

Fii sincer in inima ta.

Multi oameni se roaga dar nu sunt sinceri in rugaciunea lor.

Obisnuiam sa ma rog asa si eu, timp de multi ani.

Obisnuiam sa vin inaintea lui Dumnezeu si ziceam:

"Oh, Doamne iti promit!"

Uneori plangeam..

"Oh, daca ma scoti din necazul acesta

Doamne iti promit ca ma indrept si merg la biserica

O sa renunt la tigare, bautura .

Nu o sa mai injur, nu voi mai, minti, fura, insela si toate celelate..

Si apoi Duminica eram la biserica si spuneam:

"Doamne, mai da-mi o sansa! mila de mine, Doamne!

Si tu ai fost asa, nu?

"O, Doamne nu ingadui.."

Si apoi saptamana urmatoare erai mai rau decat cealalta.

Stii despre ce vorbesc...

Pentru ca erai un sclav, rob al pacatului,

iar pacatul este ceea ce diavolul a pus in Gradina Edenului

si s-a transferat de la Adam pana la tine si la mine.

Pana cand, in acea glorioasa zi am venit la Isus si am ingenuncheat inaintea Lui .

Aleluia! L-am primit ca Domn si Mantuitor.

Nu voi uita niciodata acea zi!

Ma plimbam undeva prin Florida

si erau doi tineri care cantau acel cantec:

"Mare este Domnul

si vrednic de lauda!"

Psalmul 48, amin! Apoi mi-au zis:

Domnule, daca vii la Isus el te va mantui

pentru ca te iubeste si a murit pentru tine. Biblia spune:

"Fiindca atat de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea, incat a DAT pe singurul Sau Fiu

pentru ca ORICINE crede in El

Sa nu piara ci sa aiba


Asa o primesti.

Trebuie sa vii la Isus si sa-L intalnesti la cruce.

Este un cantec care spune:

"La cruce unde am vazut prima oara lumina

si mi-a fost luata povara de pe inima.

Acolo prin credinta am primit vederea

si acum sunt fericit mereu.

Va aduceti aminte de acel vanzator de sclavi. John Newton a venit la Cristos.

Era un om atat de rau si el a spus

cum zice si Biblia despre fiul risipitor :

"Pierdut eram, dar m-a gasit."

"Eram mort dar acum traiesc!"

Orice om care nu il cunoaste pe Isus este pierdut

si trebuie sa fie gasit.

Si singurul mod prin care pot fi gasiti este prin dragostea lui Dumnezeu

cand vin la Isus Cristos si il primesc ca Domn.

Poate ma intrebi:

"Frate Martin, esti fericit ca ai facut acest lucru?"

Aveam 23 de ani cand L-am primit pe Isus ca Domnul al meu.

Dar a trebuit sa imi vin in fire si sa realizez ca

toti prietenii mei nu imi sunt prieteni.

Cand mi s-au terminat banii, eram ca fiul risipitor si am ajuns la cocina cu porci

si m-am uitat in jur si toti asa-zisii mei prieteni nu imi erau prieteni.

Sunt prietenii tai atata timp cat ai bani si iti merge bine.

Dar nu e niciun prieten ca Domnul Isus Cristos!

"Nu e niciun prieten ca Domnul Isus.

O niciunul, niciunul!"

El si-a dat viata si a murit pentru tine.

Cine altcineva ar muri pentru tine? Biblia spune ca El a murit..

Aceasta este viata vesnica:

Sa il cunosti pe El. Aceasta este viata vesnica!

1. Sa il cunosti pe El , nu sa stii despre El.

Si eu stiu despre Trump, dar nu il cunsc personal.

Imaginati-va ca ma duc la Casa Alba si bat la usa si zic:

"Vreau sa il vad pe Don!"

-Pe cine?

"Pe Donald!"

-Cine esti tu? il cunosti?

Si zic:

"Nu, nu il cunosc dar stiu despre el"

Asa sunt si multi membri din biserici. Stiu doar despre El.

-O da, Isus s-a nascut in Betleem.

Numele mamei lui era Maria si tatal lui vitreg era Iosif, tamplarul.

Era Fiul tamplarului.

"La Vifleem colo-n jos"

Si canta toate acele cantece

dar nu l-au cunoscut personal niciodata pe Isus Cristos. Amin?

Poti stii totul despre el

dar daca nu Il cunosti nu-ti foloseste la nimic

pentru ca intr-o zi te vei intalni cu Dumnezeu

si eu Il voi intalni si vom sta inaintea Lui cu totii.

Biblia spune: "Omului este randuit sa moara o singura data iar apoi vine Judecata."

Biblia spune ca vor veni la El multi si vor bate la usa

si vor spune:


Am facut toate aceste minuni, am predicat

am fost misionari, cantareti, predicatori. Am facut asta si asta..

Am dat bani saracilor. Iar Isus Cristos le va spune:

"Nu v-am cunoscut niciodata!"

Nu este despre ceea ce faci.

Este despre ceea ce Dumnezeu a facut!


Prin Fiul Sau , Domnul Isus Cristos!

Cand vii la El si ingenunchezi inaintea Lui

si-L primesti ca Domn si Mantuitor , El te va mantui. Amin!

Te va face un nou om.

Iti va da o inima noua si natura Sa Divina

Iti va da neprihanirea Lui si putere.

"Putere? Despre ce putere vorbesti?"

Vorbesc despre o noua abilitate si autoritate. Amin!

Si la acest lucru se refera Dumnezeu cand spune:

"Toata puterea Mi-a fost data!"

Si El ne-a dat-o noua care suntem copiii Lui.

El ne iubeste si te iubeste pe tine!

El vrea sa vii la El. Il cunosti tu astazi?

1.Deci aceasta este viata vesnica:

Sa-l cunosti pe Tatal.

2. Cum Il primesti?

Vii la El!

3. Este vesnica , pentru totdeauna?

Este asa cum este si Dumnezeu - vesnic! Amin?

"Dar cum stii asta, frate Martin?"

Pentru ca Biblia spune ca Isus Cristos este vesnic.

Cand il primesc El traieste in mine


Nu "o sa am viata vesnica."

In 1 Ioan spune: "V-am scris aceste lucruri

ca sa stiti ca aveti viata vesnica."

Deci , stiu ca am viata vesnica!


Pentru ca El traieste in mine!

Sunt o faptura noua in Cristos.

Am trecut de la moarte la viata. Imi iubesc aproapele.

Biblia spune ca El mi-a dat o inima noua. Mi-a dat o alta limba.

Daca ma auzeati inainte v-ati fi acoperit urechile.

Mi-a dat o limba noua, una care il lauda pe El si il glorifica.

Prietene, Il cunosti tu astazi? Vrei sa vii la El?

Doar spune-i si roaga-te asa:

"Tata, cred Isus Cristos este Fiul Lui Dumnezeu.

Cred ca a murit pe cruce pentru pacatele mele.

Si ma smeresc astazi inaintea Ta.

Cred in tine si iti multumesc pentru bunatatea Ta.

Trebuia sa fiu mort de mult cand prietenii mei au murit in accident

si in celelalte lucruri de care m-ai pazit.

Dar Tata cred in Domnul Isus Cristos

Si Il primesc ca Domn si Mantuitor al meu.

Nu vreau sa mai slujesc Lui Satan si pacatului.

Vreau ca Isus Cristos sa fie Domnul si Salvatorul meu.

Vino in viata si in inima mea si mantuieste-ma

chiar acum in numele Lui Isus.

Ca atunci cand te-ai casatorit.. Amin?

Si ai spus: "Da"

Asa faci si cu Domnul. Zici : "Da ,vino in inima mea.

Cred ca ai murit pentru mine si ca ai inviat a treia zi.

Vino in inima mea si mantuieste-Ma.

Si El o face...Chiar acum!

Dumnezeu sa va binecuvinteze. Ne vedem maine!

For more infomation >> Eternal life- Do you have it? RomaniaMission.TV - Duration: 13:15.


Cute Hua Hua Saying Thank You _ Singer 2018 || Hua Chenyu 华晨宇《歌手2018》花絮 - Duration: 1:19.

Hello everyone

I...I am Hua Chenyu


Standing on this stage, I am a singer


I am pretty dumb at words *Very honest*


I want to especially thank my back-up singer who harmonizes with me *Sincere*

His name is

Chang Cheng Lao-Shi

He sung the Six-Word Chant of Truth specially

When I was rapping

He assisted with a very cool sound at the low scale

*Finally got it out*

Many thanks to Chang Cheng Lao Shi

And all these great members of the band

They are so great


thanks to all members of the Singer show

and He Biao Lao-Shi and his team

Thanks to all the audience

I... I am dumb at words

*A little embarrassed*

Errr ...Right

Thank you all

*Still wanted to say something...?*

Bye Bye

*Quietly slipped off stage*

For more infomation >> Cute Hua Hua Saying Thank You _ Singer 2018 || Hua Chenyu 华晨宇《歌手2018》花絮 - Duration: 1:19.


Can You Stop the Train? Baa Baa Black Sheep Rhyme Video | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 46:23.

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

One for the little boy Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

One for the master, One for the dame,

And one for the little Boy Who lives down the lane.

For more infomation >> Can You Stop the Train? Baa Baa Black Sheep Rhyme Video | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 46:23.


Doing business at Frankfurter Buchmesse (à la Andrew Nurnberg) - Duration: 1:23.

I remember once

the editor of GQ Magazine persuaded me to have somebody follow me around.

I think this guy did quite a good job.

He was not allowed to write any detail about deals.

But I would negotiate things sometimes.

And he couldn't say what, but he could say how!

There was this one book

that I wanted to sell to a particular publisher

and I knew he would love it.

So we sat there and the guy just said:

„Of course I have to have this,

how much do you want for that?"

I pulled out a business card,

I tore it in two and I said:

„You put your figure on

and I put my figure on and we'll swap."

The journalist was completely amazed,

like 'this is no serious business'.

And they happened to be identical sums and it was done.

He got the message of what this is all about.

And I remember the headline of this article in GQ said:

„Frankfurt is Nurnberg's playground."

For more infomation >> Doing business at Frankfurter Buchmesse (à la Andrew Nurnberg) - Duration: 1:23.


eBay for Business | Service Metrics Ep. 2 - Tutorial: How to use the dashboard | Sell on eBay UK - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> eBay for Business | Service Metrics Ep. 2 - Tutorial: How to use the dashboard | Sell on eBay UK - Duration: 3:26.


20 Min Yoga to Be Fearless | 30 Day Yoga Reset Challenge | ChriskaYoga - Duration: 22:03.

Hi, I'm Christina and welcome to my channel, ChriskaYoga!!

Today is day 28 of the 30 day

Yoga reset challenge day 28 is all about being fearless

So yoga to be fearless defeat your fears. What would it be

like if you were just fearless and able to go after your dreams and your goals and this class is all about

That theme so I hope that you enjoy it before we get started the subscribe button and the notification bell

I'd love to have you as a part of this community and it is free to subscribe here on YouTube

Also, don't forget to check out My Yoga Habit!

It is my membership sites that I created and worked so hard to bring you you can practice all

30 of these classes without intros and outros without YouTube ads and without even needing an internet connection to

practice the classes you can watch on your any device your phone your tablet your TV and you can try it out for free for

30 days

I'm offering a 30 day free trial for the rest of the month and the month is is almost over so definitely take advantage

Of this 30-day free trial before it goes away the link to join

And sign up is in the description box and on the screen in the card section of this video

So if you're ready grab your yoga mat and let's get started

And we'll come to sitting on the ground

Cross your shins

Flex your feet under your knees sit up tall and sukhasana or easy pose

I'm going to take fearless heart mudra

So bring your hands in front of your body crossing your right closer to your body and your left in front

backs of the hands together

From here. We're going to cross the third hook I guess the index fingers together

hook the middle fingers together

Leave the ring fingers out and hook the pinky fingers together

Leaving the thumbs out and pointing it towards the heart center. So pointing your thumbs towards the heart center

elbows out as much as you can have them out and just try and relax here in your

Fearless heart mudra with your hands. I'm going to remain here for a bit. So close your eyes sitting up tall


Begin to deepen your breathing

You're doing this fearless heart mudra to promote the theme of today's class which is being fearless

Releasing fear letting it go so we can move forward and achieve everything that we want to achieve in life

So I invite you to bring fearlessness or what it would be like to be fearless

into the forefront of your mind

Contemplate that as we sit here with our mudra and breathe

And just remain here

Slowly come to open your eyes and release your hands from this mudra bringing them down

And set them down on to the floor behind you

Coming to little teepees on your fingertips point your fingers behind you elbows point it back

We're going to take an arch here in our easy pose

So lifting your heart center up towards the ceiling press into the ground with your hands and rebound up through your heart center

Coming into an arch reaching the heart up and forward looking up. Hold your firm moment

Come up out of your arch bring your hands down by your sides and we'll come to lying flat on your belly

Have your hands next to your ribs palms are flat on the floor elbows point it up bring your forehead to the ground

We'll take a low Cobra arch

So on an inhale lift your hat on your chest off the ground using your back muscles to hold you up here

Keep the tops of your feet on the floor

hold here for a moment and

On your following exhale bring your forehead back down to the ground twice more

And I'll lift your head and chest off the ground here

Exhale forehead down

Inhale lift your head and your chest up

Holding your back up holding your chest up with your back muscles and on your next exhale drop your head down

From here slide your hands forward

We'll take a sphinx pose

So coming on to your forearms and pressing into the ground with your hands and your arms to reach your chest forward

Open your shoulders wide apart or remain here for several deep breaths

Actively pressing the chest forward as we're here and hold

Slowly bring your head back down to the ground have your palms flat once again the next ear rips

And on your next inhale will come to a full cobra arch

Lifting your torso off the ground

Keep your hips pressing down

Towards the floor and your legs are on the floor if this is too deep of a backbend for you

you can always come back to your low Cobra the first arch that we did or

The Sphinx pose that we just did before this one try not to lock in to your elbows

You're holding up your body your upper body with your core muscles here have your shoulders pressing down away from your ears?

And just hold your arch for a moment

Gently press yourself

back down

to the ground and

Then press yourself up

To a child's pose by touching your big toes together behind you sit your hips on to your heels separate your knees apart

Reach your arms out in front of you. Bring your forehead to the ground

Relax here for a moment and breathe

Slowly come up onto your hands and knees. We'll take a melting heart pose. Bring your shins parallel to one another

And we'll walk our hands forward and bring our forehead down to the ground and stretching out in front of you

Once your forehead is down your arms you're reaching out

Open your chest and your armpits down towards the floor reaching your heart center down

Holding here and breathe for a moment

Slowly lift your head up and we'll take a twist threading your left arm underneath your right

Bring your left temple to the ground and hold here

Slowly bring yourself up out of your twist twist in the opposite direction threading the right underneath the left

Bring your right temple to the ground

Hold here

Make your way up out of your twist. It will come to lying on the back

Lie on your back bend your legs bring your feet flat on the ground knees pointed up

We'll take a bridge pose pressing into the ground with your hands and your feet to lift your hips up

Into an arch roll onto the outer edges of your shoulders clasp your hands together underneath your body

And press into the ground with your arms to lift your hips up

Keep your knees coming in towards each other and hips distance apart and hold here

Release your hands from the clasp

Gently bring your hips down towards the floor hug the legs in towards the chest

Hold on to the shins flexing your feet for a moment

breathing here

From here, we'll take a twist take both of your legs bring them over to the left side of your body

Twist your upper body to the right and bend your right arm up into a cactus shape for a chest opening here

Looking over to the right

Relax here in your twist and debris

Slowly unwind from your twist bringing your legs and your head back to Center

And switch sides taking the legs bring them over to the right side of your body. You can keep your hand on your legs

Bring your left arm out to the left bending it up in a cactus shape for a chest opening looking over to the left

Relax here and your twist and breathe

Slowly come back to Center bring your legs back to the center and

We will take our blanket for our final pose of the class

So I'm going to take my yoga blanket hold it out wide and then we'll take a

roll here a fairly skinny roll

Keeping it


Flattening it out. So it's just maybe a couple inches high we're going to

place your shoulder blades on

to the blanket roll and

Reach our arms out in a cactus shape up

by your sides, so it's a quite

Deep maybe not so deep chest opening here and you can keep your legs bent or straighten them out as I'm doing here

Find what works for you. And what is comfortable for you here

If you'd rather have your hands down by your sides instead

You can do that just play around with what works best for you at this moment

Once you're settled here in your pose close your eyes deepen your breathing

Going back to the forefront of your mind the idea of being fearless

Fearing nothing and moving forward towards your goals

Imagine what that would be like

Breathing into that feeling and

Remain here

Bring some slight motion back into your body

Releasing your arms down open your legs

When you're ready

Bend your legs roll to the right side of your body

Remove your props

So move your blanket off to the side

And press yourself up to a seated position

Cross your shins flex your feet under your knees. Bring your hands to your legs sit up tall close your eyes

Take a deep breath in

Release it out

Bring your hands to meet at the center of your chest bow your head to your fingertips namaste. Thank

You so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed this class

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Letting me know what you thought of this class if you're feeling any different now, the challenge has been going for you

Are you excited that the challenge is almost over?

Let me know all your thoughts down in the comments below


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I'll still be posting regularly new yoga classes and it is free to subscribe. So definitely hit that button down below

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So definitely take advantage of the 30 day free trial

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instagram @chriskayoga for yoga

Motivation and inspiration all the links to everything that I mentioned and more are listed in the description box below

Thank you so much. See you next time!

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