Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 30 2018


We are loved by God and

get into heaven as a free

gift through Jesus, right?

So wait, does that mean

you can do whatever you

want and God will still

accept you in the end? Or

does that mean you

actually have to earn your

way to heaven and be a

good enough person to be

accepted by God in the

end? Confusing questions,

right? Pastor Jeske's

going to help us find some

great answers in the

Bible. It's coming up next

on Time of Grace.



Bible is not written as a

dogmatics textbook.

You will find

biography, you will find

letters or the churchy

word for that is epistles.

And you will find

prophetic vision language;

sometimes even dream

narrative. The holy

writers used metaphors and

similes - you know,

comparative words. There

are flashbacks and flash

aheads. God uses all kinds

of - he'll use hyperbole

or exaggeration. He uses

understatement and

sarcasm; all of those

tricks to add some juice

to his amazing message.

And the Bible, like our

writing today and a lot of

our speech today, uses air

quotes. Do you know what

air quotes are? That's

when - it's a bit of

sarcasm; it's a form of

sarcasm. Or irony; when

it's the opposite of what

you'd think. It's a way of

using a word but you don't

really mean the word. I

have probably the most

famous example of air

quotes in the entire Bible

that I would like to savor

with you today so let's

have a look. Open your

Bible to James 2 and let's

see if you can spot the

air quotes, which I think

will help you grasp James'

line of thought, his

message, which I also hope

you agree with me is

critical to a


understanding of our life

with God. The basic

message of the gospel of

God's grace is this: That

he looks at jerks and

fools and sinners like you

and me and says, "I love

you unconditionally

because of nothing you

have ever done. Your life

is irrelevant to me. I

just know you're dying and

you smell. But I've got a

solution and it starts

with my deciding to love

you without reference to

how much you may or may

not have deserved it.

That's called grace. It is

a hundred percent done, a

hundred percent God's

doing, nothing is left to

chance, and there's

nothing you could ever do

that would disqualify you

from being loved by God

for his mercy is bigger

than all of your sins

piled together in one

gigantic manure heap.

That's grace. And he

simply gives it to you.

And the astounding and

almost unbelievable fact

is that on the cross of

Christ on Good Friday on

Calvary, God actually

pardoned the world. Even

those who don't believe in

him yet, even those who

had not even been born,

you were pre-forgiven

before you were even born

and committed your first

sin. You were forgiven

even before you existed.

That's grace.

Simultaneously with that

is when people are brought

to faith by the Holy

Spirit, they now have the

power of the Spirit

working within them and

they now have the lights

turned on. By possessing

God's word, they know now

how shall we live? Now

having been saved, how can

we serve and please God?

This is equally true and

God does not settle for

the way you are right now.

And it is James' burden,

his mission task in his

five chapters, is not to

describe the grace side;

that apparently he felt

was adequately done in

other ways or God let him

know I don't need you to

articulate that part. What

I am sending you to write

down, James, is to wage

war on hypocrisy and lame

excuses from people who

say, "I believe" and

that's enough. You've only

got to believe to go to

heaven, right? Okay, I

believe. Case closed. Now

I can go live any way I

want. And see, that is a

seeming contradiction. It

doesn't matter how you've

lived; it matters

intensely how you've lived

and your knees get a

little wobbly like, "Which

is it? I want to know

which it is so I know how

to act." They're both

true. Remember your

hammock? Swing at peace

between those two

thoughts. If you get

nervous and wonder where

does my help come from?

Lift your eyes up to

heaven; it comes from him.

If you're wondering does

it matter how I live? Does

he expect me to be holy?

The answer is yes; he

expects nothing less of

you than to be just like

him. And now let's let

James talk to us. James 2

- our story today begins

in verse 14: "What good is

it, my brothers," he's

talking to fellow

believers; you are his

family. "What good is it

if a person would claim to

have faith but have no

deeds to go with it?"

Air quotes. You know I was

going to say that, right?

How can you have faith but

no deeds? Answer: It's

impossible. Real faith

always has life-changing

examples to reveal it.

That's beyond dispute;

assume it. It is all one

continuum. If you truly

are saved, you've been

blessed by God's grace,

you've come to believe it

through the power of the

Holy Spirit working

through word and

sacrament, and you live

it. That is not an option;

that is not like something

you can have as an add-on.

That is not something you

maybe or maybe not can

choose to have as a

feature of your life. Real

faith leads to change

lives; it's a packaged

deal. And do not allow

yourself or people you

love to luxuriate in the

hypocrisy of thinking that

all I need is facts in my

head and that's enough.

Your life matters and

James will not let you

wriggle away. "What good

is it to claim to have

faith but have no deeds?

Can such," now here are

massive air quotes, "Can

such faith save him?"

Answer, of course: No.

"Suppose a brother or

sister is without

clothes." So somebody you

claim to have as a fellow

believer, a member of your

congregation, somebody

within your family,

somebody with whom you

have a relationship is

without clothes and daily

food and you say, "Go, I

wish you well; keep warm

and be well-fed,' but does

nothing about his physical

needs, what good is it? In

the same way, faith by

itself, if not accompanied

by action, is dead." And

once again, for the third

and final time, faith

there is not true genuine

faith; it's air quote

faith. It's hypocrisy

faith. It's pretend faith.

It's poser faith. It's

posturing faith. It's

religiosity but it's not

real faith. James said,

"Well, someone will say,

'You have faith; I have

deeds," as though the two

can exist. There you might

say there's air quotes

around both of those

because the reverse is

true, too. There is

nothing a human being can

do that is pleasing to God

if it is not linked by

faith to Jesus Christ the

Son of God. That's why so

many people are going to

be shocked on Judgment Day

when they say, "Man, I did

all kinds of stuff. I paid

by taxes, I cut my grass,

I helped a little old lady

across the street once. I

actually shoveled the

widow's snow next door

once or twice a winter. I

have good things that I've

done." If they're not

connected to faith, faith

in Christ, they smell and

God sees all the

cheesiness and selfish,

self-servingness of it all

and just says, "Be gone, I

don't know you." So deeds

without faith - worthless.

Faith without deeds -

worthless. They are a

seamless continuum. "Show

me your faith," air quotes

again, "without deeds and

I will show you my faith

by what I do." Your deeds

validate whether or not

there's real faith as to

what you really believe.

"You believe that there's

one God? Good for you;

even the demons believe that

and they shudder." A young

man told me once who had

gone through catechism

class in his youth and now

as a man in his twenties

was saying, "I don't need

to go to church. I know

all this stuff. I know

what I need to know." I

hope God lets him live

long enough to grow out of

that pathetic, immature,

childish attitude. But you

know what he was saying

because you've probably

thought - and maybe you've

even said it - but you

probably all thought stuff

like that, too. You can

excuse your lack of

spiritual development by

saying, "Well, I know the

rules. I know the drill.

I've got my 'Get out of

hell free' card and I know

that no matter what kind

of mess I make on this

earth, in heaven I just

go, "Whoops, see, I

believe in Jesus! Jesus!"

And you whip the card out

and you say I know the

secret password to heaven.

Some people who pull that

will say, "Jesus, here I

am!" And he'll say, "Who

are you? I don't know

you." Because without a

real faith, your pretend

faith, your hypocritical

faith, is worthless too

for a faith disconnected

from deeds of love isn't

really faith. These are

hard words but do not

dilute them. Let them

smack you. Let these be a

wake-up call for you and I

are Dr. Jekyll and Mr.

Hyde people, aren't we?

And we still drag around

our sins and there's a

saint inside of us, as

well. That's another of

the Bible's many head

scratching contradictions

that you are

simultaneously a wretched

sinner and a holy saint at

the same time. Hang your

hammock between those two

trees and swing at peace

with God and take your nap

because you need them both

to know who you really

are. James said: "The

demons believe and

shudder." Just knowing the

facts is not enough. That

isn't faith. "You foolish

person," James writes. He

just - are you going to

let him talk to you like

that? He just called you

fools. Are you going to

let him talk to you like

that? Probably you should.

The Greek word that is

used - it's a little hard

to translate - it means

literally you empty-headed

idiots. You're empty;

there's nothing inside

your head. If you talk

like that, you don't have

a thought in your head.

You're an empty-head. "Do

you want evidence that

faith without deeds is

useless?" Remember

Abraham, he says, "he was

considered righteous for

what he did when he

offered his son Isaac on

the altar. You see that

his faith and his actions

were working together."

Does that make sense to

you, what I'm saying? What

James is saying? Faith and

deeds of love and

compassion and mercy and

obedience to God are

organically one and the

same; they flow back and

forth to each other. His

faith was made complete by

what he did. Did Abraham's

life matter? Did his

obedience matter? Yes, it

did. "Scripture was then

fulfilled that said

Abraham believed God and

it was credited to him as

righteousness and he was

called God's friend. You

see that a person is

justified by what he does

not by faith alone." There

are air quotes around

"faith alone." "In the

same way, it was not even

Rahab the" - may I dare to

call her the

ex-prostitute? She may

have had a seedy way of

life before the spies got

to Jericho. I hope though

that she showed her love

for the Lord as she

experienced Israel's God

and decided that the

Israelites had it right

and that her native

Jericho-ians had it wrong

and she threw her lock in

with Israel's God. My hope

is that she left behind

her former occupation and

found another way to earn

her bread. "She was

considered righteous for

what she did when she gave

lodging to the spies and

sent them off in a

different direction" from

their pursuers. "As the

body without the spirit is

dead so," - air quotes -

so-called hypocritical

"faith without deeds is

dead." What better time

could there be than the

beginning of the year to

have resolutions? And I

think the secret to doing

something that will matter

and that will last is the

same secret that I think

leads to successful

evangelism. One of the

things that has always

paralyzed me about being a

better witness to my faith

is that the world around

me seems so enormous. So

many atheists, so many

agnostics, so many

unbelievers, I don't know

where to start. And

outside of our country,

the numbers explode into

the billions and so the

paralysis of how enormous

that task is then makes me

do nothing. You know like

when you have a small

task, it's easy to rouse

yourself and get up off

your couch and do that one

thing and then you can sit

down again. But if you

look out at your house and

you see paint peeling

everywhere, rotten wood, a

gutter hanging sideways

and about ten shingles

missing and a broken

window up at the attic and

broken chunks of concrete

up on the sidewalk going

around the side of the

house, you might stand out

there at eight o'clock on

a summer morning and just

look at everything and go,

"I think I'm ready for a

nap" because the enormity

of it overwhelms you. You

know your life is a

half-baked mess. You know

there are many features of

your life that are not

under control; under

control of the Spirit of

the Lord. You know that; I

know that, too. And you

know that about me; you

don't even have to ask and

it's all true. I admit it.

I completely cheerfully

tearfully admit it to you.

If you let all of it weigh

down on you, you'll be so

depressed you will do

nothing so pick one thing

and that's my - I'm being

James - I'm going to get

in your grill today and

here's the Jeske

challenge: Pick one aspect

of your life that you know

is not under the control

of the Spirit that is not

what it ought to be; just

one thing. Now there are

two kinds of people here

today: Those that know

their one thing and those

that don't know their one

thing and I get both. I've

probably been both at

different times in my

life. I may even be both

right now. Some of you

know what your one thing

is. You are living in some

kind of rebellion against

God and you know it and

you try to keep this crust

on the outside so people

don't know but on the

inside, you know you are

at war with the Son of God

over something going on in

your life. You may have

some kind of sexual

relationship that you know

is wrong but you can't

stop. You know that what

for some people is

harmless gambling with a

little money, you play a

little game, some money

games, ah, you win, you

lose whatever, it's

chicken - it's just small

amounts of money and you

walk away from it and you

can leave it be for six

months and not even

notice; not even miss it.

But maybe your thing is

that you can't stop

gambling. You have

gambling fever and you are

throwing away money that

should be going to support

your family; you're

wasting it. You maybe have

got a crust of

respectability where you

can hang out at a party

and drink socially but

then you go home and you

have about eight more

drinks until you pass out

and your drinking is out

of control and you know

it. That may be your thing

that you need to work on

this year. You may have on

the surface of it, you

look like a fine ordinary

family but your marriage

is miserable and you know

it. Or you may think you

may be sort of in church

people Pharisee mode and

think, "Well, I've got one

or two little small little

features I could, you

know, I could maybe give

my spouse a few more cards

or I could get the little

lady flowers maybe a

little more often. Like

okay, I'm about

ninety-eight percent of

the way there. Just one

small little push and I'll

have it up to one hundred

percent. Just one or two

little, minor little

peccadillos and they're

not even sins - they're

just peccadillos." And so

to that portion of you

wherever you are, whoever

you are, I'm in your face

again and I'm going to

say: Do you have the

courage to ask your spouse

what your one thing maybe

ought to be? Do you have

the courage to ask your

mother: What do you think

I need to work on most,

mom? Do you have the

courage to say to your

father: As you look at my

life, where do you have

the most fear and regrets?

What would you change in

me if you could? Do you

have the courage to ask

your children: How am I

doing? Do you have the

courage to ask people at

work, somebody you trust

and know, how am I doing?

If you could change one

thing about me, what do

you see in me, like a

buddy system. How am I

doing? Because our

capacity for self-delusion

is so great. So whichever

you are - maybe you're

mushed; the two kind of

mushed together - as the

year begins, I invite you

to pick one thing to work

on. Don't be overwhelmed

by everything but pick one

thing where you are going

to do what James invites,

challenges, and even

commands you to do and

that's let your faith flow

into your life. Don't hold

it up; let it go and admit

where you are a work in

progress. Repent of it and

let the guilt and fear of

your past failures be

washed from you

completely. Not only are

we starting a new year,

you are starting a new

year with God, too, and

your record book of

failures has been washed

clean. You're starting

over. Today is a new day

and his grace is brand new

to you not only day by

day, but year by year, as

well. So fresh slate,

clean start. Now, what in

my life needs to improve?

Set that before you, write

it down, pray about it,

and maybe even ask a buddy

or a family member. This

is what I'm going to work

on this year. Help me.

Hold me accountable when

I'm not showing any

progress, when I'm messing

up. If my problem is

losing my temper, don't

let me blow it off and

blame others or make

excuses. When you see me

go off, when you hear

angry words start to come

out, give me the timeout

or give me the sign and

let me know that I'm

starting to lose my

struggle again. And when

you hear kind and

building-up words come out

of my mouth, then clap and

cheer for me and let me

know that my effort is

paying off. It's like if

you lose thirty pounds and

nobody notices, you might

think all that agony I

just went through for

nothing! Nobody even

notices the new skinny me.

In the same way, we can do

great things for each

other in clapping and

cheering for the progress

that God's struggling

saints are making in

working, as works in

progress, working on

lifting up their game. Not

just because it's a game

but because this brings

joy to our Lord who loves

it when we serve him and

serve each other, when we

become brokers of his

treasures to help the men,

women, and children around

us who may struggle where

we have something that can

be helpful to them. When

we stop hurting people and

look to build them up.

Write it down, think about

it, pray about it, and

then revisit it and check

yourself and measure how

am I doing? And keep that

as your theme this whole

year. That's my challenge

to you. And as we head

into offering time in a

few seconds, let me invite

you to take that to the

Lord, whatever you've

chosen, if you accept my

challenge, take that one

thing and take it to the

Lord and let it be your

project for this new year.

May God give you strength

to live a life that's

pleasing to him, Amen.



NOVOTNY] I'm so glad

Pastor Jeske helped us to

wrestle with that question

because the tension

between the free gift of

God's grace and the

necessity of following God

and doing good works is

something we all have to

live with. It's never

easy, you never completely

resolve it; you just live

with that tension. When

you take sin maybe not so

seriously and people are

getting hurt, God wants us

to hear about works. And

yet, when we realize that

we're never going to be

good enough, that we're

struggling and striving

and repenting, we just

need to know about faith;

faith in Jesus and God's

unconditional love. I pray

this message today helped

you deal with that

tension; to live a life of

faith where you rest in

God and work so hard to

thank him for his

unconditional love. I'll

be back with you in a

moment to pray. [PASTOR

JESKE] What an exciting

ride it's been for me as

I've been sharing God's

word with you over all

these years. You've been

so generous with your

gifts and prayers;

together, we've taken the

news of God's love all

over the world. I want to

thank you. And that's the

reason I want to tell you

about an exciting new

opportunity to help

connect more people with

God's grace as we finish

out this year and move

into the next season of

spreading God's word

through Time of Grace.

You're still needed! Some

generous friends have

offered a $350,000

challenge grant. That

means that your gift today

will be worth twice as

much. When you give,

you'll help create more

Bible-centered resources

and you'll help people

watch Time of Grace all

around the world; people

like William in Costa Rica

who wrote: "These videos

help me. God has been

teaching me to trust in

him. Thank you." There are

many more people like

William who are finding

hope in Jesus through the

many Time of Grace digital

resources but many more

still need to hear. So,

please, take this to the

Lord in prayer today;

knowing that your gift

will be twice as much when

paired with the challenge

grant. To thank you for

giving, we'll send you the

book, "God's In The

Whirlwind." Request your

copy of this book when you

give now. Call

800-661-3311, visit, or text

TIME to 313131.[PASTOR


made it to the end of

another year! And God is

so good, isn't he? This

might have been an easy

year or a tough year but

God was so good because he

was consistently there. He

forgave us for every sin

for the past 365 days and

he is so full of

forgiveness that we can

start the new year with

confidence. So we here at

Time of Grace are so

thankful for your prayers,

your support, and we are

praying for you that God

blesses you in the year to

come. We have no clue

what's coming down the

road but we do know this:

That God's grace is

consistent and it will

always be there when you

need it the most. As we

continue to wrestle with

this tension between faith

and works, let's ask our

heavenly Father to give us

wisdom and bless us in a

word of prayer. Dear God,

We desperately need your

help with this. And if we

just focus on Jesus and

faith and not on

obedience, people will

live in sin and they'll

hurt each other and

they'll drift away from

you. But God, if we just

focus on works and

obedience, people are

going to be so burdened

that they'll never find

the freedom that Jesus

came into this world to

give. And so, we pray

today for help. For every

one of us as we look into

the mirror trying to

figure out if we should

apply faith or works, for

every one of us who's

raising children, trying

to figure out the right

way to discipline and

raise them so that they

find the freedom and joy

of following you in faith.

And for all of us in the

church, God, that we can

encourage one another to

take sin seriously but to

take your forgiveness and

unconditional love just as

seriously. God, help us.

We want to do this right

but without you, we can't.

So help us in the days to

come. I thank you, God,

already because I know how

you're going to answer

this prayer. You love to

help people figure out

this tension. So please

bless us, bless our faith

and bless our church

families. We ask this all,

Jesus, in your powerful

name, Amen. With Time of

Grace, I'm Pastor Mike

Novotny, and your faith,

which expresses itself

through works because of

Jesus, it all starts now.


You know, if you asked me

17 years ago what I

thought Time of Grace

would look like in 2018, I

would never have guessed

that we would be where we

are today. It's very, very

important to me that Time

of Grace not be limited to

my ability to continue to

do these things. It's very

important to me that Time

of Grace will have a

second act. After Easter

Sunday of 2019, Pastor

Mike Novotny will be

taking over as lead

speaker here on the Time

of Grace television


When people walk into a

church, they just

automatically assume that

this is a place for good

people to get better

instead of for sinners to

be saved. I think

something that has been

going on for almost two

decades with Time of

Grace, is to truly love

the Bible and to love

people. So the style might

be a little bit different

and the screens might be a

little bit bigger but I

love the fact that it's

going to be consistent

with our message. It's

what people love about

your messages; I pray

they're going to get the

same out of mine, too. I

thought about just the

television audience -

400,000 people. I live

near Green Bay, Lambeau

Field, 81,000 when it's

packed for a Packer game.

Think of that - every

Sunday, like five straight

days, Time of Grace is

packing Lambeau Field and

people are leaning in to

hear a message about God's

grace. [PASTOR JESKE] I've

never been more confident

in our mission or our

future as I am right now.



preceding program was

sponsored by the friends

and partners of Time of


For more infomation >> What's Got to Change in Your Life? - Duration: 28:31.


Repotting Bonsai Arjun trees( With English Subtitle) - Duration: 7:29.


these plants(Arjun plants) are very well-known to you all because I collected these plants from the forest 2 years ago in the month of October

after collecting these, I upload a video about how I plant these plants in these polybags

and today I am going to repotting it if it's necessary

and after showing this repotting video I will show you my previous planting video of these plant so that you can understand better

I will turn these plants into bonsai slowly

you will get to know how I make bonsai plants after watching this video

I do many types of garden-related works, like treepot making, treepot stand making e.t.c

some days ago I made this tree pot stand. if you want you can watch it's making video on my channel and the video link is in the description

these all are cactus plants

cactus plants can happen in a very small place so here we could decorate it very beautifully

I do many types of gardening related work so. if you like my video then please like, comment and share my video and please subscribe to my channel

and press the bell icon to get the notification

now see how I am repotting these plants

see these pots. I brought it from the market

these are made of plastics so it's very light weighted and very sturdy

we have to spread some small stone first in the lower part of this pot

after this, I am spreading some wooden husk over it, it's totally optional

so that the water can drain properly

now I am giving this homemade bonsai soil in a thin layer

we shouldn't make it very thick so that the plant can easily be planted

now I take this plant

this soil is bonsai soil so we don't have to exclude this soil, and if we do then maybe the plant will get hurt

I am just going to plant it but before that we just fresh it a little

so that it will be not get bluffy

now we have to fill this pot with the soil to half inch below

from now we have to give it water daily

after one month when this plant will settle here properly from then we have to provide liquid fertilizer time to time

at an interval of 15 days

we don't have to give these fertilizer weekly

because using these fertilizer weekly can make the growth of the plants very fast.

and that's not our purpose. our motive is to keep these plants small

so we have to give these plants nutrients very low in proportion

only keep them alive and give them a minimum growth

these are Arjun plants.

the collecting and growing video of these plants I have already uploaded in my channel

I told you at the starting that I will give that previous video with this video

but unfortunately, I have to deduct that video because then the video will be very long

that's why I am giving that video link on the description, if you want to watch it then click on that link.

after repotting we have to give the water properly once

after that, we have to give water to the plants after watching the soil

the roots will get rotten if we give excess water

that's why we have to check the soil carefully

when you see the upper portion of the soil is getting dry then give water to it.

For more infomation >> Repotting Bonsai Arjun trees( With English Subtitle) - Duration: 7:29.


From stuck feet to stuck name in hyponsis as lady gets freaked out by hypnotist - Duration: 3:23.

[Feel Good Hypnosis music plays]

So, 1, 2, 3, open your eyes.

How's that feel?


Look at me, sleep!

Sleep now, way down, Way down, way down deeper, deeper, deeper relaxed.

The deeper you go, the more relaxed you feel, the more relaxed you feel the deeper you go.

Way down. Feeling the relaxation washing all the way through you.

So 1, 2, 3, open your eyes.

And Sleep, way down, even deeper, even deeper still.

In a moment I'm going to count from 1 to 3 and on the count of 3 you're going to open your eyes,

you're going to be back with us, but your going to feel so relaxed so comfortable in

this position you're in now it's going to feel like your legs just

cemented to the floor stuck to the floor it's like your shoes are part of that carpet you're

just welded stuck, 10 tonne weight, your feet are just cemented you will

not be able to move your feet and the more you try and move those feet the

more those feet just lock and stick down the more you try the more they lock

and stick, nod you head you understand.

1, 2, 3, open your eyes.

How's it feeling?


Isn't that good.

Go ahead now and try and move your feet.

what's that feel like?


Lead, it really is lead it's

getting heavier it's getting heavier that's right feel that now just imagine

that now, just like your legs feel so like lead

that thought inside your mind that's keeping you in your old patterns that's right

look at me and sleep now, way down, way down, way down, deeper, deeper, way down, deeper relaxed

deep relax in a moment I'm

gonna count from 1 to 3 and on the count of three your legs will no longer feel

like lead they will not be stuck on the floor but just like your legs were

feeling like lead your name is gonna just stick to the back of your mind

your name is just going to stick to the back of your mind just for the next

3 or 4 minutes while I talk to you, your name will stick to the back of your mind you will not

be able to say your name the more you try and say your name your name's going to

just a lock and stick to the back of your mind if you try and say it

on the tip of your tongue, you will not be able to say it.

Like when you see that girl on the TV and you say I know that

name but I cannot say it you cannot say that name. Nod you head that understand.

1, 2, 3 open your eyes.

How's your feet now? Back to normal.


Isn't that cold. I didn't introduce

myself my name's Turan, your name is

It's gone,

really gone.

[friend laughs]

Sorry, you're name was?

Even if you hear it you can't say it, what's her name?


[Friend laughs]

and it's gone now.

That's really freaky, I can't say my name.

But, you know what when you say your name .. when you say your

name in the rhyme you can say it when you say your name and rhyme you can say it.

So sing the birthday song. Happy Birthday ..

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Geraldine .. how do you ..

Look at me, and it's gone! What's your name?

[Friends laugh]

This is freaking me out! How do you do that?

What's your name?

Gerrrrr allll


Sleep now. Way down, way down,

deeper, deeper, deeper relaxed.

The deeper you go, the more relaxed you feel, the more relaxed you feel the deeper you go.

Drifting, sinking down, even deeper still.

[Feel good Hypnosis music plays out]

For more infomation >> From stuck feet to stuck name in hyponsis as lady gets freaked out by hypnotist - Duration: 3:23.


春晚主持人曝光 - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> 春晚主持人曝光 - Duration: 4:35.


Rangoli for New Year 2019: 17 to 7 Beautiful Flower Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year - Duration: 5:40.

Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos

Rangoli for New Year 2019: 17 to 7 Beautiful Flower Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year

Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya

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