Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 31 2018




For more infomation >> Footloose (Karaoke Version) - Kenny Loggins | TracksPlanet - Duration: 4:27.


How social media affects your mental health and why Youtubers should stop faking ep 2 - Duration: 9:13.

Nowadays depression is among the most common mental disorders in an entire world with

300 million people affected in a gold scale

It's a pretty serious issue and some people use it to get just a couple of

extra views

Hello, everyone

Welcome again to it here see and in this episode we will be talking about

the effects that social really can have on your mental health

But first we'll take a look at why youtubers should stop faking depression and other disorders

It is great that you want to rise awareness broad mental health issues

But you don't need to be suffering from any of the stuff

To rise awareness about it the problem here lies in attention

They want a chunk of all the attention

This video will be getting think about it if they just talked about the issues that are trying to deal with in that

Video people will just focus on that specific issue and that's great. That's the purpose of these videos

After all, but for most of them, it is not enough. They have to get involved somehow and talk down themselves

To itself that sweet sweet attention they want so badly

And when the issue they're talking about his mental health

they generally tend to say they have

depression or anxiety or got stuff and

This leads to a lot of people believe it the entire disorder is fake

Just like I've known people that thought unsightly was a joke. It wasn't real

It was something these people made up to stop posting videos and that's something that truly wars me

the fact that you fake something that's a real struggle full of people and you make it so obvious to see

You're not suffering from it. It's only harming those with a real disorder. Like I said before

This is one of misery and information and it killed it to some people

believe in these things or completely fake

Which is the Excite oppose it effect that you want to get

you're making this type of video a

Couple of studies children social media can have an actual effect in people's mental health and general

Comfort whether that's completely negative or positive

is not so clear I

Think it is quite simple and actually related to the concept of average

Right. Now you probably fall in the middle of the social permit and that feels great because we like to feel

Average I like to feel that we belong we like to feel like were similar to those around us

But when you're entering these social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter

This order is completely shifted and you fall down

To the ground because you will only see the bright side of others lives

There are going to pause on what's going wrong. You're only going to post pictures of their holidays from the defensive cars

It's pretty easy to lie online

This is the real life

But you get to believe it but you get to believe like you try not this is what the average people are living like

Why is my life not like theirs? What am I doing wrong?

This websites can literally place a freaking price tag over a human being a

Number that some people may use to see if you're worth it or not

these websites have really high standards and

I seen you don't get to accomplish them. You might feel wrong

These things may bring you down, but the truth is you shouldn't worry at all

Yeah, probably a pretty great person and most of the stuff you see online is fake anyways, so enjoy yourself a little more

Social media can actually have a positive effect like

connecting you with friends and family that may need my way and you don't get to say so often or

Maybe you for an environment for you to share creative projects. Some researchers have found that

Facebook has a pretty positive effect in some users that find emotional support and

That's great. But what this has a downside?

Reduced media can also have some very divided negative effects

Some researchers think that it might have affected the suicide rate in the United States and a lot

Of researchers agree in the fact that they do affect anxiety or depression in one way or another

However, there's just not enough information to prove either good or bad

media are right now in a pretty neutral zone because

Researchers cannot agree if they are hundred percent positive or hundred percent negative for a users mental health

They do help in

some areas that they have also proven to have some

Pretty bad effects in other users well-being now

This is entirely my opinion, but I think that there's nothing wrong with media themselves

but the way people

Use them is what's really hurting them

I just think people care too much over these numbers like followers in that stuff

so to help you since the Graham on Twitter correctly, I present you the TRC guy to

Surf the web

Okay, that was pathetic, but anyway there are some actual useful tips that I think you could use

So yeah, here we go. Don't check Twitter or Facebook at night

I mean don't use your phone at night if you're going to sleep and the last thing you do is

Check out Twitter or use your phone. It's going to affect your sleep putters are going to find it harder to sleep

So before going to bed don't use your phone just take a break and you will sleep a lot better

Don't mind in the numbers just don't worry about followers likes or retweets or whatever. If for example you post art

Just focus on drawing the best you can and sharing it. Don't worry about the amount of people that like it or not

post it for fun post it to share it not to become famous or something that and

Lastly take a break it is okay to use Twitter Facebook or Instagram

Every now and then but if you used for too long your pull going to get a little stress out

So the moment you start to feel stress or just feel that this social media is causing some effect on you

Stop just turn off your phone and go for a walk or something like that

forget about existence on

Instagram or Twitter for a week or two. It'll be so much better

So that's it for the effects of media when you're in the health

This is actually a bit of two of the series

Entirely dedicated to the effects of the internet and other stuff in your mental health

You want to check if it had one just click up there and I hope you enjoy that video as well

So yeah, I guess see you in the endcard

Okay. Dad was a pretty long episode I even hope you enjoyed it and you found the information helpful

Currently it is the 31st of December


Happy New Year, everybody hoped 2019 is a lot better than 2018 and

I hope you enjoyed these years if

Next episodes will arrive next month and in February and I that's it for season one only four episodes

I really hope you enjoyed the series as a whole and yeah, happy 2019. See you next year



For more infomation >> How social media affects your mental health and why Youtubers should stop faking ep 2 - Duration: 9:13.


New Years Eve Morning Forecast - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> New Years Eve Morning Forecast - Duration: 3:11.


Books To Read For Self Development in 2019 - Duration: 13:30.

hey what's going on it's Steph here from coming to you from

beautiful Brisbane Australia and Happy New Year's today is officially the last

day of 2018 which is totally mind-blowing so I hope you have a

wonderful New Year's Eve and New Years Day whatever that means for you if you're

gonna go out and enjoy it with friends and family or if you're going to rug up

or not rug up in Australia that's for sure but like chill out relax it's a bit

of Netflix or something like that I hope you have a lovely lovely time recently

you would have noticed I've been doing a lot of videos around my how to prepare

for the new year and this video is nothing different I wanted to share with

you a list of books that you should read for self development in 2019 so I want

to give you a couple of the books that I've read throughout 2018 that I really

really loved and then I'm also going to share with you my list of books that I

have saved on my Google Drive and also show you which ones that I'm about to

start reading as well but first things first let's go through my favorite ones

from 2018 now I do have some physical books here but there were a couple that

I also read well listen to on audible so I will speak to those ones at the end as

well but the first one is earthers hiring by Peter Kelly actually did a

full book review on this one so I will leave that link above for you

I think it's that side and also linked below if you want to go check that out

but this one was a really like an easy read the author is Australian so I kind

of felt like I wanted to support that anyway and I follow her on social media

and I just love her vibe and I love her energy and the message that she shares

with the world didn't disappoint that special so it's it's kind of written in

a way towards Millennials so my sort of age bracket and just how the world is

changing like how things are happening now from a

business perspective that back in the day or you know just even recently

there's a lot of hustle and grinding and whatnot whereas this book kind of talks

about just going into your flow and listening to like your intuition and

where you think you need to be and how you need to do things and just really be

true to who you are so it talks about stepping into your own what you can do

from like a business point of view in this day and age talks about money and

mindset and actually wrote my own money story because of this book and yeah that

was really good it sort of brought up some negative thoughts or feelings that

I had towards money that I didn't even realize I had so yes that's the first

book next one was money master the game by Tony Robbins this one I was

absolutely obsessed with and it's not you know it's quite a thick book but

this one I was literally like any spare time I had I was reading this book and I

think it's because just during 2018 for me there was a focus on getting my

budgeting sorted getting my fan finances sorted making sure I had the right

accounts open making sure that I was putting money into an investing account

so I could invest that money for it to work for me so this book was just really

perfect timing for me and I just absolutely loved it he pretty much talks

about all the different ways that you can invest your money he talks to all

the massive people like Warren Buffett who else was in there are so many people

so if you are interested in learning more about what to do with your money

and how to manage it then this is a fantastic book it is written more so too

I guess the American side of things so they talk about the 401k but if you're

Ozzie or in a different country in Australia we have superannuation and

superannuation is pretty much the same as a 401k so you can kind of it does

reference other countries so definitely pick that up for a read and then another

one by Tony Robbins is awaken the giant within now this is a

book that I am currently reading I am literally within the first few

chapters so not very far along but I'm loving this book already I'm really

finding that I really like the way that Tony Robbins writes and how he does his

books so I'm probably gonna go out and get a lot more of his books because I

really enjoy his style and just the messaging that he does so he just seems

to do a lot of research when it comes to his books which I really really like but

this one awaken the giant within take immediate control of your mental

emotional physical and financial destiny it just makes you realize the reasons

why you do things and the reasons why you may not have motivation in a

particular area and it's all about the fact that just from what I've read so

far anyway is that as humans we always seek out pleasure vast pain so all our

decisions all our actions everything we do in life is based on us trying to

remove pain and seek out pleasure and that's not just sort of like physical

pain it could be a pain that you've connected to a certain things so for

example it might be that you're trying to lose weight and previously you have

been on really restrictive diets you didn't enjoy it so now you have a pain

associated with losing weight so you then self-sabotage it as much as you

feel like motivated at the beginning and you really want to lose that weight and

you don't understand why you don't have like the motivation or the willpower to

be able to do it it's because you pretty much have a negative connection to

losing weight because of all the previous diets and your feeling of being

restricted and just that negative emotion towards that particular

situation so he actually then goes through and shows you how you can turn

that around so the habits that you want to get rid of how you then can associate

pain to it so you don't want to go back to it and then the good habits or things

that you do want to put attention on to that you may not

been successful in in the past it's changing your thinking around it so that

you can connect a feeling of pleasure to that so when you think about it it's not

ah but you know it's always so hungry and I felt really restricted when I had

to lose weight and it's like that's just not worth it to me you've then got this

more positive connection to that situation which makes you actually want

to go do it and the last two books are actually on audible so the first one was

crushing it by Gary Vaynerchuk it's pretty much about running a successful

business online so utilizing social media and how you can do that he pretty

much goes out and interviews all these people that have had success on

different platforms and they share their stories of what they've done and how

they were able to do it and it was just a really inspiring book to understand

that you can pretty much make money from anything this day and age and it made me

feel really grateful for being in such a time where we do have YouTube Facebook

Twitter Instagram it's really given a lot of people this awesome opportunity

to be able to be super successful and he just really dives into that in that book

so that's a good one if you do want to start looking at how you can make some

money online and the other one is the values factor by dr. John Demartini I

love dr. John Demartini his teachings and messaging I just really am connected

to you and I absolutely love this was a really great book particularly if you

are struggling with trying to determine what is most important to you and what

your life purpose is this really helped me figure out and own what my life

purpose is and be absolutely okay with it so it is a great book highly

recommend that one I highly recommend anything by dr. John Demartini

now I read a bunch of other books as well but those are the ones that just

really connected with me throughout the year some books I started and just did

not feel a connection to them so I actually didn't even finish reading them

and that may not be you know anything against the book it could have just been

that I wasn't ready for that messaging because I've read books for a second

time and I felt like I've gotten a lot out of

them so I won't talk about those books but I will go on and I'm now going to

show you my book list that I keep on my Google Drive so let's go have a look at

that so this is my book list here that I keep on my Google Drive so I'm able to

access it wherever I need and I've got quite a bit here if we scroll down

you'll see that you know I've got the title the author and then the category

next to it and you can see that I'm very much into wisdom and spirituality that

seems to be the topic of the books that I enjoy reading at the moment and that's

not to say that I don't enjoy reading about business or money or anything like

that it just seems to be that I get a lot out of those types of books and

that's just something that's really interesting me at the moment so I want

to read more and more and more about those types of things now how I put this

list together is I just listen to what other people are recommending so people

that are inspirational to me or my mentors or just even people that are in

a very similar community to me so for example the other day I was coming to

the end of one book and so I put out a post in a mastermind community that I'm

a part of and I just said what is your favorite books because I know that group

of people are on a very similar journey to me and have very similar interests so

I looked at all the books that they recommended and then I chose the ones

that really connected to me so the ones that are highlighted in green here

they're the ones that I really want to read next

so again dr. John Demartini the breakthrough experience I've heard

amazing things about that book so I really want to get my hands on it I

haven't been able to find it yet but I will the next one that I really want to

do is you are a badass at making money so I've actually already got that one on

audible so that's pretty much good to go it's just a matter of freeing up some

time I don't really like having multiple books on the go because I like to give

my undivided attention to one book and really study what they're saying to do

and what their advice is in that book so I don't listen to one audible book

and then read a physical book I'm doing one or the other next one is the

untethered soul by Michael a singer that one came up recommended quite a bit

that's very much spirituality so that should be an interesting read next one

is unlimited power by Tony Robbins again I really enjoy his books so I think that

I will like this one as well and the other one is journey of souls by Michael

Newton again this is a spirituality book the reason why I have a couple of

spirituality books on here that I want to read really soon is because in 2019

one of my goals is I want to learn more about that topic because I really

haven't up until now and I've started to sort of learn a little bit more about it

and understand different people's beliefs and I want to learn more so I

can come up with my own I guess conclusion and my own decision on what I

believe in I just want to learn more about the soul and what happens to the

soul after we leave this physical plane so those first five books that I was

talking about earlier the ones that I've already read I highly recommend reading

those ones for self development if you haven't already done so and then sharing

my list is just giving you some more ideas on books that you may want to read

as well so I will leave a list of the next five books that I'm going to read

the ones that were highlighted in green and I'll leave those below in the

description box for you to go check those ones out if you like as well let

me know if you've read any of those books that I've recommended or if you

have a book that you absolutely love that you think based on what I've shared

today that I would enjoy leave me a comment boy and let me know what that

book is because I'm always adding new books to my list so don't be afraid to

leave me a comment and let me know again I hope you have a wonderful Happy New

Year's my next few videos are going to be very specific to how to write goals

for life mastery and also make sure that you are successful in achieving them so

if that is something that you're interested in do make sure you are

subscribed to my channel I will leave a link for you on this side

and until my next upload I'll leave a couple of other videos on this side for

you if you want to go check those out anyway take care and I will see you in

the new year bye

For more infomation >> Books To Read For Self Development in 2019 - Duration: 13:30.


ASMR mukbang / You'd never know what I have to eat for new Year - Duration: 18:31.

Asmr mukbang



asmr food

asmr burger mukbang

asmr mukbang


asmr mukbang

For more infomation >> ASMR mukbang / You'd never know what I have to eat for new Year - Duration: 18:31.


New Year Techno Mix 2019 Fine selected Techno Music Dj Mix - Duration: 1:01:15.

New Year Techno Mix 2019 Fine selected Techno Music Dj Mix

For more infomation >> New Year Techno Mix 2019 Fine selected Techno Music Dj Mix - Duration: 1:01:15.


Illegal use of fireworks in city could cost you big - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Illegal use of fireworks in city could cost you big - Duration: 0:47.


I Don't Want To Talk To You - High Functioning Autism Story - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> I Don't Want To Talk To You - High Functioning Autism Story - Duration: 8:03.


Entertainment Roundup: Best Of 2018 And What's Next For 2019 | TODAY - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Entertainment Roundup: Best Of 2018 And What's Next For 2019 | TODAY - Duration: 4:58.


If not you, who? If not now, when? - #WhyIMockingbird - Duration: 1:01.

I Mockingbird because I care

about foster youth.

We recognize that the

foster care system

is broken today.

But that doesn't mean

that it's hopeless.

There is so much that we can do

supporting organizations

like Mockingbird

that support youth,

that support our foster families

Please consider giving today

and helping to change

the system.

It's flawed, but not broken

and you can make a difference.

I made my gift,

now it's your turn.

Go to

and click "Donate Now."

If not you, who?

If not now, when?

For more infomation >> If not you, who? If not now, when? - #WhyIMockingbird - Duration: 1:01.


Chill Spot "Goal Setting" December 31, 2018 - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Chill Spot "Goal Setting" December 31, 2018 - Duration: 6:06.


Spider-Man 3 - I Forgive You... - Duration: 3:27.

I didn't want this.

But I had no choice.

We always have a choice.

You had a choice when you killed my uncle.

My daughter was dying.

I needed money.

I was scared.

I told your uncle all I wanted was the car.

- What is it? - I need your car.

He said to me:

"Why don't you just put down the gun and go home?"

I realize now he was just trying to help me.

Then I saw my partner running over with the cash.

And the gun was in my hand.

Get in.

Did a terrible thing to you...

...and I spent a lot of nights wishing I could take it back.

I'm not asking you to forgive me.

I just want you to understand.

I've done terrible things too.

I didn't choose to be this.

The only thing left of me now... my daughter.

I forgive you.


For more infomation >> Spider-Man 3 - I Forgive You... - Duration: 3:27.


Choice of Possibilities In Poland! - Duration: 2:00.

Hi Poland! Simone Milasas here and I am coming to Poland again.

I've been there once before absolutely loved it I know it's going to be cold but I'm not

coming for the weather I'm coming for you! I'm coming for Choice Of Possibilities.

I'm asking if you can if you've done the prerequisites please

show up to Choice of Possibilities in Warsaw Poland this class is phenomenal

you receive a manual and it's off the charts like did you know that you

actually have a choice of possibilities? This class is named by Gary Douglas,

I think is a brilliant name Choice of Possibilities because how many of you

have decided that you have run out of possibilities or there's no more left

for you, it's not true you can create anything that you desire so I will come

we have three days of Choice of Possibilities and you can ask any

questions you like. There's tools and processes to change any area of your

life that you think is not working for you. What if something greater could show up

for you because it can, but you have to make that demand, you have to have the

courage to say yes I'm doing this no matter what it takes and no matter what

it looks like. During the Choice of Possibilities on the second evening I

also have a Getting Out Of Debt Joyfully class that we'll be doing, it's only

going to be like an hour and 15 minutes a quickie but it'll be good so you don't

actually need to do Choice of Possibilities to come along to that

class if you do COP it's free for you if not

there is a small fee for you to come along for an hour and 15 minutes and I'll

give you some tools on how to change your financial reality.

Choice Of Possibilities, 3 days and Getting Out of Debt Joyfully with Simone Milasas.

I'll see you soon. Please don't accept your life as less than there is so much

more that's available. Thank you bye!

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