Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 30 2017

p Music Lullabies

Baby Sleep Music Lullabies

For more infomation >> SONGS TO PUT A BABY TO SLEEP Lyrics Baby Lullaby Music Lullabies Bedtime Songs Babies To Go To Sleep - Duration: 2:03:55.


What Happens When You Drink Water with Baking Soda on an Empty Stomach - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> What Happens When You Drink Water with Baking Soda on an Empty Stomach - Duration: 2:54.


You Can Tell The Difference Between Love And Infatuation - Duration: 2:12.

Ways You Can Tell The Difference Between Love And Infatuation

I always thought infatuation was part of love. I thought they complemented each other—until I experienced both and discovered that they can't coexist. There are too many people who are convinced that they're in love with someone just because they're

amazing and they can't stop thinking about them, but the truth is most of the time the intensity that comes with really liking

someone is not love — it's infatuation. Here are some ways to tell the difference.

Infatuation happens instantly. Love is a slow process

Infatuation makes you act irrationally or 'crazy.' Love calms you down

Infatuation is intense but short-lived. Love is comfortable but lasts longer

Infatuation is reckless with our emotions. Love is more considerate

Infatuation brings out obsession and jealousy. Love brings out understanding and trust

Infatuation has ulterior motives. Love has genuine intentions

Infatuation follows a timeline. Love is timeless

Infatuation is childish. Love is mature

Infatuation grows with desire. Love grows with friendship

Infatuation stems from insecurity. Love stems from self-assurance

Infatuation makes you vengeful. Love makes you a better person

Infatuation is never content with one person. Love is monogamous

Infatuation can be self-destructive. Love can heal you

Infatuation thinks love should be perfect. Love knows it's not but it doesn't matter

For more infomation >> You Can Tell The Difference Between Love And Infatuation - Duration: 2:12.


Amazing Hair Color Tutorial 2017 | 18 Easy Hairstyles Compilation 2017 You Should Know - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Amazing Hair Color Tutorial 2017 | 18 Easy Hairstyles Compilation 2017 You Should Know - Duration: 10:01.


I TOLD YOU I COULD DO THIS - Duration: 4:03.



A important moment in history,

for me....


after 400 attempts,

have finally beaten, the run and gun in cuphead


they said, I didn't have enough skill

they said, "Bee"

you should just uninstall the game and give up

but i,

am not

a quiter


It's real, and it's happening

and here's proof


is there something I'm missing?


I hear it now,

I hear it now,


that's great..


No one's here

I'm just sitting

in a dark room, all alone

and I'm zennin out

and nothing is gonna stress me out

or stop me, down?

ain't nobody

gonna hold me down


I gots to keep it movin'

what the hell




bing bing bing

bing BING

Kay, just like that

that's what we're talkin' about


I swear.


That's what I need in my life

It's what I need in my life


Made it.

made it

up top

up top



taking advantage of that dash




the dash

I'm gonna do it

I'm gonna do it

*intense focus*

*more intense focus*







I did it









I am a firm believer

that you can do anything you put your mind too


Here's proof

that you can

because if I can beat this run & gun in Cuphead

you my friend,

can do what it is you want to do

thanks so much for tuning in and watching

and I hope,

this changes your life

For more infomation >> I TOLD YOU I COULD DO THIS - Duration: 4:03.


How to link Paypal to Shopify Integration (2018) - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> How to link Paypal to Shopify Integration (2018) - Duration: 4:52.


12 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged - Duration: 3:53.

the largest solid organ which is located in the right upper quadrant of your

abdomen and partly protected by the ribs is the liver it carries out important

functions and we cannot live without it therefore knowing the early signs of

liver damage is crucial for keeping and healthy and running 12 signs of liver

damage one unexplained fatigue this is the most evident sign that your damage

is damaged if you feel that you constantly need rest it means that there

are toxins in your body and the liver is unable to eliminate them - loss of

appetite when the food isn't digested properly and there isn't enough pile you

may experience loss of appetite moreover you may also deal with extreme weight

loss 3 upset stomach some of the most common symptoms of liver damage are

nausea and vomiting these symptoms can occur as a result of some other health

conditions including migraines motion sickness vertigo early pregnancy and

food poisoning however if these symptoms persist over a prolonged period of time

it means that the liver is damaged and it is unable to eliminate toxins for

digestion issues the liver the crucial organ in the digestion process because

it produces bile therefore when the liver is damaged it may lead to

indigestion diarrhea irritable bowel syndrome constipation and fatty food

intolerance 5 urine color changes when the levels of bilirubin increase they

may cause some changes in the color of your urine for instance the urine may

appeared orange brown or amber the damage to liver cannot eliminate the

excess bilirubin levels so they are eliminated through the kidneys as a

result changes in the urine color occurred

six stool color changes piled deficiency leads to stool color changes thus if the

stool is clay colored pale yellow or great for longer period of time

it is a clear sign of liver damage 7 jaundice this is a medical condition

when the color of the eyes fingertips tongue and skin becomes yellow this is

also a result of increased bilirubin levels additionally this condition can

indicate some issues with the gallbladder or pancreas 8 abdominal

changes any cramping or pain in the lower part of your abdomen and bloating

can indicate liver damage moreover liver damage can cause portal

hypertension 9 fluid retention although the fluid retention can be a

clear sign of kidney issues lymphatic disease heart failure and hormonal

imbalance it may also be a sign of liver damage 10 achi skin liver damage makes

the skins more sensitive therefore you can experience itching bruises and

visible veins if your liver is damaged 11 abdominal pain experiencing the pain

in the abdomen which doesn't go away may indicate that the liver is damaged 12

intestinal bleeding if you notice intestinal bleeding

it is usually related to liver damage

For more infomation >> 12 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged - Duration: 3:53.


10 Financial Goals for 2018? "Part 1" - Duration: 9:28.

it's that season you hear Christmas music everywhere everything is so

beautiful the Christmas tree is out the lights are up everything's so nice and

pretty but there's also the new year coming right after Christmas and a very

important topic setting goals most people don't plan to

fail but they do fail to plan hi welcome back to my channel for everyone who

subscribed thank you guys so much I really appreciate you guys and if you're

just stopping by welcome and I hope that you consider subscribing to my channel

let's get started the top 10 financial goals that everyone should saat per year

2018 Douglas MacArthur said the best luck of all is the luck you set for

yourself let's establish something upfront

goals are something a lot more substantial than dreams or wishes you

can start with wishes and dreams what you do have to one day put together a

plan of action if you don't have a plan of action nothing is going to happen for

you sorry that's just how it is something that spells out how to convert

that wish your dream into something real like an action plan and this is

especially important when it comes to financial goals since they require a

regular investment of your time and effort over a long period of time and

you have to have a workable plan in order to bring them to reality start by

setting some financial goals since most of us haven't thought about it much

these 10 tips may help you number one having a well-stocked emergency fine you

guys know how I always talk about the emergency fund and the importance of it

most of us think of an emergency fund as a short-term goal but the thing is I

believe that you should always have an emergency fund so even when you meet

your emergency fund you should always keep adding to it and growing it because

you never know when you're going to need that

and let's say emergency comes up because they always do and you pull out let's

say a few thousand dollars to meet your emergency now you have to put that two

thousand back right so because I like to have a nice nice cushion in my emergency

fund and I want to make sure that even when I do use that money I want to put

that money back so then my cushion stays put here are some benefits of a

well-stocked emergency fine first of all it can really avoid a lot of money

worries because this way you know you have that cushion and that's always in

the back of your mind so if anything ever comes up you're like oh I got money

no big deal like for example for us we just had a medical expense that we had

to deal with and because I had an emergency fund it wasn't that big of a

deal and I didn't have to worry about it because I know I have that money there

which is it's such a great peace of mind I cannot even explain it to you because

that's not how I always live and I love that another if you can save for an

emergency fund then you can save for your goals and dreams as well I'm really

big about having an emergency fund and if you're just beginning to save I think

this is one thing that you can plan for 2018 if you haven't done it yet number

two getting out of debt this is a big one because debt totally sucks and when

you are trying to save money it's like wow like how am I going to do this when

I have so much debt and I guess that's why I always felt so overwhelmed I mean

how do you say when you are in debt up to your eyeballs I don't know if exactly

if I believe in those debt consolidation you know companies because they charge

you a very big amount of money I guess it depends how much debt you're in I

mean if it's really bad and over your head you may need to use them I don't

know you'd have to kind of do some research on that but overall I think the

best way to do it is do a what's called a snowballing obviously the best way to

get out of debt is to do it on your own but not all of us can do that because if

you are in over your head and you're totally stressed out and the last thing

you want to think about is how am I gonna do this some

people say that there is good deck and there's bad debt but at some point we

have to realize that all debt is bad debt is just stressful like any time you

know that you owe someone I have a hard time sleeping at night when I know I

have to pay back whatever it is that I borrowed

I understand houses okay you do have to borrow money to do that I look at it

like this if I don't have the title in my hand then they can take it at any

time so it doesn't belong to me even my house that I'm gonna be living

in right and I own that house but I don't own the deed to it they can come

and kick me out at any time like well thank you so much for paying

all these years now you can go and that's already happened to me so I know

what that's like to put in so much money into a house

make it your home and then the bank says thank you so much now you can go that

was very devastating but hey we live we learn there are so many reasons why we

should get out of debt completely and here are some getting out of debt means

you're gonna have full control over your income and that amazing and incredible

feeling knowing you owe no one it will leave you with more money to save and

invest as well and even more for spending I know well I like to do that

and it'll remove this feeling that okay I make five thousand dollars a month but

I have to pay a thousand towards my debt it'll make it easier for you to quit

that job you don't like it'll free your mind from that worry of debt and you

won't feel like you have a ball and a chain around your leg this one person

said that debt is evil Wow you can set all the financial goals that

you want but it will be difficult to achieve if you're carrying around a lot

of debt for the rest of your life number three plan for early retirement I

mean who of us at 20 years old thought about retirement that's like a million

years from now and nobody thinks about me and I did it anyways I mean there are

people I actually met some people that in their 20s they are better

all financially then I am in my 30s it's like what they probably had some mentors

or their parents taught them I didn't have those perks my parents did not

teach me about money school does not teach you about money and so you go

through your life winging it I'm so glad that now I know better and I want to

share with others that they don't have to do what I did they can start off in

their early 20s and even 19 18 years old and be so much more ahead financially

than I ever probably will be because I started so late

it's not about retiring early and a sense of okay I'm just not gonna work

it's about having enough money that you can do whatever you want you can live

the life that you want and you can still work and you can still do all those

things but then now you don't have to go to work if you don't want to which is

pretty awesome the longer you wait to start saving for retirement the harder

it's going to be so the younger you are you have to save just a little bit in

order to reach a really good amount of money it's really crazy because ten

years can make such a huge difference in investing so if a 20 year old start

saving and a 30 year old start saving it's such a big difference in that time

you would think ten years is not that big of a deal but in the investment

world it is a big deal the more time you have the more time your money can double

for you and not only the interest will grow but also the rule of 72 which is

where your money is compounding it's doubling and you're not gonna have that

many doubling periods so because I'm in my 30s now I don't have that many

doubling periods left so if I would have started when I was in my 20s I would be

a much better financial situation at my retirement age but now all i gotta do is

to catch up is save a lot more money and be very disciplined I don't think it's

ever really too late to start saving you have to just work with what you have and

where you're at so different doesn't really matter what age or obviously it's

better to start saving when you're young but it's not a deal breaker you still

have to do it either way so might as well do

it than not do it and have some money saved worth versus no money saved thank

you guys so much for watching I hope that I brought you guys some value and

kind of open your mind up for goal-setting for 2018 because it's right

around the corner we're like having no time and we got to start thinking about

that right now this way we can plan ahead and we could

be ready for 2018 I can't wait to see you guys in my next video see ya

For more infomation >> 10 Financial Goals for 2018? "Part 1" - Duration: 9:28.


Do You Ever Wake Up And Can't Move This Is Why! - Duration: 3:22.

are you among many people who have faced a frightening experience while sleeping

waking up immobilized this experience is so terrifying and you cannot move your

body make a sound and you experience shortness of breath moreover this

condition may be accompanied by a strong feeling of pressure on your chest

waiting your body down and a sense of danger this condition is actually quite

common and known as sleep paralysis what is sleep paralysis sleep paralysis is a

form of Tharus omneya which isn't actually dangerous this condition lasts

up to several seconds and it occurs when a person is away and from sleep and it

also can occur when in the process of falling asleep although the exact reason

for this difficult sleep experience is still unknown

but it appears that many instances of sleep paralysis occur because of

difficulty transitioning between different sleep stages this is

particularly true when moving in and out of M sleep during the rapid eye movement

or commonly known as REM the body becomes paralyzed this happens so

because this paralysis protects the body from a jury during sleep hence during

them The Dreaming occurs in case there isn't a paralyzing effect there may be a

physical response to the dreams which can be quite dangerous when it comes to

sleep paralyzes it is believed that it occurs during the transitions in an

autograph sleep and other sleep stages thus you wake up and become aware of the

paralysis this condition made the accompanied by hallucinations of ghosts

and sensations of falling or flying although it is frightening it isn't

dangerous at all this is quite a common phenomenon and there are certain groups

of people more susceptible to sleep paralyzes

therefore people who have disrupted sleep cycles have experienced trauma or

suffer from depression bar more prone to experiencing sleep paralysis it is also

believed that this phenomenon occurs due to heredity what to do in case of sleep

paralysis if you do experience sleep paralysis don't panic make sure to

remember that this frightening phenomenon is only temporary and

harmless how to prevent sleep paralysis luckily it is possible to decrease the

chances of experiencing sleep paralysis you can do so by improving your

lifestyle hence you should undertake the following steps avoid excessive alcohol

consumption maintain a regular sleep routine do regular exercises avoid

late-night dinner have a healthy and balanced diet reduce stress and

maintaining the mental health

For more infomation >> Do You Ever Wake Up And Can't Move This Is Why! - Duration: 3:22.


8 Things You Can Do to Prevent Spider Veins - Canada 365 - Duration: 11:23.

8 Things You Can Do to Prevent Spider Veins

Spider veins are small red and yellowish blood vessels.

They are caused by the dilation of your smaller capillaries and superficial veins. Their appearance usually comes before varicose veins.

However, many times they disappear without becoming inflamed at all.

They happen more often in women over the age of 20.

This is especially true of those what have a sedentary life style or are overweight.

However, they can also happen because of hormonal changes.

Using the wrong kind of shoes and exposure to high temperatures also cause them.

Fortunately, they dont usually represent any severe health problem.

Plus, they can be reduced noticeably with a few easy habits.

In the article below, we want to share 8 recommendations that help to prevent spider veins when done regularly.

Take note!.

Exercise regularly.

Physical exercise, especially activities that focus on your legs, are indispensable.

They prevent spider veins.

This exercise increases the circulation of your blood and controls the inflammatory processes that cause this problem to appear.


Be sure to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day.

Dedicate 10 minutes to leg-related exercises.

For example, ride a bicycle three times per week or take a daily walk for 20 minutes.

Control your body weight.

Are you overweight or obese? Be careful! Besides causing spider veins, these diseases can cause severe circulatory and cardiovascular problems.

Always watch your weight.

If you gain too many pounds, start adopting healthy habits to lose weight.


Keep a balanced diet that controls your fat and calorie intake.

Avoid eating fast or processed foods.

Eat between 3 to 5 meals per day.

Start a daily exercise routine.

Increase your water intake.

Avoid crossing your legs.

This appears to be a harmless habit.

However, crossing your legs can become a trigger for these ugly spider veins.

Keeping this position for a prolonged amount of time makes circulation difficult.

It can also cause an inflammatory reaction in your legs.


Sit with your legs supported by the floor.

If you work while seated, or you have to keep this posture for a prolonged amount of time, take a few minutes to stretch or walk.

Limit the amount you wear heels.

We cant deny that heels are a perfect complement for looking elegant and feminine.

However, using them excessively can cause inflammatory and circulation problems.

These end up causing the appearance of these veins.


Use your favorite heels only on special occasions.

Avoid buying heels that are too high.

After using this kind of footwear, elevate your feet and massage them to start the circulation in them.

Use apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is a tonic for external use.

It can reduce the appearance of spider veins when its applied with a massage.

This liquid has anti-inflammatory and relaxing substances.

After being absorbed, they increase your circulation and the activity in your lymphatic system.


Dilute the apple cider vinegar in warm water and rub it on your feet or legs with a massage for 5 minutes.

As an option, heat the water with vinegar and apply it as a compress, make it as hot as you can stand.

Repeat this treatment every night to get good results.

Avoid wearing tight-fighting clothes.

Wearing clothes that are too tight can cause circulatory and lymphatic problems.

While your body appears to bear it, repeating this habit can cause the appearance of spider veins and varicose veins.


Avoid pants that are too tight.

Wear sizes that are a little loose when you put them on.

Choose to wear clothing with a loose design.

Benefit from aloe vera gel.

Another one of the natural remedies that helps increase the circulation in your legs is aloe vera.

This substance has essential nutrients and hydrating agents.

After being absorbed, it reduces the appearance of spider veins.


Get a little fresh gel from an aloe vera leaf.

Then, apply it on the affected area.

Let it act without rinsing.

Use it up to two times per day.

Drink lemon water.

Drinking lemon water for breakfast can help you to detoxify your body.

This eliminates the liquids and toxins that inflame your tissues.

Its properties reduce the excess acidity in your blood.

They also reduce circulatory problems.


Drink a cup of warm water with lemon for breakfast every day.

Drink warm water with lemon in the middle of the afternoon.

Are you worried about getting spider veins? Follow all of these recommendations.

Avoid this problem without spending money on costly treatments.

For more infomation >> 8 Things You Can Do to Prevent Spider Veins - Canada 365 - Duration: 11:23.



For more infomation >> LANG SON DOCUMENTARY - PART III - THAT KHE ROASTED DUCK - Duration: 5:51.


Why Didn't Android 16 Come Back ? - Duration: 2:48.

Android 16.

The one android that was created and programed to only kill Goku.

After he was destroyed by Cell and Cell was defeted by Gohan, everyone that Cell killed

was wished back to life including android 17.

But why didn't android 16 come back?

Hey how's it going my name is Raf and welcome to Dragon Ball Code.

Today we are gonna talk about why didn't android 16 come back to life after the Cell Games.

Android 16 was build from scratch by Dr. Gero.

It's only purpose was to look for Goku, find him and kill him.

He seemed to be following that mission perfectly.

But, eventually, he started falling in love with nature, disobeyed the orders to kill

Goku, became close friends with Gohan and fought along the Z Fighters against Cell.

Unfortunately he met his demise and was destroyed by Cell.

That was one of the saddest moments in Dragon Ball Z, in my opinion.

This infuriated Gohan to the point that he used that energy to turn into a Super Saiyan

2 and was able to defeat Cell.

It was basically the same thing that happened to Goku.

Frieza killed his best friend krillin and he was able to channel his anger and become

a Super Saiyan.

Soon after Cell was defeated they collected the Dragon Balls and wished back to life everyone

that Cell had killed.

Everyone came back to life.

Even android 17 was revived.

But 16 wasn't there.

Why wasn't 16 brought to life?

The reason is because android 16 was completely a machine.

He didn't have any human parts.

He didn't have a personality, brain or even a heart even though he started experiencing

human emotions and feelings later on.

But, It was because of his A.I.

His A.I. was so was so advance that it allowed him to learn these feelings.

Android 17 and 18, on the other hand, where humans before.

Dr. Gero captured them, did experiments on them, erased their memory and put very small

artificial components in them.

So they are able to age slower and do not need any food to survive but they are still

able to experience pain, happiness, fear and other feelings.

Because they're still somewhat human.

This is why they were able to disobey Dr. Gero's orders, kill him and release 16.

So 16 doesn't comeback because he was not a human.

Perhaps if the had wished to bring back anything that was a machine or human he would have

been back.

Let me know what you think.

Who knows, maybe he did come back and he is alive and well.

Living in some deep forest protecting it from evil.

For more infomation >> Why Didn't Android 16 Come Back ? - Duration: 2:48.


Your Place in the World by Alan Watts - Duration: 7:02.

then the question arises then what do I do

do I go around saying to myself all this that's happening to you is what I wanted

I am inside and outside I am the subjective and I am the

objective and they might I mean you go around thinking thoughts about this so

as it were to talk yourself into this way of feeling well that's very

superficial because this new sense of relationship to nature is something much

more than an idea the ecologists and physicists have the idea that this is so

but they mostly in their private life and in their ordinary human behavior are

just like other people who don't feel it and who feel themselves in a Newtonian

billiards game even though they've gone on to quantum mechanics so that there

may be a transition from our ordinary way our feeling how things go on to the

new way we have to do something other than think cause actually thinking is

causing the trouble it is by thinking that we divide the world into separate

events and separate things that is calculus and an under coomaraswamy once

described the life of the liberated being as a perpetual uncalculated life

in the present

and you say wow I don't think I could do that that's saying of Jesus in the

Sermon on the Mount I'll be not anxious for the morrow the uncalculated life if

God so clothe the grass of the field will he not much more clothe you

faithless ones and I've never met a preacher yet who would really take that

up they all say well of course that's too hard a saying for most of us it's

not practical everybody has to take thought for tomorrow and calculate well

at this point people can go in two directions there's one class of people

who will say all right let's live the uncalculated life let's not make any

plans and before you know where they are they're living a filthy pad and

scrounging around and living on petty thievery and so on this is the usual

thing this has got into it the wrong way

the first thing to do is just as I said

whether you like it or not and whether you know it or not the relationship

between you and the environment is always one that is harmonious so in the

same way you are always living the uncalculated life you have to find out

first of all that you're always doing it and that what you call your calculations

and the things you did were funny little rationalizations in other words

your ego has about as much control over what goes on as a child sitting next to

its father in a car with a plastic steering wheel that is turning the car

the way daddy drives it because as I pointed out most of the functions most

of the goings-on in you around you the circumstances of life have nothing to do

with your ego at all and you don't even know why you make up your mind to do

certain things we know superficially we were few ideas it's like when you were

enter into a marriage you have really no control over its outcome in the ordinary

sense of ego control you've taken a colossal gamble in which you've involved

enormous complexes of patterns and maybe it'll come out all right if you don't

interfere with it too much

you don't slack off in high Merced it's perfectly obvious that the whole world

is going to hell and the only possible way we might stop that happening is not

to try to prevent it you know all these wars are started out by people who think

that they are helping someone but it's going to make things better so when you

begin from the basis not off saying I should now live the spontaneous and

improvident and non calculating style of life but realize you've always done that

only you rationalize that you didn't you always did what you wanted to do


only you said sometimes it was my duty but you preferred a conception of

yourself as someone who always does his duty that flattered you and so you were

still following your own way now the first thing then is to see that that's

what's happening so that you don't think well now there is some special thing I

have to do to understand this harmonious relationship between the individual in

the world because if you work on it that way you will start from the

presupposition that that relationship doesn't already exist and has to be

brought into being thing is it doesn't have to be brought into being it's there

but now when you see that that so it obviously starts to make a difference

you do behave in a different way

For more infomation >> Your Place in the World by Alan Watts - Duration: 7:02.


Closed Railroad Crossing - Duration: 3:05.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm over here at Northwood, West Palm Beach, FL and I'm going to show you guys a closed railroad crossing

I'm going to include a Google Maps link to this location so you guys can see exactly where I'm at.

And here as you can see there in the distance. That's

the FEC

Again, FEC southbound train there

And this is the street in question, 54th ST right

So here you see

but they closed off the road this road would have turned into I

think this Pine Wood Avenue facing South and

facing North

This might have been 54th Street

Then they just put up this railing over here

Look at this you even got the old RXR sign over here

I was trying to see if they had a date on it, but no there's no date on it

Looks pretty old and the pavement marking seen better days

You can make out the X in the middle the R on the left is gone

And there's some what part of the R on the right day

Then you got the double solid yellow over you

That's probably the Tri Rail you hear off in the distance then this would have been where you stopped

Track view

North and track view South


There isn't even any traces of where the crossing gate was

Maybe it was a cross buck

And you can see on the opposite side the same thing like there's a

Barrier there and a railing

& a pine tree

So yeah, it's been a while since somebody crossed over there

And this is what it looks like going out here

this is going back West

I wonder why they closed this crossing maybe

I can't imagine why maybe it wasn't a safe crossing, or

There's a lot of accidents here

If you know please comment below I'd love to know

so, yeah guys

This is one last look at the closed railroad crossing over here in Northwood, West Palm Beach

All righty guys please subscribe or like thank you very much for viewing over and out

For more infomation >> Closed Railroad Crossing - Duration: 3:05.


TAEKOOK ~ I'll give you my galaxy - Duration: 3:32.

It seems I drank a lot of coffee

My heart's beating fast and I can't sleep

After a while when the stars come

I won't be able to sleep again

When the day breaks

I'll sleep by your side again

I think I become an angel

When I sleep in your arms

In your arms, the stars spill

And make the milky way, I can fly anywhere

Cause I'm a pilot anywhere

Cause I'm a pilot anywhere

Lighting star shooting star

I'll give you my galaxy

Cause I'm a pilot anywhere

Cause I'm your pilot, by your side

I'll pluck those stars and give them to you, my galaxy

Like a star, like falling rain You shine, I want to have you

Get ma mind, Even if I just use my thumb and index finger

I express how I feel very well

I'm eager to be with you So I haven't been that nervous

When I'm ready like a satellite that's been launched

I'll spin around you If I get closer, would you hold this tremor

Yesterday I was in a really good mood

I carved your name on the planet I passed by

After a while when the stars come

That star shines the brightest

When the day breaks

I'll sleep by your side again

I fall asleep under the stars and it's like I have the whole universe

In your arms, the stars spill and make the milky way, I can fly anywhere

Cause I'm a pilot anywhere

Lighting star shooting star I'll give you my galaxy

Cause I'm a pilot anywhere Cause I'm your pilot, by your side

I'll pluck those stars And give them to you, my galaxy

For more infomation >> TAEKOOK ~ I'll give you my galaxy - Duration: 3:32.


Rhonda Shear 5pack Pin Up Panty Set - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Rhonda Shear 5pack Pin Up Panty Set - Duration: 5:28.


What should you buy from Egypt - Duration: 4:13.

Welcome to Gateway to world.

What should you buy on a trip to Egypt.

Egypt is a spectacularly beautiful country.

Visit Egypt to admire the exotic art and culture, to explore the largest "Khan el khalili" bazaar

in Cairo, for desert safaris, for entertainment and

of course for shopping.

Let's buy the specialties of Egypt.

Number 1.

Papyrus scroll.

Why should you buy papyrus scroll from Egypt.

Fibres from the papyrus plant were used to make the world's earliest paper.

Till this day you can still buy a replica scroll

at any of the major tourist centres.

Now you can buy a range of souvenirs made of papyrus

from small postcards, to beautiful works of art.

They come in various colours and depict different battle scenes

or scenes from the tombs of the pharaohs.

Pick one with the hieroglyph alphabet and have fun making words!

Number 2.


Why should you buy alabaster products from Egypt.

Alabaster is a mineral that the Ancients people used to work with,

and they created beautiful vases and sculptures from it.

You can buy hand made alabaster or machine made.

It comes in various sizes and shapes of pots, vases,

cups, bowls, sconces, ashtrays, etc.

Always ask to have the pieces you are looking at

held to a light to see the true natural beauty of the colors and patterns.

It can come in various colours and usually has a white-ish streak to it.

These are especially popular in Luxor city, though you can buy them in Cairo

and other major tourist destinations as well.

Number 3.


Why should you buy scarab from Egypt.

Scarab is a representation or image of a beetle, much used among the ancient Egyptians as a

symbol, seal, amulet or a gem hut to resemble a beetle.

The ancient Egyptians considered the scarab fashionable and used it as a decoration.

They believed a scarab amulet provided the wearer with protection

and confidence in the certain knowledge of reincarnation.

Nowadays, you can find scarab shaped beads and other items all around Egypt.

You can buy bracelet with scarab beads on it,

or a necklace for a constant reminder of your trip to Egypt.

Number 4.


Why should you buy cartouche from Egypt.

Number 4.


Why should you buy cartouche from Egypt.

The most popular Egyptian souvenir, is a cartouche.

A cartouche, is a cylindrical canvas on to which,

hieroglyphic words were engraved.

The pharaohs, often wrote words and names on a cartouche.

When in Egypt, you can easily have gold or silver vendors,

create cartouche necklaces with a name personalised in hieroglyphics,

for you to take home.

It's really a personal souvenir.

Hope you liked this video.

The local markets are among the most remarkable attractions of Egypt.

The most famous and the largest bazaar in Egypt

is the "Khan el khalili" market.

To watch a detailed video on "Khan el khalili" bazaar

click the link given in the description box below.

Please like this video.

And I would love to get your feedback, in the comments section below...

So please write your comments.

Till then, take care.

And I will see you next time.

Bye friends.

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