Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 31 2017

11 Things to Know About Dating an INTJ Personality Type

INTJs are generally introverted (they prefer to be alone most of the time), intuiting (they

tend to focus on thoughts and ideas rather than facts and experiences), thinking (they

tend to be more logical rather than emotional), and judging (they tend to be organized and

goal oriented)

Being in a relationship with an INTJ can be a challenging puzzle everyone want to solve.

At first, it is really interesting as people want to discover more and more about INTJs,

but as time goes, the understanding between both personalities will be the key to determine

where the relationship is going to.

For that reasons, here are some serious things you should know about dating an INTJ personality


Before we jump to the lists, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel,

so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future.

#1 - INTJs need a lot of encouragement to make the first move

INTJs often get stucks on their own heads, often times they don't have enough courage

to tell you their feelings.

So, if you want to convey that you like an INTJ, you may have to just come out and say


#2 - They are planning something obsessively

In most cases, INTJs are planning everything obsessively.

When you invite them to hang out Saturday, you may not realize that they are busy planning

up their Monday through Friday just to reserve Saturday for you.

If you then suddenly decide on Wednesday night that Friday is actually better, then you are

out of luck and make things complicated.

#3 - They hate if you are illogical

INTJs are a logical creature, so if you suddenly become illogical, they tend to be viscerally

angry to you.

It doesn't make something right even if you feel something, they'd rather you say something

hurtful but true than something that makes no sense whatsoever.

#4 - INTJs are Fiercely Loyal.

To INTJs, honesty is practical not just ethical so they really put their best efforts to be

a faithful person when it comes to relationship.

They certainly don't honor dishonesty and it can lead to cannot being trusted or predicted.

#5 - INTJs Want You To Be More Blunt

For some people, honesty that INTJs personality type have can sometimes rub others the wrong


But to make your relationship work with INTJs, you shouldn't be offended by it.

Instead, you should learn doing the same thing by being more blunt.

#6 - INTJs Want You To Succeed

When INTJs are in relationship, they care and support their partners.

They even practically help their partners to reach the goals.

So, it is actually something to be proud of when you actually are in relationship with

any of them.

#7 - INTJs feel far more than they express.

INTJs are not the type that will express everything outside, they may unintentionally make you

think that you're not so important to them, but whenever you start to doubt about their

interest, open up about your own feelings, have a nice conversation and you will find

them more caring than you realize.

#8 - INTJs Need Time Alone, A Lot

Compared to other personality types, INTJs are unique when it comes to needing a time

alone because they need a lot of it.

They love being alone without any distractions.

And don't worry, while being away from you, they never think of cheating you.

#9 - INTJs Are Hard to Shop For

INTJs are not people who like random gifts.

They prefer receiving something they really want even though it is cheaper when it comes

to price.

So, always ask before buying them a gift.

#10 - INTJs Think about Their Feelings

You're wrong if you think INTJs as robots because they do have powerful and deep emotions

they think of.

Only, INTJs prefer to not showing their feelings and keeping it private instead.

So, it's only normal if sometimes they look like introverts.

#11 - INTJs Only Argue Not Upset

What INTJs actually do when arguing is testing the ideas not expressing anger or making a


So, every time they argue, they never do it with lack of respect.

Instead, they actually want to help constructing ideas.

All in all, that's the 11 things to know about dating an INTJ personality type.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 11 Things to Know About Dating an INTJ Personality Type - Duration: 4:57.


Old MacDonald Farm Animals Wrong Heads Farm Animals with Wrong Body | Funny Animals Video for Kids - Duration: 3:15.

Old MacDonald Farm Animals Wrong Heads Farm Animals with Wrong Body | Funny Animals Video for Kids

For more infomation >> Old MacDonald Farm Animals Wrong Heads Farm Animals with Wrong Body | Funny Animals Video for Kids - Duration: 3:15.


ArcGIS Javascript API #esrijs 4.x- 20 - Paging - Duration: 12:50.

hey what's up y'all this is a Hussein Nasser from IGeometry welcome to the 20th

episode of ArcGIS for JavaScript any imagine guys 20 episodes whoa wow

really we're doing great guys alright so in the

previous episode we did some cleanup in our code and nothing really change

interface wise but we cleaned up a little good our code in this episode I

want to discuss paging actually something changed interface we removed

that page count from here for performance reasons alright and for

other reasons as well so yeah and this episode what we're gonna do is we'll

create the concept of paging so paging is when you have a large number of

results and you want to display them in a in a way that is basically manageable

for the user to browse or + performance you'll have like a n number of records

and you will create basically depending on your requirement how many pages right

and each page is a fixed number of Records you'll basically allow the user

to flip from one page to another and fetch that set of Records for that

particular page so for example we can set the page size as 10 records per page

and if we have like a hundred feature class with hundred features that will

give us ten pages correct so one two through ten if you have like a hundred

and one that will spill out into another 11 page the 11th page we'll have

basically one record does that make sense? so that's why we need that feature

count to build that thing so now we click we have the feature count and

then we start building the table and I think we hard coded it to five now we're

gonna make this much much better alright so now we're gonna add another

cell here it'll really to actually show these pages so first question we need to

answer is how many pages I should create for any given any given feature cut so

you would think that I would need a function right let's do that function

digital let's say up populate pages I don't know

still how what will this take and really but I would think that it definitely

need the feature count right and based on that feature can we'll start building

these pages so let's just say for now we'll do an alert the number of pages is

equal to the feature count obviously divided by the number this the page size

and I remember adding a constant right nice default page size we did we did add

that let's just say alert pages count just page count yeah so we wrote this

function now how do we call this function there is a function called open

attribute table that will give you the count nice will give you the count here

and then it will assign that count and will populate the table but before it

populates the table we can't call in this

and sends the feature account so it does more than one thing let's give it a shot

and see what happens page count three thousand nine hundred

fifty seven and that's the feature count interesting is that right though three

nine five seven one nine seventy fight that's a lot of pages guys huh

maybe we should increase that one nine seven eight five divided by five yeah

that's a lot of pages right so maybe just add changes to fifty or hundred we

do one hundred what will happen so we have one ninety seven point eighty five

so there is a point here which doesn't make any sense all right there's no half

a page or point eight five a page so we need to round that number up to the

nearest page which is what we call in math sealing so seal that number into

the nearest page which is 198 those a beautiful function nope that's the old

video so there's a beautiful function called math dot ceil where is my function

here right so let's do a page count equal math dot seal we seal that let's

give that a shot now why not it that's what do I want all right sweet all right

so we really don't need that part so popular attribute table we can do it

here no show no debating if we should even send that feature count here

yeah we'll come to that. This will be a two episodes right the

pages well first we'll build their pages and then we'll start writing code to

execute each page but let's just now for now we have the pages count now we need

to actually build those be our default pages where are we building them as well

be very easy I think we're gonna reserve a new space here so we're go back to our

HTML that is the map that is attribute table I would imagine right above that

I'm gonna add a div id pages I'm gonna say pages goes here yeah our pages will

go here nothing yet right but where's the pages populate pages there you go

that's what I don't like about this of non-test how do you go to this place and

stick to it

mm-hmm all right let's do this let page is dead right document that get

element by ID it's called pages we got the pages what

should I do now I am building nothing but an array of

198 or pages count in this case so let's do that so for integer Oh

compared to C sharp right there let I is equal to 0 I less than pages count or

place place then for each pie we're gonna do mm-hmm

let age equal document element it's a button because we're

gonna have it clickable page dot text content is equal the text or the value

of that button will be nothing but the number of the page I guess right so I

would say I there's a bug here but I'm I'm gonna leave it now so we can see

what I did there and then the pages div dot append child

that's up in that child sir and then how about that I think we're

done and I don't think we need to alert anymore right sure then we click on this

puppy look 0 so it's up to us right do we want to have page 0 you can have it

at page 0 if you don't want a page 0 which doesn't make sense to you guess

what let's do that or start 1 1 now can we start from 1 you can do whatever you

want we can do it this way right oh look at all these pages that law that's a lot

of pages oh yeah we'll have to deal with this like if you have if we go to Google

that's actually going to go go and search for something here sure sure you

show you how Google does it go go that cam let's search for JavaScript and then

go to the pages and look look what they're doing here they 1 2 3 4 4 up to

10 and then if you wanna if you wanna the rest of the pages you only show you

10 pages of course there are more than 10 pages if you go to next if you click

this how do you go to the rest if you go to the 10th page and then they start

showing you the rest right so we wanna maybe we'll build something similar to

this I don't know why you would go that far in Google I don't think anyone goes

this foreign Google but yeah they give you they do give you the pages because

that's only 25 pages Google returns only 25 pages Google returns only 25 pages

can you imagine how about you guys you wanna return the whole thing so

that's the beauty of form whatever we're building it's real life that's a real

life problem and Google's facing it right everybody with with our large

results is facing it will you ever go past the tenth page that's the question

you're I'm gonna ask you have to ask yourself will you ever go to these pages

but let's leave it anyway but you know what's happening here guys right this is

a disaster this is just keep a pata pending so we

need to fix that as a bug we need to clean you have to clean so once you

populate the pages you can do in our HTML that equal poopoo clean up clean up

before you continue then now fill time you click it does not actually what

happens here it does not append it only creates yes right so I think I'm gonna

stop here and in the next episode we'll actually write code that jump from page

to another page let's take it slow guys all right guys

if you like this episode please subscribe like this video if you do like

it and I'm gonna see you in the next one

For more infomation >> ArcGIS Javascript API #esrijs 4.x- 20 - Paging - Duration: 12:50.


What You Should Do To Make Money Online in 2018 - Duration: 2:28.

What You Should Do To Make Money Online in 2018

hey guys just finished a workout here had a lot of bad food over Christmas and

it's important for me to work out and keep active and keep motivated we're at

the end of 2017 just about to start 2018 and I'm going to be publishing a bunch

of videos about what I'm gonna be doing in the new year what you could be doing

in the new year to change your life to add some extra income quit your job

whatever you want to do buy the dream house that dream car you know whatever

and a lot of it focuses around following people that have built a large team so a

lot of top internet marketers they've built large teams they move on to

different programs they bring their teams with them if you can follow those

marketers you don't necessarily have to join the team's out the wrong but you

can follow the marketer see what programs are gonna be big coming up and

join them early a lot of these programs it's about getting in early so that you

can get other people to join underneath you then you have the opportunity create

videos to engage people on social media and get people on your team to build to

build up your income and then build your team and take them to other places

that's one way the second way is you can join programs that just bring you

passive income without you having to build a team typically all of these

programs have a option to build a team so you can earn extra income however

ones like future add Pro newest I'd tech Swiss gold global you can just invest

your own money in there you can earn income take it out reinvest it into the

next program start with one and then slowly build all those other programs

have passive income that then you can use to markets build teams pay for

traffic those types of things that you know the big marketers do you know that

the average little guy cannot so those are some of the the tactics that you can

use if you're just starting out or even if you're not and you don't want to

invest a lot of your come because you're worried about losing

it you don't know how well you're gonna do maybe you don't like it those are

some of the things you can do to start off or even if you're an experienced

marketer those are ways to make money so stay tuned and we'll see you in the next


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