Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 30 2017

Hey Lex here with Great Danes Dish and Neily on Nutrition. The New Year is just

around the corner and with it the onslaught of resolutions. Thousands of

advertising messages will prey upon your insecurities with photoshopped

pictures of bodies no one in real life has. Who's to say you're not enough just

as you are. Well, let me tell you: You are enough. Imagine a life without diets.

What would happen to industries pushing pills, potions, and programs promising a

better life. What if people stopped obsessing about a number on the scale?

Think about it. YOU have power and a wallet. Don't waste money on often empty

promises thinking, hoping, wishing, "This time it will work." Here's the thing. The

dieting industry doesn't want you to succeed. Well, it does, but just not

forever because where would it be? It needs your failures your insecurities. It

needs you back over and over and over again. So I'd like to offer these as

suggested resolutions. 1) I won't give the diet industry my money. 2) I won't

exercise out of guilt. 3) I will move more because I enjoy how it makes me

feel like taking my dog for a walk and 4) I will be kind to myself... and to others

I wish you a very healthy and happy new year and please ditch the diet. You are

enough! Thanks for watching and if you like my stuff please like, comment, and

subscribe to Great Danes Dish. If you need help with ditching your diet

schedule an appointment complimentary with my human, Neily. She'll help you.

For more infomation >> Ditch the Diet - You ARE Enough! - Duration: 1:59.


✨ A Year in Korea With You | Thank You ✨ - Duration: 6:13.

Hi guys, its Cari.

I just wanted to say thank you.

I started this channel a little over a year ago after what was probably the worst year

of my life.

I wont go into details but I was struggling with emotional abuse, illness, and immense

stress, both at work and at home.

I felt like I couldn't escape it.

During that time I shut out pretty much everyone close to me, and every waking thought and

every dream was about the situation I was struggling through.

While there were plenty of great memories from that year, I ended 2016 mentally and

emotionally exhausted, my best friend had gone back to America and I knew if I kept

going on like this, I would have lost my mind.

I had to find something to rescue me.

And it turns out, that was YouTube.

Thanks to you guys I found something that motivated me to get out of bed in the morning

and do something other than work.

I was creating again, listening to music again, and best of all, I was talking to and connecting

with people again.

In February I went on my first solo trip in Korea since my best friend left and the scenery

and solitude helped me reflect on what I really love about being here in Korea, and why traveling

is so important to me.

I came back from Geoje refreshed and headed into the new lunar year with a clear mind.

When spring came, I went back to a place I love very, very much.

I met my mom in Tokyo and we were lucky enough to be there at cherry blossom season in Kyoto.

Thanks to you guys, we were able to visit the Youtube Space overlooking Tokyo Tower

and it inspired me more than ever to continue traveling the world with you.

After that I went back to Japan for a solo trip that I adored, and we then we explored

places like Jeju, Sokcho, Jeonju, Pohang, and Incheon.

You guys were there to welcome my first foster dog into my home!

Then there was the tourtainer competition with the Seoul Tourism Organization and I

seriously can't thank you guys enough for helping me participate and win.

It was an amazing opportunity and it was all because of you.

In summer I visited America and I'm still so amazed by everyone I was able to meet.

To the people who came to my meet ups, thank you so so much.

It can all seems silly when you're just uploading videos on the internet but to actually

meet people who were so similar to me (though much cooler) who i could really connect with

that i met because of my channel was such a trip.

I'll never forget your kindness.

That summer I got to see a lot of my family, my best friend again, and the total eclipse.

I saw parts of America I had never been to before and it made me so excited at the thought

of exploring my own country more deeply one day.

A few months later and I was back in New York and met more of you again and the feeling

was just as surreal.

New York was always a city I explored by myself, and it felt very private to me, it wasnt a

city i shared, but sitting in a coffee shop with essentially strangers and walking out

with friends made me look at the city, and at everyone around me in a different way.

It made me realize that we're all a lot more similar than we think, and sometimes

you just need an excuse to talk to someone in order to make a friend.

The fact that you guys literally just met that day and then went to a concert together

a few weeks later makes me heart so big.

I love this community that is growing here and I am so thankful that you guys are a part

of my life.

I actually keep a list of everyone I've met through Youtube, with little things that

touched me from our conversations.

Throughout this year I've been lucky enough to grab a coffee and chat with people from

Singapore, Malaysia, Norway, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Holland, Canada, England, Vietnam,

America, Argentina, France, Germany, Sweden, and the Philippines.

To the people who came all the way to Ktown in NYC from Long Island, New Jersey, all the

way from Philly, Baltimore, and Boston, you guys absolutely blow my mind and thank you

for making my year.

The conversations I had with you all really inspire me and I learned so much about the


That sounds so corny but its true.

I learned that even though I've been to Zurich, I know nothing about Switzerland.

I know that Argentina is now so so high on my list of places to visit.

I was able to use the two Dutch words I know, and found out the Norwegian school system

is really confusing.

And for everyone that I talk to in the comments or my postcard club, thank you as well.

I love making videos but I love having people to talk to even more, and being able to chat

with you all is really special to me.

Its so interesting that though we've never said a word outloud to each other i know so

much about your lives, and you know so much about mine.

Thank you for being part of what gets me up every morning.

So if any of you are feeling like i was at the end of last year angry, emotionally drained,

or stuck.

Make this the year that you find a way to refresh yourself.

It might sound lame but look for meetups or start a hobby that needs more than just your


I am a very independent person, but i forgot that even people like me need to depend on

others too.

At least give it a try.

Moving into 2018 I'm excited to explore more, read more, meet more of you and learn

more about the world.

What started as a pretty horrible period in my life ended on such a high note.

I'm growing everyday and you're all helping me do that.

Thank you for giving me your friendship and inspiration and have happy new year.

thank you.

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