Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 31 2017

Hi I'm Ryan and I suffer with depression.

And I'm going to tell you about it.

So what is Depression?

So simply put, depression is very complex.

Commonly people will tell you that it's due to low levels of chemicals in the brain.

But it isn't just that.

Really it's an unsure illness that really doesn't have a solid origin.

So I'm sorry for the vauge explaination but what you should really want to know is that

if you have it or not.

But before we talk about that, let me give you some basics.

So who gets depression?

Yet again it's another vauge answer.

Absolutely anyone can suffer from it and at any age too!

So other people I know have had it from hormonal imbalnces, pregnancy, stress but the list

is very long and some people claim that it can even happen randomly.

So I guess you're wondering, what does depression feel like?

So many depressed people will have very little ambition and they will become a very unhappy person generally.

So common symtpoms are fatigue, concentration difficulties, a lack of interest in things

that you once found pleasureabe and a very wide range of emotions that won't make sense to you.

In the description I'll give you a link to other symtpoms that you may get, these are

from the NHS website and webMD.

So if you're wondering what you should do, a good place to start is going to your family

doctor, other places you can go are places that specialise in mental health or any specialists

in your local area, whether it's a paid or free appointment.

So what these people will be able to do, is give you some advice, they may be even able

to diagnose you.

So one tip I have is to be very honest with them, give them as much information as you

can and they'll be able to do the best for you.

If you're wondering what makes me a professional about depression.

I've suffered with it since I was about six years old and that was actually the first

time I saw a psychologist.

I've been on varying ammounts of medication and I've tried a dozen plus techniques of

how to deal with stress and anxiety and just general wellbeing.

The way it used to affect me is that I tend to hide away and not deal with a lot of problems.

Now I'm able to do a lot more in my life, I still get the odd day that, you know is

not a great day and I feel bad but I try to get on with as much as I can and just stay

positive and stay active.

And I found that that helps a lot in trying to battle against depression.

So in the next episode I'll talk about what I've found helpful in my long battle with depression.

I'll be talking about mindfulness and just general positive thinking.

And I'll also give you some tips that I've found helpful along the way.

So I've been Ryan and thanks for watching.

And give us a comment if there's anything you want to share or us to cover.

For more infomation >> Are You Depressed? + What You Need To Do! - Duration: 2:59.


Genetically Modified Oranisms...10 Foods you didn't know were GMO! - Duration: 13:05.

now you most likely keep an eye on sugar contents and other unhealthy ingredients

that you need to eat in moderation but how many of you watch out for

genetically modified foods most probably not many of you for most this won't be

an issue but if you live in the u.s. there's a good chance that at least some

of your food has been genetically modified stay tuned the number one to

find out which item you thought would be completely natural is actually

genetically modified

number ten Kanoa developed through conventional plant breeding canola was

developed by breeding rapeseed which has been in use for millennia and was even

used as fuelled by many ancient civilizations the first genetically

modified version was originally bred by University of Manitoba Canada by Keith

Downey and Balder R Steffensen during the 1970s that strain was called Roundup

Ready canola developed to have a tolerance to glyphosate this was done by

introducing two genes the first called agro bacterium which is a common soil

bacterium with a gene from the accra bacterium and Troy strain L baa which

honestly won't mean much to most of us surprisingly

a whopping 90% of us canola crop is genetically modified number 9 potatoes

nearly all of us will be familiar with the hardy potato that has been a stable

part of our diets for thousands of years but did you know that some strains have

been genetically modified the potato was first domesticated in modern-day

southern Peru between 8,000 and 5000 BCE it was first introduced to Europe

following the Spanish conquest of the Incan Empire and since then and has been

introduced to all corners of the world an estimated 382 tons of potatoes were

produced in 2014 with the People's Republic of China producing the most at

ninety-five point five million tonnes in recent years genetic researchers have

produced several genetically modified varieties of potatoes the new leaf

potato was genetically modified to resist attacks from the Colorado potato

beetle but was unsuccessful in making a dent in the market so sales were

discontinued in 2001 in more recent years the USDA approved a modified

potato the innate potato which contains genetic modifications that reduced or

prevented bruising although these have gone into circulation the food and water

watch petition McDonald's a major consumer of potatoes to not use this new

strain of potato thankfully McDonald's agreed so if you eat McDonald's

Frye's at least you don't need to worry about consuming this particular

genetically modified food number eight eggplant eggplant also known as

abbiejean has been cultivated in southern and eastern Asia since

prehistory strangely the planets also played a role in Italian and Egyptian

folklore in the 13th century Italy and 19th century Egypt the plant was liked

to cause or have increased levels of insanity among the populace the

genetically modified version of the eggplant is also known as BT brinjal and

was created by inserting the crystal protein gene taken from the bacterium

bacillus thuringiensis to make it resistant to pests it works by enabling

the plant to produce a toxin that kills the worms that devastate crops this

strain of the eggplant is only cultivated in Bangladesh but as it is

only a recent phenomenon it's too early to judge its success number 7 papaya

papaya is native to Mexico in northern South America but has since been

introduced to Florida California Hawaii and other tropical and subtropical

regions like India it turns out that only the female plants are used for

cultivation though as the male plants provide poor quality fruit in 2014 India

produced 44% of the world's total estimated at 12 point 7 million tons

which is a lot of papaya but it hasn't been an easy ride for the plant papaya

production was hit with a deadly virus that nearly wiped out the entire world

crop the virus known as the papaya ringspot first hit the crop in Hawaii in

the 1940s and within 50 years had spread to nearly every area that grew the crop

regardless of whether you agree with genetically modified food industry or

not if it wasn't for the Hawaiian born scientist

Dennis Gonsalves we wouldn't be able to feast on this delicious fruit today his

creation known as the rainbow papaya was designed to be resistant to the virus

and has ensured a stable ANSYS stainable income for the people of

Hawaii as well as the other places it's grown it is clear that genetically

modified papayas have helped to ensure its continued availability today so

maybe not all genetically modified foods are bad number 6 soybeans humans have

been cultivating soybeans for thousands of years the earliest evidence for

domesticated soy was found in China and dates back to between 7,000 and 6600 BCE

but other parts of East Asia such as Japan and Korea also domesticated as far

back as 5000 BCE and 1000 BCE respectively introduced from China to

North America in 1765 by the East India Company today the US grows 32 percent of

the world's total soybean production so why is it classed as a genetically

modified food well as with many other crops scientists and businesses are

always seeking for ways to improve crops and increase profits soybeans were

originally genetically modified using the genetic engineering techniques

because manufacturers wanted to attempt to grow soy at a minimal cost and to fix

problems in the growing process however since then they have found that they can

modify the crop to contain healthier components the first genetically

modified soybeans were introduced into the US market in 1994 and since then a

total of 93 percent of all soy is believed to be genetically modified

number 5 sugar beet grown commercially for sugar production the roots of the

sugar beet plant contain a high level of sucrose the modern version of sugar

beets date back to around the mid 18th century which is fairly recent in

comparison to some other examples on this list the King of Prussia Silesia

was known to subsidize experiments aimed at extracting the sugar from the plant

by 1840 only around 5% of the world's sugar production came from sugar beets

but it soon spread around the world and the first attempted cultivation of the

crop in the u.s. occurred in 1836 however it was

cessful after further unsuccessful attempts it wasn't until 1870 that the

first successful sugar beet factory was being built in the United States the US

was also the first country to genetically modify sugar beets of course

by engineering them to be resistant to glyphosate several studies have found

that glyphosate-resistant sugar beets contain the same nutritional value as

conventional sugar beets and in 2011 about 95 percent of sugar beet crops

were planted with the resistant strain of the seed number for squash you might

be surprised to learn that there are two genetically modified varieties of squash

available in the US markets squash has been present in the Americas long before

the arrival of humans surprisingly the earliest known evidence for domesticated

varieties of squash date back nearly 8,000 years ago a variety of Cucurbita

which is the family that squash is found in was a major food source for the

native people of the Americas long before the first European contact and it

remained an important food source in the following centuries it was even featured

during the first Thanksgiving the two varieties of squash that have been

genetically modified are the green zucchini and the yellow summer squash

and both have been available in the US since the 1990s they have been

genetically modified to be resistant to several viruses like the cucumber mosaic

virus the yellow mosaic virus and others but don't worry the chances you're

eating genetically modified squash is relatively small as only 25,000 acres of

the vibrant resistant GMO varieties are grown in the u.s. today yet that does

mean someone's eating it number three Apple's most of us would

have eaten or at least seen an apple during our lifetime

they have been cultivated for millennia and have even played a crucial

methodological role in various cultures such as ancient Greece European

Christianity and Norse traditions today tis grown worldwide and in 2014 the

total production of apples was 80 4.6 million tonnes with China making up the

most of that in recent years cultivators have

utilized biotechnology to genetically modify apples Artic apples is the name

given to a group of apples that have been genetically modified to contain nan

browning traits it was one of the first foods to receive a trait solely intended

on pleasing customers because nobody likes eating a brown apple many American

and Canadian citizens distrust genetically modified foods and the

cultivators of the Arctic Apple had been quick to highlight that the apple has

undergone gene slicing biotechnology instead of having genes from different

plants or animals added to it with the first cells being made sometime

earlier this year we'll have to wait to see how successful it's been

number two honey you'll likely be surprised to find honey on this list at

all as it's a pretty natural ingredient bees have been making honey for

approximately 200 million years and it's highly probable that humans ate wild

honey before they involved into anatomically modern humans like you or I

modern humans have been exploiting honeybees for nearly nine thousand years

and later domesticated them giving them an endless of live honey and wax so how

on earth is it a genetically modified food well bees collect nectar from

numerous flowering plants but they don't know which ones are organic and which

ones have been genetically modified as a result when a bee takes nectar from a

genetically modified crop it unknowingly transfers it to their honey so how can

you guarantee your honey is GMO free well it's a hard thing to find if you

live in America an estimated 95 percent of corn and soy in the US is believed to

be GMO and because bees roam far and wide around bee farms it's difficult to

ensure the honey they produce doesn't contain genetic modifications if you

don't want to get honey from bees that have been kept in large cages or

containers you'll have to shop around to get honey from other countries where it

can be guaranteed the bees haven't been feasting on GMO foods number one salmon

it's not just plants that have been genetically modified and in 2015 the US

FDA approved genetically modified aqua advantaged salmon for commercial

production humans have been studying the life history of salmon since the 14th

century but it wasn't until the 18th century that fertilization test took

place in Germany and later in the 20th century the first salmon farms were

established in Norway and Scotland since then scientists and fish farmers have

been trying to increase production in recent years accompanied aqua bounty

farms produced a genetically modified salmon that grows almost twice as fast

as conventional salmon not only do they grow quicker but they are also more

resistance to the disease and the cold and they even require 10% less feed

during their lifetime now that is a clear business success in 2015 the FDA

approved this fish for commercial consumption and it has since been sold

to Canadian customers with increasing demands on natural fish populations and

concerns about declining wild fish communities perhaps genetically modified

fish is the way forward what's your opinion of genetically modified foods

would you eat them tell us what you think about the genetically modified

foods we talked about in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe for

more interesting stuff

For more infomation >> Genetically Modified Oranisms...10 Foods you didn't know were GMO! - Duration: 13:05.


Discover How Your Intelligence is Torturing You - Sadhguru 2018 - Duration: 15:23.

on a certain day Shankaran Pillai was going home 7:30 in

the evening there are rules at home you know every home has some rules otherwise

they can't be a home some rules right may not be written down but there are

roots in his home that were wives runes are 8 o clock he must be home

he saw still there is time he he doesn't want to go even a minute early

so he thought there's still time so he walked into your local bar thinking

he'll just have a quick drink and then go home well he had a quick drink and a

quick drink and a quick drink and a quick drink and a quick drink then he

looked at his watch it says 2:00 a.m.

you know drinking people are like Yogi's they're timeless I see there's a lot of

appreciation no he got off his tall stool of the barstool it's an unfair

world it's a completely unfair world you expect a man to walk on a round planet

and the damn thing is spinning you're supposed to walk on that only when you

have a few drops extra or a couple of drops missing between your two years

suddenly you realize the planet is round

with great difficulty he was trying to find his way back home he took a

shortcut through a garden and unfortunately he fell headlong into a

rosebush his face became a mess he gathered himself somehow went home and

those damn keyholes they made so small you know he took another 20 minutes to

find it somehow he went in crawled up went into the bathroom looked at himself

in the mirror a complete mess so he opened the medicine cabinet took out

some medicine plaster a band-aid everything he fixed himself then slowly

crawled into the bed fortunately the wife is a big sleeper she crawled in and

fell asleep morning 8 o'clock their wife took a bucket of cold water

and threw it on his face what about it he woke up why it's only

Sunday she said you fool again drinking he said honey

six months ago I promised since then I have not touched a drop he's our

domestic conversations okay I'm just exposing I have not touched a drop she

grabbed him by the shirt and took him into the bathroom

and showed him all the plaster was on the mirror now this is the whole problem

you feel unpleasant you think this one has to be fixed you feel unpleasant you

we need to think that one has to be fixed you feel unpleasant you have to be

you think the whole world has to be fixed now I am asking you a simple

question if you are feeling any level of

unpleasantness stress anxiety anger fear whatever nonsense rubbish whatever is

happening within you who should be fixed if something is unpleasant here who

should be fixed or if you understand this mind this is transformation you

know this is fantastic in ten minutes this is great transformation if you

if you understand this much this needs to be fixed not something else the world

will change right now everything that we are doing on this planet is in pursuit

of human well-being in the last hundred hundred fifty years

with the aid of modern science and technology we have done too much

external engineering too much which has rendered us into a certain level of

comfort and convenience we have comforts and convenience no other generation

could even imagine isn't it yes or no the level of comfort and convenience in

which you and me right now existing here no other generation could ever even

imagine we are the most comfortable generation ever do you agree with me

physically but can we claim we are the most peaceful generation or joyful

generation or loving generation or ecstatic generation in many ways we are

becoming the most neurotic generation we are complaining about any everything and

anything like never before yes we are complaining about everything like never

before in the world so we have the most comfortable definitely materially you're

living better than your father and your grandfather aren't you yes or no unless

your grandfather happened to be the Maharaja unless that otherwise all of

you are in fact what royalty could not afford a hundred years ago today an

average citizen has isn't it true all of you driving chariot with hundred two

hundred horses or so it's not the best something wrong with life it is just

that fundamental faculties of life or not

they can charge off this is an evolutionary problem in a certain way

see between you and a chimpanzee the DNA difference is only one point two three

percent one point two three percent is not much of a difference isn't it

physiologically the difference between you and a chimpanzee is only one point

two three percent in the DNA content but in terms of intelligence and awareness

we are phenomenally different from a chimpanzee so you have an intelligence

for which you don't have a stable enough base it is your intelligence which is

torturing you right now if we take off a part of your brain I think most of you

will be quiet peaceful really I should know this is why a whole lot of people

are saying I want to be like a child even spiritual leaders going and saying

I am a child they suppose you are stuck let's say your body or your mind stayed

at the age of six you are a child is it a great state to be I'm asking you may

think your spiritual I will call you retarded I should know you want to be a

six-year-old child I'm asking you because almost every adult is saying

child being a child is beautiful because they've forgotten what it means to be a

child child means when somebody says wake up you have to wake up somebody

says go to sleep you have to go to sleep go to school go to school get back get

back eat eat all the damn things that you

don't like when you were a child you desperately wanted to grow up as quickly

as possible isn't it now you want to become a child

because you messed up your adulthood

messes up this wants to be somewhere else a whole lot of people said no no

I'm not interested in all this I want to go to heaven why because the

advertisements always said heaven is a very pleasant place if we had told you

from your childhood God lives in heaven but it's a horrendous place do you want

to go there please tell me sincerely no no we will

pray from here only we don't want to go there because they were advertised that

it's a very pleasant place lot of people who've made a hell out of themselves

here want to go somewhere else those who want to go to heaven must go

isn't it they won't go that's a problem if those who want to go to heaven go

those who want to be here can create a heaven here now those who are made a

hell out of themselves they don't go

they keep on talking about going but they don't go if you're so sure you are

going to a better place you must leave today you should not

postpone your appointment with God I'm asking you if you have an appointment

forget about God if you have an appointment the local minister or prime

minister somebody you would like to jump the queue and get there quickly isn't it

even a cinema ticket if you're standing in a queue you would like to jump and

get there quickly isn't it so so if you have an appointment with God and you're

so sure what have you postponing it you must go today okay I'm saying your mind

is full of all kinds of rubbish picked up from here and there just now we were

talking just outside but somebody said something 5,000 years ago somebody said

something 3,000 years ago with all you with greatest respect to all of them do

you believe that thousand years ago people were way smarter than what you

and me are tray do you believe so

I'm asking you if you believe so it's unfortunate because life seems to be

evolving but some people are not some people seem to be those who want to be

child children now after they've grown up they're retarding consciously they

are trying to somehow wrap themselves in a situation where they will not grow so

essentially it's your own intelligence turning against you if you had come like

an earthworm or a grasshopper or a bird or a tree you would be quite fine

because you have interested with such a huge intelligence this has become your

problem isn't it you know last year in the month of August we were trekking in

Tibet I'm an attempt oh another person is cutting an apple and there's one more

person you know one of those new porcelain knives which is supposed to be

very sharp so this person is cutting an apple and other person says it's a very

sharp knife be careful it irritates me a knife is supposed to be sharp otherwise

why will I call it my knife something is blunt I don't call it a knife it's

supposed to be sharp and this is if it's a child yes I would also say or I would

go and take away the knife that's different this is a full-grown man this

is he's not handling a satellite or or earth mover or something it's just a

knife well I continued with my work another two minutes later she says again

it's a very sharp knife be careful I said come on he's a full-grown man leave

him alone he should know how to handle a knife by now no said guru it's a very

sharp knife then I continue with my work and then she whispers so that I don't

hear very sharp knife be careful in two minutes he cuts his hand

and I say okay maybe he needed so much instruction about this this is all your

problem is you have a sharp intellect but not a steady enough hand now you're

cutting yourself all the time people come to me and say Sadhguru

I can't bear with my boss my mother-in-law she is torturing me

my husband is impossible my wife oh so I tell them don't worry you come here your

boss your mother-in-law your husband your wife nobody will enter this ashram

don't worry I will give you a nice place to stay good food to eat don't have to

do anything no work nothing you stay in your room whenever I come and check you

must be joyful that's the only condition if you're miserable I don't believe in

feeding misery you're joyful for the rest of your life will bow down and take

care of you oh you'll leave them for 24 hours in one place you must see the

circus okay when you are alone when you are alone if you're miserable

obviously you're in bad company isn't it

somebody's with you and you're miserable you can always say it's because of this

person you're alone and you're miserable means you're in bad company you need to

fix it you must understand this much if you understand this much then it's very

simple you would look inward


For more infomation >> Discover How Your Intelligence is Torturing You - Sadhguru 2018 - Duration: 15:23.


Pumpkin Spice Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting -2018 | Pumpkin Spice Cake(No Mixer Required) - Duration: 3:44.

Pumpkin Spice Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting -2018 | Pumpkin Spice Cake(No Mixer Required)

Hi family welcome back today i'm bringing you the recipe for


spice cake if this is your first time stopping by and welcome if you're not subscribed yet please feel free to hit that red button

3 cups of all-purpose flour

four whole eggs at room temperature 2 cups of our prepared pumpkin

one cup of brown sugar

2 teaspoons baking soda and 2 teaspoons baking powder

for the spice mix one-and-a-half teaspoons of cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon each of cloves allspice ginger and salt i have 1/4 cup of applesauce

2 teaspoons of vanilla and

3/4 cups of oil and that's it no mixer required for this cake i'm going

To use my stick blender but you can use a whisk

this is how i prepare my pan just put some oil you can use almost a spray and then i just add some flour and

Dust it mm-hmm, so first thing i'm going, to do is combine our dry ingredients

the flour baking powder baking soda salt and spices

wait, to give that a good good mix

And then we're gonna move on to the wet ingredients

We're going to puree the pumpkin with the sugars because remember the pumpkin that i prepared has not been pureed yet and you definitely want

To puree that before you start making your cake and there you have it it's time to add the rest of our wet ingredients

you can use a whisk for this part for your pumpkin and sugar you want to do that in your blender at least for the

Pumpkin all done with the wet and now it's time to combine the two we're going, to just fold in the wet into the dry

It's time to go to our band

just, pour that in you don't have to use a bundt pan you can use any kind of cake pan for this

just, give it a tap and


Just, test it with a knife insert a knife into it or a toothpick and if it comes out clean you're good to go and

There is our but i decided to ice slash glaze it so i'm using the rest of my pumpkin

which is about a half cup maybe a little less with one

brick of soft cream cheese bring that to room temperature most of that i will save as a pumpkin

cream cheese and then i'll use the rest for my glaze so let's whip that together i

took out all but a quarter cup of the whip and i added a half cup of powdered sugar

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla and a sprinkling of

cinnamon i'm going to whip that all together and if i need to i'll add some of my milk over there

so this is still a little too thick for me so i'm going to add about a tablespoon of the milk and give that a

good blend

All right perfect consistency for me i'm just going to drizzle this all over the cake

No, technique required here because it's going, to just somehow magically

become pretty easy


you can see

right here and there's our cake and we took cut a slice and we can see what it looks like and what it tastes like

it feels good cutting it

it looks not too bad let's cut into it

if there's a shot guys it's pretty easy pretty quick and a very nice and easy dessert for thanksgiving dinner

let's give it a taste

He's pretty good i'll see you in the next video guys

For more infomation >> Pumpkin Spice Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting -2018 | Pumpkin Spice Cake(No Mixer Required) - Duration: 3:44.


Top Funny Anime Moments - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Top Funny Anime Moments - Duration: 4:22.


How To Master In & Out and "SWIM" Basketball Moves - Duration: 5:31.

- Hey, what's up y'all?

Coach Rock here, the official trainer

for I Love Basketball TV.

I have a treat for you all today.

I want to introduce you to one of our

brand new trainers here.

He's great: Coach Bryce Woodliff.

He's going to be helping you with your handles,

helping you score more points, great trainer,

up and coming, he has a lot of great content

that he's going to share with you that's going to help

you become a better player.

So without further ado, let's get straight into it.

- Alright, so now I'm going to talk to you about

the in-and-out behind the back.

But first I want to touch on just the basic in-and-out.

Some people don't realize that when you do an in-and-out,

it's not about how you really settle with your face,

but it's about your exaggeration step to get them to think

that you're going that way so you can come back this way.

So what I do to practice this, I use a basic line.

If you've got cones you can use cones.

But having a basic line is more convenient,

it's always there.

This is how you do it: you practice it here.

You just sit here, and what you'll do is just a

step over the line, and come back.

So it's a step, here.

Exaggeration, here.

Make sure you get that ball across the line as well

so you can bring it back to the other side of the line.

But when you do this, I want you to practice on getting

that step to where you step here, come back here.

Fake 'em out, make them think that you're going that way.

So this is what it'll look like.

(ball bounces)

So as you see, I'm just pounding it hard,

pounding the ball real hard, and I'm exaggerating

this way to get them to bite so I can come back to my left.

So with this there's a lot of counter-moves that you can do.

But the one I want to touch on today is just the one

transition that you can use.

I see a lot of pro players using it, even college players,

high school players can use it, too, and even kids

can use it, too.

12 to 14 I would prefer this to be a move that you

would do nothing anyone else, because it's really advanced.

So what you'll do is you'll come down, same principle,

come down, in-and-out, get the ball across, but then

once you get that ball back over here, it's just a step

behind the back.

So when you do it, I'll do it in slow mo,

you come, I step, behind the back.

That'll give you the ability to get that defender to shift,

because if he's on you, you can then get him to come

this way after you do your behind the back,

because he's trying to bite that in-and-out.

The big thing that I want to stress, too, is when you

do your in-and-out, I stressed on the exaggeration step

getting the ball across, but also with the behind the back,

you don't want to do an in-and-out behind the back

and be stuck in the same spot.

Cause the coaches will tell you all the time,

don't go east to west, go north to south.

So when you're doing a move, especially a move like this,

you're looking to do it quick so you can get the defender

off guard, and then quick behind the back, but you're

looking to go straight to the basket.

So you want to do it as if you're, it's like transition,

but it can also, like I say, you can do it in a half-court

offense as well when you're trying to make a move.

So what you'll do is you'll come here, in-and-out, step,

behind the back, and I'm looking to go straight

to the basket.

I'm not looking to sit down on it.

I could sit down on it if I wanted to, but that's if

you're doing a quicker move like if you're coming here,

in-and-out, behind the back, and then you step it over

to try to get a three or something.

But 9 times out of ten, you'll want to really focus on

in-and-out here, and transition, get that foot across,

look to go straight to the basket.

(ball bouncing, heavy breathing)

Alright, and you can do this a number of times,

do it on both sides.

So I'll do it on this side, too, just so you can see it.

(energetic music)

So basically what it is is just a shift move,

a quick transition move that can just get

your defender to shift.

Alright, so we already did the in-and-out,

so now I want to talk to you about another move

that I feel like is real good transition,

but it's also good in half-court offense as well.

It's almost like the in-and-out, but instead of doing

the in-and-out, you really coming here, you're planting

your foot here, and then you're pushing through here

with like a swim, we're calling it a swim move,

like a swim movement with the ball.

So when you come down the court you want to work on

really, like I say exaggerating, so you want to take

that foot and step, and when you step, you want to act

like you're going here, and then quick push it through

get over there to the free throw line, get a shot.

Or you can take it in and get a, it's a lot of options.

You can get a layup as well.

So what it look like is you come here,

step, get through, float.

(energetic music)

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(dramatic music)

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