- [Bryan] Hey everybody, Bryan with Praetereo here,
and tonight I'm bringing the first of our series
on internet marketing, and this is perhaps
the most important video in the series
because it's talking about the business mindset,
what kind of mindset you have to have
when going into building your business.
And if you don't master this, if you don't get this down,
then you're going to severely hinder your results.
Even if you learn all of the technical aspects,
you get those down pat, if you don't master this,
then you are going to severely limit
your results, your effectiveness.
So let's kind of jump right in.
And kind of the main topic I wanna talk about,
kinda wanna look at, is what are called paradigms.
Now, if you're not familiar, paradigms are something
that's been used a lot in the personal development space.
It's something that people like Bob Proctor
have talked about extensively.
And let's kind of jump in and take a look at what
paradigms actually are.
So this is actually from Bob Proctor's website,
the Proctor Gallagher Institute,
and this is talking about paradigms.
Now, here we see a really good definition of paradigms
as it applies to what we're talking about right here.
Paradigms are the multitude of habits
that guide every move you make.
That is an excellent, excellent definition right there.
So the multitude of habits that guide every move you make,
in other words, the actions that you take, okay?
And then it goes on to say they affect what we eat,
walk, talk, communication and work habits
and this is what we're talking about right here,
success and failure.
So you have to also understand, and this goes on to talk
about it, and if you really want to get
more information on this, like I said,
this is on the Proctor Gallagher Institute website.
If you go to that website, you'll find this article here
if you wanna read more about paradigms.
But you have to understand something.
This brings it up right here.
Paradigms, they didn't originate with you.
You weren't born with these paradigms.
You didn't just come into this world
and think the way that you did.
They are an inheritance of other people's,
and this is the key point, other people's habits,
opinions and belief systems.
So let's kinda bounce back over to this page here.
So let's take a look here at what happens.
So, we have our experiences.
This is the things that we see.
This is the things we hear, we taste, we touch.
This is what we have experienced in life,
and what happens is, those experiences become reinforced
into our belief systems.
And our belief systems, those are what drive
our actions, right?
And our actions are what drive our reality.
So we're born.
So here's what this looks like.
We're born.
We have no control of what's coming at us.
We have no control over the external influences.
And we're born, and here we are, and we're in infancy.
And in infancy, we have experiences in infancy.
We don't have any control over these experiences.
These are things happening to us that we do not have
the ability to do anything about.
We hear things.
We see things.
And we experience things.
And all of this becomes reinforced over time
into the belief systems that we grow up to have.
So let's say that as we're growing up,
and eventually we get to adolescence,
and I'm gonna butcher this word.
We get to adolescence, having heard, seen
and experienced all this stuff here,
and our belief systems have already started developing.
And in adolescence, we have a little more control
over our lives, but not really, because by the time
we get to this point, we already have a belief system
driving our actions based on everything that we have
already experienced in infancy.
Now, as we age and get older and we go into our,
we finally progress through the teenage years,
I'm gonna skip that, into adulthood,
these belief systems haven't changed.
They're still there.
They are still with us.
And we are still going through the same actions,
and those actions are creating the same reality.
Now, why is this important?
What does this have to do with the business mindset?
Well, let's think about this for a minute.
We've already established that we develop
belief patterns very young.
Now, unless you're born into a family
that has a very strong belief of building businesses
and building wealth, that's the minority of families
and of people in general, about 1% believe that way,
think that way.
The remaining 99% of people, including myself
and probably those listening,
believe in concepts like working hard.
Now, there's nothing wrong with working hard.
Every wealthy person believes in working hard.
But they believe in working smart.
In other words, putting their money to work.
Whereas we have been trained to work for money, right?
We've also been taught things like money is hard to get.
We have to, you know, it's hard to acquire it.
We have to exchange our time, that's a clock, for money.
That's what we've been taught.
This is what 99% of people have been taught.
This here, that we have to work hard,
and by working hard, I mean we work for money.
We have to do work for money, rather than putting our money
to work for us, and that money is hard to earn.
And then, of course, exchanging work for money.
What does this mean?
A job, okay?
We're working for somebody else, for a predetermined value.
We have the employee mindset.
These people have the business mindset,
meaning they put their money to work for them,
that they buy assets that allow them to make money.
We have the employee mindset over here.
In other words, we work for a paycheck,
and we spend our money on luxuries.
And I don't mean luxuries as in luxury items,
like what these people get to get.
I'm talking about dining out.
I'm talking about financing a car that we can't afford.
I'm talking about living life
either within our means and not having anything else
to show for it or living extravagantly.
So this is kind of how paradigms work.
Again, recap, we're born, we have no power
over what we experience, and we start to develop
our belief patterns early on.
These belief patterns carry on to adulthood,
wherein adulthood, we join the 99% of people,
unless you're fortunate to be born
to that one percent of the population
where this is our concept of success,
how we make money.
Now, I touched on something there.
Let's take a look at success, 'cause part of the business
mindset is understanding what success means.
Now, obviously, you probably already know
what success means, so this definition is pretty
run of the mill right here, the accomplishment
of an aim or purpose.
Now, Earl Nightingale put it a different way.
He said it is the progressive realization
of a worthy ideal, okay?
So that is how Earl Nightingale put it.
And if you haven't heard of Earl Nightingale,
he wrote a, or excuse me, he did an audio broadcast
called The Strangest Secret, and if you haven't
already listened to this, this is probably
one of the coolest audios I have ever listened to.
Again, Earl Nightingale.
Look him up on YouTube.
You can actually find this audio on YouTube.
He's kind of old school, back in like the '70s
or the '50s or something.
So, and he made an audio called The Strangest Secret.
Now, The Strangest Secret is comprised really
of two main points.
The first is the definition of success,
and that was his definition of success.
The second thing that he discussed
is that we become what we think about.
Now, let's kind of tie this in to our definition
of paradigms, according to Bob Proctor.
Now again, Bob Proctor, paradigms,
the multitude of habits, the guide of reaction move
that you make and they define our successes and failures.
We've already gone over how we develop these paradigms.
Remember, they are accumulated inheritance
of other people's habits, opinions and belief systems.
We inherited these when we were very young.
And here, negative and, this is an interesting point here,
are why 90-some percent, I would argue 99%,
of the population keeps getting the same results.
This is why the majority of people stay
in the employee mindset, the barely getting by mindset.
So let's bounce back, success.
We become what we think about, right?
Now, some of the people think, oh, this is some voodoo,
witchcraft, law of attraction stuff.
Well, not really, if you think about it.
I mean, the definition of paradigms didn't sound
that off the wall now, did it?
We accumulate belief patterns, which define our actions,
and our actions define our reality.
There's a lot of scientific basis to that.
So Earl Nightingale's definition of becoming
what we think about isn't really off the wall at all.
In fact, it ties in nicely with that.
So let's tie this in to the main point
I'm trying to make here, and that is the success mindset.
Now, I said the business mindset,
but what I really wanna talk about is both,
the business/success mindset.
Now, let's kinda compare this here.
Let's talk about the success mindset,
and when I say success, think about it
in terms of a business owner,
and let's talk about the employee mindset, right?
Now let's think about what the characteristics
of an employee are.
An employee is somebody who generally speaking
has no ownership interest in the organization
that they are working for.
In other words, they filled out an application,
submitted a resume, got an interview
and eventually got a job, and now they work
for this company, and they work in exchange for money.
And again, they exchange their time for money.
Now, the business mindset, we'll come over here.
They have all ownership interest.
Now, if you're a partnership, obviously you share ownership,
but the success of the enterprise, you share all ownership
of that success, meaning that even if you have ownership
in a partnership or you own 50% and someone else owns 50%,
well, if the enterprise fails completely,
you have ownership of all of that failure,
just like you have ownership of all the success.
Now, you may have to split the result of that success,
50%, but you have ownership of that enterprise.
An employee, because they have no interest,
has no, no (laughing) no, no.
It's late.
Sorry, I'm recording this late.
Because they have no ownership interest,
they will basically do enough to get by,
meaning if I do enough to not get fired,
then I've done my job, I've earned my check,
and I can go cash it.
The success mindset, the business owner,
they do more than they have to.
So a lot of business owners, they already know
what they wanna do.
They have lists, they have tasks.
They're like, okay, I need to do this, this and this today
in order for the ship to stay afloat.
But a successful business owner will say, okay,
you know what, though, I should also do this,
this and this, because we don't wanna just stay afloat,
we wanna grow, we wanna scale, we wanna get bigger.
So they do more than they have to.
The employee does enough to get by.
They're just looking to get their check
at the end of the day.
Now, the business owner invests in themselves extensively.
What do I mean by this?
They know that the success of their business
is largely dependent on the kinds of skills
that they have, you know, are they able to write copy?
Are they able to design funnels?
Are they able to drive traffic?
And these are all things you can outsource,
and that itself is a skill set, you know, outsource,
knowing where to find reliable talent
who can do all of this stuff.
That is another skill source.
When you're first starting out and you're a solopreneur,
you're gonna be learning a lot of this yourself.
You won't have a lot of capital to work with.
This is, these are all skills that you have to learn
yourself, and you have to be willing to invest
in yourself, and what do we mean by invest?
There's two components, money and time.
Learning a skill is gonna cost you, most likely.
Yeah, there's a lot of free information on the internet.
But a lot of the higher level information
is behind closed doors, and the entry,
the key to that, those doors, is money.
And of course, like any skill,
it's gonna take time to learn.
Excuse me.
So they're willing to invest.
Now, with an employee, some might be willing to invest,
but most of the time, they are,
they're not willing to invest very much.
Now, here's why.
They don't have ownership.
If the business succeeds or fails,
it doesn't matter to them.
Here's what they'll do.
The employee will go and get another job.
The business goes under, the business fails,
they get laid off, well first off, they're gonna collect
unemployment for a certain number of months,
and in the meantime they're gonna be applying
and eventually they're gonna find another job.
So they're not really willing to invest,
because they see their position as very changeable.
Not only can they get terminated or laid off,
but something better might come along.
And they can leave at any point, no questions asked.
So they're not really willing to invest very much.
Now some people will like go to school
and develop skills to make themselves more marketable,
but as far as the business that they're working at is
concerned, they're not looking to better themselves
for the benefit of the business.
They're looking to better themselves
for the benefit of themselves.
They're looking to make themselves more marketable.
And they're not making themselves more marketable
for a company they already work for.
What they're making themselves more marketable for is
a company that will pay them more, will give them more
benefits, maybe more time off.
Their motivation to invest in themselves
is purely self-driven based on what they can get.
So, open up another page here.
I really like this Microsoft Edge,
'cause I can kinda open up a browser and draw on it.
So we've kind of gone over the difference
between the employee and the business person.
And we've talked about how what we think about
drives who we become.
Paradigms are those habits that have been developed,
that we inherited from a very young age.
So let's talk about what we need to do in order to shift
from the employee to the business owner, okay?
Now again, from a very young age,
we have been trained to think a certain way.
We have been trained to go to school,
to go get a job, to work 30, 35 years,
finally retire with a 401k or a pension.
Have you seen the number of people on retirement,
401k or pensions, even with their Social Security,
a lot of them are just barely getting by.
Earl Nightingale gives an interesting statistic
in his audio of The Strangest Secret.
Again, go listen to it.
But he uses a breakdown of 100 people, right?
And they start out at the age of 25,
and he looks at them at the age of 65, right?
And at the age of 25, 100% of those people
wanna be successful.
They all want to achieve success.
But by the time they're 65, here is how many
have actually achieved some measure of success: 5%.
Two out of those 100% are considered wealthy.
3% are what are considered financially secure.
And the rest are either working or, morbidly, dead.
So out of a hundred people, out of a population
of a hundred people, only 5% are in a place, financially,
that would be considered successful,
even though at 25 they wanted to be successful.
They wanted to have the money.
They wanted to buy the house.
They wanted to have the car.
They wanted to travel.
They wanted to all this stuff.
But only 5% have gotten to do all that, really,
to the level that they wanted to when they were 25.
So what do we have to do in order to switch
from being an employee to a business owner?
Well, if you're watching this, you've already made
the decision that you wanna shoot for this,
and I applaud you for that, 'cause that is exactly
where I think you personally should be,
working for yourself, driving your own destiny,
not letting someone else assign your value for you,
basically say your time is worth this amount of money to me.
So what do you have to do?
First off, I'm gonna tell you this right now.
This is what I've done.
This is gonna sound like common sense, but do it.
Read. Read books.
If you're looking for what books to read,
Millionaire Success Habits.
Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi.
Great book, great book.
It will give you practical pointers that you can use
to start switching your mindset
from the employee mindset to the business owner mindset,
from a failure mindset to the success mindset.
Millionaire Success Habits.
Brendon Buchard's The Motivation Manifesto.
Great book.
Again, Brendon Buchard.
I'm probably butchering his first name,
but at least I got his right last name, okay?
Listen to the audio book.
So not just read, but listen to audiobooks.
And again, The Strangest Secret, it's free.
And any of the audios by Earl Nightingale.
Listen to these.
He talks extensively about, like I said,
this right here, this is discussed in The Strangest Secret.
He talks about this extensively.
He talks about the mindset you wanna have
and how to develop it.
This is a great one to listen to.
Other people to read or listen to.
Again, Proctor, he talks about the paradigms.
Other people to listen to, Anik Singal.
He wrote a book called Escape, and this one
talks about going from employee to entrepreneur.
So these are just a few here, but seriously,
just Google books on success mindset.
I guarantee you, it'll pull up a laundry list
of books you can read to help you start to develop
this mindset here.
They will talk about the success mindset,
but really, in order to be a business owner,
you have to have the success mindset.
You have to think like a successful person.
These are just a few books you can read.
This little list right here,
Millionaire Success Habits, Motivation Manifesto,
The Strangest Secret, anything by Bob Proctor,
Anik Singal's Escape.
This little handful of books'll get you started
in the right direction.
And here's what's going to happen.
As you read, as you learn, here's what's gonna
start to happen.
Your sphere of understanding's gonna start out really small,
and then you're gonna read another book
or listen to another audio.
It's gonna get a little bit bigger
and a little bit bigger and a little bit bigger
and a little bit bigger and a little bit bigger,
and it's just gonna keep growing bigger and bigger
and bigger and bigger and bigger.
You started here, and then at one point,
maybe a couple months down the month,
you're gonna realize, you started here.
You didn't know any of this.
You didn't understand any of this success mindset stuff,
and now you're way out here.
You've got all these layers of knowledge now,
all these layers of understanding.
Your belief systems that you currently have
begin to change.
And they'll change automatically.
Yeah, you'll have to do some exercises.
You might do things like affirmations in the morning.
You might create a vision board.
You might do certain things, external things,
to help you with changing your mentality.
But just by reading and listening,
your mindset will begin to shift.
What I do every morning, this is what my morning looks like.
Okay, this is what I do.
First thing I do, even before I touch my business,
is I'll listen to The Strangest Secret.
Right, Earl Nightingale.
That's 45 minutes long.
That's how I start my day.
And then I'll do a practice where I'll write down
10 things that I'm grateful for.
And then I'll do my business affirmation,
where I will basically state what my ideal year,
and this is an exercise you'll actually learn.
Bob Proctor talks about it,
but it's in Millionaire Success Habits,
but they'll use the example of instead of saying,
"I am successful, I am successful, I am successful,"
they'll say, you know what?
Write down what your ideal year looks like.
This year, I went, and they say write it down
in the past tense, as if it already happened.
I went to Disneyland with my family.
You know, things like that.
Talk about your business success.
My business made over, you know, whatever amount
you wanna make, let's just say it, a million bucks, why not?
Dot, dot, dot, dot.
You know, things like that.
You write your affirmation.
You say this over and over.
And I just do it once.
This one, I just do once in the morning.
In the Earl Nightingale audio, they're gonna
talk about writing your goal, your worthy intention,
on a note card and reading that multiple times per day,
and on your note card, you know, you're basically
gonna say what your goal is, and you're gonna say it
in a statement that's an affirmative statement,
I will earn X amount of dollars by,
and then a definitive date.
Not just I'll earn this money.
What date are you gonna earn this money by?
Is it gonna be five years from now?
Is it gonna be 10 years from now?
Whatever the case may be.
How you're gonna earn this money.
I will earn it by, you know, what are you gonna do?
You're gonna sell high-quality products.
You're gonna coach people, you're gonna help people,
you're gonna provide some service.
Now, it's important to remember.
I kind of wanna touch on this real quick
before we wrap this up.
But the amount of money you earn will always, always,
again, always be in direct proportion
to the amount of value you provide,
how much you're worth to someone else,
how much the information you have is worth
to someone else.
So if you wanna make a million dollars in a year,
you have to provide a million dollars in value.
That doesn't mean you have to sell a million dollars,
you know, I mean, that could mean just selling
a million dollars in product, but look at it this way.
What if you promoted a product
and this product was a high-quality product
and it allowed a thousand people to earn a thousand dollars?
Well, what does that equal?
You got it, a million bucks.
You don't have to sell a million dollars in value
in one go.
Like I said, you just help a thousand people
make a thousand dollars, and you've provided
a million dollars in value.
It's pretty straightforward.
So kinda to wrap up, I know we've
kinda gone through a lot tonight.
This is a lot longer than I meant to make it,
but the main thing I really want to express to you
is the importance of the business mindset,
that you need to get the business mindset first.
You have these paradigms.
They've been put into your brain from day one.
You know, you've been working off of these same belief
systems since you were an infant, and you're probably
still operating on them, so if you want to get
to that level of success, if you want to be an effective
business owner, you're gonna have to work on replacing
those paradigms with belief systems
that are going to serve you.
So that's all for tonight.
I'm glad you tuned in.
I'm glad you listened.
I'm grateful you stuck with me.
I really, really, really want you to be successful,
so, like I said, go out there, pick up one of those books,
the Dean Graziosi book, the Anik Singal book.
I mean, if anything, pull up a YouTube,
listen to the Earl Nightingale audio, The Strangest Secret,
45 minutes, it's absolutely mind-blowing.
It's completely free.
If you do nothing but that, that's gonna get you started
in the right pattern, so I wish you all the success,
and I look forward to us tuning in together soon
in the next video of this series.
Again, this is Bryan from Praetereo signing out.
Thank you.
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