hi there welcome back to 10 minutes to fit I'm coach Adam and I'm here with
Wonder Woman herself it's Diana Diana you wanna tell us a little bit
about yourself my name is yes Diana I am 50 years old -
this year you wouldn't know It! I'm a
medical Rep so I travel through Eastern Ontario, Northern Ontario, a lot of time
in my car I teach fitness part-time and fell in love
with CrossFit and I feel like it's really changed my movement patterns
changed me to be fitter and stronger than I've ever been
so Fitness has always been part of my life but even more so now I think. Why
would you say it's important for you to exercise? why do you do it? Sanity! Stress,
really and I might have a little extra energy compared to most people so maybe
get rid of a little bit so yeah I'm home and calm. Yeah yes just like the dogs,
right, you got to burn it off sometime. Awesome, so we've got a great
workout for you today just on the other side.
All right, so what we have for you today as usual is gonna be ten minutes. We're
gonna go 30 seconds of work, followed by 30 seconds of rest for two different
movements for five sets. Those two movements today are going to be an
overhead lunge and 2) is going to be a mountain climber. We're gonna go
through a couple variations of this, Diana's gonna give me our demo on this
For the overhead lunge, is just going to be a PVC stick or a broomstick or literally
just your arms. You're gonna keep those arms locked out take a full lunge forward
touch the back down to the ground and alternate. Good let's see it from the side
notice as she lunges out she's keeping a nice vertical Shin and the
weight in that front heel. Let's see one more, excellent. If you want to make this a
little bit more challenging, this is where you can add some load. So, if you have access to a sandbag
lock that thing out overhead and same idea big step forward, weight in the heel
driving back up, alternating legs. From there, you can go something like a med ball. Same idea
Wonderful, anything that you hold in both hands is good, like a bumper plate, or anything else.
if you want to make it more challenging, or if you only have dumbbells
this one is a little bit more challenging on the shoulders stabilizers
because they're not attached together as requires real focus good core strength
the whole time. Movement number two is going to be our, let's call
it the cardio piece today, is going to be a mountain climber. So, Diana's gonna put
her hands in the ground starting in basically a plank position. She's gonna take one a foot outside her hand
and then she's gonna switch them, and she's going to do that for the
whole 30 seconds switching them keeping that core nice and tight
trying not to bounce bounce the hips too much. If that's not accessible or you want to do
maybe 15 seconds of that and that gets pretty hard than 15 seconds of a scaled
option. You can just elevate your hands go hands are up on the bench or on the wall
same thing so foot forward and switch just a tap of the foot at the front
excellent so, go ahead take a minute get your
equipment set up choose an option for the lunge and try out those mountain
climbers click the link below get your warm-up done and we'll get that workout
started just on the other side.
Alright so if you've got your equipment set up
and your warm-up done it is time to get going. As a quick reminder we're going to
go 10 minutes: 30 seconds of overhead lunges, 30 seconds rest, 30 seconds of
mountain climbers, 30 seconds rest five times through. Enjoy! We will start in 10
As usual, great work! Take a minute, walk around. Let that heart rate come down a bit
Let that heart rate come down, get some stretching in. We'll see you in a sec.
Alright, great work, as usual. As I like to say, give yourself a pat on the back
You're taking good steps. You're working out. There's no bad workout
Diana I know that obviously you were saying you do a lot of traveling you're
on the road a lot it's tough right it's tough to maintain exercise, eating,
Do you maybe have some tips or even just talking about you know like what you do
on the road to make sure that you you're not losing progress. I really try and
stay in as much of a routine as I possibly can but that's almost
non-existent especially when I'm working through the day, driving through the
evening sometimes so I make sure my workouts come first in the mornings even
if it's 15 minutes it's better than nothing at all. Stretch, I'm old, things
kind of get sore in the morning so even more important to stretch especially
your hip flexors after driving so much, lots of shoulders. If I can get two to
three workouts in a week I'm doing well what I normally do six. Right. And then I
try and really keep my nutrition. Everyone always tells you to pack, but
that doesn't really work, especially if you're gone on the road for five days so
I try and make conscious healthy choices so if I'm going to Subway I'll get a
salad yeah and if I'm really hungry then I'll double the meat or if I'm going to
say, a Wendy's I might get a salad or a baked potato with nothing on it and even
some restaurants I'll be so tired of restaurant food that I'll just ask for
steamed vegetables and they're usually pretty accommodating. Yeah, I
see two big takeaways from there right I mean be realistic you know if if your
habit is five six days a week, is that going to be possible on the road and if
not, don't judge yourself. Do what you can, maintain that routine
and you know, make as good a choice as you can if you
have to eat out you know instead of going for the burger and fries you know
make that salad choice or get some extra protein take the bread out. Yeah, it's also
really nice now that a lot of restaurants at least have the
nutritional content so you can really make a conscious choice now.
Our world is moving in a positive direction. Excellent ,so as I always say, Fitness is
a journey, health is a journey, take it one step at a time
no judgement right, little baby steps are going to get you there. We'll see you
next time on 10 Minutes to Fit!
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