Welcome To Odvut Duniya
Jingle Bells // Christmas Special Edition // Sing Along Children Songs with CC-brothers // music - Duration: 0:38.Collin: Merry Christmas!
Collin: Jingle bells, jingle bells
Collin: Jingle all the way!
Collin: Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, Hey!
Collin: Jingle bells, jingle bells
Collin: Jingle all the way, Hey!
Collin: Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Collin: Bye bye! Jayda: Bye bye!
Collin: Follow us for more songs!
Collin: See you again! Connor: See you again!
Sporto Marshmallow Faux Sherpa Bow Slipper - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
When Will My Channel Be Eligible For Monetization? 💵📈❌ - Duration: 11:46.Hey guys!
With this little video, I'm going to do something I haven't seen done for you small
Youtubers yet —Finding out the DATE you guys can monetize your channel.
Coming up!
Alright, ladies and gentlemen!
I know all of you are putting your best foot forward each, and every video, and are probably
wondering, "When's that golden day?
What's that magical day that I can look forward to for someone to tell me, 'Hey!
You're monetized now according to these rules!'"
[Dramatized] Well, we're going to calculate that VERY day…
That single most important time in your channels life…
That date when your channel can be monetized, and all of your fears, worries, and sweats
can disappear…
All thanks… to a little tool that I've created JUST for you!
Remember guys, if you're new here or like some of my content, go ahead and click the
red 'Subscribe' button below, and then tick the little bell icon to be notified of
all of my latest postings!
Your help is always appreciated!
Thank you!
Originally, I thought this video was going to be a quick and simple, "Hey guys!
Just use this formula to calculate your Monetization date with these steps!
[Buzzer] Wrong!
Instead it ended up being a long series of formulas that ended up coming out quite nicely.
Before I get to the part where I show you the EASY PART that I'm providing you via
this video, I'll give you a small briefing of what you're missing out on!
[Display math parts in bits and pieces.]
And everybody says they'll never need algebra after high school!
So with this video, you'll need two things, 1) A YouTube channel
2) Microsoft Excel If you DON'T have Microsoft Excel, don't
worry—there's a workaround I'll be providing you with in this video as well, so you WON'T
miss out!
To be quite honest, I wanted to say that this little setup would work using OpenOffice Calc,
as a quick free download; however, when exported to the file type, Calc simply breaks with
all of the Office formulas!
So let's begin!
First, head to your browser, then go ead to this TinyURL address.
(I've linked it up in the description below for all of you.)
Once you're there, click the "Project Manifest – YouTube Monetization Predictor
(Empty Template) – Download.zip."
Save that file somewhere like your Downloads folder, or Desktop.
Next, head to your file's download location.
Right-click the file.
If you're paranoid about any files that touch your PC, scan the file with your antivirus
(I would recommend you doing this for ANY files that are personally made by someone.
Regardless of their intentions, even mine, file infestation or malware CAN get through
some upload and download servers.)
Extract the file from its zip file by any means you wish, either by something like 7-Zip
File Manager, or by the default "Extract All…" explorer option.
Right-click the file that you've extracted, and then select the "Properties" option.
At the bottom, there's a warning regarding this file with an "Unblock" checkbox next
to it.
If you've scanned the file, then you'll probably feel GREAT about being able to freshly
click that "Unblock" checkbox.
If you haven't scanned it—you can probably FEEL the pressure I'm putting on you!
(Just making sure you know I'm all about your security!)
Now, if you don't have Microsoft Excel installed onto your PC, then that's fine, here's
that workaround I was talking about earlier!
(This might also be a good thing for you people that couldn't scan the file—as this keeps
you from having to actually OPEN the file itself, thus reducing the possibility of your
PC probably becoming infected with something I would have NEVER intended to land on your
Again—I'm all about your safety guys—even for a file of this stature.)
Head back to your browser, and type in this address, "sheet.zoho.com/sheet/excelviewer".
I've also provided a link for this website in the description below!
Click the "Browser (or) Drop your file here" option.
Navigate to that file you extracted, and (possibly) unblocked earlier.
A nice green button with the word "View" should appear next to the file name.
Go ahead and click that!
The file shown here will act (meh) the same way as the original sheet will in Excel.
I tested it, and though some of the conditional formatting is a little off—the end result
still is the same!
So, let's get to work and find out when YOU will be able to finally become eligible
for monetization.
Open the file by either method aforementioned.
The whole sheet may look a little intimidating; however, you've only got to fill out 9 blanks,
to get that [dramatized] Sweet, sweet, end result…
That single most important time in your channels life… [normalized] Wait—haven't I already
gone over this???
Each of the sections that you'll need to fill in have some basic commentary next to
them to kind of assist you if you ever need some reminder in the future when you decide
to keep this file.
To start, go ahead and snap this window to either another screen, or the first half of
your screen to allow quick transitions of data to be acquired.
Snap your browser either onto the right-hand screen or portion of your monitor or monitors.
Head to YouTube—we'll be getting a bit of your info from here.
Go ahead and log in if you haven't already.
Click your channel's avatar or icon.
Click on the 'YouTube Studio (beta)' option.
Once you're in, on the left-hand pane of the window, click the 'Analytics' button.
In the middle section, go ahead and click the 'Reach Viewers' header.
On the right-hand side of the central column, change the date range from whatever it shows
currently (yours may or may not show "Last 28 days"), to "Last 365 days".
In the third header section of the chart, you'll see "Views".
(Since there's no other REAL way to tell the EXACT views you've had in the past year—we're
going to have to go with this large guestimate.
But this should give us PLENTY of information!)
In the Excel spreadsheet, enter this value in its FULL form into the section next to
"Views (Last 365 Days)" that's marked by a '0'.
In this case, 28.5k would become 28,500.
Next, scroll down your YouTube analytics page to the Impressions funnel.
Locate the fourth section of that funnel, and enter the minutes and seconds below the
"Views" row.
(You may have to scoot the viewfinder over to locate the 'Seconds'.
Now, we'll be heading over to SocialBlade.com—that dreadful place where PewdiePie and T-Series
have been duking it out for well over, gosh I don't know—eons?!?!
In this middle of the page, type in your YouTube channel's name, and press 'Enter' or
the magnifying glass.
Search icon?
I don't know…
You SHOULD be greeted with your channel somewhere in the list.
Simply locate your avatar, and then click it!
(Here we're obviously going to do this channel—ya know, self-love, self-promotion—what have
you, lol).
In the black row below your channel's primary statistics, click the second option, "Future
Scroll down a bit, to where the majority of the statistics are displayed.
These will be the numbers that you'll then plug into my nice little Excel sheet!
Find and locate the values that correspond to 12 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, and
finally 5 years.
Enter each on of those into the calculations chart.
(This is the reason I suggested slamming these two windows in either multiple monitors or
screen halves.)
For the "1000 Subs Prediction" section below the Views Prediction in my chart's
algorithm, click the "Subscribers Milestone" header above the chart data you just obtained.
Scroll down until you see the "Subs Prediction" for 1000.
Enter the amount of days to the left of that into the chart.
Now, we'll go into the generated data below the entries we just provided the algorithm.
(Apparently after I frustratingly tackle dealing with another window that's blatantly trying
to make itself known.
Bleh—ignore that.
Scrolling down a little bit, you'll probably see one of the columns under a specific range
Either, "Past Year", "0-12 Months", "1-2 Years", "2-3 Years", "3-4 Years",
or "4-5 Years" SHOULD be highlighted in green.
This is great news, because now you know EXACTLY(probably) when your channel will become monetized, ASSUMING
your content stays relevantly the same in upload times, or consistency.
I've programmed this sheet to highlight the FIRST sign of your channel's obtaining
4000 watch hours by that complex series of formulas that I showed you earlier.
(Man, is it much easier to formulate using Excel spreadsheets.)
Highlighting some of the data cells, you can see where my information came from, and why
the dates appeared the way they did.
(If you wish to make any changes to these or any of my formulas, and post, or repost
any updates of this, all I ask is a little credit for the starting idea, and possibly
notify me so I can see how my work's become evolved through someone else's process.
I like seeing when people take ideas and make them their own.)
Scrolling down a bit more, you'll see the "Subs vs Hours" section, followed by a
"Final Date" section.
These calculations simply take the latest of the two dates provided by the number of
days, and determine which one will be the last one of the two to be complete.
If the algorithm determines that you're going to hit 1k subs last, then THAT number
of days will be highlighted in orange, and the final date will be updated, and an approximation
of how much time until that date occurs will show up next to it.
Vice versa, if the amount of 4k hours comes AFTER the 1k subs via days prediction, then
THAT number of days will be highlighted in orange, and the final date will reflect THAT
date, and also display the amount of time until that date!
I hope you enjoyed this video guys!
I tried my best to make this tool as accurate as possible for all of you newcomers that
are out there struggling to make that next video, and put up that next great hit!
Keep up that amazing work, and you'll come out on top one day!
Let me know in the comments what YOUR specific date and time are until that magical date
occurs in the comments section!
I'm VERY curious to see when everyone's dates are, and how many people want to use
this tool for bettering their channels!
Thanks for checking out my video!
If you'd like to stay updated with more tech tips and other related videos, be sure to
click the subscribe button!
Also, be sure to click the notification bell to be informed of all of my latest uploads.
Please leave any questions or comments below and let me know what you might like to watch
me do next time!
So until the next video Namaste!
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